How to make friends between a cat and a dog - recommendations from breeders on how to properly and successfully make friends between a cat and a dog

Reasons for enmity

The difference in habits is due to different worldviews, which is manifested in relationships with humans, relatives and animals of various species.

Cats and dogs act differently in many situations because they think differently and act based on their emotions, which also manifest themselves differently.

Stages of a cat's maturation compared to human years

Each age period of cat development has its own characteristics:

  • 0–6 months. At this time, the kitten is very actively developing and growing rapidly. The period corresponds to a person’s age from birth to 7.5 years.
  • 7 months - 2 years. This is the period when the cat is growing up. By the age of 2, pets already know all the wisdom of life and turn into adult animals. In humans, this occurs from 8 to 25 years of age.
  • 3–6 years. At this time cats are most active. They are behaviorally and physically mature, alert and healthy. In humans, this period corresponds to the age from 25 to 45 years.
  • 7–10 years. If you properly care for and feed your cat, then during this period of its life it will lead the most active life. By human standards, this is approximately 45-55 years.
  • 11–15 years old. At this time, cats become calmer, sleep more, and play less. Pets show the first signs of aging: vision deteriorates, the quality of fur and teeth changes. The appropriate age for a person is 60–75 years.
  • 16 years or more. At this age, older cats need more careful care; they need to be given vitamins and quality nutrition. This way the pet will live safely for many years to come. In humans, this period corresponds to the age of 79 years or more.

This is interesting! A cat named Poppy, who lived in the UK, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. She died at 24 and is officially the longest living cat. If we translate her age into human “language”, it will be equal to 114 years.

Sociability of dogs

As they say, a dog is man's best friend, which is fully justified by the quick attachment of dogs to their owners. Socialized dogs constantly need company.

  • On a subconscious level, they strive to gain approval from the owner and can even set self-restraints in order to please and receive the coveted praise.
  • There are often cases when a dog provides selfless help to a person, for example, when a child is drowning in a pond.
  • The animal's instincts are triggered, and it immediately strives to help.

Therefore, dogs are trainable and quickly learn certain behavior patterns.

Why does a person need to know the age of a pet?

Information about the age of a pet is needed in order to:

  • Optimally distribute his physical activity;
  • prevent illness in time and provide proper care to maintain the pet’s well-being;
  • properly organize the diet and supplement it with the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • provide the pet with the necessary care;
  • carry out vaccinations in a timely manner;
  • understand when you can start mating or sterilize your pet.

Compliance with all these points will help provide the animal with the necessary conditions for a healthy existence and increase its lifespan.

Loneliness and arrogance of cats

Cats are antisocial by nature and prefer privacy in particular. But, despite their asociality, cats know how to regulate their instincts and, in necessary situations, can be active and sociable. During the spring period of sexual heat, cats become especially proactive.

  • Marking territory, inherent in cats, also indicates a desire to delineate personal space and allows you to protect your territory from competitors.
  • It is known that even cats living in the wild and having the opportunity to unite in packs avoid such aggregations for a long time (except for the mating season) and lead a solitary lifestyle.
  • But we must not forget that some cat breeds are very sociable by nature and will not tolerate indifference towards themselves. Even the most avid solitary cats sometimes need human attention.

Cats can often appear to be arrogant animals due to their natural tendency to be isolated. But this kind of “arrogance” is only the result of the evolutionary process.

Introducing an adult dog to a kitten

As a rule, dogs have a positive attitude towards each new family member and are the first to get to know each other. Your task is to control the dog’s enthusiasm, since he may simply not calculate his strength and scare the kitten half to death (this especially applies to large dogs).


During the first days, it is advisable to keep the animals in separate rooms and allow them to gradually get closer to each other. Initial meetings may only last a few minutes. The main goal of these meetings is not so much to get to know each other, but to be able to assimilate the smell of a “partner.” Animals can react negatively to the smell of a stranger; this detail of behavior is very clearly manifested in hunting dogs. Getting used to the smell of a kitten will allow the dog to significantly reduce the degree of aggression, if any.

