How to transport a cat long distance with minimal complications

Let's talk in general about transporting cats, trips to the clinic, to the country, to the sea or to relatives in a neighboring city.

I propose to divide the article into several parts:

  1. In the first part we will talk about fears and stress and their effect on the body.
  2. In the second we will learn how to prepare the animal.
  3. What you need to take with you on the road.
  4. In conclusion, a few words about the necessary vaccinations and the preparation of accompanying documents.

What happens to a cat when it suddenly travels?

How are animals usually transported? In most cases, the cat is simply picked up and forced into a carrier, then taken to an unfamiliar place. Sometimes the journey takes several days.

What happens in this case? Imagine, a cat lived in an apartment for several years, saw the world around him from a window or balcony, and there are so many new things here. New smells, sounds, strangers, transport, screams, barking...

An animal from a familiar environment suddenly finds itself in another world, and everything unidentified causes fear. When there is danger, a natural mechanism is triggered: run away or defend yourself.

When a cat cannot escape, it freezes and practically does not react to others. If you have been to clinics where there is an inpatient facility, you most likely noticed how calmly the animals left for treatment behave. They can easily give an injection or connect a system, that is, an IV, or carry out other necessary manipulations.

Yes, of course, they feel bad about it and already agree to everything. But if you compare a sick animal at home and in a clinic, these are two big differences.

In her apartment, a sick cat will defend herself to the last, sometimes the whole family has to hold her for a routine examination. And when it comes to complex manipulations, it becomes completely difficult.

Why am I making such a long digression and telling you different stories about the clinic and IVs? To draw your attention to some points.

It may seem to you that the animal bravely endures the trip, sits calmly in the carrier and does not even meow. This may be true, but most often the cat is under severe stress, it freezes and does not make any sounds. We see calm outside, but what is happening inside is not noticeable.

And inside the whole body is preparing to fight with all its strength or run as fast as possible. Adrenaline is produced, blood supply to the brain and muscles improves, sense organs are sharpened, more oxygen is supplied, and reserves are used.

An hour or two passes, but the causes of stress do not disappear - we continue the journey, we can still hear the noise of the crowd, foreign smells, and changes in temperature.

Exhaustion sets in, the body cannot constantly be in constant mobilization. In such situations, the cat may begin to make loud noises, scratch the carrier, urinate, and lick itself nonstop. Or he will completely stop reacting to what is happening.

Prolonged or severe stress can lead to serious complications. Neurosis, decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic diseases, allergies and other disorders are often observed.

It has been noticed that after a trip, a cat more often suffers from infectious diseases, digestive disorders, autoimmune pathologies appear, and chronic ones worsen.

Advantages of cooperation with our company

We have extensive experience delivering cats, dogs and other pets on direct passenger flights. Our company specialists:

  • choose the flight that suits you;
  • will solve all organizational issues;
  • they will deliver the pet to the plane, put it on board, and make sure that everything is okay with it;
  • at the destination airport they will make sure that the animal has been delivered and everything is fine with it, and will hand it over to the person meeting it or, by agreement with the client, will deliver it to the specified address.

Services for transporting your pets by air are provided at a high professional level. Ask our managers all questions about the organization of delivery, cost and possible timing - they will promptly provide the necessary advice.

How to prepare a cat for a trip?

You need to start with a comprehensive vaccination, if you have not done so already. For example, if your cat is not vaccinated, then you need to treat it for worms, wait 10 days and get the first vaccination. Then you wait 21-28 days and do a revaccination (repeat), everything is approximately according to the standard scheme.

And again you wait 10-14 days for immunity to develop after the second vaccine, but now you can go outside.

It is more convenient to carry out the first outings in a carrier, so that the cat gets to know the unusual surroundings, hears the sounds of the street, and smells. Leave for 3-5 minutes and go home. Let the cat out in a familiar environment, see that she has calmed down - give her a treat and praise her. The point of such small trips outside is to make it clear that it is not scary or dangerous.

A common mistake is to calm and pet an animal on the street when it is in an excited state. This will only reinforce the wrong reaction. I’m nervous - the owner praises me, which means it’s good. You need to praise and give treats in a calm state. In the future, when the street becomes a familiar place, then the desired behavior can be reinforced there too.

The next day, take a longer walk. I think you understand the principle: daily, in doses, accustom the animal to an unfamiliar environment. Then you can take a walk on a harness and go to places with large crowds of people. A little later, take public transport a stop or two.

Keep in mind that adaptation may take several months, so if you are thinking about how to transport a cat over a long distance, then prepare for this in advance.

Types of carriers

It would seem that a cat carrier was created solely for the purpose of transportation and should be as simple and convenient as possible for your furry. However, each cat has its own character and preferences.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of pet carrier. Fortunately, today you can find a huge selection of different models on store shelves:

Carrying bag

A cat carrier can be the perfect accessory for a pet owner. It has comfortable handles and comes in several bright shades. In addition, with this accessory you can easily carry your cat into public transport or a shopping center. However, it is only suitable for the fluffy one for traveling short distances (for example, for an examination at the veterinarian). This method of transportation has many disadvantages:

  • the cat bag (if it is not framed) bends under the weight of the purr, which can cause inconvenience and even injury;
  • synthetic materials, from which bags are most often made, do not allow air to pass through well - in summer, a cat will have absolutely nothing to breathe in such a carrier;
  • the fabric gets wet in the rain;
  • a narrow bag can cause panic in the animal - cats still need at least a little free space.

To make sure that your pet carrier can withstand the load well and will not tear after the first trip, make sure that the product has plastic-reinforced seams.

