Why do cats leave home and never return? Signs, explanation

Cats do run away from home: for a couple of hours, for several days, but many owners have encountered this behavior. Even though they have excellent navigation skills, it is still a cause for concern. Many owners simply don't understand why this happens. Is the cat unhappy? Where did he go? Find out the 11 main reasons for running away, and find out how to behave in such a situation.

So, here are the most common reasons for running away from home:

  1. Reproduction
  2. Sense of territory
  3. Hunting instinct
  4. Changing of the living place
  5. Double life
  6. Your cat is not sterilized
  7. Distractions
  8. New family members
  9. Appearance of the second animal
  10. The cat feels more comfortable elsewhere
  11. The cat is stuck somewhere

Reason 1: Your furry is running away to breed

Let's face it: cats need to reproduce. When they are in heat, or they sense that there are cats nearby that are also on the prowl, they go searching. Their keen sense of smell easily allows them to detect other cats, and here no obstacle will deter them.

If there is no one nearby ready to breed, the search area may increase.

This is why your pet may be away from home for several days.

Good to know: Some cats also go missing when they are about to give birth. They find another place away from everyone, where they build what looks like a nest to prepare for the birth in safety, where no one will disturb them.

Reasons for leaving

According to the superstition, pets leave home when they foresee their death or feel that some kind of misfortune is about to happen.

However, there is another meaning: animals do not run away from trouble, but take the misfortune with them and thereby save the residents.

If a cat leaves the house where a seriously ill person is located, this means a quick healing - she took the illness and death with her.

Other beliefs:

  1. The cats are leaving to make room for a new tenant. Perhaps the family will soon be expecting a new addition.
  2. The animal runs away from negativity. If there are often scandals and conflicts in the house, people are used to sorting things out with shouts and fists, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the animal left the home in such an atmosphere.
  3. The cat completed its mission. According to one of the esoteric theories, cats and cats live with people for a reason, they themselves choose the owner in order to help him with something. This can be in different areas: love, health, wealth. When the cat decides that he has completed his mission, he leaves.
  4. The cat is not pleasant to the brownie. It happens that not a single animal takes root in one house: they either leave or die. If the owners take good care of the pet, then it is worth thinking about mystical reasons. Probably the fact is that the domestic spirit is waiting for a cat of a particular color, while others survive.

It is believed that a black cat protects against negativity, a red cat attracts happiness and money, and a white cat harmonizes family relationships. Because of this, some people think that leaving a cat of a certain color will lead to trouble in the area for which it is responsible. This is not so, the interpretations are the same for all cats.

Reason 2: The cat is driven out of the house by a sense of territory

Cats sense their territory, and in their minds it can occupy an area larger than your home. Sometimes felines include surrounding areas in their “home perimeter,” such as your street, a neighbor's garden, or the entire neighborhood.

Interesting fact : cats consider any place where they feel comfortable to be “home”.

So if you see your cat sitting on your neighbor's window, don't worry.

Good to know : Do you have a lot of cats in your area? They often get into fights. Some cats fiercely defend their territory, and your pet may go in search of a new one. If your cat feels threatened by another on her territory, she may be away longer.

How to prevent escape

It is important to remember logical reasons and their neutralization. You need to take good care of your pet, take care of it, and monitor the general atmosphere in the house. If your pet is lost and found, then perhaps you should think about keeping it at home and installing bars on the windows.

To prevent the animal from running away due to intimate needs, you need to sterilize the cat and neuter the male. Under no circumstances should you scold or punish your pet.

As for mystical reasons, it is not easy to come up with and organize prevention, because no one knows what troubles may await the residents of the house. However, it is important to monitor the health of your household and undergo timely treatment. You cannot deprive the purr of attention or switch to a new pet. It is important to be careful about who you invite into your home.

It is recommended to carry out protective rituals so that ill-wishers do not cause damage and, accordingly, so that the cat does not have to leave home to save its owners.

Reason 11: The cat got stuck somewhere while walking

If you let your cat go for a walk, it is normal for him to disappear into the street every day. But keep in mind that cats are very curious.