Getting used to the smell of a newcomer is the most important stage in animal acquaintance.

By the way! In order for the dog to quickly get used to the new “tenant”, even before bringing the kitten into the apartment, you should let the pet sniff some of the kitten’s things so that he becomes familiar with the smell of the newcomer in advance and does not perceive it as a potential danger.


Animals must be fed separately. If you have a multi-room apartment, it is advisable to give your pets food in different rooms. If animals have to get along in a studio apartment, place bowls in different corners.

Separate feeding will relieve pets from increased interest in each other's bowls

The food should be given to the older animal first, following a hierarchy that is important for both dogs and cats. The kitten should learn that his desires will not be satisfied primarily due to his age, and that in this “pack” everyone is equal.


Each pet should have their own place where they feel safe. If you try to combine the sleeping and resting areas of both animals, then expect a response in the form of clarification of the relationship between them.

Not only cats, but also dogs need their own house

By the way! Play complexes are perfect for a kitten; climbing on them will put him out of reach. Such complexes, in addition to creating comfort for the pet, will promote claw sharpening and muscle development.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of growing anxiety in a cat in time in order to stop the manifestation of aggression towards a defenseless puppy. The information below will help you understand what type of anxiety your pet is experiencing. You can read more about aggression in cats on our portal.

Signs of anxiety in cats

Various origins

Cats and dogs have long been classified as different types of predators. The so-called “canines” have always united in packs, since in such conditions it was much easier to hunt and obtain food. In the process of uniting in packs, dogs developed natural sociability and a desire for the company of their relatives, and in the process of domestication, for people.

Cats, on the contrary, at the dawn of their appearance, preferred loneliness. A solitary lifestyle did not at all impede access to food, since felines acquired agility and speed, which are indispensable when hunting.

Rules for keeping two animals in the same territory

If the owner wants to make friends with pets, then he should help them in every possible way, and not stay on the sidelines and watch the current developments of events. Here are some tips from a zoopsychologist on how to reconcile animals:

  1. Adhere to the laws of hierarchy. They are very important in the life of animals. The older members of the “pack” should receive food first, and after them the younger ones are given food. Do not go beyond the established relationship, do not create privileges or concessions. By strictly following the rules, animals will learn them faster.
  2. When going for a walk with your dog, take your cat with you. You can also put a leash on it. Walking together promotes rapprochement and friendship.
  3. Come up with a game so that both pets can participate. For example, you can throw the ball to them one by one.
  4. If the cat climbs onto the owner's lap, call the dog and pet it.
  5. If the dog gets a little carried away with the game and accidentally bites the cat, do not use corporal punishment. Strictly say the command “no” and lock her in another room for a few minutes. She will understand that this is not worth doing and next time she will be more careful.
  6. Trim the claws of aggressive cats or use anti-scratch guards. Dog claws are not so sharp and cannot cause much harm. And they are not used as often in disassemblies as cat ones.
  7. Pay attention to feeding your pets. The cat calmly leaves the uneaten food in the bowl when it is full. When he gets hungry, he will approach her again. The dog is inclined to eat its portion, and will happily take advantage of the addition from the cat’s plate. In order not to upset the cat, place his bowl in a place inaccessible to the dog.
  8. Designate a separate litter box for your cat. She may be stressed by the dog's proximity, which will lead to infrequent bowel movements and intestinal blockage.

Different languages ​​of communication

The nonverbal signals of both animals are similar, but have completely different meanings. For example, wagging a dog's tail indicates a playful and high spirits, while in cats, the same tail wagging indicates aggression and readiness to fight.

The purr of a cat, which is caused by the vibration of the vocal cords, speaks of his calmness and tranquility, and the vibration of the dog's vocal cords, which causes a growl, indicates his readiness to attack.

It is the above-mentioned differences in perception that constitute a serious problem in the question of how to make friends between a cat and a dog in the house.

