2000+ most popular nicknames for Russian hounds boys and girls

Hound dogs are a large group of hunting dog breeds. Representatives of these breeds are able to detect an animal by following its scent and chase it until it is exhausted. The entire process of corralling is accompanied by a loud, booming bark. Hounds are the voice of hunting with a dog, therefore the names among them are appropriate. The sonorous, accurate, laconic nicknames of the hounds of the old hunts immediately determined their belonging to one breed or another.

Rules for choosing dog names

Russian traditions in breeding hounds are something that must be carefully preserved. Every experienced owner of such a dog is sure of this. At the same time, the main attention is paid not only to the extent to which young and inexperienced breeders try to follow traditions, but also to the relationship between the distinctive features of the breed and the names of dogs of this variety.

For hounds you need to choose special nicknames

A careless attitude towards terminology and naming of hunting dogs has led to a decline in the culture of breeding such dogs and the elimination of their distinctive characteristics. This is why strange names such as Diana, Alba, Kazan, Fairy, Alma, Jack, Elma, Token, Dinka, Pirate, Parma, Tarzan, Geisha, Bandit, Shaitan or Tanay do not suit this breed, and the person who gives such a name for your dog cannot be called a real dog breeder.

Another negative side is that many breeders choose names for their hunting assistants according to their characteristics - Kholui, Snore, which is also unacceptable.

For your information! To make this process easier, experts recommend using a dictionary of beagle-appropriate nicknames. This will help you choose a more harmonious name.

Beautiful and rare Russian names

History says that the homeland of hound dogs is Russia, so when choosing a nickname for your pet, you can refer to the list of ancient Russian names. Such a name will emphasize the origin of your dog and will sound very beautiful.

Russian girls:

  • Alevtina;
  • Varvara;
  • Lukerya;
  • Bogdana;
  • Yesenia;
  • Yarina;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Zlata;
  • Clara;
  • Aksinya;
  • Pelagia;
  • Muse;
  • Vitalina;
  • Iolanta;
  • Juno;
  • Nymphodora;
  • Aurora;
  • Taisiya;
  • Miroslava;
  • Virinea;
  • Bozena;
  • Matryona;
  • Antonida;
  • Tsvetana;
  • Ilyana;
  • Vikentia;
  • Fun;
  • Glad;
  • Yaroslav.

Russian boys:

  • Zakhar;
  • Prokhor;
  • Ignatius;
  • Hermann;
  • Arseny;
  • Vianor;
  • Bogdan;
  • Nicodemus;
  • Onuphry;
  • Panteleimon;
  • Spiridon;
  • Terenty;
  • Ustin;
  • Florenty;
  • Zinovy;
  • Lavrenty;
  • Onesimus;
  • Kuzma;
  • Plato;
  • Hippolytus;
  • Boreslav;
  • Arkhip;
  • Vsevolod;
  • Lukyan;
  • Svetozar;
  • Dormidont;
  • Ermolai;
  • Irakli;
  • Lavrenty;
  • Methodius;
  • Demyan;
  • Kondrat;
  • Thomas;
  • Yaropolk.

Beautiful Yesenia.

Factors that may influence the choice of name

Nicknames of male dogs: original Russian names

There are many dog ​​breeds and varieties. But to choose a nickname for your dog, you need to take into account other indicators besides the breed. Some animals have clear voices, others are very bold or strong, and still others move amazingly quickly. All these qualities can be very well used as a basis for choosing a dog’s name, although, of course, you also need to evaluate its appearance and size.

Important! A name for a puppy should be chosen immediately after purchase or birth, so that he remembers it from the first days.

Family tree

You can make a choice based on the names of the puppy’s parents or pedigree features. When a purebred dog is born, professional breeders at the kennel draw up documents indicating the details of the mother, father and litter number. They also assign names to the puppies, which can be saved, reduced or enlarged.

Dogs most often receive nicknames that begin with the first letter of the mother's name. Often the entire gender is named by a letter or similar sound.

Note! If a hunter intends to have several dogs, it is better to name them differently so that the animals do not make mistakes during the hunt.

