Cat tangles: why do they appear and how to deal with them?

When someone adopts a kitten, they expect that the little cat will grow into a large and beautiful four-legged friend with silky hair. But in order for an animal to grow and develop properly, it needs to be properly cared for. Sometimes cats and kittens develop mats on their fur. It is impossible to ignore this, and sometimes it is even dangerous.
  • 2 Why mats are dangerous
  • 3 How to comb a cat's mats

    3.1 Classic combing and cutting

    3.1.1 Video: how Persian cats are cut in salons

  • 3.2 Hair cutter for cats
  • 4 Prevention of tangle formation
      4.1 Photo gallery: types of combs for grooming cats
  • 5 Reviews from owners and veterinarians
  • Reasons for the formation of mats in cats

    A mat is a dense lump of matted wool. Long-haired cats are more likely to develop mats. Mats are formed from undercoat hairs (thin, short, almost “downy” hairs) that were not removed in time.

    Persian cats are prone to matting

    If such lumps have formed in a short-haired cat, then there is a possibility that the cat is seriously ill. In this case, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. But in cats with long hair, tangles can appear for several reasons:

    • oral diseases;
    • dermatological problems;
    • the appearance of skin parasites;
    • wool contamination;
    • incorrect selection of food products;
    • improper care, etc.

    Active young cats can look after themselves. If tangles have formed, then the cat cannot cope on its own. Most often this happens because the animal is suffering (for example, if the cat has an oral or skin disease). After all, licking fur on flaky and cracking skin can be painful. In cases where the pet has skin parasites (lice, fleas, lice eaters, etc.), the animal has to lick itself more often. Wool that does not have time to dry falls into clumps. In addition, the reason for the formation of tangles may lie in the wool itself. So it may be contaminated with a substance that is difficult to wash off.

    Imagine a situation where chewing gum or plasticine got into your hair. The hair gets tangled, stuck together, and trying to clean out the Velcro is very painful. In cats, such “sticking” can occur due to oil or glue getting into the fur, for example.

    In addition, the coat can become brittle and brittle due to poor nutrition (for example, lack of vitamins). This is how the split ends of the undercoat become tangled and turn into tangles. And finally, the main reason for the formation of lumps is improper care of the cat’s hair. Cats should not be washed with shampoos intended for humans. Sometimes after washing a pet (even with cat shampoo), the owner rushes to dry the cat as quickly as possible. Improper drying of a cat after bathing also leads to matting of lint. The wool can be blotted with a soft towel rather than rubbed.

    Grooming Tips

    Getting rid of cat tangles is much more difficult than preventing them. To do this, you need to regularly comb the animal's fur with a comb with long, non-sharp teeth. To care for shorter hair on the paws and head, a short-toothed comb is suitable.

    Beautiful and well-groomed fur of a pet is important not only for exhibitions and aesthetic perception of the beauty of the animal. This is an integral indicator of the cat’s health and well-being. Helping your pet care for its fur, preventing the development of mats and removing those that have formed is the task of a loving and caring owner of a fluffy cat.

    Why are tangles dangerous?

    if you ignore the formation of tangles, this can affect the health of your pet

    Mats spoil the appearance of your pet. They make the cat look untidy. Professional breeders can ruin their reputation if a purebred cat looks unkempt. And even if the pet is a simple domestic cat, but with tangles, it will be unpleasant to stroke it. However, in addition to not being aesthetically pleasing, pets with mats are at risk of diseases:

    • germs and parasites;
    • dermatological problems;
    • the cat may damage its skin.

    Mats can form from wool that is wet (with saliva), and in the form of a lump, the wool will not be able to dry at all. This saliva can harbor parasites and germs. Their activity on the animal's skin can lead to dermatological problems. And the same problems can arise without exposure to parasites. The skin under the mat will become hot and overheat. Experiencing severe itching and discomfort, the cat will try to scratch its skin and remove mats. This way, the cat can damage its skin with its claws and teeth, and the resulting scratches can become infected.

