Features of the Golden Rottweiler: photos of dogs, description of character and care requirements + how to choose a puppy?

The Rottweiler is one of the most popular guard dog breeds in the world.

These strong, powerful dogs are known as excellent protectors and bodyguards. Many people who decide to buy a four-legged guard for their home or apartment opt ​​for the Rottweiler.

The golden color of these dogs is extremely rare, but from time to time advertisements for the sale of such puppies still appear in the press.

But do Rottweilers come in colors other than the traditional black and tan, or are such advertisements a scam and golden Rottweilers do not exist in nature?

In this article we will answer this question and also show photos of Rottweilers with this color.

Origin story

The ancestors of all Rottweilers, without exception, are mastiff-shaped dogs that appeared in ancient times.
In the Middle Ages, the ancestors of Rottweilers were used as hunting and fighting dogs. Of course, in those days people paid the least attention to the exterior of dogs.

It was then required from the ancestors of Rottweilers. so that they could successfully cope with their work - hunt big game, and also fight alongside the soldiers during numerous military conflicts of those times.

Later, when wars began to be fought with the use of firearms, and instead of mastiff-like dogs, more agile greyhounds and hounds began to be used for hunting, the ancestors of the Rottweilers again became herding dogs, which were also used to protect property.

Soon the breed was divided into two types - larger and smaller, but also more active dogs.

Large Rottweilers were used as guards and bodyguards, while smaller ones were used as cattle herding dogs.

The breed standard appeared already at the beginning of the twentieth century, and at the same time the use of Rottweilers as search and guard dogs began. They were also used as rescuers.

Currently, the popularity of the breed is still very high, and the Rottweiler population is very large.

As for golden dogs, they are a very rare breed and are rarely seen.

Marriage or breed?

Currently, the only acceptable color for Rottweilers is black and tan, and any other colors are a defect in the breed.

As for golden Rottweilers, it is almost impossible to find a purebred red or fawn dog. Almost all dogs with this color are crossbreeds with similar breeds, such as Boxers or Dogue de Bordeaux.

Interesting Facts

There are many interesting things associated with the Rottweiler breed. Here are just some facts:

  • According to historical data, dogs resembling modern representatives of the breed took part in the Seven Years' War - one of the largest armed conflicts of the 18th century.
  • In the old days, German butchers hung purses around the necks of their dogs. No one in their right mind would risk robbing a four-legged defender.
  • Rottweilers are prohibited from being imported into some countries because they are considered potentially dangerous. The list includes Israel, Bermuda, Portugal, Ecuador.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • loyal to its owners;
  • smart;
  • strong and hardy dog;
  • Rottweilers make wonderful guards and bodyguards;
  • unpretentious in maintenance and does not require complex care;
  • are protective of children and are ready to protect them from any danger;
  • With proper socialization, it easily gets along with other animals in the house.

  • professional training and early socialization are necessary;
  • require a serious attitude towards oneself - the owner of such a dog can only be an adult and, moreover, a physically strong person;
  • Rottweilers can learn commands somewhat slower than other dogs, which requires a special approach to their training;
  • need a lot of physical activity;
  • a rather large dog, which may be difficult to keep in an apartment due to the fact that it needs a lot of space;
  • Raising and feeding such a dog can be difficult.

That is why you need to be especially careful when choosing your future pet, especially if we are talking about a Rottweiler with such a rare color as fawn.

