Choosing the right food and diet for the Maine Coon

Maine Coons differ from many purebred cats in their greater weight and size, so to maintain the health of the animal and the beautiful appearance of its rich fur, you need to choose the right diet.

The diet can consist of natural products or specialized food for regular, spayed or neutered Maine Coons. It is also important to first familiarize yourself with the list of foods that should not be fed to pets, the nutritional habits of small kittens and pregnant cats.

How much does a Maine Coon eat?

As a child, a Maine Coon kitten needs to be fed in small portions from 5 to 7 times a day, later the number of feedings is reduced to 2-3 times a day.

An adult cat should be fed 3 times a day - the exception is feeding animals that are underweight.

Important! The Maine Coon must have regular access to water - it must be changed several times a week. It is best to give your pet filtered water: boiled water damages the enamel of the animal’s teeth, and drinking running water can lead to problems with the digestive and urinary systems due to the chlorine content in it.

Important points

You can minimize the risk of problems with excess weight and digestion by following feeding rules:

  • Introduce complementary foods for kittens gradually: natural food in a minimal amount, dry food – in a soaked form;
  • new products give 1 per day;
  • As your pet gets older, you should reduce the number of feedings by increasing the serving size;
  • you must follow the daily feed amount indicated on the packaging;
  • castrated and sterilized animals must be given appropriate food;
  • The cat should always have access to clean drinking water.

It is important to remember that every animal is different and feeding standards may vary for each cat.

Natural nutrition

Cats are carnivores, so 80% of their daily diet should consist of meat products containing proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals necessary for the smooth functioning of the animal’s body. Natural food is best suited for the Maine Coon breed and should contain:

  1. Various types of lean meat . The raw product should be frozen in advance so as not to harm the cat’s health. Before serving, you need to grind it in a blender or cut it into small pieces.
  2. Offal . Give crushed, raw, no more than once a week.
  3. Sea fish with a minimum amount of bones to avoid injury to the digestive tract. Red varieties of fish, introduced into the diet 1-2 times a week, will help saturate your pet’s body with fatty acids.
  4. Porridge . Sprouted wheat, oats or barley are best suited for the Maine Coon, since these grains contain the maximum amount of vitamins.
  5. Eggs . Preference is given to quail eggs, but chicken eggs are also allowed. Veterinarians recommend mixing a raw egg with a small amount of milk and feeding the cat this cocktail 2 times a week.
  6. Milk, cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt without additives . It is better to choose products with a fat content of 5–9%. It is recommended to avoid fermented milk products with a long shelf life: the preservatives included in the composition have a detrimental effect on the general health of your furry pet. It is recommended to gradually eliminate milk from the diet after the kitten reaches six months.
  7. Fresh and boiled vegetables . Carrots, zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower, pumpkin and cucumbers go well with meat and cereals.
  8. Greenery . Activates the digestion process and cleanses the stomach of toxic substances.

The Maine Coon must be fed vegetables and dairy products in small portions daily, as they contain fiber and probiotics, which have a positive effect on the pet’s digestion process.

How to switch to natural

If the owners of a Maine Coon, after feeding it with ready-made food, decide to switch the pet to a natural diet, it is important to do this gradually: sudden changes can cause stress and loss of appetite in the pet.

Note! On average, switching a pet to natural foods takes from 1 to 2 weeks.

Experts recommend replacing 1 meal with your cat every 2-3 days. The main requirement is that the animal must receive proteins, fats and carbohydrates in quantities necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body.

Initially, it is recommended to offer the cat meat: if the animal eats it and there are no problems with stool, after a few days the next natural ingredient is introduced.

How to read the composition?

The ingredients used to make the food are listed on the packaging. However, some manufacturers, when indicating the word “meat,” mean by it products of processing of bones, hooves, wool or horns of animals. For normal growth and development, the Maine Coon needs proteins, and the health of the pet depends on how they are preserved.

The standard list of ingredients includes:

  • meat (indicating the type, which allows you to determine whether the food is suitable for a cat with allergies);
  • cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • ash content (not always indicated).

