Karmi food for puppies up to 4 months feeding dosage

general information

Manufacturers produce 3 types of premium food for the following groups of animals:

  1. Kittens.
  2. Adults.
  3. Sterilized.

Economy class products from this manufacturer are called “The Most Devoted”. The low cost of feed is achieved by selling the product in bags weighing 10 kg. This is convenient for breeders, and ordinary felinologists can purchase food in bulk from cat lovers’ clubs or from entrepreneurs at the market.

The company was founded in 2015, so there is little practical information about the use of products online.


According to reviews from experienced dog breeders and veterinarians, Karmy food is one of the best domestic analogues of balanced dry food. The product is in demand due to its low cost and high quality.


Irina Volkova: “The food contains all the ingredients necessary for the full development of dogs from the moment they are weaned from the bitch. I have recommended that many people try this diet; the hypoallergenic line, which does not provoke eating disorders, is especially good.”

Anatoly Antipov: “Many show dog breeds are fed this type of feeding. Pets have stunning shiny fur and white teeth. At the same time, the animal does not even need additional intake of vitamin complexes, because Karmi already has them.”

Grigory Gladkikh: “I do not recommend switching small breed puppies to dry food before three months. When starting to introduce this food, dilute it with warm water. Carefully monitor the condition of the baby’s fur, skin, and excrement.”

Dog breeders

Alla: “I am the owner of a small shelter, and I can say that Karmy food is a good cheap analogue of dry food. Pets of different breeds and sizes absorb all ingredients well. I especially liked the Dogo Canario lamb, which we have been raising for a year now. Packages of 15 kg are also suitable; one dog can have enough for a month.”

Victoria: “My Labrador Retriever puppy is gaining weight well on Karmy, and feeding is a pleasure. I pour the food in accordance with the table, but my baby doesn’t even finish eating. I can also note that the stool has improved and the unpleasant odor has decreased.”

Igor: “I swapped Pedigri for Karmi and I don’t regret it at all! There are several advantages, besides savings: my dogs have become more active, their coat is shiny, their teeth are white and strong. We’ve already tried lamb and salmon, but I also want to buy veal. But since the packages are large, you will have to pamper your pets only after a month.”

Advantages and weaknesses

The main positive quality is the affordable price. It is lower than the cost of premium products of similar declared quality. Felinologists believe that Karmi food has the following disadvantages:

  1. Lack of reputation. The product has recently appeared on the market. There is no information on the effect of feed on the reproductive abilities of breeding animals and the quality of offspring.
  2. The manufacturer does not disclose the percentage of components.
  3. There is confusion in different sources. It is unclear whether the manufacturer included dehydrated salmon fillets or fishmeal in the feed.
  4. The large volume does not allow the food to be used for one or two pets. May expire. Experienced breeders recommend using food from an opened container for 5-6 weeks. The granules oxidize in air, their taste is lost, and toxic substances accumulate.

Four lines of food

To ensure that the animal grows and develops in accordance with the norms, and that problems with digestion, vision, hearing, and joints do not begin to appear with age, it is recommended to carefully select food. Karmi has different types of food designed for small, medium, large breeds. The manufacturer also takes into account the dog’s characteristics: tendency to allergies, digestive problems, high physical activity.

For puppies

The food is suitable for transitioning babies to adult food from the moment of weaning until four months. The granules are smaller in size, have reduced hardness, and are easy to chew with baby teeth. For convenience, dry food can be soaked in water (40–50°). Also, the Starter line is intended for nursing and pregnant bitches.

Important! Karmy for puppies of small, medium, large breeds helps improve digestion and maintain the normal condition of teeth, joints, and skin.

If you buy dry food at a pet store, then for a package of 15 kg you will have to pay from 2900 to 4800 rubles. Buying in an online store will be more profitable: 2500–3600 rubles. Prices vary depending on the age and breed of puppies.

For adult dogs

They offer food with turkey, veal, and salmon. The granules are large and hard, which promotes natural massage of the gums and teeth. A separate line is presented that is suitable for Great Danes with increased physical activity (hunting, guarding, shepherding). Caloric intake and consumption standards are individually selected for each breed.

Important! Food for adult dogs over one year old ensures the maintenance of the immune system, prevents the formation of tartar, and improves the condition of the coat and skin. For active pets, a balanced diet supports healthy joints.

