How to name a horse: beautiful nicknames for boys and girls

It’s not for nothing that they say about a person who works hard: “plows like a horse.” Horses participated in the construction of civilization on an equal basis with humans: they transported goods, delivered messengers and news to different countries, plowed the land and participated in wars. Over the past century, for the first time in history, people have finally been able to replace horses with machines. Now these animals are used mainly for sports, both amateur and professional, but horses continue to be the same hard workers and friends of man. For the owners of these beautiful creatures, we have compiled a list of the most beautiful, sonorous and unusual Russian nicknames.

Vyatka breed horse named Swallow

Popular Russian names

Russian nicknames are most suitable for native Russian breeds. These include the Vyatka (the oldest Russian horse, which appeared as a result of natural selection, and not artificially bred), the Oryol trotter, the Donchak, Russian and Vladimir heavy trucks, the Terek horse, and, partly, the Akhal-Teke. Unfortunately, at the moment these beautiful breeds are not very popular and are in danger of extinction. Popular Russian nicknames for boys:

  • Buran
  • Ataman
  • April
  • Friend
  • Giant
  • Goliath
  • Loyal
  • Favorite
  • Varangian
  • Bogatyr
  • Yakhont
  • Leopard
  • Bogatyr
  • Berendey
  • Graph
  • Loyal
  • Gallant
  • Greyhound
  • Carp
  • Fighter
  • Freezing
  • January
  • Candied fruit
  • Titanium
  • Tango
  • Vanguard
  • Admiral
  • Bard
  • Lucky
  • East
  • Gallop
  • Huntsman
  • Reaper
  • Sunset
  • Player
  • Ideal
  • Frost
  • Irbis
  • Seeker
  • Carnival
  • Prince
  • Witch
  • Malachite
  • Marathon
  • Mirage
  • Monomakh
  • Marble
  • Mischievous
  • Pirate
  • Ghost
  • Dawn
  • Realist
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Sarmat
  • Boxwood
  • Secret
  • September
  • Glorious
  • Stepnyak
  • Scythian
  • Mascot
  • Dance
  • Dancer
  • Topaz
  • Pattern
  • Success
  • Fan
  • Outpost
  • Character
  • Naughty
  • Sage
  • Shaman
  • Chance
  • Sherbet
  • Reference
  • Effect
  • Jeweler

Common nicknames for girl horses:

  • Amazon
  • Storm
  • Harmony
  • Fun
  • Weasel
  • Martin
  • Dream
  • Zorka
  • Tit
  • Martin
  • Cuckoo
  • Spring
  • Haze
  • Bagheera
  • Harp
  • Sage
  • Pride
  • Delta
  • Mystery
  • Note
  • Cobra
  • Watercolor
  • Lady
  • Squirrel
  • Flash
  • Enchantress
  • Divination
  • Lady
  • Virgo
  • Share
  • Star
  • Villainess
  • Cinderella
  • Empire
  • Spark
  • Azure
  • Legend
  • Lady
  • Logics
  • Moon
  • Princess
  • Melody
  • Muse
  • Dream
  • Note
  • Otrada
  • Poem
  • Prima
  • Rainbow
  • Strategy
  • Fate
  • Shadow
  • Cloud
  • Fortune
  • Charisma
  • Queen
  • Miraculous
  • Goldfinch
  • Emotion

This is interesting! In Ancient Rus', all local horses were divided into three breeds: gracious, sumy and underwater. Gracious are riding horses that were intended for the prince and his retinue; receiving such an animal as a gift was considered the greatest favor. Sumy transported various cargoes, and the clumsy heavy-duty submarines transported heavy convoys.

Vladimir heavy truck Lukyan
This is interesting: spectacular Russian nicknames for cats and kittens.

