If you got a second cat - how to introduce and make friends with cats

What will you learn from the article?
  1. Preparing the house
  2. First acquaintance - how to introduce cats What felinologists advise
  3. Cat and cat
  4. Cat and kitten
  5. Cat and kitten
  • How to stop aggression
      Causes of aggression
  • Tips for stopping aggression
  • How long does it take to make cats friends?
  • Cats are solitary predators, territorially dependent creatures. It is important for them to have their own place to rest, sleep, eat, use the toilet, hunt and observe the world around them. Therefore, when another pet appears in the house, this inevitably provokes a conflict with the old-timers. How to make friends with cats so that they live peacefully is the main question that needs to be resolved.

    In this article you will learn how to introduce pets, how to accustom cats to each other, what you need to do to avoid conflict between animals.

    Preparing the house

    To minimize the problems that will arise with a new pet, prepare your home/apartment in advance for this event.

    What needs to be done to create a comfortable living environment for new and old residents:

    1. Provide each animal with its own litter tray, place and utensils for eating, and a place to sleep (hammock, lounger, bedding, house, basket). This will reduce competition between cats and reduce stress.
    2. Choose similar bowls, trays and beds. This is to prevent cats from feeling that you are favoring someone else.
    3. Place food and water bowls in the same room, but at a safe distance. When eating, animals experience the most competition and stress. Cats should see each other while eating, but be protected from attacks by their relatives.
    4. Create separate elevated areas for each pet: cat trees, vertical units and cabinets, wall shelves. Cats love to watch what is happening from above.
    5. Provide cats with houses for playing together, tunnels, cardboard boxes with holes, and play complexes. These should be spacious structures with several exits. Cats should be able to escape from another pet while playing - they should feel safe.
    6. Buy your own toys for the new resident. To reduce stress, at first do not play with your cats' toys with the newly arrived animal.
    7. Get ready to give love and affection to all the inhabitants of the house equally. Jealousy towards the owner can provoke conflict.

    Causes of discord

    If a conflict between pets occurs unexpectedly, then before making friends with the cats again, you need to find out the reasons for the discord:

    • Often the cause is illness. For example, one cat is in pain, and the second one jumped on him. A protracted conflict begins. Therefore, if no other causes of hostility are identified, you need to visit a veterinarian.
    • The cat is angry at someone, for example, at someone else's cat, whose scent he smelled at the door, and wants to vent his aggression. And since he cannot reach his enemy, he transfers his anger to his neighbor.
    • Even a cat who has returned from somewhere and smells different, for example from a veterinarian, is not welcomed into the cat family.
    • Conflict arises when you have to share something: food, toys, or fight for the owner’s attention.

    First acquaintance - how to introduce cats

    The moment cats meet is very important. The owner must carefully prepare for this event and not leave it to chance. The future life of the pets together depends on the attentiveness and foresight of the owner.

    What do felinologists advise?

    1. Give cats time to get used to each other's scent. At first, keep the new cat in a carrier or in a separate room (separate room, closet, bathroom). It would be good if the door to this room is equipped with a grille or partition. Old-timer cats will be able to sniff the smell of the new resident and get used to it.
    2. Use your scent as a medium. Give your jersey to your new pet as bedding. After he sleeps on it, offer this T-shirt as a bed for the old-timer cat.
    3. Mix animal scents. Cats have special glands on their cheeks that secrete pheromones. These substances give cats information about each other and help relieve anxiety. Rub one cat at a time with the towel and let them smell the cloth. For the same purpose, felinologists recommend changing cat bedding from time to time.
    4. Give cats time to observe each other. If you bring your new pet in a carrier, do not open it right away. Let the animals watch each other. If the cat is in a separate room, open the door slightly so that the animals can see each other.
    5. The first contact with animals should be under your supervision. Allow them to meet only when you see mutual friendly interest.
    6. As soon as you notice aggression from one of the animals, break off contact. It will take some time for the animals to learn to be in each other's company in a relaxed and calm state.
    7. Don't single out any one cat. Animals need to feel that you treat them all equally. This will reduce competition.
    8. Keep all the doors in the apartment (except the street door) open and the windows closed when you first meet. This will help the new cat safely escape and hide from the old-timers if aggression arises.
    9. Don't rush things. Give the cats time to get used to each other. Leave them alone only when you are sure they will not become aggressive.
    10. Help cats make friends through playing together. Use toys such as a fishing rod. If cats play well with each other, reward them with affectionate words and treats.


    Trim your cats claws before your first meeting - this will reduce the risk of injury.

    Cat and cat

    Animals of different sexes can quickly find a common language. The cat does not see the female as a rival and will not begin to fiercely defend its territory with marks. Uncastrated males may begin to pay attention to the female cat. The cat can respond to this with a hiss and the conflict will end there.

    Therefore, the most important factor on which the cohabitation of pets of different sexes depends is sterilization.

    An uncastrated sexually mature cat will always be in a state of heat. This will negatively affect both himself and the cat. Animals will experience constant stress.

    Felinologists advise sterilizing both male and female cats - this will prevent unplanned mating and help make friends between pets. Only a male can be sterilized - castrated cats usually have good neighborly relationships with female cats.

    Cat and kitten

    This is perhaps the best combination. Cats are less jealous of the appearance of a small creature in the house. For some of them, the instinct of motherhood is triggered, and they will take care of the new pet. An adult cat can teach a baby all the intricacies of a cat's life.

    If the cat is sterilized or does not have “mommy” mode, follow these rules:

    • Do not provoke the cat's jealousy, do not deny her affection when she wants it.
    • Don't let your baby eat from her bowl or go into her litter box.
    • Do not allow your new pet to do things that are prohibited for an adult animal.
    • Don't leave your cat and kitten alone at first.

