Cat breeds with large ears and elongated muzzle: list and description

Bi-colored kittens with black and white markings are also called tuxedo or piebald cats. Some people mistakenly believe that tuxedo cats are a special breed.

Tuxedo refers to the distinctive markings on the coat that make it look like someone is wearing a formal tuxedo. Mixed breed domestic cats, also called moggies, may also have black and white markings.

Black is a common coat color in cats because it is the dominant gene. Black and white cats have a white spot gene that prevents colored melanocytes from migrating into these areas.

Here are 10 popular types of cats that can have black and white coats, as well as other potential coat colors and markings.


Siamese cats are one of the most famous and widespread breeds of the Siamese-Oriental group. Representatives of the variety of oriental beauties have an elegant, graceful body, thin limbs and a long whip-like tail. The wedge-shaped head with a straight nose and large wide ears is decorated with almond-shaped slanting eyes.

Siamese have short, shiny, undercoat-free fur that is tightly pressed to the body. The breed is characterized by a color point color scheme: light-colored coat with darkening in the area of ​​the muzzle and ears, paws and tail. Siamese are very sociable, they love to be the center of attention, are incredibly smart and know how to truly love.

Gray breeds of cats and cats: photos, description of character

Gray cats always look elegant and aristocratic. This color is called “blue”, and varies from light ash to dark gray. Blue cats should be distinguished from smoky cats. The latter have white fur at the base.

There are several breeds that are exclusively gray in color:

Chartreux (Carthusian cat ) is a fairly large, strong animal with amber eyes.

The following characteristics are typical for cats of this breed:

  • easily adapt to any conditions
  • obedient and easy to train
  • playfulness alternates with periods of calm
  • not intrusive
  • not prone to pranks
  • are attached to a person, not to a habitat
  • choose one owner who is accompanied everywhere
  • love affection and stroking on the head and cheeks
  • they treat strangers rather indifferently
  • love space and walks

Chartreuse (Carthusian cat)
Russian Blue is a popular, expensive breed. It has a thick, dense, shiny coat of uniform blue color with a silver tint. Has an elegant and slender body.

This proud cat with character has its own characteristics:

  • a little stubborn and freedom-loving, but at the same time obedient
  • kind and affectionate
  • can spend the whole day at home alone
  • unobtrusive, but happy if you take her for a walk
  • sits with pleasure in the arms of the owner, and only when she wants it
  • curious and observant
  • wary of strangers
  • doesn't like closed doors
  • homebody
  • loves to hunt

The Russian Blue
Korat is an ancient breed native to Thailand, where these animals are considered a symbol of happiness. In appearance they are similar to Russian Blue cats. The only recognized color is blue with silver tips. It is distinguished by large and bright emerald or amber eyes.

They have a specific character:

  • do not like cats of other breeds around them
  • jealous and really miss the owner in his absence
  • don't like strangers
  • males are known as fighters, but at the same time they show themselves as caring fathers
  • don't like long walks
  • are homebodies and rarely leave the house
  • good-natured and reserved
  • playful
  • require increased attention

British Blues are robust cats with a round head, small ears and a wonderful short, thick coat. This cat is the embodiment of British aristocracy:

  • hardy and strong
  • friendly and approachable
  • patient, gets along well with children or other animals
  • does not like familiarity

The British Blue
Nibelung (“child of the mist”) is a rare breed, graceful with silky soft fur and emerald eyes. Long-haired version of the Russian Blue.

They have a rather unique character:

  • not very sociable
  • may be aggressive towards strangers at a young age
  • everyone understands, but loves to do it their own way
  • quite cunning
  • affectionate with the owner and household members

Red breeds of cats and cats: photos, description of character

Red cats were considered in Rus' a symbol of the sun and happiness. And in some countries such animals are associated with financial well-being.

The red color in felinology is called red. It is worth noting that there are no animals with a uniform red tint; this color is always heterogeneous, with impurities, decorated with stripes and spots. It is believed that the more spots or stripes an animal has, the more complex its character.

The temperament of red cats is always individual, and the character depends not only on the breed, but also on the owner’s attitude towards the animal. However, the common features of all “saffron milk caps” are:

  • insolence
  • courage
  • cunning
  • demand for increased attention to one's person
  • mischief and playfulness

Red color is especially common among representatives of “wild” breeds.