Ash is ash rich in potassium and phosphorus. The Maine Coon's body practically does not absorb ash, and for kittens and sick animals it is completely dangerous.

The maximum permissible ash content is 6 - 7%.

The percentage of fruits and vegetables in the feed is small, but their presence is necessary - thanks to the vitamins and fiber they contain, animals digest food better. Beneficial for cats of this breed:

  • carrot;
  • peas;
  • sweet potato;
  • apples;
  • blueberry;
  • cranberry;
  • pumpkin.

The food also contains herbs that help maintain Maine Coon health:

  • calendula;
  • alfalfa;
  • chamomile;
  • dandelion;
  • fennel;
  • rosemary;
  • seaweed.

Despite their low content, these components are necessary for the Maine Coon. Thus, seaweed serves as a source of iodine, a deficiency of which is often observed in animals.

Dry and wet food

It is recommended to feed with premium food because they:

  • contain all the necessary nutrients and meat;
  • have a long shelf life;
  • convenient to transport and use;
  • saves a lot of time.

Suitable food for Maine Coon is divided into the following varieties:

  • holistic - food that is recommended by experts even for animals with health problems;
  • super-premium class - have a balanced composition with a high percentage of meat content;
  • premium class - contain vitamins and minerals in the quantities necessary for the animal.

The main disadvantage of such feeds is their high cost. Products in the form of mousses or pates should be consumed by the cat at one meal, and the leftovers should be thrown away immediately. This is due to the fact that such food quickly deteriorates when opened and becomes dangerous to the health of your furry pet.

Economical feeds do not contain enough meat and by-products and are of low quality. Long-term consumption of such foods contributes to the development of kidney, bladder and digestive tract diseases in your pet.

A list of the best brands of ready-made dry and wet food for representatives of the Maine Coon breed is highlighted.

Rating of super-premium brands

The most popular and healthy brands of food:

  1. Acana . A Canadian product consisting of 75% fresh meat and 25% vegetables. Contains probiotics that normalize digestive processes.
  2. Wildcat . German food contains 79% chicken or turkey, it also includes berries and chicken fat.
  3. Orijen . Canadian-made food consists of 85% poultry or fish and 15% vegetable additives. Can be fed at any age, suitable for sterilized cats. There is a line for pets suffering from excess weight.
  4. Applaws . Produced in the UK, contains 80% meat and 20% herbal additives.
  5. Optima Nova . Spanish products contain 75% animal protein and 25% natural additives.

The described foods, unlike cheaper products, do not contain potatoes, soy, grains or trans fats, and therefore do not harm the health of the pet. Maine Coon can be fed with more affordable brands: Royal Canin, Purina, Nutra Mix, but it is better to choose premium food that matches the breed.

If your pet’s health has worsened or an allergic reaction to the selected brand of food has occurred, you must urgently exclude it from the cat’s diet and select a new food, taking into account the veterinarian’s recommendations.


Country – Great Britain

British cat food Applaus belongs to the holistic class, as it uses only natural ingredients, so it is suitable for Maine Coons. There is a line for kittens - Applaws Kitten Chicken Grain Free and for adult cats - Applaws Senior Cat Chicken Grain Free.

For small pets, the food consists of 80% chicken and 20% vegetables and herbal supplements. For older cats, the amount of animal protein is the same – 80%. The fiber in the composition is beet pulp, and instead of cereals there are potatoes, but there is not much of it - 6%. There are no chemical preservatives. They are replaced with natural ones (rosemary, vitamin E).

Kitten food

Frequency of feeding a kitten in different months of life.