    Cat and kitten

    Males lack the instincts to care for offspring. Any kitten is a new rival, even the smallest one. A cat may be very jealous of the appearance of a new pet on its territory and will begin to show aggression and mark corners. Therefore, the process of introducing a cat and a kitten should be longer and more careful.

    What do we have to do:

    • At first, do not allow the kitten to roam around the house. He should always be in a separate room where the cat does not enter. Do not leave a cat alone with a kitten.
    • The cat needs to be allowed into this room from time to time so that it gets used to the smell of the “newbie”. During this time, the baby needs to be moved to another place.
    • The first meeting should take place only under the supervision of the owner. If the cat behaves aggressively, the animals are separated into different rooms. A repeat meeting should be held no earlier than in a few days.
    • Stop the kitten from trying to get closer to the cat's bowl. The cat will decide that he has a rival who claims both territory and food.
    • Castrati are more peaceful. Have your pet neutered before getting a new kitten.


    Young animals get along best with each other - take several animals into your home at the same time. If castrated, you can take kittens from the same litter.

    Features of some breeds

    Representatives of different breeds differ in their character. You need to pay attention to this before choosing another favorite.

    "Flocking" breeds

    The most easy-going animals include British Shorthairs and Ragdolls. The British are very phlegmatic and easily get along with most of their relatives.

    The same can be said about ragdolls. They are the happy owners of a good-natured disposition. Ragdolls find it easiest to get along with calm neighbors. But too active and assertive relatives cause them fear and, in the future, severe stress.

    Other easy-going breeds include exotics, Russian Blues, and Nibelungs. They are also very likely to accept a second cat into the flock.

    Single breeds

    Persians love peace and therefore show aggression towards other relatives. The correct approach to the situation on the part of the owner and the absence of serious stress will help to cope with conflicts.

    Siamese and Sphynxes are the least tolerant of any pets. Siamese are jealous individuals who are not ready to share the owner's attention with someone else. Because of this, peaceful living of relatives is almost impossible.

    Sphinxes have a distrustful character and are suspicious. Because of these characteristics, it is difficult for them to perceive any changes in their lives or come to terms with a new neighbor.

    Among the breeds that are difficult to accept competitors are the Abyssinian, Burmese, Burmese, Siberian, Savannah and Bengal.

    How to stop aggression

    Aggression is a normal reaction of a predatory animal to stress, the appearance of a rival, or an unfamiliar creature. It manifests itself at the level of natural instincts; a person is not able to fully predict and prevent it. But in the case of pets living together, the owner can and should intervene in this process and reconcile the cats. This must be done carefully, competently and in a timely manner.

    Causes of aggression

    Felinologists identify several main reasons for the aggressive behavior of cats:

    1. Social rivalry. The struggle for the role of alpha male.
    2. The fight between old and new pets.
    3. Territorial behavior. Cats can fiercely defend their eating, sleeping, and toileting areas.
    4. Reaction to a new smell. After visiting the veterinarian, the animal brings with it unusual smells of medicines - this can cause aggression in other pets. An unusual smell turns a familiar cat into a “stranger.”
    5. Bad feeling. The disease changes the animal's behavior; it may become more restless and aggressive.
    6. Stress. Any stressful situation negatively affects the behavior of cats.
    7. Personality conflicts. Just like people, cats are all different and do not have to like each other. A mismatch of temperaments can lead to struggle.
    8. Maternal aggression. The cat protects its offspring in this way.
    9. Fighting game. During joint games, cats can attack each other, jump, bite, and watch from around the corner.

    In each specific case, you need to act in accordance with the situation.

    If aggression occurs, cats fight and bite, do not ignore it. Don't think that cats will figure it out on their own. These methods will help stop aggressive behavior and save your pets from unwanted mental and physical injuries.

    Tips for stopping aggression

    1. Interrupt the fight with a loud sound (clap), throw a blanket over them, or spray the animals with water from a spray bottle.
    2. Neuter your animals. Unneutered cats are the most aggressive.
    3. Stop competition. Provide each pet with its own food bowls, trays, and beds. They must be the same or similar.
    4. Build more shelters and high places to rest and observe the world around you.
    5. Spray pheromones. Products with pheromones are sold in pet stores. Their aroma will help relieve tension that arises between animals.
    6. If aggression is severe, separate the animals into different rooms. Swap them from time to time - this way they will quickly get used to each other's smell.
    7. While licking, the cat is busy with itself, relaxed and does not pay attention to the other animal. Lubricate your cat's scruff with tuna oil or granules of her favorite food - this will distract and calm your pet.
    8. Use calming anti-stress medications and feed additives to correct the behavior of your animals: “Cat Bayun”, “Stop Stress”, “Feliway”.


    To increase the chances of feline friendship, experts advise a newcomer not to use the things of an old-timer. Along with the second cat, a separate set should appear in the house - food bowls, a tray, a basket or a bed. Designate a separate area for each pet, following these guidelines:

    • A place to sleep This is the most important area for a cat. This is a place where the animal relaxes and feels safe, including during sleep. At first, the new cat should sleep at the greatest possible distance from the old-timer’s resting place. Close the doors in these rooms at night - let the animals relax as much as possible without fear at night.
    • Place for eating It is important for a cat to sleep and eat peacefully. Your first pet will not tolerate a newcomer approaching and interfering with his food. Dissatisfaction is often expressed by growling. Feed the newbie from his own bowls and elsewhere, but give the food at the same time. When the animals get used to each other, place the bowls nearby.
    • Tray: Both pets should not be allowed to use the same litter tray. If a newcomer decides to use the toilet of an old-timer, the latter will probably refuse to use it.

    Before the first meeting of two cats, trim and file both their claws - in the event of a fight, the animals are less likely to be injured.

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