How to find a dog by chip and check it in the database

AnimalFace is the first cartographic database of chipped dogs, cats and other animals in Russia and the CIS countries, combined with the largest international search system EuroPetNet. The database contains information about animals, where microchips and NFC tags are used as identification. Information about your pet will be available in more than 40 countries around the world. Thus, providing complete information for customs and veterinary services, including data on vaccinations in electronic form.

A unique feature of our service is the search for microchipped animals all over the world. In just a few seconds, our system will search multiple databases around the world.

We attach a very important role to the reliability and relevance of the data, which, in turn, helps in the event of the loss of an animal to ensure that it is returned to its owner. According to statistics, the probability of returning an identified animal is about 90% . The innovative technologies used create an information community for animal owners and organizations whose field of activity is related to animals. Special services have been created for our users to maintain, record and search for data on both microchipped animals and those lost or found in Russia, the CIS countries and Europe.

Our mission is to popularize the electronic identification system as a modern method to protect your animal from loss, theft, as well as for accurate identification when selling or crossing the border. The database of microchipped animals creates a new electronic passport format that cannot be lost and gives you peace of mind for your pet, wherever you are.

If you want to learn more, we suggest you read the article microchipping animals.

What is chipping and why is it needed?

This procedure is one of the basic ones, therefore it is well worked out by veterinarians and does not cause any complications. Electronic identification of animals involves the introduction of a small capsule with a chip, which contains all the basic information about the animal.

A chip is a small microcircuit that stores all information about a dog and makes it easier to find it

For your information! Chipping is harmless to the dog, does not cause it discomfort, and does not limit its movement.

There are no laws in the Russian Federation that oblige owners to carry out this procedure; it is voluntary. However, the chip may be required to participate in exhibitions. It is also required to cross the borders of many European countries.

It is useful to microchip an animal just for safety reasons. After the procedure, the dog is entered into the database, indicating all the information about it and its owner. This helps you find your pet faster if it runs away.

How to properly chip a dog

The microchip implantation procedure is carried out in all major veterinary institutions and canine centers. You should not trust unqualified specialists. There are known cases of installing “gray” chips, which are useless due to the lack of information about them in the databases.

Chip implantation takes only a few minutes

Basic rules of execution:

  1. The chip is not administered to pets under 1 month of age.
  2. Before starting the manipulation, the functionality of the microchip is tested by reading it with a scanner.
  3. The animal is also scanned for the presence of the capsule, since re-chipping is prohibited.
  4. The injection area is treated with a disinfectant solution.
  5. For representatives of long-haired breeds, the chip is implanted in the area of ​​the withers or left shoulder blade.
  6. For short-haired pets, the transponder is inserted into the inner thigh.
  7. At the end of the procedure, the operation of the chip is checked.
  8. After a visit to the clinic, the animal should not be bathed or combed for several days.
  9. For hyperactive pets, it is advisable to purchase a plastic collar that will protect the injection site from tearing.

The manipulation is painless and does not require anesthesia.

Chipping is classified as a simple procedure.

Read more about chipping in a special article.

Why enter animal data into the database?

Pedigree dogs with a pedigree and great value for breeding are primarily subject to microchipping. As a result of the procedure, the animal is assigned its personal ID, which contains all the information not only about itself, but also about its owner and ancestors. This helps prevent situations where a mongrel or a mixed breed is passed off as a purebred dog or sold with someone else’s documents.

How to find a dog if it runs away and gets lost

In addition, the database helps in case of a missing animal. Thanks to the chip, you can determine its approximate location. Also, the information it contains, entered into the database, helps to identify the owner and confirm that this is really his pet.

Note! Animals without a chip are often not allowed to participate in exhibitions. If the owner’s plans include traveling with his pet to competitions, it is worth taking care of creating a questionnaire in the database in advance.

