The cat attacks the dog. Who is smarter - cats or dogs?

"If animals could speak,
Dogs would bore everyone with their talkativeness.

But cats would be distinguished by their rare taciturnity.”

Mark Twain

Remember the famous expression “They live like a cat and a dog”? This is what they say about people whose relationships leave much to be desired. Such enmity is incomprehensible - after all, cats have never been victims. The cat/mouse analogy cannot be made.

But what are the reasons that prompt dogs, barking desperately, to rush after cats? Why don't dogs like cats? There are legends about the irreconcilable confrontation between loyal dogs and capricious fluffies.

Historical reasons

A dispute between two dogs is often resolved without actual fighting because dogs have inherited a complex set of signals from the wolf, their ancestor. These signals stop the animal when it sees a more dangerous opponent. Cats, unlike dogs, originate from solitary predators. They lack such abilities because they do not have such a frequent need for contact. It follows that cats are more cautious, especially in deciding whether to get into a fight or not.

Dogs were domesticated by early hunter-gatherers approximately 15,000 years ago, if not earlier. One can only speculate whether they were then “man’s best friends” or not. By the time cats appeared, dogs had already played a significant role in human life: they hunted next to him, guarded houses, herded and drove livestock, and even kept him warm on cold nights.

Cats first showed an interest in human homes about 10,000 years ago . Although this can be called a kind of opportunism. In those days, the human habit of storing food led to the emergence of house mice as a serious pest. Only since the time of the ancient Egyptians has the first evidence of cohabitation between cats and humans been visible. Dogs have had the advantage for thousands of years of being well cared for by their owners, while very few cats have been able to do the same.

Assess your dog's interest level

It is important to understand the reasons that prompt your pet to run after cats. Usually they rush off to play with the cat or their innate instinct is triggered.

In this case, it is necessary to intervene to prevent the animals from harming each other. Cats can be very aggressive when protecting their offspring.

When a dog chases a cat as if it were prey, the situation is very serious. The dog may kill him or suffer himself. During the chase, she does not notice what is happening around her. Your pet may get run over by a car or be chased by stray dogs, who will begin to act aggressively against your pet.


When taking your dog outside, constantly monitor its behavior, and always observe how it reacts to your commands. If a cat appears in your home, do not leave the animals unattended for a month. Encourage both for good behavior, and also strictly reprimand for conflicts that arise.


The dog should not be allowed to eat from the cat's dishes. This causes stress for the cat. He will “take revenge” on the offender, and also show aggression towards him. A very good situation is when the animals’ bowls are nearby, and they calmly react to each other’s proximity while eating.

However, this is not easy to achieve, as the dog will try to eat the cat's treat. Patience, as well as long-term training, will teach your pet not to look into “someone else’s” plate. Exercise your dog should be done regularly. It is important to let her understand how to behave in the presence of a cat. Repeat the exercises many times, encourage your pet and it will lead to results.

Currently reading:

  1. Review of the best dog breeds for apartments
  2. Games to choose for training a dog
  3. The American Cocker Spaniel is an adroit hunter and loyal friend.
  4. Recommendations for obedience of a dog if it growls

What to do?

As a rule, a dog runs away from a cat when it attacks it, if it has time. If your pet dog is attacked by a cat outside and does not run away in time, you should immediately contact a veterinarian. The cat may get sick. If the scratches are deep, damage to the anatomy may occur. There may be helminth eggs or other parasites under the nails, so be sure to take your dog to the vet if an outdoor attack occurs.

If a cat attacks a dog that lives under the same roof, you need to carefully examine the behavior of both animals and analyze your own priorities regarding animals. This is necessary in order to identify the cause of aggression and eliminate it. This is the only way to stop a cat attack. Remember that punishing or isolating your pet will only make the situation worse. Once the cause of the attacks is eliminated, the aggression immediately disappears.


Competition for food and edible waste was most often one-sided. Dogs occupied a more advantageous position when they were close to people. Cats had to rely on their natural agility to avoid various troubles.

Guardian correspondent John Bradshaw once studied the behavior of wild cats in a Turkish village. One year, cats were everywhere and obtained food by begging for it from local residents and tourists. The following year, packs of dogs were already roaming the streets, and the journalist got the impression that the cats had disappeared. He thought so until he looked at the village from above and saw that the cats had simply moved onto the flat roofs. Most likely, they went down in search of food at night when the dogs were sleeping.

