Can cats love their owners: scientific research

Can cats love their owner? This question comes up among cat lovers, and there is, as a rule, much more evidence that cats are capable of deep, sincere affection for humans than there are examples stating the opposite.

An interesting thing is that this question does not even arise in relation to dogs. Everyone is sure that a dog loves its owner for the very fact of his existence. A dog is a devoted and faithful friend who does not abandon a person in the most difficult moments of life, this is an axiom. Why is a person still not sure of his cat’s love? Let's try to figure it out.

How can a cat show love for its owner?

Purrs are very cunning and intelligent creatures. If they like a person, they will never mark his shoes, defecate on the bed or his things. Cats that are more loyal and expressive of love for their owner are animals picked up from the street. They seem to know that they were saved from an unenviable fate and are ready to thank them for the rest of their lives.

Mostly, a cat’s love for its owner manifests itself in excessive pestering. The animal caresses, chirps, extends its claws, as if dancing, spins under its feet, and rubs against them. If you stroke it between the ears and under the muzzle at this time, it will be overly happy. Such manifestations of tender feelings occur not only when the pet is hungry.

It is believed that these animals can heal people. It is clear that there are no clearly proven facts. But some lucky ones claim that the pain in the side, the head, or the legs, all went away after the pet lay down on the sore spot. It is not known whether purrs can heal, but it is highly likely that they can find foci of inflammation.

The animal attracts to them the release of additional energy characteristic of the inflammatory process. This may also be one of the explanations why the cat loves its owner and comes to sleep with him.

In addition, it is believed that purrs can help cope with depression and loneliness. Single people are recommended to have these cute creatures at home. So there will always be a feeling that the cat is waiting and ready to reciprocate. Purrs allow you to get rid of heavy thoughts and escape from routine.

They especially help people with mental work. Many furry cats like to sleep near their owner's head or chest. It is clear that not everyone may like such a neighborhood at night. But you shouldn’t chase the beast away for at least some time. To prevent the animal from waking up early in the morning and at night, it is worth developing a specific feeding schedule.

Signs of love

Often cats express their love for their owners in quite a unique way. But it seems so only at first glance to those who are not familiar with the psychology and instincts of furry household members.

  • Newborn kittens knead their mother's belly with their paws to stimulate milk flow. If a cat tramples his owner, it means he feels safe next to him and loves him like his own mother.
  • Cats are natural predators. If a pet brings mice, moles or birds to a person, it means he cares for him as a member of his family, and feeds the one he considers a less skilled hunter. The same applies to offerings in the form of toys and various small items. The animal shares the caught prey with its loved one.
  • Cats, just like people, care about those they love. If a pet carefully licks its owner’s face or hands, it means she is caring for him as if he were a member of the family. In addition, this is how a cat leaves its scent on a person, telling other animals that this person is already occupied. By the way, cats that come into the bathroom and meow loudly, looking at a person lying in the water, express their concern about his safety and urge him to leave the bath as soon as possible so as not to drown.
  • Friction with the head and sides is a sure sign that the cat considers the person very close and trusts him. Thus, the animal leaves a special secretion on the owner’s skin or clothing, secreted by glands located on the head and body. If your cat butts you slightly, he is showing that he feels calm and safe with you.
  • Meowing is a sure sign that cats love their owners. After all, in this way cats communicate only with people; they use growls or howls among themselves. Meowing, the pet asks for help, offers to play or tells how it spent its day.
  • The cat begins to purr loudly as soon as it sits on your lap or while playing - this means that it is comfortable and pleasant for him to spend time with you.
  • An animal running towards a person with its tail held high is clearly happy to meet you. And if the tip of the tail trembles slightly, then this is a clear manifestation of sincere love.

Highest degree of trust

  • Typically, cats do not allow touching vulnerable parts of their body. So, if the cat in front of you rolls from side to side, sleeps on its back, raises its paws, opening its belly, and allows you to stroke it - all this signals the highest degree of trust and love.
  • The tail is the most protected part of the body for any cat. If a pet turns its back to its owner, while its tail stands erect, this is a sign of complete trust. By allowing the cat to touch and stroke its tail, the cat equates the owner with a native creature.
  • Biting is another undeniable sign of the cat's reverent attitude towards you. After all, this is how cats show love for their own kind. It is very easy to distinguish friendly behavior from aggressive behavior. Expressing warm feelings, cats bite the skin lightly, holding the person with their paws, but without releasing their claws.
  • The habit of being near a person more often shows the warm attitude of the cat. The pet can sleep next to you or sit directly on the owner. He comes and lies next to you while you watch TV or work. At the first opportunity, he climbs onto your lap or arranges himself so that he can feel the warmth of your body. All this speaks of attachment.
  • Many animals do not like prolonged visual contact. This fully applies to all felines. So, if a cat stares at a person for a long time, this is a sign of absolute trust. And if the gaze is occasionally interrupted by a leisurely blink, this is undoubtedly love.

If a cat asks for communication, you should not refuse him. It is better to take a break from pressing matters and devote some time to your pet. He will be pleased, and your relationship will only benefit from this.

Do cats feel their owner's love?

Perhaps the first spark comes from the person himself. How can you not fall in love with such a sweet and adorable face? Undoubtedly, if you think about whether cats feel the love of their owner, there is no point in guessing. The animal will reciprocate and appreciate the care taken for it. However, there is also another side to the coin. Purrs are vengeful creatures. There is no need to bathe the animal, drive it away from its favorite place, or beat it. Revenge will be expressed in torn furniture or in a puddle in the wrong place.

