Why do we need cats? What are their benefits and purpose?

Cats are undoubtedly the most popular pets. Their number living in families with people significantly exceeds the number of dogs. Scientific research has shown that furry pets, who are cute and independent, have a positive effect on people's health. So much so that even watching videos of cats online can improve a person’s performance, evoke positive emotions and improve their mood.

The cat pleases the eye with its graceful elegance, it loves the house where it lives and its owners, in addition, here are a few more scientifically proven benefits that you will receive if you get yourself a cat.

Have a positive effect on people's mental health

A group of 600 people were studied with whom cats were placed. About half of these people had mental health problems. Among cat owners, 87% said they felt their animals had a positive impact on their emotional well-being, and 76% reported that cats made it easier for them to cope with everyday stress. Here's another good reason why you should hug your cat as often as possible!

Free psychotherapist

As the same studies have shown, cat owners also cope better on average with stress and crisis situations. And this is not surprising - not only does cat treatment strengthen the body as a whole, communication with these funny animals in itself acts on a person as an antidepressant. Even autistic people communicate with cats, let alone ordinary withdrawn or lonely people. Interaction with a cat allows them to relax, give free rein to their emotions - and this is already good.

Communicating with a cat, watching its antics, stroking its soft fur relaxes, puts you in an optimistic mood, and relieves stress. Of all the representatives of the animal world, only dogs have a similar effect on humans. So the benefits of cats for the human psyche are undeniable.

A cat's purring has a beneficial effect on bones, tendons and muscles

If you love cats, you already know that a cat's purr is one of the most soothing sounds in the world and usually means that your cat is happy and comfortable.

The study found that the frequency of a cat's purr ranges from 25 to 140 Hz. These are exactly the same frequencies that have a therapeutic effect on bone growth, healing of fractures and wounds, reducing swelling, growth and restoration of muscles and tendons, improving joint mobility, and relieving pain. Make your cat happy more often and let her purr for your health!

Sanitary control

Having a cat at home (as well as a small child) often forces home owners to maintain cleanliness and order. Restless animals do not know the “place” command, love to run around the apartment and often misbehave, dropping dishes or other objects on the floor - or spoiling papers left on the table. This quickly teaches owners to put fragile things back in their places, remove excess from horizontal surfaces, keep balls and threads only in the needlework box, and so on.

And finally, the benefit of a cat is that it is the one that can put an end to the protracted conflict between men and women regarding the initial position of the toilet seat. Many cats show great interest in the water running in the toilet... and then it immediately becomes obvious that the toilet seat should be down and the lid closed. For purely sanitary reasons. This means that there are fewer quarrels in the family.

Helps prevent allergies in children

Cats have the most positive influence on children. Having a pet can teach kids social skills, help them cope with traumatic situations, and even make them less prone to allergies.

The study showed that contact with pets - cats and dogs in the first year of a child's life can strengthen his immune system, and help strengthen protection against respiratory diseases and other childhood diseases.

2. It’s difficult to find a person who doesn’t like cats at all. Communication with cats brings not only pleasure, but also health benefits. Scientific research has proven that furry healers can help with many diseases.

3. Treatment with cats has a scientific name - feline therapy. Felinotherapy, or treatment with cats, is perhaps one of the most developed branches of pet therapy.

4. Experts say that the strength of healing energy and its direction depends on the breed and color of the animal. Different pets can have different effects on our body.

5. Even when we come as a guest to a house where there is a cat, we strive to pet it. Communication with a tailed pet energizes you with positivity and relaxes you.

6. Sphinxes. Representatives of this breed are considered the most “multidisciplinary healers”, as they help cure many diseases, especially if they were identified in the initial stages. In addition, sphinxes take a lot of negative energy.

7. Some people are contraindicated from petting furry animals or even being in the same room with them. If you are allergic to cat fur, interacting with your pet will only harm your well-being. And yet there is a solution to this problem.

8. Sphinxes are hairless cats that heal people just as well as their furry relatives. Representatives of this breed are safe for those who are allergic to wool.

9. According to felinologists, cats are able to treat arrhythmia, stabilize blood pressure, treat chronic bronchitis, osteochondrosis and even atherosclerosis.

10. Three-colored, red and gray cats are the most positive pets. It is believed that communication with such cats gives a lot of positive emotions and helps you feel better.

