How to stop a dog from crapping in the wrong place at home: expert recommendations, folk remedies, medications. Why does a dog shit at home, on the bed?


There are always reasons for any unwanted behavior. First of all, we need to find out what kind of reasons these reasons are: physical or psychological?

Physiological ailments

If a dog craps at home, first of all, this may indicate problems in its health. The animal may be suffering from cystitis, urolithiasis, indigestion, dysbacteriosis or any other disease.

To identify a possible disease, you should take your pet to the veterinarian and have a urine or feces test.

Psychological abnormalities

Problems with the pet’s nervous system are another good reason for this behavior.

An animal can shit out of fear or, conversely, out of joy (for example, when the owner returns home), as well as due to the occurrence of any stressful situations or a change in environment. A dog may crap at home due to lapses in upbringing.

Basic Rules

  • Do not scold a puppy or dog unless you catch it committing a “crime.” Even if you see an animal shitting, you should not shout at it.
  • Stop your pet from crapping using positive reinforcement (praise for correct behavior, ignoring incorrect behavior).
  • Try to walk your puppy or peeing dog at home as often as possible. Gradually, you can reduce the number of walks per day.
  • Take the puppy outside after he has drunk or eaten, as well as after active games, joyful events and sleep.
  • Bring your dog home immediately after he relieves himself outside.
  • If the dog is tolerating it on the street, offer him a game or just run with him - this will force the animal to relieve itself in the right place. Also, you can take your dog for a walk after sleep.

How to train a dog to go to the toilet: expert advice

A number of parting words that will definitely help stop your pet from shitting anywhere:

  • Thoroughly understand the cause of the problem.
  • It is good to socialize your dog with its relatives.
  • Follow the feeding and walking schedule.
  • Young dogs should not be left unattended for long periods of time.
  • Combat fears and phobias with the help of a qualified specialist.
  • Always leave access to the tray or diaper.
  • Timid dogs should be walked for long periods of time and in different places.
  • Walk the puppies immediately after sleeping and feeding.
  • Organize active games in the fresh air.
  • Be sure to encourage the correct choice of place to defecate.

Raising a dog is actually not difficult. The main thing that is required from the owner is patience and consistency. This is a very small price to pay for the boundless loyalty and love that animals give to people.

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Ways to wean a puppy or adult dog

Method 1

As soon as the puppy’s quarantine period has ended, you can safely start walking with him and teaching your pet to use the toilet outside. Remove all diapers, but at the beginning of training you can leave one or two at home.

Initially, try to take your puppy to the toilet as often as possible, depending on how often he is used to peeing at home. As a standard, puppies are taken outside once an hour.

Stock up on treats. Walk the puppy for a long time until he goes to the toilet. As soon as the pet relieves itself, actively begin to praise it and give it a treat, then go home.

If the dog specifically tolerates it and goes to the toilet only when you come home, try to actively play with the animal before the walk. Also, you can offer the dog a game right on the street.

Also, take your puppy out immediately after he drinks. These actions provoke the animal to relieve itself.

Once your dog is used to peeing outside, gradually reduce the number of walks. Ultimately, you can walk your dog 2-3 times a day. Don't forget that walks should be long.

If you do not have the opportunity to walk your dog for a long time, for example, in the morning, at this time you can take it outside for 5 minutes, but you must compensate for the lack of a morning walk with an extended afternoon or evening walk.

Method 2

For a while, allocate a separate room for the dog and cover it with diapers or newspapers. Remove one diaper from the room every day. At the same time, take your pet for a walk. The number of walks depends on how often the dog is used to crapping at home. Reward your dog with a treat as soon as he relieves himself outside. When the number of diapers in the room reaches one, remove it the next day. Take your dog out more often if he continues to litter the house.

Try not to let your dog shit outside of walks. Ultimately, when the dog gets used to relieving himself outside, gradually reduce the number of walks to 2-3 times a day.

Method 3

Take a piece of the described diaper outside. Place the puppy on the ground and place the diaper next to him. Many dogs respond well to smell and may pee near where they smell urine.

