Pedigree dog food - complete product catalog for 2022 with a description of the diet for adult dogs and puppies

Can a group of smug hooligans make friends with a timid good boy in the yard?
Of course, yes, if there is a kind, cheerful dog nearby. A new Pedigree® commercial highlights the amazing role dogs play in our lives. For puppies, Pedigri food comes in two types: for the first feeding when weaning from mother's milk and for juniors. Animals appear quite often in advertising; dogs and cats are the most popular guests in commercials. What advertising with a dog do you remember the most? Would you like to see your dog in advertising?

Composition of Pedigree dog food

PEDIGREE® food consists of balanced ingredients, combining products of plant and animal origin. In addition, the food is enriched with vitamins and minerals.

You can consider one of the options for the composition of Pedigri food for dogs, taking as an example products with the addition of beef intended for adult pets of any breed:

Sources of carbohydrates

  • Wheat;
  • Corn;
  • Rice.

Protein sources

  • Meat flour of two types.

Source of fiber

  • Beet pulp.

Sources of fats and fatty acids

  • Animal fat;
  • Vegetable oil.

Source of B vitamins

  • Brewer's yeast.

Healthy Supplements

  • Vitamins;
  • Minerals.

History of the species

We found out that the breed of dog from the Pedigree advertisement is called a Welsh Corgi. Ancient Islamic dogs were the ancestors of these dogs. Although there are other options for the appearance of the dog breed from the Pedigree advertisement.

For example, according to another version, it was believed that representatives of this species were used to protect against intruders.

The breed of dog from the “Pedigree” advertisement with the boy became widespread in England. There it was previously used in cattle breeding.

In the twentieth century, representatives of the breed lived with members of royal families. This fact became the impetus for the popularity of this type of dog.


Disadvantages can be considered:

  • Contains not meat, but flour from meat products, which may contain various parts of the animal, including the remains of meat production;
  • The content of ingredients in percentage terms, as well as the presence of antioxidants, is not indicated.


This charming Spitz became famous throughout the world for his unusual face and haircut, which made him popular among children and adults! The kid is amazingly artistic, very charming and just loves to pose for the camera. He was even awarded the title of the cutest dog, and Boo also made his owners quite rich, because he became a kind of brand!

Photo source:

Feed line

The product line has a diet that provides for a strict division of food according to the age and size of the pets.

There are also healthy treats for every age.

Feeding rules

A well-designed diet and diet for a dog is the key to keeping it healthy. The food that people eat often harms animals, because the dog’s body is not adapted to its normal absorption.

Nutrition should be balanced. It should contain the required amount of useful ingredients that are necessary for the dog’s well-being.

If the owner prefers natural food, then it is important to correctly calculate the dog’s daily diet. It should be compiled so that it is varied and meets the needs of the animal. In this case, the pet needs to be given vitamin supplements regularly. His diet should be high in calories and easily digestible.

The most convenient for the owner and the best for the dog is the use of special ready-made food. The advantage of this type is that it takes into account the characteristics of animals. The Pedigree food line provides a good choice for the consumer.

Manufacturer's feeding recommendations are located on each package and are distributed according to your pet's weight. Owners should pay attention to the fact that one of the conditions for optimal nutrition will be a combination of dry and wet diets. It is also necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the dog, its temperament and the conditions in which it is kept.

For puppies

A growing body needs much more nutrients than an adult dog. Babies' food should contain the amount required for proper development and growth. Using the Pedigree line, veterinarians recommend switching the animal from 2 months to a special dry food that promotes its normal development and strengthening the immune system. Along with this, it is advisable to add a wet diet created for this age group.

From six months onwards, the diet changes. In particular, for puppies of large and giant breeds, you need to use a different special food, since these dogs continue to actively grow. They need proper nutrition to develop their musculoskeletal system. At the same time, wet food is still combined with dry food.

For adult dogs

In the diet of an adult dog, it is necessary to take into account its physiological characteristics, activity, age, and living conditions. Nutrition should be balanced.

With a mixed diet, the types of diets should be alternated, without using them simultaneously in 1 meal.

Your pet should always have constant access to a container of clean and fresh water.

For small breeds

The composition of products for feeding small pets and puppies is designed to provide them with:

  • active development of the body;
  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • vital energy.

Canned food can be added to the diet of babies from one month of age. The assortment includes canned food with the flavors of turkey, chicken, beef, and lamb.

For puppies of any breed

Wet food (beef in sauce) is intended for puppies of all breeds, especially small ones. Spiders solve the problem of soaking dry granules. A portion of soft food is a delicate jelly-like food. This diet reduces the risk of possible obesity and urolithiasis.

Provides the baby with the necessary amount of:

  • Minerals;
  • Vitamins;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Belkov.

For adult dogs

Pedigree dry kibble food for large dogs and adult and senior miniature breeds contains:

  • The right amount of calcium for dental health;
  • Linoleic acid;
  • Vitamins B;
  • Zinc, which provides a healthy shine to the coat;
  • Zinc and vitamins E support immunity.