Good to know: while exploring the territory, the cat may get stuck in some narrow place: in a hole in the fence, in a pipe, etc.

This is where a GPS tracker comes in handy! This way you will always know where the cat is and will help her if she gets into trouble. The real-time tracking feature will always help you determine its location. Are you afraid that a tracking collar will cause trouble for your curious pet? Worry no more! The modern mechanism automatically releases when pressure is applied, but the collar is easy to reattach.

Long pet walks

If your pet systematically disappears for a couple of days or even weeks, but always returns, then he either: satisfies his hunting instinct, lives in 2 houses, or simply explores the world. Actions to prevent new departures depend on the situation:

  1. Hunting for birds and rodents

    . Innate instincts cannot be eliminated, so emphasis should be placed on preventing escapes. It is also recommended to diversify your pet’s leisure time with various toys: wind-up mice, balls, play complexes, interactive toys and even special robots.

  2. Double life

    . There are not many known cases, but this option should not be ruled out. If after a walk the cat comes home well-fed and not particularly thirsty for affection, put a collar on it and attach a note with a message to it. If you receive a response from another family, you will be convinced that the life of the mustachioed cunning one is safe.

  3. Exploring the area

    . Typical for kittens, as well as pets with a developed territorial instinct. Here, as with hunting, it is better to resort to prevention.

If, after the usual time, the “lost one” has not returned home, start searching. Detailed return instructions will be provided below.

What to expect if the cat returns to the house

There are cases when the owner has already come to terms with the loss of his beloved pet, and it suddenly returns. For superstitious people, the unexpected appearance of a roaming cat causes anxiety and fear. But there is no need to worry in vain - the animal did not bring back misfortune and misfortune on its tail. If the fugitive suddenly returns, it means that the energy in the home has returned to normal, and family members are no longer in danger.

Skeptics tend to find a scientific basis for everything. In their opinion, the cat was absent from home for a long time due to mating games and attraction to the opposite sex.

Why is it dangerous for an animal to stay outdoors for a long time?

If a cat leaves home, it may die from hunger, thirst, cold, or poisoning from rat bait. You should also be wary of getting hit by vehicles, attacks by stray animals and human cruelty.

All of the above can be avoided by following preventive recommendations. They are aimed at ensuring security, minimizing the likelihood of escapes and facilitating the search for “lost items”.

Pet safety is the owner's responsibility

Every person should understand this when they are going to get a furry pet. As in the case of a small child, it is you who must control the animal, notice changes occurring in time and respond to them appropriately.

Usually, when a pet goes missing, it is perceived as a tragedy, which in some cases it is. It also happens that after some time the animal returns. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. And the reasons for the disappearance can be different. Therefore, you need to immediately start searching for the animal, or even better, prevent escape and take precautions.

Don't chase cats away

But let's talk about everything in order. Our ancestors have long believed that the appearance of a fluffy beauty in the house is a good sign. Therefore, if a kitten or an adult animal appears on your doorstep, do not rush to close the door. Maybe this is what is missing to balance the energy. Previously, it was believed that if a cat came on its own, it was a sign of the favor of higher powers, and driving away the pussy meant inviting trouble on oneself. At the same time, by the color of the animal it was possible to determine what exactly good things you can expect in the future:

  • A black or tricolor cat predicts unexpected profits and family prosperity. These are the best astral protectors.
  • The red cat is the protection of the love and intimate relationships of a married couple.
  • White cats are excellent healers. They feel damage and help remove it.


And finally, another reason why cats can disappear is mystical. It is believed that these animals (especially black ones) can ward off trouble from home, taking it with them. Therefore, if your black cat suddenly disappeared, and you are sure that she definitely could not escape from a safe and tightly closed house, think about this too. But of course, remember that this happens extremely rarely, and most often cats do not just disappear. Therefore, if you are wondering how to find a lost cat, look for the reasons for what is happening within yourself, and try to do everything to find the animal as soon as possible so that no one has time to harm it.


Signs of a cat's imminent death

If animals visit the street, then it is quite logical that in order to die they will prefer to leave so as not to worry the owner. The fact is that although cats have a certain impudence and get used to the house, they do not like to cause inconvenience to their owners. They prefer to die in an almost deserted place, where no one can see them. As a rule, old and sick animals who feel their poor condition are the first to go.

