What is a dog’s pedigree: how to make documents for a dog and why are they needed?

It is impossible to live without documents in the twenty-first century, and not only for people, but also for dogs. For mongrel “bobbies” who do not claim a pennant or title, ordinary certificates and a veterinary passport are enough. Others are required to confirm their family tree. That is why the question of how to get documents for a dog arises sooner or later for everyone who has decided to have a four-legged friend.

Dog with documents

Why do dogs need documents?

When buying a purebred dog (puppy), it is advisable to ask the owners for help with paperwork for it, and check whether they themselves have them. Many owners, including dogs with a good pedigree, do not understand how to obtain a pedigree for a dog, or why they need any papers. After all, animals do not make any decisions on their own; they cannot break the rules, for example, of the road.

Dog metric

But documents are really necessary and are not a whim of the state:

  • if the exact age and breed of the puppy are known, you can find out in advance about all the problems associated with raising this breed (genetic diseases are inherited);
  • Some mongrels in their early stages have an external resemblance to purebred dogs. Documents that indicate the puppy’s parents and the time of his birth help to avoid deception;
  • If the dog does not have a pedigree or is not registered, then it will not be possible to exhibit it in various competitions.

If they buy a pet for themselves, do not plan to export it abroad, or crossbreed it in order to obtain purebred puppies for sale, then there is no need to worry about how to make a pedigree for the dog. But it is advisable to go to a veterinary clinic with the seller before purchasing. This will help protect you from purchasing a sick dog.

Where to submit documents?

Representatives of kennel clubs submit documents and paid receipts for obtaining official pedigrees to the RKF Central Office in Moscow. Previously, dog breeders did not have to resort to their mediation. In 2022, it will not be possible to correct the genealogy without representatives of cynological organizations.

Registration of pedigree

The process of obtaining an official pedigree for a pet consists of the following steps:

  • go to the administration of the kennel where the puppy was purchased or to the city kennel club;
  • find out if they are engaged in registration of pedigrees;
  • agree on a time frame (this will take approximately three months);
  • leave a puppy card;
  • appear at the appointed time for the finished pedigree.

Actually, the adult document looks like an extended version of the “puppy” and contains references to:

  • breed;
  • name;
  • date of birth;
  • suits;
  • gender;
  • owner and breeder;
  • stamp number.

To this is added a family tree with clan numbers and titles. On the back there is a protective holographic image in the form of a greyhound's head.

RKF emblem

What does the main set of documents look like?

Puppy metrics: what is it, what does a sample look like?

All purebred puppies born after a planned mating are issued a birth certificate (the card contains basic information about the dog, including its name).

Veterinary passport

It is issued by the dog handlers association or the kennel from which the dog was adopted. In addition to the metrics, the dog owner is required to:

  • “Act of mating of a breeding dog” (contains the date of mating, conditions, information about the owner of the dog). The document is drawn up in 3 copies, 2 of which are transferred to the owners of the male and female, and 1 remains in the organization that registered the fact of mating;
  • “Puppy inspection report” (breed qualities, color are described, and whether the dog’s external characteristics meet the requirements for a particular breed is indicated);
  • originals and copies of pedigrees of RKF parents;
  • diplomas from exhibitions (if the puppy’s parents exhibited);
  • veterinary passport (contains information about vaccinations, microchipping, diseases and treatment).

Important! As soon as the dog turns 1 year and 3 months old, the owner applies to the Russian Canine Federation for a certificate of origin. If the dog is planned to be exported abroad, then all documents must be prepared in accordance with international standards


The presence of a pedigree confirms the origin of the dog and its belonging to the corresponding breed. It is needed for breeding work, participation in exhibitions, for registration in the VERK (All-Russian Unified Pedigree Book). It is formalized through the department of a cynological organization or a kennel based on metrics according to the rules of the RKF. In other organizations there are exceptions - “zeros” are practiced.

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Nikitin Sergey

I write about dogs based on the experience and knowledge gained during my studies as a veterinarian, work in my specialty, and simply from observing my pets.

