How to determine the sex of a kitten. How to distinguish a cat from a cat

The sex of a kitten at 2-3 months can be determined by the structural features of the reproductive organs. This is more difficult to do in newborn babies. Sometimes owners even turn to a veterinarian with this question. You can identify your gender independently at home by the shape of the genitals, habits, coloring, etc.

The main sign: in a boy, the anus and genitals are located far from each other, in girls they are close, almost merging.

Why is gender determination necessary?

You need to know the sex of a kitten for the following reasons:

  1. The pet must be given a nickname. It is not advisable to change it in adulthood, since the cat already knows its name and responds to it.
  2. You need to determine in advance whether your pet will need to be spayed or neutered in the future.
  3. The animal has its own behavioral characteristics depending on its gender. Owners need to select a pet based on this fact. For example, cats mark their territory more often, which causes an unpleasant smell in the apartment. Unspayed females periodically go into heat. Their behavior changes, they begin to demand a cat. When babies are born, the cat becomes aggressive.
  4. If the cubs are purebred, then they can be sold. Boys are more expensive than girls in Maine Coons and other types of cats.

How are cats different from cats?

While kittens are small, they are equally funny, playful and cute. But with age the difference becomes obvious. You can rely on these differences because cats are animals that are largely driven by hormones and reflexes.

As a result of many years of observations, the following most characteristic signs of behavior were identified:

Cats are more independent and restrained in showing love to their owner. They often show hunting instincts and are more playful, often “hunting” their owner, attacking from behind cover. They are curious and consider the house to be a common territory, so they must be aware of everything that happens in it.

Kitties are more affectionate and easy-going. They are clean people who tidy not only their own fur, but also the fur of other animals in the house, and can even wash their owner. More often they require attention and manifestations of love from their owners. Also, cats can bear offspring in the future.

Rules for communicating with kittens when determining sex

Kittens must be treated with care so as not to cause harm. Before determining gender, you need to consider some nuances:

  • The kitten should not be separated from its mother for a long time. Its fur can absorb the smell of a person, then the cat will not accept the cub back.
  • Before picking up an animal, you must wash them thoroughly without soap or with a non-scented hygiene product.
  • The kitten's body is not yet strong; it must be handled with care so as not to damage the bones or internal organs.
  • Do not pull or tug on the tail.
  • It is not recommended to pick up a kitten while it is suckling.
  • If the mother does not like her baby being touched, it is advisable to postpone the examination until she is not around.

Let's understand the terms

Both kittens look incredibly similar. These are creatures with small round ears and plush fur. Even professionals cannot always distinguish between British and Scottish Shorthair cats outwardly.

The difference is that only from a Scotsman can one get lop-eared offspring. That is, the British Shorthair is a plush, in most cases, ash-colored cat with straight ears. Her Scottish neighbor is the same, but her ears are both erect and curled. In this regard, it is called either Scottish fold (curved) or Scottish straight (straight).

The British cat is much older than its Scottish relative. It dates back to 1880, when its first representatives appeared in London. And the Scottish breed arose almost a century later. In 1961, a Scottish farmer's cat gave birth to a kitten with an atypical ear shape, which “founded” a new breed.

Note that for successful breeding of the currently popular Scottish Folds, you need to breed a straight-eared Scotsman with a fold ear. Both parents with the lop ear gene are unable to produce healthy offspring. This is due to the fact that unusual lop ears are caused by mutations in cartilage tissue and are inherited.

In order not to get too confused with breeds, passports with pedigrees and a description of the closest “relatives” of the kitten you are holding in your hands have long been invented. After all, even his straightforwardness is not a guarantee that he is a Briton. So, a British cat should have a BRI mark in its documents, an SFS one should have it, and an Erect one should have the SSS or SCS mark.

Suitable age for gender identification

  1. It is easier to visually determine the sex of small kittens under the age of seven days. They have not yet had time to become pubescent and the organs are clearly visible. This is especially true for long-haired purebred animals with a thick undercoat. For example, the Scottish Fold.
  2. At the age of a week, it is easy to make a mistake with the gender. However, it is even more difficult to decide on affiliation in two to three weeks. The kitten is completely covered with hair, which will block the view of the genitals. This does not apply to hairless breeds. For example, the sphinx.
  3. At two or three months it is already easier to determine the sex. The genitals are fully formed and clearly visible. It is possible to accurately distinguish females from males at the age of six months, even in long-haired breeds (for example, the British). At this age, puberty begins: the reproductive organs are clearly visible, cats mark their territory, and cats begin to go into heat.