What is an electronic microchip

A device for radio frequency identification of animals, used today instead of outdated tattoos and branding. For small pets, chips with a diameter of no more than 2 mm and a length of 13 mm are used, which are supplied to Russia. There are larger chips, but they are usually placed on farm animals. The chips are covered with a special glass that is compatible with living tissues and does not cause rejection.

The chip design is quite complex for such a small item. Inside it is an induction coil, which is normally passive. The coil is activated after bringing the reading scanner to the chip. Once activated, the coil transmits data to the scanner.

Depending on the class of the scanner, information can be viewed immediately on the display or later transferred to a server with a database. Sometimes manually.

Databases of microchipped animals

How to find a cat if it has run away or is lost on the street

After the procedure is completed, the owner receives a special code that allows him to identify the dog. All information about the animal captured in the chip is entered into the database. If your pet gets lost, you can simply enter the number to determine if someone has found it.

This small capsule stores all the information about the dog, which is also transferred to the database

ANIMAL-ID is one of the most common Internet portals among owners. The All-Russian unified database of microchipped dogs is a convenient platform that allows you to view information about your pet, its pedigree, vaccinations and diseases. If you lose an animal, you can place an ad indicating the breed, special features, and number.

AnimalFace is another platform that unites not only Russian, but also pets from the CIS countries. To check a dog's chip in the database, just enter its number, gender and breed of the animal. This is a convenient site to report a missing pet and inform other owners about your found pet.

Note! The advantage of the portal is that the data of the dog registered here is translated into English. This will help you travel easier.

Registration of animal owners in the EDB Animal-ID.RU

How to register as an owner of microchipped animals in the unified database Animal-ID.RU and link all your animals to your profile.

Why is registration and profile management done?

  1. For clarity of information about a microchipped animal;
  2. To speed up communication with you in cases of loss/theft of your pet;

By default, the card of a chipped animal on the portal contains only brief information about the animal itself and data from the clinic or nursery where the chipping was carried out. This allows you to make sure that it is this particular animal, and not any other of a similar gender, breed, or color. And also contact the clinic, nursery, whose coordinates are indicated in the map, and with their help, inform the owner in cases where a lost item is found.

When the owner registers on the Animal-ID.RU portal and fills out the profile of both the owner and the pet, the search result by microchip number looks completely different and much more informative.

What benefits await you:

  1. You can independently update your contact information about your location or method of communication at any time;
  2. You eliminate intermediaries and accordingly speed up the process of returning a lost pet or resolving other issues;
  3. You can change the data in your pet’s card (Name, Color, Tattoo, Additional information or special features);
  4. Upload photos of your pet, which will be displayed as an interactive gallery;
  5. Get consultation, help, advice using the Animal-ID.RU Forum.

The difference is obvious, the pet card linked to your profile immediately makes it clear that this animal has an owner who loves and cares for it!

Now about how to register and manage your profile

  1. On the main page of the portal, in the upper right corner, click on the “Registration” link;
  2. Fill out the form that opens, the fields marked * are required, and click on the “Registration” button.
  3. The account has been created and you have received a message that it was created successfully. No additional activation required;
  4. To log in to any page of the portal, click on the “Login” link in the upper right corner of the page;
  5. In the form that opens, enter in the “Login” field your e-mail, which you specified during registration, in its entirety with @ and everything after it, and in the “Password” field the correspondingly specified password. Pay attention to the layout and case of the characters you enter. Feature: if the login-password combination is entered incorrectly three times, authorization occurs with the simultaneous entry of login + password + verification code (multi-colored curved letters and numbers) in a separate field. If it doesn’t work, then contact technical support. You can judge the success of authorization by the changed picture of the lock (it will be open), the “Login” link will change to “My Profile”. Authorization on the portal and the Forum is uniform, i.e. By logging in to the portal, you are automatically logged in to the Forum;
  6. User profile - you can go to it using the “My Profile” link. It has three sections: Personal data - here the owner fills out the fields at his own discretion and can display the data or hide it;
  7. Attached animals - here you manage the profiles (cards) of your pets. You can attach the card to yourself, add a description to it, or vice versa, unlink the card from your profile when transferring the animal to another owner;
  8. Settings - in this section you can change the password for your account on the EDB Animal-ID.RU portal.
  • Add a pet card to your profile:
      Go to the “Attached Animals” section;
  • Click “Add animal”;
  • Enter your pet’s microchip number in the field and click “Search”;
  • After finding his card, click the “Add animal” button again to link the card to your account credentials.
  • As a result of the actions taken, we see the profile of the animal, which we can edit. If there are several attached animals, you can switch between their profiles by clicking on the corresponding thumbnail. You can leave questions, additions, and suggestions in the Administrative section of the Animal-ID.RU Forum.

