Nicknames for boys and girls dachshunds - how to name a puppy, popular and funny names, how to choose the right name

An elongated body, short strong legs and a narrow muzzle - this is a dachshund. Despite the non-standard proportions, it looks very harmonious. This is a serious breed, which was bred in Germany specifically for burrow hunting of foxes, raccoon dogs and badgers.

Obeying a powerful instinct, the dachshund is ready to dig holes everywhere, even in the parquet. It is amenable to education and training, but at the same time it requires respect for oneself and one’s personal space.

At the same time, she will sleep next to you, snoring, demand something tasty, look with sad biblical eyes and will not take your personal space into account.

Frosya knows better how the hostess is comfortable

However, all these are trifles when it comes to love. Dachshunds are active, cheerful and agile dogs that know how to adapt to the rhythm of their owner’s life, loyal companions, fearless defenders, faithful playmates, patient and attentive listeners.

The nickname for them should be chosen especially carefully: dachshunds do not remember long, especially double names.

Popular nicknames

For boys:

  • Adriano
  • Alf
  • Amkus
  • Armen
  • Arsen
  • Archie
  • Star anise
  • Basil
  • Bucks,
  • Baksheesh
  • Banana
  • Trampoline
  • Dad
  • Benya
  • Black
  • Bean
  • Bodya
  • Bonik
  • Borya
  • Boss
  • Boatswain
  • Bromine
  • Bruno
  • Bruce
  • Buba
  • Bagel
  • Weiner
  • Vegas
  • Venya
  • Turn
  • Gaul
  • Hector
  • Henry
  • Hercules
  • Hermann
  • Gray
  • Grisha
  • Gremlin
  • Jazz
  • Jack
  • Jeff
  • Jim
  • Jobs
  • David
  • Jacques
  • Zhora
  • Zeus
  • Marshmallow
  • Eli
  • Iolaus
  • Casper
  • Cake
  • Keklik
  • Kinder
  • Clyde
  • Kuzya
  • Cooper
  • Leva
  • Lyolik
  • Leon
  • Locky
  • Longs
  • Lot
  • Lucas
  • Buttercup
  • Mike
  • Max
  • Marley
  • Mars
  • Martyush
  • Marshal
  • My lord
  • Mishutka
  • Morgan
  • Musick
  • Muscat
  • Natick
  • Nesquik
  • Nickel
  • Nils
  • Ozzy
  • Oliver
  • Onyx
  • Oscar
  • Patrick
  • Pixel
  • Pete
  • Plutto
  • Paul
  • Pony
  • Raf
  • Rich
  • Robert
  • Rocky
  • Romik
  • Ron
  • Rusik
  • Ryzhik
  • Ray
  • Ram
  • Senya
  • Sky
  • Takki
  • Dachshund
  • Taxi driver
  • Payphone,
  • Tatosha
  • Taylor
  • Theo
  • Thyme
  • Timosha
  • Tolik
  • Volume
  • Troy
  • Tube
  • Tyaf
  • Hijacking
  • Umka
  • Unter
  • Fartik
  • Faust
  • Filya
  • Friend
  • Frank
  • Khariton
  • Harley
  • Holmes
  • Tsar
  • Chucky
  • Chaplin
  • Charlie
  • Chapai
  • Chester
  • Chile
  • Chip
  • Dude
  • Shaitan
  • Charles
  • Sheldon
  • Shonik
  • Nice
  • Eddie,
  • Excel
  • Elvis
  • Andy
  • Ashley
  • Yarik
  • Yasha

Eddie is resting
For girls:

