Childbirth in a cat: how to understand what is giving birth and how you can help

Pregnancy detection

Healthy pets with a pedigree, veterinary passport and breeding value are allowed for breeding. In practice, a different picture can be observed. Domestic cats that freely visit the street find outbred males who do not have any regalia for mating.

It will not be possible to register the offspring from such matings in the breed club, so the kids will have to look for a new home for a very long time, and the kittens will be given away not for money, but for free. But this is the financial side of the issue, which, of course, should be foreseen in advance.

If mating is carried out under human control, and titled individuals participate in the process, the date of fertilization must be recorded. This will help determine the estimated date of birth of the offspring. When mating occurred without the knowledge of the cat owner, the gestational age can be determined by physiological signs and the changed behavior of the pet.

During pregnancy, the cat’s body undergoes restructuring, as evidenced by the following physiological signs:

  • absence of heat. Pets over the age of 1 year estrus quite often (every 1-2 months), the onset of estrus can be recognized by characteristic behavior: purring, rubbing on the floor, night screams. If the cats' next calls do not occur as scheduled, it means the cat is pregnant;
  • At about 3 weeks of pregnancy, the cat’s nipples swell and turn red;
  • after the 4th week, you can notice rounded sides, and after the 6th week, the kittens can be felt moving in the womb.

To make sure that pregnancy has occurred, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian.

If mating proceeds according to a pre-planned plan, then the animals participating in the process must be checked for bacterial and infectious pathologies. In addition, before mating, animals must be treated for worms and other parasites.

Unplanned mating can be a reason for abortion. In the early stages of pregnancy this is allowed. Termination is also carried out for medical reasons, for example, if the pregnancy threatens the life and health of the pet.

How to avoid complications when giving birth to kittens

To minimize the risks of developing pregnancy pathologies and reduce to zero the risks of disruption of the course of labor, it is enough to:

  • do not mate with each other animals that do not have pedigrees,
  • provide ideal conditions for keeping and feeding a pregnant cat,
  • promptly vaccinate the future mother cat and treat against worms and ectoparasites,
  • limit contact of a heavily pregnant cat with children and strangers,
  • Never use any medications at all without a doctor’s prescription.

You should understand and remember that genetics is an unpredictable thing in most cases, and even if all the conditions for keeping a pregnant cat are met, unhealthy kittens may be born to her or the birth will occur with complications. It’s impossible to foresee everything, so make it a rule to choose a permanent veterinarian whom you can contact in emergencies!

Nutrition tips

The onset of pregnancy in a cat requires a review of its diet. From the 4th week, nutrition should be enhanced. If the cat was previously fed 2 times a day, then it is transferred to fractional feeding. The fruits developing in the womb begin to put pressure on the organs of the digestive tract, so the cat is not able to eat the previous portion of food at one time (read what to feed a pregnant cat).

An incorrectly formulated diet leads to the cat losing weight, and in severe cases, suffering from exhaustion. Diet errors are dangerous not only for the pregnant woman, kittens can also suffer. A starving cat's offspring are born weak and developmentally delayed. Lack of vitamins and microelements leads to the following deviations:

  • against the background of improper mineral metabolism, problems with bone tissue appear, expressed in the terrible condition of bones and teeth. Babies grow up with curvature of limbs (rickets);
  • Developmental defects are observed due to a lack of vitamins in the diet. This also negatively affects the nervous system and internal organs;
  • improper salt metabolism ends in pathology of the structure of the teeth;
  • Miscarriages occur when there is a lack of protein and amino acids in the diet. Without these substances, fruits do not develop, and the body gets rid of them.

To get healthy offspring, you need to take care of the proper nutrition of your pet even before pregnancy. In the first month after fertilization, all organs and systems of babies develop, which is why it is so important to pay attention to diet.

You should not purchase various food additives or vitamins from pet stores without consulting a veterinarian. Only a specialist should recommend what should be included in the diet. An excess of minerals and vitamins is just as dangerous as their deficiency.