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Names depending on the time of year

Sometimes as a nickname I use characteristic features of the time of year when the horse was born:

  1. Suitable nicknames for autumn foals are September, Rain, Fog. For females, you can use nicknames such as Autumn, Zhelka, Oktyabrina.
  2. In winter, boys are called Snowball, January, Frost, Ice. Good names for mares would be Snezka. Winter, Snowflake, Blizzard.
  3. Males born in the summer are recorded under the following nicknames: Sun, August, Horn. It is better to call the girls Augustine or Zhara.
  4. Spring young animals are given soft nicknames. Boys are most often called May, Brook or Leaf. Girls are awarded nicknames such as Grass, Drops or Lilac.

Slavic nicknames

In Ancient Rus', a horse was considered the most valuable property. Anyone guilty of killing someone else's horse faced serious punishment and a fine. Originally Slavic nicknames for stallions and mares:

  • Tikhon
  • Prokhor
  • Lukyan
  • Miron
  • Zakhar
  • Aksinya
  • Thekla
  • Lada
  • Glafira
  • Gorislava
  • Vasilisa
  • Dunya
  • Zhdana
  • Efimiya
  • Matron
  • Pelagia
  • Anisim
  • Borislav
  • Kuzma
  • Lubomir
  • Nikifor
  • Nikanor
  • Onuphry
  • Ustin
  • Philemon
  • Photius

A horse named Impulse

Anthroponyms for horses

Sometimes the horse owner uses human names to name the animal. More than 20% of horses around the world are named after prominent personalities or simply euphonious human names. Common Russian names among equids:

  • Arkasha;
  • Vaska;
  • Sidor;
  • Bear;
  • Vasilisa.

However, horses cannot be called by their full human name, as this is considered unethical towards other people. The exception is foreign names, which are very popular among horse breeders. So, nicknames for a boy’s young horse can be like this:

  • Scott;
  • John;
  • William;
  • Caesar;
  • Napoleon;
  • Lincoln;
  • Genghis Khan;

Females can also be named after great figures or simply by foreign nicknames. There is a list of nicknames for horses and mares:

  • Cleopatra;
  • Merry;
  • Betsy;
  • Mulan;
  • Ishtar.

Many owners believe that naming their pets as great figures will make the animal more resilient to life's challenges. However, you should not call the horse by its full name too often in this case, since the owner may unconsciously use too harsh intonations.

We must try to come up with an abbreviated nickname for the horse so that he feels affection and care in his voice. An example of this is the nickname Bonnie, shortened from Napoleon.

"Nimble" nicknames

For those owners whose horses participate in sports competitions, we have compiled a list of nicknames that indicate the ardor and speed of the pet:

  • Golden eagle
  • Typhoon
  • Cheetah
  • Hurricane
  • Buran
  • Breeze
  • Element
  • Storm
  • Excitement
  • Reckless
  • Arrow
  • Vortex
  • Fury
  • Power
  • Champion
  • Kite
  • Hawk
  • Gallant
  • Blizzard
  • Enthusiasm
  • Impulse
  • Fast
  • Flyer
  • Second
  • Liberty
  • Crazy

Oryol trotter named “Probeg”:

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  • Gallop
  • The Dragon
  • Moment
  • Fire
  • Record
  • Lightning
  • Tornado

A horse named Skazka of the Oryol trotter breed

Nickname associated with the character of the animal

The name can be chosen based on the foal’s disposition. Quiet and calm males can be given names such as Tishka, Tikhon or Oasis. Unplayful girls are called Bunny or Silence.

Active horses should be given appropriate names. Stallions can be called Wrath, Invincible, Leader or Champion. Names for girls' horses include Fury, Strength, and Victory.

Sonorous names will help you identify strong individuals from an early age based on their voice intonation. Often horses with powerful names become leaders in the herd.

