How to organize the mating of a Scottish Fold cat

Direct sexual intercourse, that is, active actions, does not last long (only 5-10 seconds), after which the male ejaculates, and the cat screams (sometimes she does not do this). As a result, the cat jumps to the side and begins to lick itself, and the cat turns over on its back and rolls around in joy. After mating, she becomes satisfied and peaceful.

After a while, this happens again and again, until one of the partners gets tired of it. Usually the cat loses interest in the cat after two or three days. In total, 10-15 sexual acts can occur during this time.

The more passionate the cat is, that is, the better he cares for and excites the cat, the more likely pregnancy is to occur, because Ovulation in a cat occurs during sexual intercourse and its quality depends, among other things, on the behavior of the groom.

Scottish Fold cat pregnancy

After a successful mating has been carried out, you need to begin preparing for childbirth. In most cases, pregnancy in a Scottish Fold lasts about 65 days, which is the norm for this breed. At the same time, the birth of kittens 1 - 2 days earlier is also considered quite normal. But childbirth that began on the 60th day will already be a guarantee that the offspring will not be able to survive. There are also cases of post-maturity, but they require the help of a specialist.

Signs of cat pregnancy

At the moment, there is no special equipment with which you can immediately determine the onset of fertilization. But still, pregnancy with a fold ear can be determined by several signs:

  • weight gain in the first 30 days after mating;
  • vomiting in the morning (although this symptom appears quite rarely);
  • swelling and pinkness of the nipples;
  • behavior becomes calmer and more balanced.

Examinations during pregnancy

Modern veterinary medicine offers a very large number of different methods for monitoring the development of fetuses. Of course, a pregnant Scottish Fold cat should undergo regular examinations by a veterinarian so that you can be sure that it is progressing normally. The frequency of such inspections is once every 3 weeks. This will help prevent the influence of negative factors on childbirth and offspring. It is also advisable to show her to the doctor a week before the expected date of birth, so that an examination can be carried out and you receive the necessary information about the birth itself and the care of newborn kittens.

How does childbirth occur in Scottish Fold cats?

It is very important that everything happens in the most calm and familiar environment possible. That is why your pet’s home, preferably without strangers, is ideal for this.

Most often, a Scottish Fold cat gives birth in a box or closet. It is best to prepare such a box in advance and cover it with warm fabric or clothes that you no longer wear. This will create the most comfortable conditions, as well as provide her with a warm and cozy place for the birth of her offspring.

It is important that you can get in and out of the box freely without jumping to great heights, as this can be very dangerous for the kittens. The box should always be clean, warm and dry so that the babies can develop normally. The week before giving birth will also affect your pet’s behavior - she will lick herself much more often.

At the same time, it is very important that by the expected date the place for the woman in labor is already ready. It is advisable to measure rectal temperature every day in the last week before the event. If you notice a drop in temperature to 37.6, you can be sure that labor will begin in the next 12 hours.

The pregnancy itself in the Scottish Fold is quite simple, but it is best for novice breeders to entrust childbirth to a professional specialist. Of course, in the future you will be able to control this process yourself. But for the first time you will gain a huge experience that will help you in the future.

Risks during childbirth

There is always a certain risk of developing pathologies and complications.

The main reasons for this:

  • artificially delaying childbirth by a cat if something frightens it;
  • the size of the fetus is too large;
  • insufficiency of uterine contractions;
  • narrow pelvis or its fractures.

Remember that if you notice any of these problems, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Otherwise, you risk not only losing all your offspring, but also your pet. Also, there are other signs, if they occur, you should definitely invite a specialist:

  • labor lasts more than an hour, although the contractions are quite strong;
  • bleeding during or after the birth of offspring;
  • the temperature rose above 40 degrees;
  • strange behavior after the birth of kittens.

You must remember that breeding cats always involves a significant investment of time and money.

That is why it is important to understand whether it is worth starting to do this. And if you have already finally decided that you will breed a Scottish Fold, then today start reading relevant literature and looking for a reliable, qualified veterinarian who will not be afraid to entrust your pet

I wish you success!