The weight of a cat is of great importance, so it is necessary to weigh it regularly and record the data in a notebook. Fluctuations in indicators may indicate deviations; only a veterinarian can dispel doubts.

An increased appetite and rapid weight gain can cause obesity. This condition is a risk factor during pregnancy and childbirth.

Normal pregnancy process, stages and timing

In a healthy animal, the process of pregnancy and childbirth occurs without the need for intervention or assistance.
In purebred, small, problem cats, childbirth may occur with complications. In more developed countries, there is a special profession - zooobstetrician, a specialist responsible for the favorable course of childbirth, preserving the life and health of the mother and offspring. In “our realities,” all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the owners and general veterinarians. On average, a normal cat pregnancy lasts 60–65 days, but the period can vary by 7–10 days depending on the breed and body composition of the expectant mother. Conventionally, pregnancy is divided into 3 stages:

  • Mating – 3 weeks: after mating, the cat experiences swelling of the mucous membranes of the genital tract, but this does not guarantee pregnancy. Clear signs are observed from the third week: Drowsiness, decreased appetite and activity.
  • Requires affection and attention.
  • Vomiting (no more than 3 times a day, no longer than 2-3 days).
  • Distinct pigmentation of the mammary glands - from light to bright pink.
  • An enlarged uterus, which can be detected by a veterinarian by palpation.
  • 4-6 weeks: Rapid growth of the “babies” and “rounding” of the cat. By week 6, the amount of fluid in the uterus increases, and the kittens begin to make their first movements.
  • Kittens can be “felt” when gently palpated.
  • The cat eats and sleeps more, otherwise behaves as usual.
  • 7–9 weeks: Kittens are actively moving. The movements are clearly visible to the naked eye, especially if the cat is sleeping.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands, release of colostrum.
  • Some cats have a whitish vaginal discharge, which is normal.
  • Increased anxiety and making a “den”.

Choosing a nest site

If you don't prepare a cozy and safe nest for your cat, she may find it on her own. In this case, it will be difficult to observe the birth process, because the cat can hide far under the sofa, behind a closet, in an open dresser drawer or some secluded place hidden from prying eyes.

About 2-3 weeks before giving birth, the pet begins to search for a nesting site. It is necessary not to miss this moment and offer the cat a good nest located within the owner’s reach. To arrange the nest, a durable box made of cardboard or plastic, which must be covered with a soft cloth, is suitable. This will make the habituation process easier, and the cat will be happy to rest in the nest. You will need another box in which to place newborn kittens.

During the birth process, the cat begins to discharge, so it is advisable to put a moisture-absorbing diaper in the box.

After the pets are born, the diaper is removed and the box is covered with natural cotton napkins. The fabric should not have any odors so as not to displease the cat. Until the umbilical cords fall off, the bedding must be changed at least once a day. Therefore, they prepare more of these napkins.

If before giving birth the cat realizes that the place for babies is not safe enough, she will move away from everyone. However, this cannot be allowed. After all, it is very difficult to help a woman in labor who is stuck under the sofa. In order not to frighten the cat away, it is better to allocate a separate room for labor, limiting access to children, other pets and strangers.

How to understand that a cat is giving birth?

Signs of labor:

  • One or two days before giving birth, the cat becomes very restless. She can rush around the apartment, looking for a secluded place. This is absolutely normal, the cat’s nesting instinct is triggered, she is looking for a quiet, calm place where she can give birth to kittens, so that no one will touch or torment them.
  • This is very important if you have small children in the house who regularly cuddle the cat. Accordingly, she does not want her babies to be pulled and tortured. It is advisable for you to help the cat if you do not want blood, mucus, and the remains of living tissue to be somewhere in a not very convenient and inaccessible place. For example, under the bathtub or behind the sofa.
  • Therefore, it is in your interests to prepare a special house for your cat, that is, a box. For childbirth, it is best if you cut out the entrance somewhere at the level of the animal's chest. In this case, it is advisable to remove the roof, that is, remove it or simply turn the box over so that the top is open.
  • Next, you need to lay either torn paper towels or old fabric on the bottom, which you won’t mind throwing away later. As soon as the cat decides on the place where she will give birth, she may begin to push.
  • The most interesting thing is that these pets can delay the birth of babies for about 24 hours if they do not find a cozy and good place to give birth. Further, a cat can behave completely differently. Some pets become very excitable, and rub against the owner’s legs and meow heavily. Others, on the contrary, seclude themselves and do not want to be touched. We advise you not to bother your cat too much, so that she does not become aggressive and run away from the birthing area that you have prepared for her.

