How to teach a dog to bring a toy, slippers and joy

A pet is not only love and positivity. Owners usually love to play with their pets in infancy, but completely different “relationships” are born as the dog grows up. Every dog ​​owner wants his dog to be obedient, smart and diligent. Big and small, plush and smooth-haired, kind-hearted and daring in disposition - everyone needs not just basic care, feeding, walking, but also education. Training is education. A trained dog has the skills to execute commands, obediently responds to them and is responsive to requests, regardless of mood and instincts. You probably also want such a four-legged friend?

One of the main commands required for a dog to execute is the “fetch” command. This conventional name means “bring.” The ability to find an abandoned object and present it to its owner is assessed positively. On the one hand, this is a play combination, on the other hand, it is an important task for working and hunting dog breeds. Training and execution of a command depend on the dog’s temperament, the skills of the owner, but even more on the relationship between the pet and the trainer.

“Aport” - what is it?

This command can cause a lot of difficulties for a puppy to execute, but as the practice of many specialists shows, every animal develops it sooner or later.

“Fetch” means that the dog must bring a stick, ball, plate or some other object thrown by the owner, then go around the trainer on the right side and sit next to him waiting for him to pick up the brought object.
Important! The dog should not break loose and run after an abandoned toy until the owner gives the command.
It is necessary to accustom a puppy to it from the age of 7-8 months and only after the commands “Near”, “To me” and “Sit” have already been mastered.

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Selecting a subject for team training

The first question that arises before the owner is not how to teach the dog to fetch a toy, but which one to choose first. If the animal is preparing to take a training course, then a dumbbell should be used as a toy, but if this is done for the general development of the animal, then basically the owner opts for any toy intended for dogs.

When choosing an object to throw, it is important to take into account the parameters of the dog, for example, if it is a Yorkie breed, then the toy should be smaller so that he can bring it to his owner without any problems.

Worth knowing! It is not recommended to use a stick found on the street for throwing, because the pet can drive a splinter into its mouth.

It is best to visit a pet store and buy a rope, a rubber bone, a ring, a ball and much more.

Team training is often carried out with a ball.

Brief conclusions

Implementing the “Fetch” request for a dog has a positive effect on both its physical and emotional health. Most active animals fulfill this command with great joy and enthusiasm. For active pets that have a daily need for exercise and running, fulfilling requests is a solution to this problem and also frees the owner from additional physical activity. “Fetch” is included in the general training course. Every service dog must comply with this request to a high standard.

For hunting breeds, this is an integral part of training. For puppies, any command is more of a prank and a game. And for an adult dog, this is a way to curry favor and gain trust. Training a dog is usually not difficult. Patience, mutual respect and true friendship between the owner and the four-legged pet are the three links to obtain an excellent result.

Place to study

At first, as soon as the animal’s training begins, exercises can be carried out at home. In this case, the dog will be maximally concentrated on the owner and nothing will distract him from executing the “fetch” command.

After mastering the necessary basics, you will need to move outside, because the dog will need a place to run after an object and doing all this at home will become extremely inconvenient.

Additional Information! You should choose a quiet place to train an animal, where there are few people and other animals, so that the pet is not distracted.

It is not recommended to conduct the exercise after rain to avoid injuring the dog on wet grass, as well as on asphalt, because running on it has a traumatic effect on the pet’s joints.

Skill Development

When the animal has learned to take an object on command, it is time to begin further development of the skill - bringing equipment from a distance.

  • the dog is tied on a long leash;
  • attract the animal's attention with a thing;
  • throw it forward;
  • shout out a command;
  • when the animal grabs the toy, it is called;
  • on the command “Give” the item is taken away;
  • give out incentives.

A leash is necessary to yank the pet, after saying “Give”, in case it refuses to come back.

In the future, the work, if necessary at all, becomes more and more complicated:

  • they are taught to walk around the trainer from behind and sit down near the left leg;
  • they practice endurance “sitting” before sending the animal for the object being aported;
  • they teach you to serve a variety of things, and not just one;
  • training to find an object thrown into dense bushes, simply hidden somewhere.

Stages of animal training

When the question arises of how to teach a dog to fetch a toy or stick, you should first of all listen to the advice of dog handlers and carry out everything step by step.

"Take" command

Training begins with drawing an animal. To do this, you can take home slippers and play tug of war with the puppy. You can drag them along the floor and the dog will definitely grab the other end of the sneaker with its teeth. Here it is important to stop sharply at the most interesting place, after which you need to invite your pet to grab the slipper, but if he doesn’t do this, then start acting out again.

Dog training begins with games

After the puppy picks up the slipper himself, you need to connect voice commands, asking him to let go of the slipper and carry out this manipulation several times. Then, as soon as he begins to obey, you can enter the “take” command.

Exercises are carried out provided that the dog is active and full of energy. Otherwise, the training will not bring the desired result.

Picking things up from the ground

This is the next stage of training, which, as the practice of many specialists shows, is absorbed by the animal quickly and without problems. You must use the same subject as in the first stage of training.

To do this, a slipper is placed on the floor and the command “take” is clearly pronounced. It may not work out the first time, then you can use a hand gesture to point the dog to the thing that needs to be picked up. As soon as he picks up the slipper, you must immediately give the command “give it back” and repeat everything several times in a row.

Important! In no case should you run after the animal in an attempt to take away the toy if he does not give it up voluntarily, because this behavior can only anger the dog.

If the animal gives away the toy, then in return it must be given some kind of treat to cheer it up.