    Scanning device

    How to stop a dog from barking at the dog and at everyone

    Scanners are actively used in veterinary clinics and some other places, for example, at the airport when registering a pet. The device allows you to easily read the information contained in the chip and display it on the screen. Thus, the data transfer process will take a matter of seconds.

    The cost of such a scanner depends on its type. Prices in various stores start at 6,000 rubles* and can reach several times that amount.

    What to do if the animal is not included in the database

    Upon completion of microchipping, the dog must be entered into the database and its owner must be informed of its individual number. If for some reason this did not happen, and the staff of the veterinary clinic where the procedure was carried out did not register the dog, the owner must visit it again and clarify why information about his pet is still not available.

    Important! In situations where the animal owner cannot contact the clinic and find out about entering data into the database, he can provide all the information about the pet himself. It is worth considering that you often have to pay for such a service.

    Action plan for the loss of a microchipped pet

    If an animal is missing, you must open the website where it is registered and announce that the pet is wanted. It is important to indicate the microchip number, breed, gender, and special features by which the dog will be immediately recognized during searches. It is advisable to post a photo.

    If your dog has a chip, it will be much easier to find him

    It is also worth reporting the loss of your pet to the veterinary clinic where the chip was placed. This is necessary so that if the dog is found and brought to the doctor, it can be easily identified. The owner will be informed about the found animal and offered to take it home.

    For your information! If the owner suspects that the pet has been stolen, you can contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this case, the police will search for the dog.

    I received the chip. What to do next?

    If you successfully ordered and received the chip, that’s only half the battle. After all, it needs to be installed. The procedure is simple and requires minimal intervention, but is complicated by the fact that the standard installation site is on the right arm. It also requires skill to operate a 2.5mm needle, which is more difficult than a regular injection. Unless you are a doctor with good experience, it is unlikely that you will be able to place an implant without help.

    Next is a story about what possibilities exist for installing a chip and how applicable they are in Russia.

    Trust the master

    – We represent Dangerous Things in Russia - this is one of the leading manufacturers and innovators in the field of biohacking. We also often bring RFID tags from Trust (Germany) from international exhibitions.

    Vlad Bodmodov

    Currently, the most popular among our clients is cylindrical RFID tags in biocompatible glass. Usually these are xEM and xNT, although recently there have been requests for xM1*. Most of the procedures we carry out involve the implantation of neodymium magnets of similar sizes, but this is not entirely related to the topic.

    If you look at the portrait of the consumer, these are IT specialists aged 22–35, who are interested in either smart home systems or information security. I didn’t collect statistics, but from my personal feelings it’s mostly guys. I place less than 10 tags per year. Perhaps people do not understand the potential of the technology or are afraid of the procedure itself. Although there are about 20 people interested per year for sure. Clients for this procedure come from different cities, even from neighboring countries.

    *Varieties of Dangerous Things chips. XNT - a chip compatible with NFC devices, including phones; xEM - chip compatible with most access controllers; xM1 is a writable chip onto which you can transfer, for example, bank card data. - Ed.

    By order of the boss

    Three Square Market (“32M”), a group of companies in Wisconsin, offered its employees to install NFC chips on the condition that the company pay half of the costs. Of course, the procedure was voluntary. 50 employees agreed to participate in the program (there are 85 in total at Three Square Market). Previously, the same campaign was carried out by the Swedish company Epicenter. For companies, this is an opportunity to make access control systems more convenient and reduce the time spent identifying employees.