11. Siamese are cats that, by their mere presence, destroy almost all pathogenic bacteria in the house, so their owners rarely suffer from colds.

12. Quite a few psychologists agree on the positive impact of cats on people’s mental health. Moreover, just having a pet in your home is not enough; you should love him with all your heart, treat him sincerely and express your feelings towards him without hesitation. And if the animal feels this very sincerity, it will definitely help you.

13. Fluffy cats are considered not only the most charming, but also cope well with “yin” diseases, which are characterized by a lack of energy. And also, after a short interaction with your beloved pet, the headache goes away and blood pressure normalizes.

14. There is even evidence that cats can speed up the healing of wounds.

15. Cats treat themselves basically like this: many pets lie on the most painful places of their owners. After such “sessions,” the patient’s condition actually improves over time.

16. Persian cats. Those who have such a pet note their beneficial effect on the joints. Joint pain goes away quite quickly; in some cases, complete recovery from osteochondrosis can be observed.

17. Can mongrel animals heal? Of course, yard cats treat people’s illnesses no worse than the winners of world exhibitions. Why not, because the blood of representatives of a wide variety of breeds can flow in the veins of mongrel animals. Remarkably, owners of mongrel cats claim that their pets are more affectionate than their purebred relatives.

18. When treating, the main thing is to teach the cat to lie down on the sore spot regularly throughout the entire treatment course. In case of bronchitis, the cat should lie on the chest, in case of arthritis on the inflamed joint, and in case of atherosclerosis and migraines - near the head.

19. Communication with cats undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on the human body. Every lover of the cat family knows that the body temperature of these animals is higher than that of humans. Usually it is 38-39 degrees. With such a living “hot water bottle” it is very pleasant to crawl under the covers when you have a cold or fever. Moreover, unlike a mechanical device, there is no risk of overheating or incorrect settings. The warmth of a cat is completely natural, safe and beneficial for everyone.

20. As therapists in England and the USA who worked in specialized clinics for mentally retarded children found out, cats provide serious assistance to people suffering from mental illness, heart disorders, brain damage, and even contribute to the complete healing of those addicted to alcohol and drugs.

21. Cats: British, exotic shorthair, Russian blue, Scottish - when kept indoors, these animals can cure heart disease.

22. The color of our beloved pet can affect our health. Cats with black hair cope with diseases caused by excess energy, such as heart attack, stroke, arthritis and osteochondrosis. Pets of black color absorb the greatest amount of negative energy compared to cats of other colors.

23. Cats with white fur. It is useful to have such animals for people who suffer from energy deficiency. All fluffy blondes are considered “super medicinal”, and in the UK animal therapists even sell them in pharmacies.

24. Ginger - these cats are capable of giving the greatest amount of positive energy. They literally saturate their owners with positive emotions.

25.Cats with gray fur have equally the properties that are inherent in black and white cats, and pets of a gray-blue color also calm their owners.

26. Oriental cat breed. They can fight liver and kidney diseases, as well as treat colitis and gastritis.

27. Fluffy healers banish diseases using various methods. They can use massage, heating, irradiation.

28.Massage - the cat begins to gently massage the sore spot with its paws, sometimes to enhance the effect, it releases sharp claws, thus performing a kind of acupuncture.

29. Warming up - the pet tries to lie directly on the problem area. He can spend quite a lot of time in this position; he often stays there overnight, and if the owner tosses and turns, the cat always returns and lays down again in the same place.

30. Irradiation - the cat begins to purr softly, sometimes it sniffs its owner, sometimes it sits nearby. At this time, she can perform a massage at the same time or simply place her front paws where the problem is. Such purring sounds are incredibly calming, while healing waves pass throughout the body.

31. Angora, Siberian, Burmese and other long-haired cat breeds are considered to be quite good neurologists and are excellent at relieving irritability, helping to cope with depression and eliminating insomnia.

32. Communication with cats is attributed to depression and schizophrenia. At the same time, no special skills are required from the cat - it just needs to be affectionate and sociable.

33. Even a cat’s purring is beneficial for humans, which, according to scientists from the Animal Communication Institute in North Carolina, strengthens bones. How does this happen? All thanks to the sound range in which cats purr - from 27 to 44 hertz.

