Miniature Poodle dog. Description, features, character, care and price of the breed

The poodle is classified as a decorative dog. This is a unique breed that combines developed intelligence and attractive appearance.

Poodles rank second in the ranking of the smartest dogs in the world, second only to border collies. In fact, if you look at them from the outside, there can be no doubt about how smart they are.

Since there are different types of poodles, both large and small, we can only give an average of their height and weight. Height is 24-60 cm, and weight is 2.5-30 kg.

Such dogs live 14-18 years.

Along with their intelligence, poodles have developed security and watchdog potential. There is no doubt that they will easily sense any danger and notify about it.

Poodles are widely used in circus production, but now they have become favorites of families with children.

Origin story

The poodle is considered the national breed of France, but its origins are in Northern Europe . Initially, this breed was a hunting breed, its calling was to get game from the water and bring it to its owner.

It is no coincidence that poodle is translated from German as “splashing.”

The exact place where poodles originated is impossible to establish due to the fact that there are as many as 4 varieties in the breed..

But it is worth noting that images of dogs similar to poodles are already found in Greece on minted coins and bas-reliefs in the 4th-5th centuries. BC. The first descriptions of this breed are documented in the 12th-13th century.

The greatest popularity came to poodles in the 18th century . Moreover, dogs find their calling not only in the chambers of nobles, but also in the field, and as guides.


Poodles once served successfully as hunting dogs. Today they have become mainly companions for glamorous ladies and wonderful pets for people of different ages. Due to their keen intelligence and high trainability, these dogs are often used in circus performances and various shows.

The poodle can be a bodyguard, but this breed is not suitable for guarding the house.

An energetic and strong animal will become an excellent athlete, and you can practice freestyle or agility with him.

Character traits

Poodles have a kind and friendly temperament . They are responsive, intelligent and very loyal. Dogs of this breed always happily spend time with children, they will never offend them and will forgive any prank.

You can always take your poodle for a walk in the evening or sit in front of the fireplace. The dog will share any of your hobbies and adapt to it. Poodles love to be helpful to humans.

He will calmly treat a stranger . He will not show excessive aggression or wariness, but he will not rush to lick his hands and face. If something happens, the poodle will always come to the defense of its owner.

Poodles do not like human indifference and always take revenge on a careless owner. Be careful with it, otherwise you will end up with a pair of chewed slippers or favorite books.

The dog will easily fit into your rhythm of life . She is very sensitive to the mood of her owner, so be sure that she will rejoice and empathize with you.

It is also easy to offend a poodle, especially if it is done undeservedly . Be prepared for the dog to show character for some time. Show her a little affection and respect, and you will see that she never stopped loving you.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“Poodles are distinguished by their intelligence and amazing ability to grasp on the fly. Therefore, this breed is recommended for purchase by beginners, because anyone can handle it. These dogs are loyal, affectionate and kind. But, if you are a busy person, then it is better not to choose a poodle. They need a lot of attention, a lot of walks and physical activity.”

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Active and cheerful;
  • Almost does not shed;
  • Easy to train, quickly remembers his nickname, happily follows any commands;
  • Characterized by kindness and calmness;
  • Smart and non-aggressive;
  • Can be kept in an apartment;
  • Attractive exterior;
  • Does not have a specific odor.


  • Demanding of human attention;
  • He has a lot of energy;
  • A poodle needs to be walked a lot and often;
  • The coat requires special care.

Advantages of a miniature poodle

A miniature pet has many positive qualities. Here are a few reasons why a person decides to make friends with this furry creature:

  • Easily tolerates loneliness . City dwellers spend most of their time at work. A long separation from a person will not frighten a pet. Being completely alone, the dog will not bother the neighbors with endless barking or howling.
  • Toy poodles are highly trainable . Competent upbringing has a positive effect on the mental state of the animal. Dogs perceive training sessions as an exciting game. Training abilities explain why circus performers use such small creatures in their acts.
  • Shaggy individuals do not shed . The fur of pets does not have a specific smell. Therefore, people who suffer from a severe allergy to animal fur can safely get a dwarf poodle.
  • High life expectancy . With proper care, your four-legged companion can live up to 18 years.
  • Flexible and good-natured character . Active, cheerful and friendly creatures get along with all family members. Small poodles get along well with children. Representatives of this breed love to spend time with their owner and entertain him in every possible way.

