How to teach a cat to fetch slippers - it's real!

While dogs are well known for their love of the game Fetch (or Fetch), some cats also enjoy playing this game. The idea is to throw a stick or toy and the animal will bring the object back.

Siamese cats and small kittens in particular enjoy this activity, although any cat can learn to do it.

Your cat may even bring out her retrieval instinct in play, such as when she brings a mouse as a “gift.” The person will throw the toy and then encourage the cat to return it.

Teaching this game is a good interactive way to help your cat release some energy and exercise his mind. Fetch can also help overweight pets lose weight.

Not every cat will fetch items, but this is a fun game to try with your cat. There are some simple steps you can take to encourage her.

How to train a cat to fetch toys?

While dogs are well known for their love of the game Fetch (or Fetch), some cats also enjoy playing this game.
The idea is to throw a stick or toy and the animal will bring the object back. Siamese cats and small kittens in particular enjoy this activity, although any cat can learn to do it.

Your cat may even bring out her retrieval instinct in play, such as when she brings a mouse as a “gift.” The person will throw the toy and then encourage the cat to return it.

Teaching this game is a good interactive way to help your cat release some energy and exercise his mind. Fetch can also help overweight pets lose weight.

Not every cat will fetch items, but this is a fun game to try with your cat. There are some simple steps you can take to encourage her.

Training and education

The terms “training” and “education” mean the process of developing certain reactions and behavioral skills in a cat, however, there are fundamental differences between them. Training is a systematic influence on a cat in order to develop certain skills in it. Through repeated repetitions, reinforced with encouragement, the pet is taught to follow commands.

Education is a broader concept; its goal is to instill rules of behavior in the cat. This is an integral aspect of pet ownership, as wayward animals sometimes do things that their owners consider unacceptable. This process begins from the moment the cat appears in the house and does not end throughout its life. Unlike training, education is not about teaching an animal to follow commands, but about developing an understanding of what is bad and what is good.

Find a quiet place

To keep your cat's attention and teach her something new, it is best to do this in an environment free of distractions. Find a quiet place in the house, preferably a room with few obstacles.

Choose the right toy

Cats usually have favorite things. It will be easiest for you to follow your cat's natural preferences when introducing him to play.

For example, a cat may be most interested in a catnip mouse, a paper packet, a soft shiny ball, or even a treat.

Some cats even enjoy chasing food on hard floors. While they may not get it back, they may come back to "ask" for another roll.

Choose the right time

Time is the key. It is necessary to choose the best time when the cat is ready to play. Even if this is convenient for you, the game may not take place if the cat goes to sleep. Some cat owners find that their cat is most receptive to learning and willing to pay attention immediately before eating.

While dogs tend to go crazy with marathon breakaways, remember that cats are master sprinters. Ten minutes is a long time in the cat world. Stop the play before the cat quits - five minutes is good for most cats.

Choice of incentive

In order for the pet to understand that he did everything correctly, he needs to be praised. Each furry has his own preferences.

Tactile contact

Touch is very important for cats. When a cat thinks that she is doing well and deserves praise, she herself comes to the owner for affection. Therefore, if during the training process the cat has even a small success, do not regret stroking. This way the cat will understand that he is on the right path to understanding you.

Speech and intonation

Cats have a keen sense of intonation. And they themselves perfectly manipulate the owner using the tool in question. By the timbre of the “grumbling” or meowing, the owner understands: the animal is happy or not, it tastes good or so-so, the animal wants affection or to be left alone, etc.

To show your pet what he is doing right, you can start praising him and talking to him affectionately.


As treats, you can use dry food granules, pieces of meat, catnip candies, etc. The main thing in this matter is to give in proportion to merit and not to overfeed.

An overfed cat will stop fulfilling the task set by the owner, since he will not see the need to complete it. Before starting training, you can feed the animal half the required amount. This will give him more incentive to interact with his owner.

And if you give a treat that is not deserved, then the cat will decide that he’s done well and can go to bed.

A good solution would be to use candy or catnip sticks. Did it right - bite a couple of times.

Give the game a name

Cats communicate with fluffy fur, eyes, tails, and meows, but they certainly understand a lot of human words. Associate the action with the word to help your cat understand it.

Say something like: “Bring it, kitty-kitty-kitty!” in a high, happy tone after you've thrown a toy across the room to encourage your cat to return the toy.

Reward action

Follow your cat's lead and offer whatever reward she likes best to reward good behavior.

Problems and behavior correction

Once the cat is used to playing, you can move it to a larger room or area with more distractions. You can also involve another person by sitting on opposite sides of the room and taking turns throwing the toy to each other. This can help the cat learn that it is fun to play with other people.

You may be better off keeping the toy you are playing with out of your cat's reach when you are not playing. This can add value to the toy and help make your time with the game something your cat looks forward to.

Once your cat is consistently fetching one item, try tossing another toy and using the same verbal cue to encourage her to fetch. Teaching your cat to fetch objects is a good way to encourage exercise.


Is it possible to train a cat

Mustachioed sneaks with a cunning look and hunting habits are not dogs devoted to their master and ready to obey. No offense will be said to the barking brothers. The small predator has a natural desire to dominate. A representative of the cat tribe cannot be forced, but she can be persuaded. Then she will fulfill the person’s request. Attachment to the owner is a vulnerable character trait of a proud animal, which allows him to instill unusual skills.

Video: pet turns off the light

The debate about whether cats can be trained has been going on for a long time. There is no consensus on this matter among owners, breeders and felinologists. It cannot be any other way: everyone makes their own arguments based on personal experience. For example, one argues that animals are not teachable. And he motivates with the story that he was unable to develop a conditioned reflex in his pet to the “Voice” command. The owner said this word for half an hour, showing the tasty “prize” to the adult Briton, and he looked at the man’s efforts with bewilderment. Even repeating the order along with “meow” turned out to be useless. Defenders of cat abilities say: pets feel a person so much that they guess the command even before it sounds. They are just pretending, playing at submission. Or they try to please in the hope of getting something tasty. And the owner is happy that the necessary action has been completed, and considers himself a tamer. The third judgment is also based on the example of the behavior of an already trained cat. Knowing exactly the meaning of the order, she refuses to carry it out. Not out of forgetfulness, but on purpose. We have to conclude that standard training with unquestioning execution of a person’s command is impossible. When the opportunity arises, your pet will always show a headstrong character.

A cat who doesn’t know how to play with toys: how to teach?

Do you already have a whole collection of them in your closet?

Have you almost gotten used to the fact that your furry friend's circle of interests is limited to the cycle sofa-food bowl-potty?