Newborn kitten

Dangerous symptoms

Excessive restlessness of the cat, copious discharge of an unusual color with an unpleasant odor should concern the owner. During a normal pregnancy, there should be no discharge before birth. The following symptoms warn of pathology:

  • yellow-green discharge from the loop. Most likely, this is pus, provoked by the development of an infectious process in the uterus;
  • the putrid smell of the discharge, its bright green tint occurs after the intrauterine death of kittens. Decomposition of the placenta is accompanied by unpleasant discharge;
  • Blood may appear from the loop. This is also a dangerous signal warning of ruptured blood vessels or perforation of the uterus.

Pregnancy is a difficult test for the whole body. Stress leads to a decrease in immunity, so the cat can get a viral infection. Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, mucous or purulent discharge from the nose and eyes should be a reason to contact a veterinarian. Infectious diseases are fraught with the death of offspring or the formation of abnormalities.

Postpartum care

After giving birth, the mother cat licks her babies and eats the placenta. It contains many vitamins. Veterinarians do not recommend allowing your pet to eat more than two afterbirths.

Mommy needs peace and good care. The most important thing is to monitor the condition of your nipples. Hardening in the mammary gland is a sign of the development of mastitis. If you find lumps or reddening of the nipples, you need to contact a veterinarian.

The cat must receive adequate nutrition. It is recommended to give her special food for lactating animals. It is easily digestible and contains all the necessary components. Kittens stay with their mother until they are ten weeks old. After 14–15 days, their eyes open, then the babies begin to explore the world around them.

Delivering a cat's birth is not that difficult. The main thing is not to panic and prepare in advance everything you might need if problems arise during the process. In most cases, human participation is not required; animals act instinctively. However, representatives of artificially bred breeds sometimes have complications during childbirth.

Baby's date of birth

The period of birth of kittens varies within 60-70 days after mating. Day 65-67 is considered optimal, but the body of each woman in labor is individual, so you should not rush to conclusions. If labor has not occurred by day 71, surgery is performed.

Decreased appetite on the eve of childbirth indicates the imminent arrival of babies. From this point on, it is necessary to conduct active preparations, call the veterinarian and arrange an appointment if the need arises.

Caring for cats and kittens after birth

The box should be cleaned and soiled diapers replaced with clean ones. Place the box with the family in a quiet place. Observe behavior: if there was a simple birth, without complications, then the mother is calm, focused on licking and feeding the children. To eliminate stress and cessation of lactation, you will have to temporarily limit the visits of guests.

Further care for the cat that has given birth comes down to ensuring cleanliness and nutrition. It is recommended to keep the tray and bowls close to the box so that the mother is close to the offspring. Feed 5 times a day, give vitamins for newborn cats.

Childbirth kit

The process of giving birth to kittens is always exciting for owners. In order not to confuse anything in the chaos, you need to prepare in advance. The following items and tools should be placed near the nest:

  • several disposable moisture-absorbing diapers;
  • sterile gauze wipes, size 20x20 cm;
  • a skein of thick silk thread that can be used to tie the umbilical cord;
  • scissors for cutting the umbilical cord;
  • stable container with water;
  • small syringe;
  • heating pad for babies;
  • medical gloves;
  • notebook;
  • pen.

A first aid kit must be present. It contains:

  • medical alcohol for disinfecting hands and instruments;
  • hydrogen peroxide for treating the umbilical cord and occasional wounds;
  • Streptocide, crushed into powder.