  • Ada
  • Iris
  • Alpha
  • Amira
  • Arusya
  • Aster
  • Asya,
  • Afka
  • Basya
  • Buffy
  • Baby
  • Bertha
  • Bonya
  • Boska
  • Boo
  • Busya
  • Beauty
  • Veta
  • Viva
  • Vlaska
  • Gabby
  • Giza
  • GIF
  • Greta
  • Darina
  • Delia
  • Jesse
  • Gina
  • Dixie
  • Donya
  • Dosya
  • Dusya
  • Melon
  • Eve
  • Josie
  • Zhuzha
  • Julia
  • Zara
  • Zlata
  • Zyuzya
  • Ida
  • Isis
  • And I
  • Kasia
  • Blot
  • Knopa
  • Coco
  • Croft
  • Ksyusha
  • Cassie
  • Lada
  • Lyme
  • Leila
  • Lei
  • Lizon
  • Lily
  • Lina,
  • Lissa
  • Lorik
  • Lucy
  • Lyalya
  • Mayan
  • Mallow
  • Manya
  • Margot
  • Martha
  • Masyanya
  • Matilda
  • Mila
  • Michelle
  • Molly
  • Mona
  • Monica
  • Mulya
  • Nelya
  • Nika
  • Nyasha
  • Olvia
  • Penelope
  • Pusya
  • Bee
  • Pappy
  • Rocket
  • Remy
  • Salma
  • Sandra
  • Silvia
  • Cindy
  • Sonya
  • Stella
  • Stepanida
  • Taya
  • Tessa
  • Thea
  • Tina
  • Top
  • Tusya
  • Pumpkin
  • Tyapa
  • Fanta
  • Phoebe
  • Figurine
  • Chip
  • Flora
  • Foxy
  • Frau
  • Fry
  • Frosya
  • Hannah
  • Haya
  • Holly
  • Cherry
  • Chilka
  • Shakira
  • Chanelka
  • Sheila
  • Ellie
  • Emma
  • Estella

Tessa is waiting for her mistress

Nicknames for dogs of small breeds dachshund

For dwarf dachshunds, appropriate nicknames are selected; they emphasize the diminutiveness of males and females. Ideally, when they sound, dachshunds should feel the attention, care and affection of the owner. Standard size pets are called Big, Max, Grand, Gross, mini - Little, Peanut, Junior, Krosh, Hobbit. The smallest rabbit taxis are called Mini, Munchkin, Knop, Elf, Smalley, Bob, Baby, Baby.


For small species of the breed, names are chosen that can influence the fate of the pet. To do this, you need to find out the meaning of nicknames and, only after making sure that they match their appearance, choose a specific nickname:

  1. Fox is a hunter.
  2. Herman is the birthplace of the breed.
  3. Smart – intelligent, quick-witted.
  4. Straight is straight.
  5. Kurtz is small in size.
  6. Watson is a tracker.

Red-haired Dachshund boys can be called Goldie, which means golden dog. Schwartz is a name for black dogs meaning coal, black, gloomy, black, sad. A dog with a strong character is called Adam, a cheerful dog is called Caesar, a dog who loves to be in the center of attention is called Athos, and an energetic dog is called Volchok.


Little taxis are charming, the most beautiful and affectionate names suit them. The nickname for a girl's dachshund with a description of the meaning makes it possible to find the most suitable one:

  1. Alpha is the very first.
  2. Nixie is a fairy.
  3. Vesta – keeps the hearth and hearth.
  4. Nika - victory.
  5. Gerda is a protector.
  6. Lyme is happiness.
  7. Ada is a decoration.
  8. Jula is a treasure.

For restless little ones, choose between Byaka, Diva, Bulka, Yagodka, Rumba. A huge number of cute and beautiful female names for girls: Agnes, Amelie, Bella, Betty, Wendy, Velda, Grace, Glory, Daphne, Dina, Giselle, Zhuzha, Zosya, Irene, Kerry, Linda, Lada, Marta, Michelle, Neya, Audrey, Pleia, Rina, Oira, Selena, Unita, Phoebe, Hannah, Elsa, Utah.

Beautiful and rare German names

Since the breed was bred in Germany, it is quite natural to give the dog a German name: it is colorful and original.

