6 methods to calm a cat when she asks for a cat at home

What to do if a cat goes into heat, and the instinct of procreation makes itself felt with unbearable yelling, meowing and other characteristic signs? Looking for a groom over and over again and producing endless kittens is not an option. The physical capabilities of the cat's body are not limitless, and chronic pregnancy threatens serious health problems. Sterilization also has its pros and cons, and when deciding on surgery, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. Therefore, first it makes sense to try to calm your pet in ways that are not capable of causing him serious harm.

Diet correction

Since cats have a weak appetite during estrus, veterinarians recommend following a certain diet. It is better to feed the animal in fractional portions, but throughout the day. In the evening it is advisable to eat light food, and in the daytime you can limit yourself to a minimal amount of food. The main thing is not to overdo it with forced fasting, and if the cat itself asks for some treat, then satisfy all its desires. And one more important point - there should always be fresh and clean water in the drinking bowl.

How to determine heat: characteristic symptoms

Each animal may reach puberty at a different age. Some pets show heat for the first time at the age of 6 months, while others show signs of the onset of estrus at 9-10 months.

However, as soon as the rut begins, the owner will not be able to help but notice the strange behavior of his pet. The changed state of a cat during estrus is explained by a powerful hormonal surge. An animal in this state is practically unrecognizable. A cat that has been on a spree constantly meows for no reason, becomes either affectionate or aggressive, screams incessantly at night, tears wallpaper and furniture upholstery.

Other symptoms of binge drinking:

  • frequent urination;
  • secretion of clear mucus and an increase in the size of the genital organs;
  • frequent licking under the tail;
  • changes in appetite, which can either increase or decrease.

To prevent the animal from suffering in the future, it is better to decide to sterilize it.
Estrus in cats is a natural process that cannot be stopped. If the owner intends to breed offspring, mating is carried out when the first symptoms appear, after which the animal calms down. If the owner does not want to breed kittens, it is better to do sterilization instead of medications. The operation will help to stop the rut forever; in addition, after the procedure, the risk of developing various inflammatory and tumor diseases of the genitourinary system is reduced. If for some reason sterilization is impossible, the owner needs to take measures to alleviate the suffering of his four-legged pet.


Not the most effective way to calm a cat at home, but in some cases it really works. During heat, you need to “move” her into a separate room and provide her with maximum comfort. You can put a warm heating pad under the bed, place bowls of food and water nearby, and also try to avoid situations that could frighten or irritate the already emotionally unstable state of the pet.

If there is also a cat living in the house, the animals should be isolated from each other. To calm the instinct that is running wild, you should not let your cat go outside if it is accustomed to walking “free.” In this way, you can not only limit her communication with her relatives, but also avoid an unplanned pregnancy.


If you do not want your cat's offspring, then you can sterilize it. You may think that this is bad for your pet. If you don’t have any plans for kittens, then believe me that this is the most humane way to calm the animal for both him and you. At the moment there are amazing doctors who will perform this operation. Medicine does not stand still and, even in veterinary clinics, operations are performed using a sutureless method, after which the sutures dissolve on their own. The pet will behave completely adequately and exhibit only slight drowsiness.

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The big advantage of sterilization is the increase in the life of the cat . On average, a sterilized cat lives 5 or even 10 years longer. She does not need to be allowed outside, which protects her from other diseases that can be transmitted to her from street cats or insects. The cat will feel comfortable at home and not be exposed to unnecessary danger, which can reassure many owners. An important factor will also be that you can save time, because you won’t have to bathe your pet so often, which simply won’t get dirty on the street.

So, first of all, you need to determine whether it is in heat or whether it may be that your beloved pet is suffering from another illness.

Signs that your cat is in heat:

  • increased affection - she purrs from any touch, rubs against corners, all kinds of objects, rolls on the floor;
  • loss of appetite, even if the cat previously loved to eat;
  • the genitals swell and clear fluid is released;
  • starts going to the toilet more often;
  • if you start stroking the animal’s lower spine, it will begin to arch and raise the back of its body;
  • the pet meows very loudly and this continues day and night, which brings the owner the greatest discomfort.

You can tolerate heat, but it is detrimental to your pet's health. You can endure 2 heats, but on the 3rd and 4th you will need to get the cat into heat, otherwise she will begin to have health problems. It is also dangerous for her to have a castrated cat, since this will not satisfy her need to give birth to kittens. The cat will not be fertilized; its empty ovulations will harm its health and lead to gynecological diseases. Estrus that does not result in pregnancy causes changes in the pet's uterus and ovaries.