But do you still hope to help him feel the excitement of the game? Then let's figure out who is to blame - the cat or the toys? – and is there anything we can do about it?

The fact is that we evaluate a cat's toy differently than the cat himself. We see in it the color, the funny shape, the promising photo on the packaging (the playfulness and excitement of the cats depicted there are usually off the charts). What does an ideal toy look like through the eyes of a cat?

First, let's remember where the need to play comes from.

First of all, this is a real hunting instinct, built-in at the genetic level. From a zoological point of view, the domestic cat is a mammal of the cat family of carnivores and is a subspecies of the wild forest cat Felis silvestris. This means that upon birth each domestic cat is accompanied by:

– hypersensitive ears (1 pair)

– eyes that can see perfectly even in semi-darkness (1 pair)

– tactile mechanosensitive vibrissae (aka whiskers; 1 set)

– strong muscles and mobile bone-ligamentous apparatus (for jumping, climbing and fast running over short distances)

– as well as excellent hunting instincts.

And all these resources require that they be actively used.

Otherwise, a huge amount of energy accumulates in the body every day, which requires release.

At best, it results in evening bouts of running around the entire apartment with loud screams, or catching non-existent “bugs” or “flies”. At worst - a gradual loss of interest in life, accumulating aggression, weight gain and chronic diseases.

The good news is that almost any cat, regardless of age or weight, can be awakened to the passion of the hunt - even if he has never been a fan of play.

How to teach a kitten or an adult cat some commands?

You can start training at home when your pet reaches 2-3 months of age, although some experts advise starting training at 8 months, arguing that very young kittens are not able to understand what is required of them. Young animals are more curious and receptive, their brain works more actively, so it is easier to train them than adults over 1.5 years old, especially older ones. Training is carried out in stages, starting with simple commands and gradually moving to more complex ones.

"Sit", "stand", "lie down"

The simplest commands are “sit”, “stand” and “lie down”. To seat your pet, you need to place the treat behind his head and lightly press on the back of his body. You can force the cat to lie down by holding the treat low and gently pressing on the back. In order for the cat to assume a standing position, the treat is brought to a level just below the nose and the pet is lifted by the stomach. After a successfully completed action, the command is repeated, the student is praised and given a tasty morsel.

"To me", "place"

Teaching your pet the “come to me” command is the easiest way. They call him by name, adding the words “to me.” The cat that approaches is rewarded with a treat. Teaching an animal to go to its bedding or house on command is somewhat more difficult. He is lured to the right place with a treat or toy, after which the command is pronounced (“place!”) and he is given a treat.

To make the bed more attractive to the cat, place his favorite toys nearby or sprinkle it with catnip. The pet should like the location of the resting place. You need to watch him and find out where he rests most often. It should not be placed in a draft or in a passage.

“Jump” (over an obstacle or into a hoop)

Cats that love to jump from place to place will not be difficult to teach to jump on command. To do this, you will need stable objects - a sofa, an armchair, a chair, a table. The pet is placed on one of them, and the treat is placed on the other. When the cat jumps after him, they say the word “up” and praise him. The treat is then placed on the first object. After the cat has jumped back, they pretend that the treat is again placed in the place it just left. The animal receives the reward for the completed jump from the hands.

Then the task is made more difficult by placing an obstacle or placing a hoop. These items should be familiar to the cat. If they are new, you should leave them in the room for a couple of days so that the animal can sniff them thoroughly and get used to them.

"Give" ("bring")

To teach a cat the “give” command, you need to take its favorite toy (ball, mouse), which it often carries in its teeth. It is thrown a short distance (0.5–1 m), saying the word “bring.” After it is in the mouth, the animal is lured towards itself with a treat. You can tie a rope to the mouse and pull it, showing the cat the right direction. If a cat drops a toy after seeing a treat, you should not give it a treat.

“Ask” (complicated version – “dance”)

The essence of the command is for the cat to stand on its hind legs at the owner's request. To do this, the cat is given a treat from the palm of his hand, each time raising it higher and higher - so that he has to tear his forelimbs off the floor and try to get the treat. After the exercise has begun to work out well, you can teach your pet to walk and spin on its hind legs, as if dancing. This is achieved by moving a high-lying treat.

To do this, he will need your help:

Choosing the right toy

Its size should not exceed the dimensions of a typical cat’s prey: a bug, a butterfly, a mouse, a lizard, a small bird. Larger ones can be mistaken for a serious opponent, which is better not to mess with.

Texture. Tactile sensations matter. Some cats love to bite soft felt mice, others love to grab rope tails with their paws, others are delighted with bird feathers, and for others, give them something crunchy. What exactly does your cat like? Watch him play with different toys. Which ones does he play with longer and more willingly? Test one toy at a time.

- Safety. Before giving the toy to the cat, give everything that is glued or sewn on it a good tug. Believe me, the cat will not notice that the mouse is missing ears or a tail, but... Also pay attention to the strength of the lace of fishing rod toys (and it should not be too long). Do not leave the “fishing rod” with the cat without your supervision.

We determine the desired type of production.

Most cats will be attracted to any moving object of the appropriate size. But there are also those who are more picky about prey (and it doesn’t matter that they have never met this very prey in person).

There are three main hunting cat types:

  • Butterfly and bird catcher. An extrovert, he enjoys cabinet climbing and is able to climb to the top of any difficulty. The signature move is to catch prey in the air by jumping after it.
  • Grasshopper hunter. Loves everything that jumps (the jumping object should be small and jump AWAY from the cat, and not AT him). Finds special pleasure in grabbing prey while jumping (or landing).
  • Mouser. Timid, a little shy. It is unlikely that it will dare to attack a grasshopper or a bird, but it will gladly hunt a target moving horizontally.

Observation will again help you identify your favorite type of prey: what pattern of movement of the toy makes him forget everything and rush to attack?

By the way, don’t forget about the existence of food puzzles or food dispensers. These are toys filled with dry food, which spills out during play. Food can serve as an additional reward for the hunter.

» data-medium-file=»″ data-large-file=» /2017/11/43.jpg?w=450″ src=”″ alt=”43″ width=” 339″ height=”339″ srcset=” 339w, /11/43.jpg?w=150&h=150 150w, 300w, https://httpgoodcat.files.wordpress .com/2017/11/43.jpg 450w" sizes="(max-width: 339px) 100vw, 339px"/> “Bump” for stuffing with dry food Food puzzle made from a tennis ball. All that remains is to fill it with dry food and leave it in a visible place.

How to properly train a cat at home?

