How to remove a cat from a tree. What to do if a cat climbed a tree?

Among the owners of mustachioed and striped pets, there is probably not a single one who has not at least once wondered how to remove a cat from a tree. By the way, owners of apartment cats should not think that this problem will not affect them - a domestic purr can easily jump onto a branch right from the balcony if a suitable tree grows nearby.

How to remove a cat from a tree? American police experience

Using a laser pointer

This method will work best with a young cat or kitten stuck on a tree branch. Growing animals are naturally more playful than their adult relatives. And almost everyone knows the love of cats for the red dot from a laser pointer.

When a cat is removed from a tree, it is not a fact that he will not climb it again

If the steeplejack is sitting in a place where the leaves do not block the view, you can try to lure him down using a laser pointer. You just need to shine the light first on the tree where the cat is sitting. Then, when the animal notices the red dot, slowly move it to the lower branches.

Important! In this situation, the person has the responsible task of choosing the safest route to descend. An enthusiastic cat may forget about caution and inadvertently fall or jump onto an unstable branch. The person must move the pointer so that the cat climbs only along a safe path.

Why does a cat climb a tree?

This happens for various reasons. For example, like African leopards, some city cats are not averse to spending a hot afternoon on the branches. In addition, the surrounding area is clearly visible from there, and the dogs will not reach it. And also, by climbing higher, the cat shows his relatives that he is the boss in the yard.

From the tree you can see the entire yard at a glance

There are other reasons, including:

  • hunting instinct. It is he who forces the beast to make its way to where the sparrow is chirping. When the bird flies away, the unlucky hunter suddenly realizes that he has climbed too high and begins... loudly calling for help;
  • yard dogs. They are always not averse to scaring their eternal competitors, so they often drive them into trees. In fear, a cat is able to fly up the trunk in a second, and then, hiding in the branches, quietly wait until the local Barbos becomes hoarse from barking or finds other fun. True, it is not always possible to descend to the ground on your own;

You will not get!

  • curiosity. Young animals are more likely to suffer from it. Not without reason, they consider a tree an object worthy of study, so they take up the task without fear, and having climbed to a great height, they begin to meow pitifully.

Adult cats, who are not in the branches for the first time, usually descend on their own, since they know how to do this and are not afraid to do so.

An adult cat descends from a tree on its own in this unusual way.

Their less experienced relatives prefer to call for help. The problem is that the claws of furry pets are designed in such a way that they help them easily climb up the trunk, but are completely unsuitable for descending, therefore:

  • if the animal decides to crawl up the trunk upside down, it will not be able to hold on with its claws, so it risks falling under its own weight;

Up or down?

  • if he understands that it is better to go down with his tail, he will be afraid to expose his back to a potential “enemy”, because a predator must be careful!

There are individuals that, like squirrels, jump from branch to branch, and from the lowest one to the ground, but there are not many of them.

I could barely resist!

Cat is a flying squirrel

Rescue help

  • utility service;
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • paid rescue organization (climbers);
  • an organization that deals with cutting down trees in your city.

If you can’t remove the cat yourself, you can always use the services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a utility service.

If you encounter a problem with a cat stuck in a tree, try removing it yourself. There are several ways to do this. If nothing works out for you and the animal needs help, immediately contact the rescue service or a private organization.

Using a ladder

If the fluffy steeplejack is not sitting too high, you can try to remove it from the tree using a sliding ladder. It is placed against the trunk, forming a gentle slope. It is unlikely that the animal will immediately understand the meaning of the maneuvers, but it is possible that it will take advantage of the offer.

Rescue of a cat will be quick and successful if you do everything correctly and avoid mistakes, the most common of which is trying to shake a tree. No matter what height the animal sits, the result of such a rescue may be fractures and death of the animal.

The stairs helped!

