Bulldogs: types of dog breeds, what are they?

Despite the popularity of bulldogs, some dog breeders consider them dangerous and aggressive. Most of these four-legged animals actually took part in dog fighting, but after their ban, the character of the former fighters underwent many changes.

Before you lump everyone together, try to find out what types of bulldogs there are and how they differ from each other. Many of these dogs are friendly, humble and good with children, making them loyal companions and excellent babysitters.

About the history of the breed

The name of the breed group comes from the English “bulldog”, which means “bull dog”.

This name is a tribute to the past of these dogs, when they were used as baiting dogs. Bulldogs were released against bulls, bears, lions and other large animals. The main goal of such a competition for dogs was to capture the animal and hold it until it completely fell.

After the ban on such entertainment in the 19th century. dogs began to be used as a fighter in the arena against each other and representatives of other breeds.

By 1859, such entertainment was also banned, and the direction of selection shifted towards the eradication of aggressiveness and anger. Such dogs began to be used as companions.

Common features for all representatives of the group are:

  • Powerful body with good muscles;
  • Large round head with a flattened muzzle;
  • Squat build;
  • The presence of folds on the body and head.

Many breeds from this group are small in number or are on the verge of extinction. The reduction in the number of animals and the decline in popularity began with the ban on the participation of dogs in fights with other animals.

Interesting Facts

Bulldogs are known to people all over the world, but are not among the popular family dogs as they are considered vicious and dangerous. But history says otherwise.

  1. There is a legend: French bulldogs were bred specifically to catch rats on ships and in ports. A pack of dogs was launched into a hold or storage room, where the animals exterminated hordes of rodents, showing unprecedented courage, intelligence and speed of reaction.
  2. “English” is not just the country of origin, but also the character of the dogs: they are characterized by gentleness, mannerisms, equanimity and calmness, inherent in real gentlemen.
  3. Bulldogs are often used as mascots for sports teams. Dogs cannot be called outstanding athletes, but their inherent tenacity and desire to win are highly valued by professional football players.
  4. Representatives of the breed are frequent heroes of cartoons, comics, films and books, which once again emphasizes their popularity.
  5. For decades, cynologists have been trying to recreate the ancestor of modern varieties - the Old English Bulldog.
  6. The British are confident that this is the only animal that has a sense of humor.


The breed is also known as the Spanish Bulldog, Alano Espanol and Spanish Alano . One of the oldest breeds of the group, presumably bred by the Assyrians, the first mentions date back to the 12th century. BC. The dogs are descendants of Molossians; the hypothesis about the presence of a Tibetan Great Dane in their ancestors is also accepted.

The name of the breed, according to one version, is translated as “bulldog”; according to another, it is given in honor of the “Alans” people, whose representatives bred the first dogs of this type. They were used to participate in battles, hunting, herding livestock, guarding, and pursuing Indians. Interest in Alanos fell after the ban on bloody competitions; at the moment, there are very few representatives of the species.

The breed is not recognized by the FCI, but is registered with the country's national kennel club. The standard requirements establish the following dimensions for dogs:

  • Males - 60-65 cm at the withers, 38-45 kg in weight;
  • Females are 56-61 cm in height, weight 33-38 kg.

The Alan has a large, rough head with a voluminous forehead and a rounded skull. muzzle is shortened, wide, and rounded towards the chin. The jaws are powerful, with a slight bite. The eyes are medium in size, from amber to brown in tone. Ears are often cropped, although a natural option is acceptable.

body is slightly elongated, with a powerful muscular back, tucked belly and deep chest. The skin forms a dewlap on the neck, fits tightly over the body, the folds on the muzzle are weakly expressed. The coat is short, up to 2.5 cm, often brindle in color with a different background tone, sometimes there is a dark mask on the face.

The Alano's character is tough, but without unjustified aggression. Dogs are very confident, independent and distrustful. Pets are attached to their owner and family, but are wary of strangers. The cost of a puppy is 20,000 -50,000 rubles.

Health, typical diseases

The main problem of all bulldogs, regardless of variety, is short airways (due to a compressed body and brachycephaly). Therefore, they snore loudly in their sleep, are extremely susceptible to colds, and are sensitive to overheating. According to statistics, one of the most common causes of death among bulldogs is heatstroke.