Training is a long process; you should not expect success from the animal in the near future. To train a cat, you need to be patient and not force things. Excessive persistence of the owner will only scare away the pet. It is necessary to prepare a treat that will be used as a reward: a favorite treat, small pieces of meat or cheese (3-4 mm in size).

To determine which commands your pet will learn, you need to watch him and highlight the games that he likes the most. If he likes to carry toys in his teeth, he can be trained to fetch things abandoned by his owner. Does your cat love to jump on shelves? He will love jumping through a hoop or from one object to another on command. It is important to choose the right place and time for training, taking into account the condition and mood of the pet. A cat is a wayward animal, and forcing it to do something it doesn’t want will not work.

Optimal conditions for training: place, time, condition of the animal and trainer

Classes begin in the morning or evening, when cats are most active. They are carried out a few hours after eating - a well-fed pet will prefer to rest. The cat must be healthy and in a good mood. If you feel unwell, or for several days after vaccination, classes are not held. If the pet does not show any desire to exercise, the training is postponed.

The cat will only follow the commands of the person it trusts. She usually becomes more attached to one family member than the others. He should be the one conducting the classes. The positive attitude of the owner plays a significant role, because cats subtly sense the state of the owner. You should not start training if you are feeling unwell or in a bad mood. Classes are held in a small, quiet room where there is no one except the owner and the cat.

Training methods (painful, rewarding, imitative)

There are several training methods:

  • Painful. Based on the use of irritating and pain-causing factors. To force an animal to do what is required, it is forced to experience discomfort and pain. A collar with a stun gun is designed for such training. It is equipped with electrodes and a remote control. When the button is pressed, the cat receives an electric shock.
  • The imitative method is based on the innate instinct of animals to imitate their own kind. For example, kittens, watching their mother, begin to adopt her habits over time.
  • The incentive training method is based on reinforcing acquired skills with positive emotions - when the pet has completed what is required, it receives a reward (treat, praise). The result is achieved through repeated repetition and reward.

How to train a cat to fetch a toy

Many owners would like to teach their cat to fetch toys and thus play with their pet. However, teaching freedom-loving cats to obey commands that are interesting to humans is not an easy task.

It will take a lot of effort and patience, but through regular training you can teach your cat to perform not only these simple tasks, but also more complex ones.

So how can you teach a cat to bring a toy to its owner?

The first thing to do is to choose a toy that fits your cat's size. They usually like to carry objects that can be grabbed with their teeth or paws.

Accordingly, the kitten needs to choose a small toy. It is advisable to purchase a toy mouse. It is the easiest way to teach your pet to carry various toys. These mice are sold in every pet store.

It is worth noting that the toy should be chosen without plastic elements. The cat can swallow them and this will lead to stomach problems.

You also need to choose the right time and place for training. It is recommended to engage in such games with your cat regularly.

Now you need to start training directly.

First you need to show your cat a toy mouse. If the pet is full of strength and energy, then he will pay attention to the object of interest.

If the pet has gone to another room, you need to call him. Having responded to your call, you need to reward the cat with a treat.

Next you need to throw the toy half a meter away from you. A short distance will allow the cat to understand what is required of it.

As you practice, the distance should increase.

You can use a mouse with a rope. When the cat grabs the toy, you need to pull it towards you. And after she freely brings the toy, simply remove the rope.

In this case, you need to voice your commands: “bring”, “serve”. Mainly you need to encourage your pet to bring you the mouse.

In this case, the reward system works. If the cat refuses to bring the toy, then lure it with a treat. But do not give the treat before the command has been completed.

Throw the mouse again. After the pet approaches you, throw the toy again. Then reward the cat with tasty rewards. This will require some effort, as the cat must understand what they want from it.

She will drop the mouse, not fetch it, play with it, but if you correctly voice the command and use the reward system, then she will understand and follow the commands automatically.

Each time you need to increase the distance by a meter. This will allow your pet to bring you the toy from greater distances.

You also need to understand that it is better to spend 5-10 minutes a day than an hour once a week. Systematicity is very important in the training process.

It is recommended not to drag out the training, as it can tire the cat and she will lose interest.

At the same time, regular training for 5 minutes a day will lead to more desired results.

Be patient and do not yell at the animal. Shouting will only push the animal away from following commands.

And very soon you and your pet will be able to play exciting games in the “fetch” style.

Cats are incredibly smart creatures, they sense people and respond to their requests. How easy will it be to teach them simple commands? What principles of cat training exist?

Infusion technique

When administered orally, Vaseline oil should be administered to the pet very carefully. During the procedure, the cat must stand or sit. It is forbidden to infuse the drug into an animal in a lying position.

As a result of oil entering the respiratory tract, gas exchange will stop and the cat will suffocate

It is forbidden to infuse the drug into an animal in a lying position. As a result of oil entering the respiratory tract, gas exchange will stop and the cat will suffocate.

How to give your pet Vaseline oil correctly and without bad consequences for your pet’s health:

  1. Before administration, you must first measure the required amount of the product and draw it into a syringe without a needle.
  2. The pet should be placed on a chair or lap (you can wrap it in a blanket or towel).
  3. While holding the cat's head firmly, you need to open its mouth. This will be easier if you insert your thumb and index finger behind her fangs and spread her jaws.
  4. The syringe with oil should be placed in the corner of the mouth, behind the fang.
  5. When administering the medicine, the cat's head must be raised up, but in no case thrown back.
  6. The drug should be poured in 1 ml at a time so that the pet has time to swallow it and not choke.
  7. After the oil has been completely introduced, the cat needs to cover its mouth. Otherwise, she will simply spit out the product.
  8. Finally, it is recommended to pat the pet’s throat to make it easier for him to swallow the remaining medication.


Some cats categorically refuse to swallow Vaseline oil: for some it causes vomiting, for others they simply do not like the taste. In such a situation, it is recommended to administer the drug rectally, using an enema.

This procedure is allowed for purrs of any age. True, to administer Vaseline oil to a kitten, it is better to use a pipette rather than a syringe.

Usually, with minor constipation, the effect of an enema occurs almost immediately. Complete cleansing of the intestines will occur approximately 30 minutes after the end of the procedure.

The maximum duration of treatment for rectal administration of the drug should not exceed 5 days.

Quantity of product

Vaseline oil for performing an enema can be used either pure or diluted with water. To do this, pour warm water and medicine (in a ratio of 1:3) into the smallest syringe, and then shake thoroughly.

The amount administered depends on the age of the cat. Thus, for adults, the dosage of the drug in its pure form should not exceed 5-10 ml, in the form of a water-oil solution - 25 ml. For kittens to get rid of constipation, it will be enough to inject 1 ml of the substance in its pure form or 2 pipettes with a water-oil solution.