Well, I’ve finally collected all the parts of the wonderful masterpiece about the Cat and the Dog . Don't forget to stock up on diapers or, at worst, take a laptop and use the potty. I don't recommend reading it any other way. So…

Cat and dog | how it all began

part 1 , part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, and finally part 8 NEW!!! , Bonus;)

The salt has run out. It’s always been there, but here it’s “on you.” “I can’t eat without salt,” said the dog. “Salt and nothing,” the cat chimed in. I myself also felt a terrible lack of this mineral in my body, and most importantly in the food I was trying to cook. Previously, my wife monitored the replenishment of natural resources, but it’s been three months since we separated. She fell in love with a young and pimply student who was finishing his last year at a prestigious university and, apparently, had a wonderful future and a chance to become a high-level manager in a couple of years. I joked that horses have grains, but my wife just chuckled smugly, after which she received a fucking slap, which became my permission to divorce. I took all my clothes with me, some Bryan Ferry’s CDs. Obviously homosexual. If I had known earlier that she listened to this garbage, I would have burned them with my own hands (her and the CDs). And she left. She didn’t say that she was running out of salt in the house. I, as a person prone to mild binges, also did not follow this issue.

While he was drinking out of grief, a cat and a dog were preparing some snacks. - Now clean up after your own bastards! - another one of the reproaches thrown at me before leaving. By the way, the bastards behaved with dignity, but here she was a bitch. For example, she still didn’t know that they could speak in our language. And they were very clean. While I was playing around for a week, they didn’t even remind me of myself. Where the hell did you go, who the hell knows...

In general, I have them on their own, the cat often washes in the shower, the dog finally watches TV, mostly true, about Ivan Zatevakhin, but at least not MTV. The two of them watch dialogues about fishing. They discuss something until they become hoarse. They love football.

Well, so, while I was lighting the cognac stars, they were quietly grazing, somewhere on free grain. And when I started to recover, I started to fuss, I saw the cat bringing me some broth, the dog was running for kefir. In one word, they showed themselves with dignity, not like their ex-wife. So, why the fuck do you ask, did she get fucked? I earn normal money, I fucked her on schedule, I always reacted positively to manicures and solariums - take care of yourself and you will be loved, I didn’t indulge in protracted whoredom. No, she wanted to suppress young acne. And fuck her.

I began to gather salt. Got dressed. I told the dog not to turn the TV on loudly and went out. The morning turned out to be frosty. Regretting that I forgot about the hat (and somehow forgot about winter, too), I trotted to the nearest store. I must tell you that the prettiest woman who works there as a cashier. She’s in her thirties, but her type is simply brilliant. I’ve wanted her for a long time. to invite beef stroganoff, but somehow it didn’t work out. And so I go and firmly decide that this time I’ll make an acquaintance. I bought salt, a couple of bottles of champagne, some kind of romantic snack like sea crustaceans, and just food. I go up to the checkout. She is sitting. And there are no people. - Good morning! - Hello. - How are you feeling? - As usual. - What time do you work today? - Until eight. - Can I pick you up? - Why? - In order to invite you to a pleasant evening. - I have things to do. - What do you mean, my period? - Man, don’t you have anyone to joke with? - What kind of jokes are there, I met the woman of my dreams, I’m going all in. - You’ve been buying cognac from me for two years now, and only now Did you see the dream? - Yes, the cognac kept getting in the way. - What did they get in the way? - He laughs, it’s good. - With love for you. - It took a long time to get ready. “We’ve been harnessing for a long time, but we’re riding with the wind in our ears!” “Okay, come after eight,” she suddenly agreed.

