How to trim a Yorkie at home? How to trim a Yorkie's head and face?

Little Yorkies are very beautiful and cute dogs. You need to carefully monitor their appearance so that the dog pleases those around you. Caring for your pet includes frequent bathing and brushing, as well as mandatory haircuts.

Grooming a Yorkshire Terrier is not a whim, but a necessity. Ungroomed fur reduces the effectiveness of its appearance to zero and causes discomfort and even pain to the dog.

Where to cut your Yorkie's hair?

It all depends on the experience of the owner, the condition of the pet itself and plans for the future. If your dog goes to shows, it is advisable to entrust the haircut to professionals. In addition, you will need a large number of tools and cosmetics, which cost a lot of money. In other cases, you can do your Yorkie's haircut at home on your own. There are several options:

  • A groomer is a professional pet hairdresser. She cuts, washes, decorates, and carries out some hygiene procedures. They work both in their own office and travel to your home.
  • Veterinary clinic - animal medicine doctors can shorten the dog's nails and shave it short. They do not perform complex or model haircuts.
  • Doing your own haircut requires a little experience and a minimum set of tools and cosmetics. You can complete special grooming courses.

How to trim a Yorkie at home

To create a decent cut and hairstyle for your Yorkie, you first need to comb and wash it. Gently untangle the matted fur with your hands, brushes or a tangle cutter. A little secret: a drop of oil-based care product will help protect the hair and remove the tangles manually. Wash the Yorkie in warm water (38-40ºC), dilute the shampoo in advance and pour it into a spray bottle. Then spray on the fur along the body. Protect your ears, eyes, nose, and mouth with your palms from any liquid. Lather and rinse the shampoo twice, then apply detangling balm and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Haircuts are carried out only on dried wool . Yorkies do not have an undercoat, so a regular hair dryer will do. Do not dry with high temperature air, it is better to use slightly cool air, pulling the wool out with a flat brush. Then the shapes after cutting will be even.

The process of cutting the haircut itself depends on its type. If we consider a short and non-show dog, then first you can shave (cut) the back, belly and neck, and then carefully remove the hair in the groin, armpits and face. Use scissors to follow the growth of the fur. To prevent the animal from being damaged during grooming, a soft muzzle is put on it, and a pole with a tied leash is installed above the table. When the dog calmly tolerates haircuts, then you can do without it. At the end of the procedure, the Yorkie is washed again and thoroughly dried with a hairdryer. In the air, the dog remains wet for up to several hours, which is fraught with colds or inflammation.

To prevent the dog's hair from becoming electrified, the person must wear clothing made from natural materials. It is recommended to wear regular gauze masks from the pharmacy to protect the respiratory tract from small pieces of spine. Thick aprons with pockets for tools and treats are convenient, which are used as a reward for good behavior and endurance.

When should I go to the salon?

There are situations when you simply need to give preference to salon haircuts. Consider these cases:

  • Your animal is preparing for surgery. In such a situation, it is best to use the services of a groomer.
  • If you are doing a haircut for the first time, and the animal is not a puppy, then it is better to trust a professional who will do everything quickly, and most importantly, instruct you in choosing a tool.
  • The help of a groomer will also be required if the animal has injuries on its body.
  • If your dog suffers from allergic reactions, then you will also need the help of a professional.
  • Do not refuse to visit the salon if your dog has matted fur or a lot of uncombed elements.
  • If your previous independent haircut was not successful, then it is better to visit the groomer several times in a row, monitor his actions, and ask clarifying questions.

First haircut. Transfiguration

Types of Yorkie haircuts

Hygienic haircut for Yorkie

The simplest type of haircut is hygienic. All Yorkshire terriers, without exception, need it, because during the procedure, hair is removed in places where it gets in the way, can cause irritation, or accumulates dirt and sweat. Hairs in the groin, under the tail, between the fingers are cut or shaved, and individual hairs in the ears are plucked. A hygienic haircut is simple and can be achieved by every owner with little experience. It is repeated 1-2 times a month as the overgrowth progresses.