It is forbidden to give a cat more than two enemas per day. The break between procedures should be at least 5-6 hours.

Step-by-step training steps

As the famous “cat lover” Kuklachev said: you need to play with animals after first studying the preferences and needs of the pet, paying attention to their peculiar habits and habits. Accompany your pets' actions with a verbal command - and very soon you will achieve excellent results in training.

  1. You need to prepare Murchik’s or Sharik’s favorite treat.
  2. Choose a command that the cat will teach today. It's best to start with the instruction "sit."
  3. Now you need to achieve the cat’s favor and attention.
  4. Show her the tasty treat and call the command in a calm and non-pressive voice.
  5. To show the cat what you want from it, press on the back side and when you try to sit, say the command again out loud.
  6. After completing these requirements, praise her and feed her a treat.

Where to start training a cat?

The “catch and praise” technique requires a certain amount of attention from the owner, but it is very easy to accustom the cat to commands and tricks. Cats are able to remember about 50 words from what a person says to them.

  1. The most memorable phrase that most cats easily learn is “Eat!” Pets remember words by creating a logical chain, since receiving food reinforces the effect of the learned word with positive emotions.
  2. Using the same method, you can teach a cat the command “Sleep!” — the pet is placed comfortably, then petted and the necessary command is repeated. In the future, the pet will go to its own place to sleep according to the learned command. This will help reinforce the habit of not disturbing you when guests come to the house or you need to clean the apartment.

Operating rules and errors

Any training is based on the development of conditioned reflexes to unconditioned stimuli, for example, a voice or food. You can start training only in a good mood, and both the cat and the owner must be active. It is better to start when the animal is cheerful, cheerful and slightly hungry, and wants to play.

There is no need to create special conditions; all training takes place in a familiar environment, at home. The training itself comes down to a simple condition: the cat did some action and was rewarded for it.

  1. stroking, scratching, affectionate words;
  2. favorite treat;
  3. both.

You cannot force a cat to do something, it will end in failure, the animal will simply run away and then stop obeying. You cannot exhaust your cat with endless repetition of the same order. He will quickly get tired, and then any lesson will be disgusting. The lesson should take no more than 5 minutes, and even better, repeat what you have completed 3-4 times.

The best results are achieved after several small training sessions per day with a long rest.

Stages of learning to fetch slippers

During the initial training phase, you should use your puppy's favorite toy, perhaps a ball or a bone. Let the dog play with it, awaken interest in the game, kick the toy. It is necessary for the dog to take it in its teeth. You can tease your child by holding out and taking away a toy. When your pet holds the toy tightly, you should approach him with a treat and say “give”, exchanging it for a previously prepared treat. Praise the dog and pet it. Take a toy and throw it with the words “apport.” The dog will run after her and start playing. Repeat the “give” command again and take the item in exchange for a treat. Your task is to teach the dog to give up an object or toy on command. Before this, without a command, the dog must hold the thing in its teeth. This is an initial stage that needs to be improved outside by changing the toy to a stick. Thus, with the “fetch” command, you develop the dog’s ability to fetch any objects and give them to you with the “give” command.

It is more effective to teach retrieval with short training sessions daily, an hour or two after eating.

When the dog has mastered the fetching skills thoroughly, move on to the next stage - practicing the skill of fetching the items you need. And in this process, the basis should be the dog’s knowledge of the name of the object. Therefore, it is better to start with a leash - something closer to the dog. This is what experienced dog breeders advise. You must let him sniff the attribute, repeating the word “leash” several times. Then you need to pick it up and start playing, involving the dog in the process. When excitement awakens in her, throw the leash to the side with the words “bring the leash.” The dog will be guided by the already familiar skill of retrieving. She must bring you the thing and hold it in her mouth until the command “give” is heard. The dog gives you the leash, unclenching his teeth, you give him a treat and praise him. After consolidating and improving the skill of bringing this accessory (and this needs to be done on the street), you can begin to learn the ability to bring you slippers.

Proceed in the same way. First introduce your dog to the slippers. Since their smell is familiar to the dog, let him remember the name. Repeat it for several days in a row. Next, try to play with them, throw them nearby and command “bring the slippers.” The dog already knows how to give them back. Strengthen the ability to bring them during the game. The next step is to teach how to do this outside the game. Ask the dog, who is in a good mood, to bring slippers.

Of course, this skill is more difficult to consolidate than the command “sit” or “no”, but patience and mutual understanding allow you to achieve the goal. After slippers, you can teach your dog to fetch a newspaper. It is necessary to work according to a similar scheme.

Basic tips for training an animal

Before you start training cats, you need to learn a few golden rules:

  • you need to teach the animal to obey and be disciplined;
  • encourage your pet with various treats;
  • do not raise your voice or hurt your pet;
  • have skill and patience, because you are unlikely to succeed in everything in one day;
  • the cat must obey commands with joy, and therefore before the lesson it must be fed, rested, and in a cheerful mood.

You can start training an animal from 4-5 months, when they can maintain coordination and effectively remember learned commands. Thus, you will be able to teach Murchik to respond to his own name, to walk on a leash, without fear that the animal will break free and run away “in all directions.”

Other commands

Teaching a cat the fetch command is more difficult, but this does not mean that it is impossible. Your pet can bring small things around the house, play ball, have fun and enjoy this procedure.

It is easier to teach a cat to stand on its hind legs based on its habits. To do this, you need to take a piece of food in one hand and lift it above the cat’s head, higher and higher, slowly moving back. The animal will follow you on its hind legs. Treats should be given after each task successfully completed.

You can also train the animal to walk like a snake between the owner’s legs, because minke whales love to be petted, so why not turn it into a game. What needs to be done? Catch the moment when the cat is nearby, move your right leg forward, and lower the treat to knee level. When the cat passes under your foot, put your left foot forward and repeat the procedure.

The procedure is simple, after a short time your pet will understand what you want from it and will happily carry out this command. The main thing is to praise and reward the animal with various goodies every time.

How to teach a cat to fetch a ball?

To do this, you need to tie a rope to the toy and get your pet interested by moving the ball around the floor. As soon as the cat begins to respond to your actions, to grab the object with its teeth and paws, you need to slowly pick up the ball and treat your pet with a treat.

In this case, you need to repeat the command “give me the ball”, repeat the call several times, and then throw the ball far to the side. Fluffy should run after the toy and bring it to you. If everything is done correctly, then within a few days you will be able to enjoy playing ball with your pet.

