How cats are euthanized in veterinary clinics, can you do it yourself at home?

For many owners, pets become real family members. But, unfortunately, their life is much shorter than that of a human, and owners sometimes have to make a difficult decision - should they euthanize a cat if it is sick and suffering, or allow it to live out its life?
The concept of euthanasia. The term "put to sleep" can be used in two meanings.

In the first case, a medicated sleep is meant, into which the cat is immersed for any procedures, surgery, or to avoid stress during transportation. In this case, you can euthanize your pet yourself using sedatives such as Kot-bayun or Fitex. You can buy them at a pet store, where a sales consultant will tell you how to choose the right dosage of the drug. After drinking the required dose of sedative, the cat will settle down and fall asleep on its own.

In what cases is euthanasia required?

There are times when the only thing the owner can do for his beloved but unhappy cat is to euthanize him for medical reasons.

Modern techniques allow euthanasia to be carried out painlessly and unnoticed by the pet.

Euthanasia is recommended in the following cases:

  1. Congenital defects incompatible with life.
  2. Acquired, incurable diseases, accompanied by severe, constant pain.
  3. Injuries leading to the inability of the animal to move independently, feed, etc.

You can guess about the unbearable pain present in your pet by its behavior. The cat hisses, reacts painfully to any touch, and moves with uncertainty.

Video “Euthanasia of a cat”

Thanks to this video, you can clearly see the procedure for euthanizing cats.

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Methods of painless euthanasia and drugs

The anesthetic part of euthanasia takes place in several stages:

  1. Intramuscular injection of a relaxing drug - a muscle relaxant. Under its influence, the animal’s body completely relaxes.
  2. Introduction of basic anesthesia. Intravenous and subsequent intramuscular injection of a sedative at intervals of 3-4 minutes. After the injections, after a short period of time, the animal falls asleep.

To reliably euthanize cats, injections based on drugs are used:

  • sodium thiopental;
  • sodium hydroxydione succinate;
  • gilded;
  • T-61.

These drugs have analgesic, sedative, anticholinergic, and antihistamine effects.

What you need to know about temporary euthanasia

Sometimes there is a need for temporary euthanasia, for example, for examination by a veterinarian or during an upcoming move. There are a number of means in which euthanasia will be temporary, painless and safe:

1. Use of sedative drops. They are sold in veterinary pharmacies. The action is to calm the animal, the cat begins to feel absolutely safe and then falls asleep thanks to special pheromones. 2. Thanks to the medication - xylanite, which has an analgesic and sedative effect, the cat can easily fall asleep. The product is designed for intramuscular administration. It is worth noting that this medicine is not available for free sale, and you will need to contact a specialized veterinary clinic to purchase it. 3. Collars with pheromones, whose smell reminds pets of the smell of a nursing cat. This has a calming effect on the animal, and it gradually falls asleep. 4. There are also tablets similar in effect to the medication described above, however, such tablets are not available for free sale. 5. You can use strong anesthesia to make the animal unconscious, but this is only possible with the use of certain drugs that are strictly registered.

How to put a cat to sleep temporarily?

Sometimes it is necessary to put the cat to sleep for a while, for example, in order to:

  • medical manipulations;
  • hygiene procedures.

Be sure to read:

Gingivitis in cats: how to recognize and treat the disease

Veterinarians in hospital settings use strong sedatives such as Vetranquil, Rometar, Propofol to calm animals.

More suitable for home use:

  • Stop stress;
  • Fitex;
  • Cat Baiyun.

Important! The drug and dose are prescribed by a veterinarian!

The difference between a sleeping pill and a sedative

The sedative does not put the cat to sleep, but simply makes it calm, one might even say lethargic.

If the cat has a long journey ahead, a visit to the veterinarian for a consultation with a doctor or a change of environment can be completely sedated.

This group of drugs is also recommended for use when adding another animal to a cat or during participation in an exhibition.

During periods of sexual arousal, it is better to resort to herbal-based sedatives.

How are cats euthanized in veterinary clinics?

Before the procedure, the veterinarian examines the animal and determines its weight.