In the store, the cost of a 15 kg package ranges from 2700 to 4900 rubles. If you order through an official representative, the price per pack will be 2300–2800 rubles.


This line is designed for dogs that are prone to allergies and often suffer from runny nose, lacrimation, and dermatitis. The manufacturer has excluded all possible ingredients that provoke unpleasant symptoms. At the same time, the balance of nutrients is preserved in each granule. Two options are provided: salmon or lamb with brown rice.

Important! Hypoallergenic nutrition promotes the normal development of dogs older than one year, improves the condition of the skin, coat, and teeth. Suitable for small, medium and large breeds.

Specialized food does not differ in price from regular food; it can be purchased for 2900–3900 rubles. In the online store, 15 kg costs 2300–2900 rubles.

"For the most devoted"

This food is suitable for dogs without individual characteristics and digestive problems. The manufacturer produces food from its own grown raw materials, which have passed quality tests. You can purchase a 15 kg package with salmon, veal, and lamb flavors.

Thanks to our own production, the price of this line is lower than other foods from Karmy. In a pet store, packaging costs an average of 2,200 rubles, when ordering through the official website - 1,800 rubles.

Karmi food for adults

The recipe for the line of products for full-aged pets differs only in the main ingredient. Granules for cats with duck contain the following components:

  • fish flour;
  • salmon fat;
  • rice, corn, wheat kernels;
  • yucca extract, seaweed;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • symbiotics (probiotic + prebiotic);
  • synthetic taurine;
  • vitamin-mineral mixture.

The food contains 32% protein. The daily portion depends on the weight of the animal and is indicated on the packaging.

Daily feed intake

Consumption standards

The manufacturer specifies in detail how much dry food per day should be given to puppies or adult dogs. The numbers are given depending on the animal’s consumption standards, which depend on the pet’s age, physical activity, height, and weight. Table to follow when feeding:

Dog weight (kg)Low level of activity (g)Increased level of physical activity (g)
Less than 9100–150150–200
More than 50530–750550–800

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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To make it easy for your dog to switch to dry food, it is recommended to switch it gradually, starting with 20% of the daily requirement. In this case, the dog must have access to water.

Karmi for kittens

Cranberries were included in the young animals' feed, which prevents the precipitation of urinary stones. Fishmeal was not used, but a source of essential carboxylic acids P3 was added; 6 in recommended ratios. The crude fat concentration was increased from 15 to 18%. The fiber content was reduced from 30 to 20 g/kg.

The growth rate of the young animals required by the breed standards was ensured by the high calorie content of the feed. The approximate daily serving size for kittens of different ages is indicated on the bag. The product is used by cat breeders.

Kitten food


Karmy brand products have been produced in Russia since 1989, but the company began operating on the domestic market several years ago. Manufacturers set themselves the task of creating high quality food that is not inferior to foreign analogues. Specialist developers have created new recipes based on the generalized and analyzed experience of veterinarians around the world, taking into account previous mistakes and modern achievements of veterinary nutritionists. During development, close cooperation was carried out with a number of kennels containing dogs of various breeds.

The production facilities incorporate the most modern technologies; the plant uses American, Dutch and Italian equipment. The enterprise has implemented a multi-level control system capable of monitoring all stages, from the receipt of raw materials to the output of finished products.

Karmi for the most devoted

This is the most suitable product for nurseries of stray cats or animals excluded from breeding. High-quality grain feeds were replaced with bran. The protein level was reduced to 26, fat - 11%. To reduce the cost of feed, processed lamb carcass products were used. Animals' needs for essential amino acids were met with the addition of synthetic methionine and lysine. Omega 3 and 6 carboxylic acids were included in the diet using fish oil (salmon). We received quite acceptable economy class meals.

Food for the most devoted


The composition of dog food of this brand fully corresponds to the premium class category. It is rich not only in high-quality and balanced composition, but also in a wide list of all necessary additional substances.

