Gemon dog food: pros and cons, price, feeding rate, analysis of the composition of dry and wet food

Every owner is interested in what is best to feed their dog. After all, the health and activity of your four-legged friend depends on this. But today there are so many different brands on the shelves of pet stores that it is very easy to get confused. Advance, DaDo, Ava, Josera, Gemon - and this is not a complete list of products that are considered high quality today. So what should you choose? Djimon dog food has quite good reviews; many dog ​​breeders buy it. This article will tell you about this brand.

Characteristics of gemon dog food

The price corresponds to the quality. There is nothing artificial in the composition. The food is made only from high quality products. Monge ensures that animals eat healthy food.

A wide variety of flavors and types of gemon dog food. It can be consumed even by pregnant dogs. This food can be consumed by dogs of different ages and sizes. But, if the dog is prone to allergies, then give it with caution.

The food composition is dominated by cereals, especially rice.


The product is a development of the Italian company Monge, specializing only in nutrition for four-legged pets. The food is suitable for dogs of different age categories, breeds, and sizes. It includes:

  • meat (proteins);
  • fish (minerals);
  • vegetables (fiber);
  • hypoallergenic rice (carbohydrates).

Thanks to the beneficial components, with regular use of this product, your pet will remain in good health and have regular, normal stools.

Composition of Gemon food

The composition of gemon dog food includes:

  • Meat by-products.
  • Plant by-products (beet pulp, chestnut extract). They are included in the composition to improve digestion. Beet pulp contains healthy fiber.
  • Protein (meat). Approximately ten percent contained. Very little. Therefore, pets do not get enough of this food.
  • Minerals (fish)
  • Fish waste
  • Fiber (vegetables)
  • It contains grains, especially rice.
  • Oils and fats. And which ones exactly are not written in the composition.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Brewer's yeast in an amount of one percent.
  • Vitamins, probiotics, supplements to improve immunity, reduce pet weight.

Brewer's yeast is essential for pet hair growth. Also, their use reduces shedding.
  • Beet pulp is used for the digestion of food.
  • Vitamin B is a source of wool growth.
  • Types of feed by consistency

Manufacturer and official website

Gemon is a relatively new food on the market. How it is presented by the manufacturer and the official website (

The first thing that catches your eye is High Premium Quality (literal translation: High Premium Quality). This phrase misleads potential buyers; we will take a closer look below.

Gemon is a new line of food that is made from high quality raw materials and can serve as a daily diet for dogs. Serious doubts arise about the high quality of raw materials when reading the composition. The manufacturer talks about fresh meat and healthy additives that are actually included in the composition.

Gemon dry food

· Puppy & junior – a series intended for feeding puppies. It comes in four types. For small, medium, large and all sizes of dogs. It can be given to pregnant and postpartum bitches.

  • Gemon medium is a series suitable for all dogs, regardless of age.
  • Gemon mini is food for small adult dogs and babies over one year old.
  • Gemon adult – dry food for dogs from one to eight years old. Also four types depending on the size of the pet. There are flavors with chicken, rice and tuna or lamb.
  • Gemon adult light is a food with low fat content. Suitable for all breeds from one to eight years. Designed for those pets who have problems with excess weight. A kind of dietary food.
  • Gemon adult action energy – for active adult dogs of all breeds. Contains L-carnitine.

There are twelve types of dry food in total. Gemon dry food for dogs is intended for daily consumption. You can mix dry food with wet food.

Manufacturer information

The Italian company Monge began its work in 1963 in a poultry factory. Baldassard Monge, the founder and owner, did not like that all the waste was thrown away and did not generate profit. Therefore, he is one of the first in Italy to produce wet food for pets.

Thanks to this idea, the company has been thriving for more than 50 years, selling products in more than 50 countries. The food lines are constantly changing; employees create food for dogs and cats of all ages, breeds, weights and sizes, conducting experiments and taking into account the characteristics of each. The price does not make dog breeders horrified, which is why Gemon dog food, which is very popular and in demand, although it does not have aggressive marketing and advertising.

Types of canned food

  • Gemon light – food in cans for dogs. This is a dietary food. Designed for dogs prone to obesity. Divided by dog ​​size. But the tastes are the same. Large selection of canned food flavors. There are canned foods with turkey, rabbit, beef, and chicken. Each pet will choose its own favorite taste. There are 10 different flavors in total.
  • Gemon pouch is a liquid food in the form of a pouch. Beef and ham flavors are consumed by pets from two to eight years of age. Chicken pouches are designed for puppies. The third type is the turkey spider. They are used by dogs older than eight years.
  • Gemon pate – food in the form of a pate. Designed for dogs who do not know how to chew hard pieces. Divided by age of dogs. Eat with chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit, tuna. At the moment there are 12 types of pates.

There are foods for large, small and medium dog breeds. And there are those that are suitable for absolutely all dogs, regardless of the size of the dog.

Cost of Gemon feed

  1. Puppy & Junior Mini – 1000 rubles. This species does not have a twenty kilogram package.
  2. Puppy & Junior Medium – from 950 – 3500 rubles.
  3. Puppy & junior Maxi – 3500 rubles.
  4. Puppy & junior – from 900-3500 rubles.
  5. Adult Mini – 850 rubles.
  6. Adult Medium – 900-3200 rubles.
  7. Adult Maxi – 3500 rubles.
  8. Adult – 800-3400 rubles.
  9. Gemon Dog Light – 110-300 rubles per jar, depending on the volume.
  10. Gemon Dog Pouch – 75 rubles per piece.
  11. Gemon Dog Pate – 150 rubles.