Nurseries in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities

Nurseries table

Breed typefelinological systemColorVet.
vaccination passport deworming
Metric with pedigreenote
LOVELY LAPATANScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland Fold.WCFon golden or color pointavailableavailableTray trained
SHEN-ALINScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland FoldWCFgolden, silver chinchilla shaded, ticked.pedigree castration/sterilization of the animalmixed food type
MURKINOScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland FoldWCFgold or silveravailablereceive a package of documents
Saint Petersburg
Hathor Club.Scottish foldchocolate silveravailablereceive a package of documents
BOLEMURScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland FoldWCFgold or color pointavailablepackage of documentsto professional food, tray, scratching posts
MELODY SOULScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland Foldgold, silver, colorful.Veterinary carepackage of documentssuper premium, holistic
Ulyanovsk catsScottish Straight, Scottish Fold, Highland Straight and Highland Fold.ticked, gold, color-pointvaccinateda pedigree is issued, but only after castration.accustomed to all cat wisdom


At the age of 2.5-3 months, Scottish kittens are vaccinated. Before this procedure, at the request of the breeder, the baby is examined by a veterinarian and after diagnosis that he is healthy, he is prescribed:

  • preventive deworming is carried out 7-10 days before;
  • treat the fur against fleas with special preparations;
  • Body temperature is measured;
  • To vaccinate against major diseases, the Nobivac Triket vaccine is administered;
  • A month later, the owner, using the same drug, repeats the vaccination.
  • For a kitten who lives exclusively at home, the rabies vaccination is given later in the year, when the baby is stronger.
  • All subsequent vaccinations are done annually with similar preliminary preparation.
  • Kittens living outside the city in nature are recommended to be vaccinated against lichen.

Is it possible to bring brothers and sister cats together?

No no and one more time no! For that simple reason - are related marriages among people allowed? Did your brother marry your sister? Father on daughter, son on mother? And don’t talk about ethics...thousands of years ago, when there were no scientists, people understood the harmfulness of inbreeding, which was then exposed in church tenets and laws... Freaks are born and inferior... But sometimes goldfish are possible, because... It is ugliness that is considered chic! Lion heads, telescopes and so on... But when the fish breed is bred, they look for another male or female...

and the meaning. that there are no others... you risk that from close inbreeding sick puppies with physical deformities will be born

I will answer from experience in breeding cats... You can try, but you must clearly understand what you can get from this crossing, because... this is a very close inbreeding... In cats, they often return either to the father (father-daughter mating, or to the mother - mother-son mating). It is better to bring a brother and sister together with one common ancestor, for example, the mother is the same, but the fathers are different... And you should know whether the parents of the animals have any genetic abnormalities, otherwise this negative will be consolidated in the offspring, which then will practically not be eradicated...

Only ABNORMAL OWNERS can do this.... This, first of all, is a very tough experiment with the psyche of dogs (which, unfortunately, is not very stable at present), we can say that 99% of the puppies obtained from such a mating will be INADQUATE dogs

You mean inbreeding, I know that a daughter and a father can happen. But there is at least a little blood diluted there, and I think that my sister and brother are absolutely not. Although we need to consult in some club.

If you want to ruin the pedigree of both dogs and have them sweat

Is it possible to breed dogs if they are brother and sister?

15.07.11 21:12

Hello. I have the following question for you: Is it possible to bring dogs together if they are brother and sister? I called our city veterinary clinic and the doctor said that dogs are not people, in general, you can breed them, nothing bad will happen from it. But I still doubt it and so I decided to ask you for advice.


The discoverer of the Scottish Fold breed is rightfully considered the Scotsman William Ross, who noticed kittens with an unusual coloring and strangely shaped ears from a farmer he knew. To obtain new, more diverse types of coloring, the Scottish breed was first crossed with others.

Interspecific crossings occurred especially often with British cats. However, now representatives of the Scottish Fold breed have all the necessary genes to reproduce almost any color, so in our time, crossing a purebred Scottish Fold with other breeds is very, very undesirable.

