Slugi: detailed characteristics of the Arabian greyhound, photo of the dog, price, what it eats and where it is used

Slugs or sluggi are an ancient breed of greyhounds famous for their fantastic speed. Dogs were used to hunt hares, gazelles and even wild boar. Watching a servant at work is a great pleasure; the animal is swift and maneuverable, like a cheetah. Currently, the Slugi (Arabian greyhound) participates in greyhound racing.

History of the origin of the Slugi breed

Slugi is one of the oldest greyhounds. Proof of this is the surviving images of their ancestors on stone bas-reliefs of ancient Egypt and rock paintings in Tunisia, which are thousands of years old. At the beginning of the 20th century, mummies of slugs were found in Egypt.

The purity of the breed was preserved by the special isolation of the Bedouin nomadic tribes. Together with nomads, dogs spread to the North African region.

  • Arabian greyhounds came to Europe in the 19th century during the French colonization of North Africa.
  • The French general M. Doma attracted attention to the breed. In his books, he described the new greyhound as a hardy and strong dog.
  • At home I was shocked by the conditions in which the dogs were kept. The Bedouins treated them like family members.
  • They lived under the same roof with people, they were decorated with luxurious clothes and jewelry, fed with choice meat, and their deaths were mourned.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Slugi breed was on the verge of extinction due to territorial wars in North Africa and the subsequent World War I. The rabies epidemic has thoroughly wiped out the Arabian greyhound breeding stock.

In the 60s of the last century, targeted work began to restore the breed. To this day, the Arabian Greyhound is considered rare in the West. You can find them in European countries, mostly in Germany and France and in the USA. An incredibly rare breed in Russia. The price of a Slugi dog is from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.


Slugi is picky about her diet. She is careful during the feeding process and does not scatter food around the house. It is better to feed this dog on a regular basis.

Initially, it is better to provide her with the food that she was fed by the breeder. And then gradually expand the diet.

Arabian greyhounds love meat, especially raw meat. They have a good attitude towards dairy products. Small dogs can be given milk, and older dogs can be given kefir and cottage cheese. It wouldn't hurt to feed them eggs and cereal. Smoked meats should be completely excluded from the slug diet. Fried and fatty foods are also harmful for them. Sweets are prohibited.

Appearance of the dog

The photo of the slug shows that it is an elegant greyhound with long limbs, thin skin and well-developed muscles. Characterized by a short, soft dog. Its color is predominantly yellowish-brown.

May be black or brindle. Deep chest and pronounced abdominal line. The tail is long and thin. The muzzle is long. Ears are drooping. The expression of the dark eyes is gentle and melancholy.

These are tall dogs. In accordance with the standards, the height of males is from 66 to 72 cm, females from 61 to 68 cm. Weight is 20-27 kg.

The following signs are considered disadvantages:

  • Light eyes;
  • Spotted color;
  • White “star” on the chest;
  • White "stockings";
  • Tough and rough dog;
  • "Fringe" on the limbs or tail.

The breed was recognized by the FCI only in 1935. Morocco was recognized as the breed's patron country. The largest breeding population was located in this country. The standard was approved in 1980, and was revised again in 1998.

How to choose a puppy

When looking for the right Saluki puppy, you will have to follow the same principles as when choosing any other dog. In particular, communicate more with breeders, visiting kennels to assess the conditions of keeping greyhounds. If before the transaction the seller hints that if you are dissatisfied with the puppy, the animal will not be accepted back, this means that the person makes money from the dogs and he does not care what fate awaits his charges.

Be sure to meet the kids' parents. Don't limit yourself to reading pedigrees and assessing temperament characteristics, but also check the age of the litter's mother. If the bitch is less than 2 or more than 9 years old, it is pointless to count on healthy and promising offspring. You should not buy puppies from multidisciplinary nurseries whose owners simultaneously breed two or more breeds. If a breeder raises and exhibits for sale representatives of various breed groups, this characterizes him as an incompetent “breeder” engaged in the sale of low-quality “products”.

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Dog character

Emotional playful dog. Be wary of strangers. However, in the family circle it is a responsive and affectionate animal. Loyal to her master. It painfully endures the change of owner or his loss. Treats children well.

  • Slugs can be fairly calm pets, but they have a pronounced hunting instinct that they need to realize.
  • Greyhounds are strong, playful dogs with an athletic build and require regular exercise.
  • Lack of daily exercise has a negative impact on your dog's physical and mental health.
  • Begins to feel sad and may develop depressive states.

They can be good running partners. It is ideal to keep a servant in a country house, where there is an opportunity to walk the dog in safe, spacious areas.

They also need to run at full speed in open space. They will really enjoy dog ​​sports - chasing a mechanical hare, for example.

Magyar agar

Also known as the Hungarian Greyhound. The first mention of the breed dates back to the 10th century, when dogs of this species were kept by members of the nobility to chase deer and hares during horse hunts. These are timid, reserved dogs, hardy, capable of long runs.

