Neuroscientists have found out who is smarter: cats or dogs



All pet owners are divided into cat people or dog people. And since this division there has been an eternal debate about who is smarter than a cat or a dog. When answering this question, you should not rely only on your own preferences; you need to listen to the opinions of competent specialists.

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Who's smarter

English scientists conducted an experiment that was supposed to reveal a more intelligent animal. They analyzed more than 500 species of different organisms. Thus, a connection was found between intelligence and brain size in relation to the body.

Dogs have a fairly large brain, which allows them to be more trainable and develop diversified.

Having examined the cat's brain, scientists concluded that dogs are superior to cats; a smart, barking pet can be envied. The explanation for this fact is the more solitary lifestyle of cats. While cats develop independently, dogs are able to learn from their owner or pack.

American scientists tried to refute the results of this study, but did not go further than studying the human brain, in which there is no pattern between size and intelligence.

Basic indicators of the mind

Scientists decided to establish a clear criterion for determining the mental abilities of animals. It turned out to be the number of neurons in the brain. This is logical, because the more nerve cells and connections between them, the more information a dog or cat can process. Therefore, an animal with the maximum number of neurons is obviously smarter and easier to train than another creature.

After the study, the data was distributed as follows:

  1. Golden Retriever – 620 million neurons.
  2. Metis (mixed breed yard dog) – 430 million.
  3. Cats – 250 million

It should be noted that there are animals that have more neurons in their brains than pets. For example, a lion has 500 million nerve cells, and a raccoon has 400. Each of these creatures is intelligent and intelligent in its own way, so when analyzing data, it is necessary to take into account the additional influence of such factors as body size, behavior, lifestyle and level of adaptability .

By the way, a few words about the “dumbing down” of animals due to domestication. This long-standing opinion turned out to be an unfounded tale. The number of neurons is approximately the same in representatives of wild and domesticated species.

The development of abilities is influenced by lifestyle. Herbivores and predators may have the same number of neural connections, but the latter are always more organized and easier to learn creatures. Their lifestyle and method of obtaining food forces them to quickly adapt to changing conditions, coordinate their actions with other members of the pack, protect the territory and protect their offspring. Increased loads train the brain and help it progress.

A striking example of the imperfection of the method of determining the level of intelligence by the volume of the brain and the number of neurons alone is the presence of leaders and followers in a flock. The main dog is always the strongest, smartest, brave and aggressive. It is logical to assume that he has more neural circuits, and his brain is probably larger. But no, that’s not how it works in nature. The leader's brain contains the same number of cells as the subordinate's, and his abilities are explained by higher levels of hormones, innate talents, acquired and learned knowledge. Therefore, intelligence and the number of neurons are not at all the same thing.

Why dogs are smarter

Who is smarter, a cat or a dog? Dogs have qualities such as loyalty, trainability and obedience. They are more loyal, guard their owner and can be so friendly that it is time to use them as nannies.

"Man's Friend" is smarter because:

  • easily adapts among people;
  • is very active in communicating with people;
  • easily learns new skills;
  • he is obedient and devoted to his master.

Who has higher intelligence?

As for the debate about who has a higher level of intelligence, there is no clear answer. The difficulty of objective assessment is complicated by the fact that these animals behave differently in any given situation.

Dogs, according to research, are capable of solving complex problems and are able to analyze a situation.

They vitally need both physical and mental stress. Each individual has its own potential and ability to learn.

Dogs are much easier to train

, although it is possible to teach cats, it is difficult to teach basic commands. Well, minke whales don’t like to obey, to do something “under pressure”, what can you do? This is why many people believe that dogs have higher intelligence.

Why are cats smarter?

But don't underestimate purring pets. There are situations in which cats are smarter than dogs .

  • Due to their solitary lifestyle, cats are very careful and prudent.
  • They know how to masterfully manipulate people.
  • In unusual situations, these animals are able to benefit from “empty space”.
  • They are more attentive, curious and observant than dogs.
  • These pets are inherently true predators and know how to survive in any danger.
  • Cats are capable of selectively perceiving information. They can be smart in those things that seem interesting to them and show indifference to everything that, in their opinion, does not carry any benefit.