We recommend watching: 345+ Ukrainian and Belarusian nicknames

For boys:

  • Alois
  • Appel
  • Armin
  • Astor
  • Bauer
  • Bruno
  • Boulder
  • Weber
  • Wulf
  • Hans
  • Hansel
  • Henry
  • Herbert
  • Hermann
  • Gottlieb
  • Gruber
  • Gustav
  • Gunther
  • Dirk
  • Dieter
  • Dietrich
  • Ivo
  • Johan
  • Charles
  • Koehler
  • Klaus
  • Klein
  • Christophe
  • Lenz
  • Mayer
  • Marzipan
  • Mathis
  • Moritz
  • Muller
  • Odo
  • Olaf
  • Otto
  • Pankratz
  • Rainer
  • Ralph
  • Richter
  • Rothman
  • Rudy
  • Sven
  • Simen
  • Steffen
  • Tillo
  • Ulrich
  • Falk
  • Fester
  • Fritz
  • Haas
  • Hertz
  • Hunk
  • Hartman
  • Hake
  • Hellmut
  • Henrik
  • Hofmann
  • Schwartz
  • Schmidt
  • Schneider
  • Schnapps
  • Schnitzel
  • Stolz
  • Strudel
  • Shredder
  • Ab
  • Erich
  • Etzel
  • Jurgen
  • Yangel

Wirehaired Dachshund Mayer
For girls:

  • Agna
  • Adala
  • Alma
  • Alna
  • Auma
  • Amalia
  • Anel
  • Belinda
  • Borna
  • Bruna
  • Verena
  • Vida
  • Wilda
  • Gerda
  • Garte
  • Greta
  • Grimm
  • Dagmar
  • Jisa
  • Zenzi
  • Yvon
  • Ilma
  • Irma
  • Issel
  • Clara
  • Keel
  • Kirsa
  • Corinna
  • Leni
  • Leona
  • Lehrte
  • Liis
  • Leda
  • Lossa
  • Laura
  • Lotta
  • Lulu
  • Marlene
  • Meta
  • Oh yeah
  • Odile
  • Oste
  • Ryke
  • Reta
  • Rula
  • Senta
  • Sommer
  • Ulrika
  • Frida
  • Hannah
  • Helena
  • Henrique
  • Hilda
  • Helga
  • Steffi
  • Elsa
  • Bera
  • Ele
  • Elta
  • Este
  • Henne
  • Schwartz

Photogenic Lotta

Geographic nicknames

The geographical map of Germany is also replete with interesting names that could become a nickname for your dachshund.

  • Aachen
  • Bavarian
  • Berlin
  • Bonn
  • Bochum
  • Weser
  • Vein
  • Witten
  • Worms
  • Hamburg
  • Halle
  • Giessen
  • Duren
  • Jena
  • Siegen
  • Iserlohn
  • Kassel
  • Cologne
  • Keel
  • Koblenz
  • Lubeck
  • Mine
  • Mainz
  • Marl
  • Munster
  • Noyce
  • Rhine
  • Rostock
  • Ruhr
  • Saar
  • Trier
  • Tun
  • Ulm
  • Felbert
  • Furth
  • Hagen
  • Hamm
  • Chemnitz
  • Elbe
  • Erfurt
  • Essen

Guess who's Essen and who's Siegen?

Jewish names

  • Tell me, are you selling dachshund puppies?
  • Yes.
  • Are they real?
  • What do you have in mind?
  • Well, do they have the eternal sorrow of the Jewish people in their eyes?
  • Abi
  • Abrash
  • Aviva
  • Adam
  • Ari
  • Asher
  • Kugel
  • Bagel
  • Baum
  • Bloom
  • Boruch
  • Gil
  • Hirsch
  • Dara
  • Dina
  • Dodik
  • Dora
  • Zyama
  • Izya
  • Ethan
  • Yosya
  • Kezia
  • Klein
  • Latke
  • Levi
  • Leona
  • Matzo
  • Mendel
  • Motl
  • Motya
  • Nonna
  • Nyuma
  • Pickles
  • Rosen
  • Rosette
  • Samson
  • Sarah
  • Syoma
  • Solomon
  • Sofochka
  • Hana
  • Tsilya
  • Tea
  • Shayna
  • Helmet
  • Shmulik
  • Ezra

Yes, Mendel knows how to endure


The video below will help you in choosing a nickname:

Choosing a name for a new family member - a dachshund - is not an easy task. However, it is much easier to make a decision when there is plenty to choose from.