Age, monthsFeeding frequency per dayVolume, gramsRecommendations
From 1 to 1.56 times20–35It is recommended to feed yourself no earlier than 21 days after the baby is born. At this time, boiled meat and vegetables, ground in a blender, should be gradually included in the diet.
From 1.5 to 26 times110–140It is recommended to feed yourself no earlier than 21 days after the baby is born. At this time, boiled meat and vegetables, ground in a blender, should be gradually included in the diet.
From 2 to six months4 times180–240The amount of milk is reduced, eggs, cereals, cream, fish, butter and vegetables are added to the diet. The food is chopped into small pieces.
From 6 to 93 times190–245The amount of milk is reduced, eggs, cereals, cream, fish, butter and vegetables are added to the diet. The food is chopped into small pieces.
From 9 to one year2 times145–200The pet's growth rate slows down, portions decrease in volume, the main product is beef, rabbit, chicken and turkey.

The greatest changes in feeding and portion sizes for a Maine Coon kitten occur from 2 months. At this time, the pet begins to actively grow and gain muscle mass, so it needs to be fed more.

Cooking kunin porridge

The Maine Coon's diet often includes the popular so-called “kunya porridge”. Which contains up to 80% meat products, including offal and many other ingredients that create a balance of nutrients with vitamins and minerals. As an example, the following composition is often used:

Kunya porridge recipe

Chicken meat (options are possible) – 1 kg + offal (pork or chicken liver, heart) – 1 kg + boiled vegetables (according to pet’s preference) – 200 g + olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons + kelp with cottage cheese – 100 gr.

Everything is mixed and fed in portions according to a schedule throughout the day.

Special food

Your Maine Coon will need to be fed differently depending on factors such as neutering, pregnancy or old age.

For a pregnant cat

While carrying kittens, the expectant mother's portions increase: throughout pregnancy, the cat is fed foods high in protein, protein and beneficial microelements:

  • the first weeks - the daily ration increases by 10%, it is best to add 1 meal;
  • from 3 to 7 weeks - increase each portion by 5%, but do not overfeed the animal: this can cause excess weight gain and lead to problems with childbirth;
  • from 7 weeks until birth - due to physiological changes, the cat’s appetite decreases, so it is recommended to feed her 3 times a day.

Note! The duration of pregnancy is 64–65 days, and throughout this time the cat must be fed with protein, vitamins and microelements included in the diet.

For nursing cats

After giving birth, a cat experiences increased energy expenditure associated with feeding the offspring, so the daily diet increases the amount of cottage cheese, kefir or sour cream, boiled eggs and fish are added, and the meat should be scalded with boiling water before serving.

For older cats

Adjusting the daily diet for an elderly Maine Coon:

  • protein - 40%;
  • fats - from 15 to 30%;
  • fiber - 5%;
  • carbohydrates - up to 20%.

The body of an adult Maine Coon produces sufficient amounts of enzymes designed to digest proteins, so the inclusion of carbohydrate foods in the daily diet is not necessary.

For neutered Maine Coons

Neutered Maine Coons are prone to gaining excess weight, so it is important not to feed them too much. If their diet consists of natural products, it is recommended to completely exclude fish: it leads to salt deposits in the kidneys, which increases the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Experts advise feeding castrates only with specialized premium food with a low content of magnesium and phosphorus. When feeding dry food, the daily water intake should be increased by 3 times in relation to the food eaten.

Diet for weight gain

To gain weight to an acceptable standard, a Maine Coon should initially increase each meal by 5–10%, giving preference to meat products. If this step does not achieve the desired result, it is recommended to coordinate with your veterinarian to add another meal to the daily diet.


Country – Great Britain

Many owners prefer to feed their Maine Coon dry food from the Atu company. One option is Adult Cat Free Run Chicken Grain Free, made from fresh chicken meat and dried chicken. The total share of meat products is 85%. The rest comes from plant components. The products do not contain synthetic dyes, flavors or GMO components. It is also gluten, white potato and grain free. Chicken broth is used as a flavor enhancer.