Like other animals, in Scots a certain set of genes is responsible for coloring. The predominant colors are red and black. Each of the colors, or, more precisely, certain genes responsible for a specific color, can be both dominant and recessive. The saturation of a certain shade of fur, which is formed by the diluent gene, depends on this.

A very unusual genetic combination in white cats. There are two possible cases: either a complete absence of color, or suppression of other genes. In this regard, white Scottish cats are divided into albinos and dominant white.

Remember that kittens' colors will change as they grow older. A Scottish kitten will reach its real, “adult”, full color only at the age of two years.


Now let's abstract a little from the issue of reproduction and ask ourselves: does your cat and you specifically need it? The fact is that if the cat is a mestizo or her breed characteristics are expressed so-so, it is better to think about sterilization. What is the point of breeding low-quality offspring, which will also be difficult to sell?

But even if the cat is of high quality and you would like to get offspring from it, desire alone is not enough. To officially breed kittens, you need to have a pedigree. Otherwise, you will not be able to confirm the breed to buyers. If there is a pedigree, the cat must be shown at an exhibition so that it receives expert assessments. Only after this can she be allowed to become a mother.

In addition, if you understand that fussing with kittens is not your thing, and you decided to have a cat only because it’s the norm, you should think about another option. By another option, we mean sterilization, rather than enduring concerts or taking hormonal medications. Both are very harmful to health, because... unproduced hormones accumulate in the body and lead to terrible diseases. And a cat, deprived of ovaries that produce sex hormones, stops suffering and begins to live a quiet life.

Carrying out the procedure

Before mating, you need to be sure that neither the cat nor the cat suffers from any ailments. They should have no discharge from the nose or eyes, the coat should be in good condition, and the general health of the animals should be satisfactory. If one of the partners shows signs of weakness or illness, the mating should be postponed to a more favorable time. It is advisable not to interfere with the animals getting to know each other and sniffing, but it is still better to play it safe and be on the alert, since if they are incompatible, they can become aggressive and injure each other.

It may happen that pregnancy does not occur after mating, then she should be brought to the cat again. It is advisable to do this on the 2-3rd day of estrus and leave it with him for 2-3 days. Before the female stays, she needs to trim her claws so that she does not injure the cat if she does not like him in some way. During the day, a cat can cover a cat up to 15 times. But after 2 days, he ceases to be interested in his new partner. After mating, cats sometimes go into heat, but this does not mean that they are not covered.

It happens that the animals are not suitable for each other in size, and if the Fold cat is larger than the cat, then he will need to be helped so that he can cover the cat. Sometimes, due to a change of environment and severe stress, the cat stops estrus. Then she should be brought to the cat when it resumes. It happens that the cat falls to the side during the process, at such moments it is necessary to hold her in the right position for the mating to take place. If the female hides in a corner, behaves aggressively and the cat cannot approach her, then in this case she may remain untied.

What is the owner of the male responsible for?

Before inviting a Scottish cat for mating, the owner of the male must know some rules so that the whole process does not lead to psychological and physical injuries.

  • If animals have difficulties, they need help.
  • Some animals can show aggression, therefore, at the slightest problem, it is better to postpone all mating actions. Maybe after a while the cats will get used to each other.
  • Upon arrival at your destination, it is best to keep the cat in its portable vehicle for a while. Let her get used to it, sniff it, rest and gain strength.
  • If animals are too aggressive, it is better to place them in enclosures so that they can get used to each other.

Solid colors of Scottish breeds

This group of colors is characterized by monotony, patterns, markings and ticking are absent.

Snow-white. The fur is iridescent, absolutely white. The eyes are the color of amber or heavenly. The standard also allows for different eye colors in an animal. The nose and pads are pinkish.

Black. The fur fully corresponds to the name, there is no red or grayish tint. The eyes are like amber, the nose and pads merge with the fur.

Blue. The edge is a cold dark gray shade. Eyes like amber. The nose and pads are the same color as the fur. See photo of Scottish Fold Blue cat.

Lilac. The fur is a warm soft gray shade, turning into cream. Eyes like amber. The nose and pads are in harmony with the fur (see all photos of the lilac Briton).