Command "lie down"

The training should not be long and exhausting; it is enough to practice this movement with your cat for 5 minutes before eating. Training should follow a well-known scheme - clearly say the command, get the result and reward the pet with a treat. At first, you need to show the animal what you want from it by lightly laying it on its side. Or you can give the treat by slightly raising it above your head. In this position, the head will rise and the opposite part will fall, in accordance with the cat's anatomy.

Also, cats learn to give a paw, jump, sit, and scratch behind the ear without any problems. To master all these commands, you must always remain calm and act only with affection and kindness.

How to say no!

If your cat likes to jump on the table or damage furniture, you can wait for this moment and sprinkle a few drops of water on it. The cat will run away and hide, and you can put in this place the spray bottle with which you doused your pet. Now she will not soon want to receive an “unwanted” gift from the sprinkler.

How to train a cat to follow commands

Even without training skills, any owner of a furry pet in the process of communication teaches him to respond to his name, use a litter tray and ask for food. If you set a goal, this list can be expanded.

The process of training cats is more complex than dogs. Four-legged friends enjoy following their owner’s commands and seeing his approval. Fluffy pets are more selfish. They prefer rewards and treats to any praise.

Compared to dogs, cats take much longer to learn to follow commands.

Trainer's Toolkit

Since animals do not speak human language, alternative means of communication must be used.

Table 1. Communication methods available to cats

Instrument Description Voice The animal has sensitive hearing. When a person gives a loud command to a cat, it perceives it as a cry. Stress that arises as a response blocks the ability to fulfill a request. Therefore, you should speak to your pet kindly and avoid an authoritative tone. Pronunciation A cat can remember about 50 words and associate them with certain actions

Therefore, it is important to be consistent in using voice commands. For example, if the phrase “fetch-fetch” was repeatedly used in a game with a ball, then a single “fetch” will not serve as a signal for the cat to act. Intonation The pet is well versed in the nuances of the human voice.

It is necessary to pronounce each address to him with the same intonation. Encouragement is the most important component of any training of representatives of the cat family. The method of stimulation depends on the individual preferences of the pet. If food is planned as a reward, you should make sure that this dish is not part of the animal’s usual diet.

Intonation The pet is well versed in the nuances of the human voice. It is necessary to pronounce each address to him with the same intonation. Encouragement is the most important component of any training of representatives of the cat family. The method of stimulation depends on the individual preferences of the pet. If food is planned as a reward, you should make sure that this dish is not part of the animal’s usual diet.

During the training process, you need to show endurance and patience.

5 tips from experienced trainers

Teaching your cat to perform simple tricks is easy. It is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of training and take into account the individual characteristics of the pet.

Reward is one of the most effective methods of training cats.

General recommendations:

  1. Create illusions of the game. A cat will never do anything he doesn't like. If you transfer training from an edifying plane to a playful one, your pet will learn the trick faster.
  2. Synchronize the voice command with the required movement. Even if the cat accidentally made the desired “pa” outside of training time, the appropriate words should be spoken. For example, if a pet puts its paw in the owner’s hand, you need to say “High five!”
  3. Encourage in a timely manner. One of the main mistakes in cat training is late stimulation. In order to consolidate in the animal’s mind the connection between the action and the subsequent reward, there is no need to postpone the completion of the last point.
  4. Choose your verbal praise wisely. You should not encourage your pet with phrases that are familiar to him. For these purposes, you need to choose an expression that is not used in everyday life.
  5. Do not punish or scold your pet. Cats are not naturally submissive. The animal does not draw a parallel between educational measures and failure to fulfill a request. Instead, it will begin to hate its owner and stop responding to any commands.

When training cats, you should not show authority. The pet must decide for himself what he wants to do during training.

Swearing and assault are contraindicated


If the decision to train a cat has been made, you need to be patient. It is necessary to take into account the waywardness of pets.


  1. Place the animal on a chair.
  2. Place another one nearby and place a piece of food on it.
  3. When the cat makes a jump, you need to pronounce a short and concise decree, for example “Up”.
  4. After landing, don’t forget to praise the stuntman.

When the cat learns to react quickly, you can try giving food from your hands, repeating the commands step by step. The transition to the next tricks is possible only when the animal learns to instantly carry out the order. Frequent rehearsals are needed to consolidate the material.


The “sit” command is useful for restraining a cat, for example, during medical examinations. With regular encouragement of sitting still, the pet will learn to wait for food without getting in the way. How to teach:

  1. Show the animal a piece of treat and entice him to come to you.
  2. After the cat has approached, raise your hand slightly above his head.
  3. Repeat the trick on a regular basis, remembering to say the command. It will be short and catchy - “sit down.”

We must remember that cats should not feel pressure. They are too proud to follow human orders, so the command must be pronounced calmly and confidently without raising the tone.

Bring it

Entertainment team. You can demand to move objects in your teeth by initially throwing this same toy. Cats love foil, so you can start training with a shiny piece rolled into a ball.

  1. You can play with your cat with a small and light toy.
  2. Throw her nearby.
  3. When the animal takes the toy in its teeth, say the command.
  4. Don't forget to praise the cat and reward it with a treat.
  5. When she wants to eat, she will bring the toy to her feet.

Yuri Kuklachev with his cat


This command is an indispensable skill when visiting the veterinarian. The cat needs to be seated, shown a tasty morsel and slowly lowered down. Of course, the animal’s head will fall behind it, then you need to move the food to the side. Ideally, the pet should lie down on its own. As soon as the cat lies down, you can praise him and treat him with food.

Give me your paw

Squeeze the piece of food into your fist and let your cat sniff your hand. Wait until the pet tries all attempts to get food with its paws. With your free hand, hold the paw placed on your fist and loudly pronounce the command action, then immediately throw the food. With good practice in the future, after the command “give me your paw”, the pet will raise the limb upward.

Serve, gopher or bunny

You need to let the cat sniff the food and slowly raise your hand from the nose upward. The animal will reach for the treat and stand on its hind legs, at this moment you need to say a command and give the treat. You can’t give it away until you get the desired pose.


Stroke the lying animal on the back and remove the gift from the muzzle forward. If you do not allow the cat to get up, he will begin to pull himself up on his claws towards the treat. You need to praise him, reward him with something tasty, and don’t forget the voice command “Crawl.”

Training without a clicker

Such tricks should be taught to a cat only if touching the paw does not cause her discomfort. If your pet has recently been declawed, this trick may be painful.

You can teach the “High Five” command without using a clicker.


