How to determine the gender of a puppy by appearance: diagram, description

Boy or girl - that is the question. And it, not surprisingly, occurs in everyone who holds a newborn or a slightly older puppy in their hands. Is it important? Of course, it is even important to quickly name your pet or, if you are breeding dogs, to immediately understand who your pet brought you. However, if you are not an expert in this matter, then some difficulties may immediately arise, since up to a certain age the puppies are very similar to each other. Tips on how to determine the sex of a puppy, as well as useful photos, can be found in our article.

How to tell a boy puppy from a girl?

Independently distinguishing the gender of a puppy by visual method is only possible from 4 weeks of age. Until this time, male dogs have practically no developed genitals, so they are often confused with females. The most accurate result can be obtained if the birth was attended by a qualified veterinarian, but even in such a situation there is a risk of error. The main physiological differences between puppies of different sexes:

  • in male dogs, a small flattening with an opening is formed next to the navel; over time, the penis will develop from it;
  • In females, the genitals are not pronounced; the surface of the body below the navel should be smooth and even.

Even ultrasound examination of puppies or fetuses in the womb is not always informative regarding gender.

If you are not sure about the correct sex determination of newborns of the same litter, it is recommended to wait until the genitalia begin to form.

Non-standard folk methods

Folk omens are not as reliable as medical advances, but they also work. They can be used to test your own intelligence or the frequency of coincidence of observations with real facts.

In the face

It is enough to look at the baby's head to determine its gender. Girls have a thinner, more graceful, elongated muzzle. In males, the head will look more massive. However, you should not trust this method unconditionally.

By voice

It is believed that boys are “chatty” and love to squeak and meow for no reason. In both humans and cats, boys will have a low and rough voice, and girls will have a high and thin voice.

By weight

There are two ways to determine the sex of a kitten by weight: either by weighing the baby daily, or by comparing it with other kittens in the litter. Boys grow faster and gain more weight. They also eat more than girls.

Who to choose: boy or girl

Males and females have a number of not only physiological, but also behavioral differences. A competent choice of gender will allow you to avoid inconvenience during the subsequent raising and maintenance of your pet. You need to choose a dog taking into account subsequent goals and objectives. For example, if you want to hunt or teach your pet working skills, then it is better to take a male dog - they are usually more resilient and tolerate behavior correction better. A dog of any gender is suitable as a companion. The decisive factor when choosing a dog should be the temperament, character and other characteristics of the breed, which begin to appear from the first months of the animal’s life.


Along with the Pomeranian Spitz puppy, a specialized breeder is obliged to give you documents on the transfer of ownership:

  • pedigree;
  • registration documents;
  • list of vaccinations done;
  • a reminder about future vaccinations and deworming;
  • description of the diet;
  • meal schedule.

Don't forget to check your puppy for marks.

The above information will help you with choosing a Pomeranian puppy. If you have any questions, you can ask them to the potential seller. He will not only answer you with pleasure, but also share his experience.

Now you are a full-fledged owner of a purebred Pomeranian Spitz, and the future of the dog will depend only on your proper maintenance, care and education.

Why do you need to know the gender of the puppy?

It is recommended to decide in advance about the gender of your future dog. Females and males differ in behavior, especially towards people and other animals.

Often, sexually mature males may not get along with each other and engage in open aggression.

If you already have a temperamental dog at home, it is recommended that you refuse to purchase another dog. The gender of the dog allows you to predict its behavior and the characteristics of your pet’s upbringing.

What questions to ask the breeder

During a personal meeting with a Pomeranian breeder or during correspondence, we recommend that you clarify the following information:

  • How big will the puppy grow? It is advisable to know the sizes of both parents. A good breeder will be able to answer this question accurately, as well as provide examples of estimated growth charts for this puppy and his ancestors.
  • Has the puppy been examined by a veterinarian? Does he have any health problems?
  • Was the puppy bred on a regular basis or is it a random litter?
  • Vaccinations against what diseases were carried out, are there corresponding certificates?
  • Are the puppy's parents DNA profiled? For a Spitz, this is an optional characteristic, however, if you plan to breed dogs in the future or just want a purebred dog, all documents must be present.
  • What hereditary diseases do the puppy's parents have? The list of diseases or their complete absence must be notarized.
  • Have the breeder's dogs participated in any official exhibition? The presence of such a fact, along with the relevant documents, is an extremely positive factor, indicating not only the well-being, but also the honesty of the breeder.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the Pomeranian Dwarf Spitz is not a breed that should be given enough attention to purebred. In the vast majority of cases, it is enough for potential owners that the dog is healthy and looks decent. However, in any case you should be very careful. We wish our readers to choose the best Spitz puppy - there are many advertisements on our website.

