The cat runs around the apartment like crazy and meows

Meowing is part of a cat's DNA. Some sing often, while others make almost no sounds. However, it is alarming when a cat starts meowing for no apparent reason. This may indicate a health or environmental problem.

If you can't find a reason why your cat is meowing, it's likely that she's hungry, thirsty, wanting attention, or showing emotions such as fear, loneliness, or stress. Look at your cat's surroundings to see if anything is upsetting her. On the other hand, meowing indicates a health condition or injury. Examine your cat for any signs of pain or discomfort.

Even if you can't find a reason for your cat's vocalization, there must be one. If you are trying to find the cause, look for changes in the cat's behavior, no matter how subtle they may be.

Cat behavior, problems and causes

Among the pets there are both silent and talkative ones. Some of them isolate themselves with their problem and lie quietly in a corner, while the owner puzzles over what could have happened. And others loudly report an uncomfortable state, however, this situation also drives people crazy.

The main thing is to know that a cat screams for a reason. It is important to detect it and help your pet cope with it. Even if it’s just a whim, you need to evaluate why she’s capricious and show maximum attention.

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Medicines to calm you down

In order to calm an angry cat, there are many medications:

  • calming tablets;
  • drops;
  • solutions for injections.

The most popular of them:

  • Fitex - soothing drops with motherwort, valerian and hops, help relieve stress and normalize heart function;
  • Stop-stress – quite strong tablets and drops that reduce the activity of the animal’s brain, but are not addictive;
  • Cat Bayun is a powerful sedative in the form of a solution and tablets, intended to relieve aggression (especially in cases where the cat is marking the apartment and is overly nervous), as well as to relieve estrus in cats.

All other drugs pose a danger to the health of cats, so it is better not to use them.

Why do kittens scream?

It is difficult for small children to explain what they want, and all demands result in screaming and crying. The same thing happens in the world of cats. Kittens express their feelings by meowing. There may be no reason for this, but most often there are several reasons why a little murka screams. Note that as long as the kittens are close to the mother cat, they are calm . Problems may arise after moving to another family.

  1. First of all, there is hunger. Kittens grow and develop quite quickly and their bodies require nutrition. It has been noticed that kittens are constantly hungry. Therefore, it is necessary to leave a sufficient amount of food in the bowl and place it in a permanent place so that the baby learns to eat there. Another important point is to always have a bowl of clean water. It should never be empty.
  2. The second reason for a cat’s cry is a change of environment. Adaptation is a mandatory stage after a kitten arrives in a new home. Even an adult needs to get used to a new place. Everything around is unfamiliar: the atmosphere, the smells. Show more attention to your pet during this period and soon he will stop screaming. Young kittens get used to it faster than adults.
  3. A kitten may scream, simply asking for attention and affection. Take him in your arms, sit him on your lap and stroke his back. He will calm down and his mood will improve. If he keeps you from sleeping with his screams, then this may be a simple whim; let him go to bed with you and you will sleep peacefully. The kitten can be awakened by hunger. Leave some food in the bowl in the evening.
  4. The kitten may get scared and scream if it is trapped. Curiosity often leads him to the most secluded places, for example, to a sofa, a duvet cover, or a dark corner. Help him get out and calm him down by picking him up, petting him and talking gently. Believe me, he will understand you.

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How to wean it off?

It is quite possible to stop a cat from meowing for no reason, the main thing is the owner’s patience, perseverance and perseverance. But before taking any measures, it is important to make sure that the animal does not have any health problems. If the cat gets angry and yells due to lack of attention, you should make time in your schedule for games and communication. To prevent the animal from getting bored while the owner is at work, it is recommended to install a cat play complex in the room. A kitten that has recently been weaned from its mother needs to be nursed like a child so that it quickly calms down and gets used to the new environment. If hormones are the cause of night and daytime screams, it is better to sterilize your pet. A sterilized cat does not meow every month in search of a partner.

Why do adult cats scream?

Don't think that your cat is yelling for no reason. It definitely exists and there can be quite a lot of reasons for restless behavior. Of these, the most common ones can be identified.

Lack of attention is the most common reason when a furry lady meows constantly and follows her owner around. Most often, this situation arises if another pet appears in the house. That's when she perceives him as a competitor. Moreover, the owners themselves begin to devote a lot of time and care to the new one, slightly relegating Murka, who was always alone and received all the affection individually, to the background. Over time, this may pass, but don’t forget about it, pay attention too. If she is the only pet in the house and the cat screams at night, then there is no need to indulge these demands.

Buy her a cozy soft house or arrange a seat in an armchair and she will probably understand that you don’t want to play at all in the dark. This is the only way to stop a cat from yelling at night.

With the onset of heat, the cat may scream for the cat. The cat's body is designed in such a way that estrus can happen at any time of the year and the mating instinct cannot be extinguished. There are, however, special supplements that can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. They will be a good option if the animal is domestic, and you do not want to regularly invite the cat to her, and then mess with the offspring.

