How to tell a male cat apart: Tips for determining the sex of your pet

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At first glance, the question of how to distinguish a cat from a female cat may make you smile.

Many will think that nothing is simpler, because there are obvious gender differences that make it easy to determine gender.

But what if you need to find out the gender of small or newborn kittens?

At this age, primary signs are not as pronounced as in adults.

In this case, the following tips will help determine the gender of the kitten.

The sex of a kitten can be determined by various characteristics

  • 2 Determination of gender by external characteristics
  • 3 Habits and character
  • 4 How to find out the gender of British kittens?
  • 5 Determining the sex of sphinxes


It is best to determine the sex of kittens immediately after birth. This is especially true for purebred babies, for whom, as a rule, people line up even before they are born. The owner watches the new addition to the cat family and wonders how many are girls and how many are boys?

The sex of a kitten can most accurately be determined by its sexual characteristics. This is done like this:

  • Before the inspection, you need to prepare: wash your hands with soap and wipe dry. Palms should be warm;
  • Also make sure that the mother cat is not against your interference in her family life;
  • If both the cat and kittens are calm, you can proceed;
  • The kitten is carefully lifted and placed with its tummy on the palm;
  • When examining the area “under the tail,” you need to pay attention to the location of the external genitalia;
  • In a cat, the distance between the anus and genitals will be slightly larger, in a cat it will be smaller (about 1 cm);
  • Figuratively, this arrangement can be divided into two types: “exclamation mark” in the female, “colon” ​​in the male;
  • In addition to this method, the gender of kittens is determined by examining the fur in the specified area. A cat will have a tuft of hair between the anus and genitals; cats do not have such hair.

Do not try to “test” the sex of newborn kittens!
Only experienced veterinarians can resort to such manipulations. With age, determining the sex of a kitten becomes even easier. The indicated distance between the natural holes in cats becomes larger and becomes overgrown with thick hair. In cats, the distance does not change, and hair does not appear in this area.

Self-examination of a cat for castration

Inspecting the cat

First, you need to try to determine for yourself whether your new pet is neutered or not. Testing at home does not present any particular difficulties. If we talk about preparing for the test, then everything is simple - the cat needs to be calmed down.

Self-checking for castration of a cat can be divided into two types: visual and tactile.


This is what the suture looks like after surgery

Visual is a search for external signs of the operation performed. If the cat is young, then they should be more pronounced. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the condition of the fur in the genital area - if it is shorter than the rest or is clearly recently shaved, this may be a sign of recent castration.

If the cat is not a “young man,” this method, of course, will be irrelevant. You can examine the genital area for scars; this method, like the previous one, is only possible if castration has been performed recently.

As they age, many castrated cats develop a kind of “belly” in the area of ​​the scrotum—a sagging fold of skin.


With tactile everything is easier. It involves feeling the scrotal sac. Before starting, you should wear disposable sterile gloves. If, when palpated, you feel hard elastic formations inside, or at least one, the cat was not neutered, but if not, there is nothing to worry about.

Although there is some possibility of getting caught by a cryptorchid cat, in such animals the testicles do not descend into the scrotum and they seem to be absent. But this happens very rarely.

Adult animals

There are situations when it is necessary to determine the sex of an animal in adulthood. However, it is not always possible to catch the cat for a thorough examination. Difficulties in determining may also arise if the cat has been neutered.

In this case, signs that will help determine the sex of the animal will come to the rescue:

  • The method of determining the distance between natural holes is also suitable for adults. Even in castrated cats, you can determine the place allocated for the testicles.
  • The muzzle will tell you who is in front of you. In cats it is rounder and wider, while in females there is an elongated face. The male's nose has a wider wall. This method of determination is suitable in the case of comparison. In another situation, an inexperienced person is unlikely to notice the difference if there is only one “sample”.
  • Watch your gait. Cats are elegant and graceful, they walk quietly and smoothly, as if they are “swimming.” Cats have a more “predatory” gait. A cat walking on a walk resembles a small copy of a tiger - its “shoulders” lower its paw to the ground with importance and taste.
  • Cleanliness. This is not to say that cats are sloppy, but in comparison with females they still lose. The cat spends a lot of time grooming itself; it licks itself with or without reason. You can also find a cat in a disheveled state: with a rumpled ear after sleep and traces of cobwebs on its face after a walk.
  • Schedule. Cats are businesslike, they constantly look around and “make inquiries” about the affairs of their household. Cats, on the contrary, explore the territory and prefer to sleep at home.