Differences in the behavior of puppies of different sexes

Sexual dimorphism in the behavior of dogs occurs after 6-12 months, depending on the breed, they are associated with the production of hormones in the body. The adult cable begins to raise its paw during the process of emission. Most males are larger than females and have thicker fur. In addition, their territorial instinct is better developed - during walks the dog begins to mark, trying to define its boundaries. Aggression towards other individuals of the same sex and pugnacity often appear.

Bitches, even from puppyhood, demonstrate a more docile and modest character. Outwardly, they are smaller than males, which is especially noticeable among representatives of large breeds. Urination occurs while sitting on the hind legs. Unspayed female dogs go into heat twice a year, when the dog's behavior may change.

Positive Features

So who is better: bitch or cable? Maybe the question of gender preference depends on the breed? It is impossible to answer this question precisely. Let's look at the pros and cons of flooring. Let's start with their positive qualities.

Large, strong, durableDon't chase dogs
Bitches don't chase male dogsFlexible in terms of education
They are operational all year roundThose with a softer character
Not very susceptible to stress and painAffectionate and caring family member
Reliable protection and securityPeriod of sexual desire - 1 month for a whole year
No heatFewer people run away from home
As a consequence of the previous point, they do not require isolation during the period of estrus.Bring offspring
You don't have to knit for the rest of your life.Don't mark the territory in the house

How to examine a newborn puppy?

An unborn puppy must be examined with extreme caution - they have fragile bones, and even slight pressure can lead to problems. Before picking up the dog, you need to wipe it dry. When examining the floor of the puppy, you need to place him on his back in your palm, trying to cover the maximum area of ​​his body and supporting his head with your fingers.

The maximum contact time should not exceed 10 minutes - newborns do not yet have thermoregulation, they can freeze without additional heat.

It is best to use a warm towel that has been preheated to just above room temperature. If the baby begins to tremble and cry, he should be returned to his place immediately.

Even before the inspection begins, you should make sure that the bitch does not object to this manipulation. Some females may behave aggressively after giving birth.

If you see the dog begin to bare its teeth or growl, immediately put the puppy back.

Breed standard

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized working dog. For hundreds of years it was used as a riding vehicle. Today this breed is very popular, and this is not surprising. Despite her powerful appearance, she is kind to children, affectionate, and very faithful to her owner.

An adult dog has a muscular body and strong bones. Males are seasoned and hardy, but are not distinguished by rudeness, females are graceful, although they have developed muscles.

What are the breed standards?

In dogs that are black, red and gray in color, the nose is black, in dogs of a copper shade it is chestnut, in snow-white dogs it is flesh-colored. The muzzle is average in length and width, becoming narrower closer to the ears. The lips are pigmented and fit tightly. The slightly slanted eyes of the husky are mesmerizing. Eye colors are brown and blue. The look of a dog of this breed is piercing, but friendly and not without a hint of mischief. The ears are medium in size, stand vertically upward, are close to each other, and have a triangular shape.

During the stance, the husky holds his head proudly raised. The beautiful curved neck gives the dog a proud posture. The back is straight. The tail is of the “fox” type, equally pubescent on all sides. When the dog is tense, the tail is raised and resembles a sickle. The coat is “double” of medium length. The coat is dense, but not long. When the dog moves, the tail does not curl to the side. Colors are allowed from black to snow-white. There may be markings and various patterns on the head.

So, the main characteristics of the breed:

  • the average size;
  • proportionate strong body;
  • correct tail;
  • dense and coarse coat;
  • friendly character;
  • high degree of endurance.

How to determine the gender of a puppy?

After you have taken the puppy in your hand, you can begin to identify the genitals. The area between the navel and tail should be examined to determine the rudiments of the scrotum, but in very small puppies it may not yet be formed. There should be another bulge on the lower abdomen of boys, which is located below the navel. This is the dog's future foreskin; at this age it should absolutely not be pulled back - the penis remains closed for up to 2-4 months.

In bitches, the genitals are located lower, almost at the base of the abdomen. The surface in that place should be smooth, only the navel and small dots (future nipples) are visually visible. The loop in newborns is still flat, barely pronounced. However, it is visually easy to determine who is in front of you - a girl or a boy.

How to determine the gender of a teenage puppy?