Praise your pet with a treat when he pees outside. Take your dog out for walks often, and when he gets used to peeing outside the house, gradually reduce the number of walks to 2-3 times a day.

How to choose a place?

In order to choose the right place for your dachshund’s toilet, several factors should be taken into account.:

  1. Square. The tray should easily fit into the space allocated to it and the puppy should be comfortable there.
  2. The place must be suitable in size for the dog. After all, before relieving itself, the puppy spins around, selecting a suitable position.
  3. If necessary, get two trays and place them in your “favorite” places. Watch for a while and you will understand which place suits the dog best.
  4. Try to make the place for the tray secluded and at the same time easily accessible for the baby.
  5. The tray should not be near food bowls.
  6. If there is a cat in the house, their trays should not be placed in the same place, as the smell of the cat can irritate the puppy.

The place for the dog toilet should be convenient, first of all, for the pet, and not for the owners.

Methods of punishment

The dog is unlikely to spoil “to spite” the owner. There are more reasoned reasons for this behavior that need to be addressed.

If the dog is sick, the problem can be solved with the help of a veterinarian; if your pet has mental problems, you can contact a dog handler (in some cases, veterinary care is also required); and if the dog shits because you couldn’t toilet train him, then it’s only your fault.

Therefore, there is no need for punishment here. If you throw objects at your dog while he is messing around the house or start swearing loudly, you will only ruin your contact with the animal and the dog will stop trusting you.

Moreover, after such incidents, many dogs begin to look for a place where they can shit without the owner seeing them, and sooner or later you will stumble upon a hidden “surprise”.

If you catch a dog committing a “crime,” say “ay-ay-ay” without being too rude. Show your animal that if he pees outside, you will be very happy about it and give your pet a treat. Of course, the dog will try to please you and get a treat.


Typically, in cases of illness or severe poisoning, diarrhea in dogs is accompanied by vomiting and discharge from the eyes and nose. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

But it happens that as a result of a spasmodic attack or epilepsy, dogs experience spontaneous urination and bowel movements. The stool is completely normal. After 15 minutes the dog’s condition returns to normal. You can't blame her for this.

With diseases of the genitourinary system, in particular cystitis, the dog may begin to sign.

After sterilization, every 10th bitch may have urinary incontinence, which does not appear immediately, after about 6 months. There is a decrease in sphincter function. In young and healthy dogs, this may resolve without treatment. For older dogs, things are more complicated. At first, propalin helps, but then doctors recommend treatment with hormonal drugs, which can worsen the dog’s health.

After castration, older males can also begin to sign, but this is observed less frequently than in females. Although it is more difficult to treat.

It turns out that this is unconscious for dogs. Typically, signing occurs when dogs are relaxing, during sleep. The owners notice this by wet spots on the litter.


  1. Not cleaning puddles thoroughly. Try to clean up puddles immediately after your pet makes them. Wash the floor using a special product that removes odor. If your dog smells urine in the house, he will probably continue to poop.
  2. Taking a pet by the scruff of the neck and poking its nose into a puddle. Avoid using violence when raising your pet. If you poke his nose in urine, he simply will not understand why he is being punished. Moreover, the dog will begin to tighten and be afraid of you, and begin to get stressed. Don't lose contact with the animal.
  3. Regularly coming home from walks when the animal has not yet relieved itself. Be patient and try not to come home until the dog has gone to the toilet. If you constantly come home when the dog has not yet peed on a walk, he will get used to this algorithm of events and continue to shit at home.
  4. Lack of praise during a walk. If you do not reward your pet when it goes to the toilet outside, the process of toilet training will be unproductive and slow. How will your dog know to go to the toilet during a walk if you don't reward the correct behavior?


Dogs do not tolerate stress well. For example, if a dog is afraid of thunder and is alone at home, then from fear it may wet itself or make a pile.