Karmi includes:

  • Dehydrated turkey, lamb, salmon. During dehydrogenation, slow dehydration (drying) is carried out, which helps preserve all the necessary substances without heat treatment.
  • Whole brown rice as the main source of carbohydrates. Brown rice is absorbed by the body much better than white rice, in addition, it provides the digestive system with the necessary slow carbohydrates, which prevent dogs from overeating.
  • Fatty polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. Supplied from a natural source - salmon oil. This component of Karmi food provides the body with everything necessary to give a healthy appearance to the coat and skin.
  • Natural brewer's yeast acts as a supplier of mannanoligosaccharides, which increase the animal's immunity level.
  • Probiotics of two different groups guarantee ideal digestion and minimize the risk of functional pathologies of the digestive system.
  • Minerals and vitamins necessary for hematopoiesis, vision, cardiovascular and other systems.
  • Yucca Schidigera extract acts as an antioxidant component that can activate the function of the immune system. In addition, this component reduces the unpleasant odor of excrement.
  • Sea kale powder. An ingredient that balances digestive function through plant fiber, and also adsorbs and removes heavy metals.

Karmy Starter All Breeds 15kg

Dry food for puppies up to 4 months, pregnant and lactating bitches

More package sizes

Complete dry food for puppies up to 4 months, pregnant and lactating bitches

The granules are specially adapted for the puppy's jaws. The size and texture of the granules are specially selected for easy eating by the puppy.

Key features of dry dog ​​food Karmy Starter All Breeds Turkey


Dehydrated meat (including turkey), whole grains, animal fat (including salmon, preserved with vitamin E), vegetable fiber, highly digestible vegetable protein, hydrolyzed meat proteins, brewer's yeast (source of mannanoligosaccharides), vitamin and mineral complex, Yucca Schidigera, seaweed, probiotics (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus licheniformis), dried apple. Preserved with vitamin C and natural tocopherol (source of natural vitamin E)

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin A - 15500 IU, vitamin D3 - 1500 IU, vitamin E - 300 IU, B vitamins (B1 - 3 mg, B2 - 4 mg, B3 - 15 mg, B4 - 1200 mg, B5 - 15 mg, B6 - 4 mg, B7 - 1 mg, B9 - 2 mg, B12 - 0.07 mg), zinc - 102 mg, vitamin C - 100 mg, iron - 57 mg, manganese - 15 mg, copper - 10.5 mg, iodine - 1.55 mg, selenium - 0.145 mg

Protein - 30%, fat - 18%, moisture - no more than 9%, ash - 7.5%, omega-6 - 2.75%, fiber - 2.53%, lysine - 1.7%, calcium - 1 .3%, phosphorus - 0.9%, methionine and cystine - 0.8%, potassium - 0.6%, sodium - 0.3%, omega-3 - 0.25%, tryptophan - 0.2%


Dry food: how to calculate the daily intake for dogs?

Sometimes we hear from our clients that their dog has gained weight on food or, conversely, lost weight. We begin to understand the situation and it turns out that the owners incorrectly calculated or, in principle, did not calculate the daily feeding rate.

In this case, no food will be beneficial. The danger here is that the pet will gain weight, lose weight, and that it will not receive enough nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. All this can lead to health problems.

That's why we've prepared this article to help you calculate your dog's feeding requirements and keep him healthy.

What determines the daily intake of dry food?

How much dry food a dog needs depends on several factors:

  1. Age
    . At each stage of life, pets have different needs.
  2. Weight.
    The larger the four-legged animal, the more nutrients it needs for a healthy life.
  3. Activity.
    For example, there are two Labradors, with the same weight and age. But one lives in an apartment and walks 1 hour a day, the other lives in a large yard and walks at least two hours a day. They cannot be given the same amount of food, otherwise one will begin to lose weight and the other will gain weight. A more active Labrador needs to receive more food, as it burns a lot of calories and needs to replenish them.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.
    Dogs should increase the portion during this period. After all, their body spends more energy, and besides, it is necessary to provide the babies with all the nutrients. Malnutrition can lead to health problems for both the dog and its puppies.
  5. Health status.
    Pets may require less food after surgery, while recovering from illness, or with certain illnesses. This issue needs to be resolved with a veterinarian.
  6. Diet.
    If you feed your dog not only dry food, but also wet food or natural food, then the amount of dry food should be reduced.
  7. Season.
    You've probably noticed that pets become more plump by winter, and by summer they lose weight again. This is completely normal. After all, in winter, the body spends more energy on heat exchange and needs to store more calories. Therefore, we recommend increasing the portion slightly in winter and reducing it by summer.
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