  1. Hold the culinary bait in your fist.
  2. Allow your pet to sniff your hand.
  3. Wait until the cat tries to get the food with its paw.
  4. When the paw is on top of the fist, say the command “High five!”
  5. Give the delicacy and pet the animal.

After a few weeks, the cat will learn to lift the limb. Since there will be no support, it will appear that she is waving her paw.

Command “Come to me!” (Come here!)

Suppose you have chosen a name for your kitten or cat and want it to come when its name is called. As an example, I chose the name Chiper because it consists of two syllables and sounds, short and sweet. You can expect a cat to come when called if it has a presentiment of something pleasant. Do not begin training your cat by calling him in for medical procedures or bathing. This can be done later. Don't call your cat in a loud, angry voice. Not a single cat will approach an owner who belligerently shouts: “Cheeper, come here!” Who broke our aunt’s vase?”

Use your cat's name every time you feed him, even if he is waiting at your feet. Call your cat to come to dinner when he is in another room. Say cheerfully, with pleasure: “Chipper, come to me!” Be consistent and use the same words and tone of voice every time you call your cat. If the cat does not come when called, pick it up, place it near the food bowl, and say: “Chipper, come to me!” and put the food in the bowl. After Chipper has associated his arrival on command with feeding, start calling him under other circumstances. Reward the cat with a tasty piece; Treats can be replaced with affection, praise, or other rewards.

For recommended treats, see the article “Positive Reinforcement.”

It all starts with fetch

Before teaching a pet to fetch slippers, he is first taught fetch. If the dog is motivated to fetch, it will be much easier with slippers.

How do we teach a dog the “fetch” command? To do this you will need a rubber ball and knowledge of the “come to me” command.

Now someone will be outraged reading the article. They promised to talk about how to train a dog to bring slippers to its owner, but they themselves talk about “come to me” and “fetch.” Don’t rush to be indignant, everything is interconnected. And now it will be clear why.

So, let’s go with the dog to the field, to the wasteland, to the forest. In general, anywhere, as long as there is an opportunity to let her off the leash. Let your pet off the leash and start playing with him with a ball. Ideally, the ball should be on a rope. These are now sold in pet stores, especially for dog training. Having played the dog properly, we throw the ball forward. The dog ran after him, grabbed him, we called him with the command “come to me.” The animal returns to the owner, the latter takes the ball, saying the command “give”. If the dog does not yet know it, then the ball is exchanged for a treat. Is it clear how we act? We give the command “give” and immediately offer a treat. The dog releases the ball from its mouth into its owner's hand.

After making friends with the “give” command, we move on to the “fetch” command. Everything is the same: we throw the ball, but with the command “fetch”. We throw and at the same time say the command. The dog runs after the ball, returns to the owner and gives a return on the command “give”. Only after the pet learns to give the ball back immediately, you can practice one “fetch” command, without adding the “give” command.

The command “Sit!”

Your cat can be trained to sit on command. Preferably before feeding, place the cat on the floor and kneel next to him. If he gets bored and sits down, give the command “Sit!”, which coincides with the action. Use one word “Sit!” for command and reward the cat with a treat when he responds correctly. If the cat remains standing, gently press on the back quarter of his body to give the command. Reward sitting. Work with your cat only for short periods - 5 minutes at most - so that you and he don't get bored during the training process.

What commands should you start training with?

Cat training begins with simple, easy and memorable commands. If the owner has the free time, desire and patience necessary to train the animal, then you can begin to practice.

To me

A simple command, thanks to which the cat understands that he is being called for a treat. You need to pick up the pet, bring it to the plate and say a voice command, calling its name.


You need to bend over and say the instructions loudly. Then praise the pet, stroke it and repeat everything described above again.

Command "Stop!"

I knew people who taught cats to stop on command. This valuable command comes in very handy when the cat is approaching danger or is about to commit mischief. Learn “Stop!” you must use your hands: bend your hand at a right angle, making a barrier for the cat to advance. Choose the right moment when the cat is moving towards you and make a barrier with your hand, while commanding “Stop!” When the cat obeys by stopping on command, reward him. Later, when the cat learns the command, you don't have to make any gestures.

Rules for working with animals

They train in a quiet room, staying alone with the pet. Lesson duration is 10 minutes with a rest break. Each action is practiced 4–5 times. A program to introduce your furry pet to new skills doesn't have to be stressful. You cannot engage in training after vaccination, as well as in case of any painful conditions. Do not learn two tricks at once, so as not to confuse the animal. Remember that training abilities vary.

Tip: train your pet during the day or evening, 3-4 hours after feeding. A hungry animal will not want to work, but a well-fed animal will prefer to wash itself and take a nap.

What you will need

Instead of a spacious circus arena, any flat area that is convenient for you and your cat will do: a floor with a rug or a grassy lawn near the house. For more complex tricks, you will have to prepare special furniture. Select toys: a tennis ball or a skein of woolen thread.

Mr. Cat recommends: TOP 5 easiest cat breeds to train

Unfortunately, some pets do not pay attention to any commands, much less tricks. But there are also breeds of animals that in a few months can become participants in circus performances. Here is their list:


The differences are in heightened curiosity, sociability and fearlessness. Due to their muscular body and long fingers, they perform difficult tricks with ease.

American Shorthair

Pets of this breed quickly master many commands and become accustomed to the tray.


Active, fast, playful cats, not afraid of water. Amenable to training, they do not refuse goodies.


One of the most loyal breeds, these cats are constantly on the heels of their owner. When having fun, he can make a mess and likes to watch TV. They are easy to teach commands and perform all tricks perfectly.

Are all cats trainable?

Just like people, learning abilities vary from cat to cat. Some learn commands quickly and easily, while others have difficulty mastering them. Even an animal that is unable to learn can be taught simple commands, but the training process will be longer and more complex. Intellectual abilities, memory and devotion to the owner play a big role.

Cat trainer Yuri Kuklachev

It is believed that some breeds are easier to train than others. The first include the Thai, Siamese, Abyssinian and Anatolian cats, Burmese, Savannah, Kuril and Japanese bobtails. Practice shows that the most important role is played not by the breed, but by the character of the pet. The famous trainer Yuri Kuklachev notes that outbred cats often show more impressive results than purebred cats, since they are more loyal and obedient.

Are all cats trainable? With rare exceptions, yes. Almost any cat, even one not brilliant with intelligence, will drop what it’s doing and run to the kitchen when it hears the clink of a bowl, the rustling of a pack of food, or the words “eat.” The pet has built a logical connection - when it runs towards the sound, it receives reward in the form of food.

How to teach a kitten to fetch small objects?

