Description of the “Chow Chow Smooth” breed: photos of pets, accepted standard, character traits, care features and choice of puppy

Smooths, being a short-haired variety of Chow Chow, are distinguished by their calm, if not unflappable, character.

Their fur is not too long, but it is thick and dense, with a plush appearance.

Otherwise, their exterior is no different from the appearance of other representatives of the breed - they have a strong and muscular body, a tail thrown over the back, a characteristic shape of the head and muzzle and small rounded erect ears.

In general, smooths look quite unusual, reminiscent of oriental figurines of sacred lions.

History of appearance

The Chow Chow is one of the most ancient dog breeds in the world.

Presumably, their ancestors, descended from one of the species of wolves, appeared in the steppes of Mongolia and Northern China about 2000 years ago. According to another version, these dogs were bred in the Arctic regions of Asia about 3,000 years ago, after which, together with tribes wandering south, they ended up in the Mongolian and North Chinese steppes.


One of the ancient Chinese legends mentions large fighting dogs from Central Asia that look like lions with black and purple tongues.

Even in ancient times, dogs of this breed were used for a wide variety of work - they hunted with them, they were used to transport goods, and also helped herd livestock and guard houses and monasteries.

Actually, it was Buddhist monasteries that became breeding centers in Ancient China. The monks monitored the purity of the blood of their dogs and kept special journals, which can be regarded as the first pedigree books. To ensure that inbreeding did not harm the quality of the puppies, the monasteries periodically exchanged sires.

Chow chows were also popular among the Chinese nobility. Historical chronicles mention that one of the ancient emperors owned 5,000 of these dogs.

Smooths were brought to England at the same time as their long-haired relatives. From the very beginning they became very popular in Europe and had a significant influence on the formation of the current Chow Chow population.

Description of the breed

A harmoniously built, quite powerful and at the same time majestic dog, similar to a lion.

Description of the Chow Chow breed standard:

  • The cranial part of the head is wide and somewhat flattened. The transition to the muzzle is well marked.
  • The muzzle is medium in length, evenly wide.
  • The lips are quite massive, and the upper ones are also damp and slightly drooping.
  • The jaws are strong and strong with a scissor bite.
  • The ears are dense, small, rounded at the ends. Set wide apart and slightly inclined forward.
  • The eyes are oval, dark, rather deep-set, and have a slightly frowning, but not angry, expression.
  • The nose is preferably black, although in light cream Chow Chows it can be light, and in blue and cinnamon it can be the color of the main color.
  • The neck is of medium length, powerful, voluminous and slightly arched.
  • The coat is short, standing almost vertically, dense and very thick. The structure resembles plush.

There are three main types of smooths, differing from each other in length and wool structure:

  • The first type includes dogs with the thickest and most dense undercoat and vertical hair.
  • Smooths of the second type also have a fairly thick undercoat, but their outer coat is elongated on the neck, shoulders, hind legs and tail. It falls a little to the side, which is why such animals look less plush.
  • Finally, the short-haired Chow Chow of the third type, due to its not very well developed undercoat and short hair, looks almost like a smooth coat.

Chow Chow Health

Chow-chow dogs are long-lived. On average, a dog lives 12-15 years.

One of the biggest problems the Chow Chow has is intolerance to extreme heat. Thick fur makes an already hot environment even hotter, so the Chow Chow, during the summer sun, feels like being in a bathhouse.

Overheating is a common problem for Chow Chows, even leading to death.

It is important to know that during the hot period you need to create comfortable, cool conditions for the dog. Also, transporting chow chow in the heat is prohibited!

Character traits

Smooths are not averse to communicating with people and are quite inquisitive. They love to explore everything new, and in order not to be disturbed from doing what they love, they can be smart and even use cunning.

The short-haired Chow Chow is loyal to its owners, loves to accompany them everywhere and, despite its serious appearance, this dog loves to run and play various games. Many owners note that pets, staying in a house or apartment for the whole day, prefer to nap on their beds. But on the street they give vent to their accumulated energy during the whole day.