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More attention

The proverb “A kind word pleases a cat” will be more relevant than ever. During the period of sexual heat, the animal requires many times more affection and tenderness. It's time to test your level of patience - pet, hug and hold in your arms more often, even if your nerves are stretched like a string from endless meows and inappropriate behavior. The only restriction is not to touch the cat in the area of ​​the sacrum, so as not to provoke further attacks of desire. Massage has a good calming effect.

How often and how long does sexual intercourse last?

The average frequency of estrus in pets is once a quarter, and its duration is 5-7 days. Deviation of these values ​​up or down is acceptable, but only in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system.

If heat occurs every 3 weeks or once every six months, and its duration exceeds 3 weeks or lasts less than 5 days, consult a veterinarian. Your pet may need to be examined.

Females living outside are close to wild conditions. Therefore, they estrus occurs once every six months, and this is normal.

Folk remedies

Unlike medications, folk remedies do not differ in their duration of action, but still have their advantages. The most important of them is absolute safety for health. Alternatively, you can try the following methods to calm yourself down:

  • Decoctions of herbs that have a sedative effect. For example, lemon balm, mint, caraway, chamomile. Prepare according to package instructions, cool until warm and strain. Drinking this helps relieve anxiety for a short time and improve sleep.
  • Dissolve a small amount of soda in milk (at the tip of a knife) and pour into the drinking bowl.

  • Take 1 tablet each of diphenhydramine and valerian, crush finely and mix with food. This will help calm the cat for about a day. An alternative is to simply give her a sealed bottle of valerian.
  • Brush the cat's face with butter. The animal will have to lick itself for a long time and, as a result, there will be a temporary lull.

How to understand that a cat is in estrus, and features of the first heat

Puberty occurs at 7-12 months. Its onset can be easily determined by the following signs:

  • rolling on the floor;
  • periodic raising of the rear part of the body followed by abduction of the tail;
  • loud and prolonged meowing or intense purring;
  • leaving odorous marks on vertical surfaces and actively rubbing against objects;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent licking of the perineum;
  • swelling of the vulva and the appearance of clear discharge.

A cat's first "menstruation" is not suitable for mating. It is the shortest and less pronounced.


Calming tablets are the most radical way to correct the hormonal levels of “walking” cats. Conventionally, they can be divided into two main types:

  • Hormonal. They block sexual arousal, interrupting estrus. There are many drugs of domestic and foreign production on sale, the most popular of which are “Stop Intim”, “Gestrenol”, “Sex Barrier”, “Anti Meow”, “Pillkan”.
  • Mild sedatives, including homeopathic ones. Tablet drops “Cat Bayun”, “Feliway”, as well as “Suprastin” or regular “Valocordin” help relieve emotional and physical stress.

  • Ferromones. The synthetic ferromone “Feliway”, produced in the form of a diffuser, shows itself well in practice. The device is connected to an outlet and operates within the entire apartment or a separate room (depending on the area). One package is designed to be used for approximately 4 weeks.

You can now see the current price of sedatives and buy them right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:

Which of the above methods will work can only be determined by trial and error. The main thing is to be patient and understand that the cat is not engaged in “sabotage” on purpose, but at the call of nature.


Calming pills are the most emergency way to calm the heat. In this case, the owner must understand the risk he is taking, because these are hormonal medications and, after taking them, there can be very bad consequences; tumors may begin to form in your pet.

When purchasing such products, seek help from a veterinarian because only an experienced specialist can help you choose the right medicine that will help calm and not harm your pet so much during estrus.

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There are cases when a cat during heat was calmed by classical music. For example, works by Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky. Such cases are quite rare and depend on the character of your pet. Calm music stimulates the cat's desire to sleep and this helps calm the pet's heat.

Has the cat gone on a spree or not?

First, you need to understand what is happening to the pet. Cats are independent animals, it’s not for nothing that people say: “A cat walks on its own!” They love their owners and are devoted to them, but at the same time they always keep their distance. People have to be extremely attentive to their pets.

Less than a year after birth, cats become sexually mature and begin to walk.

Now they are able to mate. We must remember that males are ready to meet a female at any time. Is your pet acting strange? Some signs that a cat has gone on a spree:

  • the animal behaves aggressively towards its owners and other pets;
  • the cat marks the territory;
  • obsessive desire to leave the house, take a walk;
  • screams inviting a female;
  • frequent urination.