Why does a dog need a pedigree?

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Pedigree is needed only for those who plan:

  • participate with your pet in exhibitions and competitions (for hunting with a dog and using it as a guide);
  • engage in breeding purebred dogs for sale.

Certificate of origin

This document proves the puppy’s relationship with other members of the family - mother, father, grandparents. He contains:

  • the number assigned to the dog when registering the birth certificate, as well as information about the breeder (full name, address);
  • male family tree;
  • female family tree.

The pedigree may be incomplete. This happens when there is not enough information to be sure of the origin of the dog, for example, there is no information about the relatives on the part of the female who produced the puppy.

Important! There are two versions of the pedigree - for use on the territory of the Russian Federation and for export outside its borders (export). The samples are different.

Breeding dogs: what you need to know?

Some owners of purebred dogs (i.e. dogs that have a meter) breed their four-legged pets without registering their litters, because they believe that it takes too much time and effort to be allowed to breed.

To be fair, I would like to note that such breeding of dogs only harms the breed, while pedigree breeding of dogs is aimed specifically at improving the quality of the livestock.

It makes more sense to spend a little time and do everything according to the rules, because then you will not have mongrels on your hands, but purebred puppies that you can adopt with a clear conscience.

First mating of a male Do I need to untie a male? Sexual diseases of dogs Does a bitch need mating? How to place puppies in good hands First mating of a dog (girls) Estrus in dogs

How to make an expert assessment of a dog without participating in exhibitions?

Something like this.

  1. 3,084 messages
  2. City:Moscow, Mitino
  3. Forum resident
  4. Female gender
  5. Users.
  6. 3 540

And exhibitions are held not only in Moscow.

  1. 27 354
  2. Aksakal
  3. 23,541 messages
  4. Female gender
  5. City:Moscow, South
  6. Annabelle

It is quite possible to invite an experienced breeder, pay for the travel and visit. The exhibition will cost less.

  1. Users.
  2. Moscow city
  3. 37 messages
  4. Newbie

It is quite possible to invite an experienced breeder, pay for the travel and visit.

The exhibition will cost less. How to contact an experienced breeder?

  1. Aksakal
  2. 6 354
  3. Users.
  4. 8,340 messages

What you need to know to breed dogs

I am not a huge proponent of breeding dogs for the sole purpose of producing an overall winner of all shows, but the numbers show that this method is quite effective.

Any breeder who annually has many litters of fairly poor quality may wonder whether he should reconsider his system of selecting sires.

However, in my opinion, a breeder should keep as many dogs as his kennel allows, and no more.

Bitches are the basis of the kennel For most people, caring for more than six dogs alone is almost impossible, especially if they are involved in other work.

If you are a small breeder with six or fewer dogs, it makes more sense for you to keep six females rather than a mix of females and males.

I justify this argument as follows: you can take the bitch to the best stud dog in the whole country as long as you have the money to pay for his services.

Can any registered dog receive a diploma at the show?

You go to at least one exhibition. Without a dog, as a spectator, it’s free. And then a couple of times with the dog, but without recording, but just so that she gets used to the noise, to the crowd and a large number of dogs.

Look how the dogs are shown. There's nothing wrong there. When it’s your turn (Shar Pei bitches will be called into the ring), you will go in with the dog and do the same as the others.

Then everyone stops, the dogs are placed in exhibition stands (the dog must be taught to stand upright for 2-3 minutes in advance, look at what the Shar Pei stands look like in the photo, and place it that way). The expert approaches each dog, examines it, looks at its teeth, and sometimes feels it (she must tolerate this calmly - teach in advance, asking friends and acquaintances to play the role of the expert).

How to get an assessment for a dog?

For some, it is enough to exercise for 5 minutes a day, while for others it is necessary for an hour and a half.

After all, the tandem between a person and a dog, which I spoke about above, is not so easy to achieve, especially if the dog is exhibited by its owner, who still has very little experience and needs to understand and assimilate the information himself. If we are talking about a professional, then it may take 5 minutes or 20

I repeat once again that this is very individual. It is also important to pay attention to the dog’s age, temperament characteristics, etc.