Caracal is a steppe lynx. A predatory animal that can only be tamed if raised in captivity.


  • curious and playful
  • difficult to train due to wild temperament
  • requires an attentive, patient attitude, especially in the first two years of life
  • devoted to the owner
  • feels good in a private house with a spacious enclosure

Abyssinian cat is one of the oldest breeds, the ancestor of which is African cats. It has a ticked reddish color (sorrel). However, blue and fawn can be found. The breed is distinguished by its small number of offspring.

Main character traits:

  • obstinacy
  • intelligence and curiosity
  • melodious voice
  • mobility and energy
  • extreme love of games and space
  • sociability, it is difficult for such a cat to be alone

Abyssinian cat
The Bengal cat is the result of crossing domestic cats with leopard breeds. Owners of reddish fur with spots. Silver color is less common.

The character combines wild and “domestic” traits:

  • very energetic, attack everything that moves
  • smart and quick-witted
  • do not like tactile caresses
  • quickly get used to people and conditions
  • loyal to the owner, but sometimes distance themselves from him, preferring loneliness
  • wary of strangers
  • get along well with other animals

Bengal cat
A bright sunny shade is often found in more familiar pets:

  • Persians
  • British
  • Siberian cats
  • maine-coons


Persians captivate with their charming appearance and kind disposition. Cute slightly shortened faces with a round oval are decorated with a slightly upturned nose. Representatives of this breed are ranked not by color, but by eye color: yellow-, green- and blue-eyed.

Persians are high maintenance and love the comfort that gives them a sense of security. They are incredibly in need of affection and love, and are acutely worried about their owners.

Wild cats with big ears

Among the non-domesticated representatives of the cat family there are also animals with large ears:

  • The serval has the largest ears. This long-eared cat grows to 60-65 cm at the withers. And the length of its “locators”, decorated with black fluffy tassels, can reach 5-5.5 cm.
  • The sand or dune cat is inferior in size to its domestic counterparts. And her large ears are set so wide that they protrude beyond the contours of her head.
  • The Chinese mountain cat has large ears with tufts like a lynx.
  • The head of the long-tailed margay is crowned with large, practically non-tapering “locators”. The wide-set, large ears of this cat are almost circular in shape.


Hairless cats cause delight for some, and bewilderment for others. But they definitely don’t leave anyone indifferent. They have a strong muscular body, an elongated muzzle with expressive eyes, long limbs ending in almost human-like fingers, and a thin “rat tail”.

Unlike their woolly relatives, sphinxes sweat and sunbathe. By the end of the warm season, their color may acquire bright contrasting shades. Hairless cats are unusually smart. They are affectionate and sociable towards humans, but they can show aggression towards their relatives.

Cornish Rex

The black and white Cornish Rex impresses with its famous dense, curly rows of coat; wide set large ears; and a slender physique. They are sometimes called greyhounds from the cat kingdom.

Energetic and sociable, this breed thrives in company. The Cornish Rex is an intelligent cat that can be taught many impressive tricks, some of which can help as therapy animals.


Owners of thick and incredibly soft to the touch plush fur captivate with their cuteness. They have a round, strong body, a wide chest, short legs and a round head with a full-cheeked face.

The British are excellent companions, demonstrating notes of restraint and aristocracy in their behavior. They are sociable, but not intrusive, they love to play, but are happy to spend hours in solitude.

Features of cats with big ears

Almost all long-eared cats are natives of warm countries. Their large ears are covered with the thinnest skin, under which there are multiple vessels. Thanks to this structure of the ears, the blood quickly cools and accelerated heat exchange occurs. The higher the air temperature, the greater the volume of blood passes through the ear capillaries.

Interesting! In hot weather, the surface of a cat's ear turns red. But as the temperature drops, it acquires a natural shade.

The large size of the shell does not affect hearing acuity. Therefore, in all other respects, cats with long ears differ little from representatives of other breeds.


Long-haired beauties have a powerful, muscular body of quite large size. Their weight varies between 6-12 kg. This breed is characterized by thick, long hair with a dense undercoat. The animal's large head is decorated with large oval eyes and slightly forward-curved ears, the tips of which can be decorated with miniature tassels.