The height at the withers of females is 61-67 cm, males – 65-70 cm. The dog’s body is noticeably elongated in length, the bones and muscles are highly developed and clearly visible. The head of the Magyar-agar is wedge-shaped, not sharp, and quite voluminous. The ears are large, heavy, pressed to the neck, but can be raised. The coat is short, single-layered, and comes in almost any color except blue, brown, wolf, tan and tricolor.

Sluga training

The Arabian Slughihound is difficult to train. The dog is sensitive, even shy, but at the same time independent and willful. The best results are achieved by attentive and sensitive owners. Greyhounds do not respond well to harsh training methods. They do better with positive reward methods with treats.

Puppies need socialization to gain courage and better adapt to the society of people and relatives. The dog also has guard skills, so it does not make contact with strangers.

Main diseases and problems

Most of the problems appear due to the wrong approach to taking care of psychological and physical health. The most common sore is related to the retina of the eye, which can quickly lose its functions and disconnect the dog from the screen of life. It is necessary to provide your pet with proper nutrition and show it to the doctor more often.

Also a problem is the presence of parasites that can take away useful substances; they cease to enter the body. This causes a number of other ailments, but you just need to carry out regular prevention of parasites with the help of tablets. The dog himself needs this, because herding the hind dogs, due to vitamin deficiency, is too easy, you need to eliminate all the problems and learn to regularly protect your personal space from the penetration of strangers.

Siberian Husky is the hardiest dog breed

While greyhounds are the fastest dogs, huskies are the toughest. A husky team can travel more than 160 km per day, moving at a speed of more than 17 km/

Dog nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints.

Dog nose prints are unique, so they are used to identify an animal, just like fingerprints are used to identify a person. Criminologists often take advantage of this circumstance when investigating crimes involving animals and their owners.

Dogs' sense of smell is 100,000 times more sensitive than humans' sense of smell

Humans have about 5 million olfactory receptors in their noses, while bloodhounds have up to 300 million. You can't hide a bone from them!

Sluga's food

Dogs need a balanced diet. They tend to be overweight. Therefore, it is better to use properly selected factory feed. Another option would be to prepare it at home under strict veterinarian recommendations. Clean water should always be available. It is necessary to keep the dog's weight under control.


The Whippet, originally from England, has always been used as a hunting dog, working on hare and small game. The dog feels good in temperate climates and hunts in forests or on plains. Features are strong paws and great speed. He also uses his senses and keen eyesight and learns quickly. The pet can live in an apartment, but subject to long walks (at least two hours), it is distinguished by mobility and sociability.

Dog care

Short soft wool does not require close and complex care. Weekly brushing with a soft brush or glove will help keep your dog in good condition.

Slugs do not have a characteristic dog smell. They shed moderately.

  • There is no need for frequent baths. Bath only if heavily soiled.
  • Even in this case, experts recommend using dry shampoo.
  • The dog's skin is predominantly dry and frequent water treatments will only do harm.
  • Trim nails as needed. Excessively long ones cause discomfort.


The Azawakh appeared in Europe in the Azawakh Valley, and was used by nomads from the Middle East as a hunter, protector and added status. The pet can hunt any medium-sized game, performs well in fields or plains, and can easily tolerate heat. Its peculiarity is its high and strong paws, so it can even catch up with lions. The Azawakh is characterized by wild, detached behavior; the pet is closed to itself, not sociable and cannot be kept at home.


Generally, dogs of this breed are in good health. But it is worth checking your ears regularly for infection. Brush your teeth with a special toothpaste for dogs. Experts recommend checking for a disease such as retinal atrophy. Regular control of parasites will provide the dog with a long healthy life of up to 12-16 years.

They do not tolerate frost. To avoid hypothermia, they need insulation when walking in winter.


To breed these dogs, you need to find the right and purebred representatives. This is not so easy, especially if your place of residence is far from Morocco. However, it’s worth a try, for this you definitely need to:

  1. Review the dog's documentation, pedigree and vaccinations.
  2. Stay with the dog, observe how it reacts to people, whether it is aggressive, this can affect the offspring. Not only genetics works here, but also the first time mother and baby are together.

If the species offered has defects or uneven coloration, it is not a pure breed.

Application of the breed

In North African countries, greyhounds are still used for hunting, often for hare. Excellent hunters while pursuing prey are able to reach high speeds - up to 60 km/h.

Dogs also perfectly protect herds of livestock from jackals and other predators.

  • Dog breeders value Arabian greyhounds for their endurance and high performance.
  • The peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the back do not allow them to carry their hind limbs far forward when running, but gives them more maneuverability on sharp turns.
  • Slugi dogs are an excellent breed for racing.

In Europe and America, dogs are wonderful companions and family pets.

Unique qualities of Arabian greyhounds

Surprisingly, these animals do not use their sense of smell when hunting, relying only on vision.

Ancient dog owners taught them not to bite prey during a hunt, but only to wound it, so the meat was stored longer under the hot, drying heat of the desert.

Photos of the Slugi dog breed

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