The killing of cats in veterinary clinics is carried out according to the principle of humanity in several stages:

  1. Relaxing injection.
  2. Basic anesthesia, which puts the animal into deep sleep: the central nervous system is blocked, the receptors do not function. At this stage, the pet is in a state of absolute immunity to the environment. The cat does not hear, does not feel.
  3. Heart failure. It is carried out in different ways: by injecting a special drug into the heart muscle, or by administering a sedative drug by intravenous injection. The procedure is painless. Breathing stops.
  4. The heart is listened to with a stethoscope, the doctor diagnoses the death of the animal.

Sometimes in old or severely weakened cats, cardiac and respiratory arrest is recorded at the second stage of euthanasia.

The drug and dose are prescribed by a veterinarian

Euthanasia by veterinary clinic specialists has a number of advantages:

  • high-quality certified drugs are used;
  • the dosage of the medicine is determined by a qualified veterinarian according to the attached instructions, taking into account the weight, age of the cat, and concomitant pathologies;
  • the ability to choose the location of the procedure: at home or in the hospital;
  • the opportunity to entrust the disposal of the body of a euthanized animal to specialists from a veterinary clinic.

The method and drugs for euthanasia are determined by the doctor based on the condition and pathology of the animal.

Is euthanasia a necessity?

Euthanasia, or, as people say, putting animals to sleep in Russia is not considered a crime. Based on this, pets have the right to an easy and quick death. This practice is quite widespread. Euthanasia is possible if certain circumstances are stronger than even the owner’s strongest desire for the pet to live as long as possible.

Of course, no professional doctor will euthanize an animal on the baseless whim of the owner, just because the cat is blind or deaf, defecates on the sofa, or meowed annoyingly during her last heat. For any medical procedure, especially this kind, there are indications. If you have already decided to decide on the life of your pet in favor of euthanasia, then think carefully about your decision.

It is important not only to choose a good veterinarian, but also a good veterinary hospital. Half the chance that the cat will not have to undergo the euthanasia procedure is determined by the diagnostic facilities of the veterinary clinic. Only if the veterinary hospital has in its arsenal all the necessary types of diagnostics can the specialist who approved the diagnosis be trusted.

The main reason why an animal is euthanized is because its quality of life is such that no painkillers or medications can alleviate its physical condition, and the prognosis for the pet’s future life is unfavorable.

Diseases leading to euthanasia

Diseases that are the most terrible and from which there is no escape are the most common reason why cats are euthanized. If your pet has the following ailments, we can say that euthanizing your pet is the right decision:


These are diseases that are common to both humans and animals. They fall into the category of infectious diseases when infection occurs with various microorganisms. There are quite a few of these diseases, but what is very important is that not all of them require the euthanasia procedure. Naturally, if an animal is diagnosed with rabies, the patient must soon be euthanized and the state health service must inform about a possible quarantine in the area.

Also very serious is the disease Leptospirosis, which in both humans and animals is initially asymptomatic, but can ultimately cause death. The list of the most common anthropozoons that serve as a reason for the euthanasia of cats will be completed by Dirofilariasis (helminthic infestation).

Incurable diseases

Sometimes pets, unfortunately, live with a disease that causes them terrible pain and suffering. Often they cannot be made less strong. Such cases include late-stage cancer, the development of metastases affecting one or another important organ for life. Also included in the list of similar diseases is chronic renal failure, in which the cat’s body does not properly cleanse itself of toxins. This can ultimately lead to the most terrible consequences - swelling of the lungs or brain, rupture of the spinal cord.

If your animal has been diagnosed with cancer or another of the listed diseases, and you do not see from the cat’s condition that she is suffering greatly, this does not mean that this is not the case. Cats, unlike people, do not scream or act irritated in this state; they withdraw into themselves and experience pain in a secluded, calm place.

Trauma or congenital abnormalities

Often the reason why an owner decides to euthanize a cat is congenital pathologies or injuries to the pet. Animals receive similar injuries when falling from a very high height or from an unsuccessful fall from a low one. Particularly dangerous are polytraumas - this is a complex of injuries and fractures in the area of ​​the vital internal organs of the animal.