  • Red. The edge is fiery. The eyes are like amber, the nose and pads match the color of the fur.
  • Cream. The hair is light peach. Golden eyes, pinkish nose and pads.

Cinnamon, cinnamon color. Similar to milk chocolate. The nose and pads are pink-brown.


Fluffy wool.

Beady eyes.

Friendly character.

Everyone's favorite.

Straight back.

Curly head.

Their distinctive feature is their soft, wavy fur, which makes them look like plush stuffed animals.

  • The dogs have a strong, rectangular body with a wide, straight back. The height of the animals does not exceed thirty centimeters, and they weigh from three to six kilograms.
  • The paws are short and thick with round pads.
  • The tail is of medium length, covered with fluffy curly hair.
  • Due to the long hair, the doggies' head looks round, but in fact, it is slightly elongated with a flat forehead with a smooth transition line to the nose;
  • The ears are of medium length, hanging down to the middle of the muzzle. Expressive round eyes are black.
  • Dogs' coat is soft, fluffy and curly, with a dense, thick undercoat.
  • According to the standard, the color of dogs of this breed can only be snow-white. Colored spots on the body and beige or cream color of the coat in adults are considered faults.

Bichon babies are born with yellowish or reddish spots on their snow-white coat, but as they grow older, the color of the animal becomes uniform.

Spots on the body of puppies can persist until they are one year old.

Always in moving.

Loves walks.

Loves to play.

  • A perky and cheerful pet loves to be the center of attention, and there is no greater pleasure for him than playing together with his beloved owner.
  • Dogs of this breed are very smart and observant. They subtly sense the mood of the people around them. If the dog notices that one of the family members is feeling sad, the dog will put on a real circus performance for him, trying to cheer him up with funny tricks and involve him in a fun game. And looking at the amusing antics of the pet, no one will be able to resist smiling and resist his unique charm.
  • These animals express all their feelings and emotions with the help of a loud, booming bark. The owner needs to prepare for the fact that the pet will express its opinion on any occasion with a ringing yelp.
  • Small curly dogs get along well with any pet and are able to make friends with both another dog and a cat. The Bichon Frize has absolutely no aggression or feelings of jealousy, and they perceive the other pet as a companion for fun games and pranks, and not as a rival or competitor.
  • When getting a dog of this breed, you should take into account that they need constant communication and attention from the owner and cannot stand loneliness. You can’t leave your dog alone for a long time, because a bored pet is capable of minor mischief. Therefore, when returning home after a long absence, owners should not be surprised if their curly pet pulls the bedspread off the bed, chews on the owner’s slippers, or guts the sofa cushions. Moreover, the dog will not feel remorse for his tricks. A pet caught at the scene of a crime will take on an innocent and even offended look, thanks to which the cunning dog will always avoid fair punishment.
  • It will not be possible to make a guard and a defender. These animals are quite cowardly and, when they see a stranger, they try to hide in a secluded place. The most that curly-haired dogs can do is bark at a stranger while remaining at a safe distance.

Easy to learn simple commands.

Loves to perform various tricks.

Intelligent and quick-witted, French lap dogs are easy to train. A curly-haired pet will not only quickly remember its name, but will also learn to perform simple commands and funny tricks if you work with the dog daily.

Good results in training can be achieved by turning classes into a fun and exciting game that will bring pleasure to both the dog and the owner.

It is very important, in case of successful execution of a command, to encourage your pet by treating him with a treat, petting him or simply praising him for his intelligence.

Mating of British cats

British cats become sexually mature at 7-9 months. Experienced owners skip the first two heats. The third heat is considered the best. It is recommended to introduce a cat to gentlemen after it reaches one year old and provided that the animal is healthy and can bear and feed kittens without any problems.

The exception when a cat is allowed to go on a date earlier is if the pet is excessively sexually active. If your cat is crying more and more often, and the periods between heats are becoming shorter, owners may decide to breed her earlier.

Club rules allow breeding cats with a “score” of at least “Very Good”. The rules also state that Murka should not give birth to kittens three times in two years.