Cat basket

Wicker baskets made from natural materials are loved by both animals and their owners. This is because such a carrier has many advantages. Firstly, it is quite light, which allows you to carry the cat in your hands for a long time (if, for example, you go somewhere without transport). In addition, it has a rigid base, which makes the cat feel safe. The main thing is to make sure that the purr does not use the basket as a tray - foreign odors are quite difficult to wash out of it.

Backpack for carrying a cat

This version of a pet carrier is not much different from the textile bag described above. The main difference is that now you will have absolutely free hands. This is good and convenient, but not for a cat. Not only is the animal forced to sit sideways for a long time in a narrow backpack, which brings great inconvenience. In a backpack, the cat will shake violently while you walk. In some cases, pets may even vomit.

Plastic box

This is perhaps the most popular pet carrier option. The spacious and rigid design makes even the longest journey as comfortable as possible for your pet. A box made of plastic has many advantages:

  • long service life (reliable structures can last more than 5 years);
  • plastic does not absorb foreign odors and is easy to clean;
  • a plastic carrier is the only way to travel with a cat on an airplane;
  • such a container has solid “walls” and a bottom, which allows the cat to feel safe.

The only downside to a plastic cat carrier is that it takes up quite a lot of space in the house. You cannot roll up the box like a backpack or bag. Therefore, you will have to look for a place for such an accessory.

Cat cage

This is a more advanced version of boxing. It differs in that now the animal will have a large viewing angle during transportation. That is, the cat will not feel as if he is in a dark box. Like the previous version, the cage is made of strong and durable materials, so you can be sure that the structure will serve you for several years. It is easy to clean and allows the maximum amount of air to pass through.

Necessary items on the road

You need a durable cat carrier with a door that closes securely. If you are planning a flight, then I recommend that you check with the airline about the carrying requirements.

It is clear that you need a drinking bowl, clean water, food, a harness and a tray. Without the usual tray, there may be problems with the toilet on the road or in a new place.

I recommend wearing a small collar with a tag containing your contact information. Yes, it’s better to get used to a collar in advance, too, not everyone likes it.

Take your “favorite” medications, perhaps your pet has chronic diseases and needs certain medications, you can also take an emergency first aid kit.

Yes, they also often ask me what kind of anesthesia to give so that the cat sleeps the whole way. Unfortunately, there are no safe and effective drugs to immobilize and calm animals. Some people use “Cat Bayun”, “Novopassit”, but the results are different; for some it helps, in most cases it doesn’t.

Do not harm the driver and passengers

It is not advisable to carry a cat in your arms. She may be frightened by a sharp shock or loud noise and scratch or bite a person. Animals should not be allowed to move around the vehicle on their own. There have been many described cases in which a cat “walking on its own” while driving threw itself at the driver’s feet or head. If an animal gets under the pedals, the consequences can be extremely unpleasant not only for him, but also for the driver and passengers, including oncoming and passing cars.

Accompanying documents

In this chapter I will describe the most necessary things that are required almost everywhere when traveling with animals. But when you decide to travel to another country, check the requirements for transporting cats of that country. They are similar in most countries, but may have their own characteristics.

The first thing that must be done is a vaccination against rabies, with a mark and seal of the state veterinarian in the passport. It is important that the vaccine is given no earlier than 30 days before departure and no later than one year.

There must be a veterinary passport, issued with notes on preventive treatments for your animal.

Then, a few days before departure, you need to go to a state veterinary hospital, where you will be issued an F-1 veterinary certificate. In it, the veterinarian will record your data and indicate the route to follow.

At customs, the certificate will be replaced with an international certificate for entry into another state.

In addition, the animal must be microchipped in advance; basic information about the cat and owner will be recorded on it. In most countries this is a mandatory requirement.

Special rules apply when transporting by rail; for some time they required the purchase of a compartment or SV. The rules change periodically, so check this point in advance.

Basic rules of transportation

At the legislative level, there are still no clear requirements regarding the transportation of animals in a car. Therefore, every car owner and at the same time the owner of a furry pet must take care of the safety of the trip on their own. It would be a good idea to take the phone numbers of a veterinarian or a person experienced in long-distance travel with animals so that you can get timely advice.

The main rule when transporting a cat is to purchase a well-ventilated carrier for the trip, which will be securely secured in the car. It is important to place it not in the trunk or near the rear window so that the animal does not suffer from heatstroke.

Basic recommendations and rules of transportation:

Just in case, you should buy your animal a leash.

  • Prepare your cat in advance for the trip, especially if he has never ridden in public transport.
  • Ensure comfort while traveling by providing everything you need: water;
  • food;
  • toys;
  • tray, etc.
  • Select the size of the carrier and secure it in the back or front seat so that the container does not move when braking.
  • Prepare all necessary documents:
      veterinary passport;
  • statement with vaccinations;
  • medical history.
  • Stock up on a leash for possible walks with the animal, in particular if the trip will last more than one day.
  • The influence of the season on the meaning of the sign “the cat sat on the car”

    Cats can be found on the street in both heat and cold, but the meaning of the superstition changes depending on the time of year:

    • Spring. There is an opinion that in the spring a cat on a car means possible malfunctions; it is worth checking the condition of the car and protecting yourself from danger;
    • Autumn. If a cat climbs onto a car in the fall, it means it feels the impending cold. The weather will soon change, leading to a general cooling;
    • Winter. A cat in winter climbs onto a car and licks its tail - to a snowstorm and blizzard;
    • Summer. In the summer, a cat in a car brings good luck. The exception is black cats; according to signs, they are considered a harbinger of trouble at any time of the year.

    Let's go

    If you are traveling by car and have time, don't start right away. Sit for a while and let your pet get used to the new place so that transporting your cat in the car is stress-free and adventure-free.

    Then, don't forget to fasten your carrier with a seat belt and hit the road.

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