Siberian cats have a strict character. They are not very attached to their owners, but treat them with respect.

Cats who love to sit on your hands

Most people choose a pet that loves and knows how to keep company. Cats that treat a person as a creature close to them evoke tenderness and almost parental feelings. It is not surprising that affectionate, people-oriented breeds with a lack of aggression and isolation are more popular.

The most tender and attached to people are:

  • Persians and exotics. These lazy furry animals quickly get used to stroking and grooming and love to be close. These breeds are not prone to active outdoor games; they will prefer to sit on their hands or knees.
  • Ultra-smooth-haired or hairless cats. Breeds with thin, sparse hair or no fur at all have increased temperature requirements. They love warmth and will prefer a living human body to any artificial heating source. They feel safe next to their owner.
  • Siamese and Thai. These breeds have been bred for centuries in palaces and Buddhist monasteries. They have been carried in arms, placed on laps and stroked for thousands of years. It is not surprising that their descendants retained their attachment to tactile contact with humans.
  • Maine Coons, despite their impressive and menacing appearance, are very affectionate and tame cats. They love to spend time with their owners and even communicate quite loudly and often by meowing and purring.
  • The Scots are attentive to changes in the mood and health of their owners. They are the first comforters and caregivers, companions and interlocutors.

Also read the article about the most affectionate cats in the world.

Egyptian (Mau)

Representatives of this breed successfully combine beauty and energetic disposition. They owe their charm to their unusual coat color, complemented by original patterns of dark round spots of different sizes.

Egyptian women have an elegant body with well-developed muscles. The animal’s small head in the shape of a rounded wedge is decorated with expressive almond-shaped eyes of an emerald hue and large wide ears, the tips of which end with spectacular tassels. Egyptian cats are intelligent and sociable. Demanding attention to their person, they can be intrusive.

Famous, popular breeds of short-haired cats: photos, description of character

Many people prefer to have a short-haired cat because it is easier to care for. In addition, short pile does not hide the beauty of the animal’s body. Let us describe some of the most striking and interesting breeds.

The Brazilian Shorthair is an aristocratic natural breed. Outwardly it looks like a courtyard. It has a small muscular body, a wedge-shaped head and almond-shaped eyes.

In cats of this breed, the character develops throughout life and depends on how the owners treat it:

  • kind by nature, from lack of attention and affection these pussies can become nervous and irritable
  • sociable and playful
  • wonderful hunters
  • love walks
  • require love and attention
  • easy to train and easy to train

Brazilian Shorthair
American Shorthair is a powerful, strong animal with a rounded head and well-developed chest. May have different colors.

Is different:

  • endurance
  • good health
  • love for jumping
  • courage
  • intelligence
  • tenderness and affection towards the owner
  • laziness, so it is necessary to force her to move actively
  • are greedy when it comes to food
  • independent but obedient

The American Shorthair
Siamese cat is a bright shorthaired cat that cannot be confused with other breeds due to its unique color, thin body structure and blue eyes. It is noteworthy that this breed was not crossed with anyone.

They have a rather unique character:

  • stubborn and willful
  • independent
  • have strong hunting instincts
  • very attached to the owner and very jealous of him
  • wary and distrustful of strangers
  • sensitive to the owner's mood
  • playful, love attention
  • in case of disagreement, they “swear” loudly

Siamese cat
Thai cat is an oriental breed that can have different colors, except pure white. It has a muscular, graceful body, a slightly wedge-shaped head and blue eyes.

Main features:

  • observant and curious
  • very smart, quickly learns to open closed doors
  • extremely devoted to the owner: she rejoices at the arrival, and during his illness does not leave him
  • tries to take a leading position among other pets
  • quite talkative

Thai cat
European Shorthair (Celtic cat) are quite massive animals that have unique hunting qualities. There are a lot of color variations. The character is purely individual and largely depends on the upbringing and attitude of the owner towards the animal. For the most part these animals:

  • smart
  • affectionate
  • attached to their owner
  • easy to adapt
  • easy to care for
  • have an independent character

European Shorthair
Australian Aya Mist (Australian Smoke). One of the unique new breeds. Almost never found outside of Australia. It has a spotted or marbled spotted color and beautiful aquamarine eyes.