With the help of neighbors

Sometimes fate gives gifts. For example, at the moment when you are puzzling over how to remove a prodigal cat from a tree, it may turn out that a climber lives next door or just a fearless guy who is not averse to participating in the rescue of your pet. If he has never done this, a good person should be warned that:

  • getting to the cat is not everything. It is important to remove it from the tree and carefully lower it down. A frightened predator, at the sight of an unfamiliar but purposeful person, may fall into despair and firmly sink its claws into a branch;
  • the cat must be picked up on the first try, since the second, most likely, will not happen - having escaped from the embrace of the savior, the frightened cat will most likely climb even higher;
  • to prevent it from breaking out, it should be grabbed by the skin of the withers and under no circumstances let go, despite the song of protest and active resistance;

When you grab a cat by the withers, it is important not to let him go

  • Before lifting the cat, you should slightly pull it forward along the branch so that the claws curved back do not cling to the tree bark, otherwise you can dislocate the pet’s delicate paw. When the branch where the sufferer is sitting is higher than the second floor, it is better for the rescuer to take with him a backpack or bag made of thick fabric, where he can place the rescued animal.

Every cat owner should have a carrier bag

Upon returning to his native land, the tailed steeplejack should be handed over to the happy owner and only after that should he respond to applause and say words of gratitude.

The cat is saved!

What to do is strictly prohibited

When trying to remove an animal from a tree, you should not make mistakes:

  1. When you see a cat sitting on a tree, you should not shout loudly and wave your arms, begging it to come down. The animal is in a stressful state, and loud sounds and chaotic movements of its hands, on the contrary, will frighten it and force it to climb even higher.
  2. Throw objects at your pet, motivating it to come down. The cat will begin to get nervous, rush around the branches and may fall.
  3. Climbing a tree and being at a considerable distance from the cat, try to grab it with your hands. You can only pick up an animal when you are close to it. Because hands are reaching out to the cat, he will get scared and will climb even higher.
  4. While on a tree, poke the cat with a stick, driving it off the branch. The animal will lose its balance, fall and be injured.
  5. When you pick up a cat in a tree, you shouldn’t scream for joy or be nervous. The pet will get scared and begin to escape, scratching the skin.
  6. Do not shake a branch or tree. A cat under stress will become frightened, disoriented and fall.

When trying to remove an animal from a tree, you need to act carefully, do not make sudden movements and do not raise your voice.

Also watch the video on how to remove a cat from a tree:

Call the rescue team

When the listed methods end in nothing, the last option remains is to contact an organization that would help in this matter.

Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are ready for anything

Considering that in Russia there are no narrow-profile structures that would specifically deal with the rescue of poison dart cats, you can call:

  • the utility service may have people working there who can remove a pet from a tree;
  • to the local rescue service or department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. By the way, they are not obliged to remove pets from trees, but they often do it, and even for free;
  • to a company that deals with cutting down trees and trimming crowns. Alternatively, you can turn to professional climbers. These guys have the equipment and skills to help you deal with the problem quickly.

Don't forget about the possibilities of the Internet. An advertisement posted on social networks sometimes “works” much faster than some services respond to a call.

Table 1. Selected information on the cost of services for removing cats from trees in individual cities of Russia.

CityExecutorService costNote
NovosibirskPrivate personFrom 2000 rub. for the challenge Ready to climb a tree, provided it is strong
KalugaPrivate individual with experience in animal rescue serviceDuring the day - 3000 rubles; at night – 4500 rub. If necessary, I am ready to come with a veterinarian
SamaraA company offering professional tree careFrom 2000 rub. for the challenge
OmskA company offering industrial climber servicesFrom 2000 rub. for the challenge
OrenburgFrom 1500 rub. for the challenge

Undoubtedly, calling rescuers can be expensive, because often special equipment is involved in the process, and the work of people costs some money. And yet, no matter how much you have to pay to save your beloved cat, his life and health are incomparably more valuable.