I burst into the apartment and shouted: “Spring cleaning!” It took us five hours to get the house in order. The dog washed all the dishes, the cat ironed the linen. I also took an active part, mainly by ruthlessly destroying memories of my husband. - Well, are you going to fuck today? - the cat notices such moments once or twice. - I plan, just don’t scare the person right away with your conversations. - What, be silent all evening? – the dog screams from the kitchen. - Well, at least keep quiet at the beginning, otherwise you’ll start talking about fishing again, and you won’t be able to get a word in edgewise. I prepared the Olivier salad. Boiled the crustaceans. I salted everything. There is salt now. - Buy flowers, you idiot - the cat, as always, speaks volumes. I ran to the metro for a bouquet. I chose for a long time. I wanted to conquer the lady. I decided to surprise her with roses. When I brought the bouquet home, the animal’s face twisted. - What is this, some kind of non-standard move? - I’ll kill this cat someday! - You don’t like shit, I’ll take a look? – I was seriously angry. - I would buy something more unusual. - What? - Chrysanthemums or irises, women are already tired of these roses. There's nothing to do, I ran back to the metro. This time I bought chrysanthemums, amazingly bright colors. In contrast to the snowdrifts, it looked very good. The houses were also approved. - What are you going to do with the roses? — the dog asks with a grin. - I’ll go give it to my neighbor, it was her anniversary yesterday. - Good idea! — the dog respectfully scratched behind its ear.

I'm ringing my neighbor's doorbell. - Who's there? - Marina, it’s me, a neighbor from number twelve. The door opens and Marina is on the threshold. Also, by the way, a wow woman. - It was your holiday, it’s late, but I’m still presenting you with a bouquet! - Wow! Thank you! Come on in. - Well, my husband will start to be jealous. - What a husband, I’ve been divorced for two years! - No, sorry, I don’t have time, I’ll drop by tomorrow. — Tell yours not to turn the TV on full blast. - Yes, we separated. - Why is this happening all of a sudden? You didn't seem to be acting up, did you? - and looks at me with narrowed eyes. - I found another one. - What a fool! Are you sure you don't want to come in? Well, why the hell tell her, it’s clear that I want to go to her, but I’ll have to another time. - Another time, sorry, it doesn’t work out today. “Okay, I’ll wait, thanks again for the flowers.”

So I went home with my erect dick. While I was walking, the animals cut bread, hard smoked sausage, and cheese. They opened a can of herring and began to remove the bones from it. I must say that no one takes out bones better than a cat. Knowledge of the subject is felt. “Then cut the onion,” I tell the dog. “Don’t waste time, it’s already fifteen minutes,” the dog reminds me. I rushed into the bathroom and quickly shaved. And at eight I was ready.

Aunt was nervously shuffling around near the store. “I thought you were coming in a car...” she said in disappointment, sticking out her lower lip offendedly. - Yes, it’s not far from me! – the main thing is that she doesn’t twist the shaft, strength and pressure. - And I thought that we would go to a restaurant... - again disappointment. Why are you bitch thinking so much? I, in turn, thought. “I have a wonderful dinner prepared, I’m a cook by vocation - I’ll mess with her brain as best I can, she won’t move.” - Well, I don’t know, I need to think... - fucked up, she looks like Pinocchio’s mother, completely wooden. “Why think about it, let’s go,” I pulled her “dac” by the arm and unobtrusively dragged her, she walked like a pickled lamprey, as if the thoughts she was thinking remained in place, but only her legs moved. - What kind of dinner? — thoughts seem to have caught up. - So, shrimp, well... salad, champagne, herring with vodka... - I don’t drink vodka! – She interrupted me nervously. — Pregnant? - I joke gallantly. - Why do pregnant women just not drink? — There is red wine, Chilean. Damn, what a fool she turned out to be, you won’t please her. Maybe I’m leading in vain, I won’t break off with this one.

Let's come to my place. First the dog comes out to greet you, then the cat. They appear with a pause of a couple of seconds from the kitchen, then sit down and watch. The guest, looking at them, says two words, the first when the dog comes out: - Dog... the second, when the cat comes out: - Cat... I see the cat’s tongue is itching to kick something. Keep quiet, I think, otherwise we’ll load your aunt straight into the “carriage.”