In addition, the first aid kit should contain ampoules with antibiotics, hormonal drugs and vitamins. This will allow emergency assistance to be provided to the woman in labor if necessary. The veterinarian will recommend the names of drugs for the first aid kit; after purchase, it is advisable to study the instructions and write down on a piece of paper what doses of the drug may be required.

What you need to have on hand to help

A non-specialist is unlikely to be able to accurately determine whether in a given specific situation the help of a specialist is needed or whether independent participation will be sufficient. But if it is definitely decided to control the birth without a veterinarian, then the list of available materials should be as follows:

  • surgical gloves (disposable or sterile) – 2-3 pairs,
  • moisture-absorbing medical diapers (unscented) – 4-6 pieces, depending on size,
  • a small waffle towel (clean, intensively ironed) - may be needed for resuscitation of a weak newborn baby,
  • gauze or bandage wipes (sterile) – up to 2 packs,
  • good cutting blunt scissors,
  • surgical silk, catgut or any other surgical thread for tying the umbilical cord, sterile initially or soaked in alcohol on the eve of the expected birth,
  • a small rubber bulb (syringe) – for pumping out mucus from the kitten’s airways,
  • sterile Vaseline,
  • hydrogen peroxide 3%, betadine or brilliant green solution,
  • ammonia,
  • a heating pad or electric sheet if the room is cool.

Only after consultation with a veterinarian (!) the following are added to the list:

  • oxytocin,
  • lauritin,
  • calcium gluconate,
  • disposable syringes - insulin and regular, 2 ml volume.

In general, consultation with a veterinarian is required! If a decision has been made to perform obstetric care on your own, then there must be a clear understanding of what is needed, why, and when the use of this or that material/drug will be appropriate.

Help for a woman in labor

In most cases, the owner's assistance during childbirth is not required. If the cat is confident in its actions and is not nervous, it is better to just watch the process. Inept human actions can only frighten the animal and increase stress.

The woman in labor is closely monitored.

Sometimes during contractions the cat goes to the litter box. Therefore, it is necessary to place the tray near the birth site and monitor that the cat does not give birth when visiting the toilet.

When a fetal sac appears in the cat's birth canal, it is necessary to transfer the pet to the nest.

Contractions usually last up to 12 hours. If contractions are weak, the break between them is up to 40 minutes. During strong contractions, the cat behaves restlessly, contractile movements of the peritoneum are visually noted.

Active licking of the genitals indicates the imminent approach of childbirth, while the cat’s breathing becomes heavier, and the pet may meow. The animal's body temperature 12-24 hours before labor can drop to 37ºC.

During childbirth, it is necessary to control the amount of placenta released. In order not to confuse anything in the turmoil, the time of birth of each baby and the expulsion of the placenta are recorded in a notebook. If after birth the number of kittens does not correspond to the number of afterbirths released, the cat must be taken to the veterinarian. Placences remaining in the womb can trigger the development of endometritis.

The apartment should be as quiet and calm as possible during childbirth. Excessive noise, strangers and the attention of other pets cause anxiety in the woman in labor, which contributes to a protracted labor, and in some cases can cause the death of the fetus.

As soon as your cat begins to strain, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and prepare. During a normal birth, the cat takes a position on its side and pushes. It takes several attempts (3-4) for the kitten to appear. When an amniotic sac appears in the birth canal, the cat breaks it and begins to actively wash the baby.

Licking continues until the kitten begins to breathe. Following the kitten, the placenta is expelled from the uterus. Many cats eat the afterbirth after gnawing off the umbilical cord. The substances that make up the placenta help stimulate labor, so you can allow your pet to eat them. It is advisable that no more than 4 pieces are eaten, otherwise the cat may develop diarrhea.

A newborn baby can speed up the appearance of new contractions. The mother pushes him to the nipples, where the kitten begins to suckle colostrum. The time period required for the birth of the next babies is approximately 20-40 minutes. For the second and subsequent fetuses, fewer attempts are required (2-3 for each).

The birth is considered complete if 2 hours have passed since the birth of the last baby.

In some cases, it happens that the baby is born a few hours later. This indicates weak labor.