The hot season with high humidity is very dangerous for dogs: breathing is impaired and characteristic gurgling sounds appear. If you ignore these symptoms, the animal will develop laryngeal edema. This phenomenon is characterized by the accumulation of viscous mucus in the throat, which the dog is unable to cough up on its own. In the absence of timely help, the bulldog may die. The owner needs to know that a pet that has experienced heatstroke at least once in its life will subsequently always be at risk and suffer from overheating.

A dog that has suffered a heatstroke must be moved to a cool, dark place, given water, moistened the fur and cleared the airways of viscous secretions.

Bulldog puppies, with rare exceptions, are born by caesarean section - as the only way to avoid all risks. This is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the pelvis of bitches: according to breed standards, it should be narrow, and puppies have too large a head. In addition, representatives of the breed are phlegmatic and lazy, and even childbirth cannot help bring muscle tone to the desired state.

Pathologies characteristic of bulldogs include:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • allergies;
  • atopic and interdigital dermatitis;
  • cataract;
  • third eyelid adenoma (“cherry eye”);
  • cysts between fingers;

In old age, bulldogs are diagnosed with femoral neck fractures, since the entire load is mainly placed not on the muscles, but on the joints.

As for life expectancy, bulldogs cannot be called long-livers. There are quite a lot of diseases to which they are susceptible, so not every person can support them.

Like all Molossians (Mastiffs, Boxers, Great Danes), they usually live 8-10 years. However, with good maintenance and healthy genetics, they can easily live up to 15 years.

Alapaha Bulldog

One of the rarest breeds of this group, there are no more than 150 individuals in the world. Representatives are also known by the names: otto, alapaha, alpaha, in English the name sounds like Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog . The ancestor of the breed is English bulldogs, although in appearance the dogs resemble the American type.

Breeding began as part of the restoration of the South Georgia dog in the 19th century. The first dog, named Otto, was remembered not only by his appearance, but also by his devotion to his owner, to whose grave the pet came after his death. The main development of the breed has since been organized by the relatives of the owner of the dog, the ancestor of the variety.

The breed is not recognized by the FCI, but there is a local standard that sets conformation requirements. It states that Alapaha are fairly large dogs:

  • The height of males is 51-61 cm, females are 46-56 cm.
  • Body weight for the former is 32-41 kg, for the latter – 25-34 kg.

body is wide, but not as loose as that of other bulldogs; they are characterized by a deep chest and powerful back. The head of the alapah is square in shape with a flattened top and a pronounced stop. The lower jaw is slightly undershot; the muzzle has well-developed jowls, which, however, do not hang down much. The coat is short, of different colors, including brindle, but tans and spots on the body are not allowed.

These are balanced, active, self-confident dogs, lovingly related to the owner and his children . Alapaha have a well-expressed territorial instinct; they do not tolerate encroachments on their area, which makes them good guards. They can be stubborn and self-willed. It is quite difficult to buy a puppy; you will have to travel abroad; the price for a pet starts from 65,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Negative qualities and habits of bulldogs require close attention from owners:

  • stubborn animals often show laziness and apathy during the training process;
  • It is advisable to keep a large bulldog in a spacious apartment;
  • balanced nutrition is the basis for a dog’s successful development, and feeding a rather large pet can be very expensive;
  • Males tend to dominate, you need to show iron willpower with them.

There are many more positive aspects:

  • any bulldog is a calm, balanced creature that rarely presents unpleasant surprises;
  • once learned commands are learned by the dog forever;
  • a properly raised individual will become a model of obedience and diligence;
  • dogs love children, are patient, and have good health.

American Bulldog

One of the popular varieties of bulldogs comes from the USA. The first mention of the breed dates back to the 18th century, when settlers used dogs of a similar type on their farms to guard their homes, livestock and property. The breed is recognized by the FCI.

The standard establishes the following requirements for the size of a bulldog:

  • Males - 58-68 cm (ideally 63-65 cm), weighing 45-60 kg;
  • Females – 55-65 cm (preferably 58-60 cm), body weight – 35-50 kg.

These are large dogs, with a slightly elongated body, strong bones and a rough constitution. Americans have a large head , deep and voluminous in the skull area, with a slightly flattened forehead. The muzzle is shortened, wide at the base, with a pronounced stop and a brow furrow. The jaws are powerful, with a massive chin, and a dense undershot. Eyes can range from hazel to deep brown.

Neck with dewlap and well-defined occipital protuberance. The ears and tail of representatives of the breed are not docked. limbs are straight, the distance between the front ones is significantly greater than the back ones. The skin is thick, with folds on the neck and head, the fur is short, pure white, or with brindle or red spots, for example a pure brindle tone.

