The truth revealed: why cats love to lie in bags, boxes and on paper

Rusting sounds

Sound is of great importance to a cat. Any plastic bag rustles, and this attracts the animal's attention. Firstly, because there are not many unusual sounds in the life of a domestic cat. Secondly, because in nature prey often rustles. Mice and other rodents scratch in their burrows and rustle in the grass as they run through it. Cats automatically respond to sound. If it rustles, it means you have to catch it. And then either eat or play.

Boxes, unlike soft beds, also make a similar sound - and from the cat’s point of view, this is an extra plus in their favor. This reminds us of nature, where everything makes some sounds - the grass on which the cat is trying to lie down, and the branch along which it is walking, and many other things.

Admit it, you, too, would not resist something pleasant and rustling. Millions of people cannot stop eating the soft and rustling film with pimples. Cats have their own analogue.

The main thing is not to let your cat play with a small bag that smells like something tasty to her. There is a high probability that she will start licking him and even eating him. And a swallowed bag or film is one of the worst things that can happen to a cat’s stomach, right after needles and other sharp objects.

Can these habits be dangerous for your pet?

Unfortunately, a bag is not always a safe toy. It is not uncommon for a cat to lick, chew, or even eat a rustling plastic bag. Scientists suggest that there may be the following reasons for this:

  • poor nutrition;
  • problems with the oral cavity and/or digestion;
  • early separation of the kitten from the cat;
  • stress;
  • I like the taste of fats and gelatin in polyethylene;
  • attractive smooth texture;
  • the smell of something tasty that was previously in the bag.

The habit of chewing bags can be dangerous for your pet. If he chews on a plastic bag and accidentally swallows a piece, this can lead to suffocation or intestinal obstruction. Therefore, it is important not to throw bags anywhere and not allow your cat to get them out of the trash can.

Desire for privacy

Cats are loners. In the wild, they do not live in herds and always defend their territory. They adapt quite easily to family life, but sometimes they still need the opportunity to retire, to feel like they are “at home.” And if people need a separate room for this purpose, then a small box is perfect for a cat. It allows you to simultaneously be isolated from other family members and continue to observe them.

Remember how you felt as a child when you built houses out of blankets and pillows, and you will perfectly understand the cat’s desire to lie down in a box!


Crumpled paper, often used as packaging material, can also be a cat's best friend. Don't be upset if you spent a decent amount of rubles on a beautiful cat house, but your pet prefers your newspaper or wrapping paper to it. This doesn’t happen often: apparently, they simply enjoy the process itself.

Maybe they are trying to get your attention with this behavior, or perhaps they want to mark their territory. Or is it a new item in the house that needs to be explored in more detail. Dangling objects seem to remind cats of hunting. In fact, there is no end to the speculation as to why your cat chose paper.


No cat in the wild will sleep in an open area. This is because the cat is a small predator and has plenty of natural enemies. In order to feel calm, you need to find a shelter, a place where no one can reach. Or at least you need to know that there is such a place nearby. This is a manifestation of instinct. Outdoor cats climb into basements, trees and roofs. Pets hide under sofas and climb onto cabinets where no one can reach them. A box is another shelter option. Safe on all sides - beautiful!

This also explains the love of cats for very small boxes, which, it would seem, are completely out of size for them. Lying down in such a box, the cat feels the walls of its shelter with its whole body, and thanks to this it is very calm.

It's the same story with packages. By getting into the bag, the cat may feel more protected. She has “walls” on all sides, which means everything is fine.

An experiment was conducted at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Veterinarian Claudia Vink, working with cats at an animal shelter, noticed a correlation between the existence of a shelter and the animals' anxiety. She divided the newly arrived cats into two groups. The first group had access to the boxes, the second group was deprived of it. As a result, those cats that could hide in the box were much less stressed, quickly got used to the environment and were more willing to make contact with people.

So don’t deny your cats the pleasure of sitting in boxes - it not only looks cute from the outside, but is also healthy for them.

What to do if the cat ate the bag?

If suddenly the cat swallows cellophane, wait a little, do not give an antiemetic or laxative. In the absence of symptoms of suffocation, the animal will try to induce vomiting on its own. If this does not happen or the cellophane is sticking out of the mouth, do not try to pull it out yourself - it is better to immediately take your pet to the veterinarian. If the cat is interested in a plastic or plastic bag, you need to distract its attention with other safe objects: a laser pointer, a ball, a feather wand, or just a treat.