Pedigree of the dog


The ideal dog nickname should be short and loud. Names with unvoiced sounds are more difficult for animals to understand. The clearer the letters in the name and the more audible the vowel, the better. Sibilant letters should be avoided. In this regard, good nicknames are Thunder, Ray or Bim. For dogs that can run long distances in a race, it is especially important to have such a sonorous name, since a clear name allows it to be heard from afar.


You can choose a nickname based on the puppy’s character and behavior. Some dogs are cheerful, lively and active, while others, on the contrary, are phlegmatic. But you shouldn’t jump to conclusions right away, since in the first days after an animal arrives in a new home, it needs time to get comfortable and get used to it. At first the dog will be scared, and then he will appear in all his glory.

Note! For dogs that bark loudly, the name Krikun will come in handy; for provocative, bold males - Alpha; for stately, beautiful females - Uli, Athena, Lucy, Vesta and Bella. More telling options are also possible - Grozny, Sonya, Naughty, Clever.


The color of a dog depends on the breed, but every dog ​​has its own characteristics - a mole, height, eye color. The most noticeable feature can become the basis for choosing a nickname. For example, Black or Chernysh, Red, Zlata, Bagheera, Dymka, Vaxa, Raven.

Spotted hound

Original nicknames

Names that would be perfect for the most wonderful, one-of-a-kind puppy:

  • The beast is a strong and ferocious dog.
  • Blitz - blitzkrieg. The name is a military term for the smartest hunters.
  • Bolt is a fast and impetuous dog.
  • Brutus is cheerful and “cool”.
  • Cabela's is the name of a famous hunting store.
  • Dash is a lightning fast dog.
  • Diesel is strong and tireless.
  • The general is the leader, the leader.
  • Justik - from the word “justice”. A fair and powerful hunter.
  • King, Queen, Kingsley - a suitable name for the kings of the hunt.
  • Legend is an incomparable hunting dog.
  • Poppy is tenacious and tough.
  • Max is the alpha dog.

Yustik is still a baby:

  • Porter is a fashionable nickname for a cool beast.
  • Rex is a classic name for a leader dog.
  • Spike is cute and tough.
  • Rocky is named after the movie boxer played by Sylvester Stallone.
  • Rambaud is another cult hero played by Sylvester Stallone.
  • Bandit is a cheerful rebel.
  • Rider – powerful, brave.
  • The scooter is fast and lively.
  • Sparta is a region of Ancient Greece that defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian War.
  • Walker is a Texas Ranger.
  • Wolverine is a professional hunter.

This is Rambo:

What to name a hound dog

Nicknames of hunting dogs for boys and girls

For cops, many breeders do not always give standard nicknames, which sometimes mean simple things. For example, sound phenomena or noise - Alarm or Thunder, the name of the instrument and genre - Flute or Song, active action - Light up or Fervor, from the fishing industries - Extract. There are also names that show that hunting with a hound is a special entertainment and even an art - Fun, Amuse.

The name of the hound should be expressive and word-formative. The speech basis can be supplemented:

  • prefix do - Get;
  • prefix for - Inventive;
  • prefix you - Payment;
  • prefix on - Raid;
  • prefix by - Amuse;
  • the suffixes un and ilo, which show the meaning of the incentive to action - Budilo, Plakun;
  • imperative suffixes - Cry, Rush, Fill.
  • suffix ushk - Govorushka.

Common nicknames of Russian hounds: Bayan, Ryday, Zvonok, Iskra, Karai, Trunilo, Dobor, Hurricane, Buyan, Flash, Amuse, Signal, Kenarka, Guy, Shugai, Hooter, Console, Sing, Blizzard, Dogon, Catch up, Annoy, Start, Rush, Joy, Beat, Fun, Alarm, Shumka, Sorochai, Gaidai, Sing, Talk, Fairy Tale, Enthusiasm, Trumpeter, Laughter, Rumble, Laughing, Tambourine, Noisy.

