Nicknames for a boy's dog: how to name a male dog, as well as the best list of popular easy, beautiful, Russian, Japanese and cool names with meaning

After you have purchased a puppy and brought it into your home, an important question arises: what to name a boy’s dog or a girl’s dog? But is it really important to immediately choose a name for a new friend who will become a full-fledged member of your family?

A quick choice of a name or nickname for dogs of boys and girls will allow you to: form a direct connection with the dog, talk with your pet during training, quickly train your pet to respond to your call. That's why it's so important to choose a name for your dog!

There are a great variety of dog names, both for females and males. Despite this, sometimes it is quite difficult to settle on a specific name. True, it also happens differently when the owner knows in advance what he will name his pet. But in most cases, finding a suitable nickname takes more than one day, and sometimes even more than one week.

It is best to opt for a nickname consisting of two syllables. This will allow the pet to quickly remember its name and respond immediately. But it’s better to stay away from nicknames that in one way or another are consonant with the names of your family members. The same goes for the names of other pets. After all, there will be confusion, and your animals will respond every time you contact, for example, a child or a cat.

How to name?

The most important thing is where you purchased your dog. If it is purebred and purchased from a nursery, then the puppies are given a nickname in advance . Most often it is intricate and quite complex. Many owners try to choose a name derived from this nickname. Or they come up with an abbreviation if the nickname consists of several words. In fact, this is not at all necessary.

You can choose a unique nickname, but you should remember simple rules:

  • Still, it is worth calling the animal by human names .
    Does it look a little strange if a girl in the park calls, for example, Seryozha, and a Doberman comes running to her call? Separately, I would like to emphasize that the dog’s name should be different from the name of the neighbor in the apartment where the dog’s owner lives, because few people would be pleased to learn that an animal was named in his honor
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