The veterinary clinic offers to undergo an ultrasound to accurately know the number of future babies. It is better to do this in the last week before giving birth. Embryos that die in the uterus in the early stages tend to dissolve, so early studies are considered uninformative.

How to deliver a cat at home?

Necessary things:

  • Veterinarian number
  • Plenty of paper towels and napkins
  • Sterile gloves
  • Antiseptic Chlorhexidine or Miramistin
  • Pipette
  • Scissors with blunt ends
  • Small rubber bulb

The cat feeds the kittens.
Progress of labor:

  • Now you will see contractions. Strange swaying movements are observed in the lower abdomen with a certain periodicity. In this case, the animal may become aggressive, worry, meow heavily, tear a box, blanket or sheet.
  • Naturally, a pet may be in pain, this is how it should be, this is a natural process. After the first kitten is born, the cat begins to lick it, and also bursts the bubble if it has not burst itself. If somehow the cat forgot to do this, then you will have to break the bubble for her, because the kitten cannot breathe within its confines. It is necessary to help him get out and, if necessary, clear the airways of mucus.
  • This can be done using a soft syringe or a regular pipette with a soft tip. Now all that remains is to observe and, if necessary, help the cat. After all the kittens are born, the places, that is, the placenta, are born.
  • Please note that the number of places must correspond to the number of kittens. This is due to the fact that often the cat still has the placenta inside. It then contributes to the development of endometritis, severe inflammation is observed, as a result of which the cat can even die.
  • Therefore, if you are missing one place, this is a reason to call the veterinarian. Before your cat gives birth, it is advisable to get several doctor numbers, call in advance and ask if they can come urgently if your pet needs help.
  • If everything is in order and all kittens are born, do not rush to throw away the placenta and bladders. The cat must lick the kittens and be sure to eat all the places, that is, the placenta. The fact is that it contains Oxytocin, which helps the uterus contract, expel all contents, remnants of blood, mucus and places. With a lack of oxytocin, the uterus does not contract and inflammation is possible, resulting in the death of the animal within a few days.

Birth of kittens

Possible complications

There are times when a cat cannot give birth. In order not to get confused in such a situation, it is important to understand what is a deviation and what is the norm. An urgent call to the veterinarian is necessary in the following cases:

  • the first contractions last more than 12 hours;
  • pushing lasts more than 60 minutes;
  • More than 1-2 hours have passed since the first kitten appeared, but there is no more pushing;
  • the fetus is stuck in the birth canal and has been there for more than 20 minutes, but the pushing has stopped.

Help provided unprofessionally can only do harm. Therefore, without hesitation, you should call a veterinarian at home. If the specialist’s arrival is delayed, you can try to help a cat whose pet is stuck in the birth canal. To do this, fill the syringe with petroleum jelly, remove the needle and generously lubricate the loop area.

You can pull the kitten out only during the next push. Excessive force is prohibited. This may result in injury to the birth canal and the baby.

What to do if not all kittens are born

Childbirth must be monitored at all stages. This is due to the fact that not all kittens may appear, and labor has already ceased. What to do in such a situation?

The answer is clear - you need to monitor the cat’s behavior for some time and be sure to pay attention to the following points that may cause any suspicion:

  • the cat’s behavior changes dramatically, and she begins to behave very strangely;
  • if, when palpating your pet’s belly, you feel a kitten in it;
  • if the stomach does not differ in size from what it was before childbirth;
  • an increased temperature is observed;
  • fluid of an uncharacteristic green hue is released from the vagina.

However, a situation may arise when there is absolutely no need to worry. In this case, the cat simply decided to rest and during this period of time lick the babies that had already been born, after which labor resumes again. In this case, there is absolutely no reason to worry and everything is going right.

“But, if labor has stopped, and there are still unborn kittens in the womb of the pet, then in this case you need to urgently call a veterinarian or take your cat to him. Here the owner’s reaction must be very rapid, since the health and life of his pet depends on it.”

Thus, having considered all the nuances of labor in cats, it is worth summing up that the fact that a cat began to give birth is not at all difficult to understand. This process will certainly be indicated by changes in the pet’s behavior. The main rule is to constantly be nearby and closely monitor her, only then you will not miss the moment when the cat may need your help and timely intervention. In most cases, she can handle everything on her own.

