How to measure a cat’s temperature yourself - in what cases it may be necessary

An attentive person will immediately notice that a four-legged pet is sick or feels unwell, and will try to help his beloved cat. Before you panic and take your cat to the vet, we recommend taking his temperature. The result will show whether it is worth rushing to the veterinary clinic or whether you can take a wait-and-see approach.

The only reliable way to measure an animal’s thermometry is rectal.

The photo below shows an insufficiently reliable method of measuring temperature under the armpit, which shows the temperature with an error.

Veterinarians consider other methods to be uninformative or unreliable.

When to contact a veterinarian

There are two borderline conditions that threaten the life of a cat, in which not just help is needed, but emergency veterinary care.
This is a fever accompanied by a temperature above 40.5 ° C and provoking heart failure: with dehydration, breathing becomes more frequent and tachycardia appears. A cat's body temperature of more than 41.1° C is also extremely dangerous, as it quickly leads to:

  • to cerebral edema;
  • increased heart rate and arrhythmia;
  • failure of the respiratory system (shortness of breath and wheezing);
  • vomiting (usually with the smell of acetone from the mouth);
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin hemorrhages.

If the temperature rises, resuscitation measures (with a complex of equipment and medications) may be required, which are impossible at home. With reduced body temperature, professional treatment is also indicated. If you are sure that the cat was not hypothermic, the reasons for the drop in temperature should be clarified in the hospital.

After a clinical examination, blood/urine tests, ultrasound, radiography and biopsy (if necessary), the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and, based on it, prescribes treatment. The therapeutic course usually includes drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral;
  • antibiotics;
  • anthelmintic;
  • general strengthening and vitamin;
  • restoring water-salt balance;
  • detoxification drips.

The doctor resorts to prescribing antipyretic drugs only in the most difficult situations, when the animal is in danger of death. In other cases, timely and correct therapy gives a positive result within the first day.

Photometric glucometers

These devices read the change in color of a test strip onto which the patient's blood is applied. Such strips are coated with a reagent containing glucose oxidase. It gives specific responses to a particular level of glucose concentration, coloring the strip in the appropriate color.

You don't have to compare colors yourself. The scale is already stored in the device's memory. When a test strip is inserted into it, it compares its color with the values ​​on this scale and produces a numerical result.

Such devices are easy to use, but quickly break down. In addition, their optical system is so fragile that there is a high probability of breaking the glucometer during operation. And if the lens becomes cloudy, the results may be distorted.

How to measure a cat's temperature correctly

Representatives of the cat family are warm-blooded animals and their temperature differs from that of humans. Slight increases in temperature are most often observed in small kittens due to their mobility and in cats during the period of gestation of kittens due to increased stress on the body. Temperature may change in cats in the late afternoon, as well as after a therapeutic course of medications.

You can measure a cat's temperature using:

  • rectal electric thermometer;
  • mercury thermometer;
  • universal electronic thermometer.

Nowadays, a mercury thermometer

used quite rarely. This device is not entirely suitable for measuring temperature; in order to find out the exact value, it is necessary to hold the animal for at least 6-8 minutes in one position. During this time, the cat becomes noticeably nervous and may twitch or break free. A mercury thermometer is quite fragile and can break and cause harm to both the pet and the owner.

Another type of thermometer used to measure temperature indicators is rectal electronic

. It is often used in the practice of veterinarians. Using such a thermometer, you can quickly and painlessly measure an animal’s temperature within one minute. The data obtained with an electronic thermometer is quite accurate and fast. In addition, the electronic thermometer is not so fragile and will not cause harm if the animal is very obstinate and wayward.

The third type of thermometer is a universal one with an electronic sensor and display.

The use of this type of electronic thermometer involves not only rectal administration, but also measuring temperature in other parts (oral cavity, ear canal). This type of thermometer has a plastic tip, and not a flexible one like an electronic rectal one, so when inserting such a measuring device into the cat’s anus, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to cause harm. Results are obtained within 3 minutes.

