Anti-tick collar for dogs – how to choose? TOP 5 best

A dog tick collar is one of the most used means of protecting pets. What should you consider when choosing? What is the principle of their operation? Let's consider a comparative analysis of the TOP 5 best.

The following types of tick protection for dogs are currently used:

  • Drops on the withers against ticks;
  • Anti-tick sprays and aerosols;
  • Flea and tick tablets;
  • Collars, leashes, keychains against ticks and fleas;
  • Vaccinations.

If previously it was enough to use only one means of protection, now several are needed, combining drugs of different groups and compositions. One of them is a tick collar for dogs.

How to choose a safe and effective anti-tick collar for dogs, what are the features of its use, advantages and disadvantages? Read in this material.

Purpose and risk factors

Anti-tick collars for dogs are used to prevent acarosis caused by bites from almost 20 species of ticks, and entomosis caused by fleas.

The use of dog collars reduces the risk of babesiosis, Lyme disease, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis due to ectoparasite bites.

The danger of a dog being bitten by ticks and other ectoparasites

About the varieties of ticks, habitats and features of their development in a separate material on the site.

Collar as a means of protection

There are many effective means to combat blood-sucking insects: drops, tablets, all kinds of sprays and shampoos. But recently, special collars have become increasingly used. These are soft plastic straps that are impregnated with substances that are poisonous to parasites. They are secured to the dog's neck using a fastening buckle. The chemicals begin to work when the tape is heated by the animal's body.

Under the influence of heat, the poison spreads over the surface of the skin and concentrates in the sebaceous glands, providing the pet with good protection. Manufacturers, taking into account that parasites die only after being bitten, add substances with a strong unpleasant odor to pesticides to repel insects. But it is worth remembering that these supplements are only valid for a month, although the collar itself is designed for four. The smell disappears quickly due to the presence of toxins. The bad thing is that they do not kill the eggs and larvae of bloodsucking creatures, but their new generation, thanks to the collar, will not stay long.

Compared to other means of protection, the collar has the following advantages:

  1. Easy to use.
  2. The effect lasts from two to eight months.
  3. Financially beneficial. It costs much more than tablets and drops, but it can be used throughout the dangerous season, and the drugs will have to be purchased every month.
  4. Convenient to use in terms of cleanliness: furniture, rugs, walls, and anything the animal touches will not get dirty.

It should be noted that not all models of modern collars are able to completely protect against ticks. In this case, it will be necessary to use other means. The fact is that most collars are dangerous for ticks only on the front part of the dog’s body, but it may well move to another part.

Veterinarians warn that no collar is 100% guaranteed to protect against bites from ticks and other parasites, but there is a reduced risk and an increased degree of protection.

Types of collars and principle of operation

Depending on the composition of the active components and the principle of action, anti-tick and anti-flea collars for dogs can be:

1. Chemical principle of action . The collar is a polyvinyl tape with a fastener, impregnated with an insectoacaricidal preparation. The effect of such collars, as well as the effect of drops on the withers or repellent preparations, is based on the use of insectoacaricidal poisons. The active substances (D/V), without being absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, accumulate in the epidermis, hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the animal’s skin and, released to the surface of the skin along with the secretions of the glands, have a long-term contact and intestinal insectoacaricidal effect. D/V, upon contact with an insect, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses of insects and subsequently leads to paralysis of their neuromuscular system. The preparations also contain an insect growth regulator, which suppresses the growth of integumentary tissues in insects, disrupting the development of larvae in the egg, preventing the development of full-fledged pupae and causing the death of parasites in the preimaginal phases of development. In addition, D/W, with its fumigating properties, can repel ticks, fleas and lice, preventing bites.

2. Biological principle of action . Safe essential oils and extracts of medicinal plants are used as active substances. Such collars do not kill ticks and fleas, but only repel them. They are most often used for puppies, weakened, convalescent and pregnant dogs.

3. Ultrasonic collars or key fobs . The operating principle is based on the generation of ultrasonic vibrations that repel ectoparasites. Use is limited by range (about 3m) and working battery. The collar is absolutely ineffective against existing parasitic pests. This type of protection is not widely used; reviews from dog breeders are contradictory.