Resuscitation actions

Sometimes dead kittens are born. This usually occurs when the fetus is malpresented and has a long passage through the birth canal. In this case, you can try to resuscitate the kitten. The baby is wiped with a dry cloth or towel and placed on a heating pad or under a lamp. It is necessary to perform a closed cardiac massage and perform artificial respiration.

Before carrying out measures for ventilation of the lungs, it is necessary to free the nasal passages and oral cavity from amniotic fluid. If the cat itself has not licked the baby, use a small syringe or syringe without a needle. Only after clearing the airways do resuscitation measures begin.

If the revival measures were successful, the kitten begins to squeak. He is placed on a heating pad and left for 10-15 minutes to restore strength. When the baby actively moves his limbs, he is transferred to the mother's nipples. If the pet is lethargic, it is rubbed again and warmed under a lamp, observing the restoration of mobility.

If the kitten was born in the amniotic sac, and the mother went about her business, it is necessary to rupture the membrane of the bladder near the muzzle and remove fluid from the respiratory tract. After the baby has begun to breathe, the umbilical cord is cut at the thinnest point, leaving about 5 cm. The baby is rubbed.

Also watch the video of the entire process of giving birth to a cat with assistance:


The owner of a cat is obliged to prepare for her birth. The first step is to prepare a nest with low sides in which lambing will occur. To avoid injury, the cat must freely get out of the box without touching its edges with the mammary glands.

Nest for a cat with kittens

A prudent fellinologist is obliged to agree in advance with a veterinarian to provide assistance during childbirth or conduct consultations by telephone. The following tools should be on hand:

  • Veterinarian contact number.
  • Aseptic gloves.
  • Pipettes.
  • Sterile thread.
  • Disinfected scissors.
  • Antiseptics.
  • Box for newborns with a heating pad.
  • Gel lubricant to facilitate the exit of the fetus from the birth canal.
  • Clean cotton diapers.
  • Cat milk replacer.

A responsible cat owner should perform thermometry on a cat who is about to give birth. 1…3 days before lambing, T° drops below 37° C. At this time, the cat actively licks the genitals. The expectant mother becomes isolated in her own experiences.

Arching your back signals that contractions will occur in 4...8 hours. The animal is worried, meows invitingly, calling its owner, or hides. Lost appetite. The cat independently chooses a place for lambing; it is impossible to convince her otherwise, so you should arrange a place that your pet likes. Firstborns can kitten anywhere, scattering kittens throughout the apartment.

The onset of labor: what you can do to help

At the beginning of labor, the cat requires practically no assistance - the owner can talk gently to the woman in labor, and also lightly stroke her back and stomach. This will calm the animal and at the same time stimulate labor. For individuals with long hair, you can loosely wrap a piece of gauze around the base of the tail so that the kittens do not get confused, and it is easier to control the process. If the female becomes restless or aggressive, it is better to leave her alone and watch the birth from the side.

The cat should be lightly stroked on the back and belly

How to distinguish normality from pathology, and how to help your cat

Normally, the most important part of childbirth occurs as follows: the kitten emerges from the birth canal head first, in the amniotic sac, which ruptures on its own or is ruptured by the cat. After this, the mother intensively licks the baby, clearing it of any remaining amniotic fluid, gnaws the umbilical cord, eats the afterbirth that follows the kitten, and places the baby closer to the stomach so that it begins to suck colostrum. The birth of one baby takes about 15 minutes.

Normally, a cat gnaws the umbilical cord itself and cares for newborns.

If everything happens this way, the newborns begin to squeak, move and suck milk, and the cat looks normal, the owner can only count the cubs and the placenta - they need to be equal in number (the placenta remaining in the uterus can cause an inflammatory process and other complications). Help for a giving birth cat is only necessary for complications, which can be mild or severe - in the first case, the owner of the animal can cope on his own, and in the second, the help of an experienced veterinarian is required.

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