The methods presented are not extremely useful in determining the sex of an animal, but will be interesting for cat lovers and novice cat lovers.

Cat and cat

Advantages, disadvantages, consequences

To reassure doubting owners (after all, castration is a responsible procedure!) Let’s consider the positive and negative aspects of outside intervention:

  1. Arguments for". The cat stops screaming and demanding to be let out into the street. Behavior becomes calmer and more balanced. Life expectancy increases by several years. The risk of serious diseases, including inflammation or testicular cancer, is reduced. Changes in the coat are possible. She becomes brighter and more tender.
  2. Arguments against". Careful monitoring of nutrition after castration. A special diet for several weeks is possible. Anesthesia affects the animal's body. After surgery, the cat may feel lethargic and apathetic. The effect wears off in the worst case after 24 hours. There are hormonal changes that can affect the correct excretion of urine. As a consequence, the development of urolithiasis.

It is important to understand that any decision must be made. You can consult with experienced breeders or a veterinarian. If the owner is ready to put up with night concerts and the smell of urine that will fill the entire apartment, then it’s not worth it. In any case, castration very rarely carries negative aspects and is painless for the pet.

Numerous reviews from owners of neutered cats are replete with stories that the cat begins to intensively care for itself, licks itself more often, and becomes kinder. Everything is again strictly individual. According to one foreign study, about 45% of cats behave exactly the same as before the operation.

ATTENTION! It is reliably known and proven by the experience of many owners that the odor of urine becomes noticeably less


In addition to obvious signs and observation of habits, the color of the animal will also tell about the gender. Here are some nuances of the cat's palette:

  • The tortoiseshell or tri-color color can only appear in girls. This is caused by genetics: to combine all three classic colors, a pair of X chromosomes is required, which is typical for girls. In cats, the black-white-red color can only appear in the event of a genetic failure or disease.
  • A color called Calico (a type of tortoiseshell) also belongs to girlish “outfits”.
  • Only a cat can have a completely red color, as well as a hint of cinnamon.

Regarding spotted cats, there is no exact definition based on color. Red and black pets may have white spots, regardless of gender. However, it has been noticed that the combination “red and white” is more common in boys, and “black and white” cats are more often found.

Noticeable only to pros

Some avid cat lovers can even distinguish the sex of animals just by looking at them. Thus, experts say that a cat is always confident and, to some extent, arrogant. But the cat is very serious and wary.

If you look closely at your pet's habits while eating, you can also tell what gender it is. To do this, just pour milk into a saucer. The boy will drink it with his tail raised up, and the girl will lower hers down. This is the so-called grandmother's method of determining the sex of kittens.

Differences in character

Just like in humans, there is a “war of the sexes” in the cat world. Cats are as different from cats as day is from night. Experienced cat owners know this, so they advise taking home a kitten of the gender whose character traits are more suitable for the owner.

It is important to understand that character “manifests itself” only at the age of puberty. Therefore, until seven or eight months you will be able to evaluate the kitten’s sociability and mobility, but you will not see the characteristics characteristic of each sex.

Habits characteristic of different sexes:

  • Cats are lazier. They love to cuddle on the sofa and on their owner's lap. The cat is more likely to be cuddled and hugged. Cats tolerate such caresses less often.
  • Cats love solitude. By taking a murka into your home, you sign a cohabitation agreement. It will be difficult to teach a female to sit on your lap, because girls have no time for wasting time when the house is full of things to do.
  • Cats are affectionate only when they need it: during the heat period or in anticipation of dinner. Cats love scratches behind the ears, regardless of time or season.