It is important to know here that only those injuries that cannot be cured and that cause the pet to suffer greatly can be resolved by euthanasia. If this or that injury can still be cured, albeit through an expensive operation, do not even think about euthanizing your pet. After all, even if a cat remains disabled, it will be able to live a normal life, pleasing its owners.

In the event that euthanasia is required due to a serious health condition with a disappointing prognosis, we strongly advise you to obtain the recommendation of not just one doctor, but several. Many pseudo-veterinarians, due to financial irrationality, do not want to treat the animal and say that the injury is incompatible with life. It also happens that such doctors simply do not have the proper qualifications in this matter, and they do not know how to heal a pet.

If the doctor you see has a “broad profile,” then he simply cannot know all the diseases and how to cure them. Remember that only a veterinary oncologist can deal with oncological diseases, and spinal injuries are within the professional competence of a neurologist exclusively. In addition, euthanasia of a cat is often, so to speak, a cover for the veterinarian who “healed” the animal by initially choosing the wrong treatment method.

To understand that euthanasia today is carried out quite often on animals and is not painful for them, it must be said that it consists of two short stages. First, put the pet into a full state of anesthesia, and why kill it using drugs that, in large doses, end life. If a veterinarian offers to carry out a procedure without anesthesia, do not agree for anything, because in this case, the animal will suffocate in the awareness of everything that is happening, in terrible agony!

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Cost of the procedure

The cost of euthanasia varies between 1000-2000 rubles and depends on the following factors:

  • size of the settlement (in megacities the price of the service is approximately 30% higher than in small towns);
  • veterinary clinic level;
  • pet's weight;
  • list of services provided (home visits, subsequent cremation, etc.).

Calling a specialist to your home will increase the total cost by an average of 1000-1500 rubles. Sending a deceased cat for cremation will require an additional at least 500 rubles.

Be sure to read:

Fat tail in a cat: what is it, normal or pathological, what to do, how to get rid of it, features of different breeds

In many clinics, the price for euthanizing an animal weighing up to 10 kg is fixed. The cost of the procedure for larger animals is negotiable.

Some veterinary hospitals offer lower price lists for euthanasia services. The main criteria when choosing a clinic should not be the amount of material costs, but the professionalism of the doctors and the quality of the drugs used.

A guide on how to kill your beloved pet (or maybe just a desire to pour out your soul)

I am addressing those who already have pets, as well as those who want to have them.

. And so, it all started in June 2008. At that time, everything was heading towards the wedding with my future wife, and we decided to adopt a kitten from a friend so that he would then live with us. A friend of mine had/has a cat. British. And there were just kittens. True, dad is an unknown mongrel cat. We wanted to adopt a cat. Because There seem to be more problems with girls. He showed us his photo.

He also said that at birth he was white, but became gray like this. It seems beautiful, and here it is in our hands in a cardboard box. We previously decided that he would live with my girlfriend and her parents. We've arrived. The parents started a scandal. Why do you need it? This and that. Irina (my friend) is in tears. They say give it back. Well, I called my parents and decided to take her for myself (I should have said that the housing issue about where we should live had already been decided, and we had an apartment, ours, but we didn’t live there). I took a taxi and went home. The cat, I must say, seemed alive; back in my girlfriend’s apartment, he escaped from the box and we caught him together. While he was driving, he kept squeaking. I brought it home and brought it in. My mother was kinder to animals and he stayed with me. As soon as I put the box down, he immediately jumped out and ran under the closet. I was afraid. Well, he soon moved away and began to walk around his possessions.

Irina and I had already bought a litter tray, a bowl for water and food in advance. At first there were problems with the toilet. I didn't want to go to the litter box. Then they got used to it. True, sometimes he still peed and pooped under the bed, behind the chair. but rarely.

They named him
. Irina also came to visit us (especially when we were alone), he played with her. In the process of communicating with him, I began to think that it was not he, but she. Going to the toilet is not like a man. And so it turned out. The owner himself did not know who he gave to us. Mom loved him/her very much. She played and fattened up. I must say that from a young age she showed her character))) She was such a little bitch.

And so, in September 2008, we got married and moved into an apartment. The cat had to be renamed Mondi

in Russian).