Smooths are majestic and proud dogs who, despite the fact that they love their owners very much and are ready to protect them from any danger, prefer to act somewhat independently. At the same time, shorthaired Chow Chows are very patient.

Despite their rather gentle nature, they sometimes show stubbornness and are quite touchy.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Chow-chow smooths have a calm, but at the same time somewhat independent character. They do not like noise and fuss and feel best in homes where there is a calm atmosphere. Smooths do not have a tendency to sabotage: such a pet, remaining in the house all day, will most likely simply rest on its bed. They treat children quite kindly and even patronizingly, but they will not tolerate their pranks for too long. In general, we can say that the smooth chow chow is ideal as a pet for people who value peace, tranquility and comfort.”


Transition to a teenager - 1st heat at 9 months, but mating is not advisable. Only at 20 months (2 years), the dog bears and gives birth to healthy puppies.

Ovulation on day 8 (cycle 25 days), the pet becomes calmer and will be able to accept a candidate as a “husband”. A sign of pregnancy is reluctance to eat.

It is better to give her milk, eggs or fish.

Childbirth will approximately occur on days 59-63, everything will depend on the number of puppies.

Childbirth does not rejuvenate, this is a myth. The dog will live well without puppies. A healthy dog ​​will not be affected by childbirth.

Fluffy puppies are absolutely adorable. You can look at the photos of different Chow Chow breeds to decide on purchasing a puppy with a complex character.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Beautiful and original appearance.
  • Calm and balanced.
  • They make excellent watchdogs.
  • They will protect their owner to the last in case of threat.
  • Suitable for living in the courtyard of a private house and in an enclosure.
  • On walks they are active and energetic, but at home they try to behave decorously and nobly.


  • They need firm, but not rude, handling and early education.
  • They do not always follow the owner's commands.
  • Distrustful of strangers.
  • They are not very kind to other animals unless they grew up in the same house with them.
  • They are not suitable for the role of a nanny dog: they are rather indifferent to children, and they do not like noise and fuss.
  • They behave distinctly independently.


Smooth Chow Chows may seem phlegmatic and very calm, but some of them are subject to frequent mood swings and sometimes show intemperance.


Both variations of the Chow Chow require a lot of grooming, but the longhaired variety requires an extremely high amount of grooming. They need to be brushed at least twice a week, preferably daily.

Due to the length and density of the wool, this process can be time-consuming. You need to get your puppy used to brushing from an early age, otherwise you risk getting a large dog that doesn’t like brushing.

Professional grooming services are usually not used, as the dog should look natural. However, during the summer months, some owners trim their coat short to help their Chow Chow cool down.

Moreover, finding someone who wants it is still not easy, since Chow Chows, in principle, do not like strangers, and especially those who painfully pull their fur.

They shed profusely and are not suitable for those who suffer from allergies. Wool covers furniture, clothing and carpets.

Moreover, if they shed evenly throughout the year, then during the change of seasons it is incredibly intense. At this time, a cloud of fluff flies behind the chow-chow.

Photos with color examples

The standard recognizes five colors acceptable for shorthaired Chow Chows:

  • Black. The main jet black background may have shading to dark gray on the tail and hind legs. Also, under the influence of the sun, the ends of the guard hairs acquire a brownish tint, so that from a distance such a dog can look almost chocolate-colored.
  • Ginger. The most popular color in the breed. It can be either apricot or deep red.
  • Tsimt. The coat color of cinnamon smooths can be any pale brownish color: from pale sand to a light shade of coffee with milk. At the same time, the hairs always have a grayish or silvery tint.
  • Blue. The color can range from steel-gray to the color of wet asphalt, but it always has a more or less pronounced bluish tint to the coat.
  • Cream. Smooths of this color can have either ivory-colored or darker, light caramel-colored fur.

Regardless of color, a short-haired Chow Chow should have a dark or light blue tongue, but not lavender or pink.

How to properly care?

Smooths can be kept both in the house and in the apartment. Caring for their coat is simple: in normal times, the dog is brushed weekly, and during shedding - once a day.