Cute and affectionate nicknames

For those who are just learning to sit in the saddle, it is important that their horse is obedient and peaceful. It’s worth choosing an appropriate affectionate name for your pet:

  • Quiet
  • Smirny
  • Darling
  • Mila
  • Forget-me-not
  • Toffee
  • Berry
  • turnip
  • Bunny
  • Ginger
  • Good guy
  • Cinnamon
  • Sweetie
  • Ballad
  • Pearl
  • Strawberry
  • Gorgeous
  • Favorite
  • Chamomile
  • Fairy tale
  • Whisper
  • Romantic
  • Chocolate
  • Lingonberry
  • Caramel
  • Luck
  • Miraculous

Oryol trotter Zubastic

How important is it to choose the right name for a horse?

For a horse, you need to choose the right nickname, because, like a human name, it carries certain information, special characteristics and influence on the future.
For these reasons, a name is chosen for an animal only consciously. For example, a domestic horse that is useful on the farm must be obedient and meek, with a short temper. Accordingly, they give her a name that is easy to pronounce. You can call such horses Tisha, Smirny. The names of breeding horses, whose nickname should characterize the entire pedigree, take on another meaning. Usually, the information included in the name indicates the reputation of the plant and heredity in the breeding line. In this case, the breeder needs to be aware of the rules provided for such situations.

Cool and funny nicknames

With its stubbornness, a horse can sometimes rival even such an animal as a donkey. Excitement, courage and hot temper in the horse’s character are combined with timidity and nervousness. Cool nicknames for the most wayward ungulates:

  • Goddess
  • Rebel
  • Diva
  • Egoist
  • Extreme
  • Crazy
  • Predator
  • Unique
  • Nerd
  • Dancer
  • Robber
  • Norov
  • Rogue
  • quitter
  • Goblin
  • Sly
  • Threat
  • Jester
  • Sugarstick
  • Mistress
  • Nibbler
  • Witch
  • Caprice
  • Joke
  • Plague
  • Fugitive
  • Jamb
  • Crocodile

Milky white horse Ice Cream

How to choose a name for a foal

The names of horses in Russia at all times represented much more than just the designation of a specific animal. People were very careful in naming a stallion's mare. There is a lot of documentary evidence of this, including in the works of poets and writers. There, horses always have beautiful and bright nicknames that best characterize the animal.

The question of what to name a horse will not affect you if you purchase an adult animal. Because he already has a name. But the situation may be completely different, this is the birth of a foal. As soon as he is born, he needs to come up with a name. Some people will not rack their brains and will go the simple route: they will name the newborn the usual name that comes to their mind. This is how Zorki, Buyans and others appear. However, this problem can be solved in another way: to show imagination and knowledge of the literature on this issue.

You can come up with any name for a horse that was born in a private farmstead; there are no prohibitions or restrictions in this regard. It can denote the temperament, suit or other quality of the horse. Sometimes it’s just a beautiful word that came from another language: Black, Weiner and others. Everything is left to the owner. Things are completely different in cases where the horse has a good pedigree, is a purebred or sports horse.

Nicknames in honor of the suit

In the old days, horses, without further ado, were named after their color: Grey, Crow, etc. Russian nicknames for horses by color:

  • Agate
  • Obsidian
  • Kauriy
  • Milk
  • Igren
  • Chubar
  • Sivushka
  • Gray-haired
  • Lilac
  • Gypsy
  • Ember
  • Bay
  • Redzhuha
  • Squirrel
  • Snowball
  • Snowstorm
  • Snow Maiden
  • Snow White
  • Sugar
  • Night
  • Darkness
  • Ash
  • Chestnut
  • Snowman
  • Ice
  • Smoke
  • Snowdrop
  • Ocher
  • Zlata
  • Zimushka
  • Jasper
  • Granite
  • Cream
  • Chernysh
  • Amber



Not the least important place among horse names is occupied by onomasticons - names in the creation of which the color of the animal's coat plays a role. For many breeds, color is a characteristic distinguishing feature, so the name of a horse may contain a hint of the color of the stallion.

Among the standard colors of horses are the following:

  • Ginger;
  • Bay;
  • Voronoi.