First cat time

The first urge to live freely in cats appears at the age of 8 to 12 months. There are exceptions, up or down. If a cat starts walking much earlier than expected, this indicates its early development. Her body is still quite weak, so owners should not allow mating. If estrus does not occur after 18 months, this indicates improper development of the animal. He should be taken to a veterinarian to determine the cause of this disorder.

It is usually customary to carry out mating in the territory of the male.

If you do the opposite, then the cat is unlikely to pay attention to the cat in an unfamiliar environment. And if this happens, then he will certainly sweep the entire territory before starting the process itself.

So, the cat is going on a trip. The date will last several days, so you need to take with you a tray, litter, favorite food and bowls for food and water. The cat must be well-groomed, the ears must be clean, and fleas are out of the question. All mandatory vaccinations and deworming are also required no earlier than two weeks before the date. It is better to sharpen the cat’s claws so that it does not injure its friend.

It is optimal if one of the animals in the couple already has previous dating experience. When meeting, the cat accurately determines whether the female is in heat. If he doesn’t find one, you shouldn’t expect any interest on his part. It is better to take the bride home so as not to shock her again with the new environment.

If the cat senses heat, his behavior will change dramatically. It is necessary to ensure that the acquaintance proceeds peacefully. If in the first hours of “friendship” the animals did not show aggression and did not start a fight, they can be left alone. At the first sniff, the cat will most likely get hit in the face. But this does not mean that the idea will not succeed. The talent of the singer and suitor will play a role, and it is quite possible that the cat will soon fall in love.


A cat is capable of giving birth to 5–6 kittens 2–4 times a year.

All kittens are born with straight ears. “Sagging”, that is, the formation of a fold in 50% of kittens begins from the 21st day of life, if the parents are selected correctly. At this time, it is determined which type of breed - straight-eared or fold-eared - each kitten belongs to.

Kittens grow quickly. From 3 months, their body, legs and head become elongated, which does not look very attractive. But by the age of 8 months, the appearance of the pets becomes harmonious. And by the age of 3, cats are fully formed.

READ Description of the Limousin cattle breed, dignity and its breeding.

Choosing a Scottish kitten

When choosing a Scottish breed, you should neither make a mistake nor confuse it with the British or with any other breed. Before purchasing, it is useful to get acquainted with the main features and external distinctive appearance. Characteristics of Scottish kittens:

  • their fur is dense, stuffed: short (Scottish Fold, Scottish Straight) or semi-long (Highland Fold, Highland Straight);
  • The Scots have a large selection, about 200, of recognized colors: plain or with a variety of patterns;
  • the appearance of 3-month-old kittens resembles plump bear cubs (Scottish Straight) or small owlets (Scottish Fold);
  • small kittens, Scottish Fold or Straight-eared, have blue, large, widely spaced, round eyes at birth;
  • the head resembles a fluffy ball with a round muzzle;
  • the main feature is the shape of the ears: erect (for straights), curved forward, folded (for folds);
  • mouths and noses are small and neat;
  • The gender of the animal does not matter much, cats are friendly, sociable, and playful;
  • Kittens must have documents: veterinary passport with the indicated vaccinations, birth certificate with entered pedigree.

It is also important to decide on one of the three classes of the Scottish kitten standard:

  1. Pet (PET) class, but with slight deviations from the standard. They are neutered before purchase and purchased for the soul, as a friend.
  2. Nonsense (BREED) class, without deviations from the standard. By agreement with the breeder, they can have offspring and participate in cat shows.
  3. Show (SHOW) class, the most thoroughbred with excellent pedigree. Rare specimens that meet all standard requirements. Future participants and winners of international exhibitions.

Scottish kittens photo:

Kitten care

Caring for Scottish Fold kittens is easy. The coat does not require special care; it is enough to comb it once a week; it is enough to wash the eyes once every 5-7 days.

The only thing worth paying attention to is ear care. This issue should be treated very carefully. It is the ears that are the calling card of this cat breed, but at the same time they are also a weak point.

It is the ears that are the calling card of this cat breed, but at the same time they are also a weak point.