Basic moments

  • Rottweilers reach full physical and psychological maturity by two years.
  • They require long walks combined with active games and physical activity.
  • They need a serious and strong mentor. They will create a lot of problems for inexperienced owners who do not have the skills to work with service dogs.
  • Rottweilers do not tolerate high temperatures well, but they feel quite comfortable in the cold, thanks to their dense undercoat.
  • They recognize the dominant role of the owner, but absolutely do not accept violence against themselves.
  • They are smart, capable of making decisions with lightning speed if there is a threat to human life and health.
  • They have a good appetite, thanks to which they are able to quickly “eat up” extra pounds and lose shape.
  • They get along well with the pets they grew up with.
  • Small dogs and puppies are treated with indifference and contempt. They sense rivals in large individuals, often provoking them into a fight.
  • Animals that have not completed the mandatory training course are usually uncontrollable and pose a danger not only to others, but also to their own owner.
  • Rottweilers are serious and energetic brutal dogs, whose main purpose is to serve people. Rottweilers make the best rescuers and guides, ready at any moment to risk their own lives in the name of saving people. On the street, these muscular beauties are the epitome of menace and alertness. They are energetic, observant and always in control of the situation. However, as soon as the dog returns home, the affectionate sloth awakens inside him, occupying the soft sofa and ready to devour kilograms of treats.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

The golden or golden Rottweiler is a medium to large sized dog with heavy and strong bones. It should look neither too heavy nor too light.

The height of males is from 61 to 68 cm, and that of females is from 56 cm to 63 cm. The approximate weight of boys is 50 kg, and that of girls is 42 kg.

The body format of the Rottweiler is slightly stretched - the length of the dog does not exceed the height at the withers by more than 15%.

Other characteristics of dogs of this breed:

  • the head is quite large, with a wide skull and a well-defined occipital protuberance. The transition to the muzzle is clear, but not too sharp;
  • The muzzle is wide, tapering slightly towards the nose. The nose is wide and black;
  • lips tightly fitting, their pigmentation is black;
  • The cheekbones are well defined, the jaws are strong and wide. Scissor bite;
  • the eyes are brownish, almond-shaped, not large, but not small either;
  • The ears of a medium-sized golden Rottweiler are triangular, hanging, set high and, being directed forward, visually expand the cranial part of the animal’s head;
  • neck of medium length, powerful, with well-developed muscles, without dewlap;
  • the back is short, straight and strong. The loin is short and powerful, merging into a slightly sloping croup;
  • the chest is wide, powerful and deep, reaching to the elbows;
  • the stomach should not be too tight or too saggy;
  • tail of natural length or docked;
  • limbs are strong, with well-developed muscles. The front ones are straight and even, while the rear ones look slightly pulled back;
  • paws are collected, with arched toes;
  • The coat is of medium length, hard, dense and close-lying. The undercoat is softer and shorter.


Dogs of this breed have sensitive digestion, and therefore the owner is required to carefully select foods. The basis of the diet should be food rich in protein, essential trace elements and minerals.

It is useful to feed Rottweilers:

  • chicken;
  • beef;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • cereals;
  • fresh herbs and vegetables.

The puppy's menu should include supplements that increase the strength of ligaments and bones.

The older the dog, the less often it needs to be fed . Up to three months, puppies are fed up to four times a day; one-year-old dogs must get by with three meals. An adult dog should be taught to eat two meals a day.

Rottweilers have a weakness for various offal products: beef tripe, kidneys, heart. Give fermented milk products in small quantities. Your pet's bowl should not contain salty, fried, fatty or smoked foods.

Fasting days, when the dog is given only clean water, will also not hurt.

Life expectancy and health

The average lifespan of Golden Rottweilers is 10-12 years.

These dogs can suffer from a number of diseases, mainly diseases of the musculoskeletal system and eyes.

Among the most typical diseases for Rottweilers are dysplasia, osteochondrosis, retinal atrophy, cataracts, and entropion. They also have metabolic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes.

Rottweilers are also prone to overheating and sunstroke.

Features of care

This breed does not require special care. It is enough to brush your golden Rottweiler 2-3 times a week, and every day during the shedding period.
You need to bathe your Rottweiler twice a year. If your pet lives in the courtyard of a private house or in an enclosure , then you need to take care of insulating its booth.

Like all other dogs, Rottweilers need a balanced diet.

They also need their eyes, ears and teeth cleaned, and sometimes their nails need to be trimmed. All these procedures must be performed as necessary.