Other animal colors arise for various reasons. Most often this is a mixing of genes from different breeds and incomplete dominance.

Names for young horses, depending on the exterior, can be as follows:

  1. For stallions of the bay breed, the nicknames Gnedko, Gnedoy or Gnedukha are suitable.
  2. A horse that has a black color is usually called Raven, Night, Darkness, Crow, Funnel, Chernysh.
  3. Names such as Ryzhik, Rzhavyi, Liska are suitable for red horses.
  4. If black and white colors predominate in the suit, the horse can be called Sivka, Gray, or Bunny.
  5. Nicknames for small brown foals can be: Burka, Burena, Brown.
  6. The light red coat will be the reason to name the stallion Kaurka or Kaurym.
  7. The names of horses with black spots sound like Chubary or Dalmantine.

Most of the name by suit has Turkic and Arabic roots. The reason for this is the Tatar-Mongol invasion, which influenced horse breeding in Eastern European countries.

Sometimes horse names associated with color are chosen in foreign languages. So, you can meet horses with the names White, Black, Bianca, Rosso, Gray, Brown.

Horses from Russian fairy tales

In Russian fairy tales, the horse appears quite often, however, usually this character remains nameless. The most famous horse from Slavic fairy tales is Sivka-Burka, a stunningly beautiful and powerful stallion, whose “one hair is silver, the other gold.” Sivka-Burka helps Ivan Tsarevich pass numerous tests and achieve his desired goal. In general, in Russian legends, a horse is always a positive character. In pre-Christian times, the Slavs represented the Sun in the guise of a fiery horse running across the sky. To this day, a horseshoe or an amulet with the image of a horse’s head is considered a talisman and a talisman that brings good luck.

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Sivka-Burka became the prototype of the Little Humpbacked Horse from Ershov's fairy tales.

According to legend, the hero Dobrynya had a brown horse, Burunushka, who, along with his owner, fought with the Serpent Gorynych.

Mare Mokosh of rare night color

Dog name secrets

It’s easiest not to make a mistake with the meaning of a pet’s name when choosing an epithet nickname or a natural phenomenon. If your dog is a boy, then the following options may suit you:

  • Greyhound;
  • Buran;
  • Butuz;
  • Loyal;
  • Leader;
  • Volcano;
  • Proud;
  • Thunder;
  • Gift;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Zorky;
  • Ideal;
  • Ray;
  • Fierce;
  • Freezing;
  • Fire;
  • Nut;
  • Present;
  • Frisky;
  • Peregrine falcon;
  • Brave;
  • Tornado;
  • Typhoon;
  • Fog;
  • Hurricane;
  • Cliff;
  • Miracle;
  • Storm;
  • Shustrik;
  • Reference;
  • Hawk.

If you have a girl, then:

  • Storm;
  • Will;
  • Storm;
  • Haze;
  • Fidget;
  • Bully;
  • Zarya;
  • Star;
  • Winter;
  • Willow;
  • Spark;
  • Yoke;
  • Chit;
  • Weasel;
  • Moon;
  • Luta;
  • Blizzard;
  • Night;
  • Autumn;
  • Otrada;
  • Bun;
  • Glory;
  • Fairy tale;
  • Snowball;
  • Taiga;
  • Secret;
  • Luck;
  • Smile;
  • Needles;
  • Blueberry;
  • Rogue;
  • Energy;
  • Yula.

For large and serious male dogs, nicknames from titles and titles are suitable: Baron, Count, Prince, Lord, Sultan; for girls of small breeds - floral ones, for example Aster, Magnolia, Nasturtium, Orchid, Rose.

Horse names from the history of Russia

You can name a horse after the imperial favorite. The most famous Russian horses and steeds:

  • Idol is the favorite horse of Marshal Zhukov, on which Zhukov took part in the Victory Parade.
  • Lisette is the favorite of Peter the Great, whom he bought from some blacksmith in Riga. Later, the horse saved the emperor’s life during the Battle of Poltava.
  • Smetanka is the Arabian stallion of Count Orlov, who became the founder of the Orlov breed of trotters.