34. According to the observations of experts, people who have a cat in their house seek medical help much less often than those who do not have such a pet.

35. It should be remembered that after castration and sterilization, cats and female cats lose a significant portion of their abilities.

36. In England today, “medicinal cats” are sold in pharmacies. There they proved that animals familiar to us have great medical potential.

37. More recently, the healing abilities of cats were studied at the National University of Therapeutic Influences in London. Studies have proven that cats heal people. Moreover, these animals are capable of generating a magnetic field no less strong than modern medical equipment.

38. Upon contact with an animal, when stroking a cat, a special electrostatic field is formed. It has a very beneficial effect on the human body.

39. Science has proven that regular communication with a purring cat can improve immunity. While purring, the pet also emits special vibrations. It is believed that it is especially useful to listen to a purring cat when he is lying on you.

40. The psychoenergetic effect of a cat on a person cannot be underestimated. These animals are incredibly beautiful, and their fur is pleasant to the touch. Admiring a pet or stroking it, each person receives a significant amount of positive emotions. Researchers from the Berlin Institute of Gerontology have found that having a cat affects a person’s life expectancy - cat lovers live, on average, 10 years more than those who are unlucky enough to have a furry doctor .

photo from the Internet

No household inconveniences

In addition to the scientifically proven health benefits, cat owners receive a number of other benefits. Judge for yourself! Cats cost less to own than medium or large dogs because they require much less food, toys and trips to the groomer.

Cats don't bark, so there's little chance they'll wake up the neighbors when someone rings your doorbell.

Cats can be in a playful mood, and they delight their owners with their cheerful dexterity. Ever wondered why cats love to play? In nature, they have to hunt for prey, and therefore cats accumulate a lot of unspent energy for hunting, which they spend during play.

Persistent alarm clock

Cats also become invaluable helpers for those who have difficulty getting up in the morning. These animals are excellent and very persistent alarm clocks, and they have a huge number of tools in their arsenal for waking up their owners. If family members get up at the same time in the morning, cats usually quickly get used to the established daily routine and begin active wake-up actions simultaneously with the alarm clock, or a couple of minutes ahead of it.

True, the desire of cats to wake up their owners in the morning sometimes brings trouble - many cats find it difficult to discern the difference between weekdays and a day off, when they could sleep longer. But some still succeed - and then the cats wake up their owners in strict accordance with their work or school schedule.

Cons of having a pet

With all the positive qualities and immense love for a pet, one should take into account the disadvantages of having it in the house.

First of all, the cat’s harm is the dirt brought by the cat from the street. The cat, as you know, “walks by itself” and not always in certain places, while the dirt settled on the fur is spread throughout the house. Of course, along with getting a cat, you need to forget about the integrity of the furniture, the safety of the curtains and the original appearance of the carpets. Untimely removal of claws can lead to unusability of interior items. This cat defect can be avoided if you carefully study the mother of the kitten that you plan to bring into the family or teach it yourself to be clean and calm.

Where can I get a healing cat?

In conclusion, I would like to say: cats can be used as a preventive measure against diseases and as a “pain reliever”, but in case of a serious illness, you must seek medical help from a doctor! But you and I are convinced that it won’t hurt to have a healing cat at home, who is always ready to help without an appointment and completely free of charge.

You can and should choose your treatment cat absolutely free All our cats are examined by a doctor, spayed/neutered and vaccinated according to age. Our volunteers will help you adopt a cat from the shelter and advise you on maintenance and care issues. All information is on our website. Call and come meet!

What color animal is best to have in an apartment?

A cat is a magical animal and, of course, its color is of no small importance.

Depending on the color, cats have different abilities that can affect the fate of their owners:

  • with white paws - brings prosperity to the house;
  • A black cat is a powerful amulet against the evil eye, evil spirits and evil spirits. His astral powers are so great that they can even drive a ghost out of the house;
  • two-color - doubles happiness and luck in the house where it settles;
  • tricolor (spots of different colors are not mixed with each other) - will bring happiness to its owner and protect the house from fire;
  • a red cat is the best healer, will improve your health and protect you from serious illnesses;
  • tabby cat - helps to tune in to a light positive mood, will bring joy and good luck;
  • gray cat - will help owners acquire and maintain physical and internal attractiveness;
  • a white cat is a symbol of purity, both externally and in thoughts;
  • “tortoiseshell” color (three coat colors are mixed together) – protects family happiness and improves family relationships.