The cat is gone

Refusal to eat

As a rule, cats have 2 main diets:

  • The so-called “fractional meals” with frequent meals, but in small quantities. As a rule, these are domestic cats that do not go outside and stay at home all the time;
  • Rare meals, but in large portions. Typical for cats who love to walk, as well as for cats who live next to other dogs and cats in the same house.

As a rule, the most common symptom of diseases of the internal organs is loss of appetite and partial or complete refusal to eat. Infections affect the body, and due to severe pain, appetite decreases. This may be accompanied by the inability to process food and problems with the toilet. If an animal dies of old age, its appetite will be much less than that of young animals, and a few days before death the animal will stop eating altogether.

Excreta contains blood

Feces and urine with blood also indicate the presence of diseases. Death from old age in a relatively healthy pet is rarely accompanied by bloody discharge in the urine or feces. Diseases can be associated with the uterus, intestines, infections in the body, tumors, and so on.

Note! Bloody discharge in a cat in the first days after birth is normal. These are the remains of blood and minor discharge due to childbirth. Gradually the discharge will stop, and if it does not stop, then you need to contact a veterinarian.

Cats in good health may not have blood in their urine or feces. This is a clear sign of a dangerous disease that needs to be cured as quickly as possible. Death can be avoided if all you need to do is seek help and start treatment. True, sometimes owners decide to euthanize their pet. On the one hand, the owner accelerates the death of the cat, on the other hand, he alleviates his suffering.

Urine has darkened

Dark brown urine is not a symptom of the disease only during the period of estrus (lasts 2-4 days) and in the case when the animal has had this color of urine since birth. Urine may be brown for up to 9 days after surgery, especially those related to the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

To find out the reason for yellow urine color as quickly as possible, you need to take your cat to the veterinarian. It is better if the animal does not eat 12 hours before the visit (but drinking water cannot be limited). Some diseases that can cause dark urine:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Poisoning;
  • Glomerulonephritis;

There may be blood in the urine, then a possible cause is injury to internal organs, kidney infarction. Changes in color are possible due to changes in food: some dry and liquid foods tend to make urine a brighter or darker color.

Reference! Darkening of urine is the initial symptom of various diseases that can still be cured without much effort and complications. If such a sign is present, it is recommended to observe the pet for a day and then take it to a professional.

Decreased heart rate

A decreased heart rate may also indicate the presence of diseases or health problems. Animals with a weak heartbeat show little activity. You can feel that something is wrong with the heartbeat by holding the animal in your arms. You can feel the places where the pulse is felt and count the number of heart beats per minute. As a rule, a strong deviation from the norm is always felt. Information about what the norm is for a particular breed, age and weight can be found on the Internet or from a veterinarian. For different cats and female cats, this indicator can vary greatly.

If the heartbeat is reduced, you need to contact a veterinary clinic to find out the causes of the malaise and urgently treat your pet.

Sick animal

Note! In older animals, a low heart rate and low temperature may be normal. But to be sure, it is better to be examined by a doctor.

Reduced temperature

A low temperature may well indicate dangerous diseases:

  • Bleeding;
  • Tumors;
  • Infections;
  • Weaknesses of the body;
  • Chronic problems.

Just as with a decreased heart rate, with a decreased temperature the animal will show sluggish activity. It is difficult to independently determine the current body temperature of a cat, therefore, it is better to entrust the animal to a specialist.

Once confirmation is received that the temperature is below normal, you need to find out the cause and prescribe treatment. This should only be done by a professional, that is, a veterinarian.

What to do if your cat goes missing?

If your cat is missing, you can start looking for it and follow the tips below:

  • Tell your veterinarian immediately . If your furry friend is missing, notify your veterinarian. A passerby can pick up an injured cat and take it to a veterinarian for treatment.
  • Notify your local animal control authority . It would be helpful if you notified local animal control authorities about your missing cat. This way, they can let you know if someone alerts them that a pet cat has been found outside.
  • Look around your area . Often cats wander around the neighborhood and hide in the most unexpected places simply because they like it!
  • Hang up missing posters . Hang up posters of your cat with a good photo for identification and a contact number.