Cats can be trained to fetch small objects, such as a plastic bottle cap. Cats can imitate, so you can start training by demonstrating a trick. Get down on all fours to get closer to the cat's level. Place the cork in your open hand and let your cat look and smell it. Throw the cork a short distance and say “Bring it!” before crawling. to bring it back to where your cat is standing and watching intently; you can even bring a cork in your teeth. It may be better to do the first training session when you and your cat are alone at home - otherwise, your family may think that you are not right in the head. Do two or three such trainings - throwing a cork while you speak; “Bring it, Chipper!” If the cat ignores you and the traffic jam after a few throws, stop training for a while. If he picks up the game and comes back to you with a cork, reward him with a treat or the words “good kitten.” If the cat runs after the cork but brings it to the corner instead of returning it to you, ignore your careless student. Reinforce only the right actions and reactions.

Useful video

Video instructions on how to accustom a kitten and an adult cat to a scratching post:

Patience, persistence and regular repetition will help train even the most stubborn pets. There is such a procedure in the world as removal of nail phalanges. However, in many countries it is equated with mutilation and is opposed to these actions, and we are of the same opinion.

If you can’t get your cat accustomed to a scratching post, then you can think about using silicone anti-scratch pads or trim your pet’s claws more often, and our article on proper claw trimming will help you with this.

Everyone is responsible for those they have tamed, therefore, when taking a new animal into your home, it is important to understand all the responsibility and natural needs of pets. Accustoming to a scratching post is a complex process that requires a lot of time, but this is the only option when, as they say, both the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe

Leave comments on the article about what methods you know of training a cat to use a scratching post.

Team "Up!"

Jumping through a hoop is a trick that will give your cat a mini-lion specialty in the home circus. Hoops of suitable size can be used as embroidery hoops, decorated accordingly to achieve a circus effect. Place the hoop on the floor and stand on the side of it opposite the cat. Lure the cat through the hoop. If he's leash trained, walk him through the hoop with him. When he gets close to the hoop, say, "Up, Cheeper!" and reward him with affection, praise and treats as he passes through. When the cat learns to go through the hoop, lift it a few centimeters from the floor. Reward your cat every time he jumps through a raised hoop. If the cat tries to go around or under the hoop, place the hoop in the cat's path so the cat has to go through it. If the cat manages to go around the hoop, refrain from rewarding it. After several training sessions, your cat should be able to jump through a hoop that is raised half a meter at the command “Up”.

What can you teach a cat

The commands that are taught to dogs can also be taught to cats, especially curious ones. She can learn to sit, lie down, give a paw, fetch a toy and do various tricks. You can teach your pet elements of a circus program: jumping through a hoop, walking on its hind legs, fetching a ball.

Special training systems have been developed for cats and are used by people at home. With regular exercise, even a 2-month-old kitten will achieve positive results.

Special conditions must be created for training, then the result will be as effective as possible:

Your four-legged friend must be in good health. It’s better if the cat ate a long time ago, then rewarding it with a treat works better. A good, playful mood between the owner and the cat - it is important that the pet enjoys the process. The lesson should not last long, no more than five minutes: cats quickly lose interest in training. Age also matters - you should not train small kittens, less than two months old or old kittens, most likely this will not bring the desired results.

When and where to start training a cat, procedure

You need to start, of course, with preparation. First, observe your pet. If he carries a toy in his teeth, then you should try to teach him the “fetch” command; he loves to jump - introduce a jump through a hoop or onto the owner’s shoulders. When a pet touches its owner with its paws, in order to attract attention, you can enter the command “give me your paw.”

It’s worth paying attention to the cat’s habits. When he gets tired, how long he can play, what food he likes. All these elements of training will allow you to achieve better training results without much effort.

It must be taken into account that when an animal does not like something, it will be almost impossible to force it to do it. It is important to present training as a game and as part of communication with the owner.

Why does the kitten not want to sit in your arms?

Every cat, even once domestic, treats humans with caution. When meeting, he usually hides in a far corner and does not let you approach him. There is no need to try to fish him out of a secluded place, since it takes time for him to get used to the surrounding smells in a new home

There is no need to try to fish him out of a secluded place, since it takes time for him to get used to the surrounding smells in a new home.

In an unfamiliar place, due to stress, the cat first huddles in a corner

It is definitely impossible to answer the question why cats don’t want to sit in your arms. There are several reasons for this, and they can be combined.


The reluctance to communicate closely with humans may be inherent in the character of the animal. Some individuals behave independently. Those with the harshest dispositions avoid contact with humans altogether.

Shy cats don't want to be handled for a long time


There are breeds whose representatives love to spend time in the arms of their owner more than others. The top 8 included:

  • Siberian;
  • menx;
  • Burmese;
  • ragdoll;
  • Burmese;
  • Russian blue;
  • sphinx;
  • exotic

But the peculiarity of the British and lop-eared breeds is that they refuse to sit on their hands. Therefore, if you find such a cat on the street (this also happens), there is no need to persist. It is enough to establish a trusting relationship.


The cat refuses the hands of the owner in the following cases:

kittens are very active, and their attention is easily distracted by more interesting things; the owner smells of citrus fruits, alcohol, seasonings, hygiene and cosmetic products, and washing powder; grievances experienced in the past - beatings, bullying; fear of loss of balance and heights; non-recognition of other family members other than the one who tamed him; fear of sharp sounds, screaming; if children who do not know how to handle an animal pick it up, they squeeze it and offend it; sudden movements and pinching are made

Cats don't like the smell of laundry detergent lingering on freshly washed laundry.

The likelihood that a cat will be picked up increases in a calm atmosphere. When teaching a dog to hold hands, the environment in the house should be as calm as possible. A scandal, the sound of a TV on, loud shouts will cause fear and disrupt plans to pacify.

Unfortunately, not all small kittens are happy to sit quietly and spend time in the arms of their owner, especially in stressful situations or if the pet is very scared. In addition, not all furry cats require increased attention and avoid close contact with humans. This applies not only to wild street adult cats, cats of certain breeds, but also to kittens that you came out of a helpless little lump. But you really want to cuddle and caress your beloved pet.

Cats are arrogant

In most cases, cats allow themselves to be loved, accept our care, guardianship, and attention. Even a small kitten will not always sit quietly in your arms, allowing itself to be squeezed for hours. Remember that cats are very capricious and freedom-loving animals.

Remember that cats are very capricious and freedom-loving animals.

Why don't cats like to be held? The reasons for this behavior may be the following:

Breed characteristics, genetic predisposition.