    Options for getting rid of matted fur

    Removing areas with matted fur is a rather unpleasant procedure, which your pet is unlikely to be particularly enthusiastic about. There are several features and rules for successfully combating tangles. Follow these recommendations, and the fight against tangled lumps will be successful:

    1. It is advisable to buy sprays to maintain silky fur not in the market, but in pet stores, taking into account the type of hairs and their length. Our sales consultants will help you choose the right product.
    2. A haircut. The coat should not be cut bald. You cannot groom Turkish Angora, Persian, or exotic cats. At the pet store you can buy a special device - a mat cutter (this is a special comb with toothed blades). Timely care will not only protect your pet from complications, but will also save your nerves. You will also be able to avoid conflict with your pet, since cats are vengeful creatures.
    3. It is easier to cut mats on cats than to comb them out, but this is not always an appropriate option: an animal cut into tufts will look like a stray ragamuffin. Although this is sometimes the only way out when the tuft of wool is too voluminous. There is no point in combing anymore, because the lost hair is already touching the skin. Attempts to comb out with a comb will be futile and will bring a lot of suffering to your pet.
    4. If there are multiple or large tangles, you should contact a groomer. Of course, you can trim off snarls of fur at home, as long as you don’t harm your pet’s skin. It is necessary to cut with a clipper with a nozzle of at least 2 mm. You will most likely need a second person to hold the animal. You can trim your pet's back, tail, and belly without any problems, but trimming the paws and head causes discomfort for felines. Experienced groomers give the pet a mild sedative. If the cat is too nervous, general anesthesia may be necessary.
    5. You cannot bathe the animal before the grooming procedure. This can greatly aggravate the situation; the tangles will become tangled and mixed with healthy hair. You may have to cut the lion's mane to zero.

    How to comb a cat's mats

    tangles can be dealt with by combing or cutting

    People who have little experience caring for furry cats may not pay much attention to the appearance of balls. Some believe that it is enough to simply cut off the tangle that appears. But in fact, a cat's fur can change after a haircut. The coat may change shade and/or texture. Such changes are undesirable for purebred cats. Therefore, if possible, you should try combing them first.

    My grandmother's cat (Musya) was very fluffy, although she was a mongrel cat. The cat often walked outside, and because of this, she developed tangles on her neck and stomach. This began to happen especially often after the age of 15. Old Musya was no longer so flexible and could not comb them herself. The cat's hairs were soft and thin, and this made them seem even more fragile. That's why we were afraid to comb it ourselves. In the evening, the grandmother took the cat in her arms and stroked it until it fell asleep. The grandmother sorted out the tangle with her fingers by touch. Sometimes it took several hours, but the cat was not hurt. Only once did Musya have to be cut when she came home covered in burdock thorns.

    Classic combing and cutting

    You can comb out the mat using any fine-toothed comb.

    To comb a tangle with a comb, you need to follow the following sequence:

    1. Wait until the cat is in a good mood.
    2. Lay the cat down so that the formed lump is clearly visible.
    3. Talk to the cat and pet it.
    4. Place one hand just above the mat (to secure the skin).
    5. Using short, gentle movements, run the comb through the tangle until it is divided into several parts.
    6. Comb each part of the tangle in the same way.
    7. Stroke the cat in the place where the lump used to be.

    This method is good for removing 1-2 tangles. It is important not to make any sudden movements, because if you pull the skin, it will hurt the animal. Combing should not turn into torture. If there are several tangles, and it is not possible to comb them with a comb, you can cut them off using scissors. In such cases, the mat is cut lengthwise. Try to do this as carefully as possible so as not to injure your pet. The halves of the cut lump can already be disassembled by hand, and the remaining tangled hair can be removed with a comb. In this case, it is possible to preserve the neat appearance of the animal (when cutting off the mat at the root, bald spots remain). In addition, you can purchase a special anti-matt product (sold in pet pharmacies). With the help of such products, tangles are removed even more easily.

    sometimes it is advisable to go to a special salon

    If there are too many mats (and they are large), the cat needs to be trimmed completely. Usually the “fluffiness” is left on the head, paws and tail (the cat becomes like a lion). If the animal owner has experience in grooming cats, you can carry out this procedure yourself. If you are afraid of harming your pet, you can contact a cat hairdresser (grooming master). In such a salon, they will not only remove tangles, but will also advise how to care for the cat so that matting does not happen again. In very advanced cases (or if the cat does not allow itself to be cut), the procedure can be performed under general anesthesia. In any case, the cat will be grateful for getting rid of the unpleasant lumps.