A few reviews:

  • “This is a German quality that there is no reason to doubt. A strong, strong-willed person who knows what he wants and what he is doing can become a good owner for a Rottweiler and find a true friend in him. If you are not like that, then you should not risk yourself and others.”
  • “This breed is the most terrible memory from childhood. We had Gretta, who recognized only her father as her master. She bit and intimidated my brother and me. Sometimes we even had to climb into the house through the window, because Gretta stood at the door and growled.”

Price range

The cost of Rottweilers without documents averages from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Considering that the Golden Rottweiler is considered a Plembrace, such a puppy costs about the same as regular Rottweilers without papers. However, some breeders who pass off breeding as exclusive may sell such dogs at a higher price than standard puppies.

How to choose a puppy?

Purebred golden Rottweilers are very rare, but under the guise of this breed, mixed breeds with other Great Danes are often sold.

In order to be absolutely sure that the pet is purebred, it is recommended to buy a golden Rottweiler from a nursery. In this case, the puppy must be given a certificate with a mark of defective color.

Externally, the golden Rottweiler should not differ in physique and quality of rearing from standard littermates.

It is very important that the baby does not show any signs of illness, even the most insignificant ones. And, if the entire litter has already been vaccinated, the fawn or red puppy should also have a record in the veterinary passport about the vaccination.

The Myth of the Golden Rottweiler

The question of the existence of a golden or white Rottweiler periodically arises among Internet users on various forums dedicated to dog breeding. In fact, there is only one standard color, and any deviation from it is considered defective. The main coat color is black. Scorched in a rich brown color. They are located on the cheeks and eyebrows, under the lower jaw, on the chest, on the shoulders, on the lower part of the paws, in the anus area, on the inner thigh.

All other colors are myths or a reality that has not yet come. Even albinos are born into the Rottweiler family extremely rarely.

Interestingly, the lightened color of the tan marks can also affect the base color of the coat, and this will make the animal lighter overall. This phenomenon is considered anomalous and is recognized as a serious drawback.

History of the origin of the breed

The ancestors of Rottweilers include mastiff-like dogs that appeared in ancient times. At that time they were necessary for hunting. They also served as fighting dogs. Little attention was paid to appearance in the Middle Ages. The pets had to perform their task well, their owners cared little about the rest.

Initially, there were predominantly black dogs; red and other shades were quite rare. Then they began to use firearms and more agile breeds of dogs in battles, and the Rottweiler was divided into several types. Larger individuals were used as guards, and small pets drove livestock. The Golden Rottweiler dog received certain standards for its breed only at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was then that the range of their responsibilities expanded: pets began to be used on guard and during searches. Individuals also took part in rescue operations. It is important that the golden Rottweiler is the rarest representative of its breed. More often you can find the traditional color black.

Description of the breed

The key differences between this species and other dogs are their large size and power. A fighting appearance often instills fear in others. It is worth noting that since the appearance of this species, such dogs have always been close to humans and lived with them. This allowed them to acquire a balanced character. Despite the fact that a pet can get along well with people, it is important to pay a lot of attention to the upbringing and socialization of the pet.

Main characteristics

The size of the breed can be large or medium. The physique and bones are strong. The height of males reaches the range of 61-68 cm. Females are slightly lower and can be from 56 to 63 cm. Males weigh about 50 kg, and girls reach 42 kg. Dogs have a slightly elongated body shape. A distinctive feature is the golden color.


The dog's head is large, the skull is wide, and the occipital protuberance is clearly defined. There is no sharp transition to the muzzle, but it is clear. The muzzle itself is wide, slightly narrowed at the nose. The lips fit tightly and have a black tint. The individual has a scissor bite and a wide, strong jaw. The eyes are medium-sized, almond-shaped, black in color. The ears are hanging, triangle-shaped, set high. They are directed forward, making the cranial part visually wider.

  • Photo from Instagram account bindimills

The neck is of medium length, distinguished by power and muscularity, there are no dewlaps. The back is strong and of medium length. The lower back, like the rest of the body, is powerful, the chest is deep and wide. The tail may be docked or natural length. The legs are strong, the front legs are level, and the hind legs are slightly pulled back. The pet has a soft, short undercoat and hard, thick hair that is of medium length and fits tightly to the body.