Boredom and desire to play

Once again, different language comes into play. If the puppy wants to show his affection, to play, he wags his tail, which the cat again sees as aggression.

The dog is ready for communication and pampering, she wants to play catch. But the cat doesn’t like this type of communication. She is not happy when boundaries are violated and personal contact is made. And if there were any other animal in the place of the dog, the purr would act the same way.

Let's imagine that a puppy came to meet a cat and it lowered its ears, arched its back, wagging its tail a little - all signs to attack the noisy and pestering creature. How does the dog understand this? Indeed, in his language it is precisely this behavior that is associated with the latter’s subordination. The puppy naively believes that the cat is afraid and a “joyful meeting” occurs after which the dog will remember for the rest of his life that it is better not to meet with cats and there is no need to expect anything good from it.

Risk for kittens too

Dogs can pose a risk to cat babies. Mother cats are forced to leave their habitats while hunting. A hungry dog ​​doesn't care much about who or what becomes its prey. Because of this, cats would do everything possible to not only hide their kittens as securely as possible, but also to instill as much fear in the neighborhood dogs as possible.

Legacy of the past

Animals have different worldviews and their lifestyles are very different. A dog is genetically endowed with a pack instinct, so the connection with its relatives is of great importance for it. For a cat, loneliness is above all else. She finds prey on her own and is not going to share it with anyone.

But these animals also have something in common. They are predators, which means they are territorial animals. It is especially important for them to protect the boundaries of their hunting grounds. It is the territorial issue that is the main reason why cats and dogs are at odds.

Dogs, accustomed to living in a pack, took a dominant position. Although the weight advantage helps with this, it does not play the most important role. The ancestors of the modern cat were much larger in size than the canines, however, they had to suffer defeat due to their voluntary solitude.

Does brain size matter?

This is not paradoxical, but the weight and volume of the brain as a whole does not affect intelligence. A big brain does not add intelligence. For example, the cerebral cortex of a normally intelligent animal such as a brown bear is 10 times heavier and larger in volume than that of a cat. However, the number of active neuronal cells is higher in cats. Accordingly, cats are smarter, although their brain size is smaller.

The volume and weight of the brain also do not affect the animal's ability to perform complex actions, show understanding and flexibility when necessary. This means that the entire behavior of an animal, its intelligence, directly depends not on the size of its head, but on how much active gray mass is present in the brain.

Level of socialization

Dogs and cats alike learn the difference between friend and foe. This is most likely a side effect of the way animal domestication has altered the development of their nervous systems. Both the puppy and the kitten go through what is called a “socialization period . During this period of time, they learn not only who their mothers are and how to behave towards other members of their species, but also that people should not be afraid.

Lack of favorable contact with people in the first couple of months of their life causes feral cats (and dogs) to develop a distrust of people throughout their lives. In this case, if a wild cat begins to show aggression towards a person, then the domestic dog will, without hesitation, enter into a fight. This also applies to wild dogs if a person has a cat as a pet.

When a dog sees a cat on the street, it begins to show interest. The dog comes closer and closer, then sniffs and tries to touch or lick the cat. The cat, in turn, tries to either scare away the curious dog or start running away as far as possible. However, this makes the puppy even more enthusiastic. Eventually a chase ensues.

Important! The dog will begin to chase any animal running away from it. If a cat comes into the field of view of a pack of dogs, it immediately begins to prepare for pursuit. In a pack, dogs have the most obvious hunter instinct.

Object of hunting

Some cats have a strong hunting instinct. They love to stalk and attack family members, throw themselves at their feet, and chase. Puppies and small dogs are often targeted. And if in the first case the cat’s behavior is likely to change when the dog grows up, then in the second it is unlikely. Shifting the cat's attention to another game can help here. Make sure your pet has plenty of favorite toys. Interactive games and catnip can also help, as can attaching a leash to your dog or puppy. Usually cats are distracted from the animal by the leash.