He showed where the bathroom was and returned to his “friends.” The cat went into the room, and the dog was sitting, waiting for me. “You know,” he tells me quietly, “of course she’s fine, but she has problems with her intellect.” - The main thing is that I would give, the rest doesn’t matter in principle. – I express my thought. “And, in my opinion, the cat and I didn’t inspire her either.” - Go watch TV and try not to blurt out something. - Yeah, there's nothing more common than a cat and a dog watching TV! – and the dog, laughing, went into the room. - Who are you talking to there? – a surprised voice from the bathroom. - With myself, the habit from the army remained. - Where did you serve? - Strategic Missile Forces. - What it is? - Rocketeers... - Oh, how interesting, but they say the rocketeers there have solid radiation? - Where? There? – I’m so sick of these questions about radiation. — In rockets, probably, and around rockets. “There’s nothing there, and there are no missiles anymore, just props.” - How is it not, but what if there is war? - With whom? - With the Americans. “They also have props, plastic rockets, and inside there is waste. - And what is it? - This? Shit! Mentally I howled. A strangled sniffling could be heard from the room and only my aunt blinked her eyes and did not understand anything. “Ugh, how rude,” she finally said. Still, when she sat at the cash register, she seemed wittier. We go into the room. I seat the guest in a place of honor and open the champagne myself. The cat and dog stared at the TV like idols. There's football on TV. Like a fool, I’ll automatically ask: “Who’s playing?” - Ours and not ours. - my cat makes jokes, be healthy! Aunt is a dick and straight away. Lies motionless, like Lenin. Well, I shout to the cat, thank you * I fucked from the bottom of my heart! The dog rushed after the adhesive. Yells from the kitchen: “Where is that stinking bottle?” The doorbell rings. Fuck, who else is there? - Who's there? - I am the departed wife. - What the fuck do you want? Go to your cocksucker, shove Bryan Ferry up his ass! “I forgot something, I want to pick it up, but by the way he’s standing next to me, otherwise I’m afraid that you will destroy me physically, in a state of passion.” The dog ran up and whispered that I shouldn’t open it, but send it down the stairs. Auntie opens her eyes slightly, turns her head without understanding anything, and in one word returns from the coma. The cat hands her a glass of water: “Drink it, it’ll help, I’ll fucking do it... How she screamed!” The cat hissed in fright and showed a natural animal reaction. She shouts to me: “She’s fucked up, she’s screaming like a TV.” - Don't rant your tongue because - because! The cashier passed out again. - What, have you already brought on the whores? – the wife smugly comes out from behind the door. And someone echoes her in a pimply voice. I throw open the door (where the bottle of champagne ended up in my hands, who knows), and immediately hit Bryan Ferry in the head with the bottle, just in case, so that he wouldn’t interfere later. The ex also screamed. He runs into the room: “Phone, where’s the phone, an ambulance urgently...” he squeals. There is a dog standing in the corridor, looking at it in a calm voice and asking. - Don’t call anyone, the bottle still didn’t break, it means it slipped, and he lost consciousness from fear, because he’s still young. And you take what you forgot and fuck off in a good way, our ass is full of cucumbers even without you. She began to hiss, and also began to blow. From the room, a football commentator yells “GOAL!!!” Bitch, Poshkus scored when he shouldn’t have. I hear the door on the stairs open, Marina shouts: - Turn down your TV, he’s screaming like he’s been blown up, he’s also broken the door! It’s just that there wasn’t enough of it here yet. A cat and a dog come up: “Excuse me, but we’re going to the balcony, we’ll sit there, otherwise it’s getting too hot, like in an open-hearth furnace.” - Fuck off, steelworkers. I run out onto the stairs. There, Marina looks at the future high-level manager with interest. - Is this this one? - What is “this”? - New chosen one. - Ahh, yeah, he is. - At least alive? — The dog said that there was nothing wrong. - Who?! - Damn it, well, in a word, everything is fine, it touched a tangent. “Well then, I’ll go calm you down...” Marina stepped into the hallway, I silently waited for a reaction. - No fucking way..., just an ice battle! Who is this? - So, an acquaintance, I came to visit... - Well, this is the cashier from our store, is she here for some reason? “Your” knocked her out? - Yes. “Here you go, go to the balcony, have a smoke, and I’ll bring them back to their senses.” I go out onto the balcony, my handsome boys are sitting, their faces happy. I lit a cigarette. Ten minutes later Marina comes in. - That's it, everyone has left. This one ran away from the store. - Thank you. By the way, would you like some champagne?