By this time she had already turned pretty black, she looked like a little devil.

She played at home, we didn’t let her go outside.
And then they began. In heat. Having read online that the drops are not harmless (they often lead to tumors or oncology), we felt sorry for her and did not cut her, we hoped for chance. In vain. From time to time they gave drops, but not constantly, but from time to time. They didn’t want to cut it because... We thought that we would want kittens someday (not knowing when). With each month, the duration of the heat intensified, and by the end it was generally unclear whether she was going on or not. She often screamed, with a characteristic hoarseness, constantly rubbed between her legs, and was with us everywhere. This was our first mistake - we weren’t allowed to live a normal life, which means we need to have surgery. and no options

She also slept in bed with us. when at our feet, when between us. As soon as we go to bed, we jump on the bed and meow-meow, and then she crawls up to us.

You come home from work, open the door, and there she stands, greeting you right at the threshold.

You eat, and she sits next to you on a chair, makes a pitiful face and looks... Begging.

She became like a daughter to us.
True, she did not behave very correctly with her wife; sometimes during her games with her, she began to bite. And she wasn’t afraid when Irina punished her. But as soon as I shook my finger, she immediately became quiet. This was the second mistake - they didn’t raise me correctly and allowed me a lot.

How we played with her - I ran after her, she hid from me behind the sofa, I walked back, she jumped out from behind the sofa at me and hid back, I followed her.

Everything happened before our eyes, but we didn’t want to notice anything. For about six months (from June), she began to hiss at guests (strangers) who tried to pick her up and pet her. Before, she just ran away. I tried to hit it with my paw. But with us, especially with me, there is not a hint of aggression.

And then came the last day when I saw her adequate. It was Monday 10/19/2009, morning. On Sunday I spent the night finishing up my homemade speakers. She hovered around me. My wife was at work on the night shift. I collected them at about 2 am on Monday, listened to music until 3 and went to bed. She, as always, lay with me. In the morning I washed my face, ate, and went to work. I didn’t have time to give her new food this morning, because... My wife was supposed to return from work in the morning. And she returned. I'm sitting at work and my home phone rings. Wife. All in tears. And in the background there are the angry screams of a cat. Ours. She said that on the way, a kitten/cat followed her at the entrance. She chased him away. But the moment she opened the door he came up from behind. Mondi, as usual, met her at the door, and this had to happen... few seconds. And she managed to stick her head out from behind the door and see this kitten. What happened next... She attacked this kitten, he ran away, Irina called her, she walked around her and hissed. She took it in her hands and seemed to calm down, but she began to shake again, she threw it into the apartment and closed the door. It didn’t take long for the cat to assume a fighting position and began to attack his wife. Well, she didn’t have time to take off her shoes, she striped her boot... And the hand with which it closed. I told her - let her go, her parents live in the same house. Go to them, and I will come and see what and how. She says I can’t get out, she follows me and digs into my leg, I spray her with a spray bottle and she doesn’t leave. I took a couple of hours off from work and went home. I arrive - the door is locked, Irina has left. Well, I decided to check it out and go in. She meets me at the threshold and attacks me, I talk to her - she doesn’t understand. I hit her with my shoe. Not weak. She doesn't run away. I managed to get my jacket off the hanger and pushed it away. She hid behind the sofa and squealed... I went down to my wife, she was crying and said she was afraid. I calmed her down and went to work. I searched the Internet for such cases - owners write that they need to let their cats walk outside, meet cats of the opposite sex, or have them sterilized... And what to do in my case is not written. It’s a shame to put her to sleep, we loved her very much. You can’t be in the apartment with her either. I called the clinic from work and they told me to give her sex barrier drops. In response to my reasonable question - how can I get it if she can’t hold it in her hands, they said that I can pour it into her water. Well, I can’t even go into the kitchen... In the evening, coming home from work, I came to her parents and we decided to go home again, this time together, suddenly she calmed down. We came in, I was the first, my wife was behind. She saw me and didn’t seem to be hissing. I call her by name, go up to her, stroke her, she behaves normally with me... I saw my wife standing up and crawling towards her... I scream at her, she doesn’t seem to attack, I covered her with myself. Then something went wrong with her and she again started screaming loudly and throwing herself at me. I thought because of my wife. Before this, I read about “delayed aggression” on the Internet. That the cat remembers who was nearby at the moment when it felt bad/hurt/scared, and after this event it takes out its anger on this person. Even if it's on the owner. We went to the clinic. There is one nearby. 3 minutes walk. We were told that the cat most likely had a nervous breakdown and that we either need to euthanize the cat, since it is an aggressor and attacks its owners. Either protect her from her wife, as from an irritant, or put the cat in a separate room so that I feed and water her…. But no one guarantees that she will calm down and forget everything. And this was most likely caused by an excess of hormones that had nowhere to go. We asked if it was possible to call a doctor at home. Yes, but until 5 pm. We decided to postpone everything until Tuesday and went to her parents, ate and came up with this plan. Come visit us, me and my father-in-law. Our cat stayed with them while we were on vacation (in September) recently. They also have an old dog, a small dog. So she did not attack him and they lived peacefully. We came in, she saw us, ran behind the sofa and yelled at us from there. I told him to leave and I wanted to take some clothes to change and some money…. I couldn't. She didn't let me in. that's it. I came home angry with a firm decision to put her to sleep or take her out into the wild, giving her a chance to survive. By the way, my wife cried all day about how we would be without her... She was afraid to be alone with her, even if everything became normal. We fell asleep. In the morning I took time off from work until lunch to sort things out with the cat. It was Tuesday 10/20/2009. I called another clinic in the morning to find out their advice. They said the same thing. People had no idea what an enraged cat was... Give her some anti-sex, calming... We went again to the clinic where we went last night to call a doctor and talk with the new doctor (they work in shifts). This was the third mistake - I didn’t go in ALONE and didn’t check to see if she had calmed down.