Rectal temperature measurement

To correctly measure the temperature in the rectal passage with a mercury thermometer, it is necessary to prepare the device by shaking it and lubricating it with liquid oil. You can use another type of water-based lubricant or petroleum jelly. The use of emollients is mandatory both for measurements with a mercury thermometer and an electronic one. This reduces the risk of rectal damage, ruptures and abrasions.

Next, you need to place the animal correctly, taking it under your arm, and the cat's paws should rest on a hard surface. The help of household members will not be superfluous in this process. The thermometer is smoothly inserted into the rectal passage no more than 2.5 centimeters. The measuring device must be held strictly at an angle of 90 degrees so that it is directed parallel to the rectum. Deviation in degrees can cause the animal severe discomfort and pain.

When measuring temperature with a mercury thermometer, the manipulation time should be at least 6 minutes.

Using an electronic thermometer significantly reduces the risk of stress in the animal and takes no more than 3 minutes. At the end of the time, it is necessary to evaluate the measurement results. The physiologically normal body temperature of a cat is from 38 to 39.2 degrees. If the indicators increase, you should consult a veterinarian for advice.

Measuring body temperature in the ear canal

If your pet is too obstinate or aggressive, and it is not possible to measure the temperature using the rectal method, you can use another type of thermometer that determines the temperature in the ear canal.

While holding your pet, especially its head, you must carefully insert the thermometer into the ear canal, and following the instructions, pull it out after the sound signal. After measurements, the thermometer must be cleaned by rinsing the tip in warm water with laundry soap, or wiping it with alcohol.

Body temperature is the most important indicator of the state of an animal’s body. The indicators in cats are comparatively higher than in humans, so some owners begin to panic when they feel a fever in their pet. In order not to expose the cat to stress and not to take it to the clinic, the temperature can be determined at home with or without a thermometer.

Device selection

To be sure of accuracy and quality, the device must be certified, so it is worth paying attention to manufacturers of medical equipment or manufacturers of pyrometers that have medical devices in their assortment. But even in this case, for example, the manufacturer B.Well says that the buyer must bring the device for verification once every 2 years.

Typically, you need to bring the device for verification once every 2 years.

Options for purchase:

  • B.Well WF-4000;
  • ELARI SmartCare;
  • CEM DT-8806S;
  • Sensitec NF-3101;
  • B.Well WF-5000;
  • CS Medica KIDS CS-88 (Omron).

Please pay attention to the measurement error according to the instructions. The remaining differences are advanced functions (memory, convenience, second environmental mode). It would be optimal to have 2 devices at home. One infrared thermometer for quickly measuring or observing temperature changes over time. And if you suspect an illness and need high measurement accuracy, use a regular thermometer.

Is it possible to measure without a thermometer?

Without a thermometer, it is difficult to accurately determine the temperature of a cat, since it itself will be hot for a person. However, there are some places that will help you understand the presence of hyperthermia:

  • Ears
  • Paws
  • Groin area of ​​the abdomen

These areas tend to have less fur. Therefore, they will be significantly hotter if the animal's temperature rises.

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A cat's refusal to eat may indicate a fever.

The following symptoms also indicate the presence of high readings:

  1. Refusal to eat. When the temperature rises or falls, animals, like people, lose interest in food. The increase affects the nervous system, so cats do not feel hungry at such moments.
  2. Decreased activity. The cat sleeps a lot, rarely goes to the toilet. The fur becomes dull and begins to fall out more.
  3. Sleeps in other places. The animal tends to lie down in warmer or cooler places to warm up or cool down.

If such symptoms are detected, you should conduct thermometry and see a veterinarian to determine an accurate diagnosis.

The cat needs to be force-fed so that the body has the strength to fight inflammation before going to the veterinarian.

Thermometry is a diagnostic procedure that can tell both owners and veterinarians a lot.

Therefore, it is important to carry it out at home in order to know about the health status of your pet.