Ultrasonic anti-tick collar for dogs

TOP 15 best anti-tick collar for dogs

This type of protection is the most in demand. Pets do not feel any discomfort from using it and enjoy life as before. A happy and cheerful dog is all the owner needs! In this article, we will present you with the current rating and choose the best anti-tick collar for dogs:

  • Foresto (Bayer), 38 cm.
  • Foresto (Bayer), 70 cm.
  • Kiltix (Bayer), 48 cm.
  • Kiltix (Bayer), 66 cm.
  • Kiltix (Bayer), 35 cm.
  • Beaphar Flea & Tick for dogs, 65 cm, yellow.
  • RolfСlub 3D, 40 cm.
  • Leopard (AVZ), 80 cm.
  • Leopard (AVZ), 50 cm.
  • Inspector for small breeds.
  • BioFloR, 65 cm.
  • Neoterica Protecto 12, 75 cm.
  • RolfСlub 3D, 75 cm.
  • Apicenna Dana Ultra, 65 cm.
  • Inspector for medium dogs.

Foresto (Bayer), 38 cm

It attracts attention with the stylish tin box in which it is sold. The Foresto collar is easy to use. It is adjustable in length, and the unnecessary tail of the collar can be easily trimmed with scissors. Special loops help keep Foresto more comfortable on the animal’s neck.

Weightup to 8 kg
Length38 cm
Active substancesimidacloprid, flumethrin
Agefrom 2 months
Animal sizeaverage
Duration of action8 months

Price: from 1458 to 1899 rubles.

dog collar Foresto (Bayer), 38 cm


  • use for medium-sized dogs, cats and puppies;
  • 3 reflectors included;
  • from fleas, ticks and lice;
  • has no smell;
  • hypoallergenic and water-repellent;
  • 240 days of component validity.


  • the clips fall off.

She entrusted the health of her dog to the German company Bayer and was not mistaken. I am a happy owner of a pug and I take care of my animal carefully and do not skimp on health. I can confidently say that the collar is effective and meets all expectations. I studied the rating of the best models for a long time, I thought about taking a cheaper collar, but I came to the conclusion: Foresto is irreplaceable!

Foresto (Bayer), 70 cm

Gray collar with the manufacturer's company logo. Detailed instructions are included in the box along with the collar and reflective clips. There are special fixation loops on the collar tape. Helps against fleas and ticks. You can bathe your dog without removing the collar; the effectiveness remains the same.

Active substancesflumethrin, imidacloprid
Animal sizelarge
Length70 cm
Duration of action8 months
Agefrom 2 months

Price category: 1615 to 2710 rubles.

dog collar Foresto (Bayer), 70 cm


  • does not get wet and does not lose its properties in water;
  • no allergies to components;
  • applicable for cats and dogs;
  • repellent effect (the insect dies without biting);
  • clips with reflective effect included;
  • 8 months of effectiveness.


  • reflectors break quickly;
  • effectiveness is less than the stated period.

I have a private house and I keep a shepherd dog on the property. This is an active dog, she loves to run, fetch sticks, and dig. To prevent ticks from biting me, I bought a tick collar for dogs. I chose Foresto from Bayer. He noted one of the main advantages: it is effective. The small child plays and strokes calmly, and has not observed any allergies.

Kiltix (Bayer), 48 cm

It is a light yellow ribbon with embossed markings. The material is quite soft and does not cause discomfort while wearing. It is used both to protect dogs and to remove fleas and ticks that have fallen on the animal.

The effect of the active substances in the collar begins only after 24 hours. It is recommended to wash the animal well before use.

Agefrom 3 months
Animal sizeaverage
SmellThere is
Duration of action6 months
Length48 cm
Active substancespropoxur, flumethrin

Price tag: from 880 to 1080 rubles.

dog collar Kiltix (Bayer), 48 cm


  • suitable for puppies (from 3 months) and kittens;
  • high efficiency of active ingredients;
  • against fleas, ticks and lice;
  • Can be worn in rainy weather.


  • Strong smell;
  • plaque on the collar;
  • not recommended for children to touch;
  • the action begins only after a day.

I often go for walks with my poodle Tony in the park, where he plays with other dogs. To protect my pet, I purchased a collar for medium breed dogs from the German company Bayer. While unpacking, I smelled a herbal smell, but my pet didn’t even pay attention to it. He tried to remove it for almost a day. After a day, the smell disappeared, the dog was already accustomed to his new accessory and no longer struggled with it. I can recommend it.