Cat of this breed:

  • has an easy-going disposition
  • sociable and friendly
  • not afraid of strangers
  • loves children
  • playful and active
  • easily tolerates loneliness
  • calmly relates to closed spaces and lack of walks

Australian Mist
German (Prussian) Rex is a cross between an Angora and a Russian Blue. Owners of wavy plush fur.

The nature:

  • calm, even lazy
  • patient and enduring
  • It is believed that they can take on the traits of their owner
  • require a lot of love and affection

The German Rex
Bengal cat is a medium-sized artificially bred breed with a spotted coat like a leopard.

Such animals:

  • very active, even mischievous
  • love walking, allowing you to put on a leash
  • have high intelligence
  • love to fight and hunt
  • can make a variety of sounds
  • quite kind and friendly

Bengal cat
Manx tailless cat (Manx) are large, strong, muscular animals. The tail is very short, similar to a hare's.

They differ in the following features:

  • very active and playful
  • sociable, take an active part in everything
  • emotional
  • loving and spontaneous
  • are partial to water, but do not like to swim
  • wonderful fast hunters

Manx tailless cat
The Manx cat is a medium-sized animal. She is the owner of a proportionate body, well-developed muscles, round amber eyes and unusually silky fur.

It has a wonderful light character:

  • extremely sociable
  • very loyal to a person
  • smart and understanding
  • loves physical contact
  • devoid of aggressiveness
  • requires attention
  • loves active games

The Pixie Bob is a young breed created by crossing domestic cats and wild short-tailed cats. It has a muscular body and a short straight tail. Externally they look like a lynx.

Despite the appearance of a wild animal, they have an easy-going character:

  • kind and gentle
  • quickly become attached to the family and owner
  • very active, love to jump and play

The Pixiebob
Oriental is an elegant oriental cat that comes in a variety of colors, except white. Has large ears and expressive eyes. Has the same standard as the Siamese cat. Just as graceful and elegant.


  • has a shrill voice
  • very trusting
  • inquisitive
  • sociable
  • not afraid
  • is in constant motion
  • trains well
  • can walk on a leash and fetch various objects in his teeth
  • is distinguished by its loyalty to its owner, so when separated it can become very sad

Oriental cat
American Bobtail - traces its history back to ancient Indian breeds. Some believe that this is a domesticated lynx. A squat cat that has dense, slightly shaggy fur and a short tail. May be of different colors.

The nature:

  • good-natured and affectionate
  • smart
  • calm
  • don’t really like being alone, try to be with family members
  • love to play and require attention
  • freedom-loving
  • When walking, they do not climb trees, but calmly walk on a leash next to their owner.

The American Bobtail
Ceylon cat is a small, muscular cat, the only Italian breed.

Has a peculiar disposition:

  • peaceful, but can stand up for herself and punish the offender
  • active, loves to play with her owner
  • cheerful and sociable
  • always tries to be with the owner, but is unobtrusive

Ceylon cat
Singapura cat is a miniature, very graceful cat with a pinkish tint to its fur.

These pussies have a very delicate temperament:

  • timid, afraid of noise and quarrels
  • careful with strangers
  • quiet and modest
  • peaceful and moderately friendly
  • are self-sufficient, a person will never be an authority for them

Singapura cat

Maine Coon

Among the most famous cats are the handsome Maine Coons. They are considered the oldest on the planet.

The breed is distinguished by its well-developed bone structure and somewhat rectangular body shape. Cats weigh on average about 5-8 kg, although there are also specimens weighing 13-15 kg. Representatives of this breed are famous for their high intelligence. They are very attached to their owners and are incredibly resilient physically.


This breed gets its name from its shorter than average legs, which are due to a natural genetic mutation. Munchkins come in a variety of color combinations, including black and white.

Due to their short legs, the Munchkin may need extra help when it comes to grooming hard-to-reach areas. The debate revolves around the ethics of continuing to breed this cat with its abnormal mutation and the potential correlation between specific health problems and this body shape.