Can a cat come home after a while?

Lost pets often return home on their own after a few days, and there are cases when cats come back after six months or more. Is it possible?

My mother-in-law, who lived in a small village, had a cat, Marquis, a beautiful black cat with a white apron. One day he disappeared for three days and returned with a severed front paw, which took a long time to heal. After some time, the angry neighbor announced that he would not stop and would kill the cat if he hunted their chickens. A week later the cat disappeared. The heartbroken grandmother mentally reproached her neighbors for what she had done. One day, a neighbor calmed her down, saying that the cat was not killed, but taken away from the house. The son, who was visiting his parents for the weekend, put the poor fellow in the trunk and released him in a suburban forest, 70 km from the village. Since then, the woman prayed to God that the cat would survive and that someone would shelter him.

Six months have passed. One frosty snowy day, a woman heard a plaintive meow under her window. Opening the door, she saw an exhausted, emaciated Marquis on the threshold, standing on three legs and looking at the hostess with frightened and betrayed eyes.

Even a snowy road is not an obstacle for a cat on the way home

Cats returning home after a long time is a very real phenomenon! There is still no explanation for this unique phenomenon. Scientists can only guess that cats (especially street cats), due to their ultrasensitivity, are able to perceive even small deviations in the electromagnetic field. Knowing the features of their territory, they find the right direction to their native threshold using their “inner compass.”

In France, a cat set a record for orienteering, returning home after 7 months and covering a distance of 700 km.

Why don't animals stay?

Sometimes people are faced with an abnormal problem when cats do not take root in the house - adult cats run away, and small kittens get sick and die.

Unfortunately, in most cases, the reason for the widespread mortality among animals lies not in mysticism, but in the attitude of humans towards their pets. When a person forgets to feed a cat, believing that the predator will get food for itself, or puts rat poison in all corners of the house, in the hope that the kitten will not get there, one should not be surprised at the general disappearance of animals.

Another common cause of death for cats is bowls, houses and other objects inherited from a previous pet. If the owner does not process the equipment or does not replace it, viruses or bacteria may remain on the items, causing the development of fatal diseases.

The risk group includes cats living in private homes. Who would want to lock a freedom-loving animal within four walls when in the fresh air he can bask in the sun, frolic on the grass to his heart's content, and communicate with his relatives. But sadly, the mortality rate among cats with free access to outdoor spaces is twice as high as among domestic cats.

However, there are cases that cannot be explained logically. The owner gets one pet, a second, a third... But, despite conscientious care and caring attitude, cats leave home and do not return. Our ancestors explained this anomaly by the reluctance of the brownie to accept the animal.

Perhaps the spirit protecting the home did not like the color of the cat. Then it’s worth “experimenting” with different colors of pets until you find the one that suits your yard. A tricolor animal is considered the best option.

In addition, a brownie can take up arms against a furry animal, protecting the home from evil influences. Superstitious people believe that under the guise of a cute cat there may be hidden the spirit of a witch who wanted to destroy the well-being of the owners of the house.

The sudden flight of cats from an apartment is not always associated with a brownie. The most frightening sign says that a curse hangs over the house. An evil force can have a detrimental effect on the owners for several generations in a row. And if people manage to live for years and decades under the roof of a damned building, not understanding why so many misfortunes and trials have befallen them, then cats feel the negative energy right away. The intelligent animal makes every effort to disappear from the ill-fated place. In such a case, there is only one way out of the situation - to invite a priest to consecrate the home.

Negative energy

Even today, many, upon seeing a black cat, strive to cross to the other side. That is, the signs associated with this animal are alive, despite all modern knowledge. The presence of the evil eye and damage may be indicated by the frequent death of pets. If several cats die one after another, it means that there is a large flow of negative energy in the house, which the animals cannot cope with. But by their death they cleanse it, giving the owners the opportunity to live normally. If the animal was young and healthy, but literally fell ill for a few weeks and died, then the energy in the house is clearly poor.

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