The composition helps maintain a healthy digestive system and prevents obesity.


There are two types of breed - Cardigan and Pembroke. Both types resemble a fox in appearance.

Representatives of the breed are small in size and have short legs.

The Cardigan is larger than the Pembroke, and its tail is also longer. Pembroke bobtails.

The Cardigan has larger ears than the Pembroke.

The coat of the breed is hard and short. Colors may vary. You can find red, black and brindle Welsh Corgis. There are also marble and tri-color colors.

Height at the withers is about thirty centimeters. The average weight is thirteen kilograms.

Treat for large dogs

Denta stix is ​​intended for large dogs weighing at least 25 kg. Often such individuals have a lack of calcium. Denta Stix sticks will help keep the animal's mouth and teeth in good condition.

Due to the special configuration of the sticks, the gums are massaged when chewing them, and the remaining food eliminates salivation. Denta stix pieces effectively clean teeth, giving them a white and shiny appearance, and also have the property of neutralizing mouth odor.

Maintenance and care

Representatives of this breed adapt well to any conditions, but it is best for them, of course, to live in an apartment.

Since dogs have thick, short hair with a developed undercoat, they should be brushed periodically. Two or three times a week will be enough.

During the shedding period, namely in autumn and spring, dogs of this breed require additional coat care. To do this, you can use a device such as a furminator (this is a special comb).

It is necessary to wash such a dog as soon as it gets dirty.


Pedigri food for September 2022. could be purchased at pet stores at the following prices:

  • Dry 13kg - from 1824₽;
  • Dry 2.2 kg - from 350₽;
  • Pouchi 100g - from 16₽.

From the manufacturer:
  • Dry granules 13kg from - 1600₽. The larger the bag, the cheaper;
  • Pack of pouches 100g - from 20₽; a piece. If you take the package there is a discount;
  • Treats 45g - from 49₽, 110g - from 117₽, 180g - from 145₽.

Discounts are often provided for repeat purchases, and manufacturers also organize sales and promotions from time to time.

The exact price of Pedigree dog food should be clarified at the place of purchase.

Reviews from veterinarians

Doctors have no complaints about the Pedigri puppy food; the only thing they directly say is that it is an economy class food.

  • It is not a completely complete animal for the daily diet.
  • But there are no harmful substances in the composition.
  • Of course, the reason for such reviews may be that consumers of economical food for their pets do not visit a veterinary clinic.

Therefore, veterinarians cannot give a clear opinion on food. Since the incidence rate in such a situation is significantly reduced, because there are many undetected ones. Doctors at veterinary clinics themselves report this.

Personal page: chappy

The color is white with red and black markings, the usual color of this breed. Weight - 0 kg.

Energy Intelligence Friendliness Love of the game

There are only 4 photos of the dog


Eat, sleep, walk, run for Frisbee, swim and play.

Does not love

Shelter (when we go to the store, sometimes passing by the shelter, he growls and runs away).

Favorite toy

Frisbee and rope for tug-of-war,

Favorite food

Chappie (this is already clear from the nickname)))))))

How and where he likes to walk

In the park and away from the shelter

What can he do?

Biting and commands.

About puppies

About the owner

Anastasia pitbull, Tambov 26 years, 4 months, with us for 5 years, 10 months

Number of profile views: 3311

Owner reviews

Without paying attention to all the characteristics of the food composition declared by the manufacturer, you can get information based on reviews from real animal owners who have been feeding their pets for quite some time and know about the product first-hand.

Of course, the reviews are quite varied, but most owners lean towards the positive. Many people notice that their puppies consume this food with great pleasure and look great afterwards. There are no health problems observed.

Reviews of Pedigree dog food:

  • There is an opinion, with which some veterinarians agree, that the food is toxic and harmful to animals. In reality, this is a false assumption; there is nothing harmful in the product. Most owners do not have problems with their pets, feeding their dogs porridge from the cereals present in this food, while they are boiled in water and do not even have any signs of meat.
  • Some believe that “horns and hooves” act as by-products, that is, all production waste from livestock farming. However, if you think sensibly, then how can you think that such a serious company will skimp on the most basic components, while losing ratings and money. After all, it does not have single consumers of its products.
  • Some dogs actually do not eat this food, which is why rumors spread that the food contains narcotic substances.
  • Previously, the presence of dyes in the pieces was noticed. Tinting in red and green colors imitated the presence of vegetables in the composition. However, serious manufacturers have long abandoned this idea.

Before purchasing food, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who monitors the health of your pet.

Sometimes veterinarians advise alternating Pedigree with high-quality natural food. Then gradually completely replace the diet with natural food. For an adult dog with a mature body, the Pedigri dry food is fully suitable for variety.


The baby Shih Tzu has become famous for having a very unusual appearance. Congenital and acquired defects helped her become recognizable, and she gained popularity. It is worth noting that before “declaring itself” to the world, the dog was homeless. Fortunately, the new owners took in the unusual pet, and now Marnie is known to many Internet users, and is also adored by fans, of whom she has about 2 million!

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Photo of Pedigree dog food

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