Model Yorkie haircut

Model - a haircut taking into account the characteristics of a particular dog. For example, if the paws are thin, then the hair on them is cut specifically for visual thickening. You can make the underbite more invisible (when the lower jaw protrudes) by leaving the length on the upper part of the muzzle and shortening it on the lower part and neck. There are various methods of modeling a haircut that allow you to visually correct flaws or highlight advantages. After this treatment, you can braid braids, spikelets, make ponytails on your head or all over your body, creating a pattern in the form of an unfolded cage.

Standard Yorkie haircut

According to the international standard of the FCI Yorkshire Terrier, haircuts are practically not provided for in this decorative breed. Only trimming of the “skirt” (long hair on the body) and hygienic cutting are allowed. The results of any procedures should not be noticeable, otherwise the judge at the exhibition will notice and give a low score, including disqualification. The fur of Yorkshire Terriers is one of their main advantages. It should be very long (go down to the floor), even and shiny. You can remove individual split ends. Haircut or face shaving is not provided.

Short Yorkie Haircut

Today the Asian style . The hair on the body is shaved short to 1-2 cm, on the paws it is slightly longer. Lush fringes are left on the ears and given shape. The spine on the face and belly is shaved very short. The pet appears toy-like. The second name is Korean Yorkie haircut . It simplifies dog care, but makes it original and fun.

The second common short version is the Yorkie's puppy cut. The body is shaved short, as are the paws up to the hocks, leaving a little more hair below. A ball is formed on the muzzle, which makes the head round and also funny. Suitable for both females and males. Important: short-cropped Yorkies wear blankets or overalls in frosty and cool damp weather.

Creative Yorkie haircut

There are very few restrictions in the original haircuts of Yorkshire Terriers. The main thing is not to harm the animal or spoil the fur. For dogs that do not attend exhibitions, they often choose bright images with the help of creative haircuts. The “chinchilla” model is popular, when the hair on the back is cut short and then stripes are shaved in the shape of a wide V. After a couple of days, the hair grows back a little, fluffs up and the dog looks very unusual, without feeling any discomfort.

“Dragon” is short-shaved hair on the body, and a comb of hair runs from the head along the neck and back. York in this form resembles a fairy-tale character and attracts the attention of others.

Groomers and owners of clippers with attachments shave various patterns on the back and give creative shapes to the fur on the ears. Another way to stand out is to apply special paints with glitter or luminous substances to the skin or spine. They wash off easily, but for about a week the dog will be pleased with the bright look. This will replace grooming your Yorkie in the winter to keep him warm with bare skin.

Trimming nails

Trimming the nails is also a mandatory procedure - since the nails, if not shortened, begin to crack and bleed, which causes your pet great suffering.

Just like human nails, your Yorkie's nails should be trimmed regularly.

If you hear your dog clicking while walking on the parquet floor, it means it’s time to trim his nails. Before trimming your Yorkie puppy's nails to cope with this procedure, stock up on the following:

  • nail clipper;
  • cotton buds;
  • nail scissors
  • nailfile;
  • dry potassium permanganate.

After cutting, the dog’s nails should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Below are step-by-step recommendations on how to cut your Yorkie’s nails:

  • place your pet on your lap and secure it tightly;
  • move the hair from the finger you plan to process and lightly press it - the claw will extend and it will be more convenient to trim it;
  • at an angle of 45 degrees, trying not to touch the claw bed, trim the claw;
  • do not forget about the fifth fingers that are not visible;
  • if you accidentally hit the claw bed and blood comes out, treat the area with a cotton swab, dipping it in dry potassium permanganate;
  • a trimmed claw is too sharp - your pet can injure himself or someone else with it. Therefore, process it with a file;
  • Next, remove all the hair from the base of the paw - dried dirt accumulates there. Dogs love this procedure much more than the nail trimming that precedes it.

And finally, one more piece of advice - it is best to trim the nails after bathing, when they are as soft as possible and well processed. If you don’t have a nail clipper, it’s okay, you can easily do it with ordinary nail scissors.

Yorkie puppy grooming

From how many months can a Yorkshire terrier be groomed if he appears in the home of his permanent owners at about 3-4 months? The breeder must also accustom him to various grooming procedures. The first procedure is nail trimming for about 4 weeks. At 1.5 months you can do something like a hygienic haircut. Over the next 2-3 months, his fur will grow back, but in the meantime the puppy will grow and gain strength.