Kiltix (Bayer), 66 cm

Designed for large dogs. After opening the sealed package, the collar is fixed on the animal’s neck, and the remaining free end is cut to the required length. Excess jumpers are also removed.

There are fixing loops on the surface that allow you to hold firmly even on the most active animals. This remedy is especially effective in the summer.

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Animal sizelarge
Length66 cm
Duration of action6 months
Active substancesflumethrin, propoxur
SmellThere is
Agefrom 3 months

Price: from 975 to 1280 rub.

dog collar Kiltix (Bayer), 66 cm


  • wide spectrum of action (insects: lice eaters, ticks, fleas);
  • provides both protection and treatment to infected animals;
  • use from an early age (3 months);
  • protection in any weather.


  • from the moment of putting it on the pet until the moment of action for more than a day;
  • unpleasant coating;
  • toxic smell.

My family and I spend the whole summer at the dacha and take our pets with us. To prevent unwanted insect bites, we use the best anti-tick collar for dogs from Bayer. We see only advantages from the work of this miracle remedy. First of all, the dogs are safe. Secondly, our mastiffs tolerate the product that the collars are soaked in very well. The smell quickly disappears, but the effect remains.

Kiltix (Bayer), 35 cm

Sold in a cardboard box. Inside there is a sealed bag with the collar itself. The length is designed for small breeds of dogs and cats.

The active ingredients are specially sprayed onto the surface. When they come into contact with the skin, they penetrate it and begin to destroy parasites, protect against bites, achieving an effect for 2-3 days.

Length35 cm
Agefrom 3 months
Duration of action6 months
SmellThere is
Active substancespropoxur, flumethrin
Animal sizesmall

Cost: from 690 to 862 rubles.

Kiltix dog collar (Bayer), 35 cm.


  • repellent effect on all types of insects;
  • suitable for puppies, cats, small breed dogs;
  • does not lose properties when wet;
  • protection of puppies from an early age (3 months).


  • acrid odor;
  • slippery coating that remains on the hands:
  • possibility of allergic reactions;
  • action after 24 hours.

A friend recommended that I buy a tick collar for dogs. She always uses this company. So I decided to order Kiltix from Ozone. I chose the length 35 cm because I am the owner of a York Terrier. By the way, my pet’s fur is thick and he struggles to see the presence of insects and resists. The smell was noticeable at first, but has now dissipated. Ticks do not bite, insects do not pester.

Beaphar Flea & Tick, 65 cm, yellow

Stylish and fashionable anti-flea and tick collar in the form of a polymer tape. with a special fastener.

The active substance is released gradually and affects the dog’s skin, accumulates in the upper epidermis without penetrating into the blood vessels. The manufacturer is the country of the Netherlands. Width 9 mm. Comfortable to wear.

Agefrom 6 months
Active substancesdiazinon
Animal sizemedium, large
Length65 cm
Duration of action6 months

Price: from 359 to 479 rubles.

Beaphar Flea & Tick dog collar, 65 cm, yellow


  • waterproof;
  • soft and light;
  • high-quality fixative;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • is not absorbed into the blood, remains on the hairline and on the top layer of skin.


  • for small breeds it is necessary to cut off most of the collar;
  • the action may end prematurely.

I have been buying Beaphar collars for several years now. I have 2 dogs: a husky and a toy terrier. I put collars on both of them. A huge plus is that dogs can be bathed without removing their collars. After a few months of use, I start checking the dogs’ fur after a walk, just in case, I found ticks, but as a rule, they did not dig into the skin. Therefore, I am not going to change this product.

RolfСlub 3D, 40 cm

The slogan of this manufacturer: knockdown effect! The collar is suitable for therapeutic and preventive use. Provides protection even from mosquitoes.

The box contains detailed instructions, unfortunately printed in very small print. On the inside there are teeth that promote additional fixation. Color – grey.

Active substancesamitraz, cyphenothrin, fipronil
Animal sizesmall
Length40 cm
Duration of action6 months
Animal agefrom 3 months

Price tag: from 271 to 374 rubles.

dog collar RolfСlub 3D, 40 cm


  • used from 12 weeks of age (puppies);
  • prevention and treatment of parasitic and vector-borne diseases;
  • against fleas, lice eaters, larvae, lice, mosquitoes.