The boxes also attract four-legged creatures by providing warmth when it gets too cold outside. Cats can't just put on a sweater when the temperature drops, so don't be surprised if they seek warmth in unusual places. Cardboard is an excellent insulator. Whether your cat is stressed, mildly ill, or just looking for a comfortable place to feel safe from predators (perhaps your neighbor's dog), a box is a very suitable item.

How to play using boxes

An attentive owner can take care of his pet. It's easy to make a simple toy that will still bring a lot of joy to your cat.

  1. Take several boxes of different sizes and cut holes in them of such a diameter that the cat can freely crawl into them.
  2. Connect the boxes together horizontally and vertically using double-sided tape, leaving the passages clear so that the animal can get from box to box, from floor to floor.
  3. Give the cat the opportunity to roam around the boxes.

A more complex option consists of plywood boxes, which are installed on supports covered with jute ropes. Such apartment buildings can be purchased at pet stores or built independently.

Other sensations

It is also noted that the sound from the bag may remind pets of the noise emanating from rodents when they run through fields or other objects. They understand this: rustling means prey. They can be attracted by various acoustic signals. So don’t be surprised by this behavior of your pet.

Moreover, according to scientific point of view, your pet is a mammal of the cat family of carnivores. So what you are observing is their natural behavior. Cats are small predators, and you shouldn't teach them something like that.

Reasons for love

Cardboard containers are perceived by pets as a house, which is why cats love boxes. They are comfortable here, safe, it seems that nothing is in danger.

The desire to avoid problems in communicating with the owner

Why do cats love boxes so much?

Cats are independent animals that value personal space. They may truly adore their owner, but need a break from him from time to time. This is where the box in which the cat hides in order to temporarily retire becomes relevant.

Nashkodiv, a pet, in an effort to avoid deserved punishment, can also hide, believing that if the owner does not see him, he will not guess where to look.

Note! Some people maintain the illusion in their pets by adhering to the rule: if the cat has reached its “place”, then it cannot be punished.

Privacy and feeling of security

A small box, into which a large animal can hardly fit, creates the feeling of a mink, a cave where the pet can warm up. That is why those who have several cats can from time to time enjoy an amazing sight: all the pets are trying to occupy one box, literally lying on top of each other. You don’t have to think that they are suffering; on the contrary, in this way the cats warm themselves and feel safe.

Important! A small box gives them something that a beautiful, expensive house cannot provide - a sense of security.

The reasons why cats love the most inconvenient boxes have not been studied enough by scientists to this day.

Attractive smell

The scent of cardboard that cats go crazy for is another reason why cats love boxes. Scientists were able to find out that cats really like the faint smell perceptible inside the container, which is why they tend to sit in their shelter more often and enjoy it.

Nostalgia for childhood

Cats, like people, come from childhood. They also want to feel like kittens again, cared for by an attentive mother cat. That is why they climb into small boxes that remind them of the one in which they were born a number of years ago.


Cats are solitary animals by nature, but living with humans forces them to exist in society. Every day they experience mild stress from the need to communicate with the owner and his family, his dog or even other cats. Cats are sensitive to stress, any noise, changes in their daily routine make them nervous, and there’s nothing to say about moving or a visit to the veterinary clinic!

The box is an enclosed space, and being inside helps the cat relax and feel safe. If there is no cardboard box, cats hide on a shelf of a closet with clothes, inside the drum of a washing machine, in a carrier or a special cat house. Not only do they not suffer from claustrophobia, but they also welcome secluded corners in every possible way.

This may seem strange, because in nature cats do not live in burrows. However, it has been proven that wild cats make their lair in the hollows of old trees, badger holes or in piles of windfall. For a domestic cat, a box is its safe cave.

When the size of the box does not allow you to get comfortable, the cat looks very funny. How could she be comfortable in such an awkward position, in cramped conditions? It turns out that it can. Even an uncomfortable box is better than nothing, because it is an effective anti-stress for a cat.

Pros and cons of this behavior

The main positive aspect of the fact that cats adore boxes is the availability of the latter. Owners do not have to spend money on expensive houses; it is quite enough to take a suitable container and make a hole for them.

I recommend: Why cats play and how to do it correctly with them

Note! The box can be replaced with a bag, basin, basket - the item that your pet will perceive as home.

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