Eye examination and cleaning

If your eyes are healthy, then there is no special need for rinsing, you just need to keep them clean. But if the eyes are inflamed, they should be washed 2-3 times a day; this can be done with plain water, a weak chamomile solution or a medicated solution. To do this, you should use a cotton swab or soft cloth. If the inflammation lasts more than a week, then you need to consult a specialist.

Ear cleaning

This procedure should be done two to three (more often) times a month. To clean, use a cotton swab slightly moistened with a special liquid. The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the auricle.

The presence of a thin brown crust in the ears is an alarming sign; it indicates the presence of ear mites. In this case, you cannot do without a visit to the veterinarian. The treatment will be long with the help of a special solution. If measures are taken in time, the prognosis is favorable.


To keep your Scottish Fold kitten beautiful and well-groomed, you need to take care of its fur; it’s not at all difficult. To properly care for the coat, you should use a special brush or silicone glove. During the shedding period, it is recommended to comb it once a week, the rest of the time once every two weeks will be enough.

While at the dacha, you should pay special attention to this procedure, carefully examine the animal every day for ticks and other parasites.

Bathing, washing

Scottish fold kittens must be accustomed to water procedures from childhood. To do this, you need to gradually moisten them with a damp towel, and then give your pet a treat so that he develops a reflex that a bath is not scary. In the future, you can safely wash the kitten. Particularly active kittens are recommended to be protected in a special way before taking a bath. To do this, cover your ears with tampons. or you can simply cover them with your hands to prevent water from entering. Your eyes also need protection; you can even drip special protective oil into them, but this is not necessary.

When washing your Scottish Fold kitten, be sure to use cat shampoo, and then its coat will be healthy and shiny. The products are not suitable for humans, they will cause skin irritation and worsen the condition of the coat; in severe cases, dermatitis is possible.

Nail trimming

Very sharp, thin claws of a kitten should be trimmed with special clippers for small animals.

The advantage of such a tool is that they give a straight cut without splitting the claw - this is very important! When caring for a kitten's claws, only the very tip is removed. Under no circumstances should you damage a blood vessel; this will cause severe pain and can lead to the most negative consequences. In this case, a simple rule works: it is better to cut off too little than too much.

In this case, a simple rule applies: it is better to cut off too little than too much.

Care and maintenance

The owner will have to devote a lot of time to caring for the furry pet.
Dogs' soft fur is prone to tangling and matting. If you do not take care of it properly, the dog will lose its attractiveness and will have a sloppy appearance.

  • Comb them daily using a special slicker brush.
  • Once every three to four months, the pet is bathed, choosing a shampoo designed for curly-haired dogs for water treatments. But in the groin area, face and paws of the pet you will have to wash every day, since in these places the fur gets dirty most often.
  • It is recommended to trim your dog's hair at least once a month. If the owner is not sure that he can handle this, the haircut can be entrusted to a groomer.
  • Bichons often have watery eyes, so they need to be cleaned regularly. Discharge from the eyes is removed with a cotton swab soaked in a special antiseptic solution. It is undesirable to use tea leaves or potassium permanganate for this purpose, as it colors the snow-white fur of dogs. It is also a good idea to periodically trim the fur around your pet’s eyes.
  • Physical activity is not required and, if the dog is accustomed to relieve its natural needs in the tray, then it is not necessary to walk it every day. But the lapdog will be happy to accompany its owner on a walk.

These dogs love coziness and comfort, so it is necessary to purchase a soft lounger or house for the dog.


Both dry food and natural food are suitable for feeding French lap dogs.

  • Premium ready-made dry food contains all the ingredients curly-haired dogs need (meat, vegetables), vitamins and healthy additives, which is why experts recommend it for feeding.
  • If the owner prefers natural food, then he should remember that the main food product for lap dogs should be lean raw meat, cut into small pieces. You can diversify your diet with fermented milk products, vegetables, porridge and boiled sea fish.

What is a cat owner responsible for?