  • causes allergies;
  • hard and heavy;
  • teeth on the inside make the removal process difficult;
  • must be removed when swimming.

I ordered a collar from an online store. I was attracted by the cheapness of the product. I didn't notice any smell when opening the package. The collar band is quite heavy. For small dogs it causes discomfort because it is hard. However, very soon the dog got used to the collar and it no longer annoyed her. I think there’s nothing wrong with this; for all animals, wearing collars causes discomfort at first, but then they get used to it.

Leopard (AVZ), 80 cm

The well-known company Bars produces many means of protecting and caring for our pets. This is the most popular manufacturer in Russia. Collars are no exception.

It is characterized as a medicinal product. The size is intended for large dogs. Color: orange to red with black trim. Before use, it is recommended to wash the animal with a special zoo shampoo.

Length80 cm
Active substancesfipronil, diflubenzuron
SmellThere is
Duration of action4 months
Agefrom 2 months
Animal sizelarge

Cost: from 230 to 345 rubles.

dog collar Bars (AVZ), 80 cm


  • prevention and treatment of diseases caused by ticks;
  • high activity against larvae and mature insects;
  • high-quality fixative;
  • active substances are not absorbed into the blood;
  • availability (can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy).


  • there is an odor;
  • allergic reactions in some dogs;
  • Within 24 hours of using the collar, ticks may still be attached.

We go to a special training ground with our shepherd dog, where we work with a dog handler. There is a risk of bites from ticks and other insects. To protect my animal, I choose Bars collars. It works great against fleas and ticks. The collar has a smell, but it is rather sweetish and does not cause any unpleasant sensations. Fixes securely. The size fits and no need to trim. Good value for money.

Leopard (AVZ), 50 cm

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The soft polymer tape of the collar is sold in a white package with the name Bars. Inside is a sealed bag.

Once applied to the dog, the active substances are gradually transferred to the dog's body and distributed throughout the upper layer of the epidermis without being absorbed into the bloodstream. If there are already parasites on the animal’s body, they die within a day and easily fall off.

Active substancesdiflubenzuron, fipronil
Duration of action4 months
Animal sizeaverage
Agefrom 2 months
SmellThere is
Length50 cm

Price: from 255 to 344 rubles.

dog collar Bars (AVZ), 50 cm


  • not absorbed into the blood;
  • suitable for cats and dogs;
  • destroys adults and larvae, and also serves as prevention;
  • animal age from 2 months.


  • Before use, the dog must be thoroughly bathed;
  • there is an odor;
  • there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

After studying various reviews on the Internet, I came to the conclusion that there is nothing better than Bars collars. I decided to buy 2 pieces at once to have a reserve. This collar is a real lifesaver for my dachshund. For 3 months he checked the dog after every street walk and found no fleas, ticks or other insects. Some sites write that allergies are possible. I have not observed anything like this in my dog.

Inspector for small breeds

The collar is brown. Its length is 40 cm. Suitable for cats and small dogs. Before putting it on, you must carefully study the instructions, as there are certain rules and exceptions to use.

The collar should not be worn on sick or infected animals. For dogs of the Collie, Bobtail and Sheltie breeds, use only on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Active substancesivermectin, fipronil, pyriproxyfen
Length40 cm
Animal sizesmall
Agefrom 2 months
Actionfrom 2 to 4 months

Cost: from 420 to 547 rubles.

dog collar Inspector for small breeds


  • used for dogs and cats;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases transmitted by infectious ticks;
  • saves from lice, lice, ticks and nematodes;
  • no odor;
  • soft and flexible.


  • the active components of the collar penetrate into the blood;
  • the duration of action varies for different types of insects;
  • not effective against fleas.

I recommend this product as good protection against ticks. Please note that protection time varies and depends on the type of insect. For ticks it is 3 months, for worms – 2 months, for other insects – 4 months. There is no information about the effect of the collar in wet and rainy weather, so during these periods I monitor the animal most carefully. There are no complaints about the action.