Oryol trotter Irtysh

Criteria for selecting a name for a breeding or sports stallion

There are certain rules for naming horses that are intended for breeding. The name of a foal from purebred horses must combine the names of its parents. The first letter of the cub's name must match the first letter of the mother's name, and the middle letter must match the father's name.

For example, if the female is named Cassandra and the male is Mirage, then their cubs may receive nicknames such as Kasmir, Kameo, Kemil or Kama.

Sometimes finding a suitable nickname is difficult because the letters may not match.

If the foal's parents are winners in sporting events and have a long pedigree, then the cub may receive a double name, which is recorded in the animal's passport. The name is written depending on which of the parent horses achieved great awards. A cub whose parents do not participate in competitions is usually called by one name.

Not always sonorous nicknames should be used in everyday life. This applies to show and breeding breeds. The stallion, who according to documents is listed as Maximus Jacques-Geron, in life may be a simple Max.

For equestrian sports, there are a number of restrictions regarding the name of the horse:

  1. Names for stallion horses should not coincide with the names of the ancestors of famous breeds.
  2. You can use the name of a famous person with his personal permission, which must be formalized.
  3. Nicknames that contain more than 18 letters are also prohibited.
  4. An offensive or unethical name will disqualify a horse from competition.

After choosing a name for the horse, you should register it with the official departments. Both the horse and the breeder must be assessed by experts. To do this, the foal undergoes a thorough examination, documentation of its parents and medical certificates are collected. A blood test is taken from all three animals to confirm the relationship, and if it is positive, the foal is given a passport with its name on it. The nickname is then entered into the stud book. This procedure is observed especially strictly with rare breeds of animals. In this case, all live horses included in the stud book are under the supervision of special committees.

Geographic nicknames

Another option for a Russian nickname is to name a pet after a river, mountain range, or some other region in Russia. Such nicknames sound beautiful and majestic:

  • Altai
  • Taiga
  • Yenisei
  • Baikal
  • Belukha
  • Tolima
  • Ural
  • Siberia
  • Kamchatka
  • Volga
  • Sayan
  • Elbrus
  • Irtysh
  • Ladoga
  • Taimyr
  • Amur
  • Chita

Legendary Akhal-Teke Absinthe

The most famous bay horses

Sometimes breeders name bay foals after mares and stallions who have become famous for something. Let's name a few of these “celebrities”:

  • Aniline is a thoroughbred English horseman who has won competitions 22 times (participated in 28);
  • Pesnyar is an Arabian stallion, first sold by representatives of the USSR (1981) at international auctions for $1 million;
  • Un de Me – a beauty from France, won horse races 82 times;
  • Eclipse is a horse that won 19 victories in a row; almost 80 of his descendants also became winners in the races.