This is a very active dog with an independent character . American Bulldogs are courageous, family-friendly, and wary of strangers. They may exhibit dominant behavior towards other dogs and animals, but do not display overt and unreasonable aggression. A puppy can be bought for 15-80,000 rubles.

Distinctive features

According to the standard, the breed can be described as follows:

  • The head is large in size, with folds and wrinkles. There is a furrow between the eyebrows. The back of the head is not too prominent and there is a clear transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The bones of the upper jaw and nose are shortened.
  • The muzzle is snub-nosed with an extended dark lobe. It is because of this structure that the breed often experiences breathing difficulties.
  • The bulldog's lips are fleshy, slightly drooping, and black in color. They close in the middle and hide their teeth behind them.
  • The jaws are strong, the lower one is pronounced and slightly moved forward.
  • The eyes are large, round, outlined.
  • The ears are medium in size, round, thin, wide at the base.
  • The neck is short but muscular and slightly arched.
  • The body has a slight rise from the withers to the hind legs - which is typical for this breed.
  • The back is massive and strong.
  • The chest is deep and cylindrical in shape.
  • The abdomen is toned, without sudden changes.
  • The tail is short, set low with a tapered end.
  • Forelegs with short forearms.
  • The paws are shaped like a cat's - round, with claws connecting to each other.
  • The hind limbs are more developed, have pronounced muscles, and are positioned more vertically.

English bulldog

One of the most popular breeds among bulldogs, known since the 17th century . Initially, the dogs were used as a guard and baiting dog; after the ban on fighting, the direction of selection shifted towards exhibition work. English Bulldogs have become companions and national icons due to their personalities.

These dogs captivated aristocrats with their poise, sedateness, determination and courage.

Currently, the English are reliable pets, loyal to their owner, somewhat stubborn, but trainable. They are energetic, vigilant towards strangers, but peaceful in nature.

The breed is recognized by the FCI, the standard determines that the weight of dogs should be 23-25 ​​kg , depending on gender, height at the withers is not established by the rules, but is usually 50-55 cm . These are squat dogs with a wide but compact body. back has a pronounced rise towards the lower back.

The head looks slightly disproportionate to the body, large in circumference, wide and square. The muzzle is short, blunt, upturned, with thick and deep jowls. The eyes of the English are wide-set, round, ears and tail are not docked. The front legs are slightly shorter than the hind legs, both pairs are powerful and muscular.

The skin may gather into wrinkles and form a dewlap on the neck. The coat is short, the color of English bulldogs is varied - from solid to spotted and brindle, but tan, brown and black coat colors are undesirable. A baby of this breed can be bought for 5,000-50,000 rubles.

The Magnificent Three: Modern Views

There are 3 varieties of the breed approved by the FCI - English, American and French.


All types of bulldogs originated from the English variety of the breed. This is a dog whose weight reaches 25 kg, and the height at the withers is 40 cm. The color is varied: brindle, red, brown or red with white spots.

The ancestors of the English Bull came to Europe along with nomadic peoples. They were valued for their ferocity: the dogs were used for roundups and bull baiting. The dogs grabbed the animals' faces and strangled them.

Today the English Bulldog is a calm, balanced dog, somewhat lazy and stubborn. She is devoted to her family and indifferent to strangers. However, the military past has not disappeared without a trace - in case of danger, pets will defend themselves and their owners.

English bulldogs are suitable for all families - from singles to large families. But they need attention and regular examination by a veterinarian. The breed is prone to diseases of the skin, heart, and musculoskeletal system.

We'll have to tinker with our upbringing as well. The British are capricious and do not remember commands well. Even if they understood the order, the dogs will think three times before obeying.


The American Bulldog is the closest relative of the English Bulldog. It was brought to the United States by immigrants from Great Britain in the early 18th century.

In America, the breed was used in battles, for herding, guarding and hunting large animals. So that the dogs could cope with such complex responsibilities, large puppies were chosen. The rest were discarded.

The result was a strong and resilient dog. The American variety reaches 70 cm at the withers and weighs up to 58 kg.

Americans are more similar than other varieties to their ancestors - the Old English Bulldogs. However, the breed almost disappeared. At the beginning of the 20th century, only a few representatives remained. John Johnson began breeding dogs, and by the 1980s the population was restored.