    I am categorically against haircuts as an option for getting rid of hair. I have 2 Persians, and with normal daily care they practically do not need hygienic haircuts. If the wool falls off in certain places, I try to untangle it, but if this is completely impossible to do, I cut off the tangle itself. A hygienic haircut is encouraged only if the animal is very neglected. The honest truth is that the color and structure of the coat may change after a haircut.

    JuliRien, forum user

    Video: how Persian cats are cut in salons

    Hair cutter for cats

    In addition to the classic methods of removing tangles, there are also more modern ones. One of the fashionable trends is such an invention as a chip cutter. This is a special device with which you can quickly and painlessly remove a matted lump. The hair cutter is similar to a comb, but instead of teeth (the number of teeth is from 4 to 12) there are thin blades. The use of the device is safe for animals. When choosing a webbing cutter, you can try to save money by choosing a cheaper model. But the chosen model must suit your pet (depending on the length of the fur, choose a mat cutter with long or short blades). In addition, other factors need to be taken into account:

    • number of teeth;
    • tooth length;
    • blade material;
    • tool handle.

    If your cat is well cared for, the risk of matting will be low. In such cases, a device with a small number of teeth is suitable. And if the animal is prone to forming lumps, you need to choose a knot cutter with the largest number of teeth. In addition to the frequency of the blades, you need to pay attention to their length. To care for a cat with already large mats, a device with long teeth is suitable. In an attempt to save money, be sure to pay attention to the material of the blades. Coil cutters cannot be sharpened. If the blades become dull, the device will have to be replaced, so it is advisable to choose a device with blades made of high-quality steel. The handle of the device should be ergonomic (comfortable, rubberized). The device packaging must be intact. If it seems to you that the package was opened before you, treat the device with boiling water.

    the blades of the vertical webbing cutter are located perpendicular to the handle

    For medium-sized cats with large mats, a vertical mat cutter with a small number of blades is suitable. And if the cat is large, then to remove mats you need a device with the maximum number of blades. The horizontal webbing cutter is convenient for frequent use. Externally, this device looks like a vegetable peeler. The teeth are located parallel to the handle of the device. Round shaped blades are sharpened so that one side of the blades is sharp and the other is dull. Thanks to this, the knot cutter becomes safe to use. The length of the blades can also vary.

    Horizontal webbing cutters have blades with rounded edges

    However, vertical and horizontal webbing cutters are not very suitable for processing hard-to-reach areas (ears, paws, etc.). And the animal may not allow a “terrible object”, for example, to the groin. In such cases, a teardrop cutter is needed. This device is smaller than other webbing cutters. This device has a round shape and only one blade. You can easily hide it in the palm of your hand, and at the first opportunity, remove the tangle without your pet noticing.

    drop-shaped tangle cutter is convenient for cutting tangles in hard-to-reach places

    However, it is not enough to simply choose and buy a webbing cutter. You need to trim matted lumps in such a way as not to harm your cat. Using a tangle cutter is not difficult, but to do this you need to know a few rules:

    1. Before you start brushing, you need to calm the cat (give a treat, pet it).
    2. You can ask a family member (whom the cat treats well) to hold the animal during treatment.
    3. While holding the cat, you need to start combing out the tangles according to the hair growth. It is important not to press the blades on your pet's skin to avoid damaging it.
    4. To make the procedure easier, you can use a special spray that will soften the hairball and allow you to comb out the mat much faster.

    It should be understood that the tangle cutter is intended for removing tangles, but not for daily combing. Using the device too often can damage your pet's fur. Therefore, you need to try to prevent the formation of hairballs.


    You can eliminate cat tangles yourself at home if the situation is not advanced. An inexperienced owner is advised not to deal with tangles, but to entrust the procedure to a professional. A frightened cat often breaks out, but may not be able to do so.

    You can trim the tangles with nail scissors or a hair clipper. Small and loose hairballs can be easily untangled using a comb and special veterinary products to make combing easier. A dense ball of wool will have to be broken up with a tangle cutter.

    How to use a cat hair cutter

    A modern and popular device for breaking hairballs in long-haired pets is called a mat cutter.