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World famous Eclipse

Name table

Letter of the alphabetMareStallion
AAdele, Alice, Watercolor, Alpha, Anika, Arina, Athena, AstoriaApollo, August, Aklon, Antey, Angel, Aston, Adonis
BBassi, Bella, Bonita, Burka, Beatrice, Squirrel, Buffy, BiancaBen, Benefit, Buran, Basil, Golden Eagle, Bruce, Buyan
INVanessa, Vasara, Venus, Vendetta, Veronia, Wendy, VaigaWebster, Viscount, Versailles, Faithful, Watchman, Vizorg, Vulcan
GProud, Loud, Guiana, Gaili, Glucose, Gelda, GimbyHanibal, Garth, Hamlet, Gallop, Henry, Geopard, Garnet, Granite
DJulie, Desa, Jennifer, Virgo, Jilly, Dusty, Kindness, DoxyDakar, Daniel, Darko, Dingo, Dombay, Doubloon, Daly, Durango
EEurasia, Yesenia, Elinira, Ebbi, Elagia, Eila, ElisEuphrates, Elman, Yenisei, Eros, Jaeger, Ekim, Endai
ANDJasmine, Giselle, Juliet, Priestess, Georgette, Jastina, ZhelikaJafrey, Jacques, Geron, Zhibek, Reaper, Joker, Germes, Jaden
ZZirana, Ziya, Star, Perky, Zayda, Zoriya, FunBunny, Sunset, Zambo, Zeus, Zerab, Zorik, Zulan, Zufar
ANDSpain, Iboni, Igogosha, Zest, Graceful, IsoldeEmerald, Icarus, Indigo, Irbis, Irhat, Ishtar, Illan, Ideal
TOBeauty, Goose, Strawberry, Drops, Katie, Water Lily, SweetieCadet, Cairo, Cameron, Caprice, Karat, Cascade, Quint, King, King
LLaguna, Legend, Luxury, Leila, Lava, Lolita, LucyLeon, Lagoon, Lavrion, Lord, Lotus, Lucas, Lucifer
MMagic, Marquise, Marie, Mafia, Dream, Monica, Molly, MaltaMaster, Maclay, Marathon, Martin, Mowgli, Mahito, Milan, Michigan
NForget-me-not, Tenderness, Nora, Natty, Nicole, Nymph, NaritaNord, Neuron, Napoleon, Nemo, Nautilus, Invincible
ABOUTOrchid, Odyssey, Ovation, Orlita, Ofea, Onezhka, OrnetaOasis, Ozar, Olsan, Olhard, Omar, Optimus, Orion
PPandora, Prima, Panther, Peach, Pallet, Puma, Platinum, SongPirate, Ash, Polis, Pegasus, Poseidon, Poker, Ghost, Pierrot
RRemira, Riona, Chamomile, Roel, Rosemary, Rosette, ReginaRobber, Raphael, Ricky, Ringo, Romantic, Red, Reef
WITHSofia, Susie, Element, Strategy, Snezhka, Sonali, StrelkaSalute, Sandor, Gray-haired, Sensei, Smerch, Solomon, Stuart
TTracy, Tamika, Tavrida, Titan, Theodora, Silence, TemidaTyphoon, Tango, Tarzan, Titan, Tornado, Tulip, Talin
ULuck, Utopia, Delight, Ultra, Threat, Please, CleverEmber, Ulkus, Smart Guy, Hurricane, Success, Ulsan, Umberto
FFergana, Faina, Florida, Frida, Favorite, Fauna, FerrariFan, Pharaoh, Feudal, Philip, Flamingo, Flipper, Weathervane
XHilary, Heida, Holly, Helga, Hidelia, Honda, FirecrackerHacker, Harley, Harrison, Hathul, Hilton, Predator, Hugo
CQueen, Tsunami, Gypsy, Tsukata, Celeste, TsukeriaFlower, Tsargun, Cymbal, Tsistan, Tsedrik, Tsoster, Cent
HSeagull, Blueberry, Miracle, Chilli, Garlic, Sequence, RoanChernish, Charles, Champion, Chicago, Chips, Wonderful
Sh-ShchChocolate, Chanel, Shakira, Charlene, Generous, DapperShaman, Shanghai, Schumacher, Sage, Sherbet, Goldfinch
EEji, Ekvida, Evelina, Epoch, Eila, Etoile, Aegis, EstellaEvan, Egoist, Eclipse, Extreme, Elf, Eragon, Exclusive
YUJuno, Yusita, Yutana, Julika, Yuniora, YugoslaviaJeweler, Julius, Eugene, Yuvent, Yuzhny, Yuton, Yukas
IBerry, Yalta, Brightness, Yadviga, Fury, Fair, JamaicaJacob, Hawk, Clear, Anchor, Amber, Yamato, January, Yarmak
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