So, for example, with an adult dog with an already formed character, you can work out longer.

But for a junior with an unsettled character, and even more so for a puppy, as well as for a bitch in heat, it is better not to make classes too long.3. At what age can you start preparing a puppy for a show career? It is best to start training a puppy as early as two months. Those. As soon as you take a puppy into your home, you can already start training the stance and teaching him to show his teeth.4.

Who prepares the pedigree (RKF, SKOR)

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Two cynological organizations are engaged in extracting pedigrees for huskies and other dogs - RKF and SKOR. The first places high demands on the purity of the breed. Its employees check the puppy's ancestors with special care, and culls are frequent. Getting a pedigree from RKF is not easy. It is better to find out from the breeder when purchasing what these RKF documents are for a dog, and whether it will be possible to obtain them.

The requirements for dogs whose owners contacted SCOR are less stringent. Here, according to some experts, there is a wrong attitude towards the selection of breeding individuals; the lines of descent are not pure. Because of this, owners cannot always exhibit a dog or go with it to an international competition. Pedigree from RKF is highly valued, there are no problems with it.

To avoid difficulties with breeding and registering litters, dog breeders are advised to also register with the RKF and submit the dog for testing (you need to participate in at least 3 exhibitions). If everything ends successfully, the dog is given a registered pedigree.

Pedigree SKOR

Certificate of kerung results

To obtain this document, the dog must undergo a special selection based on identifying working qualities, breeding merits, behavioral factors, and anatomical features of the breed.

This form is usually issued for breeding dogs of German Shepherds and Rottweilers after they have passed breeding selection. All events are carried out by specialists from the canine federation or Russian canine organizations according to a schedule approved by them. Dogs over 18 months of age are eligible for selection.

Draft about passing the breeding selection (Kerung) of the German Shepherd (Rkf.org.ru)

Draft document on passing the breeding selection (kerung) of the German Shepherd – page 2 (Rkf.org.ru)

What is a zero or registered pedigree?

A zero or registered pedigree is issued in the RKF for dogs that have a pedigree from SKOR, whose ancestors cannot be determined (the bitch and male from whom the puppy was born did not have formalized documents, but they were purebred). In fact, this means that a puppy with zero pedigree is considered the founder of the family.

He is recognized as a thoroughbred, can receive titles and be exhibited at events organized within the framework of the RKF, but he cannot become a National Champion (limitation). Puppies born after his mating will also not have a graph in their metric - the family tree of the parents. But they are already allowed to fight for the championship title.

Puppy metrics (puppy card, “puppy”)

Not knowing what documents the dog should have, they start by filling out the registration certificate. It can be compared with a person’s birth certificate; there is almost the same data, but the following is also indicated:

  • name and number of the certificate of origin of the dog’s parents (pedigree);
  • information about the breeder and owner of the dog.

Form No. 1

The card consists of a main part and a detachable part (it remains with the owner after transferring the metric to RKF or SKOR to obtain a pedigree).

The document bears the RKF seal. If it is not there, it is considered invalid. “Puppy” is issued even if the puppy is born with defects. A record about the presence of such is created in the column provided for this. A mature dog must have a pedigree drawn up.

Important! The presence of a puppy's certificate does not give the right to organize mating and subsequent recognition of offspring born from a dog with only a card as purebred. Most likely, such puppies will not be able to participate in exhibitions.

Documents of RKF and SKOR - are there any differences?

There are two large organizations in Russia that unite professional breeders and amateur dog breeders. The most numerous is RKF. The metrics and certificates issued by the Russian Cynological Federation are recognized as valid at the global level. Expert assessments by specialists from this organization allow animals to be exhibited at shows of any level - national and international.

RKF holds, along with national and international exhibitions, the results of which are recognized by the International Cynological Association - FCI. Metrics and pedigrees issued by the RKF have more weight than those issued by SKOR. The “Certificate of Origin” issued by the RKF opens up the opportunity for pets to participate in exhibitions, both national and international, held abroad.