You can bathe a smoothie using shampoo no more than 3 times a year, therefore, this should only be done if the animal is very dirty. Before the exhibition, it is permissible to rinse the wool with clean water and dry it thoroughly.

Every morning, you need to wipe your pet's eyes with a cotton pad soaked in a cleaning solution recommended by your veterinarian. The ears are cleaned as needed and no more than twice a month, and the claws are trimmed as they grow excessively and the dog begins to click with them when walking on the floor.

The dog will clean its teeth on its own if from time to time you give it the opportunity to chew on a special treat, toy or soft cartilage.

Smooths do not need more physical activity and can easily get by with a calm, leisurely walk in the park or along the street.

If you give your pet the opportunity to run around a little without a leash, he will be immensely happy. But it is necessary to remember that these dogs can only be let off a leash in nature or in a fenced area, in a word, where there are no passers-by, strange animals or moving vehicles.

Where to buy a puppy and what to look for

Like any other pedigree dog, it is better to purchase a chow from a kennel where such animals are professionally bred. The price will depend on the class of the puppy and the titles of its parents. Thus, a pet for the soul (pet class) can be purchased for 5,000-10,000 rubles, and a dog for an exhibition career and breeding (show and breed class) will cost 35,000-50,000 rubles.

A puppy from the kennel must have:

  • veterinary passport with vaccination marks;
  • a puppy card of the established form, indicating the breed, nickname, brand, gender, date of birth, information about the parents and breeder. There must be an imprint of the seal of the club or kennel where the dog was purchased.

The best puppies come from professional breeders

It is important to get to know the breeder, see the conditions in which the dogs are kept, and ask for advice on caring for the puppy. Other circumstances should also be taken into account.

Animal age

The right breeder offers dogs for sale from 8-10 weeks and older. When it comes to show and breeding animals, it is believed that the older they are, the better: an older dog has socialization skills, and also allows the potential owner to evaluate show parameters.

Grown up chow chow puppy

He or she

When choosing a dog or bitch, you should take into account their gender characteristics of physiology and temperament.


  • heavier and larger;
  • has thicker and longer hair;
  • less sociable and stingy with emotions, but not fussy;
  • loves solitude, but always keeps the owner in sight.
  • more suitable for exhibitions, as it is larger in size and looks more impressive.

Young male


  • has an easy-going disposition, a more subtle and complex psyche;
  • smarter than a male;
  • becomes attached to a person faster and stronger;
  • active and inquisitive;
  • more emotional than male relatives.

Chow girl

The sexual behavior of male dogs is manifested by a clear desire for leadership from an early age. As the instinct awakens, the male will try to make cages and begin to mark the territory. If sexual intercourse is impossible, he may become irritated and show aggression.

It is noteworthy that viciousness and the habit of leaving marks are also characteristic of bitches during the period of heat, which lasts 21 days. This is a difficult time for both the dog and the owner. You will need to wash the apartment more often and more thoroughly, and be especially attentive to the animal during walks: nearby males are always circling around the female in heat, and the owner’s task is to protect the animal from annoying gentlemen in order to prevent accidental mating.


The color of a chow baby’s coat is often a different shade from its future “adult” color. This is due to the short length of the guard hairs and the characteristics of the puppy's undercoat. To understand what the dog's color will be, you should pay attention to the hair that covers the face (under the eyes) and paws.

The color of the puppies may subsequently change slightly.

Body constitution

A newborn Chow Chow is a robust breed with a well-developed skeletal system. The proportions of his body can be assessed already at the beginning of life. Among other things, the wide base of the tail indicates the massiveness of the bones in the future.


It is important to carefully examine your dog's eyes. They should not show signs of inflammation.

It’s worth taking a closer look at the centuries:

  • the upper row of eyelashes should not be tucked inward, so as not to irritate the surface of the eye;
  • The lower eyelids should not droop too much, otherwise in the future they will turn out and become inflamed.


You can determine your baby's temperament as early as 5-6 weeks. Breeders know how to do this and will not refuse to test the cub in front of a potential buyer. You should refrain from purchasing a puppy that displays arrogance, anger or cowardice. The character of a pet matters whether it becomes a show dog or a family pet.