Due to long-term selection, the breed was divided into 2 types:

  1. Classic or Johnson type. A large dog with a short muzzle, developed guarding and protective skills.
  2. Standard or Scott type. Less of the classic look, but more durable and athletically built. Suitable for hunting and livestock work.

Cynologists note the appearance of a mixed type. Breeders produce a versatile dog with the qualities of the standard and classic American Bulldog.

Americans are loyal, strong and formidable companions. The standard states “protection of the owner in all situations, even at the cost of life.” Dogs are aggressive and perceive strangers as a potential threat. They need a firm hand, otherwise the dogs will grow uncontrollable. Therefore, it is not recommended for beginners to have pets.

A distinctive feature of the American Bull is the absence of folds on the puppies' muzzle. They appear as they grow older.


The most good-natured of all bulldogs is the French one. He was bred as a decorative dog that would love children, get along with other pets and brighten up the evenings of lonely people.

The bulldog was brought to France by immigrants from England - weavers, tailors, shoemakers. They moved in 1848 - 1860. during the crisis in Great Britain. The workers took small representatives of the breed, because... they were easier to transport and maintain.

At first, the French Bulldog breed was classified as a small fighting dog. Later they began to keep him as a companion and for exterminating rodents. The dogs were crossed with local dogs - pugs and terriers.

The result is a small dog weighing up to 15 kg and 30 cm tall. He has a funny appearance: a flattened muzzle with bulging eyes and erect ears like a bat.

French bulldogs are loving and sociable pets. They have no aggression, they are equally happy with their owners and guests, and love to play with children and pets.

The breed is the sickest among all boules. They are leaders in allergies, cardiovascular pathologies, and joint diseases. In addition, mating is difficult due to the wide and low-set paws, and childbirth in a French bulldog is difficult; bitches often undergo a caesarean section.

The main varieties of bulldogs, with descriptions and photos, are presented above. However, there are still little-known and unrecognized species of the breed.


There is a very small group of bulldogs native to Brazil that is not recognized by the FCI . The first mention of the breed dates back to the 16th century; presumably the ancestors of the dogs were Old English dogs of this species, brought by settlers from Great Britain.

They were used as shepherds, capable of standing up to large ungulates alone. They make excellent guards and companions.

According to another version, Campeiro is the result of crossing Portuguese and Spanish mastiffs with the Old English Bulldog, which was brought to Brazil in the 19th century. With a change in the breeding and grazing scheme, the breed went into decline; only through the efforts of one of the breeders, R. Shane, who collected the remaining dogs of this type on farms, the dogs did not disappear completely.

This is a powerful dog with a heavy build . The height at the withers of males should be 50-56 cm , weight - 36-42 kg , height of females - 48-54 cm , weight - 31-37 kg . The body of the dogs is almost square, with massive bones, pronounced muscle mass and a deep sternum.

The head is large, with prominent cheeks. The skull is massive, rounded, the muzzle is short. It takes up no more than a third of the size of the head. The jaws are wide, square, capable of holding a bull in place, with a pronounced undershot. The ears and tail are not docked; the latter has a slightly curved shape.

The skin forms moderately noticeable folds, the lips are thick, hanging below the jaw line. The coat is short, any color except marble. Dogs have an independent character, they are moderately active, stubborn, courageous and vigilant.

They are devoted to their owner and treat children and animals well. It is difficult to buy a puppy, the price starts from 170,000 rubles, and you will have to travel abroad to purchase one.



These are true companions for humans, as they easily and quickly become attached to their owner and the rest of the family.

Basset Hound

This is a dog with enormous intellectual capabilities, but at the same time loves to be loved and respected. They have a very calm disposition and do not require serious physical exertion.

Bedlington Terrier

It has a unique appearance, but at the same time the dog is distinguished by the presence of pronounced hunting instincts, while possessing a sense of self-esteem.

White Swiss Shepherd

A guard dog breed, therefore, it has all the characteristics inherent in this function. Does not show aggression towards strangers and animals, including dogs.

Belgian Griffon

It is an indoor decorative breed, but is distinguished by its unique development with a change in character. When a dog is young, it is rather weak and inactive. As an adult, she gains weight as well as muscle mass and subsequently becomes active and cheerful.

Belgian Shepherd

The dog is quite smart and has excellent security characteristics. She has a lively and intelligent look. However, it is not recommended for maintenance by inexperienced or indecisive owners.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This dog has many positive characteristics. This is not only a strong and hardy breed, it is very devoted to its owner and has a good-natured disposition.