Old nicknames

Names that have been given to survivors from time immemorial:

  • Oshara;
  • Plot;
  • Hug;
  • Polaz;
  • Leak in;
  • Warbler;
  • Hilo;
  • trample on;
  • Rachilo;
  • Rosilo;
  • Good;
  • Start singing;
  • Zepalo;
  • Norman;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Call;
  • Pravdilo;
  • Excite;
  • Light up;
  • Crush;
  • Horse;
  • Yarilo;
  • Plowshare;
  • Mine;
  • Bully;
  • Dobych;
  • Starling;
  • Bassoon;
  • Gaboy;
  • Ostan;
  • Zhurilo;
  • Comfort;
  • Greed;
  • Push around;
  • Nightingale;
  • Alarm;
  • Play;
  • Roll;
  • Palilo;
  • Grachik;
  • additional;
  • Crow;
  • Savage;
  • Horn;
  • Canary;
  • Annoy;
  • Flash;
  • Talk;
  • Kashmilo;
  • Bandor;
  • Rage.

Russian hound Roll:

Next is a selection of old nicknames for catches:

  • Shumka;
  • Design;
  • Defeat;
  • Vesta;
  • Zaston;
  • Galda;
  • Tap dancing;
  • Pretty;
  • Klikusha;
  • Khoroshavka;
  • Singer;
  • Anxiety;
  • Rachishka;
  • Leak;
  • Start;
  • Norm;
  • Pomchishka;
  • Cool;
  • Zaklika;
  • Blush;
  • Ignition;
  • Crixa;
  • Mining;
  • Skvorka;
  • Zhurishka;
  • Consolation;
  • Screamer;
  • Magpie;
  • Solovka;
  • Zadorka;
  • Jackdaw;
  • Dokuka;
  • Flute;
  • Canary;
  • Kutishka;
  • Gromishka;
  • Racket;
  • Shumka;
  • Arava.

Her name is Vesta:

Traditions of choosing names for hound litters

Nicknames for small breed girls' dogs

There are certain traditions associated with choosing names for hounds and hunting. In ancient times, nicknames were usually given in an ethnic style. Among greyhounds, the names reflect the beauty of these dogs, their running speed and anger at animals: Krylat, Lyubesny, Zlorad, Swan, Sudarik, Dove, Luck and Ulcer. Another very interesting and unusual tradition is to use verbs as names: Torment or Catch up.

The hounds were also called “musical” names: Alarm, Canary, Rout, Ringing, Lute, Magpie, Scandal, Alarm. Russian hunters valued the sounds of hounds even more than pompous hunters in France: they not only focused on sound, but also required a variety of tones and timbres, that is, complex sounds. The dogs were first recruited into the pack based on their physical characteristics, and then the dogs’ vocality was examined. The only purpose of older people attending hound hunts is to hear the rutting of the prey.

List of the best names for hunting dogs

A girl puppy can be called Gulka, Frisky, Yelp, Zvonka, Mischievous, Nursery Rhyme, Ditty, Flute, Shumka, Zvonila. Among foreign nicknames, Loud, Bell, Noisy are suitable.

Boys are given names such as Shumok, Viola, Hooter, Help Out, Call, Krikun, Whistle, Get. Rokot, Danube, Nightingale.

Nicknames from the animal world

To distinguish themselves by originality, the owners of their four-legged friend can take the name of any other animal, bird, fish or insect as a basis for the name. Here you can focus on your pet’s habits, its external resemblance to a particular animal, or simply make a choice at random.

Interesting names for girls:

  • Crow;
  • Fox;
  • Squirrel;
  • Pike;
  • Otter;
  • Caterpillar;
  • Titmouse;
  • Piranha;
  • Weasel;
  • Pony;
  • Heron;
  • Shark;
  • Herring;
  • Horse;
  • Roach;
  • Vobla;
  • Butterfly;
  • Muskrat;
  • Jackdaw;
  • Cat.

We recommend watching: 398+ nicknames for Chihuahua boys
Original names for boys:

  • Arctic fox;
  • Wolf;
  • Hare;
  • Acne;
  • Halibut;
  • Gelding;
  • Raccoon;
  • Swan;
  • Penguin;
  • Whale;
  • Zander;
  • Manul;
  • Grasshopper;
  • Hamster;
  • Bullfinch;
  • Bear;
  • Bug;
  • Hippopotamus;
  • Dinosaur;
  • Crow.

Snow White Arctic Fox.