If the stressful situation is prolonged, for example, the owner leaves or another pet appears in the house, then the stress becomes chronic and this is noticeable in the dog’s behavior. Periods of apathy are replaced by excessive excitability, the dog begins to gnaw at its paws and the root of its tail, lick and bite itself. In this state, she can defiantly shit in the middle of the room in front of everyone.

Popular questions

How to stop a dog from shitting on the bed at home?

To begin with, temporarily stop letting the animal onto your bed. Send him to sleep in his place or in a cage (naturally, with soft bedding on the bottom).

In a cage, a dog is unlikely to shit, as it will be unpleasant for him to do it for himself. Also, take your pet out late at night and walk as early as possible in the morning.

Gradually, increase the time between evening and morning walks, but do not go to extremes - it is harmful for the animal to endure more than twelve hours.

If the dog will not shit on the spot or in the crate, you can let him onto your bed. If you catch your pet pooping on the bed, wait until he finishes and take the animal to his crate to sleep.

The dog shits at home at night. How to wean it off?

To begin with, walk your pet late at night and early in the morning. If you see that your dog has drunk at night, take him out for a walk after thirty minutes. Don't play with your dog before bed. For a while you will have to set alarms in the middle of the night.

Watch your dog, at what time does he get up and start wandering around the apartment and peeing? Next time, about twenty minutes before this time, take your pet for a walk. Gradually, you can stop taking your dog out for walks at night, but try to walk your dog as late and as long as possible before bed.

Next, increase the time between the evening and morning walks, but it should not exceed twelve hours.

Special means for training

Nowadays, pet stores have a large assortment of special products that will effectively help correct the animal’s habits. Some will help indicate the correct place for the toilet, others, on the contrary, will push you away. They contain components that will save carpets, floors and even flower beds. We will look at the table below to see which products will best help train a dog.

NameVolume (ml)Specifics and advantages
Puppy trainer50Safe for small breeds.
Getting used to the place200Apply at least 2 times a day.
Toilet training100Helps develop reflexes.
Stopgadin150Does not leave stains.
Let's stop shitting200Suitable for all breeds.
Stop dog100Has a specific smell.
Playing with an animal100Universal

No disadvantages have been identified among the products; specific odors can be considered a disadvantage. As for the advantages, the proposed products not only cope with the task effectively, but also such a spray as Playing with an Animal is suitable even for cats.

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Briefly about the main thing

  1. Identify the cause of the unwanted behavior. Is your dog shitting because you didn’t teach him to go to the toilet during a walk or because of mental problems (fear, stress, uncertainty)? Maybe your pet is sick with something? To fix a problem, you first need to identify the cause of its occurrence.
  2. If your pet has mental problems, he needs the help of a dog handler. Health problems require contacting a veterinarian.
  3. If your dog craps because it doesn’t understand that it should be done on a walk and not at home, wean the animal off this habit with treats and emotional praise. As soon as the dog pees on the street, praise him loudly and give him a treat.
  4. Don't use punishment. The maximum you can say to your pet is “ah-ah-ah” if you catch him in the act of relieving himself. Punishments will be of no use; moreover, they will ruin your relationship with your pet.
  5. At the beginning of training, take a large number of walks per day. After your pet goes to the toilet, take him home.
  6. Take your dog out for a walk after he has eaten or drunk, played, slept, or enjoyed happy events. These actions provoke the pet to go to the toilet.
  7. Once the animal is used to peeing outside, gradually reduce the number of walks per day. Ultimately, the dog should walk quietly 2-3 times a day.
  8. If your dog craps at night, start walking him late in the evening and early in the morning. Reduce the time between your evening and morning walks as much as you can. Watch your dog, at what time does he usually get up and start shitting? Next time, take your pet for a walk twenty minutes before the time when he is used to crapping at home. Gradually, you can increase the time between the evening and morning walks, but you should not force the dog to endure more than twelve hours - this is harmful to its health.

We are glad that you turned to our article for help. We hope that after reading it you will be able to wean your pet from such an unpleasant habit. We wish you and your tailed good luck!

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