As they grow older, sexual characteristics become more pronounced, so after 1 month it is easy to determine the gender of the dog. Main features:

  1. In male dogs, a scrotum is formed, located between the hind legs. When palpating the juveniles, two testicles can be found as they descend. If this does not happen for a long time, you should contact your veterinarian, as the dog may be cryptorchid. You will clearly notice the penis, which grows along with the rest of the body until adulthood. Males of small breeds begin to raise their paws and mark their territory as early as 2 months, while in large breeds this is observed later.
  2. Bitches have a vulva under the anus, which is easiest to identify by picking up the dog. Externally, it is a small formation, usually hidden by fur. The first estrus begins at 6-9 months, it can be distinguished by changes in behavior and the blood that the animal secretes.

If you are planning to castrate, it is recommended to do it as early as possible. In males - after the descent of the testicles (if there is no cryptorchidism), in females - before the onset of the first estrus. This allows you to avoid hormonal influence on the animal’s behavior and various problems with the reproductive organs.

Growing from seeds at home

If you don’t have a garden, you can grow a few chives even at home, on a windowsill or balcony. For this purpose, seeds are prepared in the usual way, although a solution of a growth stimulator (for example, Epin) can be added to speed up germination.

How to sow onions at home:

  1. A loose substrate, including sand, humus and turf soil, is poured into a box about 20 cm deep.
  2. Having marked the sowing grooves and watered them well, spread the seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm every 2–2.5 cm.
  3. Having sprinkled the seeds with a substrate, spray them with water from a spray bottle and cover the box with glass or film.

Any container is suitable for growing chives at home.

At room temperature, seedlings appear in 6–8 days. After this, you need to remove the glass and place the box on a sunny windowsill with a temperature no higher than 18°C. At elevated temperatures (more than 23°C), the leaves grow quickly, but not so “vigorously”.

You need to water onions at home often, but little by little. Depending on the nature of the soil, it may be necessary to arrange drainage and make holes in the bottom of the box. With the onset of hot days, the amount of water will have to be greatly increased. Its temperature does not play a big role, but it should not be very cold. It is desirable that the relative humidity in the room be at least 70%.

The nutrients contained in the soil will not last long for the onion, so you need to take care of fertilizing, otherwise the leaves will be pale and small. Twice a month, plantings are watered with a solution of any complex fertilizer prepared according to the instructions for it.

Two months after the first shoots appear, you can already begin cutting off the leaves: perhaps only selectively, and not entirely. How long it will take chives to grow at home depends on their care and the ability to maintain the required temperature and light in the winter.

Common mistakes when determining gender

Despite its apparent simplicity, mistakes often occur when identifying the sex of puppies. The main ones:

  1. Gender cannot be determined by how one urinates. Some males can sit down for up to six months, and females begin to raise their paws.
  2. Regardless of gender, dogs develop 8-10 nipples, but in dogs they are less pronounced, most often only two abdominal pairs are clearly visible.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to retract the foreskin - you can cause an infection or injure the puppy. This process occurs naturally between 2 and 6 months of age, depending on the breed.
  4. Dogs of large breeds and giants enter puberty later than small dogs, so the formation of genitalia occurs more slowly. Later, the first heat is observed, marks during walks.

If, when examining your puppy, you are not sure who is in front of you, it is best to contact the breeder or veterinarian. An experienced specialist can easily recognize the sex of an animal.

Books, films and geography

When choosing a name for a dog, you can turn to the cinema, in which there are also dogs with the names Balto, Pluto, Pirate. There are quite a few names in mythology that are suitable for huskies. Mythical names can endow a boy with masculinity and courage, and a girl with beauty and attractiveness. An example of mythical names are the following names: Zeus, Hera, Freya, Akhil, Valkyrie.

In addition, to name your husky pet, you can resort to books. For example, on the pages of the writer Jack London you can find such dog names as Daymond, Shasti and Buddy.

When choosing a name for your pet, you can choose a name related to geography. For example, names such as Siberia, Alaska and Baikal are perfect for the Husky dog ​​breed. From geography, you can use natural phenomena that correspond to the character of the pet. Thus, the pet can be called one of the following names: Buran, Blizzard, Hurricane, Tornado. A name like Polar Star is perfect for a white girl.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Pronounced sexual characteristics in dogs appear starting from 4 weeks of life, so it may be difficult to examine newborn puppies.
  2. In males, the penis is first represented by a small tubercle below the navel; the belly of females is smooth and even.
  3. Males are larger and prone to territorial instinct. Females more often have a calm and docile character; regular estrus begins from 6-9 months. Behavior is not a primary gender characteristic.

Can you determine the gender of a puppy? Share useful tips in the comments on how to find out who was born - a boy or a girl.

Popular nicknames for huskies

How to name a Spitz boy or girl: nicknames for dogs

There are already recognized and popular nicknames for huskies among breeders. Most often, the name for a dog of a given breed is chosen from this list.