Short-haired cats, similar in appearance to teddy bear cubs, captivate at first sight: a strong bone structure with thick paws and a fluffy tail, a rounded head with a flattened muzzle and bulging eyes causes only tenderness.

The main difference between the breed is the presence of a sharp and clearly defined transition from the forehead to the nose. By their nature, exotics are active, sociable and friendly, as well as cheerful and inquisitive.

Fact about cats

Over millions of years, the cat family has adapted to various conditions in the wild, making them excellent hunters! But, despite thousands of years of friendship with people, they managed to retain the hunter's instinct!

Go to the sections to the left of the article, where you will learn in more detail about domestic cats and everything connected with them!!

Cat family

These are predatory animals that live on all continents of the planet except Antarctica. The smallest are domestic cats, the largest are lions and tigers. All cats, small and large, have acute hearing, sense of smell, excellent vision, incredible agility and quick reactions. Lions and tigers have enormous physical strength. A lion, for example, can break the backbone of a zebra or buffalo with a blow of its paw. A tiger can kill an animal 8 times its weight and get into a fight with a bear. There are cases where a lion or tiger dragged the carcass of a dead animal, weighing about a ton, along the ground for several miles!


Representatives of this breed have a spectacular appearance: a long beautiful neck, slanted eyes, pretty ears, an elegant figure... They are given bright touches by an unusual coloring in the form of stripes, including up to 3-4 shades. Abyssinians are active by nature, enjoy contact with people and take a direct part in all household chores.

Hypoallergenic breeds

First, you need to understand that if a person is diagnosed with an allergy to wool, then no cat is suitable for him. Even completely hairless breeds have small hairs, particles of which can provoke a strong reaction.

However, there are animals that are less capable of triggering an immune reaction to fur. These include:

  • All hairless breeds and numerous subspecies with the prefix rex. These cats have less fur. Axial hair does not often fall out and break, so it is less likely to enter the human respiratory tract.
  • Siberian cats, despite their thick fur, are least likely to provoke a reaction to it. Most allergy sufferers do not notice the usual symptoms (tearing, itching, runny nose) when coming into contact with Siberians.

Also read the great article about hypoallergenic breeds.


The breed is one of the most famous and also the largest among domesticated ones. Redheads have a strong body, proportionally folded paws, a large muzzle with large expressive eyes. The name, literally translated, sounds like “rag doll,” which eloquently characterizes the ability of redheads to completely relax in the hands of the owner.

The weight of cats reaches 7-10 kg. The coat is of medium length, but practically does not clump. The animals are famous for their calm and affectionate disposition.

Best friend for a child

For a home with small children, it is worth choosing a cat with the most docile and gentle disposition, but with a strong constitution and the ability to support active games. Pets will help your baby learn responsibility and care.

For families with children, Scottish and British, Persians and exotics, Angoras with medium-length fur, Burmese and Orientals are best suited.

For allergy sufferers, the best pet would be the Canadian Sphynx.

For younger schoolchildren and teenagers, an ideal companion and friend would be a representative of the Maine Coon breed.

Read more in the article about the best cat breeds for children.


The spotted beauties look like miniature cheetahs. They successfully combine the grace and color of a wild animal with the affectionate disposition and curiosity of a beloved pet. Due to their affection for their owners, Savannahs are often compared to dogs.

Representatives of this breed have a lean, athletic body, proportional elongated limbs and a medium-sized head, decorated with large erect ears and expressive eyes, the upper arches of which are curved in the form of a boomerang, and the lower ones are almond-shaped.

Striped breeds of cats and cats: photos, description of character

Tabby cats are very common. This color is considered “wild type” and is called “tabby”. Cats of many breeds can be tabby. And for some, this color is the main one:

The Toyger is a cat with a brindle “striped” color, massive bones, a rounded thick tail and expressive, deep-set eyes. Looks like a small tiger. The breed has not yet fully formed.


  • playful
  • friendly
  • unpretentious
  • get along well with other residents
  • easy to train
  • don't require much attention

Egyptian Mau is an ancient breed of cat. It has an unusual silver color with spots like a jaguar and clearly outlined eyes.

