What and how to feed a Chihuahua - nutrition analysis with examples

Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs in the world, their live weight in adulthood ranges from 0.5 to 3 kilograms. The metabolic rate of miniature dogs is higher than that of pets of large and medium breeds. Therefore, Chihuahua dogs require a special approach to the composition of food, the frequency of meals, and the size of the daily portion.

I will tell you how and what is best to feed puppies of different ages and adult pets, what they can and cannot give. You will learn how to determine your dog's need for ready-made food and natural products.

Food selection

You need to decide on the type of food in advance, and for this you need to know the pros and cons of each type of feeding.


A diet made up of natural foods.

Pros: You are confident in the quality of the products you use. You can adjust the diet depending on the characteristics and preferences of your Chihuahua.

Cons: requires certain knowledge to correctly create a diet. A lot of time is spent on preparing and purchasing the necessary products.

Commercial feed

Dry plus wet food or canned food.

Pros: fast and convenient, does not require any investment of your time. Balanced, no need to calculate anything, the manufacturers did everything for you. Profitable.

Disadvantages: the products used to make feed are not of the highest quality. You may not know the exact composition. Contains preservatives.

First meal

During the first three weeks of life, puppies eat only their mother's milk. It contains all the substances necessary for the proper growth and development of the baby. At about a month old, puppies begin to be given their first complementary foods. For example, soaked pieces of ready-made premium or super premium food.

Buyers adopt a Chihuahua puppy when it is approximately two months old. Usually by this time the baby is already eating on his own. The new owner needs to find out from the breeder what the dog ate.

At first, you will have to feed the puppy the same food that he ate from the breeder. You need to gradually switch your pet to a different diet so as not to disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural diet

List of natural products that can be used in feeding Chihuahuas:

  • meat: poultry (turkey or chicken), beef, rabbit;
  • offal: beef tripe, heart, liver;
  • fermented milk: cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower (potatoes are ok, but they contain too many carbohydrates);
  • You can give berries and fruits if your pet has an addiction to them (except for grapes).

Is it possible to give milk?

Only Chihuahua babies need milk; milk does not contribute in any way to the normal functioning of the adult body.

If you still want to give your pet milk, then this should be done extremely rarely, as it causes digestive upset. When adding milk to your Chihuahua's diet, be sure to monitor his stool .

These little dogs are real beggars. By wagging their tail and bulging their eyes at you, they can achieve anything. Don't fall for their cunning tricks. Remember that proper nutrition is the key to the health and longevity of your pet.

Suitable food

Brands of dry food intended for feeding miniature dog breeds:


The food is intended for daily feeding of healthy Chihuahuas over eight months. Recommended daily feed dosage in grams:

Dog weight, kgNormal activity, gIncreased activity, g


For adult dogs of small and toy breeds. The main ingredient is chicken. The Optibalance complex perfectly combines nutrients, which promotes better absorption of feed.

The daily intake must be calculated following the table on the back of the pack of food; for this you need to know the weight of the dog.

Nutra Gold Holistic Indoor Dog Microbites

For adult dogs of small breeds up to 12 kg. The preservatives this food contains are natural - vitamin E and rosemary extract.

The composition also has a beneficial effect not only on the digestive system, joints and coat, but also on the nervous system.

In other words, the food is designed to reduce stress in babies like Chihuahuas. The norms for daily feeding are presented in the table:

Animal weight, kgDaily dose, g

Orijen food

Designed for all dog breeds, so the kibble may seem large for a baby Chihuahua. Don’t forget that your dog will chew it up.

The food consists of 85% meat and contains exclusively natural ingredients.

Tasty food is prohibited

Every Chihuahua owner needs to understand that what a person can eat is not always allowed for a puppy, or even an adult dog. Therefore, do not feed your favorite dog a tasty treat from the common table and do not accustom him to begging:

  • do not give sugar, cookies and confectionery, especially ice cream, cakes, condensed milk;
  • salt - in a minimal amount, it should be under-salted;
  • feeding does not involve experimenting with bones; small fish ones are especially dangerous, as they can damage the baby’s internal organs and the esophagus;
  • Cervelat, salami, balyk are a real test for the dog’s digestive system.