BioFloR, 65 cm

The equipment is simple. The cardboard packaging is white and yellow and inside is a transparent bag with the collar itself. The appearance of the protective equipment is neat: a transparent silicone tape and a pink retainer.

The packaging shows a dog and a cat, but if used for cats there will be a lot of trimming involved. The action is antiparasitic, preventive.

Action1.5 months
Active substancesrosemary oil, balsamic tansy, wild flax extract
Animal sizelarge
SmellThere is
Length65 cm
Agefrom 1 month

Price: from 61 to 110 rubles.

dog collar BioFloR, 65 cm


  • natural active ingredients (balsamic tansy, wild flax, rosemary oil);
  • soft silicone;
  • reliable clasp.


  • unpleasant herbal odor:
  • aimed more at prevention;
  • causes allergies.

I bought the collar based on reviews on the Internet. I liked its natural composition. There is a smell reminiscent of medicines, but it gradually dissipates. The appearance is also attractive - neat, transparent. A dog wearing a collar does not feel any discomfort. The soft texture of the collar prevents chafing.

Neoterica Protecto 12, 75 cm

The antiparasitic agent is intended for large dogs weighing from 40 to 60 kg. The packaging will delight owners not only with its bright appearance, but also with its contents.

The fact is that there are two collars in the package. The manufacturer claims a high speed of destruction - the effect is already from 20 minutes. And most importantly, the maximum protection time is 12 months. Color: silver.

Animal sizelarge
Length75 cm
Active substancespyriproxyfen, etofenprox, imidacloprid
Duration of action12 months
Agefrom 3 months

Cost: from 1363 to 1615 rubles.

dog collar Neoterica Protecto 12, 75 cm


  • 2 pieces included;
  • protection from the 20th minute of wear;
  • active substances act throughout the year;
  • prevents re-infection;
  • has no smell;
  • waterproof;
  • hypoallergenic.


  • not detected.

This is simply the best tick collar for dogs. I tried different companies and there were cons everywhere. And here the real effect is observed. As for the price, a quality product can be purchased for such a price, especially since the package contains 2 collars at once, which is certainly pleasing. I urge all owners of cats and dogs to take a closer look at Neoteric, because it is both protection and prevention at once.

RolfСlub 3D, 75 cm

The advantage of collars from this manufacturer is their quick-acting effect; after 2 minutes, the active ingredients completely paralyze the tick on the animal (knockdown effect).

Destroys fleas and lice-eaters, prevents their reappearance and reproduction. The collar color is grey. There is a lock. The length is suitable for large dogs.

Agefrom 3 months
Duration of action6 months
Active substancesfipronil, pyriproxyfen, cyphenothrin
Animal sizelarge
Length75 cm

Price: from 400 to 537 rubles.

dog collar RolfСlub 3D, 75 cm


  • treatment and prevention of vector-borne and parasitic diseases;
  • The collar is valid for 6 months;
  • against fleas, lice, lice, larvae and mosquitoes;
  • waterproof;
  • Can be used for puppies from 3 months.

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  • hard and uncomfortable:
  • may cause allergies.

I recommend this collar to everyone. We've been using it for more than a year now. I have a rather large dog - a Great Dane. As soon as they started walking long distances from home, the question of protection arose. I constantly worry about his health. I immediately chose this brand and did not regret it. The only negative is the annoying gray color, I would like different shades.

Apicenna, 65 cm

Used for cats and dogs. Available in 3 colors: green, red and blue. Protection against external insects, ear mites and parasites. affecting the intestinal tract of the animal. The active ingredients are released gradually throughout the entire period of wear. It is recommended to wash your pet before putting it on.

Duration of action3 months
Length65 cm
Agefrom 2 months
Active substancesfipronil, ivermectin, pyriproxyfen
Animal sizeaverage

Cost: from 250 to 326 rubles.

Apicenna dog collar, 65 cm


  • no odor;
  • wide range of action (fleas, lice, lice, ear mites, larvae, parasites);
  • prevention of otodectosis and treatment of animals;
  • prevention of worms.


  • flimsy clasp;
  • Take off when swimming (no water-repellent properties);
  • Sometimes symptoms of intoxication are observed.