And the last reason that a cat yells lies in its upbringing . But here only the owners are to blame, who indulged all the whims of the fluffy beauty. It has been noticed that often the cause of screaming can be a transition to a different diet. There are specimens that completely refuse new food, scream, but starve. Here the breeders themselves are late with education, they will have to give in. It is impossible to change an adult cat.

The cat attracts attention

5 reasons why a cat runs and meows at night

Due to lack of attention from the owner, the cat can also behave too actively. He runs around the house, makes various sounds and shows aggression. In addition, cats try to reach their owners in this way when something bothers them: for example, wounds appear or negative changes occur in the body and the pet gets sick.

It is recommended to visit a veterinarian regularly

That is why, if the animal behaves uncharacteristically, its skin should be periodically checked for wounds and other diseases. It is also necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian and conduct a full diagnosis of his health.

Old cat screams

Cats live much shorter than humans and inevitably reach an age when they are considered elderly. Everyone knows how people's character changes with age, and the same thing happens in the cat world. There comes a time when an old cat constantly screams, and the owners begin to panic. Let's understand this behavior.

Most often, an older individual meows from a feeling of loneliness, which worsens just in advanced years. Hormonal levels change, increasing feelings such as melancholy, despondency, the feeling that nothing around is pleasing, and both physical and emotional tone decreases. Right now the pet needs more attention, she demands it with her voice . Accept that you will have to forget about good nights.

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An older cat becomes less independent and increasingly requires you to make decisions for her. She screams and makes it clear that she doesn't know if she wants to play. Try to occupy her with her favorite toy; if she doesn’t respond, then calm her down with affection.

It happens that she yells out of spite, manipulating you. By meowing she calls her owners, expecting that someone will definitely come and fulfill her wishes.

Calling mom

The first reason kittens meow is when their mother calls. Newborn representatives of the cat family are born blind, they need to somehow attract attention to themselves and call the mother cat to them.

It is for this reason that the kitten is able to meow loudly and for a long time. Moreover, this “crying” usually does not subside at all. The kitten will constantly strain and call for its mother. As a rule, such situations often occur when babies are torn away from their parents early. You’ll just have to get through this period of time and help the new tenant get used to you quickly.

In fact, there are many reasons why cats constantly “give voice”. It is very difficult to predict them. But remembering the main points will not be difficult. Why does the kitten constantly meow?

If you recently brought an animal into your home, the answer is obvious - it's stress. This is how the kitten reacts to a new home. At a young age, an animal is only able to express its condition by crying. Therefore, this period will also have to be endured. New owners should help the pet quickly adapt - feed, caress and show with all their might that the new “family member” is completely safe here.

As soon as the kitten adapts to the new place, it will become silent. When getting a cat, get ready for several weeks of plaintive crying, especially in the first days of getting used to the new home.

Why does a little kitten constantly meow? The most common reason for this behavior is. hunger! This is how your new family member will show what he wants to eat.

This phenomenon is quite normal. After all, when a person is hungry, he talks about it. So the animals do the same. Only instead of the speech we are used to, the cute fluffies meow.

Please note: a small kitten will constantly ask its owner to feed it while it is hungry. But adult cats try to meow clearly and only a few times, as if to call their owner to the bowl. Thus, due to hunger, all animals vocalize. It doesn't matter at what age.

Why does my Scottish kitten meow constantly? And not only Scottish, or Siberian, or Persian, but also an ordinary mongrel? In this way, the animal can simply attract attention to itself. A common method, very effective. If someone wants attention, they talk about it. And small children usually cry. Kittens do the same thing - they are the same babies. They also beckon to you. Now do you understand why the kitten meows constantly?

You should pay attention to the fact that in this way they attract the attention of not only children, but also adults. Only they, as already mentioned, try to make poises between “phrases”. If an animal is too bored and longs for communication, it may not shut up for a long time.

What to do in this case? There is only one way out - to pay attention to your pet, even if it seems to you that you have already been fussing with him a lot. Only in this case will the animal stop reminding itself of itself. Otherwise, you will have to listen to the “cat concert” for days on end. We're exaggerating, of course, but... As long as an animal craves communication, it will not shut up.

The cat is constantly yelling. What to do?

It’s not pleasant that your pet is constantly yelling. But what to do in this case? Fight or let it slide? First you need to find out the reason, maybe you will find it after all. In fact, cats have few needs: feed her if she’s hungry, cuddle her if she’s bored, play if she’s in a playful mood. It's nothing big for you, but it means so much to the animal.

Perhaps it’s enough for the cat to buy a new toy, treat or vitamins.

On your part, of course, attention and a little patience are required. It just seems that she is indignant constantly and for no reason. They exist, but they are probably not on the surface. Start with yourself; screams and high-pitched meows may be the result of the upbringing that you have instilled in the animal from the age of a kitten. A spoiled pet behaves no better than a spoiled child.