part 1 , part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, and finally part 8 NEW!!! , Bonus;)


Jealousy is a very vivid destructive feeling that can push not only a person, but also an animal to the most terrible actions.

  • Cats are more jealous than dogs, and some types of cats are also very vindictive by nature.
  • Jealousy can be recognized by the following behavior patterns: The animal suddenly began to hide in hard-to-reach places and disappear from view, which indicates its desire to encourage a person to search.
  • It is also a sharp manifestation of aggression towards another pet when it is in the arms of the owner, and refusal to eat and defecate due to stress due to jealousy.

Wild relatives

After putting the information together, the experimenter went to Pretoria to repeat the experiment with real wild cats at the local South African zoo.

Michael has made several recordings of wild cats, believed to be the immediate ancestors of domestic pets. Interim results showed that the low “voices” and “words” of wild cats are not only not perceived by people as phrases of a certain tone, but often do not even allow them to identify the animal emitting them.

The scientist concluded that over the years of evolution and cohabitation with humans, cats simply developed a language based on the human range and psychology, which is understandable to humans and provokes a response. He is echoed by scientists from the University of Sussex, who conducted experiments under the leadership of Dr. Karen McComb, who argue that the pleading purr of a cat is very similar in the range of sounds to the crying of a child, so we subconsciously strive to give up everything and please the wishes of our pet.

Fight for food

Even if the bowls of each of the pets are always full and there is enough food, the process of eating will most often be accompanied by new conflicts and rivalries. The root of the problem lies in the instinct of self-preservation inherent in both animals.

Competition for food increases even more if food bowls are close to each other and if feeding occurs at the same time.

Fight for territory

Even in an incredibly large territory inhabited by two different animals, wars for territory take place, since one individual can oppress the other.

Cats especially show themselves in this regard:

  • They value their personal space very much, and in the wild they always set boundaries by marking.
  • An overly sociable dog can simply cross the outlined boundaries, which will provoke aggression from the cat.
  • Therefore, when the question arises of how to make friends with an adult dog and cats, you need to focus on separating personal spaces.

Features of the development of dogs in comparison with humans

Dogs grow up differently. If we compare the stages of development of dogs and humans, we get the following picture:

  • 0–1 month. By the age of one month, the puppy begins to actively explore the surrounding space. In this, he resembles a one-year-old child who is trying out many things. Such a baby knows no fear, and he needs care and constant supervision.
  • 1–4 months. By the age of four months, an inquisitive puppy begins to be trained at the training ground. He begins to change teeth, like seven-year-old children, and he is just as careless and playful.
  • 4–6 months. A dog at 6 months of age who is entering puberty can be compared to a 14-year-old teenager. The puppy's body grows unevenly, he has a childish perception of the world around him, and the dog's mood often changes.
  • 6 months – 1 year. The age of 12 months for a dog corresponds to 16–18 years for a person. At this time the dog stops growing. She becomes more self-confident, males strive to establish leadership between their fellow tribesmen.
  • 1–2 years. A two-year-old dog reaches the peak of its physical development, like a twenty-year-old person. Bitches at this time are already ready for motherhood. The dogs have already been trained in all commands.
  • After five years. From this age, the dog begins to slowly age, like a forty-year-old person. The animal becomes more restrained and calm, it already has all the skills and knowledge for everyday life.
  • 8 or more years. Dogs are entering their retirement period, that is, their bodies begin to age quickly. Similar changes occur in people aged 60–70 years. Dogs need to be given a more balanced diet and limited exercise.