I am the owner of hound dogs and go hunting with them. There are 5 dogs, so I try to choose budget protective equipment. After comparing all the reviews, I chose Apicenna. The price is reasonable. Dogs feel comfortable in collars. On the negative side, I can note that if they cling to branches, they easily unfasten and fly off, you have to watch out for this. Otherwise everything is fine.

Inspector Flea, tick and helminth collar for medium dogs

Sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies in white cardboard packaging. Inside is a foil sealed bag. The product is characterized as antiparasitic and removes even adult insects. The composition of the active ingredients was developed in Germany, but the manufacturer is Russia.

Agefrom 2 months
Length65 cm
Active substancesfipronil, pyriproxyfen, ivermectin
Animal sizelarge
Duration of actionfrom 2 to 4 months

Price tag: from 430 to 625 rubles.

dog collar Inspector Flea, tick and helminth collar for medium dogs


  • prevention of toxocariasis, hookworm (infectious diseases) and uncinariasis (parasitic disease);
  • wide spectrum of action (against parasites and insects);
  • good fixative;
  • has no smell.


  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • The exact wearing period has not been established.

I read reviews from dog owners and, based on them, I chose a collar for medium breeds with a length of 65 cm, so that there would be some reserve. I bought the Inspector. I didn't like the product. There is no specificity in the description. It is used against everything, but in fact the effect is only noticeable against ticks. When I took it out of the package I saw a chalky coating on it. It turned out that this is how the active ingredients are sprayed. The dog did not wear it for long, they switched to another manufacturer.

Features of application

The use of anti-tick collars, leashes and keychains for dogs is generally a simple and moderately effective method of protection.

The collar is put on the dog, adjusted in size so that there is a gap of 1.0–1.5 cm between the animal’s neck and the collar, then the free end of the tape is passed through the clamp and the excess collar is cut off, leaving the end no more than 5 cm long.

The collar is used continuously during the parasite activity season. The collars begin to work 2-3 days after the start of use. In the first days of using the collar, ixodid ticks may attack and attach to the animal, but after 1–2 days the parasites spontaneously fall off. The effectiveness of using a collar depends on the condition and size of the dog's coat. Before putting on the collar, wash the dog, and after washing, put the collar only on dry hair. The period of protective action is up to 6 months.

Ultrasonic collar

The ultrasonic collar is suitable for protecting cats and dogs; it comes in the form of medallions that cling to the collar.

An ultrasonic collar repels parasites by emitting sound waves that are inaudible to the human ear, but highly irritating to parasites. A parasite caught under the influence of an ultrasonic trap immediately tries to move away from the source of the signal radiation.

An ultrasonic collar has a big advantage compared to collars that use chemicals, since it is completely safe for the health of cats, dogs, people and other animals.

Before purchasing such a device, it is better to read reviews from people who have already used the device on their pets. Many people claim that the device does not help at all against parasites living on animals.

Contraindications and restrictions

Insectoacaricidal collars, in terms of the degree of impact on the body, are classified as “moderately dangerous substances” (hazard class 3 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), and do not have a resorptive-toxic or locally irritating effect. The active substances contained in the composition are toxic to bees, as well as fish and other aquatic organisms and belong to “hazardous substances” (hazard class 2).

For safe use, the following points should be considered:

  • collars are not used for pregnant dogs, especially in the last third of pregnancy and lactating females, patients with infectious diseases and convalescent animals;
  • anti-tick collars are used for dogs older than 8-12 weeks of age, depending on the manufacturer;
  • Cat collars should not be used on dogs.

Side effects are observed in rare cases, with increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the active ingredients, individual reactions are possible (excessive salivation, lacrimation, muscle tremors, vomiting, skin irritation).

Allergic reactions may occur - itching and signs of skin irritation in the neck area. In such cases, stop using the collar and consult a doctor for advice.

Symptoms of overdose in dogs are observed when used together with other drugs.

Why are fleas and ticks dangerous?

The very first danger is that these small creatures bite painfully, which causes considerable discomfort to the dog or cat. And it doesn’t matter what breed the animal is, a flea or tick can bite any of them. As for the second, its harm, of course, is not so great, but it causes skin irritation in the pet.

Insects can cause serious trouble for an animal.

Another very dangerous thing is that parasite bites can cause large blood loss. This can cause anemia (anemia). Such cases happen rarely, but you should not ignore them, because animals with weak immunity can become quite easy prey. For example, a small puppy or cat may simply not be able to cope with them on their own.