Nicknames for brave kids

The Dachshund puppy is completely fearless: he is ready to challenge the whole world to fight to protect those whom he considers his family. Why not give him a name that reflects his bravery?

  • Ala
  • Athos
  • Athena
  • Bagration
  • Batyr
  • The battle
  • Valkyrie
  • Viking
  • Danko
  • Dobrynya
  • General
  • Hercules
  • Gerard
  • Zhukov
  • Kamikaze
  • Captain
  • Corporal
  • Stuntman
  • Quadra
  • Courage
  • Marshal
  • Sailor
  • Muromets
  • Pilot
  • Porthos
  • Prometheus
  • Bullet
  • Roland
  • Rochefort
  • Torpedo
  • Tugarin
  • Brave
  • Grip
  • Caesar
  • Stirlitz
  • Bayonet
  • cabin boy
  • Eustace
  • Erg
  • Janusz

Longhaired dachshund Valkyrie

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The whole family can choose a name for your pet, because it’s really quite a fun thing.
  2. It is important to take into account all the recommendations of experts and do not forget that the chosen name can affect the character of the animal.
  3. In addition, the owner will have to pronounce the nickname more than once throughout the day, which means it should be easy to pronounce.
  4. If you take into account all these nuances, then you can easily choose the nickname that best suits your pet.

Literary nicknames

Naming your pets after characters from Great Literature has become a tradition both throughout the world and in Russia.

  • Azazel
  • Alice
  • Achilles
  • Argus
  • Archie
  • Jabberwocky
  • Bilbo
  • Bingo
  • Hedwig
  • Back
  • Watson
  • The Witcher
  • Vishnu
  • Hamlet
  • Ganelon
  • Harry
  • Garuda
  • Gertrude
  • Gatsby
  • Dudley
  • Jen
  • Dodo
  • Don
  • Siegfried
  • Indra
  • Cuthbert
  • Lear
  • Lobo
  • Buttercup
  • Merlin
  • Merta
  • Macbeth
  • Nibelung
  • Norbert
  • Odysseus
  • Othello
  • Ophelia
  • Peeves
  • Pip
  • Pluto
  • Polonium
  • Luna
  • Potter
  • Roland
  • Rochester
  • Sylph
  • Trix
  • Falkor
  • Frodo
  • Humpty Dumpty
  • Sherlock
  • Scar
  • Ed
  • Edda
  • Erast

Little Buttercup is not afraid of the sea. He respects him.

Hunting nicknames

There is also a whole group of names that are commonly used to call hunting dogs, which are based on the characteristic or expected features of a dachshund. In addition, the entire hunting environment is well suited as nicknames.

We recommend watching: 325+ nicknames for Fox Terrier

For boys:

  • Excitement
  • Aldan
  • Atay
  • Bass
  • Batu
  • Bim
  • Throw
  • Bushman
  • Go ahead
  • Wind
  • Viy
  • Garay
  • Gordon
  • Green
  • Grozny
  • Sauer
  • Know
  • Heat
  • Katay
  • Katun
  • Chris
  • Mars
  • Poloz
  • Nuthatch
  • Powder
  • Dancer
  • Fog
  • Umka
  • smart ass
  • Khazar
  • Rotten
  • Humpty
  • Shaly
  • Lard
  • Noise
  • Janissary

It wasn't called Throw for nothing!
For girls:

  • Avra
  • Ira
  • Aita
  • Alta
  • Bora
  • Spark
  • screw
  • Jackdaw
  • Gerda
  • Gidea
  • Sleeve
  • Diva
  • Kella
  • Bark
  • Laga
  • Okay
  • Lei
  • Mira
  • Nagla
  • Oika
  • Peva
  • Polka
  • Pomka
  • Bullet
  • Sata
  • Smeyka
  • Jay
  • Steel
  • Arrow
  • Ushba
  • Freya
  • Frida
  • Chara

Freya has not yet been taken hunting. But she's getting ready

Funny nicknames

The peculiar appearance of the dachshund, its behavior, reactions, “facial expression” become not only a source of good mood, but also a reason for jokes.