The main reasons for the mutual dislike of dogs and cats

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Dogs don't like cats because they are the exact opposite of furry pets. The main reasons for dog dislike are the following:

  1. Features of behavior. Even the most ordinary yard bobbies are human-oriented. They love communication, show friendliness not only towards the owner and his family members, but also towards strangers, while creating a lot of noise and fuss. Cats, on the contrary, prefer contemplation, a measured rhythm of life, peace and quiet. They prefer to observe a new object from afar, from a safe distance, until it manifests itself.
  2. Body signals. Animals express emotions differently, so dogs are likely to perceive cats' body language and gestures in diametrically opposed ways, which causes mistrust, misunderstanding and aggression. For example, a dog wagging its tail demonstrates openness and friendliness. And in a cat this is a sign of irritation. True, this is not typical for all breeds, but for most of them it is true.
  3. Temperament. Most dogs prefer an active lifestyle. They tend to be energetic and sometimes impulsive. Cats, on the contrary, usually demonstrate apathy, equanimity and are more difficult to anger.


Animal psychologists also identify other reasons why dogs do not like cats. Thus, pets living in the same territory do not get along because of the dog’s desire to make friends. It manifests itself as excessive activity, due to which the cat begins to hide and show aggression. As a result, trying to communicate looks more like a chase. Causes include unpleasant experiences and genetic predisposition. For example, among representatives of fighting breeds, hostility is inherent at the genetic level. A dog can switch to open hostility towards all cats even after an unsuccessful attempt at communication, as a result of which he was severely frightened or scratched. As for hunting breeds - dachshunds or beagles, for them there is not much difference between a cat, a raccoon and a fox. They are all treated as prey.



Another reason is incorrect socialization. This is the fault of the owners, since with patience it takes no more than 2 weeks for the new pet to be accepted quite favorably by the “old-timers” animals. British zoologists have also identified such a feature of the cat's body as the secretion of a specific enzyme that has an exciting effect on dogs, causing aggression.

It's about enzymes

The fourth version is associated with the different structure of organisms. There is a theory that representatives of the cat family produce a certain special enzyme that negatively affects the subconscious of dogs, making them aggressive and agitated. This theory could explain everything, but it falls apart due to the fact that many cats and dogs are friends and even spend most of their time together without experiencing discomfort.

Lack of fear in cats towards dogs

Cats are practically not afraid of dogs. This is one of the reasons why cats are more likely than dogs to initiate fights. Instead of running away from an approaching dog as quickly as possible, the cat remains alert and thinks about the current situation.

Cats tend to tease canine representatives. They often slowly walk past dogs, wagging their tail, provoking them into conflict. In a critical situation, the cat quickly climbs a tree or hill without any sense of fear or danger.

If you can, catch it

Many people think that a cat is faster than a dog, but this is not true. A dog can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h, while a domestic cat is only 40 km/h. But a cat has many undeniable advantages: maneuverability, at maximum speed it perfectly runs around all obstacles, while a dog at high speed does not notice objects and can crash into a tree or pole.

The dog runs only on the ground, while the cat easily jumps on obstacles in the form of a car, tree, fence, so chasing it does not bring results. The dog has almost caught up with her, and suddenly the cat, making one jump, finds herself out of reach.

Of course, when animals meet in an open area, the cat cannot escape. The cat is not designed to run long distances, it is an excellent hunter, it watches over the prey, then, having precisely calculated the jerk, pounces on the mouse, but the prey cannot escape from its sharp claws.

A dog can pursue game for a long time and stubbornly, running many kilometers at high speed, driving the victim to the point of exhaustion.

Dogs don’t eat cats and don’t see them as food, but if an embittered dog catches up with a cat, he can give her a great beating and even cause irreparable harm to his health, but the dog won’t be in any good shape either and may well get hit by the claws of a brave cat, who knows whether he’ll be happy dog to his triumph. If the cat behaves indifferently and does not deliberately provoke the dog, then the dog will not chase it.

Host mistakes

Cats and dogs need time to get used to each other, and forced introductions only increase the spirit of hostility. Since cats and dogs have different comfort levels, the introduction process should not be forced.

Some dog breeders and cat owners are supporters of quickly introducing animals, forgetting about the thousand-year-old enmity of these two species. Many kittens prefer elevated resting places (trees), where they can have a great rest from overly annoying dogs.