    “32M” is not an IT startup, but a chain of popular eateries. And this suggests that implant chips are gaining popularity among people of various professions. In Russia there are no cases of chipping “at the expense of the company” yet, but if the trend becomes widespread, it may reach us. After all, access systems with RFID keys are already used everywhere.

    At the piercing salon

    Biohacking is body modification. As with a piercing, we place a foreign object into our body. And the needle for inserting an implant is very similar to a piercing instrument. Can tattoo parlors legally provide chip installation services?

    We called five Moscow piercing and tattoo salons, and in four we immediately heard a refusal: as the administrators explained, the masters only do standard types of piercings, which are in the price list. In the fifth, we were connected to a master, with whom we discussed the size of the chip and the installation method. But in the end, he also refused to carry out the procedure without explaining the reason.

    For company with our smaller brothers

    Meanwhile, microchipping of animals in Russia has been carried out for several years in all major cities. For example, in Moscow it is offered by hundreds of veterinary clinics and veterinary offices. Implants for animals differ in function - these are RFID chips that transmit only a unique code to identify the pet. But their dimensions and installation equipment are identical. Perhaps specialists who have already gotten their hands on introducing chips can help?

    We called five large metropolitan clinics, but everywhere we received negative answers: “We only chip animals”; “Unfortunately, we cannot help” and “We do not provide such services.” Obviously, large clinics are worried about their reputation or are afraid of losing their license.

    Small organizations are ready to meet halfway. So, in one of the veterinary offices they explained to us that they receive chips for animals in a disposable syringe, so it is impossible to use the clinic’s equipment to install the implant. But they could install a chip if the customer comes with their own kit. However, this visit will need to be agreed upon with the management of the clinic and, possibly, a disclaimer of liability must be signed.

    What to do with a found dog

    If a person finds a purebred dog on the street that has clearly escaped from its owners or has gotten lost, many problems arise with its arrangement. It is not always known where the animal came from and where its owners live, so for the first time you will have to keep it with you and provide it with maximum comfort.

    When a person finds someone else's pet, he should first examine it. A recently lost dog will look healthy and well-groomed. In this case, you can take your time to take the animal home and just stand next to it for a while until the owner shows up.

    If the dog is clearly exhausted, dirty, and his fur is matted, he has probably been wandering alone for a long time and needs care. It is important to pick up your pet or take it on an improvised leash made of a scarf or rope and bring it home. There the animal needs to be fed, washed, and warmed up if it is cold outside.

    Where to look for a dog's old owners

    Checking your dog is the first thing you need to do at home.

    The found dog should be examined for the presence of a mark, which may help in finding the owner.

    The following things can serve as a hint:

    • collar. Often, owners attach notes to it with their phone numbers and names;
    • address book A metal tag is also hung on the collar, on which the animal’s name, telephone number and name of the owner, and sometimes place of residence are engraved;
    • brand. To find this combination of letters and numbers, you need to check your ears and groin. Helps identify the animal and find out who it belongs to. If the code is difficult to read, it is recommended to shave the hair in this area.

    Important! The stigma is of great importance and can help quickly find the owner. It is worth looking for information about the dog in databases, for example, the official website of the RKF.

    If no information about the owner can be found, you need to create an advertisement, post copies of it around the city and post information about the pet on special websites. It is important to describe the animal in detail, indicate the place where it was found, and preferably attach a photo.

    How can you track your dog's location?

    The chip contains information about the dog, but it will not help you find out its current location. To track your pet, a tracker is attached to the collar before a walk. It is a small device that is attached to a collar and, constantly moving with the animal, sends signals with coordinates to its owner.

    Note! This device allows you not to worry that your dog will disappear without a trace, and you can calmly let him go for a walk without a leash.