Fear of heights, loss of balance. There are cats that are afraid of heights, weightlessness and do not like balance. Sitting in your arms, the kitten experiences fear and discomfort.

Incorrect socialization, adaptation.

Frequent stressful situations, mobile type of nervous system. If the cat is frightened or has suffered severe stress, even the calmest kitten, experiencing anxiety, will try to escape from the hands and run to a safe place.

Rough treatment of animals. Cats remember their abuser very well, and if you used physical violence, the pet will no longer fully trust you.

Strong unpleasant odors, according to the cat, emanating from the owner and his hands. Cats do not like the aroma of perfumes, especially citrus notes, or the smell of tobacco. Perhaps you have previously petted another cat or dog and the smell of the “stranger” scares the kitten away.

Street kittens and pets taken from shelters are reluctant to make contact. Since childhood, animals have not received much attention from humans and have been deprived of love and affection. It is possible that a street kitten was offended by a person, and the animal harbored a grudge against us for the rest of its life and no longer trusts the person.

Active, hyperactive, inquisitive kittens are reluctant to sit in your arms. It is difficult for them to sit in one place, much less on your lap or hands. After all, there are so many interesting things in the world.


Does your cat scratch at the door to go outside? Teach him to ring the bell to call you to open the door. Place the bell as close to the door as possible where the cat is scratching. Do not open the door in the presence of the cat until the bell has rung. When the cat scratches at the door, take his paw and ring the bell. Open the door immediately after the bell sounds and let the cat outside. Ignore your cat when he scratches at the door and doesn't call. Once your cat has learned to ring when he wants to go out, gradually move the bell to a more appropriate location.


Basic commands for cats

Start teaching your home artist with simple instructions. First master: “Come to me,” then “Sit” or “Give me your paw.” Walking like a snake also does not require much physical effort. When your mustachioed friend can stand for at least 5 seconds without leaning on anything, start jumping exercises.


Hide a couple of pieces of food in your fist. Cross your arms over your chest, letting your cat know you have a treat in store. Wait until she sits next to you, taking the pose of an Egyptian sphinx. Then immediately say the command and reward with a treat. Then raise your palm above her head and force her to stand. Repeat the exercise two or three times, ensuring that the pet sits at your command for 5-6 seconds and reinforce obedience with a piece of food and praise.


The easiest way to teach a furry fidget this trick is when he is tired of playing and wants to rest. Stroke the cat on the back so that it assumes a horizontal position. Name the team, don’t forget to give them a piece of food. Unfortunately, this method is used only on occasion and is not suitable for daily practice.

Learning the command “Lie down” begins after following the orders “Come to me” and “Sit”

With the usual method of training, a sitting pet is lured with food, lowering the piece almost to the floor. Of course, first the animal will try to catch a portion of food with its claws. The owner, without wasting time, must push the front paws so that the cat sits on its stomach. All that remains is to say: “Lie down!” We give the pet a tasty reward in such a way that he takes it without getting up. Otherwise, the animal will get confused and will not be able to understand what needs to be done.


The trick is taught on a chair with a backrest so that the animal, especially a young one, is not afraid of losing its balance and falling. Show the cat a piece of food, holding it in the fingers of your right hand. They turn away and quickly transfer the treat to their left palm. The free one makes a conditional gesture over the pet's head, forcing it to stretch up and stand on its hind legs. She will try to grab your hand with her front ones. Order: “Stop!” After two seconds, give the prepared piece of food, praise and caress.

Give me your paw

The command is executed when your furry pet sits next to you. Hide a treat in your clenched fingers. Let her sniff the fist and try to get the food. Press the raised paw into the palm of your free hand, give the order and reward the “student”.

A piece of treat in the pet's field of view makes the training process easier

In some cases, the trainer himself has to take hold of the clawed metacarpus, showing the cat what action is required of it. The forced method of explanation is used if the animal tries to get food with its teeth.

Video: how to teach a cat to say hello

Usually the pet easily learns the command and demonstrates a new skill within a week.

To me

To practice the skill, choose a moment when your mustachioed friend is at a distance but sees you. Show the prepared reward, say the name of the pet with the addition of the command “Come to me.” If you run up right away, please them with something tasty and say: “Good” or “Bravo”. Distract the purr with something and repeat the order 2-3 times, no more.

Bring it

While frolicking, kittens often drag their favorite toys around the house. Having matured, animals retain this habit. The trainer can only improve it. It is enough to pick up a ball of thread from its mouth and throw it at a distance of no more than a meter. If your pet grabs a rolling ball and moves away, follow it. Saying: “Bring it,” remove the object from the animal’s mouth and treat it with food.

The difficulty of this task is that the fast runner should not place the toy on the floor near the trainer’s feet. He needs to return with the item and give it to the owner. To get the desired result, you will need patience.

Jumping through a hoop

To prepare the trick, decorate a plastic or cardboard circle with bright fabric. The device should be familiar to the cat and not cause fear in it. Place the hoop in front of the future circus performer, holding it with your right hand. Use your left hand with a piece of cheese to lure your pet to step over the obstacle. Having said: “Up”, hand over the treat.

When the animal can freely walk back and forth inside the device, raise the ring 5–7 cm. Reward your pet every time after a jump. Gradually increase the height of the hoop above the mat until it reaches half a meter.

To teach tricks, choose a secluded place so that the pet is not distracted by anything.


The trick is intended for affectionate animals who love to express their sympathy for humans. Before training, lubricate the tip of your nose with pate. Sit back and call the cat. Let him jump into your lap. Take the purring purr in your arms and stroke it. Then tilt your head towards his muzzle so that your noses touch. When your furry pet starts licking the “bait”, say: “Kiss” and do not skimp on words of approval.

The “Kiss” command is taught to vaccinated animals that do not have access to the street.


Rolling from one side to the other is a natural ability of the cat tribe. This is an invitation to play and a desire to share a great mood. A person can only complicate the task by getting a circus act. After the “Lie down” command, bring the food hidden in your fingers to your pet’s face. Slowly move your hand behind the withers, then along the back to the tail. Wanting not to lose sight of the treat, the cat will roll over, stretching its front paws. Lightly tap your palm on the floor so that the purr is back on his stomach. Give the command: “Somersault” and reward for execution.


Walking a trained cat between its handler's legs is an age-old trick. He always makes the audience smile. To teach your animal this skill, choose a moment when your pet is nearby and step forward. To make the learning process easier, take the food supply in both hands. Lure with a treat by moving your palm to the side of your knee. When the pupil goes around the leg, move on and continue the lesson, repeating the word: “Snake” or “Snake” and periodically rewarding with food.

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