Such dogs have always been surrounded by people, thanks to this they have a high ability to adapt. They can easily fit into the rhythm of the owner’s life, feel his emotional background and quickly remember all the owner’s habits. The dog is balanced and serious; he feels confident and calm.

Provided proper upbringing, the pet will not be noticed in causeless attacks of aggression. He has a well-developed innate hunter's instinct. Therefore, he is ready to protect his family or owner at any time. It is important to train your pet from a young age so that he can see the difference between standard everyday situations and a real threat.

If a beginner decides to get a Rottweiler without experience in raising dogs or he simply does not engage in the socialization of the pet, then the latter will grow up rude and aggressive. He can become a real threat even to his own family. The individual is distinguished by devotion and needs to show love and care from the owner. It is difficult to cope with loneliness, loves to be close to the owner. The dog is temperamental and should not be left unattended with children, guests or strangers.

Health and major diseases

On average, dogs of this breed live about 8-10 years. The owner may face various health problems with the pet, including allergic reactions, stomach enlargement, and cancer. Rottweilers also have dysplasia of the elbow and hip joints, and osteochondrosis. Your pet may have congenital hearing or vision problems, hyperpigmentation in the mucous membranes or on the skin, or parvovirus infections. If any symptoms of a pet's illness are detected, the owner should immediately contact a veterinarian for a diagnosis.


The lifespan of a large breed dog is about 8-10 years. Sometimes this figure can increase for another 3-4 years. Due to their brutal appearance and fairly large build, Rottweilers give the impression of being strong and hardy. However, this breed of dog has plenty of its own diseases.

Innate immunity acquired through mother's milk protects the puppy for up to two months after birth. Further, starting from the age of two months, it is necessary to develop the acquired immunity of the dog through timely vaccination.

This measure will further help protect not only the dog’s body from various types of diseases, but will also protect the household members themselves from possible health problems. Agree, an unvaccinated dog infected, for example, with rabies, will pose a threat to others .

The vaccine is usually placed either in the scruff of the neck or in the hip of the puppy. For each dog, the veterinarian creates a special medical passport, which records all the procedures performed. According to the vaccination rules, Rottweiler puppies must be vaccinated against:

  • rabies;
  • adenovirus;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza virus;
  • parvovirus enteritis.

The first vaccination for a puppy is carried out at the age of 6-8 weeks. This is usually done by breeders, so most likely your puppy will already have his first vaccination. Booster vaccinations will be needed every three weeks until the puppy is 20 weeks old. Further, up to two years, revaccination is done against plague, parvovirus and parainfluenza virus.

Content and education

It is necessary to start raising a dog at a very young age. Even when he is a puppy, it is worth starting his socialization and training. The breed is quite large, so it requires a lot of space. A small apartment will not be the most suitable home for a Rottweiler. She can get along with her owner, but with a whole family in a small apartment the animal will simply feel cramped.

  • Photo from Instagram account bindimills

It is necessary to organize the pet’s sleeping place and feeding area. It is also better that your pet has toys. To release accumulated energy, the dog needs regular, daily walks.

TOP nicknames

The puppy receives a “family” name during examination for compliance with breed standards, and you cannot influence his choice. But the passport nickname often remains only in the passport, and in everyday life the name is a reflection of the dog’s character and the owner’s preferences. For Rottweilers, short, sonorous names are often chosen that are related to the history of the origin of the breed, mythology or pop culture.

You can call a Rottweiler “boy”:

  • Lord;
  • Prince;
  • Diesel;
  • Archie;
  • Hercules;
  • Charlie;
  • Hugo;
  • Oscar;
  • Bart;
  • Kaiser.

You can name a Rottweiler “girl”:

  • Gretel;
  • Beauty;
  • Adele;
  • Buffy;
  • Daisy;
  • Hera;
  • Grace;
  • Athena;
  • Sabrina;
  • Wendy.