Choosing a nickname depending on the breed

All cops are loud, loyal, very resilient and energetic. Depending on the type of voice, the animal can be called as Singer, Bass, Violin, Signal, Viola, Buzzer, Bell, Nightingale, Shumok, Roar. Male dogs can also be called Dancer, Thunder, Major, Pluto, Dumpty.

Hound colors

Suitable nicknames for dogs of hound breed girls:

  • Flute;
  • Veda;
  • Polka;
  • Tyava;
  • Sonnet;
  • Lei;
  • Mida;
  • Hera;
  • Naughty.

For your information! A bitch with a spotted color can be called Pyatnashka, a white dog Snowball, a dog with a dark color - Chernysh or Black, a gray dog ​​- Dymok. In the latter case, an alternative can be called Gray or Serka.

Basic selection rules

Hunting dogs are suitable not only for hunting, but also for home keeping.
People who are keen on hunting have used dogs as assistants since ancient times. Hounds, spaniels, Labradors and representatives of other breeds cope well with game. Often such dogs are bought from nurseries, where their names are written on their passports. However, despite this, some people prefer to change complex nicknames to simpler ones.

When figuring out what to name your dog, you need to adhere to several important rules:

  • The nickname must be succinct and consist of at least seven letters.
  • It should be easy to pronounce. This will allow the dog to quickly remember his name.
  • When coming up with a name, you need to try to have a lot of consonants in it. You should not use words that have a lot of sibilants. They are poorly perceived by dogs by ear.
  • A hunting dog is a status. That is why it is necessary to come up with names that would correspond to it and at the same time be beautiful.
  • If a dog breeder has several males or females, care must be taken to ensure that their names are not consonant or similar. This way the dogs will be able to understand who exactly is called.
  • You should not name your dog after a deceased or disappeared pet.

Additional Information! The chosen nickname must have some meaning.

Universal dog names

Universal nicknames for the Russian pinto hound: Jazz, Tyson, Baikal, Roy, Johnson, Spartak, Rex, Polkan, Klin, Sword, Dick, Kant, Apostle, Bull, Tom, Socrates, Greek, Olympus, Snowball, Caesar, Dieter, Mauki , Pride, Armand, Whistle, Jupiter, Dragon, Rickon, Sorrel, Zorzo, Pirate, Hero, Dorf, Jill, Eric, Romeo, Whip.

Russian pinto puppy

Nicknames for Russian Vizhlet hounds are indeed of great importance. If the dog has run far away, it will be easier to find it and call it back with a more sonorous name. In addition, in modern dog breeding it is considered important to maintain traditions, when grandfathers called dogs by ancient Old Slavonic names. Which option to choose is up to each cop breeder to decide for himself. The main thing is that both he and the dog like the nickname.

List of the best names

It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with beautiful nicknames for hunting dogs for girls and boys.

Simple names

Rex is a name that many people associate with the German Shepherd.
Some dog owners don't want to give their pets names that are too long. Therefore, they prefer to use shorter names, which dogs remember much faster. Most simple dog names are only 3-5 letters long. A male pet can be called as follows:

  • Cyrus;
  • North;
  • Light;
  • Myth;
  • Don;
  • Sid;
  • Rex;
  • Volume;
  • Sven.

Among the most common nicknames for girls are the following:

  • Deya;
  • Delta;
  • Eve;
  • Zarya;
  • Mira;
  • Lily;
  • Aika.

Taking into account coloring

When choosing a suitable name for a pet dog, various factors are taken into account.

Some dog breeders pay attention to the coat color of their pets. Sometimes it can be used to determine the best name for a dog.

If a female individual appears in the apartment, she can be named as follows:

  • Blizzard;
  • Snowball;
  • Haze;
  • Blackie;
  • Gray;
  • Zlata;
  • Serka;
  • Fox.

Attention! There is an opinion that a name can influence the development of a dog's character. When choosing a nickname, coat color is often taken into account.

Among male dogs with different coat colors, the following names are especially popular:

  • White;
  • Crow;
  • Gray;
  • Black;
  • Ryzhik;
  • Silver;
  • Coal;
  • Powder;
  • Piebald.