Folk remedies for fighting orom

The nightly concerts of pets get on the nerves so much that their owners, despairing of finding a radical remedy, are finding their own ways to calm the “singers”:

  • Spray bottle with water . It has been noticed that if you specifically spray water on a cat’s tail, its owner will have no time for songs. For some time he will be busy licking his main decoration and will calm down for a while. If after this he starts yelling again, threaten him with a spray gun. Most likely, the cat will hide in a secluded shelter and soon fall asleep.
  • A game. If your pet is not in nature and is forced to spend all his time within four walls, he has no way to relieve excess energy. Outdoor games can help with this - only, of course, not at night, but shortly before you go to bed. Having had a good run and relieved the accumulated tension, your pet will sleep without its hind legs. If you have neither the energy nor the time to play, hang two or three toys near you on strong laces - the cat, rejoicing that you are watching him, will happily catch them, and having had enough fun, he will fall sound asleep.
  • Nutrition adjustments . Save the largest portion of cat food for evening feeding. Having properly refreshed himself, the cat will sleep soundly until the morning, completely forgetting about vocal lessons.

Spring came

So we figured out why a newborn kitten meows constantly. Adult cats also sometimes “voice” for similar reasons. But there are several more options for answering the question posed.

True, the next point will explain the behavior of only adult individuals. But it’s worth taking it into account. The thing is that in the spring, cats' sexual desire increases. During this period, they begin to meow very loudly. This behavior applies to both females and males.

The explanation is very simple: cat hormones are acting up. To calm down an animal that has developed a sexual desire, you will have to either use special hormonal drugs (they help, but temporarily), or castrate/sterilize the cat. This is the only way to defeat the annoying yelling from your pet.

Why does a one-month-old kitten meow constantly? The reasons, as you can see, can be different. But among them one cannot fail to highlight another extremely important factor. If your pet is in pain, he will try to show it. And the only thing he can do is meow.

This is exactly how a cat will behave if something hurts. A common phenomenon that owners rarely pay attention to. However, it is also wrong to blame the owners for this, because identifying the cause can be very difficult. After all, as practice shows, there are many reasons for a cat’s crying. It's easy to get confused. But if your animal is not deprived of attention, is fed, warm and feels comfortable at home, it is better to play it safe and take the cat to the veterinarian for a check.

Why else would a kitten meow constantly? Surprisingly, in this way he simply talks to you. Animals, like people, can be sociable and not so sociable. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised that someone is silent all day, while someone “talks”, you shouldn’t be surprised. No one can say for sure what kind of character your pet will have!

It is impossible to silence the cat in this case. After all, he will still crave communication. The only way that will help here is to talk to the cat. No matter how strange it may sound, you need to communicate with your pet. Then he will answer you when you need it.

Interestingly, cats only communicate with people by meowing. This sound was invented exclusively for us. It is almost impossible to see cats “communicating” with each other in this way.

We hope you now understand why the kitten constantly meows. Yes, there are many reasons. And you must get to know your pet better to understand this issue.

Some people are surprised: they say that when a cat feels good, he doesn’t meow, but purrs! Yes this is true. But there are exceptions. Adult animals usually meow less often, expressing their feelings for the owner. But kids - all the time. They simply don’t know how to purr quietly yet. There is only one thing left to do - meow.

What to do if the cat does not sleep at night, walks and meows

If a once calm cat screams even after a hearty meal, the first thing you should do is contact a veterinarian. Examination and, if necessary, treatment can quickly correct the situation.

But the natural desire to reproduce will be more difficult to overcome. If your plans do not include castration or sterilization, you just need to give your pet the opportunity to have a good run and just wait out the turbulent days. It is just not recommended to give drugs that reduce sexual activity - they are very harmful to health !

Games and attention

To give your pet a chance to release its energy and express its instincts, play with it often during the day. Active games and jumping, simulating hunting, will calm the cat. To achieve a lasting effect, immediately after the game, the pet should be fed, and more satisfyingly. Thanks to this imitation of hunting - food, the cats begin the final stage - a sweet dream.

Don't let your cat sleep a lot during the day

To prevent your furry pet from disturbing you with its pacing and meowing at night, you should not let it get enough sleep in the evening.

Expression of love

Why does the kitten meow constantly? Another reason could be. Love. In this way, kittens and adult cats show their loyalty to their owner.

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Some people are surprised: they say that when a cat feels good, he doesn’t meow, but purrs! Yes this is true. But there are exceptions. Adult animals usually meow less often, expressing their feelings for the owner. But kids - all the time. They simply don’t know how to purr quietly yet. There is only one thing left to do - meow.

Hormonal changes

They occur at different points in the life of pussies:

  • During mating, they can use a cry to signal their partner about their passionate desires.
  • Cats that have not been spayed may scream during heat. In this way they show their difficult moral state on the eve of the birth of offspring.
  • The same situation can be observed with non-neutered cats.

In the case of changes in the pet's hormonal levels, the owners can only survive this difficult period in his life, calming emotional outbursts.

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