Another thing is SKOR. This abbreviation stands for the Union of Cynological Associations of Russia. The national organization issues metrics that have weight only in Russia and neighboring countries. Therefore, a pet can participate only at exhibitions held in its country.

Several years ago, SCOR documents were recognized by the RKF; they could even be exchanged for RKF pedigrees after participating in several exhibitions with a positive assessment of the dog by experts. This path is now closed. The reason is that the procedure for obtaining SCOR documents is too simple. They are received mainly by those who do not dream of their favorite’s victories at the international level. If the puppy’s parents do not have documents, but their breed is beyond doubt, then you can go this way:

  • participate in the SKOR exhibition;
  • get an expert description and opinion on the breed;
  • register the dog;
  • exchange it for a pedigree.

How to get a pedigree

In order not to subsequently have problems with registering the pedigree, immediately after the birth of the puppies they contact the RKF or the Union of Cynological Associations of Russia for a metric. For this:

  • write an application requesting registration of the litter (address of the kennel or dog owner, signature and seal are required);
  • draw up a litter inspection report and provide it to the inspection officer (the document contains the date of examination and birth of puppies that are at least 45 days old and no more than 3 months old);
  • You need a breeding card of the parent and a referral for mating of the bitch and male, and a litter registration card (permission for mating is issued by the club in which the dogs belong).

The report notes the number of puppies in the litter, not forgetting those who were rejected or left for review. First they mark the males, and then the females, writing the brand numbers in order.

After receiving the metric, they wait 6 or 15 months (the deadline after which the metric becomes invalid) and go for the pedigree. The sequence of actions is approximately the same. You will also need to write a statement. But this time, instead of collecting additional documents, in most cases they get by with metrics.

Important! It is impossible to re-register a pedigree made in SCOR with the RKF, so an organization that will issue the document is selected in advance.

Registration of a pedigree without metrics

The pedigree can be filled out without metrics. The main condition is the presence of a truly purebred puppy. Even if he doesn’t have a card (lost, damaged), then he definitely has a stamp. All documents are restored using its number. They make a duplicate of the metric and after that a pedigree.

As an option, they contact SCOR and draw up a zero pedigree, in which they do not indicate who the dog’s ancestors are. This question needs to be clarified on the spot; if there is a suspicion about the purity of the dog’s breed, the documents will be refused.

How much does a dog's pedigree cost?

To obtain accurate information, please visit the RKF website. The registration period depends on the amount the owner is willing to pay. The standard procedure takes at least 15 days, but the expedited procedure is completed in 1 day. The average price ranges between 1 and 2 thousand rubles for citizens of the Russian Federation and between 3 and 4 thousand rubles* for foreigners (Belarus, neighboring countries). It all depends on the timing.

At the exhibition

How to restore a pedigree if it has been lost

If you have lost your pedigree:

  • contact the breeder from whom the dog was purchased;
  • the breeder sends a request to fci asking for duplicates of the document.

If the breeder is unknown, the pedigree is restored using the puppy's brand or card (you will have to take part in the exhibition). The stamp number is reported to the RKF, and all further actions are performed following the instructions of specialists from this organization.

The presence of a puppy card in your hands indicates that documents for an adult dog were not prepared in the required way. This means that there never was a pedigree; we will have to make one.

International veterinary passport

Not many people know what a dog passport looks like and why it is needed. But this document is really important. It contains information about the animal and its owner (including contact details), information about:

  • types and timing of vaccine administration;
  • preventive and therapeutic measures;
  • whether the animal was chipped (the chip number of 15 characters is indicated);
  • presence of a brand (to travel to EU countries you need a chip, but a tattoo helps prove the right to a dog, which is why purebred dogs are often branded).

A dog passport is issued immediately after the first vaccine is administered to the puppy, at approximately 1.5-2 months. It also includes the characteristics of the animal, the color of its coat, its size (belonging to a specific breed and nickname are also indicated).