If the cat has gone on a spree for the first time, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian. A competent specialist will tell you how to behave in this situation, and most importantly, how to calm the cat. Professional advice and guidance is always needed. After all, we are talking about a living being. Any mistake can harm the pet and add problems and troubles to the owners.

When is it better to do without medications?

It is recommended to stop using medications if your cat has severe chronic diseases, especially diabetes. In addition, the medication should not be used if the animal has been diagnosed with neoplasms in the genitourinary system. The use of a hormonal agent can stimulate their rapid growth.

Further use of Antisex is contraindicated if the cat showed signs of an allergic reaction after taking it. Treatment with medication is unacceptable if the animal has previously had swelling of the mammary glands. It is necessary to discontinue further use of Antisex and other hormonal drugs in case of side effects such as increased appetite in the cat and a sharp change in its behavior.

Description of the drug

The drug Antisex is a hormonal drug containing a synthetic progestogen. The substances present in this medication act on the gonads of cats. This leads to the fact that the animal’s estrus stops and sexual rest occurs.

The maximum doses of this drug are required only during the period when the animal begins to walk. In the future, you need to give a maintenance amount of the drug, which prolongs the period of sexual rest. The product is designed for long-term use. It is necessary to take into account that this drug is hormonal, therefore it has a complex effect on the animal’s body.


Different people may experience different symptoms and with different severity. Most often, an allergic reaction manifests itself in the form of:

  • Nasal congestion and/or runny nose
  • Coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath
  • Itching/burning/swelling of the nasopharynx
  • Inflammation, swelling of the eyes, lacrimation

Direct skin contact may cause:

  • Itching and burning
  • Irritation and dryness
  • Rash/redness

If the allergen gets into the stomach, which often happens in children, the reaction appears in the form of:

  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain

Rating of the best suspensions, gels and tablets

Veda Cat Bayun

Sterilization is considered the last resort option for pacifying a cat. If we analyze the bestsellers, this medicine occupies a leading position. Despite the budget price, the efficiency is excellent. Refers to herbal preparations. Helps cope with sexual behavior disorders, eliminate aggression, reduce the level of screaming, and minimize urine marking of household items. It is advisable to start giving it to your pets when they reach ten months of age. Consists of infusions, decoctions and extracts. The main components are peony root, nettle leaf, peppermint, ivy bud, thyme, cudweed, catnip, valerian, sweet clover. Available in biconvex tablets of light yellow or white color. Marbling and inclusions are practically invisible. Packing – 50 tablets.

Purchase price – 155 rubles.

Veda Cat Bayun


  • reasonable cost;
  • general strengthening properties;
  • antispasmodic effect;
  • saturating the body with the most important plant components;
  • with behavior correction function.


  • not identified.

Astrapharm CounterSex Neo

The tablets are intended for cats during estrus. Can only be given upon reaching puberty. The main ingredient is acetobumedone. Additives include calcium stearate, potato starch, milk sugar, and dyes. The drug is quickly absorbed and is excreted from the body in the urine within two days. The composition is administered orally. In most cases it is added to food. The dosage depends on the weight of the animal. Belongs to the category of contraceptives. Eliminates signs of sexual arousal. Taken for three to five days in a row. Reproductive function is restored three months after stopping the medication. One tablet is designed for 5 kg of weight. Two tablets per day are enough to prevent pregnancy.

The average cost is 127 rubles.

Astrapharm CounterSex Neo


  • compatibility with other drugs;
  • no contraindications;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of use.


  • not installed.

Apicenna Stop-Stress

The tablets provide a gentle and effective effect on your pet’s nervous system. The dosage is convenient. The speed of action is impressive. The calming effect is achieved in a matter of minutes. Addiction does not occur even with prolonged use. Can be used for preventive purposes. Removes aggression and fear, calms. The maximum course is 4 weeks. It is advisable to carry out a repeated course after consultation with a veterinarian. Can be used along with other contraceptives.

Purchase price – 179 rubles.

Apicenna Stop-Stress


  • positive reviews;
  • value for money;
  • sold at any specialized retail outlet;
  • safety;
  • reliability.


  • none.

Apicenna Stop-Stress Plus

The product is in the form of a suspension. The composition contains natural amino acids that help remove the animal from a stressful situation, normalize behavior, remove aggressiveness and excessive excitability. Does not contain genetically modified products. In appearance it resembles a viscous yellowish liquid. The dose depends on the weight of the animal and is measured using a special dispenser syringe included in the kit. The medicine can be added to food or treats. The drug is given twice a day: morning and evening. No complications or side effects were identified. If an allergic reaction occurs, you should immediately stop using the supplement.