Taking into account temperament and character

It's no secret that every dog ​​has a unique character and temperament, which pets begin to manifest from an early age.

When choosing a suitable name for a dog, some dog breeders pay attention to the behavior of their pet.

Boys can be called as follows:

  • Loyal;
  • Grumpy;
  • Horn;
  • Jumper;
  • Fierce;
  • Good-natured;
  • Crazy.

Girls can be called by the following names:

  • Lady;
  • Touch-me-not;
  • Bully;
  • Verna;
  • Weasel;
  • Spark.

Additional Information! The above nicknames are very sonorous and say a lot about the character of the dog.

Cool nicknames

Some dog breeders do not want to call their pets by ordinary names and therefore come up with more original nicknames for them. For example, female dogs can be named like this:

  • Olive;
  • Broom;
  • Doll;
  • Yoga;
  • Goose.

Males can be given the following unusual nicknames:

  • Gingerbread;
  • Detective;
  • Sultan;
  • Fighter;
  • Leader.

Russian vintage

Old Russian nicknames are ideal for representatives of Russian breeds.
On the territory of Russia in ancient times, names were used that are now extremely rare. However, today some pet dog owners are increasingly starting to use them. Among the popular ancient Russian dog names for females are the following:

  • Lyra;
  • Crybaby;
  • Burnout;
  • Filling.

Males have no less original nicknames. Among the most unusual and memorable are:

  • Master;
  • Twisted;
  • Dobych;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Voice;
  • Screwtape;
  • Messenger.

Material properties

To understand what the actual issue is and where the debate about the advisability of using these cords comes from, let’s touch on the topic of the properties that distinguish fluorocarbon from other materials. Fluorocarbon fishing line is characterized by the following qualities:

  • Increased abrasion resistance allows it to be used in “strong” places: snags, shell rocks, rocky bottoms.
  • Invisibility for underwater inhabitants due to the refractive index of light close to that of water.
  • Fluorocarbon fishing line practically does not absorb water, so it does not lose strength in its natural environment.
  • Unlike other materials, it is practically not destroyed by sunlight.
  • Fluorocarbon fishing line does not change its qualities under the influence of negative temperatures, which allows it to be used in winter fishing.
  • The elongation is worse than that of nylon, but higher than that of braided cord.
  • The lack of memory in most cases helps to avoid equipment overlaps.
  • Fluorocarbon fishing line is heavier than water; this quality must be taken into account when constructing rigs.

Photo 1. End design of fluorocarbon leaders.

At the same time, there are also negative aspects that limit the use of fluorocarbon threads in fishing:

  • Excessive rigidity of fluorocarbon fishing line has a bad effect on the knots; more care and attention must be paid to this aspect of gear preparation.
  • Rigidity can even cause the fishing line to break, after which the use of a segment with such damage becomes impossible.
  • When strongly stretched, the material does not return to its original position, becomes thinner, and, as a result, loses strength. This can happen when forcefully fishing for a large trophy.
  • At the same thickness, nylon monofilament is stronger than fluorocarbon.
  • The price of fluorocarbon threads is higher than that of monofilament lines.

Advice! Use fluorocarbon only where it is really necessary for fishing conditions.

What name is suitable for a hunting dog?

Options for names that may be suitable for hunting dogs:
Names for hunting dogs can be related to their color

So, gray
males can be called, for example, Smoke(s), Fog, Ash, Nickel, Mirage, Lead, Silver, Gray, Strontium, Gray.
Bitches of the same color can be given one of the following names: Serebryanka, Gray, Chimera, Cloud, Steel, Haze. for hunting dogs with a white color
: Snezhnaya, Blanca, Whitey, Blondie, Arctic, Vyuga, Purga, Jasmine (for girls), North, Sugar, Blanco, White, Light, Nord, Icebear, Almaz (for boys).
for pet hunters with black fur
: Raven, Anthracite, Graphite, Cosmos, Dracula, Coal (for boys), Haze, Voodoo, Witch, Mysticism, Magic, African (for girls).
Brown dogs
can be named as follows: Hyacinth, Sable, Muscat, Brown, Mulatto (names for males), Cinnamon, Brownie, Bronze, Arabica, Cigar, Kubinka (for females).
And the nicknames for red hunting dogs
can be the following: Bonfire, Sun, Honeycake, Amber, Ryzhik, Orange, Fire, Sunny, Garnet (for boys), Spark, Flame, Zolotinka, Paprika, Straw, Zarya (for girls);

It is advisable for owners of hunting dogs not to call their four-legged helpers by human names, common in our country.