Names for boys

The most popular nicknames for husky boys in alphabetical order:

  • Avatar, Adamant, Axel, Ice, Alex, Alf, Amigo, Archie;
  • Bike, Bucks, Balto, Barney, Baron, Beethoven, Bobby;
  • Varyag, Vegas, Veles, Woland, Wolf, Wulf;
  • Hans, Garrett, Graf, Grace, Greg;
  • Dante, Damon, Jasper, Justin, Joker, Dick;
  • Euphrates, Jaeger, Esaul;
  • Gendarme, Jasper, Joseph;
  • Zag, Sunset, Sigmund, Siegfried, Zory;
  • Ignat, Icarus, Ymir, Impulse, Eastwood;
  • Kaiser, Kyle, Castle, Chestnut, Kurt, Kevin, Case, Creed, Clyde;
  • Light, Lancelot, Lemon, Leps, Lestor, Leader, Ludwig, Lux;
  • Major, Mike, Mario, Murphy, Miguel, Maurice, Mustang, Mukhtar;
  • Nike, Nats, Ned, Next, Nid, Niro, Niko, Norman, Nord;
  • Oddi, Olaf, Alder, Oliver, Ost, Oscar, Orion, Ostap;
  • Guerrilla, Perry, Percy, Peekaboo, Pirate, Prime, Preston;
  • Ride, Rex, Reed, Rustley, Richard, Rockefeller, Rotan;
  • Simon, Salute, Snow, Spike, Sims, Stark, Spirit, Sultan;
  • Tyler, Tyson, Teddy, Theo, Trevor, Toreador;
  • White, Walter, Hurricane, Ural, Uranus, Urfin, Success, Wesley;
  • Pharaoh, Phantom, Freddy, Flash, Phobos, Frankie, Frodo;
  • Heidi, Hacker, Hank, Harris, Hachiko, Hopkins, Holmes, Hugo;
  • Cent, Cerium, Cesei, Cyclontus, Tsum;
  • Chang, Charlie, Chester, Chizh, Chip;
  • Sharfhan, Shakespeare, Sheldon, Sheriff, Storm, Sherlock;
  • Edmond, Ellipse, Alvin, Eragon;
  • Juventus, Eugene, Juncker, Yusuf;
  • Iago, Yakut, Yanis, Hawk.

Monument to the most popular dog named Hachiko

Names for girls

The most popular names for husky girls dogs in alphabetical order:

  • Agnia, Adele, Quince, Alicia, Amelie, Assol, Asya;
  • Bagheera, Barty, Beatrice, Betty, Bella, Betsy;
  • Vanessa, Vega, Vendetta, Vesta, Vivienne, Viola;
  • Gaina, Gita, Gracie, Grace, Gretchen;
  • Daphne, Delhi, Jackie, Jessica, Judy, Diana, Dora;
  • Jeannette, Jasmine, Geneva, Jessie;
  • Zalta, Zabella, Zaya, Zenna, Zlata, Zosya;
  • Ivy, Isabella, Ilana, Iolanta, Ivanna;
  • Kayla, Kaycee, Caroline, Catherine, Kate, Cassie, Katie;
  • Laima, Lana, Lacoste, Linda, Louise, Lucy;
  • Miley, Maya, Malibu, Marcel, Melanie, Mary, Michelle;
  • Naisa, Naisi, Nana, Nancy, Nikki, Nona;
  • Odeli, Ophelia, Ollie, Omega, Olanda, Ophelia;

Monument to the husky Balto in New York

  • Piper, Petty, Princess, Paige, Paulina, Perry, Pauline;
  • Rada, Raida, Rafaella, Rosa, Roxana, Rochelle, Ruby, Ruta, Runa;
  • Saiga, Saga, Sakura, Samantha, Selina, Sofia, Stacy, Santa;
  • Taiga, Terry, Tezi, Thatcher;
  • Ursula, Ureula, Ulli;
  • Fabiana, Florida, Florencia, Phoebe, Fiona, Francesca;
  • Heidi, Hayta, Hannah, Charisma, Hilary, Juanita;
  • Ceia, Cercea, Tsimma;
  • Chara, Chancey, Cherry;
  • Shyla, Charlotte, Shelley, Sherry;
  • Abby, Euphoria, Ellie, Andy, Emma, ​​Elina;
  • Yuna, Eugina;
  • Java, Jadwiga.

These are just some of the nicknames you can use. The choice is quite large.

Note! Recently it has become fashionable to give Japanese names to blue-eyed handsome men. This is primarily due to the popularity of comics and the spread of anime.

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