Coulometric glucometers

This is a type of electrochemical meters. The principle of determining glucose concentration is similar to amperometric. Only in this case, it is not the current strength that is assessed, but the electric charge. The required volume of blood for analysis is minimal compared to all other devices.

Amperometric instruments are more often used in laboratory practice, while coulometric instruments are usually used for home use.

The two subtypes differ in the price of consumables. Patients with type 1 diabetes need to measure their glucose more often. Therefore, it is more profitable for them to acquire an amperometric device with cheaper test strips. Coulometric tests are recommended for the control of type 2 diabetes.

How to help your pet if he has a fever?

You should not try to bring down your pet's fever on your own. Inept actions can cause the death of a four-legged pet. A febrile condition in a cat is a reason to contact a veterinarian in all cases without exception.

If it is not possible to visit a veterinary clinic, you need to take the following measures at home:

  • ventilate the room in which the animal is located, cool the air in it to 19–20°C;
  • Give your pet water often; if he refuses, forcefully pour water, chamomile decoction or a solution for oral dehydration into the mouth from a syringe or syringe;
  • feed the animal light food, give the kittens milk.

Medicines for humans (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Aspirin, Analgin, Diclofenac, etc.) should not be given to cats, as they can cause intestinal bleeding. The only approved drug is Dexamethasone, but it also has contraindications and restrictions on use. It is better to limit yourself to physical measures.

Indications for testing

Symptoms for which your cat should have a fever checked:

  1. Too dry or hot nose.
  2. Diarrhea, vomiting.
  3. Lack of appetite.
  4. General weakness, drowsiness.
  5. Lethargy, difficulty breathing.
  6. Fever caused by elevated temperature.
  7. Pale or yellowness of the skin.
  8. Chills all over the body.
  9. Complete refusal of water.
  10. Constant tearfulness.
  11. Runny nose, sneezing.

Temperature measurement

Remember that a person’s excitement is transmitted to the pet. The cat reacts sharply to a person’s mood and becomes nervous if he himself is afraid of the upcoming procedure. During manipulations, the owner needs to speak kindly and reassure the pet, but act clearly and confidently.

The device is inserted with light rotational movements into the anus to a depth of 1 centimeter. If the animal is restless and breaks out, it is restrained with a blanket or towel. To do this, it is good to work with an assistant who will hold the cat.

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The thermometer should not be moved sharply so as not to cause damage to the cat’s rectum from the thermometer itself or from fragments if it is damaged.

If a sick animal is aggressive and reacts poorly to touch, it is better to carry out the procedure with an assistant. He will hold the cat, and the owner will perform the manipulations (or vice versa).

How to determine a cat's temperature without a thermometer

It is possible to assess the thermal state of an animal without the use of special instruments. The owner diagnoses fever or a decrease in temperature in a four-legged friend by palpating (feeling) the nose and body of the animal and subjective sensations of “hot” or “cool”.

Place your finger on the nose: if the cat is healthy and the temperature is normal, then the nose is cool and moist.

With hyperthermia, it becomes dry and hot.

Remember that immediately after sleeping or active play, your cat's nose may be hot, and this is normal.

Pros and cons of devices

Device type Accuracy Reliability Safety Additionally
Household mercury thermometer High High Low Available in any home medicine cabinet
Special rectal electronic thermometer High High High The device is sold only in specialized stores
Universal electronic thermometer High High High The thermometer is equipped with a rigid tip, so when inserting into the rectum you need to be extremely careful
Infrared ear thermometer Average Average High Can be used without an assistant
Infrared laser thermometer Average Average High Can be used without an assistant

Normal body temperature in cats

For felines, a normal temperature is considered to be between 38 and 39 °C.

For older kittens - from 38.5 to 39.5 °C, for newborn babies - within 40.0-40.5 °C.

Deviations from the standard of half a degree are considered conditionally acceptable. If a furry friend's temperature is slightly increased or decreased, it is measured over time at intervals of 3–6 hours. If your health does not return to normal or the temperature is more than one degree higher or lower than normal, it is better to seek help from a veterinarian.

Why measure your sugar level?