How to make friends with pets

There are no favorites here! If the owner has decided to have a cat and a dog in the same house, then there is no room for separation of animals based on the principle of who is liked more and who is more obedient.

  • Pets feel everything.
  • The attitude should be the same.
  • You should correctly and equally distribute time for communication and play with each pet.

The fate of a foundling

The period during which animals are most easily socialized is between 2 and 7 weeks of age for kittens, and between 3 and 8 weeks for puppies. In 1969, Michael Fox, now a renowned veterinarian, ethologist and writer, and then a postdoc at Washington University in St. Louis, became interested in what would happen if puppies and kittens began to communicate at this age. He provided them with such communication that it could not have been better: he took four Chihuahua puppies from their mothers and placed them one at a time in litters of cats, each containing 4-6 kittens ( Behaviour

, 1969, V. 35 (3–4)). The scientist did not choose the Chihuahua breed by chance - it is the smallest dog in the world, an adult weighs no more than three kilograms, and in this experiment the animals must be proportionate. There were no problems at the new location. A few hours later, the foundling puppies were already suckling their foster mother, and then, together with the kittens, they gradually switched to solid cat food (Fig. 1). The Chihuahuas lived with the cats until they were 16 weeks of age, after which they were returned to a dog environment with their peers. The kittens they grew up with were 5–7 days younger.

1. The dog "Mowgli" in the cat family. Chihuahua puppy, twenty-six days old, suckles from its foster mother

Life among cats had such an impact on the development of the puppies that they were not ready for dog life: they did not play with their peers, did not bark at their reflection in the mirror, and did not show vigorous research activity inherent in puppies of this age. Only after two weeks did they get used to it and feel like dogs. But they were always friendly towards cats; when they met, they wagged their tails and invited them to play. Chihuahuas, deprived of a beneficial cat society in childhood, do not welcome cats, they chase them, bite them roughly, and force them to play.

For kittens, early exposure to one puppy changed their attitude toward all dogs. Cats raised with Chihuahuas indifferently perceive their approach and do not try to involve them in play, but graciously agree to the invitation to play. Kittens that have no experience of friendly relations with dogs are often afraid of them, never try to communicate with them and do not respond to invitations to play.

“No” to punishments and emotional pressure!

Animals should not be punished in the presence of other animals. This may hurt their situation. For example, a dog defecated not in the designated place, but on the floor in the middle of the room.

Under no circumstances should you scold or make sudden movements in front of your cat. There are many other ways to help overcome such “embarrassments.” And these methods are much more effective.

The question of how to make friends between a cat and a dog in an apartment will never be resolved if one of the animals has been scolded or punished at least once in the presence of the other.

Sound manipulation

Nicholas Nicastro, a psychology student at Cornell University and an assistant to Professor Michael Ouren, conducted several experiments in the voice and sound psychology lab.

In his opinion, domestic cats use a wider range of sounds to communicate with humans, unlike their fellow tribesmen. Having collected a photo library of 12 cats (two of them were the experimenter’s own pets), Michael concluded that this range ranges from 12 to 1520 Hz.

The second part of the experiment involved 54 people who were asked to classify sounds according to the degree of satisfaction and, conversely, dissatisfaction and aggressiveness. The participants in the experiment were guided by their own feelings, and most of them had never been cat people.

It turned out that cats emit incredibly familiar-sounding “phrases”, clearly differentiating the tonality with which to warn a person about their reluctance to communicate or, on the contrary, to demand attention.

Spending time together

Playing together is necessary for friendship between animals. Pets together in equal quantities will be satisfied with the attention of the owner and will be able to get rid of jealousy.

  • And you should always encourage animals in any success, especially in relationships.
  • A peaceful and calm approach to resolving misunderstandings is the most effective.

Photos of friendly cat breeds

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