The owner of a Scottish Fold cat must maintain control over the mating process of animals and help them as necessary. When someone else's cat appears on the cat's territory, and in addition to being in heat, problems often arise. They can be provoked by the behavior of an alarmed animal, and the inexperienced actions of the owner often lead to psychological and physical trauma to the pets. To avoid such situations, the following rules must be followed:

  1. You cannot remove a cat from the transport block immediately upon arrival on someone else’s territory.
  2. It is not advisable to breed animals that have not had mating experience up to this point.
  3. You should also not offer it to your cat from the first minutes of meeting animals. The cat needs time to sniff and find a safe place.
  4. If a cat shows aggression or cowardice, it is necessary to place the animals in enclosures so that they have the opportunity to get to know each other without causing harm to each other.
  5. Wait until the cat is ready to mate.

Formal Details

Where to look for a good cat? Among acquaintances. According to advertisements on the Internet. At a nursery in your city. Through the club.

Before mating, you must sign an agreement that stipulates all the conditions, including the period for which you are giving the cat away, a guarantee of pregnancy (if it does not occur the first time, the groom’s owners should be prepared for another 2-3 free matings). The contract also states the price you pay for mating, or payment by the kitten.

If you are looking for a mate based on an advertisement, you should know that there are cases of fraud when the advertisement for a cat contains one information, as if the cat has titles and certificates, and then it turns out that this is not true and he is not allowed to breed at all. It happens that the photos in advertisements are fake. You can learn more about this topic from the video. There is only one piece of advice on how to avoid fraud: check all documents, do not take anyone’s word for it.

Complications when mating straights with folds

The first mating is the most exciting for the owner. In order for the result to be positive and everything to work out as it should, it is necessary to select a healthy breeding male who will be somewhat older and more experienced than a young cat. However, the first Scottish Straight pregnancy may be unsuccessful. This happens if the cat suffered stress and did not allow the cat near her or was not at all ready for this process. When preparing for mating, you should carefully prepare and take into account all the nuances of the subsequent meeting between male and female.

Important points to take into account when knitting:

  • Both partners must be treated for parasites and vaccinated. The presence of vaccinations must be checked according to the animal’s documents;
  • The cat is always sent to the cat's territory when mating. Therefore, she needs to be provided with comfortable conditions, her usual diet and her own tray with filler, since it has her scent;
  • Cats don't always welcome their partners. Therefore, for the safety of animals, it is worth trimming their claws;
  • Animals need to be given time to get to know each other and get used to the smells;
  • Pets should not be forced to mate if one of them is not ready for this.

The main rules for mating the Scottish Straight cat breed:

The color and external features of the cat must correspond to the norm. It is important to pay attention to the uniformity of color, body proportions and coat. The coat should be smooth, without dandruff. If the cat's hair is very matted, and the eyes and nose have discharge, it is better to completely abandon mating; The condition of the cat for mating must be satisfactory

It is important that the male chosen for mating has a strong, healthy physique and is sufficiently active. A lethargic and apathetic cat is not the best option, so it is better to refuse mating with such a representative; When choosing a Scottish Fold cat, it is important to pay attention to the ears and their folding. The ears should be symmetrical and not extend beyond the cat's skull. Cats with folds on their ears are especially prized. They are rare and mating with them costs many times more.

  1. During mating, the cat may roll over on its side. This is a very common occurrence and should not be feared. The owner needs to hold the cat a little in the required position.
  2. Sometimes there are pets that remain faithful to one partner throughout their lives. This is a rare phenomenon, but if you witness it, you should change the cat for mating. The attempts are unlikely to be successful.
  3. There may be difficulties associated with different sizes of animals. A discrepancy may occur if the cat is more massive than the cat. And in this case, the cat, grabbing the withers in an attempt to fertilize the female, ends up with the back of the body above the cat’s back. In this case, the owner of the animal needs to hold the female by the withers so that the cat can easily cover her.
  4. The cat may never overcome the psychological barrier and aggressiveness. In such a situation, she will remain untied.
  5. Sometimes, due to a stressful situation, a cat may stop estrus. Often the process resumes after a few days, during which the animal must be brought back to the cat for mating.