    Externally, the tangle cutter resembles a comb, but is equipped not with teeth, but with thin steel blades (4-12 pieces). The tool is completely safe for animals. When choosing a product, it is necessary to take into account the breed characteristics of the coat: the longer the hair, the longer the blade should be.

    The quality of a mat cutter for cats is determined by the following parameters:

    • the number of blades (for breeds prone to forming lumps, you should choose a hair cutter with the maximum number of sharp teeth);
    • the length of the blades (in advanced cases, when large trichomes appear, you will have to purchase a product with long teeth);
    • material (a high-quality webbing cutter is equipped with blades made of high-strength steel);
    • comfort of the handle (the shape should be optimal for gripping and holding, the surface should be rubber to prevent slipping).

    For a cat with large trichomes, a vertical mat cutter is suitable. To combat regularly appearing small lumps, a horizontal product resembling a vegetable peeler is convenient. In a horizontal device, the rounded blades are directed parallel to the handle; they are safe to use, since they are sharp on one edge and blunt on the opposite.

    It is difficult to remove trichomes that have formed in hard-to-reach areas: near the ears, in the groin and axillary area, on the paws with a horizontal and vertical wedge cutter. A teardrop-shaped product is required, characterized by its small size and rounded shape, equipped with a single blade.

    It is important to use the purchased tangle cutter correctly without causing harm to the cat. Basic rules for using the product:

    1. Before the procedure, calm the cat, treat it with a treat, and caress it.
    2. To be on the safe side, ask a household member to hold your pet while removing lumps.
    3. Comb out clumps in the direction of hair growth.
    4. Do not press the blades on the skin, try not to cause injury.
    5. To make it easier to comb out dense lumps that have formed, use a softening spray available at a veterinary store.

    A chain cutter is a tool used as a last resort. It is unacceptable to use the product regularly: it can seriously damage your cat’s coat. Therefore, it is advisable to prevent the appearance of tangles.

    Combing tangles

    You should not rush to grab the mat cutter; you should try to comb out the mat. If the lump is small and loose, it is not difficult to rid your pet’s fur of excess weight. For the procedure, it is necessary to use not a human, but a special comb for animals.

    1. Wait for the cat to be in a calm and peaceful mood.
    2. Place the animal on the pad, being careful not to scare it. The mat must be visible.
    3. Pet the cat and talk kindly.
    4. Place your palm on the tangle, and with your fingers firmly grasp the tangled strand at the base so that the animal does not experience pain during the procedure.
    5. Using smooth, leisurely, short movements, move the comb over the tangle, gradually breaking it into several parts.
    6. Comb each part in the same way.
    7. Finish with a standard combing.

    To easily remove large mats from a cat, you can use veterinary hair softeners - powder or spray.

    Cutting out tangles

    Trimming is the easiest way to get rid of large mats from a cat. But you should not rush to cut off the tangles, especially if the cat is a show cat. There is a high probability that the hair will change after shearing; the grown hairs will have a different shade or structure. Therefore, before cutting, you should try to comb out the tangles.

    A cat's mats should not be cut off completely, but cut lengthwise with nail scissors. You should act carefully, trying not to injure your pet's skin. A lump divided in half is easier to comb out. It is unacceptable to cut it out completely: there will be a bald spot.

    Prevention of tangle formation

    To prevent tangles from appearing, the cat needs to be looked after daily

    To avoid the hassle of removing tangles, you can simply prevent their formation. To do this, you need to make it a rule to devote some time every day to caring for your cat. Pets with mustaches need to be combed. If the animal came into the house while still a kitten, then it needs to be taught to use a comb right away. The daily procedure will become a habit, and when the cat grows up, there will be no problems with combing. However, you cannot simply comb a cat with your own (“human”) comb. Each pet should have its own toiletries. For a cat, you need to select a comb depending on the type and length of hair. For young cats and kittens you need to purchase a brush. Artificial bristles (for example, nylon) have an antistatic effect and do not “cut” the hair to the skin.

    I brush my cat with a brush. Although Khosya has already grown up and turned into an adult, capricious cat, she is not going to give up the brush. She rejects other combs. And since Hoshi has short, smooth fur, you don’t need to change the comb. The only thing I don't like about the brush is that small hairs get stuck in the bristles (the depth of the tufts). Sometimes I have to comb Hoshin's brush with a simple plastic comb.