  • Aluminum
  • Assa
  • Banzai
  • Barberry
  • loaf
  • Vybegallo
  • Gazprom
  • Geyser
  • Kostya
  • Crab
  • Pretzel
  • Corn
  • Smoking room
  • Kus
  • Lampas
  • Mime
  • Mimosa
  • Minion
  • Mister Poop
  • Myumzik
  • Sniffer
  • Poppins
  • Royka
  • Roulette
  • Sardelia
  • Sausissa
  • Flask
  • Funtik
  • Tail
  • Hlyastyk
  • Lace
  • Jagiello
  • Yadrit

Nyukhlya is happy

Beautiful names with meaning

Some owners choose names for their dachshunds so that not only the consonance pleases the ear, but also for the hidden meaning that this name carries.

  • King (English) – king (for a dog with a very long pedigree)
  • Long (English) – long (feature of physique)
  • Stone (English) – stone (for a stubborn dog)
  • Hard (English) – hard (for a real fighter)
  • Metal (English) – metal
  • Saber (English) – sword, saber
  • Chris - ritual blade
  • Wasabi – a spicy Japanese seasoning (for a dog with a difficult character)
  • Wasser (German) – water (for a dachshund that can get anywhere
  • Hunter (English) – hunter, (for a dog who early sensed his destiny)
  • Ksana (Greek) – hospitable, (for a cheerful, friendly dachshund)
  • Plato - Greek philosopher, (suitable for a dog with a contemplative character)
  • Poirot - detective from Agatha Christie's novels (will find anything)
  • Dandy is a neat dog, a real “good boy”
  • Roy - whatever this name means in English, it is suitable for those who like to dig holes
  • Zabava - the name of the epic princess (for a dog that creates mood in the family)
  • Retinue – if the puppy does not leave his owner’s side

The dandy knows how to pose

Attention! Dachshunds love to eat, and when it comes to food, they demonstrate incredible gluttony. Their bowls are always thoroughly licked, and their eyes are full of anticipation for the next meal. Naturally, they are prone to excess weight, so you need to carefully monitor their diet.

What to name a male dachshund puppy?

Among the many dog ​​names, the dog breeder chooses the most sonorous and beautiful from his point of view for his pet. It can reflect noble origin, color, disposition and exterior features. The nickname should be easy to pronounce and remember, and not cause laughter or bewilderment among others. You should not call dachshunds by Russian names, so as not to get into an awkward position on the street. You should not give offensive nicknames that sound like commands or evoke negative emotions.

Cool names

A dachshund boy can be called a cool name if he has a kind and cheerful character. They choose funny nicknames that can cheer up others: Artist, Cactus, Orange, Cupcake, iPhone, Casper, Pancake, Muscat, Vinnie, Ninja, Shoe polish, Pudding, Drive, Scout, Hipster, Scotch, Fig, Scooter, Zorro, Twister , Marshmallow, Repost, Tiktak, Lemon, Tomahawk, Major, Tube, Gingerbread, Fruit, Date.

The original names Hippie, Bite, Hobbit, Dude, Chaplin, Bobb, Schnitzel, Boss, Bond, Pluto, Burger, Sailor, King, Cowboy, Gooddini sound no less interesting.

Popular names

Taxi boys often receive popular nicknames from their owners. Among the most common nicknames for male dogs: Archie, Elvis, Barry, Hans, Count, Choco, Joseph, Charlie, Deadpool, Chase, Casper, Chip, Kubik, Chester, Max, Chuck, Mikey, Chucky, Martin, Fox, Richie, Frank , Ray, Fred, Ricky, Fresh, Roy, Tony, Packie, Toby, Porsche, Swenny, Puffy, Steve.