Life expectancy and diseases

Smooths live from 9 to 15 years, their life expectancy depends on heredity and the quality of care and maintenance.

These dogs may be predisposed to certain diseases, such as:

  • Eversion or inversion of the eyelids
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Glaucoma
  • Dysplasia
  • Cataract
  • Melanoma
  • Torn cruciate patellar ligament (congenital or traumatic)
  • Diabetes


Chow-chow puppies are susceptible to infectious diseases, in particular enteritis, and therefore it is very important to give your pet vaccinations and deworming on time.


Pedigree bear dogs cost a lot. There are 2 options for purchasing them:

  1. Hands-on - cheaper, but not reliable. The price of a chow chow without vaccinations and pedigree is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.
  2. From a professional breeder or nursery. The cost of such a puppy is from 30 to 55 thousand rubles.

Some blue-colored representatives of the breed are sold for 60-70 thousand rubles. But when purchasing such an animal from a nursery, be sure that it fully complies with the generally accepted international breed standard.

Nutritional Features

The diet of an adult chow chow smooth should consist of 200-300 grams of meat or meat products daily, to which you need to add buckwheat or rice porridge, cooked in water or broth. It is also necessary to give your pet fermented milk products, raw or cooked vegetables and seasonal fruits, such as green apples.
Until the age of six months, a puppy of this breed is fed 4 times a day, with the first feeding consisting of cottage cheese mixed with kefir or natural yogurt, and the other three feedings consisting of meat and porridge with vegetables. Fruits and hard cheese can be given as treats.

Adult smoothies need to be fed twice a day.

In addition to natural nutrition, feeding smoothies with ready-made dry food is also suitable, but it is very important that the food is of high quality and does not contain dyes or preservatives.


It is prohibited to mix 2 types of food (dry and homemade). If you choose dry food, you will not need additional vitamins.

If homemade food, then without fats and proteins. Remove foods with allergens from your diet. In terms of nutrition, the chow is smart and will not feed, but you need to monitor the amount of food.

Need to feed:

  • small pieces of fresh meat or fish (sea);
  • constantly clean water in a separate bowl;
  • cottage cheese 200 g with kefir (ryazhenka);
  • rice, buckwheat;
  • greens (cabbage, parsley and lettuce).

Important! It is forbidden to give: broths, pork, bones, perch and pollock fish, potatoes.

A controversial issue is chicken; your pet may develop an allergy. When boiled, give a small piece and monitor the dog’s condition.

How to choose a puppy?

Before you start looking for a future pet, you need to decide why you are buying a puppy . Will it be a show-class baby, a dog for breeding, or just a pet?

If you need a future champion of the breed, you will have to spend much more time searching for a dog than when buying a pet-class puppy. And, of course, when talking with breeders, future smooth owners need to immediately talk about what they expect from a puppy and what quality of baby they need.

When choosing a puppy, you need to pay special attention to its physique and other exterior features. A small smoothie should have a compact body and even, strong paws. The head is quite voluminous, the muzzle is slightly shorter than that of adult dogs. The eyes are small, partially covered by eyelids and deep-set. The wool is dense, printed, plush.


Smooth puppies may have quite deep wrinkles on the forehead and muzzle, but excessive sanding is extremely undesirable for babies of this breed.

Education and training

Training representatives of the breed is fraught with difficulties, the cause of which is the stubbornness and waywardness of the pet. The dog follows commands reluctantly and slowly, sometimes with hesitation and heavy sighs. But this is really stubbornness, and not at all laziness or stupidity.

It will take a lot of endurance and patience from the owner to teach the dog the wisdom of obedience and good behavior. This will take a lot of time, but you should not lose enthusiasm and faith in the dog’s abilities. The results will certainly please you, but if at least once a person gives up on everything and turns a blind eye to the dog’s disobedience or neglect, the animal will remember this, feel its advantage and begin to use it to the maximum, including by demonstrating dominant behavior.

Chow Chow's stubbornness is limitless

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