The average cost is 249 rubles.

Apicenna Stop-Stress Plus


  • ease of use;
  • efficiency;
  • negative symptoms do not appear;
  • safety;
  • practicality;
  • acceptable price.


  • Individual intolerance is possible.

To be or not to be offspring?

The owner of a grown-up cat recently began to complain: “How can you not go crazy, get enough sleep at night and not harm your pet?”

These three questions in one force cat owners to look for answers on the websites and forums of breeders and veterinarians.

Discussions on social networks recommend that the owner decide on the main question: whether to get children from his pet or whether kittens are not included in the family’s life plans. There is no third option.

Felinologists advise sterilizing an animal if:

  • there is no desire, time and opportunity to breed cat offspring;
  • The cat is not suitable for breeding work.

After all, after sterilization, the mental health of the furry beauty will be fine, and the age-related risk of oncology of the reproductive system will be reduced to zero.

Mating and its rules

The first mating is carried out no earlier than the third “menstruation”, that is, only after reaching physiological maturity. The frequency of all subsequent matings should be no more than 2 times a year, and after reaching 6-8 years the animal must be excluded from breeding. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing infertility, miscarriages and other complications.

In addition to age restrictions, it is important to follow certain safety rules. When looking for a partner, be sure to ask his owner for documents reflecting his state of health. To avoid accidental infection, both participants are pre-vaccinated and dewormed.

“ All about mating cats

Has the cat gone on a spree or not?

First, you need to understand what is happening to the pet. Cats are independent animals, it’s not for nothing that people say: “A cat walks on its own!” They love their owners and are devoted to them, but at the same time they always keep their distance. People have to be extremely attentive to their pets.

Now they are able to mate. We must remember that males are ready to meet a female at any time. Is your pet acting strange? Some signs that a cat has gone on a spree:

  • the animal behaves aggressively towards its owners and other pets;
  • the cat marks the territory;
  • obsessive desire to leave the house, take a walk;
  • screams inviting a female;
  • frequent urination.

If your cat goes on a spree for the first time, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian. A competent specialist will tell you how to behave in this situation, and most importantly, how to calm the cat. Professional advice and guidance is always needed. After all, we are talking about a living being. Any mistake can harm the pet and add problems and troubles to the owners.

Chemical composition and mechanism of action

Antisex contains 2 components:

  • ethinyl estradiol;
  • mepregenol acetate.

These substances have a depressing effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain, which is responsible for controlling the production of sex gonadotropic hormones in cats. The drug has an antiestrogenic and antiovulatory effect. It helps eliminate sexual desire in the animal.

Absorption of the main active substance occurs from the gastrointestinal tract. After this, it is processed in the liver tissues, where it breaks down into simpler substances, incl. conjugates and steroids. Decomposition products are excreted in feces and urine. After completing a course of therapy with this medication, up to 90% of the active substance is eliminated within 15 days.

How to calm an animal

  • One of the easiest and simplest ways is to give your pet as much affection and attention as possible. Many argue that it is better not to touch a cat during sexual activity; this statement is considered erroneous. On the contrary, showing as much attention and affection as possible will allow the purr to calm down and relieve tension.
  • Also, do not forget about your pet’s active games. Active games distract her and give her physical exercise. In order to at least slightly distract the pet from the great desire to procreate, it is worth giving her a good drive, thereby she will get rid of the accumulated energy and get a little tired. After such games, the pet is unlikely to want to walk around the house and scream hysterically.
  • You can temporarily calm a screaming cat by bathing it, so the cat, licking itself, will give you several hours of peace and tranquility. But you can only bathe your cat if your home is warm and there are no drafts.
  • During heat, try to feed your pet often and in small portions; while she is eating, she will naturally be busy; such feeding will also have a beneficial effect on digestion and the condition of the body as a whole.

Such methods do not always help, but in many cases they calm and distract her for a short time; most importantly, they are completely harmless to your pet’s health.

You can calm the animal with the help of sedatives, such as herbal infusion Kot Bayun and special Anti-Stress drops. They are completely safe and help correct the pet’s behavior during estrus. Should be used following the instructions. They are especially helpful if your pet is having a hard time in estrus and is in a constant stressful situation.

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