Remember, your pet's name should not be similar to team names, similar to popular names in your area, or potentially offensive to others.

Pros and cons of the breed

Among the advantages of the breed it is worth noting:

  • devotion;
  • mind;
  • good endurance and strength;
  • will become a good bodyguard or hunter;
  • does not require complex care, simple maintenance;
  • can easily get along with other animals provided proper and high-quality socialization.

Such dogs also have some disadvantages. Among them:

  • needs early socialization and mandatory training;
  • requires a serious attitude towards oneself;
  • learning commands may be slow;
  • requires serious physical activity;
  • eats a lot and takes up a lot of space. Not suitable for small apartments.

The breed has more advantages, and if the pet is treated properly and seriously, it will grow up to be a loyal and kind pet.

Tail docking

Rottweiler tail docking dates back to ancient times. They did this in order to reduce the risk of injury from other animals. Today there is no such need, but the procedure is carried out to improve the exterior. If the owner decides to dock the tail, then this should be done at a very early age.

The tail is cut off in the first 10 days after the puppy is born. At this time, sensitivity to pain is reduced, and the vertebrae of the tail have not yet formed. There are also situations when docking is simply necessary. If the dog attends exhibitions, the tail is cut off, fearing that otherwise a Rottweiler with a long tail will not fit the standards.

Important! A curled tail is not acceptable for this breed standard.

How to choose a puppy

The Rottweiler is a popular breed, which is why mixed breeds are often sold under the guise of purebreds. With proper upbringing, such pets show themselves on the positive side. But no one will be held responsible for their character. Therefore, if the goal is to purchase a purebred animal, it is recommended to contact a trusted nursery. There, the golden rottweiler puppy will have the necessary documents. They may, among other things, indicate that such coloring is a defect. This is because real golden ones are quite difficult to find due to their rarity.

When choosing, you need to pay attention not only to the price, but also to the appearance of the puppy. There should be no lethargy, apathy or signs of health problems. Behavior must be adequate, without attempts to hide, hide in a corner or rush at the buyer. It is better if the puppy is no more than 3 months old, and its mother is no more than 8 years old. Be sure to check information about vaccinations performed and information about the health of parents.

The Rottweiler is a large dog. Initially, it was a service animal and performed various functions, including hunting and protection. When deciding to have such a pet, it is important to treat your pet seriously and responsibly. Dog training, early socialization and proper care will make a puppy a loyal, devoted and obedient friend.


Purpose of purchase

In order not to overpay when choosing a dog, you need to decide why you are buying it. How much a Rottweiler puppy costs depends on its purpose. All puppies can be divided into three groups:

  • pet class;
  • breeding class;
  • show class.

If you need a dog “for the soul”, for protection, then pet-class puppies are suitable. Such representatives of the breed have slight deviations from the standard, which makes them unsuitable for exhibitions and breeding. But this does not prevent them from being good working dogs. The price of such puppies varies from two hundred to three hundred dollars.

If your goal is breeding, buy a breed-class puppy. The minimum price for such babies starts from three hundred dollars. The cost increases if the puppy has titled parents who have successfully passed all tests for working qualities and received high marks at exhibitions. The average price range is from one thousand to one and a half thousand dollars.

Show class – elite Rottweiler puppies that have a high chance of a good show career. They cost from three thousand to ten thousand dollars. These dogs fully comply with standard parameters, and their parents not only passed all the necessary tests and received a working diploma, but also earned the highest exhibition ratings and titles.

However, the high achievements of the parents do not guarantee that your puppy will reach the same heights. Good heredity is only half the battle. A dog needs to be raised and trained properly.

One litter can contain puppies of all three classes. And only an experienced breeder will be able to determine which of them is which. Be sure to tell him about your preferences, and he will help you make the right choice.

Of course, you can buy a baby on the market or through an advertisement. These puppies are the cheapest - from fifty to two hundred dollars. But low cost entails huge risks . No one can guarantee that the puppy is truly purebred. In addition, he may have health problems.

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