The doctor turned out to be more competent, as it seemed to us, and asked everyone whether she lived with us or before with me. I told it like it was. He said that, as an option, she is jealous of me and she has had this before, but not so much. And the kitten was like a trigger... Or because of hormones. Your situation is stalemate, as he said. If you don’t want to euthanize or throw him out into the street, you can try to artificially interrupt the estrus (using a hormonal injection) and then have him sterilized. After this, cats usually calm down and their character becomes more flexible. But if it’s in her head, then no one will help and she can attack at any moment... For example at night. We agreed to try with hormones and surgery…. Where will we be, with our parents? She said that the injection will start to work in a day or two and there will be no heat for several months, so we will have time to perform the operation. Well, put her in a cage so she gets used to it. Don’t give food, just water so that she understands who’s boss in the house. We agreed on 13.30 for him to come to us. They called friends, her father. My friend arrived, a cat owner (he has 5 Siamese), her friend and father. The doctor also came up. We told the doctor to take a sleeping pill just in case, in case nothing would help her.

We go in, I’m the first, wearing mittens, behind me is the doctor, the guy with the cage and the rest. She saw me and seemed to behave more or less adequately. It was given into my hands. I pressed her to the floor with my mittens, and the doctor came over to give her an injection. Done. She didn't resist much. He touched her and said - let go, I said, maybe it’s better to go straight into the cage, in case she attacks someone right now. They opened the cage, I put her in there, she lays down with her head and that’s it…. I ask - why did you also inject her with a sedative? Or what? He says no, I don’t know what. It looks like he was confused himself. She feels her heart - she says it’s beating, I don’t know if she’s breathing or not, I started to raise her arms, she stretched out all over, as if the muscles weren’t working... And she started to write, she pees and that’s it. The doctor said it looked like anaphylactic shock, but in his experience there was no such reaction to a hormonal injection (Covinan). Irina says that she immediately realized that she was dying, she saw how the dogs were dying. We quickly took her to the clinic. I carry her in my arms and there are tears in her eyes. I'm talking to her. She seems to hear but doesn't meow. Rolls his eyes. I say, don’t close your eyes. They brought her quickly, about 3 minutes... I brought her into the operating room, she stayed with her, the nurse said adrenaline, an oxygen tube.... And he told me to go out and wait in the reception area. Later my wife and my friend came up and brought the cage. The doctor came out and said everything, she died... There are 2 options here, either anaphylactic shock, or a heart attack or stroke... It seems that the blood was not flowing, or there was no oxygen. Mucous membranes are pale. Will you do an autopsy or not? It will be clear at the autopsy. If there is a scar on the heart or a hemorrhage in the brain, it means from fear. If there is nothing like that, then shock (allergy). I took her to bury her. Everyone left. Irina and I are devastated. Tears. She's gone. She finished everything in the bowl, she was alone at home for a day without us, she didn’t drink any water. The potty also seemed dry, she didn’t shit anywhere in the house... She usually waited for us, and then went to the toilet. We walk around the apartment and she’s not there. It's in a cardboard box. Mistake number 4 is to trust doctors' words. After everything, I read that hormonal injections (including Covinan) cannot be given during estrus. But I couldn’t find what this means anywhere. In one place something was written about how hormonal levels are greatly disrupted. Well, if there are only such complications, then it is not the doctor’s fault. There was a chance to bring her to normal hormone levels.