The real first haircut for a Yorkie is done after 4 months. At this age, the fur is already of sufficient length and can be shaped. For future exhibitors, they grow it out and do only hygiene, occasionally removing split ends and plucking the hairs in the ears so that dirt and discharge do not accumulate there. So, the schedule of procedures with wool looks like this:

4 weeks - shortening of claws; 1.5 months - light hygiene; 4 months - full haircut and care.

The dog won't let me cut it - what should I do?

There are dogs with dominant behavior, they try to be the leader of the pack. In this case, it is best to take your pet to the salon. The fact is that he shows dominant behavior in his home, considering himself the master.

The dog won’t let you cut it, what to do:

  • The dog does not feel so confident in a foreign place, so behavior in the salon will be much calmer than in the house.
  • If the dog has a dominant behavior, it can be cut at home, but for this it is necessary to perform a series of manipulations and constant work. The most interesting thing is that small breeds are the most aggressive.
  • This is due to the lack of sufficient training. After all, it is with large breeds, such as a shepherd dog or a Labrador, that the dog handler’s work and training are carried out. These dogs are more disciplined and obedient.

Yorkie Grooming Tools

The set of tools depends on the type of haircut and the condition of the Yorkshire Terrier's coat. There are certain positions without which even a simple hygiene procedure will not take place. Additionally, you need to take care of cosmetics; experienced groomers advise purchasing professional line products and preparing a mini first aid kit in case of cuts. A restless Yorkie can also bite the hand of its master or owner, so disinfectant solutions are also useful for humans. The minimum set of tools and equipment for processing a Yorkie's coat is as follows:

  • sharp scissors, preferably groomer's ones for animals;
  • shaving machine with attachments (2 – 5 mm are considered the most popular);
  • combs with fine and rare teeth, antistatic;
  • massage comb;
  • hair dryer with air temperature regulator;
  • table with high legs;
  • rubber mat;
  • towels;
  • tangle cutter

Short or long

The length depends on the character of the dog and the preference of the owner.

If the animal is active, spends a lot of time outside, plays with children, a short haircut will suit him. Wool will not quickly get dirty and tangle.

If the owner has time for careful care, you can choose a long hairstyle. It will show all the beauty of the pet and demonstrate the owner’s efforts in caring for the pet.

But no matter what the haircut is, your Yorkie still needs to be brushed and bathed regularly.

Haircut for boys and girls Yorkie

Yorkshire terriers do not have a special division into models for boys and girls. The craftsmen are guided by the wishes of the client and what can be made from the coat of an individual dog. Yorkies do not always have thick, straight hair; there are pets with a downy coat, which does not give a chance for a luxurious “skirt” or a beautiful “ball” on the face.

However, for girls, elongated options are often chosen, especially on the head. Then it’s convenient to tie bows and colorful elastic bands, and the dog looks more feminine and graceful. Various patterns will also emphasize the gender and good taste of the owner.

For boys, groomers offer shorter models, with or without bangs, and neatly trimmed paws. You can spice up the look of a strict pet with playful tassels on the tail. Such Yorkie haircuts are very popular in the summer, because they do not require constant combing or washing with tedious drying.

Several differences between models for girls and boys of Yorkshire Terriers:

  • Girls usually have longer hair, which is pinned into bows;
  • Boys are more likely to have their hair shortened, and the shape of the haircut is more precise and geometric.

Host mistakes

Beginners, when starting to cut their hair for the first time, often make mistakes. You need to be careful about them:

  • Combs and clippers intended for people should not be used. Dog fur and human hair have different stiffnesses, so different tools are needed.
  • You should not start right away with complex and lengthy procedures - it is better to try with small cosmetic changes.
  • If you have a complete lack of experience, you need to watch how professionals work (preferably live, and not through YouTube), and if you have questions, ask them. Ideally, ask an expert to be present during the first haircut.

Having thoroughly studied the features of dog grooming, each breeder will be able to easily trim his beloved Yorkshire Terrier without causing problems for himself or him.

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