Carnilove Duck & Turkey for Large breed


The best solution for Maine Coons prone to allergies. A complete hypoallergenic holistic treatment that fully satisfies the needs of large pets and helps improve their health. Grain-free food is perfectly balanced and thanks to this it has a positive effect on the appearance of Maine Coons, the condition of their muscles and skeleton. It is also great for neutered animals. The basis of the diet is game meat, turkey and duck. It is complemented by a variety of herbs and berries, which saturate the pet’s body with antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. The diet also contains fish oil and chicken liver, which not only enrich the composition of the food, but also make its smell attractive to cats.

Cat food Carnilove Duck & Turkey for Large breed cats


  • premium composition
  • no allergens
  • increases cat's energy
  • large amount of proteins
  • reasonable price
  • minimum consumption


  • rarely found on sale

This concludes our article. When choosing between ready-made food and natural products, do not forget that for proper nutrition, the Maine Coon needs a variety and balanced diet. The pet's menu should include offal, sea fish, dietary boiled meat, all kinds of grains and vegetables. Most often, it is much more profitable and easier to give your cat dry and wet super-premium or holistic food. Such diets contain everything necessary for the full functioning of a pet. The main thing is to choose the right food, taking into account the characteristics of your pet. Enjoy the shopping!

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Bozita Feline Funktion Large dry food


Good food with optimal price/quality ratio. Funktion Large dry food is often recommended by veterinarians for excessive shedding and sensitive skin. This food is ideal for large breed cats. Thanks to the presence of fatty acids in the composition, the diet quickly improves the appearance of pets, making their coat more shiny and soft. Large granules are responsible for thorough cleaning of teeth and prevent overeating. And amino acids prevent excess weight gain, so the food is perfect for sterilized pets.

Bozita cat food


  • no hazardous components
  • large amounts of omega-3 and omega-6
  • Helps eliminate hairballs from the body
  • has a beneficial effect on joints
  • improves immunity
  • improving the appearance of pets
  • ensures oral hygiene


  • hard to find on sale

Rating of the best food

Carnilove Duck & Turkey for Large breed cats

The product is produced in the Czech Republic and is the best food option for Maine Coons, who are predisposed to allergic reactions. Holistic contains enough natural proteins to fully satisfy the body's needs of an adult Maine Coon. The food is perfectly balanced and contains no potato or grain additives.

The main component of this composition is duck and turkey meat. Such foods are easily digestible and do not create preconditions for obesity. The composition can be given to sterilized cats. Additional components of the holistic product are berry and herbal supplements, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Fish oil, combined with chicken liver, helps maintain a healthy Maine Coon coat. The composition is deservedly popular among owners of large cats, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Royal Canin Maine Coon Adult

This food was created taking into account the characteristics of the Maine Coon's body. It strengthens joints, “takes care” of blood vessels, and ensures the healthy condition of the coat of big cats. There are no artificial flavoring additives in the granules of such feeds. But this does not stop the fluffy beauties from “destroying” delicious food with pleasure.

Middle category

Purina dry CAT CHOW Feline 3 in 1. Made in Switzerland. Provides prevention of urolithiasis, designed for Maine Coons with sensitive skin and digestion.

Bosch Sanabelle Adult Strauss. Manufacture: Germany. Contains ostrich meat, does not contain GMOs, dyes or chemical additives.


  • Pronature Holistic Grain Free Nordiko (Canada);
  • GO! Daily Defense (Canada);
  • Hiil's;
  • Pro Plan Derma Plus Salmon (France).

Medium category food is of higher quality than economy class, but Maine Coons, with their weak bones and genitourinary system, should receive this food infrequently or not always. This group of feeds contains grains, sometimes soy, and preservatives.

Prohibited Products

Fish is not recommended - high fluoride content can cause urolithiasis, especially for castrated animals. An exception may be sea varieties, no more than once a week. It is strictly forbidden to give Maine Coons chicken or fish bones - this leads to damage to the stomach and esophagus. Pork is not suitable due to its fat content. Fried, salted, smoked, peppered foods, sausage, and canned food are prohibited. You should also not give cats sweets, such as cakes, sweets, chocolate, etc. Potatoes should be avoided among vegetables, because starch is not absorbed by the intestines of such animals. You should not add legumes such as beans, peas or soy to the Maine Coon's menu.