An example of a proper diet

If you're feeding commercial food, it's easy, just follow the directions on the package.

And if you choose natural feeding, you will have to resort to mathematics and make some calculations.

Norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for adult dogs per 1 kg of weight:

Squirrels4.5 g
Fats1.3 g
Carbohydrates10 g
Cellulose1 g

100 grams of meat contains about 20 grams. protein, depending on its type.

It is necessary to understand that if your pet is quite active, then this norm should be increased by 15-20%. Since the norm is calculated only to maintain the basic needs of life.

Based on the norms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber, calculate the diet for your Chihuahua. To make the task easier, we have attached a list of products from which you can create the ideal menu.

MeatTurkey, beef or lean lamb. Offal. From fish - sea (for example, pollock). Thus, for a dog weighing 2 kg you will need from 50 to 100 grams.
GroatsRice or buckwheat (you don’t have to add it, but if you decide, then no more than one spoon).
VegetablesCarrots, zucchini, pumpkin, green beans, sometimes cabbage, beets, tomatoes.
FatsYou can add a little duck or fish oil. A simpler option is olive or flaxseed oil.

A couple of times a week you can mix a quail egg into a serving.

For each serving you need to add a few grams of bone meal.

Each serving should be calculated so that it consists of 70% meat products, and 30% everything else.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, care and feeding should be especially careful. If a large litter is expected, additional calcium is added and the amount of fermented milk products is increased. During the first month, the Chihuahua's food does not change. A dog eating dry food is additionally given raw meat and egg yolks. If a pregnant Chihuahua has gained excess weight, it should not be put on a diet - it is better to give it more vegetables.

In the second month, the amount of raw meat and egg yolks in the diet is increased. There is no need to increase the amount of cereals. Fish oil and folic acid are administered. Starting from the 5th week, the expectant mother is transferred to 3-4 meals a day. The amount of food is increased.

At week 6, the body experiences severe stress (especially the kidneys and heart). A pregnant Chihuahua needs foods containing vitamin C (as anemia may develop), calcium, potassium and phosphorus (milk), proteins (eggs, meat, fish), carbohydrates (cereals).

Feeding the puppies

Requirements of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber for puppies:

Squirrels9 g
Fats2.6 g
Carbohydrates15 g
Cellulose1.3 g

Feeding frequency for puppies of different ages:

Newborn puppiesIf there is no nursing bitch, it is necessary to feed her with a special mixture (sold at a veterinary pharmacy) every 2 hours.
1 month old puppiesFeeding about 8 times a day. Gradually introduce complementary foods (cottage cheese, pureed meat or special canned food for lactating bitches and puppies up to three months).
2 - 3 monthsThe frequency of feeding is reduced to 5 times a day. More complementary foods, weaning off the bitch.
4 - 5 monthsThe puppy is already feeding on its own, without mother’s milk, 3 times a day. You can give cartilage, because The puppy's teeth are changing.
6 - 8 monthsThe food is fully consistent with the diet of an adult dog. It is necessary to monitor weight gain and clearly regulate portion sizes.
9 monthsThe Chihuahua is considered an adult.

How to wean babies off breast milk

At first, complementary feeding is combined with breastfeeding. Having aroused interest in new products, small pets begin to be fed separately. For serving, use flat plates from which you can easily take food. The amount of feed should be about 10% of the daily requirement.

The fed cubs are transferred to their mother and their behavior is observed. At first, they will have little interest in unfamiliar food and will be much more interested in suckling at the breast. Despite this, everything will change very soon.

“The easiest way to wean off is in a group. If at least one baby likes complementary foods, then everyone else will quickly follow suit.

If you defiantly ignore it, the softened and heated paste can be placed on the tongue or gently spread on the palate. Remember that your pets do not yet know how to eat on their own and they need your help even for such simple actions.

