What to do if the cat sheds hair and the whole house is covered in fur all year round

What to do if a cat sheds a lot - even experienced breeders can face this problem. The normal process of molting in a healthy animal occurs every spring and autumn. This is how your pet’s body prepares for either the summer heat or the winter cold.

However, in some cases, shedding occurs in the off-season or does not stop for a long time. This symptom should alert any responsible owner.

What periods are considered normal for molting in terms of time of year and duration?

Seasonal coat change is a natural phenomenon that should not bother owners.
Cats shed their hair from time to time. The first hair change is called juvenile. A teenager changes his child's coat to an adult's one at six months of age, sometimes a little earlier or later.

Mature cats shed twice a year: in spring and autumn. This is how animals protect themselves from summer heat and winter frosts. This molting is called seasonal, or physiological.

The hair change process takes up to nine weeks. Shedding usually does not cause problems in pets of short-haired breeds. Long-haired cats need help from their owners. If you do not comb out the hair that falls out, tangles form, within which ideal conditions are created for the reproduction of ectoparasites.

Short-haired and long-haired

For a person who suffers from allergies or does not have the opportunity to often care for cat hair, an important condition for choosing a pet is seasonal shedding. Do not choose a cat with long hair and lush undercoat. The hairs of the cat's undercoat come out more abundantly than the guard hairs and settle on furniture and clothes. The optimal breed for an allergy sufferer is one with short hair and little undercoat or hairless.

Cats that shed frequently

Let's list which cat breeds have the most severe process of hair loss:

  • British and Scottish cats shed all year round;
  • Maine Coons, Siberian cats, and other long-haired breeds - they are characterized not only by seasonal shedding, but also by less intense hair loss throughout the year;
  • Angoras, Somalis, Burmese, American Curls are also long-haired, but little hair falls out, long hairs are easily removed from furniture.

Cats that don't shed

Breeds of non-shedding cats that you don’t have to fuss with:

  • Siamese, Oriental, Abyssinian, Bengal, Singaporean - these cats have no or short undercoat, so shedding takes place in a short time, and much less hair falls out;
  • Sphynx cats;
  • curly cats - laperm, rex.

Causes of severe shedding

Long-term intense hair loss is called pathological shedding.

It occurs for the following reasons:

  • congenital anomalies;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • frequent bathing;
  • stress;
  • allergy;
  • drug dermatitis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology.

Congenital pathologies

With a genetic abnormality called hypotrichosis, the kitten's hair begins to fall out rapidly. By eighteen weeks the pet is completely hairless and remains that way for the rest of its life.

Also, a kitten may have a genetic predisposition to seborrhea or adenitis - hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands. An additional sign of the presence of one of these diseases is an unpleasant odor from your pet’s skin.

Unbalanced diet

Each cat has different nutritional needs. Some pets are not suitable for ready-made food, while others are not suitable for natural food. First, the fur stops shining, then it becomes disheveled and begins to fall out.

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Sometimes the cause of deficiency is a changed physiological state.

A lactating female requires a diet richer in healthy components. Nutrients are primarily used to maintain vital functions and synthesize milk. The hair does not receive enough of it and therefore dies.

Not only a deficiency, but also an excess of nutrients has an adverse effect. Thoughtless use of vitamin supplements leads to poisoning. The body gets rid of toxic metabolites through diarrhea, vomiting, increased urination and shedding hair.

Frequent bathing

Cats can, but don't like to swim. They don't need bathing. Often overly caring housewives regularly wash their pussy. The shampoo degreases the hairs, they lose their protective layer, become brittle, and fall out.


A change of environment, a long journey, fear, jealousy, or a sudden change in diet can cause an inadequate reaction. The cat develops baldness in certain areas, sometimes half of the body.


Hair loss is a side effect of medication.
Your pet may have an allergic reaction to:

  • feed components, such as chicken or cereal proteins;
  • odors, perfumes, tobacco smoke, pollen, fungal spores - atopic dermatitis;
  • household chemicals, accessories, flea collars - contact dermatitis.

Additional symptoms of allergies are rashes, crusts and ulcers.

Drug dermatitis

Hair loss is a side effect of medication use. The course of treatment is interrupted and the drug is replaced.

Hormonal disorders

The main cause of hormonal disorders is diseases of the endocrine glands or regular use of contraceptives: Contrasex, Anti-meow, etc.

Contagious diseases

Hair loss in most cases is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin.

It is provoked by the following diseases:

  • lichen - a fungal infection of the skin;
  • flea dermatitis;
  • notoedrosis, demodicosis - lesions by intradermal mites;
  • helminthiasis - infection by parasites.


Cancer affects all life support systems, including hair follicles. The onset of tumor formation usually coincides with the aging of the cat.

Diagnosis of hair loss

Only a veterinarian can correctly determine the reason why your cat is shedding excessively. To do this, you will have to contact your veterinary clinic.

At the veterinary clinic, the veterinarian will give your cat:

  • Clinical examination, during which the cat's skin, ears and mucous membranes will be carefully examined.
  • He will collect a medical history from you (how the hair loss progressed, are there any additional symptoms of the disease that could cause hair loss in the cat).
  • They will do blood tests (for hormones, to rule out allergies, infectious diseases).
  • A scraping will be taken from the affected areas of the epidermis, followed by a microbiological examination of the hair follicles.
  • If necessary, X-ray examination and ultrasound will be performed.

Based on the diagnostic studies performed, the cause of hair loss and severe shedding of your pet will be determined.

Ways to reduce shedding

To reduce the intensity of hair loss, the root cause is eliminated. Cats suffering from seborrhea and adenitis are treated during exacerbations with external means - aerosols or ointments, which are prescribed by a veterinarian.