Nevertheless, docile and aristocratic animals have their drawbacks.

What types exist

There are several varieties of poodle :

Species nameDescription
StandardThis type is also called large or royal. The height of such a poodle is 45-60 cm. It requires special conditions, a small apartment is not suitable, it needs to be walked frequently. The animal is easy to train and has service and hunting potential. Discreet and proud, he will never do anything dirty.
SmallThey are also called medium. The height of such poodles is 35-45. In character they are very similar to royal ones. They are distinguished by endurance, obedience, and accuracy. They will easily take root in an apartment, but also need walks and physical activity.
DwarfThe size is 28-35 cm. They are also hardy, despite their touching appearance. They are jealous and require increased attention. They are loyal to their owner, but love to play and do mischief with children.
Toy poodleResembles a toy, height - up to 28 cm. They have a vulnerable and vulnerable character, they are proud. They don’t like to be treated like a thing, they can bite. They bark constantly and demand the owner's attention. They are also distinguished by their loyal and devoted character.
T-capThe smallest and rarest representative of the breed, whose height is on average 18-27 cm and weight does not exceed 4 kg. They are distinguished by their especially cute appearance, but at the same time they have very fragile health.

Breed standard

The toy poodle dog is small in size and weight. It was created with almost complete preservation of the parameters of the “standard”, that is, the large royal poodle. Despite its cute appearance, this dog has a lot of strength. He is agile, resilient and very nimble.

The body of the dwarf poodle is compact and harmonious. Weighs from 4.5 to 5.5 kg. The body weight of some representatives of the breed is in the range of 3.5-3.9 kg. They are also considered purebreds, but are much more expensive because they are born extremely rarely.

The height of the dog is from 27 to 33 cm. Errors are allowed. The shape of the body is rectangular, it is strong and elegant, slightly oblong. The back is shortened, and its narrowing is visible in the croup area. The lumbar region is well defined. The chest is oval, wide, and does not protrude.

The representative of the breed is very graceful, primarily due to the well-tucked up belly. His silhouette is graceful, clearly defined, not blurry.

The tail is straight, located high on the back. According to the standard it can be cropped. But individuals whose owners do not plan to register at show events do not need to have their tail docked; it will not become a hindrance to them at all. The limbs are set straight and symmetrically. The rear ones are wider apart than the front ones. The muscles on the thighs are strong and elastic.

The dog has a slightly elongated neck. The withers are well defined, the scruff of the neck is visible and palpable. The head is harmonious and has the correct shape. Very smooth transition from muzzle to forehead. Slightly elongated skull with a barely convex occipital protuberance. The muzzle is miniature. The jaw is powerful, the set of teeth is complete.

The ears are set low, in line with the eyes. Large, thick, hanging down. Covered with hair along the entire length. The lips are pressed tightly to the teeth, moderately moist. Has black pigmentation. A dark gum line can be seen along the entire length of the mouth. There may be pinkish spots of varying diameters on the oral folds.

The nose is large and black. The nostrils are wide. The eyes are dark, black or brown. The shape is oval, not planted deep. The miniature poodle in the photo looks like a big toy. He is sweet, handsome and charming. The coat is long, lush and curly. The shortest hairs are about 20 cm long. They are delicate to the touch. They cut their hair well.

Acceptable color options for poodles:

  • Pure white.
  • Pure black.
  • Silver or blue.
  • Brownish.
  • Apricot.

In Russia, individuals with a hint of harlequin fur are often found. They are standardized only here.

Color variations

There are the following types of colors for a poodle:

  • White is the most common color. Cream or apricot inserts on the coat are allowed, which will disappear with age;
  • Black is the classic coat color for a poodle. It should be solid without any markings;
  • Chocolate . The animal has a rich brown color;
  • Silver . This color develops in a poodle over several years. Puppies are born black and become light gray later;
  • Red . The color of the dogs' fur is mahogany;
  • Apricot . The animal has the color of any variation of apricot. They may lighten with age, often becoming creamy as they mature.

In 2007, two more colors were recognized - harlequin (a combination of white and black) and black and tan..


A dog's nickname is chosen for its entire life. It should be sonorous, but at the same time simple, so that the animal can easily remember it.

For boysFor girls

Nutritional Features

A poodle can be fed with both natural products and industrial food. It is better to choose one that is saturated with vitamins and minerals to the maximum - this is premium and super premium food.