    A companion helps you find your pet. A SIM card must be inserted into the tracker, which connects the device with the owner’s phone or tablet. There are also special electronic collars that already have a built-in GPS module.

    Chips and NFC tags for dogs, cats and other animals

    An NFC tag is a convenient device for pet owners that allows them to avoid worrying about how to find a microchipped dog. It is a small medallion that is attached to the collar instead of an address tag, but unlike the latter, it contains a QR code. The person who scans it will be able to get to the animal’s profile in the database and obtain information about its owner.

    You can purchase NFC tags on the website of the database in which the pet is registered. Their prices start from 1000 rubles, often depending on the design and type of animal for which they are intended.

    How to find a lost dog using a chip

    After implanting the microchip, the doctor who performed this manipulation must enter information about the pet into the clinic’s local database. Then the system administrator exports the received information to one of the large Russian unified databases. Upon completion of account registration, all users will have access to information about the organization that entered this data, which in turn has contact information about the owner of the microchipped animal.

    There is no direct connection between microchipping and finding a dog

    Ability to track your pet in real time

    Due to the fact that the microchip is a passive device, it does not transmit any waves unless activated by the scanner. Therefore, it is not possible to track the location of a dog using a microchip.

    To calculate the pet's location you will need 3 components:

    1. GPS module that allows you to determine the location of the animal.
    2. Radio module required for data transmission.
    3. Battery.

    If you combine these 3 components and hang it on your pet’s collar, you won’t have to worry about its fate for a while.

    Collar with GPS

    The cost of such trackers ranges from $200 to $600. The operating time of inexpensive devices is from 10 to 24 hours, expensive ones will last up to 300 hours. In this case, one should take into account the impossibility of broadcasting data in the forest, for example.

    Disadvantages of such devices:

    • due to the fact that this device functions only with a battery, it cannot be implanted under the skin;
    • In the event of a dog theft, the radio beacon is removed first.

    It is advisable to first implant a transponder in the animal, and then use other methods of recognizing or tracking it.

    Collar with GPS chip

    Experience of European dog lovers

    In Europe, there is a practice of helping homeless individuals. When encountering a dog wandering without its owner, responsible citizens take it to a veterinary hospital, shelter or grooming salon. Advanced dog lovers carry a microchip-reading pocket scanner with them.

    If a four-legged friend has been microchipped, he will be returned home by punching his number into the database. In parallel with this, the owner must pay a fine for its loss or reimburse money for keeping the pet in the shelter if the pet is abandoned.

    A found stray dog ​​must be taken to a veterinary clinic

    Action plan for the loss of a microchipped pet

    If you discover that your pet is missing, you should go to the personal page of the database in which the owner’s profile is registered and activate the “Submit Wanted” function. If there is no account on the portal, you should create one and then post information about the loss. In addition, you need to report the loss to the veterinary clinic where the chip was implanted.

    Filling out an application

    In advanced countries, the missing animal is brought to the clinic, where the doctor determines the microchip number. The database contains information about the organization that carried out the implantation, which ultimately finds the owner. This is possible if there are two components: massive microchipping of animals and personal responsibility of citizens.

    Current problems of searching for animals by chip

    In Russia, a unified structure has not been created whose activities would be aimed at solving the problems of finding and caring for pets. Therefore, the statistics on pets being returned to their owners is deplorable.

    4 all-Russian chip databases and a large number of information portals registered with veterinary clinics do not make the process of finding animals easier.

    To get closer to world standards, the implementation of several fundamental ideas is missing:

    1. Creation of a unified database that unites all microchip numbers implanted on the territory of the Russian Federation. Such a structure should be state-owned and provide access to stored information to police officers, ordinary citizens and volunteers.
    2. The adoption of a law on mandatory inclusion of microchipped animals in a unified database.
    3. Formation of a special police department involved in searching for lost pets, placing them in shelters and issuing fines to irresponsible owners.

