Why pregnant women shouldn’t pet cats: “grandmother’s” signs and real threats

There is folk wisdom that says pregnant women should not pet cats. We will look into how true this statement is below, but now here are some tips. If you are expecting a baby, and your doctor is very biased towards superstitions, omens, etc. - change specialist. Believe me, if you collect all the “rules of bearing and giving birth to a child” in one Talmud, you will find out that the expectant mother is not allowed to leave the house, do anything, or even think.

Signs and superstitions

Among the most common reasons why pregnant women should not have any contact with cats:

  • You cannot play or pick him up - the child will have many enemies.
  • You should not pet cats, especially fluffy ones - the newborn will develop subcutaneous hair (“bristles”) on its back, which will interfere with restful sleep. It will need to be removed with milk or rolled out by a healer.
  • You can't look a cat in the eye - it will steal the soul of an unborn child.
  • You should not be allowed to lie on the breast - the milk for feeding the baby will spoil.
  • An animal should not be placed on a pregnant woman's stomach - something bad could happen to the baby.
  • You cannot kick or offend a cat - this sign predicts a difficult birth for a pregnant woman, problems with the child’s legs (clubfoot, ankle deformities) or the appearance of other physical defects.

It’s really not worth hitting an animal, not so much because of signs, but because of the possibility of harm. For educational purposes, this method will also not be effective. Cats do not have a feeling of guilt; accordingly, they do not associate their behavior with an educational “slap”, but perceive it as an encroachment on freedom. In this way, you can quickly ensure that your pet harbors a grudge and even takes revenge in his own way.

Evidence against

Toxoplasmosis is transmitted not only through cat feces, but also through contaminated meat. A person is just as likely or more likely to contract the infection by eating contaminated raw or undercooked meat. Even if a piece of meat is in your hands and you do not wash them afterwards, this can lead to infection.

Interestingly, if a woman contracts an infection before pregnancy, she will become immune and will not pass it on to her fetus. A blood test can confirm whether a woman has had the disease before.

The chances of getting infected from a cat are quite low. Firstly, domestic cats, as a rule, eat dry food and practically cannot get sick. Most cats that carry the parasite are outdoor animals that feed on infected prey.

Pregnant women don't have to avoid cats, and they certainly don't have to give up their beloved pet. A few simple precautions can prevent the parasite from spreading. You need to be especially careful when cleaning the litter box or avoid it altogether. Ask someone from the family. But if you absolutely must do it yourself, you can reduce the risk by wearing disposable gloves and washing your hands immediately and thoroughly afterwards.

Justified prohibitions

If the statements listed above regarding the potential danger of a cat for a pregnant woman are far-fetched, like “grandmother’s horror stories,” then in some cases it is possible to explain why these animals should not be touched from a rational point of view. For example, when they say that:

  • Do not pet or have close contact with cats. We are talking about the possibility of animals carrying certain diseases, including those dangerous to the fetus. But this applies more to homeless or unexamined pets.
  • You cannot clean the cat's litter box or touch the feces in the litter box. The ban is also quite understandable, since feces are a favorable environment for infections and microorganisms. You shouldn’t even be near it, as harmful substances get into the air. During pregnancy, it is better to entrust cleaning the tray to other family members; in extreme cases, wear a gauze bandage and gloves.


While some cat feces can cause serious or even fatal complications to a developing fetus, the fact remains that women do not need to avoid cats completely during pregnancy. The main thing is to stay away from the tray.

In addition, expectant mothers should be careful not only with cat feces, but also with raw meat. The risk of contracting toxoplasmosis is higher if pregnant women eat raw or undercooked meat or do not wash their hands after cooking.

Therefore, it is not at all necessary to throw the cat out the door after learning the good news. Don't let him go outside, feed him dry food and avoid litter boxes.

Based on materials from: https://www.winchesterhospital.org

What could be the real danger?

As mentioned above, rational reasons why pregnant women should not touch cats are associated with the risk of contracting a number of diseases:

  • Toxoplasmosis. The disease poses a serious danger to the fetus: infection soon after conception usually leads to miscarriage, and later - to premature birth and often the birth of children with disabilities. If infected before the 24th week of pregnancy, artificial termination is usually recommended.

If you live permanently with a cat or have frequent contact with stray animals, there is a high probability that infection with toxoplasmosis went undetected (according to statistics, this is about 90% of women). The body of a healthy person copes with toxoplasma without outside interference, and as a result, stable lifelong immunity is formed. You can find out about its presence using a special analysis from the TORCH complex.

  • Worms. They appear not only in street pets, but also in apartment pets. Almost all types of “cat” parasites (roundworms, threadworms and tapeworms, echinococci) easily settle in the human body, with the exception of hookworms. The use of anthelmintic drugs is contraindicated in pregnant women, so if infection occurs, treatment will need to be delayed until at least the 3rd trimester or until delivery. Parasites do not have a direct negative effect on the fetus, but provoke a deterioration in the woman’s health, the development of anemia and vitamin deficiency.
  • Ringworm. The pathology does not pose a great danger to the pregnant woman, but treatment will again have to be postponed. Foci of lichen will only grow, so recovery will take a longer time.
  • Other diseases (chlamydia, salmonellosis). Usually the risk of catching them from a cat (even a stray) is not too high, but it would be wiser to limit contact with other people's animals.

Having a cat in the house during pregnancy is not necessarily dangerous. A healthy, examined animal cannot harm the expectant mother (especially if she has immunity to toxoplasmosis. Timely vaccinations for the animal, regular treatment for worms and parasites, and compliance with basic hygiene rules will ensure comfortable coexistence with the pet and positive emotions from communicating with it.