How industrial climbers save cats

They most often help remove cats from trees, dangerous roofs and balconies:

  • First, the dispatcher finds out by phone and records data about where exactly and in what circumstances the injured animal is located. This is important in order to choose the most effective method of rescue;
  • if there is insufficient preliminary data, a specialist first goes to the site, collects the missing information and transmits it to the control panel;
  • special equipment arrives or, as an option, the climber climbs the tree using a special fastening system;
  • the rescued cat is placed in a special bag so that it does not jump out and is not injured during the descent;
  • the specialist comes down, hands the cat to the owner, and then unwinds the fastening system.

Employees of such companies, as a rule, quickly respond to calls, perform work promptly and flawlessly, as evidenced by hundreds of rescued animals.

Why did you come here?

Methods for removing an animal from a tree

If a cat climbed a tree and can’t get down on its own, there are several ways you can help it.

  1. Bait . If a cat sits on a branch for a long time, it will become hungry, and baiting it with food will be a good way to get it off. You should choose natural products as bait; if possible, they should be heated to enhance the smell. You can also use dry food. It is recommended to pour the granules into a bowl and demonstrate to the animal. You need to place the bowl near the tree and move away, but make sure that other animals do not approach the food.
  2. Laser pointer . You should not actively wave it; movements should be slow and careful. But this method can be used if the cat is able to come down on its own.
  3. Mint . The smell of catnip will attract your cat. You should rub the barrel with it. However, this method is effective if your pet likes the scent of catnip.

What not to do.

Using valerian to attract a cat is strictly prohibited.

Valerian affects animals in different ways. Some cats calm down and become lethargic, while others become aggressive. Both conditions will prevent the pet from being removed from the treetop.

Other methods. If the animal is not interested in food or toys, you need to show the way down. For this, improvised means are used:

  1. A branch of sufficient length or a ladder. These objects must be brought closer to the cat; they will serve as a support for it to descend.
  2. Throw a rope over the branch on which the cat is sitting, tying an object to it. But the cat must fit completely inside it. In this regard, an excellent option would be: an open bag, a basket, a box. Place food or your pet’s favorite toy that will attract his attention into the prepared container. You need to lower the container with the cat very carefully so that it does not fall out.
  3. Towel and long handle. These items will help you remove your pet if it is not high. The towel will need to be tied to the edge of a stick, such as a mop or broom. The stick should be brought as close to the cat as possible and gently push it, disturbing its balance. When falling, the cat will instinctively grab the towel with its claws, hanging on it. However, this method must be used correctly. As soon as the cat is on the towel, you need to immediately grab the stick towards the middle to keep it suspended.

On one's own

The next method is suitable for those who decide to save the cat themselves, and consists of luring him out of his “habitable” place, and then forcing him to go downstairs. You must first ensure that the hero’s landing place is safe, which means removing glass, stones, scrap metal and other dangerous debris from under the tree. If this is not possible, the ground under the crown can be covered with pieces of corrugated cardboard, old clothing, unnecessary blankets or mattresses. When the area is prepared, you can get down to business:

  • ask neighbors and onlookers to move away and speak more quietly so that the cat does not climb up out of fear;
  • ensure that there are no dogs in the special operation area;
  • persistently call the purr by name in a kind voice, moving away from the tree for a while, and then approaching it.

Take me away from here!

Using bait

If the cat is still sitting on the branch, you can attach a bait, for example:

  • a cat's favorite treat, for example, fragrant canned fish for animals. Some of the food can be left on the tree branches, the rest on the ground. It’s better to move away and watch the cat;

Sausages are also suitable as bait

  • plastic container with clean water. This technique can be extremely effective if the action takes place in the hot summer. Just like food, water should be left in two places - a bowl on the ground and another one secured higher.

Trying to speed up the rescue operation, many use valerian as bait, because cats are partial to it. This should not be done, since the animal’s reaction can be unpredictable - from falling from a tree to aggression. Under the influence of heart drops, a cat can go straight to the top of a tree.