Biewer Yorkshire Terrier

A decorative dog breed with a balanced temperament, but at the same time with a strong and strong-willed character. Feels great in the home company of people and animals.


At one time, the breed of dogs helped people hunt small but nimble animals. The dog is friendly, smart, affectionate and energetic.

Bichon Frize

This is a naturally cheerful and playful dog. In addition, she is brave and non-aggressive, but at the same time she has a complex disposition that requires education and training.


This is a true hound breed, extremely active, requiring constant physical activity. Otherwise, he will be able to turn the apartment into a trash bin.


Bobtails, despite their (comparatively) intimidating appearance, are distinguished by their friendly nature and loyalty towards family members.


The appearance of this breed is very attractive and interesting. They love their owners, but are distrustful of strangers.

Border Collie

The breed is an extremely energetic and fast-moving animal, and therefore requires constant physical activity.

Dogue de Bordeaux

A fairly ancient French breed, the ancestors of which are Roman fighting dogs. This breed was originally used to protect human settlements from wolves and bears.

You can't tell by its appearance that this dog has a very friendly character.


The breed is distinguished by the fact that it is quite social, since it is distinguished by its friendliness, both to its relatives and to other animals. The intelligence of this dog is at a high level.

Boston Terrier

This is a dog that has absorbed a lot of both positive and negative qualities. Needs qualified education and training.

Brazilian Fila

Can successfully protect an object that a person has entrusted to him. Shows distrust of strangers and even at exhibitions keeps everyone at a distance, including judges.

Brussels Griffon

Despite its small size, the breed knows its worth, but at the same time they show friendly feelings and love to play.


The breed is distinguished by boundless devotion to its owner, but at the same time they behave non-aggressively towards family members, acquaintances and friends, and are wary when meeting strangers.

Bull Terrier

A rather capricious and stubborn dog, therefore it requires a qualified approach to training and education. In addition, bull terriers must be constantly monitored, otherwise they will try to independently expand the boundaries of what is permitted.


These are strong and hardy dogs, with a beautifully built body that requires constant physical activity. For them, daily walks of 5 km are the minimum load.


A small breed bred in the USA . Currently not recognized by major dog breeding associations. The dogs are a cross between a Louisiana Catahoula leopard dog and an American bulldog (in the first generation the blood is 50:50, in subsequent generations it is 75:25).

The first representatives of the breed appeared, according to assumptions, as a result of crossing the Beauceron, the red wolf and local Indian dogs. They were used for hunting, but were unable to hold large prey. To enhance power and fighting skills, the blood of American bulldogs was mixed into the Catahoulas, resulting in a more squat and massive animal.

The height of dogs at the withers is 55-66 cm , body weight is 34-45 kg . The dog's body is massive, but not overloaded, muscular, with fairly high, straight legs. head is powerful with a wide skull. The muzzle is shortened, with a voluminous jaw. A typical scissor bite is characteristic. The skin is thick, with folds on the muzzle.

The ears are drooping and can be cropped. Eyes are brown, blue, amber or multi-colored. coat is short, smooth, and often has no undercoat. The color is inherited from the Catahoula leopard dog and can be merle gray, white, black or brown with brindle, tan, spots, and also a merle variant.

These are very hardy dogs, active, agile, with a pronounced hunting instinct. They are balanced, attached to their owner, distrustful of strangers, and protect their territory.

Buying a puppy is very difficult; the price is negotiated individually with the breeder.


Since small French bulldog puppies are very similar to pugs, unscrupulous breeders often slip mixed breeds to inexperienced dog breeders. Therefore, it is better to choose six-month-old pets that are already acquiring the distinctive characteristics of the breed.

Choosing a puppy

When choosing such a pet, it is better to contact reputable breeders or buy a puppy from people you know well. You should not look for a French bulldog using the Internet, as there is a high probability of purchasing a non-purebred or sick dog.

When choosing a dog, you need to look at the conditions in which the mother and puppies live - the enclosure should be clean and dry, and the animals themselves should be non-aggressive and calm.

Before purchasing a baby, you should obtain from the breeder a certificate from a veterinarian about the vaccinations performed and the state of his health.

A healthy baby’s coat is shiny and smooth, there are no rashes or pinkish coloration on the skin. The eyes are the same size, clean, without discharge. The oral mucosa is pale pink. If it is paler, then the puppy most likely has anemia.