These unpleasant moments can occur when a cat loves its owner very much. Perhaps he paid less attention to her than to the guests. But here it’s worth taking care of the last one. The animal can spoil their shoes or bag with an unpleasant odor.

However, such incidents are still extremely rare. In most cases, the cat loves its owner very much, despite his bad attitude. The tender feelings of a purr can also be expressed in obtaining food for a cherished person. If a cat loves his owner very much, he can carry mice for him. We are, of course, talking about the private sector. In the apartment things are a little different. Don't be surprised when there's a piece of fish or meat on the bed. A caring animal has brought you lunch!

First meeting with a pet

In most cases, this gentle creature comes into our home as a kitten. He is scared, it seems to him that he is lost, there is no one close to him. The kitten begins to carefully explore the rooms, timidly hiding at the slightest noise, scurrying under cabinets and beds. But this particular moment is very important. In a moment of such weakness, the cat chooses its patron. She urgently needs a reliable, strong protector who will protect her from invisible dangers. How does a cat choose its beloved owner? Everything happens on an instinctive level.

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When meeting a small cat for the first time, the whole family is in an excited state. Mom tries to explain to her where the sun lounger, toilet, and plate of food are. The child does not miss the opportunity to cuddle the cat and show how much he loves it. The only one who remains completely calm is dad. That is why the animal often chooses men as the head of the family . They radiate self-confidence and do not fuss. This means they can protect you. Now the mother of the family will feed the cat, love, care for her, but she will express her favor to the already chosen owner.

Why cats love their owners

We should not overestimate our smaller brothers. They are smarter than we might think. Cats perfectly feel the love of their owner, instinctively predicting a bad attitude towards them. Sometimes it seems that they know human language and understand what people are talking about.

It’s not for us to judge why cats love their owners. Perhaps these creatures are smarter than us. In addition, some believe that they can communicate with spirits and are guides to the other world. In connection with this, a plausible explanation for why a cat loves its mistress or owner may be the fact that the animal has been possessed by the soul of a deceased loved one. Therefore, you should not kick a stray kitten out of the house. There is a possibility that a loved one who has passed away forever wants to communicate with you.

However, if we discard all mystical assumptions, we can note the reasons why the cat loves the owner’s husband, and the cat loves her. In this case, the male is attracted to the female smell of sweat, and the female is attracted to the male. Despite this, all cats feel the love of their owners, regardless of gender.

Communicating Using Body Language

You don't need to be fluent in cat to develop a strong bond with this pet. Your cat's body language can help you understand what she is trying to tell you. There are some telltale signs that she is in the mood for a cuddle or wants to be left alone. Everything your cat does, from the twitching of her tail to the tips of her ears, is for a reason. This is how the animal wants to tell you something.

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Best Pets

Cats are adorable. At the same time, their reputation is not to be envied - many perceive cats as animals with character that do not care about humans. Unfortunately, this stigma still exists today. Many people confuse cats' sense of independence and individuality with negative or hostile attitudes towards others. But today scientists have proven that these furry creatures not only love us, but also consider us parents. This, of course, is hardly news for those who have lived with cats for a long time, but it is always nice to receive confirmation from scientists.

A harmonious relationship between a person and a cat looks like this

A study conducted by scientists from Oregon State University was published on the Current Biology portal. During the experiment, scientists found that the manifestations of affection of cats to their owners are very similar to the manifestation of affection of dogs and babies. This means that cats are not the selfless and apathetic creatures that some make them out to be. Cats are amazing animals that can form unique and meaningful bonds with their owners.

What is your relationship with your pets? Share stories from your life with participants in our Telegram chat.

Dependence on independents

For many avid cat lovers, unrequited love for a furry pet is tantamount to tragedy. But you really shouldn’t despair, you just need to let go of the situation and react less to dislike for you. Try to pamper her with something tasty more often. You shouldn’t wait for momentary manifestations of love, show patience and a little endurance, and you will see that the cat will give your feelings another chance. Success and reciprocity!

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Do cats miss their owners when they go to work or go on vacation at sea? Of course yes, if the cat is truly attached to the family. Neighbors and friends, in whose care they leave their pets, tell how cats worry, pacing from room to room, how they look for their loved ones, what their names are, meowing under the door. At the moment of the long-awaited meeting, the cat caresses, arches its back, holds its tail like a pipe, purrs - there is happiness! Isn't this love? Perhaps someone will decide that it’s all about hunger or boredom, but in those cases when the cat was well looked after in the absence of “her” person, she still behaves in the same way - clearly showing how happy she is to have her owner back.

Different cats show their feelings in different ways. The aristocratic Briton greets the owner with a friendly “purr”, the playful Burmese jumps around almost like a dog, and the gentle Siamese cuddles with her whole body, like a child missing his mother. Emotional restraint is not a manifestation of coldness, but a character trait.

Do cats remember their owners if they had to give the pet to a new family? Definitely yes, because even a meeting with a breeder a few years later clearly shows that the cat greets the first person in its life more kindly than a stranger. All their lives, these little predators remember the kindness, love and care of a loved one, but they also remember the pain that was caused to them - they can attack the offender a few years later at a chance meeting. Fortunately, ethologists answer the question in the negative: “Do cats miss their owners if they had to give the pet to a new home?” Why fortunately? But because under such conditions you don’t have to worry about the emotional state of the given pet.

At first, the cat will look for “its” family, but soon it will switch its attention to its new owners, fall in love with them and live happily. This does not mean that she has forgotten everything - upon meeting, associative memory will tell you who is in front of her: old images and feelings associated with the previous owners will appear in her memory. How do cats recognize their owners after several years of separation? Everything is simple - by smell, by voice and by the manner of communication with the pet.

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