If the paw stretches, it means the bait is “working”

Laser pointer

So let's continue. To lure the cat to the ground, a laser pointer will also come in handy. You will have to act carefully so that the beam does not hit the animal in the eye:

  • you should choose a position from where the cat will be clearly visible;
  • turn on the pointer and point it at the branch where the pet is sitting;
  • place the light point in the animal’s field of vision and move it left and right with a small amplitude to interest the “victim”;

As soon as the cat reacts, you should “lead” it closer to the trunk, and as the animal moves, towards the ground. Sometimes this is enough for the animal to descend safely.

This tool makes it easier to lure a cat out of a tree

Is it possible to drag a cat by the tail?

How to stop a cat from marking territory in an apartment

When the question arises of how to remove a cat from a tree, all available methods are used. It happens that the cat is either stuck low or sitting on a branch growing not far from the balcony or window. Sometimes it happens that a person climbs the stairs to a height where a fluffy one is stuck, but the latter is not given into his hands.

Then you need to remove the victim by force. In general, the cat's tail is quite fragile and plays an important physiological role, but if pulling on it is the only way out of the situation, then you can resort to it.

When does a cat need help?

The tailed steeplejacks do not always need help. Usually, owners of mustachioed height conquerors panic in vain. If your pet has the skill of climbing trees, he will safely descend to the ground on his own. If an animal that has climbed onto a high branch does not show signs of anxiety (does not scream, does not rush around, does not make unsuccessful attempts to get down) and does not look exhausted, it does not require help. After sitting for your own pleasure and watching what is happening below, it will descend to the ground itself.

You need to help the unlucky tailed steeplejack in the following cases:

  • A cat with a leash or harness climbed up a tree. This is a very dangerous situation, because there is a high risk that the pet, entangled in the branches with the restraint straps, will be injured or die from suffocation. In this case, you need to act without delay.
  • Adverse weather conditions. Strong wind, frost, and rain can weaken the animal. A weakened pet may not be able to stay on the branch and fall down and die.
  • There is a kitten on the tree. Young cats do not yet know how to descend from a height on their own, so they need help to do this.
  • The pet sits on the tree for too long. It is not recommended to wait until dusk to begin a rescue operation. It is better to try to remove the cat before sunset, so that he does not have to spend the night in a tree, and the owners do not have to worry about their tailed friend all night.
  • The cat shows signs of anxiety, rushes about the branches, makes unsuccessful attempts to get down, and meows loudly and pitifully.
  • The cat is exhausted, sits in one place for a long time, does not try to get down and call for help. If the animal is severely emaciated, it may become a victim of crows.

Feeding the steeplejack

How to transport a cat in a car over long distances
One of the options for getting a cat out of a tree is to bait a steeplejack with a tasty treat. This will work especially well on an animal that has been sitting on a high tree for a long time and has become hungry.

Important! As a bait, you should choose a medium-sized tasty treat so that the cat can definitely see it. An important factor is the smell of the treat; it must be strong so that the stuck animal can feel it even at a decent height.

If the owner knows what delicacy his pet prefers, it is worth using this particular food as bait.

It will be most convenient if the cat is stuck on a branch located near the balconies of residential buildings. Then it will be easier for a person to lure a steeplejack with a tasty treat through a window or vent.

How to persuade someone to come down

If your pet is hard to see behind foliage and dense branches, you need to accurately determine its location and approximate height. There should not be a single dog nearby so that the cat calms down and tries to get off on its own. Then you should call her. You can place a bowl of your favorite food under the tree trunk. A very hungry animal will try to approach him. To attract someone else's pet who is experiencing severe stress, it is advisable to move away from the tree, leaving food with a strong smell under it. It could be:

  • tuna or other fish;
  • meat;
  • dry or wet prepared food food.

Cats of all ages are attracted by the smell of valerian or mint. To stimulate the animal to descend, such a concentrate is sometimes sprinkled on the lower branches of the tree.

You can lure an animal stuck in a tree using a simple laser pointer. The light spot will attract the attention of your four-legged friend. The beam is gradually lowered to the ground to show the easiest and most convenient path. Such activities can be turned into a game, during which you can easily lower the cat to the ground.