A healthy baby is quite active, weighing 2-3 kg at 2 months.

Continental Bulldog

The dog breed, developed in Switzerland, does not currently have FCI recognition . Selection began after the country approved rules protecting animal health. Bulldog breeder I. Angern, guided by the new document, decided to recreate bulldogs that are close to the original Old English version, without problems with breathing and other vital systems.

In 2000, this direction of selection was approved by the state authorities of the country and the International Film Festival . I. Agern used her English bulldogs and the new type of Old English bulldogs brought from the USA to develop a new breed. In 2004, the breed was recognized by the Swiss Club, after which their conformation standard was approved.

Continental or Pickwick Bulldog , according to the requirements, must reach a height of 40-44 cm (for females) and 42-46 cm (for males). The body of dogs is square or slightly elongated, muscular, slightly sloping towards the tail, with a voluminous chest.

The neck of Pickwick Bulldogs is short, but does not create the appearance of its absence. The head is square, with a flat forehead, with a pronounced stop, which, however, is not as prominent as in the English variety. The muzzle is shortened, with a wide lower jaw and a powerful chin. There should be a small snack.

eyes are round and have brown irises. The ears are small, hanging, unlike the tail, not docked. The skin is practically wrinkle-free, the hair is short, any color is acceptable, but blue is undesirable. The character of dogs is self-confident, friendly, calm when communicating with loved ones. Timidity and aggression are considered vices. You can buy it mainly in Switzerland; a puppy costs from 160,000 rubles.


And this is a representative of hunting breeds, whose homeland is Germany. He is well versed in the terrain and has excellent instincts. The Weimaraner tracks game not only by smell, but also by its tracks on the ground. This large breed of dog looks very confident in the photo. It weighs about 45 kg and has a height of 65-75 cm.

The Weimaraner's psyche is quite stable; they are good-natured animals. These qualities make them good companions. However, they do not forgive insults. If you harm a dog once, he will remember it for the rest of his life. The animal has short dark gray or brown fur, very soft to the touch, large eyes and a slightly elongated muzzle.

Since the Weimaraner is a hunter, it needs to be walked for a long time, and at least 3 times a day. Otherwise, he will become sad. He is driven by the instincts of a hunter, therefore, sniffing out game is a priority task for him.

Particular attention should be paid to the animal's nutrition. Remember that food for large breed dogs should be premium, not economy class.

But giving them human food, especially sweet ones, is not recommended.

Old English Bulldog

It is a new breed developed in the USA. The goal of the selection was to produce a dog similar to the original Old English Bulldog that existed in the 19th century. Breeder D. Levitt used blood for this:

  • Bullmastiff;
  • Pit bull terrier;
  • English Bulldog;
  • American Bulldog.

The result of the crossing is not recognized in the FCI, but the standard is enshrined in the American Kennel Association. According to the rules of the organization, the height of dogs should be 43-51 cm (for males) and 40-48 cm (for females). The body weight of the former is 27-36 kg , the latter - 22-31 kg .

This is a powerful, somewhat squat dog, with a muscular body and massive, but not too heavy, bones. The line of the back is inclined towards the withers, the hind legs are slightly higher than the front legs.

The head is large, more proportional to the body than that of English bulldogs. The muzzle is shortened, but not too much, which makes breathing easier for pets. The ears are small, hanging, wide set. The skin is thick, with a moderate number of folds, the lips are slightly saggy. The coat is short, soft, and the color can be very different.

The dog is active, with character, but not aggressive. Dogs are self-confident, stubborn, but listen to their owner. You can buy a puppy for at least 120,000 rubles, but you will have to go to the USA to pick up the baby.

Siberian Husky

Adult dog weight: from 16 to 28 kg. The height at the withers is from 51 to 60 cm. All types of medium-sized dog breeds are divided into long-haired and smooth-haired. One of the cutest representatives of long-haired dogs is the northern sled dog, the Siberian Husky. This breed embodies remarkable intelligence, love for people, selfless devotion and high intelligence.

When considering all the pros and cons of keeping a Siberian Husky at home, remember that the dog is very active. She needs regular exercise, otherwise the apartment will be completely destroyed in your absence.

Huskies are constantly looking for somewhere to release their accumulated energy and do not always let it go in a peaceful direction. Huskies choose one person as their owner, but they reverently love all family members. The breed's protective qualities are completely undeveloped.

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