(Tanya, Katya, Sergey, Alexey, etc.). But it is quite appropriate to give your dog a foreign name. So, for example, fox terriers that come from Great Britain can be called by English names

: Daisy, Eliza, Gracie, Heidi, Lacey, Molly, Ruby (names for girls), Archie, Callum, Dylan, Felix, Jamie, Liam, Stanley (for boys).
Afghan hounds
can be called as follows: Malala, Mirgul, Soraya, Yagana, Suriya, Jamilya, Balutsa, Mavia, Rasmiya, Basma (girls), Parviz, Khalik, Alim, Wazir, Jabir, Zarif, Gatol, Psarlai, Kazim (boys).
And you can call a hunting dog of the Dachshund
breed by a German name: Bruna, Gretel, Dagmar, Verena, Marlis, Odila, Hilda (girls), Volker, Gustav, Gunter, Moritz, Lanzo, Rainer, Adlar, Bolder (boys).
And, for example, for Norwegian huskies
(buhunds): Volkiri, Gray, Frea, Alva, Tira, Tora, Saga, Dagny, Solveig, Loviz, Frita (for girls), Alvis, Ingvarr, Snor, Sverr, Ormarr, Morten, Logmair, Folki, Holdor (such unusual names can be called for a boy’s hunting dog). Let us clarify that there is no need to call the dog exactly the names that are traditional for the country of origin of the breed. For example, it is not at all necessary to name the same dachshunds in German; beautiful Italian or, for example, French names are quite suitable;

As you know, hunting dogs are characterized by excitement and fearlessness.

. That’s why they need bright and memorable, characteristic names. Hunting dogs, males

can be called like this: Excitement, Ataman, Zorro, Prince, Daring, Robbery, Punishment, Fierce, Executioner, Monster, Sorcerer, Cupid, Danube, Altai, Lord, Count, Karat, Shaly, Everest, Apostle, Olympus, Dragon, Ardent , Anger, Perun, Mars, Ares, Odin, Zeus, Mad, Sharp, Joker, Horror, Terrible, Fierce, Dashing, Warrior, Brisk, Daredevil, Dagger, Brawler, Rush.
name a girl hunting dog
like this: Thunderstorm, Diva, Viper, Angry, Evil, Ardent, Zlinka, Threat, Athena, Pallas, Fury, Bestia, Fierce, Courage, Brave, Brisk, Witch, Harpy, Shark, Taiga, Faithful;

Speed ​​and lightning-fast reaction are some of the distinguishing features of all dogs that take part in hunting.

. Female hunting dogs can be given the following names: Lightning, Mile, Fast, Strela, Pursuit, Bullet, Fast, Frisky, Rocket, Comet, Wave, Racer, Panther. Nicknames for boys' hunting dogs can be: Runner, Escape, Athlete, Marathon (or Marathon Man), Sprinter, Fast, Frisky, Rush, Wind, Meteor, Asteroid, Jaguar, Bolide, Peregrine Falcon, Racer, Impulse, Express, Cheetah;

For most hunting dogs, a clear voice is important. Therefore, the following “musical” nicknames may be suitable for these pets: Rydaylo, Bass, Thunder, Plakun, Singer, Tenor, Baritone, Viola, Oboe, Bayan, Bassoon, Singer, Soloist, Romance, Nocturne, Signal, Basilo, Bugle, Horn, Fill , Zvonky, Zvonok, Alarm, Nightingale, Gulky, Guslyar (these nicknames can be given to male dogs). Nicknames for girls' hunting dogs can be: Violin, Pipe, Soprano, Octave, Note, Lyre, Music, String, Harp, Flute, Song, Aria, Kolyada, Siren, Alarm, Ringing, Nightingale, Bagpipe.

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