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Difference Between Species

Dogs are more social animals than cats. Their ancestors lived in packs, in which there was a rigid hierarchy. They had to obey the leader in order to survive. This feature has been preserved in domestic dogs.

Cats are able to live and get food on their own. They have an independent disposition. These animals do not obey anyone and they do not have the innate ability to carry out commands.

In addition, dogs were domesticated about 15,000 years ago, and cats about 4,000 years ago. These animals have different experiences living near people. The dogs had more time to get used to humans and learn social rules.

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Let's compare the mental abilities of cats and dogs

It is impossible to say with complete certainty who is the smarter pet, a cat or a dog. But if you compare individual skills, then each owner can draw his own personal conclusions about the pet’s intelligence .

  • Ability to remember nickname . In this matter, it is unlikely that it will be possible to identify mental abilities. This is due to the pet’s temperament. So, for example, a smart and proud cat decides for itself when to respond to its name and when to simply ignore its owner. The dog, due to its devotion, very quickly remembers its name and responds to it.
  • Curiosity and caution . Having encountered a new and unfamiliar thing, a cat is unlikely to immediately rush towards it headlong. She will first sneak up, strike with her paw with claws and make sure of her safety. Dogs in such cases show excessive curiosity, forgetting about caution.
  • Performing tricks . The dog is afraid of disappointing its owner and tries to understand as quickly as possible what he requires of it. And if she also receives encouragement for this, then the animal is ready to repeat any trick many times. Cats can also be trained, they just require a lot more time and patience due to their independent nature.
  • Regime and rules for staying in the house . Both dogs and cats eventually get used to the same times of feeding, walking or going to the litter box.
  • Affection . Everyone knows how dogs become attached to their owner and love him all their lives. But cats in this case are no different from them. It’s just that purring pets prefer not to show their feelings openly.
  • Understanding and support . In this capacity, both dogs and cats perfectly feel the feelings of the owner. In difficult times, both animals will support a person with their affection.
  • Motor skills . Cats have better sensitivity and precision of movements than dogs. These are true predators that are capable of hunting even individuals much larger than themselves.
  • Memory . Both cats and dogs have very well developed memories. Both pets remember the bad deeds of people towards them all their lives, and feel boundless gratitude for the good ones. Pets are able to remember a large number of different commands.

Who is stronger: a dog or a cat (cat) of the same size? Both wild and domestic are meant

Let's look at a specific case:
1) - A person is simply interested in who? The answer is, theoretically, a beautiful cat with claws. 2) - The dog “runs” about its business and meets a cat? The answer is that a cat runs away from a big dog, but with a small one you can “brave.”) 3) - A HUNGRY dog and a HUNGRY cat in the trash are equal in size. The answer is that a hungry dog ​​will never bark at a cat and will always attack first when it comes to food. - A cat that is slow in life will not withstand the pressure of an attacking dog for ten seconds. Moral: A cat never whines like a dog and it seems to us that she is like a first-class tiger) BUT! Cat claws and teeth are designed to kill small rodents with thin skin. And even the smallest dog has a very thick skin and much stronger bones. A dog can break a cat's ribs or paw with one bite. No cat stands a chance against a dog when it comes to satisfying its hunger.

and if we judge more precisely, the lynx and the wolf are stronger than the cat; the lynx has the advantage of powerful paws. sharp teeth. strong muscles.

wolf-advantages powerful jaw quick orientation good reaction lynx weight 25 wolf 30-50 kg lynx can kill a Caucasian Shepherd Dog (wolfhound) it’s not for nothing that they say so. After all, YouTube is full of videos of unsuccessful hunts for this cat! no dog can compare to this beast, let alone the same size!! Dog lovers have fallen asleep and it’s not worth taking information from left-wing sites, scientists have proven that cats are stronger than dogs, the fact that 3 healthy dogs can tear apart a kitten with one bite does not prove anything!!