If you choose natural food, then your diet should include::

  • Meat – 70% of the diet (beef, lamb);
  • Sea fish once a week;
  • Dairy products – kefir, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • Vegetables – tomatoes, spinach, carrots, celery, beets, cabbage;
  • Porridge – buckwheat, millet, rice.

Health and major diseases, life expectancy

This breed is prone to the following diseases:

  • Overgrowth of the nasal passage;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Double eyelashes;
  • Tartar;
  • Otitis;
  • Pancreatic diseases and diabetes.

The life expectancy of poodles is on average 14-18 years .


Most puppies are born healthy, without genetic abnormalities.

But don’t forget to still monitor your dog’s health to eliminate the risk of contracting acquired diseases.

Compatible with families

The Toy Poodle is compatible with a range of people and families. If the dog is familiar with other pets (such as dogs and cats), as well as people, then it will be able to get along with everyone. Although, this may take some time.

Socialization is a normal process that all animals need. After all, socialization at an early age will reflect the ability of Toy Poodles to be successfully socialized throughout their lives.

Since they are a delicate breed of dog, it is best to keep a close eye on them when playing with small children. This is to ensure that no unexpected injuries occur during the gameplay.

In general, the Toy Poodle tends to grow up to be a good-natured puppy with a friendly personality who loves people; they may even love people more than their canine companions.

Types of haircuts

There are the following ways to trim a poodle :

  • "Lion" or "Continental";
  • "Modern";
  • "Bikini";
  • Puppy;
  • “English saddle;
  • "Kennel";
  • Dutch haircut;
  • "Bichon".

Features of care

The poodle's coat requires the most careful care..

It needs to be cut every two months; it would be better if a groomer does this. You need to bathe your dog with shampoo quite rarely - no more than 4 times a year, but washing it in clean water can be done weekly.

Twice a month, do not forget to clean the poodle’s ears, sharpen the claws as they grow, and wipe the eyes every day with boiled water . A poodle needs to be brushed three times a week.

A poodle sheds only once, when it changes its puppy hair. During this period, the dog needs to be brushed every day.


Female poodles reach sexual maturity at 6 months, and males at 12 months. Knowledge of such characteristics of the breed requires careful monitoring to prevent early mating.

The optimal period of maturity for dogs of any gender is considered to be at least one and a half years old. Females come into heat twice a year. Mating of dogs is carried out 9 days after its start. Animals must first undergo a veterinary examination and receive vaccinations.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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During pregnancy, which lasts 58-63 days, the dog is provided with a balanced diet and, if necessary, calcium supplements are given. Walks with reduced physical activity are mandatory for your pet.

For childbirth, a secluded place is prepared, to which the dog is trained in advance. The most convenient are special boxes installed in a separate room, where the female will not be disturbed by external noise. Oilcloth and clean, moisture-permeable bedding are placed in them.

If the course of labor is favorable, the dog copes independently, but the presence of the owner is mandatory. If necessary, it will help a poodle puppy that walks with its legs be born faster, or rupture the amniotic sac if the bitch did not have time to do this.

On the eve of whelping, it is advisable to agree with a veterinarian who will provide the necessary assistance in case of possible complications.

Newborns are cuddled after the umbilical cord is tied and breathing is restored, and they are applied to the dog’s nipples. Make sure all pets eat enough. On day 4, the tails are docked, leaving 1.3 to 1.2 lengths. After two weeks, babies begin to be introduced to complementary foods.

Types of crossbreeds (mestizos)

There are the following types of poodle mixes:

  • With St. Bernard;
  • With Labrador;
  • With Yorkshire Terrier;
  • With a golden retriever;
  • With a Maltese dog;
  • With a cocker spaniel;
  • With Shih Tzu;
  • With collie.

How to choose?

First, decide: what size poodle do you need?

Based on how big your apartment is and how many people live in it, whether there are children.

Already in the nursery, observe how the poodle puppies behave. Choose an active baby who doesn't get scared, hide, or be overly aggressive.

Examine it:

  1. The eyes must be clean;
  2. There should be no unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  3. There should be no leakage from the ears;
  4. There should be no rash on the stomach;
  5. A healthy puppy has hair without bald spots, clean;
  6. The limbs must be intact, the tail without kinks.

The optimal time for acquisition is 2-4 months.

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