Basic methods for determining sex

Most often, gender is determined by the genitals. However, at an early age they are poorly formed and even an experienced veterinarian does not always succeed. Therefore, other methods of identifying gender have been invented.

By behavior

At the age of several weeks, gender is determined by behavior:

  • Males are more active than cats.
  • Males try to take a dominant position and lead in games.
  • Boys win the fight for their mother's nipples during feeding. This then extends to the best pieces of food.

The listed signs only confirm gender, but do not prove it. You can accurately determine the sex by 3-4 months of your pet’s life. In males, the scrotum is clearly visible, which is absent in females.

According to the shape of the genitals

To determine the sex of a kitten, you need to look under its tail. The girl's genitals are located close to the anus (distance no more than one centimeter). Externally, they look like a thin vertical strip. In males they look like two round dots. They are located at a distance of two to three centimeters from the anus. Closer to three months, the cat will have testicles, allowing you to determine the sex instantly.

By color

If the gender cannot be determined by the genitals, this can be done by the fur. Tortoiseshell color (a combination of three shades) indicates that the kitten is a girl. This is due to the genetic code. Black and red colors are found only on the X chromosomes. Cats always have two of them. Males are rarely tricolored. If this happens, then they are infertile, since they have only one X chromosome. Males are more likely than females to be red in color.

By feeling

The easiest way to determine gender is by palpation. It is recommended to do this when the pet reaches at least two months of age. At an earlier age, their future location can be determined by the thickness and color of their fur. It is different from other areas. When palpating, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the organs. Gently run your finger over the genitals. If the animal is male, then its testicles can be felt.

The palpation method is not accurate. The testicles do not always descend from the peritoneum by three months. Newborn females may experience changes in hormonal levels. Because of this, swelling occurs under the tail and a mistake can be made in determining the sex.

By body structure

By about six months, the pet's gender is determined by external signs. Cats have an elegant body and a thin, elongated muzzle. Males have large heads. The body is stocky and muscular. There are exceptions, but they are rare.

By habits

A male at about seven months of age may begin to mark his territory. Females begin to go into heat by six months. During this period, she constantly caresses, arches her back, raising her butt up.

Cats sleep most of the time. Females try to show independence and can even be aggressive towards people; they are cleaner, wash themselves constantly and usually go to the toilet only in the tray.

DNA test

You can accurately determine the gender of a kitten using a DNA test. It is produced in veterinary clinics. Sex is revealed in this way even in the first days of life. However, the procedure is expensive. Usually owners of purebred cats (Scottish, Angora, etc.) resort to it.


Determining the age of a kitten: if you want to determine the age of a kitten based on external data and characteristics, carefully study the table and find the characteristics that match your pet. Determining how many months a kitten is is quite simple, because a kitten changes a lot every month. Here are the characteristics that you should pay attention to to find out how many months a kitten is: weight and size of kittens by month, teeth (baby, permanent, or during the period of teeth change), fur and undercoat, eye color, behavior. So how do you find out the age of a kitten? Read the description in the table and compare!

Also, how to find out how many months a kitten is and how to determine the age of a kitten will be helped by a photo.

Visual differences between a male kitten

Visually, a cat is recognized by the following characteristics:

  • a large distance between the anus and reproductive organs (1-2 centimeters);
  • genitals in the form of two points;
  • the lumen of the rectum and genitals resemble the colon sign;
  • fur grows between the holes;
  • testicles stand out;
  • cats grow and gain body weight faster;
  • massive build, wide chest, large paws.

Inspection of external signs is carried out on a hard and flat surface, covered with a soft towel. The kitten is placed on its stomach and its tail is gently lifted to determine its sex.

Non-standard folk methods of determining the sex of a kitten

You can place a saucer of milk in front of the kitten and observe its behavior. It is believed that if a pet raises its tail up, then it is a male, and if it is lowered, it is a cat.

You can distinguish between girls and boys in a litter in the following unconventional ways:

  1. in cats, the aroma of urine is more pronounced;
  2. boys are less playful and more affectionate;
  3. cats have a smaller skull and a more delicate muzzle (this is not an accurate way to determine gender, the structure of the head depends on the individual characteristics of the animal);
  4. cats have a calm and self-confident look, while cats have a wary look in their eyes.


To the touch

Another reliable way to find out the sex of a Scottish and British kitten is to run your index and middle fingers together over the genitals. Hands must be clean! In boys, tubercles with a diameter of 3-5 mm are palpable; these are the testicles. Girls do not have such tubercles.

Still, despite the fact that it is very interesting, the MURKOTIKI website does not recommend using this method if you lack experience. Such actions can harm the kitten. Wait a little bit - and you will be able to understand who is a cat and who is a kitty by eye.

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