Interesting Facts

Human friendship with dogs and cats is measured not in years, but in millennia. The former were domesticated more than 30 thousand years ago, the latter - 10 thousand years ago.

Over the many years of their devotion to people, dogs have mastered many professions well: hunter, shepherd and watchman. Over the years, these horizons have expanded. Dogs began to be used as driving force. And these days they may well be police officers, rescuers, guides, sappers and even postmen.

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Cats, according to most dog lovers, are practically useless, but this is not true. In ancient Egypt, they were tamed to fight mice that stole grain reserves. Today, some “purrs” have forgotten a little about their purpose, and prefer reclining on a comfortable sofa to hunting.

How to make the right choice

A comparative table of the characteristics of these animals will help you understand who is better, a dog or a cat.

the washing upHygiene procedures are necessary after each walk, in particular, washing the paws.Cats are clean. You can do without washing. Almost all breeds do not require special care. The exception is Exotics, Persians, hairless cats, but they do not require daily bathing either.
WoolAll varieties, except hairless ones, require regular combing. Many breeds are also groomable. Long-haired cats need to be brushed three times a week. During shedding, it is recommended to do this twice a day.
Only long-haired varieties require regular brushing; some short-haired breeds require regular brushing only during shedding.

Hairless cats - this procedure is not necessary.

ToiletFrom an early age it is necessary to accustom them to walking for the toilet or to a diaper for small breeds.You can learn to go to the tray or toilet in a few days.
They require litter box training from 2-3 months.
TrainingThey require training, are quite easy to train, there are special cynological schools.It is not customary to train cats, although many breeds quickly remember the simplest commands. There are no specialists for training.
Physical exerciseThroughout life, repeated daily walks and sufficient physical activity are required.Does not require walking. A sedentary lifestyle is most often compensated by special nutrition.
Attitude towards childrenMany breeds require special training to educate and correct correct behavior in human society.They only need affectionate and friendly treatment throughout their lives. Cases of aggression towards humans are very rare.

They were once gods

In 3000 B.C. Felines were worshiped as deities. The Egyptian goddess Bastet is one of the first. Her sister in folklore, Sekhmet, the warrior goddess of healing, was believed to have blown Egypt apart with her breath. Oh, and there's another thing called the Sphinx. You may have heard about this.

But feline worship does not belong to ancient Egyptian culture. There is also Dawon, the Hindu sacred tigress; Ket, Balinese "king of spirits"; and the entire pantheon of jaguar gods of the pre-Columbian Mayan era. In other words: your cat may have descended from a deity. Whether you believe in such things or not, it doesn't hurt to treat your cute pet like a god.

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They are killing machines

Before you judge a cat's sleeping habits, know that these long hours are less due to laziness and more due to evolutionary code. Cats are natural predators; Unlike other mammals that may have searched for food, cats had to hunt, which meant spending more time sleeping, saving energy for hunting.

For the same reason, most of this period of 12-16 hours is spent in light sleep. Before they became domesticated, felines had to sleep lightly in case prey - or a more dangerous predator - entered their territory.

Moreover, this centuries-old history of hunting has passed into modern times. According to a University of Georgia study, domestic cats are responsible for the death of 2.9 billion rodents and birds every year. That's all that needs to be said: your cat is a biological Terminator, and we would be drowning in rats if not for the cats' valiant efforts.

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Cats splash less water when they drink

As scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Princeton University have found, cats drink water much more efficiently than dogs. When a cat drinks, its tongue does not actually pierce the surface of the water; it forms a funnel that lifts water at three times the speed of gravity.

The dog, on the other hand, simply slams his tongue into the water bowl like a cannonball. This is scientific proof that cats rule and dogs drool—literally.

Differences in social intelligence

But social intellectual abilities are much better developed in dogs. These animals prefer to hunt in packs, because in order to successfully catch prey, it is important for them to communicate with each other. At the same time, during the hunting process, the roles of the members of the pack are clearly distributed.

Dogs understand people much better, because humans are also social creatures. That is why these animals, especially if they are specially trained, can carry out up to hundreds of different commands.

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