Mr. Cat recommends: how to make friends with pets?

Golden retrievers, pugs, and Maltese are peaceful with cats, and making friends with them is quite easy. Things are more complicated when a puppy or kitten is brought into the house, and the older pet does not make contact for a number of reasons (a dog of a fighting or hunting breed, the pet has been the only animal in the house all its life, etc.).

In order not to worsen the situation and allow the animals to get used to it, you should:

  • Do not put pressure on the cat or dog. If you start beating or scolding your pet, this will not speed up the dating process. In this case, you need to be patient and give him time.
  • Keep in different rooms. A new inhabitant causes stress; in order for an older pet to get used to it, it must have its own safe place. Over time, having gotten used to the new smell, he will show interest and try to get acquainted.

  • Feed separately. Animal psychologists recommend giving food to the older animal first, and then to the new one. Thus, the pet will not feel deprived.
  • Show more attention and praise. A new family member is always exciting, but don’t forget about your older pet; he shouldn’t feel abandoned. He must remain loved.


Method one - introduction

You can stop your dog from running after cats if you introduce them to them at home. On the street, this method will not be effective.

First you need to choose an animal that can reconcile with your pet. If it is necessary to place a cat in a house where a dog has always lived, a conflict situation will arise. The dog will chase a representative of the cat tribe, protecting its territory from the encroachments of an uninvited guest. If the owner was previously a “mustachioed-striped” one, he will defend himself by attacking his opponent.

For the first acquaintance, it is better to choose an animal that previously lived in a family or shelter with other animals. In this case, it will be easier to make friends between two pets.

Efforts must be made to make the dating process peaceful. This will be stressful for your pets, so create a comfortable environment for them for the first meeting, prepare treats, and think about other reward methods. Some tips:

  1. Prepare the tidbits in advance. For a dog you can prepare pieces of meat products, but for a cat it is better to take chicken or tuna fillet;
  2. If your dog is used to your commands, refresh his memory. If not, you will have to train her to do the following:
  • sit;
  • approach the owner;
  • stop doing something when ordered.

This training will help stop your pet during an attack or chase of a cat.

  1. Before meeting him, it is best to take your pet for a walk so that he has as little energy as possible to chase the mustachioed stranger.

Acquaintance should take place under the vigilant control of the owner. The dog must be held by the collar or use a short leash. If he clearly obeys the command and leaves the cat alone upon request, reward him with a “yummy” to encourage such exemplary behavior.

Consider having someone other than you present during the animal encounter. Having an assistant will greatly facilitate the dating process - it will not be difficult to keep track of both pets.

It is important to allow the cat and dog to sniff each other. There is no need to keep them at different ends of the room. When acting as a mediator, be alert and respond quickly to signs of aggression from one side or the other.

Encouragement as a way to stop a dog from chasing cats

If the animals behave well, be sure to praise them, pet them, and feed them prepared treats. The most difficult will be the first weeks, during which it is necessary to stop the animals from attacking each other. Be sure to praise them for exemplary behavior.

Difficulty understanding verbal cues

The same movement in dogs and cats is understood in the opposite way.

  • For dogs, wagging their tail means they are in a friendly mood. In cats, such a gesture is an indicator of anxiety and irritation. The cat begins to stretch out in an arc, preparing to attack. The dog does not understand this behavior and reaches out to sniff the cat, for which he may get hit in the face with his claws.
  • Raising a dog's paw is a demonstration of a desire to play. In the cat's perception, this is a threatening gesture.
  • When a cat purrs, it means satisfaction.
  • With its grumbling, the dog warns of an impending attack.

What are neurons?

A neuron is a cell, thanks to which every person living on Earth is able to perform complex mental activities: the process of thinking, analysis, reflection, learning, planning and others. This means that the presence of neural connections is a sign of the presence of intelligence, without them thinking is impossible.

The less active the neuron cells in the brain, the weaker the mental abilities. When the number of neurons is very small, the activity of the central nervous system is reduced to reflexes and internal processes in the body.

Method two is to train the dog to stop unwanted actions.

If you intend to teach your dog to respond to cats, you will have to teach him to clearly respond to commands.