Self-monitoring of glucose will allow you to:

  • determine the effectiveness of medications at night, after meals and between meals;
  • calculate the optimal dose of insulin and dosage of medications;
  • adjust nutrition and physical activity;
  • assess the dynamics of the disease;
  • ensure driving safety;
  • prevent the development of diabetic crisis, hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

It should be noted that self-monitoring cannot replace laboratory diagnostics. Therefore, you should visit the clinic every month for a blood test.

How to correctly measure a cat's temperature rectally?

Temperature readings taken in the rectum are the most reliable, but the procedure itself is quite painstaking, because the animal is unlikely to like the intervention in its body, especially not so pleasant.

The sensor on the thermometer needs to be lubricated with Vaseline.

A list of actions that will familiarize you with how to measure the temperature of a cat in the rectum:

the most optimal time to measure a cat's temperature is a moment of calm - this may be during sleep; you should make sure that the thermometer is clean or disinfect it so that measuring the temperature does not result in an infectious disease, and, of course, you need to make sure that the tip is smooth to avoid injury; if your cat has an obstinate and restless character, it is better to involve an assistant, relative, or friend in the procedure, because this will make it much easier to cope; the pet should be wrapped in a blanket so that the head and anus area are outside, but this should be done carefully, without damaging the limbs and organs of the animal; the sensor on the thermometer needs to be lubricated with Vaseline; to insert the thermometer into the rectum, slightly lift the cat’s tail up and insert the thermometer with slow, smooth movements; the thermometer is inserted no more than 0.5-0.6 cm deep; The thermometer should be tilted slightly; If the cat’s temperature is measured with an electronic thermometer, then you should wait for a click that will indicate the readiness of the results, and then, using gentle movements, perform such an action as removing the device from the anus. It is better to measure the temperature when the cat is sleeping

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It is better to measure the temperature when the cat is sleeping

When carrying out this procedure, try to address the cat by name, in a gentle voice, this will calm the animal a little. Once the temperature readings are ready, praise your cat and feed her her favorite food.

Normal body temperature in cats

A cat’s normal temperature is 38-39 degrees, and the indicators depend on many factors and can change during the day. For example, a cat that is sleeping or has just woken up will have lower levels because the animal does not expend energy while sleeping.

During active games, the temperature rises. The same thing happens to an animal’s body as to a person during physical activity. There is no need to worry about your pet; as soon as he calms down, the t readings will return to normal.

The kitten's body temperature will always be higher than normal. The little ones learn about the world, experience a lot of emotions, are extremely active, and this is the reason for the mild and harmless fever.

During the period of estrus, pregnancy, childbirth, after sterilization surgery and vaccinations, cats usually experience a sharp jump in body temperature. But you should worry if the thermometer shows more than 40 °C for 3-4 days.

Breed, age of catsNormal t in degrees
1-2 months38,5-39,5
7-8 months39-39,5
From 5-6 years38-39
Sphynx cats39-39,5
Cats of wool breeds38,5-39,5

Thus, the normal temperature for a cat is 39 degrees. The skin of Sphynx cats seems hotter, but only due to the lack of a fur layer. A healthy hairless cat should not have a body temperature higher than 39.5.

Electrochemical glucometers

Their action is based on the amperometric method of analysis. The test strips here are also lubricated with a reagent, but when they come into contact with blood, coloring does not occur. During the reaction, electric current is released. Its strength depends on the sugar level.

Electrochemical devices eliminate a number of disadvantages of photometric devices:

  • increased strength;
  • the accuracy of measurements has been increased (current strength is a specific value, as opposed to color);
  • the required amount of blood for analysis has been reduced.

A child, an elderly person or simply a person with a low pain threshold will definitely prefer this type of sugar meter. The depth of the puncture depends on the required volume of blood. If less is required, the procedure is less painful.

Is it possible to measure without a thermometer?

Without a thermometer, it is difficult to accurately determine the temperature of a cat, since it itself will be hot for a person. However, there are some places that will help you understand the presence of hyperthermia:

Groin area of ​​the abdomen

These areas tend to have less fur. Therefore, they will be significantly hotter if the animal's temperature rises.