Beautiful names

The homeland of dachshunds is Germany. But the most beautiful dog names for boys have not only German roots: Abo, Wald, Alf, Venya, Adler, Arlo, Willie, Amethyst, Vint, Bubble, Bimbo, Walter, Buddy, Wolf, Gabsi, Bern, Le Havre, Bim, Harry , Jack, Dwarf, Guy, Dick, Gecko, Gosha, Zimbo, Green, Jay, Gustav, Doc, Georges, Zeus, Justin, Zorro, Jacques, Cooper, Nord, Klaus, Kirby, Mickey, Lucky, Michi, Leo, Marcus , Lucas, May, Luke, Nemo, Lime, Nyx, Otis, Pif, Oscar, Percy, Opie, Pongo, Onyx, Pansy, Oliver, Rocky, Sam, Rolf, Stitch, Rudy, Snoopy, Rover, Spice, Richard, Ted , Felix, Trick, Toby, Franz, Terry, Thomas, Phil.

Nicknames that take into account coat color

Based on your pet's color, you can find a good nickname for it. For black dachshund boys there is a name in different languages: Black, Onyx, Gypsy, Karai, Shadow, Ugolek, Noir, Prato, Shem. Names for girls of black dachshunds are derived from male ones or mean in translation “darkness”, “coal”, “night”: Giza, Finstera, Sheni, Tamusi, Alata, Erreta, Daski, Ander, Darka, Afel, Skumi, Suama, Nikta, Dorka, Naita. Suitable nicknames for a brown dachshund boy are Mocha, Oak, Brownie, Irish, and Chestnut. Light-colored dachshund boys are called Snowball, Frost, Frost, Zephyr, Meringue, Ice, Ice, Igloo, Chill.

The name for a red-colored dachshund boy should be bright and even fiery: Ryzhik, Goldie, Ogonyok, Sunny, Muscat, Mocha, Zoltan, Fire, Snickers.

Nicknames for hunting dogs

From ancient times to the present day, dachshunds have been companions and assistants to hunters. These dogs are capable of driving foxes, badgers, ferrets and rabbits out of their holes. Despite their small stature, dachshunds are brave, cunning and desperate. Their nicknames should be short, sonorous, memorable, and easy to pronounce. The boys are called Count, Yuri, Nick, As, Todor, Vic, Eric, Flor, Tyson, Yuki, Chuck, Hayat, Cupid, Milan, Bucks, John, Japhy, Rom, Demo, Jean, Zeus, Prince, Amethyst, Chester, Denis, Fisher, Pete, Schnell, Roy, David, Thomas, Charlie, Jim, Harry, Persian, Joker, Fred, Chancellor, Fant, Atom, Count, Mozart.

“Edible” nicknames

And at the same time, you can choose a fun culinary name for your beloved dog!

  • Quince
  • Baranka
  • Pancake
  • Bun
  • Dumpling
  • Vermicelli
  • Galushka
  • Donat
  • Figs
  • Toffee
  • Zucchini
  • Korzhik
  • Macaronna
  • Yum
  • Cucumber
  • Pepper
  • Cookie
  • Pie
  • Bun
  • Donut
  • Gingerbread
  • Gusto
  • soup
  • Russula
  • Stew
  • Candied fruit
  • Zucchini
  • Prunes
  • Chile
  • Chocolya

Donna Macaronna
Dachshunds are ready to share every minute of their owners' lives. If the owners live interesting and bright lives, their dogs become stars like Ricky and Leila! So what should you look for when choosing a name for your favorite dachshund? Fashion and the desire to distinguish your dog from others with the help of an unusual nickname? Ease of memorization and pronunciation? Or some other signs?

What not to call a dog

There are nicknames that dogs should not be called. Here are some tips:

  • the nickname should not be too long, it is better if it is short, so it will be easier to remember;
  • If you still like a long name, then we can recommend coming up with a simplified form. The first form can be indicated in documents, and at home the dog can be called the shorter one;
  • there is no need to call the dachshund by human names, these are completely inappropriate options;
  • the nickname must correspond to the appearance of the dog, for example, the nickname Fluff is absolutely not suitable for a smooth-haired dachshund or Snowball for a black dog;
  • according to zoologists, nicknames that begin with a consonant are better perceived by dogs;
  • The dachshund's name should not be in tune with the basic commands; problems may arise here both when remembering the nickname itself and during training;
  • You shouldn’t give your dachshund a nickname for your once-dead pet.
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