A cat of any color brings positive energy into the house, with its large



improves the energy level of the home

and improves the well-being of its owners.

Felinotherapy - the principle of treatment

Felinotherapy should be started in the evening, because then the cat is in an alert state. Treatment begins when the animal lies down on the sore spot and begins to purr. After this, you need to relax and just trust the “mustachioed doctor.” After the treating cat finishes the therapy session, she will leave on her own. When he wants or feels that the owner needs more “treatment”, he will certainly come again.

Important: do not force yourself to treat if the animal does not want it. Cats are freedom-loving animals and will not do anything against their will. The cat himself will feel when a person needs another therapy session and will definitely come to the rescue.

Special abilities of cats

In the course of biological evolution, which followed the path of active growth and development of the brain, man lost many abilities that allowed him to navigate living nature. Our hearing and sense of smell have been greatly reduced, and technological progress has made the ability to notice the slightest changes in the surrounding space insignificant.

Cats have retained ancient instincts, and most importantly, biological “tools” that allow them to sense the approach of danger before the inevitable happens. A sensitive and observant owner, who is always attentive to the condition of his tailed friend, may, without realizing it, receive a very important warning from him.

Feel slight vibrations

As an example, there is countless evidence that our pets sense seismic activity.

A smart person will certainly be wary when he sees that his cat is rushing around, not finding a place for itself, and is trying to take everyone it can away from the house. Often cats saved entire families from imminent death under the rubble of a house in this way.

In the nineties, a story was passed down from mouth to mouth about a cat that persistently rushed into the children's room and called other family members to follow it. As soon as they entered there, there was an explosion and part of the entrance collapsed. Of the entire apartment, only the room chosen by the cat remained intact.

Hear sounds elusive to our ears

During the world wars, cats saved many lives by warning their families in advance about bombings. It can be assumed that the cat's keen hearing allowed it to hear the distant rumble of approaching bombers.

Particularly well known is the story of the cat Sally from London, who, sensing the approach of an air raid, ran to the gas masks hanging on the wall and persistently made it clear that it was time to go down to the bomb shelter.

Fires and floods

An equally interesting story happened in the nineteenth century in St. Petersburg. A stray cat came into one of the houses from the street and brought her kittens. She dragged the kids to a fairly high step of the stairs and did not allow anyone to take them down from there. The next day, a terrible flood began in St. Petersburg, but the water level did not reach her kittens.

There are countless examples of cats saving people from fire. The extremely high sensitivity of cats allows them to smell a fire much earlier than people, and often it is cats that wake up their owners who are sound asleep and unaware of the danger.

As you can see, a lot can be said about the benefits that cats bring to us. But we get them not only for the sake of benefit, because a beloved pet gives us a feeling of joy and happiness. And any cat brings happiness to the house.

Any size, breed and gender, with any tail and ears, regardless of its color and degree of fluffiness. Because a cat is concentrated happiness. No wonder they say that your home is where your cat is...

Why can't you kill?

For most people, killing animals is an unnatural and extremely cruel act.
Why cats should not be killed can be explained from several points of view:

  • It has always been common for humans to kill animals: for food, for home improvement, for making clothes and accessories, and simply to demonstrate their superiority. But from a psychological point of view, killing cats is a special kind of cruelty. In our culture, they take the place of a person’s friends, sometimes they are full-fledged family members. There is an opinion that whoever raises his hand against a cat can harm a person. And this is not an unfounded assertion;
  • From a scientific point of view, if you destroy cats, the population of mice and rats will certainly increase. And this threatens humanity with serious troubles. History knows many examples when rodents became the cause of famine and terrible epidemics;
  • In the religion of Ancient Egypt, cats were deified. Anyone who harmed her would face the death penalty. However, in other religious movements these animals are given a special place. For example, a cat cannot be kicked out of an Orthodox church (unlike a dog), it cannot desecrate the altar with its presence;
  • many signs also speak of dire consequences for the one who offended the cat. One of them claims that a person who kills a cat bears the black mark of evil, and for seven years he will be haunted by grief and misfortune.
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