The following symptoms also indicate the presence of high readings:

  1. Refusal to eat
    . When the temperature rises or falls, animals, like people, lose interest in. The increase affects the nervous system, so cats do not feel hungry at such moments.
  2. Decreased activity
    . The cat sleeps a lot, rarely goes to the toilet. The fur becomes dull and begins to fall out more.
  3. Sleeps in other places
    . The animal tends to lie down in warmer or cooler places to warm up or cool down.

If such symptoms are detected, you should conduct thermometry and see a veterinarian to determine an accurate diagnosis.

The cat needs to be force-fed so that the body has the strength to fight inflammation before going to the veterinarian.

Thermometry is a diagnostic procedure that can tell both owners and veterinarians a lot.

Therefore, it is important to carry it out at home in order to know about the health status of your pet.

Body temperature is an indicator of the state of the body and a measure of the adequacy of the response to external and/or internal changes. This indicator is used in a comprehensive assessment of the cat’s condition if something is bothering it or significant, noticeable transformations occur in the body.

While for a person 36.6 degrees is a normal average temperature, for a cat it is a pathology that indicates severe hypothermia or a significant loss of strength. The normal temperature for domestic cats is 38.0-39.0°C

(+ 0.5°C), and its fluctuations do not depend on the breed.

An elevated body temperature in a cat is considered to be 39.5°C or more. An increase in temperature (t°C) can be caused by infectious and non-infectious causes. Non-infectious causes of increased t°C:

But before taking the animal to the veterinarian, the owner must understand for himself whether the cat’s temperature is elevated or not by measuring it. There are two ways to determine the body temperature of an animal: measurement using a special device - a thermometer and without using a thermometer. It is clear that without a thermometer you cannot get exact numbers of body t°C, but you can figure out whether to sound the alarm and run to the vet or take a wait-and-see approach.

Signs of increased body temperature in cats and ways to determine it without a thermometer

  1. Condition of the nose. When the cat is calmly awake, it should be cool and wet. During physical activity, a cat's nose may become warm, and during sleep it may become dry. But if the nose is dry and hot for more than a day, even with a decrease in physical activity, then most likely the pet has a fever.
  2. Trembling in the body and chills in a pet at normal room temperature indicate an increase in body temperature.
  3. Oddities in behavior: the cat is non-contact (), refuses food.
  4. Tension of the muscles of the limbs is observed - the animal sits on all 4 legs and does not lie down.
  5. Prominent third eyelid even when awake (usually only visible when the cat is asleep).

But the above signs are very subjective, so for accuracy it is better to use a thermometer.

Types of thermometers for measuring the temperature of a cat

  1. Electronic rectal thermometer. Equipped with a temperature sensor and display, it emits a sound signal upon completion of t°C measurement. Accurate enough, it does not have to be inserted deep into the rectum. Disadvantages: high cost, short service life, impossibility of high-quality disinfection and replacement of a failed battery.
  2. Electronic universal thermometer. Accurate, inexpensive, lasts a long time due to its resistance to external mechanical influences, and can be disinfected many times. Disadvantages: you have to insert it into the rectum to a depth of at least 1 cm and hold it for at least 2 minutes, hence the pain syndrome.
  3. Standard mercury thermometer. Glass, familiar from Soviet times, cheap and reusable. The disadvantages are the danger of mercury spillage due to the instability of the glass to external influences and the long measurement time (5 minutes or more).

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Actions in case of deviation from the norm

An attentive owner will always understand that something wrong is happening to the cat: external signs that differ in hyper- and hypothermia will tell him about it.

At reduced temperatures the following are noted:

  • bradycardia;
  • decreased activity and lethargy;
  • hypotension;
  • blanching of mucous membranes;
  • slow breathing, sharp inhalation/exhalation.
  • trying to find a warm place.