Irina says suddenly he mixed up the syringe. Well, I don’t know what signs a cat has that has been euthanized. My friend said that they don’t die so quickly, within a few seconds or minutes. They walk around unsteadily, fall asleep and that’s it. And this really looks like anaphylactic shock. Yes, what a difference.

Who brought her to this state? We Who are responsible for all this? We

My parents arrived, we got into the car, drove and buried her in a field, under a tree. As my wife said, it came to us in a box. And she left the same way. We couldn't talk the whole evening. Tears. And I'm not ashamed of them. She's still not around. Getting a new kitten now feels like a betrayal. So what now? How to be. I can't be at home alone. I don't know what will happen to us next. Mandusha, please forgive us. For all.

I sincerely ask all those who already have animals or who want to have them, think about whether you can provide them with a normal life. Not the one you want, but the one they want. As a last resort, sterilization. But not injections or pills. And don’t let the situation take its course. It will be very difficult and painful. Both for you and your pets.

PS We are responsible for those we have tamed

Discussion here -

How to painlessly euthanize a cat at home?

Situations when a decision is made to euthanize a cat at home are not uncommon.

Reasons for this choice:

  1. Loving pet owners understand that transporting a seriously ill animal to a veterinary clinic will bring additional suffering. In a familiar environment, the animal feels more comfortable and calm.
  2. The death of a beloved cat is a tragedy for a person; it is psychologically easier to bear the death of a pet at home.
  3. Lack of free time for the owner.

Doctors often euthanize cats at home . Technically, the procedure for euthanizing animals at home is similar to the procedure in a veterinary clinic: the same medications and veterinary instruments are used.

The close presence of the animal owner obliges the specialist to carry out all euthanasia procedures in accordance with the required medical rules.


Preparing to euthanize a beloved cat is solely necessary for the owner.

First, visit several veterinary clinics to make sure that your pet's condition will not get better. A good veterinarian will not undertake to euthanize a cat without good reason!

Afterwards, decide on the clinic where you will say goodbye to your pet. It will be better if the choice is made based on reviews from friends, since the procedure can only be performed by a qualified specialist in a clinic licensed for euthanasia. The veterinarian must tell you how and with what medications the procedure will be carried out; if this information is hidden, the veterinary clinic is likely violating established rules and your cat will not die quietly in his sleep, but will die painfully in agony.

Self-euthanasia at home

Doctors often euthanize cats at home.
Euthanasia of an animal requires certain skills and knowledge from a person; the procedure is complex from a psychological point of view. Experts do not recommend carrying it out to a cat owner who does not have experience in such work.

Sometimes people are in a hopeless situation and decide to euthanize their pet on their own for the following reasons:

  • financial difficulties;
  • a significant distance between the house and the veterinary hospital;
  • problems with free time.

However, veterinarians warn that it is not possible to purchase the necessary medications: such medications are issued only to licensed specialists or veterinary clinics.

The use of low-quality analogues can significantly complicate the euthanasia process and cause painful convulsions in the animal. In addition, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to determine the correct dosage of medications. It is absolutely unacceptable to use various poisons for another purpose during euthanasia.