Many owners of outdoor cats train them using a clicker. This sound signal teaches the pet to come running to a certain place, wherever it is. Therefore, even sitting on the highest tree, the cat, having heard the sounds of the clicker, forgetting about fear, will descend to the ground without much effort or problems.


It is easy to remove the cat if it has not risen too high and is at arm's length. But if the pet is on top, you need to remove it carefully and carefully. To do this you will need:

  1. Look around carefully. Perhaps there is a dog near the tree, the cat is afraid and does not get down.
  2. Find out the reason for the cat’s reluctance to go down; perhaps it is worried about the crowd of people below. The crowd must be asked to disperse.
  3. Clear the area under the tree, spread blankets or cardboard under it.
  4. The owner should put on thick clothing, since a frightened cat may behave inappropriately and begin to scratch its savior.
  5. Talk to your pet calmly so that he calms down, after which you can begin active actions.

How can you lure a cat closer?

The following will help you remove a tailed steeplejack from a tree:

  • Persuasion. It is advisable to persuade your four-legged pet to come down to the ground in the absence of strangers nearby. Nothing should distract his attention, and onlookers only increase his nervousness. You need to talk to your cat confidently and calmly. You cannot make sudden movements or change the tone of your voice, otherwise she will become even more nervous. The animal must trust the savior.
  • Delicacy. One of the most effective methods of bringing your pet back to earth is to play on its instincts. Cats are predatory animals, so they make contact quite easily if you offer them tasty food. After spending a long time without food, cats become more sociable. To lure your pet, you should offer him his favorite treat - minced meat, a piece of sausage, fish (for example, tuna, because it has a distinct smell). It is better to heat the bait; warm food has a more appetizing aroma. If the tree trunk is porous, you can leave a little treat directly in it and place the main portion on the ground. Having left the bait, you need to move away from the tree, observing from the side the reaction of the hungry pet.
  • Water. To encourage the cat to come down from the tree on its own, you can leave a bowl under it, demonstratively filling it with water. An animal that has not drunk for a long time is likely to experience extreme thirst. After leaving a container of liquid, it is important to be close to the cat's confinement in order to drive away stray animals from the water.
  • Using a laser pointer. The beam must be directed at the tree so that the red dot is in the pet’s field of vision. Having made sure that he has shown interest in the unusual phenomenon, you should slowly make your way down the trunk with a pointer.

What can the owner do?

Trying to free your pet from captivity on your own is a completely solvable task.
There are a number of tricks that allow you to return your cat to solid ground without contacting special services. Before starting a rescue operation, it is necessary to prepare the area near the tree by removing foreign objects. This could be remains of construction debris, glass or branches. You can lay disassembled cardboard boxes, old unnecessary clothes, a mattress or a blanket near the tree

If the cat falls down during the rescue process, precautions will prevent possible fractures when hitting the ground

Persuasion and self-help

You can try to persuade the cat to come down on its own. It is advisable that the owner be alone, without strangers or intrusive advisers. You can ask idle onlookers to move away so as not to disturb the exhausted and exhausted animal once again.

It is also important that there are no free walking dogs nearby

Additional accessories

An ordinary stepladder or ladder can help him. If they are not available, then a long branch or a wide stick will do. It is placed against the trunk to make a gentle descent. The new path must also be safe, tightly adjacent to the tree, so that the animal does not slip off while moving.

Experienced breeders know that you can remove a cat from a tree or from a window using a towel and a long-legged broom, or a mop will also work. A large towel is wrapped around the end of a mop or broom. The cat must understand that it can safely move to a new support, clinging to the fabric with its claws. If she shows indecisiveness, you can gently push her with a broom, pushing her off the branch. Then the animal will completely jump to a new place. At this moment you need to hold the broom and pet tightly.

Sometimes you can easily lower your pet from a branch if you throw a rope over it and attach a cat carrier-house to it. The animal will climb there and be safely evacuated from a great height. To help the cat get into the house faster, they put their favorite food with a strong smell there.

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