    By fulfilling these points, it is possible to streamline the dog search system by chip and return lost pets to the hands of desperate owners.

    Advantages and disadvantages of chipping

    Although many owners in Russia do not consider the electronic identification procedure mandatory, it can make life much easier for both themselves and their pets. It is worth microchipping your dog for the following reasons:

    • safety guarantee. The chip is made from environmentally friendly materials and can last 100 years or more;
    • no restrictions on traveling with a pet, compliance with international standards;
    • absolute painlessness;
    • contains all the information about the animal.

    The chip makes the lives of dogs and their owners much easier

    The disadvantages of chipping include:

    • individual intolerance to materials;
    • sometimes the microchip becomes demagnetized and stops being read;
    • The chip may move slightly, which does not affect the condition of the animal.

    For your information! In long-haired dogs, the capsule may become entangled in the fur without penetrating into the body.

    Chipping is a safe and painless procedure that allows the owner to store and transmit all information about the pet. Thanks to the identification of the animal, it is easier to find it in case of loss, as well as to transport it abroad.

    *Prices in the article are for January 2022.


    To be implanted easily and without causing discomfort, your chip should be about the size of a grain of rice. Therefore, it is technically impossible to integrate a battery into it. That is why RFID and NFC wireless communication technologies are used here, which do not require power and are technically close to each other. To briefly explain their differences, NFC technology is the successor to the high-frequency RFID standard, and it has a number of features.

    • Operates at a fixed frequency: 13.56 MHz.
    • Capable of two-way communication, so the possibilities are wider.
    • The reading range does not exceed 5 cm (for RFID - up to 300 m).
    • Only one NFC tag can be scanned at a time.

    When used in implant chips, each technology has its pros and cons. Thus, more functions can be hardwired into a device with NFC, including contactless payment, transfer of medical or personal data. But RFID chips have a longer range, which is more convenient when opening doors and controlling other systems. Therefore, most manufacturers offer both types of chips, and the buyer can choose based on his needs.

    Brands and prices

    Turning yourself into a biohacker today costs between $30 and $120 (not including the implantation procedure). The price depends on the type of chip (NFC is more expensive) and the composition of the kit: some include sterile applicator syringes and even anesthetics.

    Dangerous Things

    The company Dangerous Things from Seattle (USA) produces four types of implants: with RFID ($57) and NFC ($99) technologies. There is also a budget option, the FDX-B implant ($39). This is a type of RFID chip commonly used for animals: it provides a simple ID number (you need an FDX-B tag reader to get this) and can also transmit temperature sensor data to a compatible Bio-Thermo reader.

    The most expensive is the special xM1 Plus chip ($120). It works as a “universal key”: the developers say that it can be used to hack the security of MF1ICS50 1k standard cards and copy information from them. But this is the only type of chip whose reliable operation is not guaranteed by the manufacturer.


    One of the largest companies producing implantable chips, BioTeq, is based in the UK, the homeland of Kevin Warwick. It offers both do-it-yourself implantation kits (chip plus sterile instruments, starting at $40) and in-office chip installation in the company's Southampton office (implant plus procedure, starting at $240). Also in the online store there are test chips - capsules filled with “artificial skin”; readers; adapters for interaction with a computer.

    I Am Robot

    The company is located in Dortmund, Germany. On the website you can buy an RFID implant ($30), NFC ($60), and also a recordable NFC chip, onto which you can transfer data from a plastic card or electronic key ($100–150). All chips are delivered already inside a sterile applicator - a syringe with a thick needle, with which the implant is inserted into the body.

    All three companies ship their products to Russia. The cost of delivery by international transport service is about $20.


    The office of the IT corporation Bezh is located in Copenhagen (Denmark). The company recently released innovative BiChip implant chips that can be read at a distance and can access the Internet. Thanks to this, they were able to integrate a payment function using cryptocurrencies - Ripple and Bitcoin. For now, the company does not mass-produce these implants or offer them for sale, but judging by the PR campaign, this will happen in the near future.

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