Character Traits:

  • extremely affectionate
  • loyal friends to their master
  • love to be the center of attention and often sit on a person's lap or shoulder
  • can walk with a collar on a leash, as they love long walks
  • very energetic and lively
  • run fast and have hunting qualities
  • jump up and down to express their joy
  • love to chat
  • get used to the tray quickly
  • cats often help the female during childbirth

Egyptian Mau
Asian Tabby is a representative of the Asian cat breed. Color can be in the form of rings, spots or stripes on the fur.

The nature:

  • calm
  • tolerant
  • friendly
  • quite smart
  • energetic
  • playful
  • practically do not cause any trouble to the owner

The Asian tabby
Sokoke is a Kenyan forest cat that resembles a cheetah with tufted ears. Able to change eye color depending on their mood.


These cats have the following traits:

  • independent
  • are playful and very energetic, so in an apartment it is necessary to allocate free space for active activities
  • swim well
  • gentle and very attached to the owner


Among the most famous cat breeds are the Burmese. The main feature of their appearance is the contrasting combination of the dark tone of the protruding parts of the body against the background of the light fur of the body. But the main decoration of the Burmese is their round, expressive eyes of a sky blue hue.

Cats of this breed are squat and compact. They are very inquisitive and love to play, they really need affection, but they have endurance and self-confidence.

Why a purebred pet?

Choosing a pet is not an easy task. Nowadays it has become popular to purchase purebred cats. Each breed is beautiful and graceful in its own way, plus, with such a cat you can take pride of place at the exhibition. But you shouldn’t judge a cat by its appearance, it should suit your style and lifestyle. The catalog contains a lot of useful information about animals: appearance, temperament, necessary care. Representatives of the Persian and Angora breeds require special care, but they are not so dependent on human interaction. Are you at home most of the time and want some fun? Buy a Siamese or Abyssinian cat. If you have small children at home, you need a pet with a lot of patience in order to withstand all this squeezing. A British or Scottish cat would be a good nanny.

Diversity of the cat world

The world of cats is diverse. They differ in color, eye shape, fur length, character and other equally important criteria. There are a large number of organizations involved in developing standards and registering breeds. How a relationship develops with a pet depends on the person. For a cat, the owner is the most adored person on earth; his betrayal will leave a scar on the animal’s soul. For humans, a cat is a healing salvation from depression and bad mood, a fluffy little ball that can warm the heart on the coldest evenings.

Scottish folds

Scottish Folds differ from their relatives in the characteristic structure of their ears, which are curved forward. Their amazing faces, reminiscent of cartoon bear cubs, attract attention, and their incredibly soft, plush fur coat causes delight.

Representatives of this breed have a highly developed ability to be tamed. They try to build close relationships with people and suffer greatly if they lack attention.

Scottish fold cat

Known for its small, curled ears, the Scottish Fold looks quite mischievous. These cats are usually not mischievous at all.

Known for being laid-back and friendly, Scottish Folds typically do well around other pets and respectful children.

This breed is at greater risk of developing degenerative joint disease, which can affect the development of cartilage and bones.

Their thick coat requires regular grooming to avoid problems with fur balls. The black and white combination is just one of the many colors the breed can have.


The list of the most famous cat breeds is completed by Orientals. They captivate with their unusual appearance and incredibly friendly disposition. In terms of their external parameters, Orientals are similar to their Siamese relatives: graceful body, slender limbs, sophisticated wedge-shaped muzzle with disproportionately long ears.

The main character traits of cats of the Oriental breed: the need for constant communication, immense devotion to their owner and a fairly good appetite.

Cats are odorless and prone to shedding

There is a joke that in a house where a cat lives, wool is a seasoning. In fact, a constantly shedding pet causes a lot of trouble for its owners.

To avoid constant cleaning and daily combing, it is worth getting a cat of a breed that is not particularly shaggy.

Hairless cats, Lycois and all kinds of rexes are an ideal option for owners who do not want to bother with fluff. In addition, these animals produce almost no sebum and secretions, which cause a specific “cat” smell.

Among the breeds with short fur, there are those that shed infrequently. These are Bengals, Siamese, Orientals and Abyssinians. Short-haired species, whose ancestors lived and were bred in Asia, shed little hair and have practically no smell.

Also read about cat breeds that don't shed.

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