Learning to carry things

First, the dog must execute the “take it” command, after which it is necessary to throw the toy a little further than the animal, and if he brings it, then the throwing distance must be increased.

Training in holding an edible “fetch”

After the “fetch” command with a toy has been mastered, you can begin to use edible products, for example, take a piece of bread and ask the dog to take it. If it was successfully completed and the dog gave it to its owner, then it is necessary to praise it and give it some kind of treat.

Next, you can move on to treats that the dog really likes, and if he gives them away without problems, then further praise should be even tastier to let him know that when he follows the owner’s commands, an even more pleasant treat will follow.

Working without a leash

When everything works out on a short leash, you can try training the dog on a long leash. The throwing distance increases by 2 meters, then each time the task becomes more difficult. This will take a lot of time, but it is necessary to achieve a distance of 5 meters and precise execution of the command.

The most common mistake dog owners make is demanding unquestioning dedication from the dog when the task becomes increasingly difficult. Everything should happen gradually. You should always praise the dog, treat it with a treat, and when it learns the “fetch” command, it will be ready to do everything without food - just for one kind word from the owner.

In the future, the “fetch” command will become the basis for learning to search on the ground, work on a trail, select a thing and protect it. If you don’t have time to train your purebred dog, then it is better to contact a professional trainer who will approach the training with knowledge.

During the training process, the dog and the owner must be in an aura of positive attitude; a kind word and decency of the trainer can work wonders! Your dog will very soon reciprocate your love and devotion!

How to teach a dog to move next to you while carrying an object

First, you need to use a leash to teach the dog to move next to its owner so that it stops running away. If she tries to move away, you need to pull the leash and say the command “near.” Gradually, you can take the leash longer, but you need to make sure that the dog does not move away and walks in the same direction as the owner.

After mastering the “near” command, you can connect an object so that the dog carries it in his teeth. After completing it, be sure to reward the animal with some kind of treat.

Further, higher, faster

If the puppy copes with the tray without a leash, it’s time to move on - first, work with the same leash, but throw about 5 meters. You should immediately admit: at this stage you will have to play a lot, and throw even more! You should achieve 100% delivery of things. Don't forget to keep your pet interested! It is necessary that after throwing 5 meters, the puppy brings the toy, receiving the same game in return. Then you can increase the distance, the puppy will understand what is required of him.

Basic mistakes

Among the main mistakes that an animal owner makes when teaching commands are the following:

  • learning is not in a playful way;
  • training the command “near” without a leash, as a result of which you will have to run after the animal;
  • lack of emotional response to the owner’s command;
  • taking a toy from an animal without rewarding it with a treat.

Aggressive behavior of the owner when training the animal is unacceptable

Professional training

A service dog must also be trained in professional commands . After the owner’s words “Guard,” the dog should not let anyone near the object entrusted to it. The “Trace” command forces you to look for a hidden object or person. “Take”, “Face” - commands aimed at attack, aggression, a professional should teach them to the dog, at the same time teaching and stopping aggression “Fu”, “Let go”, “Calm”.

If a shepherd dog is intended to guard a household, some object, an apartment, it is worth contacting a dog handler at a certain stage, who will work out the basic commands and test the dog’s abilities, skills, and abilities.

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Possible problems during training

There are two main problems that can arise when training a dog:

  • Disobedience of the animal, as a result of the lack of any training.
  • Incorrect execution of commands by the dog or complete refusal to perform them.

Training a pet is not an easy process and requires a lot of time and effort. Very often, the dog is trained incorrectly, because the owner does not know all the intricacies of training, so it is recommended to entrust this matter to experienced dog handlers who can teach the animal all the commands.

Use of German Shepherds

In many countries, service dogs are registered in special communities; their life, health, living conditions and training process are under constant control of many services. In the last century, such strict rules also existed on the territory of the USSR; they applied not only to German and East European shepherds, but also to other service breeds.

Often, even to keep them, special permission was required; there were areas for training and training dogs, where classes were taught by highly qualified dog handlers. Any of the trained dogs could, if necessary, be brought in to help police officers and rescuers. Many people have also heard about one of the best guide schools.

The owners of “Germans” with a good pedigree were paid a certain amount intended for proper nutrition of the dog, carrying out all necessary procedures and examinations by veterinarians. Today, the traditions of service dog breeding are slowly being restored.

It is no coincidence that this breed, beloved by many, is considered universal. “Germans” are indispensable as police assistants, territory guards, shepherds, defenders, and bodyguards. A properly trained dog is a friend, an ally, and an assistant who will always protect.

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When and how to train

During training, the pet should be fed, not irritated and calm. The mood of the owner and the dog should be excellent. There is no need to force training. Training sessions are best carried out outdoors - this way the animal will not be disturbed by anything. However, if necessary, the dog can carry out the command in a spacious corridor.

It is recommended to start training at approximately 4 months of age. Younger pets cannot learn commands. It is possible to teach a similar command to adult dogs, although it will take a little more effort. The most favorable period for learning is the beginning of teething. Then the puppy will run after the stick with great pleasure.

Why teach your dog to retrieve?

First of all, you shouldn’t think that the “apport” command is just pampering. Teaching your dog how to do it is helpful. After all, most dogs need walking and physical development. And this command provides for maximum motor activity of the dog, makes him run and please the owner. All dogs love games. And fetching is also a kind of game between the owner and the pupil. Thus, he gets rid of excess energy and fully develops physically. The latter is important for representatives of serious breeds.

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