Gemon dry dog ​​food 20 kg is the most profitable to buy. This weight can be purchased for everyone, except for food designed for dogs with low weight.

The price of gemon dog food is approximate. It depends on where the product was purchased.

Pros and cons of Gemon food

Pros of Gemon:

  • Fresh meat is used in the production of feed.
  • The composition of gemon dog food is completely natural. It does not contain artificial additives.
  • Big variety. The food is suitable for dogs of different sizes. You can choose food individually for each dog.
  • Wet food can be given to old and sick dogs as chewing is not required. You can swallow it right away. The consistency of wet food allows.
  • Wide variety of tastes. Every dog ​​will find its own taste.
  • Availability of vitamin supplements
  • Affordable price.
  • gemon has a wide range of feeds. The photo of gemon dog food illustrates this.

  • Insufficient protein content. Only five percent meat. The rest is offal. This leads to the fact that the pet constantly wants to eat and is not satisfied. And overeating is already harmful.
  • Lots of carbohydrates.
  • The composition is unclear. There are no exact data indications.
  • Do not give to dogs with allergies.
  • Few points of sale. Mostly purchased online.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros common to all types of nutrition:

  • a wide variety of products, allowing you to choose the most suitable option for your dog;
  • average price category, these foods are 10-20% cheaper than other premium products;
  • wet products, a good solution for sick or elderly pets;
  • vitamins and minerals promote sufficient growth and development of dogs, improve coat and skin;
  • All these foods do not contain flavor enhancers, preservatives, or dyes.


  • increased carbohydrate component;
  • low protein levels;
  • lack of more precise detail of the composition, which does not allow us to understand what raw materials are used;
  • a little-known product, but it can be purchased using the Internet.


  1. It is necessary to combine dry food with wet food.
  2. You can feed it with food high in protein.
  3. Gemon food can only be fed to non-sick dogs.
  4. Before feeding the puppies, food should be moistened with water at room temperature.
  5. Water must always be freely available to dogs. Changes several times a day.
  6. Pouches, canned food, pates are served warm. Or they keep them at home for a while.
  7. These foods can be given to pregnant bitches. It is also recommended for use while feeding puppies.

Feed rate

  • Puppies weighing up to 5 kg should consume 90 g of dry and 350 g of wet food per day.
  • Dogs weighing up to 10 kg – 150 g dry and 700 g wet.
  • Weighing from 10-25 kg - 300 g dry, 1000 g wet.
  • Pets weighing up to 50 kg - 400 g dry and 1800 g wet.
  • Large dogs eat 500 grams of dry food and 3100 grams of wet food.

These are all approximate figures and depend on the weight of the particular pet.

Price and where to buy

You can buy this food in online pet stores:

  1. "Old Farm" (link):
      Packaging Gemon 0.4 kg - from 158 rubles;
  2. Packaging Gemon 1.5 kg - from 495 rubles;
  3. Gemon canned food 0.42 kg x 24 pieces - from 1858 rubles;
  4. Spiders “Djimon” 0.1 kg x 24 pieces - from 1175 rub.
  • “UniZoo” (link): Dry food, 0.4 kg packaging - from 181 rubles;
  • Dry food, packaging 1.5 kg - from 659 rubles;
  • Canned food, jar 100 g - from 59 rubles;
  • Canned food, jar 415 g - from 88 rub.

The above prices are current as of May 2022 and may change over time. See the online pet store at the link above for the exact cost.

Gemon food reviews

Reviews of gemon dry dog ​​food are varied. Veterinarians believe that the price corresponds to the quality.

But they still recommend buying food of a higher rank. They think it will be healthier for the pet. This food is not recommended to be eaten on a regular basis.

Gemon food contains a lot of carbohydrates. There are useful vitamins and supplements. There is only a small amount of meat in it, so many pets don’t get enough of it and ask for more.

In turn, a large amount of plant foods in the diet can lead to health problems. This food can only be consumed by healthy dogs.

Feeding recommendations

  1. To give dry food to puppies or older dogs, dilute with water and leave for about 2-3 minutes.
  2. The food is perfect for pregnant bitches and during lactation.
  3. Unfortunately, the manufacturer has not yet developed a hypoallergenic food line, so you should not start feeding the animal if you are not sure of its health.
  4. An animal that eats dry food daily should always have clean, cool water available.
  5. Wet food should be fed warm or at room temperature.
  6. Since Djimon’s diet is high in carbohydrates, the animal often asks for more than the norm because it does not feel full. It is important to alternate dry, wet food and canned food, although each of them is considered a complete diet.
  7. The Djimon lines are light and low-protein, so they should only be given to a dog that does not have health problems.
  8. It is also possible that feeding protein products will be useful for the normal growth, development and well-being of your pet.

Below is a table of daily intake of Gemon food for dogs:

Animal weight in kilogramsAmount of dry food (g)Amount of wet food in grams

The feeding rate is individual for each dog, so it is important to adhere to this table. The manufacturer carefully selects the composition and volume of food.

Video: how to choose the right quality dry dog ​​food?

Photo of Gemon dog food

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