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Hair loss from a lack of nutritional components is observed when feeding natural food, ready-made economy-class food. Some foods are not suitable for animals. Your veterinarian can advise you on which foods or supplements to use and which to avoid.

Sometimes hair loss stops if you stop bathing your pet frequently. When stressed, the fur grows back when the animal calms down. To do this, you need to play with your pet, pay attention to it, and pet it. They also use sedatives: Kot Bayun, Stop-stress, Feliway.

To treat infectious diseases, hormonal disorders, oncology and side effects of drugs, they seek veterinary help.

Long-haired pets are periodically combed.


Prolonged stress is a common cause of excessive hair loss. There are many stressful situations that lead to breakdown of the nervous system of unfortunate animals - from a long absence of a beloved owner to moving to a new home.

Food stress is possible when an animal’s diet changes dramatically or one food is replaced with another “without warning.”

What to do to prevent your cat from shedding in such situations?

  • Give her more time and attention.
  • Introduce new foods gradually.

How to relieve a cat's condition

Hypotrichosis is incurable. The animal will constantly freeze. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain an optimal air temperature in the apartment - 22-24 °C. If the owners decide to walk the cat in cool weather, they will have to dress it.

Long-haired pets are periodically combed.

In long-haired pets, in addition to excessive shedding, intestinal blockage may occur with trichobezoars - stones formed from a mixture of hairs swallowed while licking and the contents of the alimentary tract.

If the cat owner does not use special super-premium food, you will have to periodically give Malt paste, which prevents hair from clumping.

To speed up molting, special feed additives are used:

  • Laveta Super from Beafar;
  • Sherstevit;
  • Gimpet.

Products based on brewer's or feed yeast reduce the duration of shedding. Caring for a shedding pet involves frequently combing out lost hair.

In advanced situations, the crumpled wool is removed using tangle cutters. If the cause of hair loss is a contagious disease, you must follow the instructions of your veterinarian.

What to do, what to feed, what to give to a cat to prevent hair from coming out?

When a cat has a problem with hair loss, owners ask themselves: what to do? Your actions in this case are mandatory; inaction can lead to deterioration in the health of the pet, and sometimes other household members.

First of all, make sure that it is not shedding. If you see that the problem is serious, analyze the animal's diet. Create a menu for your cat:

  • Introduce low-fat varieties of fish, meat, offal, cottage cheese and milk into your diet.
  • Don't give your cat milk instead of water. Milk should act as a separate food, no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Do not overfeed cats, especially older ones.

If your cat is used to ready-made food, it may be worth buying a higher quality food. There is also a special medicated food for cats prone to dermatitis. It is impossible to find out exactly which vitamin an animal lacks at home. This requires a visit to the veterinary clinic.

A rich diet and balanced nutrition are the key to healthy cats

In the case when the cat’s hair falls out and the cat’s skin itches due to allergies, you can add ⅛ of a suprastin tablet to the food 2 times a day. The source of the allergy, of course, needs to be found out and removed.

There are special vitamins for cats that can be given during the molting period, as well as for hormonal disorders. An experienced veterinarian will tell you what is best to give specifically in your case.

If you see that a balanced diet is not helping and your cat is losing more and more fur, consult a doctor. Do not neglect consulting a specialist, because a cat’s skin disease can be transmitted to people, for example, mycosis. Correct diagnosis and prescription of suitable treatment will help your pet to be cured faster.

If your pet has been found to have lichen, lice and other parasites that live on the body, take care not only of treatment, but also of disinfection of the home. Furniture and carpets should be thoroughly disinfected, and the animal's bedding should be replaced with new one.

What to do if your cat is going bald?

Actions in case of pathological condition

First of all, pay attention to the well-being of the pet. If the cat feels normal, it is necessary to switch to super-premium hypoallergenic food.

The use of vitamin supplements along with natural food or economy-class food is dangerous.

An overdose will only increase shedding. If the cat feels unwell or changing food does not help, seek qualified help.

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Improper feeding

Since improper feeding almost always ends in hair loss for both cats and cats, it is worth recalling that a good appetite and abundantly filled bowls are not always an indicator of a proper diet. If the food of a cat, kitten, cat is not balanced and poor in the main indicators of fats-proteins-carbohydrates, then you can’t expect a normal appearance and structure of the coat.

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When choosing food, you need to take into account the gender, age, physical activity and general condition of the animal. Normalizing metabolism means stopping the shedding of a cat, cat or kitten!

Vitamins for cats

Cat owners have a choice: give imported complete food of premium class and higher or use natural food. In the first case, vitamins are not needed. They are included in the finished dry food in the required quantities and optimal ratio.

If the owner uses an unbalanced diet, the pet may develop problems with its coat. The problem is eliminated with the help of complex vitamin and mineral supplements.

Cat lovers prefer to use the following drugs:

  • Felvit Multi;
  • Kitty's +Taurine-Biotine;
  • Gimpet Katzentabs;
  • Laveta Super;
  • Kitty's +Taurine-Biotine/Proteine/Cheese (vitamin mixture for cats);
  • vitamins Doctor ZOO.

Flea dermatitis

This is the most common disease that is associated with allergic skin reactions to secretions secreted by fleas. Signs of the disease:

  • The cat itches, licks itself, bites off fleas;
  • The surfaces of the thighs and abdomen shed;
  • There are bald patches with uneven borders that appear quickly and in large numbers;
  • There are fleas on the animal's body or in the house.

You can diagnose an infestation by looking for fleas in the fur, but you can take your cat to the vet. The classic treatment option is treating the animal with flea substances and disinsection of the home. Furniture and cat litter require special attention.

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