General rules for crossing

In order for the mating of Scottish cats to be successful and the offspring to be born healthy, owners should know the following mating rules:

  • Check the veterinary documents and pedigree of the Scottish breeding dogs (applies to both owners).
  • Animals should be shown to a veterinarian, who will confirm or deny hidden physical defects of the individual.
  • Complete a course of deworming and vaccination.
  • Do not bathe the Scotsman before mating, so that the individual scent remains.
  • The first mating should take place when the female reaches 1 year, but not later, otherwise she will refuse to produce offspring at all.
  • The mating territory is preferred by the cat.
  • Do not leave animals unattended or the cat alone with the male for several days.

How does the knitting process take place?

All actions take place in the territory of the male’s residence. Before breeding a Scottish Fold cat, it is contraindicated to wash it, as this will deprive it of the characteristic odor that attracts the male.

Most often, the entire process occurs without the help of the owners, but it happens that animals get lost, especially cats. In this case, they need to give time to rest, get used to it and sniff.

The male may show interest, sing songs to the female, and she, in turn, responds to his advances. If the female is not ready to mate, the male senses this and simply leaves. In this case, further actions will be ineffective; you need to wait for the next heat.

The following are the rules for mating Scottish cats:

  1. Age of the cat. You can take her to a male only during estrus and at the age of 1 year. Even though they reach puberty at 6-7 months, they are not yet ready to have offspring. Moreover, the animal is not yet fully formed, and this can lead to serious health problems.
  2. You cannot cross two Scottish Folds, or with a British male. This can lead to health problems for kittens.
  3. If you plan to use kittens for exhibitions, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a partner, his pedigree, color and other characteristics.
  4. It is imperative to monitor the health of the animals; in case of any ailment, it is better to postpone the mating process.

If you follow all the rules, then mating a Scottish Fold cat will bring beautiful, healthy and strong offspring.

Possible difficulties

Difficulties during mating can arise from both the cat and the male.

Cat problems are caused by the following reasons:

  1. Wrong time for mating.
  2. Emotional stress from moving and unfamiliar surroundings.
  3. Endocrine pathologies.

The situation can be normalized by giving the animals more time to get to know each other. If the female behaves aggressively, you can lock her in a cage for a while, giving her the opportunity to observe the male from a safe place. If this does not help, the only thing left to do is look for another cat.

Problems in a cat may be of the following nature:

  1. Mating is carried out on the cat's territory, where the male feels insecure.
  2. Hormonal disorder associated with low testosterone levels.
  3. Lack of experience or negative experiences in the past.
  4. Lack of interest in this cat.

Recommendations in such cases will be as follows:

  1. Always choose the cat's territory as the breeding site.
  2. Match an inexperienced male with an experienced female.
  3. Give time for closer acquaintance.
  4. O for the Scotsman a cat.

How often can you breed a Scottish Fold cat?

Scottish Fold

At what age can you breed a Scottish Fold cat?

At approximately 8 months of age, representatives of the breed begin puberty. However, the most acceptable age for mating is considered to be 1.5-2 years. You cannot mate a cat during her first heat, since she is not yet physically or mentally ready for such a difficult and responsible period as pregnancy and the birth of cubs. You can mate a cat during her second and third heats more successfully the first time. The third and fourth days of estrus are the most likely to conceive. Before visiting a cat, you need to make sure that the cat is vaccinated according to the vaccination calendar and has been dewormed.

Who is better to knit with?

To prevent the offspring from being sick, the pet's partner must be straight-eared.
To protect the offspring from genetic abnormalities, it is recommended to cross a fold-eared cat with a pet whose breed is Scottish Straight (straight-eared). Such a union produces offspring with hanging and straight ears. It is impossible for a British cat to be mated with a Scotsman; the animals must be of the same breed. Long-haired folds are allowed for crossing. If you mate a cat with an ordinary straight-eared cat, then such an animal will not produce purebred kittens. In addition to age and external characteristics, partners are selected by color. The shade of the coat must be strictly within the standard. If you still want to marry a British woman with Scots, then you should select individuals according to the “Scottish” type. They are matched with a Briton who has small cheeks, a thin tail without kinks, an elongated body, slender legs, and a golden or silver coat.

During estrus, the breeding Scottish Fold should be isolated from other pets so that it does not “play around” with an ordinary cat.

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