All procedures performed are marked in the passport with special stickers, stamped with the seal of the clinic, the doctor and his signature. The document is submitted to the State Veterinary Service, whose employees are responsible for issuing permits for the removal of dogs from the country.

Important! If, instead of a veterinarian’s stamp, the passport bears the stamp of the club to which the dog belongs, then the document is considered invalid. The dog must receive all vaccinations 1 month before the planned trip. If she has been taken to the veterinarian for a long time (1 year or more), then they first make an appointment with the doctor and undergo an examination, and only after that they decide whether leaving is possible.


List of documents for taking a dog abroad

The main document that is asked from animal owners when crossing the border correctly is Certificate in Form No. 1. It is issued by the State Veterinary Service on the basis of:

  • veterinary passport;
  • dog breeder's passports;
  • providing the dog for inspection by service employees;
  • evidence of the presence of a chip in the animal.

Important! The certificate allows you to transport any animal in public land or air transport.

In addition to Form No. 1, take with you:

  • international dog passport;
  • certificate in form 5a.

Certificate form 5a is needed for departure to the EU. It is issued if there is a certificate in Form No. 1, a chip and the owner’s foreign passport.

All documents for animals must be completed no earlier than 3 days before the trip. Certificate 5a is done before boarding a train, car or plane.

Sometimes customs officers, upon entering a foreign country, require you to present a document confirming that the dog does not have rabies (antibody test). It takes up to 10 days to receive it, so when planning a train trip, it is better to call the consulate or embassy and clarify the information you are interested in (contact the migration service).

How does the acquisition take place?

The process of buying a puppy usually occurs on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement. It can be either oral or written (Article 137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In European countries, the sale of a puppy is never complete without a written contract, while in Russia they often settle on an oral agreement.

If the seller is ready to draw up a purchase and sale agreement, you can be confident in his integrity and in the high quality of the purchased animal.

It is also worth noting that, on the basis of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 179), taxes are not collected from the offspring of one’s own dog.

What document is required to participate in international exhibitions?

The process of preparing a dog for an exhibition begins by searching for one in your city and signing up for participation. In order for a puppy to be admitted to the first competition in his life, he must:

  • chip it or put a stamp on it;
  • create a metric.

Adult dogs are required to have a pedigree. Also available should be:

  • veterinary passport (rabies vaccination 30 days before the exhibition is required);
  • certificate in form No. 1 (F1).

It is better to make copies of all documents and take them with you.

Purebred dog

Breeding certificates

Such a document is issued to dogs with a purebred pedigree, with confirmation in the form of certificates of the absence of dysplasia and other joint anomalies, and necessarily after passing a breeding examination. Applicants over 9 months of age and meeting all the characteristics of the breed are subject to this procedure. To issue a breeding certificate, RKF specialists need to check the dog’s pedigree, make sure that all documents are available, that the exterior and working qualities comply with breed standards.

To do this, you need to get positive marks at certificate shows and during breeding inspections.

How to distinguish fake from real papers

Often, unscrupulous owners try to sell puppies born at the wrong time or from unsuitable bitches, passing them off as purebreds. To do this, they falsify documents. To avoid becoming the owner of a mongrel mongrel:

  • They check the presence of signatures and seals of RKF or SKOR on the metric. All documents come with a specific number. This is also assigned to the parents of the puppies. You can call the RKF and find out whether the dogs had permission to mate.
  • They study the veterinary passport (if it does not exist yet, they ask you to register it together before paying the fee).

It is better not to buy purebred dogs from your own hands, of course only if you plan to take them to an exhibition in the future. Any dog, even a completely mongrel dog from the yard, will be suitable as a faithful friend.

The process of obtaining documents for a dog does not take much time. If the breeder or seller is honest, then everything will be done in the shortest possible time. For purebred puppies, records are drawn up and a passport is issued at the veterinary clinic. To confirm the status of an adult dog, a pedigree is made through RKF or SKOR.

*Prices are current as of December 2022.

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