Behavior during estrus differs between sexes. The cat begins to “mark” the territory, rubbing the sides of the furniture and also scratching the sofa. Cats mark their territory using more severe methods: the urine of a mature cat has a pungent odor and also tends to appear in all corners of the house.

Neutered cats behave differently. It is believed that they are more aggressive, however, this is not entirely true. On the contrary, a cat, deprived of the need to fight for a female, stops trying to prove itself to neighboring rivals, and therefore becomes more affectionate.

Gender differences can also be observed in culinary preferences. The cat won't eat from a dirty bowl, but the cat won't care. Girls also have more requirements regarding drinking water: the bowl must be clean and the drink must be fresh.

Cats love clean water

There is a sign by which, supposedly, you can determine the gender of a kitten. When the babies begin to feed on their own, you need to put a bowl of milk on the floor and move the kittens to it. Watch the babies' tails. Those who hold their ponytail up during meals are boys, and those who have it down are girls.

Physiological nuances

Before deciding who is better to adopt - a cat or a cat - you need to take into account the physiological characteristics of representatives of both sexes. For some this will be the deciding factor.

Estrus and spaying in cats

Girls mature sexually by the age of six months. In large breeds, this period begins a couple of months later. From this time on, females experience sexual activity 2-3 times a year. Their ability to bear children remains throughout their lives.

The period of estrus is accompanied by loud meowing. Cats are obsessive, trying to escape from the apartment, or even make a puddle in the wrong place. If the pet lives in a country house, then regular escapes and pregnancy are added to the listed problems.

Most owners sterilize their pet. Surgical intervention is only possible for young, sexually mature individuals. The veterinarian examines the patient, finds out about the time of the first estrus and prescribes surgery. It is usually carried out between 6 and 12 months of age, depending on the breed.

Sexual hunting and castration of cats

Puberty in boys occurs on average at 8 months of age. From this time on, their secretions acquire a persistent and unpleasant odor. A matured animal becomes almost uncontrollable. The cat marks its territory, destroys furniture, and ruins wallpaper. A wandering male may disappear for several days, and upon return he will not look his best.

To get rid of these problems, veterinarians recommend resorting to castration. The operation is carried out within a short time, the pet easily tolerates it and recovers quickly. A neutered fluffy becomes more balanced and flexible, preferring to spend time within the walls of a house or apartment.

Checking the floor carefully

When examining a kitten immediately after birth, precautions must be taken. To avoid harming your baby, follow these tips:

  • Follow the rules of hygiene: cats should not be handled with dirty hands, or immediately after contact with other animals. Always wash your hands before visiting children;
  • It is impossible to tear the kitten away from feeding. Wait until the baby eats, and then take him away;
  • You need to act carefully so as not to agitate the cat. Some females experience real stress after giving birth, so it is undesirable to disturb them. Even if the cat is in high spirits, do not make noise or make sudden movements near the babies;
  • Despite frequent advice on “probing” the sex of kittens, this is strictly forbidden. Palpation can damage the genitals of newborn kittens, which will lead to irreparable consequences;
  • You can only examine the kitten for a minute. The cubs freeze quickly, so they need to be returned to their mother as quickly as possible.

That's all you need to know to determine the sex of a kitten. Now you know how to distinguish a cat from a cat. If you have questions, you can ask us.

Alternative methods to identify a “castrato”

While examining the cat

If self-examination does not bring firm confidence in a particular result, you should resort to alternative methods of clarification. The first thing worth mentioning is that if the cat was not taken from the street, you need to ask the former owners whether he is neutered or not.

While ordinary people may not know, if they purchase a cat from a cattery, the workers of the latter should know exactly the answer to the question of interest.