At elevated temperatures the following are observed:

  • tachycardia;
  • chills and fever;
  • loss of appetite and refusal to drink water;
  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • dehydration (with prolonged fever);
  • diarrhea and/or vomiting with a bad smell (in severe cases).

In general, you should be wary of any deviations from the temperature norm, as they can signal various diseases, sometimes very serious ones.

If the elevated temperature

An increase in temperature can be caused by both diseases and other (non-physiological factors):

  • viral diseases - cats usually have distemper (panleukopenia), calicivirus, rhinotracheitis and coronavirus;
  • inflammatory processes - often occur when wounds or postoperative sutures become infected;
  • overheating - kittens, old and weakened cats that are forced to stay in the heat for a long time, for example, in a car or in a stuffy room, often suffer from it;
  • stress often provokes a failure of thermoregulation. The reasons may be a trip in transport, a visit to the veterinarian, a change of owner or place of residence.

Actions at elevated temperatures

If going to the vet is not possible, use the following methods to reduce the fever:

  • humidify the air in the room;
  • give the cat cool water (if it refuses, drink it from a syringe without a needle or pipette);
  • moisten exposed skin with water;
  • wrap in a wet towel;
  • Place ice behind your ears, neck, or inner thighs.

Self-treatment, especially with the use of drugs developed for the human body, is not allowed. Antibiotics and antipyretics can negatively affect the cat’s body, causing allergies or liver/kidney problems.

If the low temperature

The reasons for a drop in temperature in a cat are internal pathologies and external factors, such as:

  • exhaustion and loss of strength caused by chronic malnutrition;
  • viral infections (against the background of weakened immunity);
  • dysfunction of internal organs (heart and blood vessels, endocrine system, liver and kidneys);
  • blood loss that occurs after injuries and operations (internal bleeding is especially dangerous, which the owners do not notice immediately):
  • helminthiasis – infection with parasites leads to exhaustion, anemia and impaired thermoregulation.

But the most common cause of a drop in temperature is hypothermia, which occurs after a cat has been in the cold for a long time.

Actions at low temperatures

If hypothermia is caused by hypothermia, your pet needs to be warmed up quickly:

  • wrap in a blanket/plaid;
  • place in a warm, wind-free place;
  • give warm liquid to drink (you can use a pipette);
  • Cover with heating pads or hot water bottles.

If your efforts are ineffective, take the cat to the hospital. There, most likely, she will be given a warm enema and put on a drip with saline solution.

How can you help a cat with a high temperature?

How can you alleviate your pet’s condition until the doctor gives an antipyretic injection?

A towel for a compress for a cat, we reduce the temperature just like for people

You can give ¼ tablet of analgin.

But if you notice the symptoms described above, do not immediately assume that your pet has a fever. Chills and lethargy may indicate otherwise. And a low temperature is no less dangerous for a cat. At 36 °C, she may even go into shock.

An additional symptom is that when the temperature drops below normal, the cat’s mucous membranes usually turn pale. This reaction can also be caused by serious illnesses, including cancer. Although this could be a banal hypothermia of the body.

And again, a thermometer will help you. We measure the temperature and, if necessary, rush to the doctor.

It is somewhat easier to understand that the temperature has deviated from normal in “hairless” cats, such as Sphynx cats. Fluffy fur in animals is a kind of layer that will prevent you from suspecting the presence of fever using the simplest method - by touch.

How to choose the right glucometer

You can see many models on the market. Equally high-quality devices differ in the degree of convenience for a particular user. You can understand which glucometer is best to buy for your home by answering a few questions:

  • Which type of device is most convenient for you?
  • Does the required blood volume matter? For the elderly, children and especially sensitive people, the depth of the puncture is important.
  • Is measurement time important? Faster ones cost more, but not everyone needs them.
  • What test strips are available in pharmacies near you?
  • Is additional plasma calibration required? In simpler devices it is carried out through capillary blood.
  • How much memory is needed? This determines how many last measurements can be recorded.

It is important to decide whether additional features are needed. Modern sugar meters can have a lot of them. But their presence is not necessary.

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