  1. Hold a piece of meat in each palm. Bring one hand to your pet's nose and let him smell. Your pet will understand well that there is a “yummy” sandwiched in the palm of your hand. The hand should be kept clamped, not allowing him to get to the treat;
  2. When trying to get the contents of your fist, pull the dog back and say “ugh”. She must clearly understand that you do not like her behavior. It is important to ignore her behavior and ensure that she stops all attempts to get to the tasty morsel;
  3. When the pet obeys the “fu” command, praise it and give it a treat from the other hand. Giving treats from a clenched fist that the dog wanted to unclench is not allowed.
  4. The exercise must be constantly repeated in order to bring the execution of the owner’s commands to automaticity. The dog must, on command, stop trying to get a treat from a clenched fist and sit in front of the owner.

Once the command has been sufficiently practiced, start using it in the presence of the cat. As soon as the animals are nearby, say “fu”. The dog will remember the command and associate it with a treat clenched in his fist. It is important to ensure that he leaves the cat alone at the command “fu” and does not perceive the “tabby” as prey.

Rules for keeping in one room

The first and main law of such a community is the equal distribution of love and attention to both pets, so that thoughts of jealousy do not arise. In addition, each of them must have their own place for rest and food. Pets must understand that there is only one leader, and that is the owner. There are examples when people allowed one to punish the other, and the hostility between them did not stop. There must be one punishing hand.

In this case, it is important to understand that physical punishment must be avoided: the animal will remember the pain from the punishment and will associate it with its neighbor, directing all the anger and resentment towards him.


First of all, the eldest is fed. Eating areas and bowls should be kept away from each other. If there is not much space in the apartment, you can leave the cat's bowl on the windowsill. From the very first days, pets must understand that stealing from a neighbor’s bowl is followed by punishment.

We recommend reading the article about who is better, a cat or a dog. There you will find a table with scientific facts, as well as a vote.

How to get your dog to be friends with cats

The best solution would be to get a cat and dog together. When they grow up together, they become the best friends for life. Make sure that animals come into the house at the same time every day . This is necessary so that none of the pets feels superior to the other.

  • Bring both animals into the room at the same time and keep the dog on a leash next to you.
  • If your dog tries to jump forward, walk him back a few steps until he calms down.
  • Gradually retreat back towards the cat and give the dog treats for each calm forward movement.
  • At the same time, the cat learns that it can live in the same room as the dog without being attacked.

After the initial introduction, you should separate the dog and cat with a small gate. This is one of the easiest ways to put distance between them while they are in the dating process. Never introduce pets face to face. Not only can this develop into a dangerous situation, but it can also be a step back in establishing peaceful relations.

Dear readers, we are waiting for your opinions and thoughts on this topic in the comments.

How to separate?

If the cat does get involved with the dog, there are several options:

  • Cover one of the animals (preferably the attacker) with a blanket;
  • Spray them with water from a spray bottle or pour water from a basin (depending on where you are on the street or in the house, and at what time of year);
  • Make some noise (throw a bunch of keys on the floor, knock pots, slam a door).

Under no circumstances should you shout at animals. This will only increase excitement and worsen the consequences of the fight. It is also not recommended to get between pets, otherwise the cat may redirect aggression towards you.

If cat attacks continue constantly and none of the above helps, contact a zoopsychologist.

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Why dogs don't like cats: legends, myths, fairy tales

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In different cultures there are interesting legends and other monuments of oral folk art that explain why dogs do not like cats. The most popular of them came from China. This fairy tale is not without a rational grain and, if it does not explain the reasons for the hostility towards Murkas, then at least it makes you think.



One day, a dog saved a girl from death, who turned out to be the daughter of a ruler. To celebrate, the happy father issued a decree, according to which every resident had to feed the dogs in abundance and provide them with shelter. They decided to spread it simply: by tying a scroll to the savior’s tail, on which the will of the ruler was stated. To celebrate, the satisfied dogs decided to organize a holiday, prudently giving the treasured scroll to the cat for safekeeping. However, in the morning the document was not there, and the keeper said that mice had stolen it. The dogs did not believe the confession and attacked the cat. Since then, it has become a tradition that they do not like cats, and they, in turn, chase mice.

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