If the cat was picked up on the street, you can examine its ears. Now there are foundations and services whose volunteers find homeless animals and sterilize them by leaving a mark or hanging a clip. The mark may involve partial cropping of the ear or the use of a triangular incision.

If none of the above methods help or are irrelevant, you should simply contact your veterinarian or the nearest veterinary clinic. The doctor will examine the cat, do tests if necessary and tell you everything that may interest the owner at the moment. There you can sign up for a castration operation if it turns out that this did not happen.

Characteristic features of male and female genitalia in cats

The easiest way to find out the gender of your pet is visual. It is suitable for those who are faced with the question of how to distinguish a small cat from a cat for the first time. Look under the kitten's tail. Sexual characteristics in small kittens are not clearly formed, but differences can still be found in older animals. In a cat, the anus and genitals look like two points located parallel and horizontally.

The easiest way to find out the gender of your pet is visually

You can also visually rely on the distance between the anus and the genitals. In a cat it is small, about 1 cm, but in a small cat it is noticeably larger. The fur between the anus and the genitals is also a clue. In cats it is quite thick in this place, but female kittens do not have it at all.

If doubts still remain, a tactile inspection can be performed. To do this, you need to carefully probe the place where the testicles should be with your index and middle fingers. How to determine gender? If you have a small cat in your hands, then under your fingertips there will be small peas, no more than 5 mm in diameter.

Cat's genitals

How to distinguish a cat from a female cat at a young age

If it is a Scottish Fold or even a mongrel pet, its gender can be determined at 2-3 months. Although it is possible to spill a boy and a girl earlier.

  • Within a week, newborn kittens can have their genitals visually examined. They have not yet had time to descend, and the organ itself is clearly visible. This method of determining the sex of an animal is especially good if the newborn cat is not a long-haired breed, such as the Persian breed, for example. In this case, the baby cannon does not hide the genitals.
  • At 2-4 weeks, a newborn cat is already covered with thick fur, and it can be difficult to see the genitals. But with regard to hairless, hairless breeds, such as the Sphynx, things are simpler. In their case, you can easily view the genitals, determining the sex of the animal.
  • At 2-3 months, it is much easier to determine the identity, since the genital organ is formed and clearly visible, so it will be easier to determine the gender.

A veterinarian and a breeder can determine the gender of a kitten if they take into account some nuances. You can clearly see the difference between a cat and a cat at six months of age. Animals can be distinguished both by the appearance of their genitals and by their behavior: the cat is marking its territory, and the cat may be entering her first heat.


Determined by gender

There are several ways to determine the sex of a kitten. And although it is not very easy, in principle it is possible to distinguish a cat from a cat. Some pet owners are unable to do this on their own, so they turn to a veterinarian for help. And not without reason, because identifying the sex of a newborn animal is quite difficult. But we will try to figure out how to distinguish a cat from a cat on our own.

DNA test

There are a lot of such comments from pet owners on the Internet who don’t know how to determine the sex of a kitten. If the period is still very short, this does not mean that it is impossible to understand the gender of a newborn animal. It’s entirely possible, but you’ll have to spend some money to do it.

A DNA test is a 100% method that will allow you to understand what gender your kittens are. It will accurately distinguish a boy from a girl even at a very young age. But this method is very expensive, which forces pet owners to resort to traditional methods.

Genital analysis

Not a hundred percent, but a reliable method of how to distinguish a cat from a cat is the analysis of the genitals. You can recognize, understand and determine the sex of a kitten by the appearance of the genitals and their shape. More details about this are shown in the photo. Look at your pet's genitals. For a boy, the distance from the anus to the genitals will be much greater than for girls.

Remember that you need to be very careful when touching your cat in the genital area. Your pet's genitals are very fragile and careless handling of them can only harm him.


You can feel the kittens' organs. This method is one of the most effective for determining the sex of a kitten, but when using it you need to be as careful as possible. In principle, you can identify and understand whether you have a boy or a girl very quickly, but you should be especially careful with the fragile genitals of a newborn cat. Gently run your finger over your pet's genitals; if you have a boy, you will definitely feel the testicles.