The conclusion of the professionals : it is impossible to euthanize a cat at home without pain for the animal!

When should you decide to euthanize your pet?

Euthanasia of a cat is resorted to only in exceptional situations, when its life becomes unbearable from pain or poses a serious threat to others. Main indications include:

  • injuries incompatible with life;
  • infectious diseases that pose a danger to humans (rabies in the absence of vaccination);
  • incurable non-communicable diseases (cancer with metastases, kidney failure);
  • congenital fatal pathologies that disrupt the functioning of internal organs;
  • poisoning with poisons that have no antidote.

A separate group includes mental disorders accompanied by unmotivated aggression, and old age, which requires expensive or labor-intensive care conditions - which will not be justified in any case.


The presence of indications is confirmed after a comprehensive examination of the animal and confirmation of the high probability of death.

What to do with the animal's body (cremation or burial)

What to choose: a regular burial in the ground or cremation of a deceased pet is decided by the owner, depending on financial and other possibilities.

Be sure to read:

How many toes does a cat have: the norm on the hind and front paws, possible pathologies

The laws of the Russian Federation prohibit burying animal corpses in urban areas and areas adjacent to the city. Violation of the law is punished administratively - a fine is issued.

In most cases, it is wise to cremate the cat's body.

In large cities there are special ritual agencies for animals that offer the following services:

  • 24-hour removal of the body of a deceased pet to the factory;
  • return of ashes after cremation.

Sterile and safe ashes can be buried in the forest or in a summer cottage, placed in an urn and placed at home in memory of your beloved pet.

Funeral agencies provide their services for a fee; individual cremation of a deceased cat costs about 1,000 rubles.

Why euthanasia may be necessary

An animal owner can make a serious decision about euthanasia in the following cases:

1. The pet receives an injury, after which the pet’s health will never be fully restored. This may include a fracture of the vertebral region, cases leading to the loss of several paws, severe damage to internal organs (lungs, liver, heart pierced by ribs), the presence of lacerations of the digestive system when food with glass fragments, fishhooks, needles, etc. enters the animal’s body. . 2. A serious illness has been diagnosed by a veterinarian. Some diseases are transmitted to people, and therefore the animal must be shown to a specialist and, if necessary, euthanasia and disposal of the corpse will follow based on sanitary standards. Any owner should know that it is absolutely forbidden to hide animals with diseases that are dangerous to other people. This crime entails criminal and administrative liability. 3. Emergency life situation. In some cases, people are forced to give up further keeping a pet. Throwing an animal out into the street is not an option, there is no opportunity or time to place it in good hands, and placement in a shelter is not available for some reason. In such a situation, euthanasia is also permitted.

How to preserve your own psyche?

It is very difficult for any person to get used to the fact that his loved one is developing senile dementia. Some people fall into despair: mom or dad has dementia,

what to do, how to help them? After despair comes anger, then powerlessness and apathy. You should not allow problems with your own health to arise against the background of a loved one’s illness. Caregivers often make mistakes in care, performing seemingly natural actions. Psychologists give a number of recommendations on what needs to be done and what points are strictly prohibited:

  • Relatives must simply come to terms with the illness of their loved one;
  • At the first symptoms of dementia, you should consult a doctor;
  • You cannot prescribe treatment yourself;
  • You cannot trust the care of minor family members;
  • There is no need to forcibly pull the patient out of his imaginary world, you will have to learn to lie for the greater good;
  • Do not try to cure a relative using unconventional methods;
  • You cannot focus on caring for the sick while ignoring your own needs. If possible, you need to change with someone close to you, give yourself rest and emotional relief;
  • It is recommended to use the help of specialists: professional caregivers or volunteers. Anyone who tries to cope with patient care alone very quickly burns out and becomes depressed from a hopeless situation.

The main condition is that you don’t need to expect gratitude from your sick relative. Due to the specifics of the disease, he will not appreciate all the efforts, and even on the contrary, he may accuse his family of inattention, anger and cruelty.

Tendency to run away from home

Another common problem that loved ones of a person suffering from senile dementia often face is the tendency to wander and run away from home. It would seem that he has everything for a comfortable life: comfortable housing, care and attention from relatives, but the patient continues to run away, and his relatives are lost in search.