Advantages and disadvantages of using collars

The advantages of wearing anti-flea and anti-tick collars include:

  • their long validity period is 5-7 months, with constant wearing;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • safety, because the active substance does not enter the animal’s bloodstream, penetrating only into the skin.

The disadvantages include:

  • it is not possible to provide control over the interaction of the active substance and the dog’s skin and coat, which does not guarantee constant protection;
  • The long period of action of the tick collar declared by the manufacturer often reduces the attention of owners to protection issues, creating only the illusion of protection;
  • the dog may experience discomfort from wearing a collar, especially at first and/or when it is rarely used;
  • the collar often causes an allergic reaction, it is necessary to monitor your health condition, if necessary, stop using it and consult a doctor;
  • there is a possibility of overdose of insectoacaricides when used together with drops on the withers or sprays;
  • high cost of well-proven foreign-made collars.

Tick ​​bite on a dog and comparative size of the tick after the bite

Main substance

The substance that is released and acts on parasites is called deltamethrin. It is also commonly classified as a pyrethroid group; it has an instant repellent effect that immediately drives away fleas and ticks, and at the same time it is also capable of killing (acaricidal/insecticidal property) parasites.

Precautions and side effects

The collar is purchased as long-term protection in the hope that the parasite will not be able to reach the dog during the active season. And during this time the owners relax, completely forgetting about fleas and other troubles of this kind. This cannot be done, for example, during a trip to the sea, the protection may be washed off by water, and the dog will collect ticks by running through the coastal bushes. Before your trip, it is better to take extra repellent with you and treat your dog after bathing.

There are times when a particular drug is not suitable for a dog. As a result, the dog scratches its skin and an allergy appears. You need to monitor the redness and condition of the fur, and contact a specialist in time if something goes wrong.

Sometimes vigilant owners go overboard with flea protection by adding drops to the chemical collar. In this case, an overdose may occur, which will lead to poisoning of the dog. Main symptoms: increased salivation, trembling, watery eyes, vomiting.

It is not recommended to use for animals that have suffered from illness, for elderly and weakened pets.

What to look for when choosing dog collars

  1. View
    . Glowing or reflective ones are suitable for walking in the evening. They will reduce the risk of an animal getting hit by a car, since the driver will be able to see the dog on a dark road. Electronic models will allow you to track the movements of the animal, find it if lost, and also monitor its health status in order to subsequently share the data with a veterinarian. Special tick and flea collars will protect your pet from parasites and the diseases they carry. It is not advisable to purchase strict collars with internal spikes, as they can harm your four-legged friend. Their use is justified only in case of training and under the supervision of an experienced dog handler. Decorative models decorated with beads, metal elements, rhinestones, etc. should be carefully inspected before purchasing to ensure that there are no sharp parts on the inside that could harm or cause pain to the animal.
  2. Size
    . The larger the dog, the wider the collar should be. For small and medium breeds you can buy narrow ones. The diameter of commercially available models is standard for each breed. It is necessary that two fingers fit freely between the collar and the animal’s neck. Only then will your four-legged friend feel comfortable in the product.
  3. Buckle and ring for leash
    . The buckle must have a special valve that protects the dog's fur from damage. Check that the ring is as strong as possible and well attached to the collar. This will prevent situations where the animal breaks off the leash, because most often this happens due to poor connection or fragility of the material used to make the ring.
  4. Material
    . Walking models are most often made of leather, synthetics or a combination of both. The inside is necessarily lined with the finest leather, fleece, and felt. It makes the collar more comfortable and prevents abrasion of the pet's fur. Make sure that all seams are hidden or on the outside or to the side. Otherwise, the dog will suffer from chafing. For four-legged animals that are constantly on a leash, canvas collars are suitable. The material is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, so over time it will not become hard or crack, maintaining an attractive appearance and all the necessary properties.
  5. Age of the animal
    . If most collars are suitable for adult dogs, then for puppies you should choose certain models. It is better to purchase a product for growth, so as not to change it often when the pet’s size increases. The free part of the belt should not be too long, otherwise it will interfere with the dog. A puppy collar should also have the softest inner lining so as not to cause discomfort or damage the fur and skin.
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