It is quite possible to identify this, but do not forget that in boys the appearance of the shape of the testicles is typical at the age of three months. Therefore, if the animal’s age is too young, then it will not be possible to determine the sex, since this sign does not appear earlier than two and a half months after birth. In addition, the location of the supposed location of the testicles is often determined in animals by changes in the color of the fur and its thickness.

But this method is inaccurate. For example, in boys, the testicles may not descend from the abdomen at an early age. And in newborn girls, hormonal changes can cause swelling under the tail, as a result of which the result can be deceiving.

Analysis of a kitten's fur and color can also indicate that it belongs to a specific gender. As a rule, males cannot be tricolored at an early age. Therefore, if there are three colors on a cat’s fur, then, without a doubt, this is a female. This coloring is an exclusive feature of girls.

But if your cat is red, then most likely this is a male. There are an order of magnitude fewer red-haired females in nature than males.

In the face

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You can find out whether your pet belongs to one sex or another using another method. However, this method is also inaccurate, and if the animal is less than a month old, it is unlikely to give a 100% result.

To do this, you will need both male and female kittens. By carefully looking at both cats, you can reveal that the muzzle and nose of males are wider than those of females. In addition, females have thinner muzzle outlines. The muzzle of females is more elongated, not so wide.

You should also pay attention to the cat's body. In boys it is wider, stockier, and more powerful. The paws and tail in this case will also be slightly thicker; in females they are thinner. In particular, females are more graceful and fragile, this can even be seen in their gait, but not in all cases. Their body curves are more graceful.

Cinnamon colored cat

There are several methods for determining the sex of kittens. Most cat lovers determine their gender visually:

  • according to the shape of the genitals;
  • by coat color;
  • by habits;
  • by physique.

In addition, if you have experience, they use the method of palpating the testicular primordia in the space between the anus and the urethra.

Cryptorchidism in cats The appearance of the anus and genitals is described above for newborn kittens and animals one month old. In order to examine their structure, the kitten is carefully turned tummy up. Another way is to place the baby on the diaper with his back up and lift his tail.

Sexual differences in kittens of early age
Regarding coat color, it has been reliably proven that only girls can be tricolored. The combination of white, black and red colors is determined genetically. This color is due to two X chromosomes from the female set of chromosomes. The so-called “tortoiseshell” color is also found only in females.

Who is the cat and who is the cat?

The gender of the kitten is determined by palpation from birth. Palpation is carried out carefully so as not to cause pain to the baby. This is done with two fingers (middle and index) in the part of the body between the urethra and the anus (as shown in the photograph). In boys, “peas” with a diameter of about five millimeters are palpable.

Determining the sex of a kitten using palpation method

In appearance and physique, differences appear in kittens at six months of age. The cat's body is large and powerful. The body of a cat is more graceful and smaller than that of a cat. The female's head is visually smaller than the male's.

External differences between cats and cats

Differences in the habits of cats and cats appear during puberty. At seven months the male begins to mark his territory. The female begins her first heat at this age. The cat arches its back, raises its tail, and demands affection.

A cat in a state of hunting
In adulthood, cats behave calmer than cats. Males often sleep, and females are “cats who walk by themselves.” Cats are cleaner than cats. They wash themselves constantly and always go to their own toilet. Cats often ignore the toilet they are accustomed to.

The cat calls the cat

Pros and cons of the operation

Any surgical intervention carries certain risks. Some owners consider it unacceptable to interfere with nature and make animals comfortable to keep.

In order to understand whether to castrate a cat or not, the advice of a veterinarian will help you make a choice. The advantages of the operation include lack of aggressiveness, balance and absence of territory marks. The pet will become docile and obedient, and will not try to run away from home.

Disadvantages include a tendency to overeating and obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and the likelihood of complications.

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