If a person has dementia, how can those around them live, and how can they cope with constant “surprises” on their part? First of all, you need to talk to your neighbors and sellers from nearby stores so that they immediately warn the relatives of an elderly person if they see him on the street alone. You need to give them phone numbers that you can call and tell them where the patient is.

The patient himself needs to put on a bracelet on his hand, which will also contain the contact information of his relatives. The ideal option is a smart watch or phone with the function of tracking the subscriber’s movement.

Aggression in dementia

Experts often say that people with dementia live in their own universe. They have their own rules and laws. Often a calm, balanced person throughout his life becomes embittered and aggressive under the influence of the disease. It is strictly forbidden to leave small children in the same room with elderly people suffering from dementia. They are not aware of their actions and can harm a child who is unable to defend himself.

The most surprising thing is that aggression can appear suddenly; at any moment, loved ones must be prepared for an outbreak. Patients make scandals, rush into fights, throw objects, break dishes, may bite, pinch or grab

the hair of the person nearby. It is very difficult for loved ones to maintain emotional contact with such patients. All attachments and feelings for a loved one are erased under the influence of constant inappropriate behavior. What to do with aggression in senile dementia, and how to explain to neighbors that no one is bullying an elderly relative?

First of all, you need to remember that aggression can be a signal of some kind of discomfort that the patient is experiencing. These could be problems with physical well-being, psychological trauma, or everyday inconveniences. A man screams and fights to get attention. Anger often manifests itself while taking medications. In this case, you need to consult your doctor and discuss the possibility of replacing the drug with an analogue.

As for neighbors, there is no need to hide the diagnosis of a loved one from them. During walks or short visits, they themselves will be able to assess the patient’s condition and understand that relatives are not mocking him, but are themselves victims of his inadequate condition.

Basic rules of behavior when a patient has an outburst of anger:

  • Don't show fear;
  • Take a step back (move away as much as possible, but so as to see the patient);
  • Listen and try to calmly console;
  • Transfer his attention to another issue;
  • Do not respond with anger and do not punish the patient.

There is no need to keep negativity to yourself. If there is someone who is able to listen and give advice, it is better to call such a person and talk it out. Internal tension that does not find relief will lead to problems of a psychosomatic nature.

Diet and daily routine

One of the most important aspects of caring for an elderly person suffering from dementia is organizing a clear and established daily routine. The patient should not be allowed to sleep too long in the morning. An alarm clock will help you get up at the same time. The specific time of waking up also determines what time the patient goes to bed in the evening. If he wakes up at 6-7 am, he will need to go to bed no later than 10 pm. The night will pass peacefully, and relatives will have the opportunity to sleep. You also need to go for a walk at the same time.

Despite the unstable mental state, the patient does not need to be isolated from society. Communication with others, especially at an early stage, will help delay and slightly delay the development of the disease. If possible, you can ensure that you attend hobby groups or clubs. Mental stress can prevent the rapid death of cells.

Caring for a person with dementia at home involves changing their diet. You will have to exclude fried, spicy, smoked foods from your diet, focusing on boiled or steamed foods. Fruits, nuts, fish and seafood are excellent natural antioxidants; they are extremely useful for all brain diseases and nervous disorders.

Carrying out the procedure in the clinic

If the examination shows that treatment is impossible or cannot relieve the animal from suffering, the owners must sign documents consenting to euthanasia.

In some clinics, hosts are prohibited from being present when the killing drug is administered.

In hospitals, the procedure is most often carried out using a two-step method. As a rule, the depth of anesthesia is sufficient to administer a lethal injection after 20–30 minutes. After this, owners are advised to leave - the sight is too difficult for many. After the second injection, the animal dies. It should be diagnosed by a veterinarian after 5–15 minutes in the absence of breathing, heartbeat and reflexes.

In some cases, euthanasia takes place directly during the operation, if it shows that treatment is impossible.

In most cases, bodies are cremated. The ashes can be returned to the owners if desired.

If the cause of the disease remains unclear, the specialist may request permission to autopsy the animal.

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