Avoid pressure. Forcing someone against their will will not bring the desired result, but will only slow down the process of weaning.

On average, weaning takes 2-3 weeks. During this time, the amount of feed is gradually increased from 10% to 100% of the daily requirement.

Vitamins and microelements in the Chihuahua diet

Throughout not only growing up, but throughout life, it is necessary to add vitamin and mineral supplements to the diet. You don’t even have to invent anything, there are specially designed complexes for small breeds:

  • multivitamins 8 in 1 Excel Small Breed for small breed dogs (the most recommended supplement);
  • Happy Dog Haar Special Forte food supplement for nourishing the skin and coat of dogs;
  • food supplement 8 in1 Excel calcium/Glucosamine.

At home, you can give crushed eggshells and brewer's yeast.

Breed Features

Chihuahuas mature extremely quickly. The main features of the breed are that by the age of 1 year it is a fully physically and mentally formed animal. Character development occurs, habits and norms of behavior instilled by a person are consolidated.

This breed is extremely smart, so it is easy to train, and the dogs are able to perform even complex actions. However, given their natural charm, difficulties arise with education: “sneezes” try to manipulate the owner, starting to become stubborn if they sense weakness.

Given the incredible speed of maturation, the beginning of puppy socialization should occur at 2 months.

Basic actions:

  • adaptation to different conditions;
  • constant contact with the owner, expressed in communication, games and elements of training;
  • meeting family members and their friends;
  • training in peaceful contact with small dogs.

The character of a Chihuahua is a bizarre combination of various traits. They are extremely curious, at the same time distinguished by majesty and some arrogance. The daily affairs of the owner arouse genuine interest in the puppies: the little pet can spend hours watching the owner’s affairs, even if he is just reading a book.

Like other animals, each individual is individual. There are endlessly affectionate dogs, while others can show aggression towards strangers. However, they are infinitely loyal to their owner and will protect him to the last, despite their tiny size.

Important! These animals absolutely cannot tolerate raising their voices, swearing, or negative attitudes towards themselves. A tactless attitude causes resentment, after which they defiantly retreat to their house or bed.

What not to feed

List of prohibited products:

  • Too salty, spicy, smoked and fried foods are strictly prohibited!
  • Soups, porridges.
  • Bones, especially tubular and fish bones.
  • Chocolate! It could all end fatally.
  • Chewing gum without sugar, sweets, rolls. What is particularly dangerous is XYLITOL, a sweetener found in the above-mentioned products. For a Chihuahua, just stealing one piece of chewing gum is enough to get a high dose of toxins.
  • Grapes (no raisins either).
  • Alcohol. Dogs cannot break down and eliminate ethanol (alcohol).
  • It is not recommended to give cereals: semolina, maize, pearl barley, millet.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Raw river fish is very dangerous due to all kinds of parasites.

Prohibited Products

The diet of a puppy, like an adult Chihuahua, should under no circumstances include the following foods:

  • pork - it overloads the dog’s liver due to its increased fat content;
  • sausage - it’s better not to give anything from your table at all, except perhaps low-fat cheese as a reward;
  • nuts;
  • canned food;
  • raw fish;
  • radish;
  • smoked;
  • salty;
  • pickled;
  • spices;
  • sweet;
  • onion;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • tubular bones;
  • milk.

If you do decide to give milk to your dog, do it infrequently and always monitor your pet's stool. If the baby’s body cannot cope, then it is better to give up milk forever.

If you give any of the prohibited foods, then very quickly your dog will begin to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For example, gastritis may appear.


What to feed if you have an allergy?

There are all kinds of lines of hypoallergenic food, the most optimal and simple option. If you don’t want to give up natural food, you’ll have to work hard to find out what exactly your Chihuahua is allergic to.

Potentially hypoallergenic products are:

  • turkey and rabbit meat;
  • zucchini and cauliflower;
  • rice.

Very often, an allergy can be triggered by a sudden transition from one food to another, due to a rapid change in proteins.

What to feed a Chihuahua with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.