    Additionally, you can purchase a rubber (massage) mitten. This little thing will help comb the fur even after bathing (before it dries). But a mitten cannot replace proper combing. Combs are suitable for daily hygiene. The tips of the comb teeth are rounded, which facilitates painless combing. Combs can be of any length and width. This comb will help identify fleas if any appear. If you like both combs and brushes, you can purchase a double-sided comb (brush). For very fluffy cats with long hair, a slicker is needed. The slicker resembles a brush, but instead of bristles, thin metal teeth (with curved ends) protrude from the rubber pad. Slickers are needed for combing out fluff, but it can only be used to care for cats with healthy, good fur. If your pet already has tangles, the slicker cannot be used.

    If possible, you can buy a furminator. This is a special device (comb-trimmer) for combing out the undercoat. Not the most budget option, but using such a trimmer saves time. Furminators are sold for different types of cats (kittens, short-haired, long-haired).

    Photo gallery: types of combs for grooming cats

    brushes are ideal for kittens or short-haired cats

    Instead of a mitten, you can use a special attachment for your hand

    the longer the guard hairs of the animal, the denser the comb teeth should be

    In addition to a double-sided brush, you can also use a double-sided comb

    The longer the cat's fur, the longer the teeth of the brush should be

    Furminator is one of the most expensive “combers”, but also one of the most effective

    In addition to brushing, you also need to bathe the cat. Of course, you don't need to wash your pet every day (only as needed). Cats with long hair find it difficult to lick their “coat” completely (especially if there is dirt on the fur). Do not wash your cat with regular shampoo or soap. There are special shampoos and conditioners for animals. After shampooing, the coat may not dry properly, which is why conditioner is needed. Some pet stores also sell dry shampoos for animals. Owners of long-haired pets need to have one (in case the water is turned off and the cat gets dirty). Dry shampoo will not solve all problems, but dirt will be eliminated, static tension will disappear, and the coat will become more manageable.

    Some cat breeders dry their pets with a hairdryer after bathing. This procedure must be carried out extremely carefully (air heating should be minimal). This drying can be done while simultaneously brushing the cat with a massage mitten. In this case, the wool will dry correctly and completely.

    And also do not forget about proper nutrition of the animal. After all, the formation of tangles can be caused by poor wool quality (for example, dryness, brittleness). This can happen due to a lack of vitamins. Your veterinarian will help you choose the right food supplement.

    Symptomatic diet and procedures

    As you know, the best treatment is taking preventive measures

    To prevent tangles from appearing, it is important to properly care for your pet:

    1. The combing procedure must be carried out daily. Today, specialized stores offer a wide selection of wool combs, as well as special gloves.
    2. For bathing, use shampoos that prevent the formation of hairballs. Any shampoo is applied exclusively along the hair growth.
    3. When drying, do not actively rub the wool with a towel, thereby tangling it. It is enough just to blot it several times or hold the cat wrapped in a towel in your arms.
    4. Use antistatic agents for wool. Under no circumstances should you use conventional antistatic agents, which are used in everyday life for clothing. Their pairs can poison an animal. Antistatic agents should be purchased in pet cosmetics departments. In this case, you must strictly ensure that the product does not get into the cat’s mouth or eyes.
    5. The cat can and should be dried with a hairdryer. But it's worth doing it right. It is not recommended to turn on the hair dryer at maximum temperature and speed. Average numbers are enough.

    In addition to hair care, a good prevention of mats is a balanced diet and an active lifestyle for the animal. A cat that receives vitamins and microelements from the outside, as a rule, has thick, beautiful hair.

    Also, when purchasing a long-haired animal, breeders need to remember that such a cat requires special care.

    Take your time

    Do not try to remove the entire tangle at once, but cut it off in several stages, starting with the densest and most “inconvenient” formations and ending with simple and small ones.

    We suggest you read: How to switch a cat to another food? Is it possible to change my cat's dry food? How to properly switch a cat to food from another company?

    You can deal with tangles that are located even in accessible places, but how can you remove tangles on a cat’s stomach? After all, not every cat even allows you to stroke this tender spot. You need to act in the same way as when removing other tangles, but more carefully. The work may take several days, especially if the cat is restless.

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