Evidence for

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a specific parasite. It usually develops with minimal or asymptomatic symptoms and goes unnoticed by most people and animals. Cats transmit this parasite through feces after eating infected small animals such as birds or rodents. Although the infection rarely affects the animals themselves, these parasites are dangerous for pregnant women.

If a pregnant woman cleans an infected cat's litter box, she is exposed to the parasite. If a woman touches her mouth after exposure, she may become sick and put the fetus at risk for serious complications at birth or later in life.

At or before birth, the parasite can cause serious eye infections or other eye problems, brain damage, or even stillbirth or miscarriage. And although many children infected with toxoplasmosis may not have any symptoms at first, they may eventually suffer from blindness or mental retardation.

Any cat that is allowed outside or fed raw or undercooked meat can also be a carrier. Their contaminated feces pose a risk to a woman's pregnancy.

Why a cat can be dangerous for a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, the female body begins to actively waste resources, which leads to the appearance or exacerbation of various diseases. No matter how cute pets are, they can be carriers of dangerous diseases.


All pets, even those who don't go outside, can be infected with parasites. Helminthiasis is not dangerous to the health of the baby and mother, but the medications prescribed to treat the disease are toxic. To avoid becoming infected with worms, women and their pets need prevention. The animal is treated every 3 months; for a woman, it is enough to get tested.


Ringworm is detected in an animal at the stage when it begins to develop bald patches. By this time, the pregnant woman may already be infected. Nothing bad will happen if you take action in time.

Danger from contact with cats

As you know, a cat walks wherever it pleases. She climbs in attics and basements, comes into contact with mice and rats, and sick stray animals. So even the most well-groomed domestic cat is a carrier of infection. A loving housewife always caresses the cat, taking her in her arms, so there is a high probability of contracting an infection, which will affect the development of the fetus. It is possible that a pregnant woman will develop toxoplasmosis.

Its causative agent is a parasite that lives in an animal body. It can be found in the bodies of birds, dogs, cats and other animals, even in humans. However, it is susceptible to rapid reproduction only in the body of cats. It is very difficult to remove from the body, as it is very stable. Even in cat feces it exists for more than two years.

What do women think?

According to some expectant mothers, having a cat in the house and contact with it, on the contrary, has a very good effect on health:

  1. Stroking and close contact with animals - in most cases, many women note that this has a positive, calming and relaxing effect on them.
  2. Relief from fatigue and swelling. Purrs help cope with swelling well, but this property is inherent mainly in tricolor cats. They lie on the feet of expectant mothers, relieving pain and heaviness that occurs at the end of the day due to severe swelling.

Methods of infection with human toxoplasmosis

The methods of infecting humans with toxoplasmosis are the same as in animals: through contact with infected cats, dogs, chickens, by eating the meat of infected animals, through dust and dirt in which the pathogens were located.

Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant women do not eat half-raw meat: kebabs or chops, the meat should be well fried.

Good luck beliefs for pregnant women

Despite the fact that most signs with cats for pregnant women are negative, there are a few very good ones:

  1. It is recommended for a pregnant woman to get a kitten, and it must be taken from the street or a shelter. Then there will be good luck and happiness in a family with a newborn child.
  2. A stray animal should also be taken home if a married couple cannot conceive a child for a long time.

Such good signs have a completely logical justification. During pregnancy, a woman is stressed. She worries about the birth and her baby, and when she gets a kitten, her attention switches to caring for the pet. In addition, gentle purring has a very calming effect.

But before you take a kitten from the street during pregnancy, you need to weigh all the risks. Such an animal will have to undergo a thorough examination by a veterinarian and appropriate treatment for the presence of parasites and infectious diseases.

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis can be diagnosed through a blood test because the body produces antibodies when it comes into contact with the parasite. It is best to do this test before you plan to become pregnant. If it fails, then at the very beginning. When reading the results, the doctor checks whether the woman has a history of toxoplasmosis or whether she was recently infected. If the patient has not previously been ill, tests are repeated every three months.

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis

Is it possible to clean a cat's litter box?

It is in the cat's litter box that contains a large number of germs and infections that can be dangerous for a pregnant girl. This includes not only toxoplasmosis, but also worms.

Kitten with baby

If there is another person in the house, then it is better to entrust this difficult task to him. It is better for a pregnant woman to completely minimize contact with all kinds of secretions. If you cannot entrust this task to anyone else, then you need to use gloves and a protective mask.

Mysticism or reason

Cats are creatures that are credited with mystical abilities, and pregnant women, unfortunately, are too impressionable, so they often believe in various stupid superstitions. Many women try to get rid of a pet during pregnancy, but in vain.

No superstitions have anything to do with reality. But there are medical reasons why you need to limit contact with cats or take all preventive measures to protect yourself from serious diseases, and with them from very serious consequences.

Method for determining whether a cat is infected

Domestic cats infected with toxoplasmosis begin to sneeze frequently and for a long time. Her eyes turn red and fester, she quickly loses weight and can barely stand on her feet. Muscle tremors constantly accompany her. Subsequently, jaundice develops against the background of liver damage, and the cat experiences vomiting and diarrhea.

All these symptoms of the disease appear in the initial stage of the disease. But if a cat has a chronic form of the disease, then you may not even guess about it, since it does not manifest itself outwardly. Such cats are not dangerous, since the pathogen is not released outside.

Which animal should a pregnant woman not touch?

Unfortunately, upon learning that the family will soon have a baby, future parents rush to give away their pets. This is due to the fact that many animals are carriers of various diseases. For example, cats can infect their owner with toxoplasmosis, which will look like a cold, but it is dangerous for the unborn child. But it is not necessary to give the cats away; it is worth entrusting the care of the kitty to other family members.

With rodents - hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, etc. (not rabbits) things are different. They are carriers of the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, which is dangerous for fetal development. And fish and reptiles can cause salmonella.

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