Mera Finest Fit Giant


German food Mera Finest Fit Giant is super premium. Wheat and soy free. A complete daily diet for adult large breed cats. Special formula: 1 type of animal protein and 1 type of carbohydrate. Special size granules. Increased fat and protein content to support activity. Glucosamine is added to the composition for cartilage tissue and joints. Reduced Ph level to prevent urolithiasis. And thanks to the presence of cellulose (beet chips) in the composition, complete prevention against hairballs is carried out. Cellulose prevents the formation and retention of hair in the cat's stomach and intestines. It helps move ingested fur through the gastrointestinal tract so that it can then be eliminated from the body.

Mera Finest Fit Giant cat food for adult large breed cats


  • enriched composition
  • excellent prevention of urolithiasis
  • improves the cat's appearance
  • well absorbed


  • high price

Vitamins and minerals

A natural diet does not always meet the standards of a balanced diet. To compensate for the lack of active substances, it is recommended to use vitamin and mineral supplements. The need for them is increasing:

  • during a period of active growth;
  • during illness;
  • under stress;
  • during the molting period;
  • during pregnancy and feeding;
  • in the autumn-spring season.

A veterinarian will help you choose a suitable complex, taking into account the individual characteristics of the animal. To prescribe certain additives, the following factors are taken into account:

  • pet's age;
  • appearance;
  • emotional condition;
  • behavioral characteristics;
  • results of biochemical tests.

The table contains general recommendations for the use of vitamin and mineral supplements:

What is the purpose of the additive?What medications are needed
For proper growth and development (up to 6 months)Complexes with high calcium content.
For bone strengthCalcium and phosphorus supplements.
For the beauty of woolPreparations containing vitamins A, D, group B and calcium.
To improve digestionVitamin complexes with taurine.
To improve visual acuityVitamin complexes with taurine.
For a successful pregnancySupplements with calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, E, D, group B. Special preparations based on spirulina (a rich source of folic acid).
For well-being in old agePreparations containing calcium. Vitamin B6 (stimulates brain function). Herbal supplement based on ginkgo biloba.
For the prevention of urolithiasis in castrated animalsMultivitamins with taurine and calcium.

There are various forms of vitamin and mineral supplements:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • pastes;
  • powders.

Many vitamin products have a pleasant taste, so cats eat them with great pleasure. If the pet refuses to take the drug in its pure form, it is added to the food (the tablets are pre-crushed).

Our Brand


Good wet food for Maine Coon at an affordable price. The pate is made from high-quality offal, and in appearance it resembles stew. Maine Coons eat treats with pleasure, but you need to understand that they are unable to satisfy all the needs of the furry giant. So you can regularly give your pet pates from Our Brand only in combination with mineral and vitamin complexes.

Cat food Our Brand For adult cats


  • no flavors or dyes
  • pleasant aroma
  • reasonable price
  • high-quality composition
  • nutritional value


  • minimum useful additives
  • sold only in pet stores

Basics of a healthy diet

The main principle that cannot be neglected: food prepared for family members is not suitable for feeding a four-legged friend!

This is due to:

  • characteristics of the animal’s digestive system;
  • a specific set of enzymes;
  • the difference in vitamin-mineral, energy needs of the human and cat body.

Food “from the table” is poorly digested by pets, causing gastrointestinal disorders, liver and kidney diseases, and developmental disorders.

Before creating a diet for your ward, you should choose one of two feeding options. Suitable daily menu:

  1. Natural food prepared taking into account the physiological characteristics of the animal. The main ingredient in cat dishes is lean meat.
  2. Ready food. It has a balanced composition and is available in dry and wet form. Sold in pet stores and special departments of supermarkets.

Proper nutrition contributes to:

  • normal formation of the skeleton and muscular system;
  • good condition of teeth, claws, coat;
  • strengthening immunity, preventing diseases;
  • establishing contact with the owner;
  • increasing life expectancy.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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