For pancreatitis, a diet low in fat and low in fiber is indicated, as it is very difficult to digest. From ready-made food, for example, the GASTRO INTESTINAL line has been developed.

What to feed a Chihuahua after poisoning?

First of all, a short-term fasting diet is necessary. After a day of fasting, you can try rice water. If you have an appetite, you can give boiled chicken breast, cottage cheese, but to a minimum - in small portions.

What to feed a Chihuahua if its teeth fall out?

If your dog has toothache, you should consult a doctor; perhaps a simple brushing will solve all your problems. But if the problem does start and the teeth fall out, then you need to make it easier for the dog to chew.

If the food is dry, then grind the granules and you can soak them in water (not broth!). When feeding natural food, you will have to give up hard-to-chew foods and chop the meat into smaller pieces.

Can Chihuahuas eat baby food?

Not recommended. If you give your dog such a “treat” once a month, there will be no harm. But you cannot feed on a regular basis. Although the products in baby food are all natural and no preservatives are used, we should not forget that the human and dog bodies are fundamentally different.

We don't spoil your pet!

Another very important rule that is often forgotten by breeders who want to know how to properly feed a 2-month-old Chihuahua puppy is the routine. From childhood, teach your pet that feeding occurs strictly on a schedule.

Of course, it is very difficult to resist the hungry eyes and squeals of a puppy, so as not to give a piece of sausage, chicken or just chocolate. However, this needs to be done for several reasons.

Accustomed to begging for treats, he will interfere with your peaceful dinner with family or friends, demonstrating not the best manners. In addition, the routine is important because the puppy’s body quickly gets used to eating at a certain time - gastric juice accumulates, a healthy appetite awakens. Constant snacking will disrupt your schedule, which will negatively affect your dog’s health. And it is much more difficult to accustom an adult pet to feeding on a schedule than a puppy.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Decide on the type of food, feed either dry food (with wet food and canned food of the same brand) or natural food. Don't mix!
  2. When feeding natural food, it is necessary to calculate the diet so that it is balanced in protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber.
  3. Feeding puppies, as well as pregnant and lactating dogs, differs from the diet of an adult Chihuahua in its normal physiological state.
  4. It is necessary to add vitamin and mineral supplements to the diet, especially if you feed natural food.
  5. Under no circumstances should you give your pet foods on the prohibited list.
  6. If the dog is sick or has allergies, it is necessary to approach its diet with extreme caution.
  7. There is no need to feed your Chihuahua baby food. There will be no harm from one time, but it is unacceptable on an ongoing basis; a dog’s body is very different from a human’s.

At what age should we start complementary feeding?

Experts recommend that Chihuahua puppies start feeding their first food at around 1 month or even 3 weeks. Yes, at this age they are still actively feeding on mother’s milk and this is quite enough for successful development. But if you add a small amount of high-quality food to your diet, this will make it easier to switch to a new diet in the future. And it will be much easier for the mother - the more food the puppies eat, the less milk (and therefore calcium and other useful microelements) will be drawn out of her.

Of course, in the first stages you need to give only the highest quality food and in very limited quantities. Experts recommend starting with a “scraper.” This is the name for raw meat scraped with a sharp knife from a piece of frozen meat. You can also use a fine grater for this. The main thing is that it is thoroughly crushed, and after that it is completely thawed. You can only use beef. Pork contains too much fat, which is difficult for small Chihuahuas to digest and can lead to serious stomach problems.

In the first days, the portion should be just tiny - no more than 1/5 teaspoon. After this, it is worth taking a break for a day and monitoring whether complementary feeding has caused any consequences. If everything is in order, you can continue, gradually increasing the portion to several grams of meat per day. Of course, it is impossible to deprive puppies of the main food product - mother's milk - at this time.

The monthly diet for Chihuahua dogs can be supplemented with kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, and also thin porridge cooked in milk. And after 1-2 weeks, switch to puppy food. And they themselves are already happy to carry pieces from their parent’s bowl, which is a good sign - they awaken a good appetite and curiosity.

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