Malinois - description, characteristics, features of the breed

Of the four types of Belgian Shepherds, the Malinois is the most popular. These serious, intelligent and hardworking animals can rightfully be called the “supermen” of the dog kingdom. They can cope with any job and can be guides, police assistants, rescuers or security guards, showing perseverance and endurance in any stressful situation.

Malinois have proven themselves to be excellent in detecting explosives and narcotics.

Belgian or French? History of the origin of the Malinois

Due to its typical French name, many people mistakenly believe that the Malinois originates from France. But the breed was bred in the Belgian city of Mechelen and has nothing to do with the homeland of Joan of Arc and Napoleon. The thing is that in the 19th century, during the formation of the breed, in some regions of Belgium they used the French language or its dialects. And the town where Belgian Shepherds come from sounds like Malin in French, and this is the name that was assigned to the new breed of herding dogs.

The Malinois owes its appearance to professor and veterinarian Adolf Rühl. Dr. Ruhl became an accidental witness to an agricultural exhibition in which Belgian and Dutch shepherds showed off their dogs. The professor had the idea to develop a new shepherd breed, improving and consolidating their most worthy qualities.

Together with a group of enthusiasts, Mr. Rühl began breeding work. The dogs were successfully bred, the results were stable, and after 6 years the breeders founded the first official Malinois club. In the 90s of the 19th century, the Belgian Shepherd breed standard was recognized by the canine community of Belgium.

Varieties of Belgian Shepherd

A few years later, the breed was officially divided into 4 varieties:

  • Malinois. Short-haired animals, painted in yellow or fawn shades and a black “mask” on the head;
  • Laekenois. Dogs with short, coarse hair, uniformly red or grayish-ashy in color;
  • Groenendael. Long-haired Belgians with jet-black fur;
  • Tervuren. Dogs with luxurious long hair and fiery red color.

Important: although all 4 varieties of dogs are representatives of the same Belgian breed, mating between them has been prohibited since 1974.

Malinois Dog Breed Standard 2001

The FCI does not consider the Malinois to be a separate breed, so the standard covers all Belgian Shepherds. They have the same morphological and behavioral characteristics. The differences relate only to the length, color, and texture of the coat.

Since the release of the first standard, the requirements for Belgian Shepherds have changed more than once. The latest version was published in June 2001. In addition to the Malinois, the family includes the Tervuren, Laekenois and Groenendael shepherd dogs.

General appearance and size

Belgian Shepherds are lean, muscular, flexible, medium-sized dogs with a proud carriage and head carriage.

The ideal parameters are as follows:

  • Males: height at withers 62 cm, weight 25 – 30 kg.
  • Females: height 58 cm, body weight 20 – 25 kg.

The standard allows a height deviation of 4 cm downward and 2 cm upward.

The Belgian Shepherd moves easily and freely with a quick springy step, trot, and gallop. Able to quickly change direction while running at high speed. Likes to move in circles rather than in a straight line.

Exterior details

The appearance of the Belgians harmoniously combines strength and grace:

  • The head is set high, dry, elongated. The muzzle is slightly longer than the skull. The back of the head is slightly rounded. The forehead is almost flat with a barely noticeable groove. The eyebrows are not expressed. The cheekbones are dry and muscular. Stop moderate.
  • The muzzle is wedge-shaped and falls below the eye line. The bridge of the nose is straight.
  • The eyes are medium-sized and slightly almond-shaped. Rich brown color. The eyelids are edged with a black outline. A searching, lively gaze.
  • The nose is always black.
  • The lips are pressed tightly against the gums.
  • Scissor bite or straight bite. The teeth are strong.
  • The ears are erect, triangular, high set. They are slightly rounded at the base and pointed at the tops.
  • The neck is elongated and slender. It expands at the bottom.

  • The body is powerful, but not rough. The length is approximately equal to the height at the withers. Square silhouette.
  • The back is strong, the lower back is muscular.
  • The chest is voluminous, wide in front. At the bottom it reaches the elbows.
  • The top line of the body is smooth. The lower one bends smoothly and rises to a moderately toned abdomen.
  • The croup is wide with a barely noticeable slope.
  • The tail is medium in size. When at rest, it is directed downward and slightly curved at the end. When excited, it rises straight up, but does not fold into a hook or fall to the side.
  • The forelimbs are strong, straight, and stand parallel. Elbows are straight, not turned out.
  • The hind legs are strong with muscular thighs.
  • The feet are round and the toes are arched. The pads are dense, the claws are dark and strong.
  • The skin is elastic and fits tightly to the body. The mucous membranes on the lips are covered with age spots.
  • The Belgian has a thick coat with a soft, abundant undercoat. Protects well from bad weather and frost.

Since 1974, Belgian Shepherds have only been allowed to crossbreed within their own group.

Malinois color

Wool length is not the same:

  • The body is covered by short hair.
  • There is even less hair on the head, ears and lower limbs.
  • The collar drops from the ears.
  • Elongated fringes grow at the back of the thighs
  • On the tail, the hair is more voluminous, without a edge at the tip.

The standard allows for only one color for the Malinois: fawn with charcoal on the tips of the hair.

Black color only sets off the base color, without forming spots or stripes. A continuous charcoal mask covers the lips and upper eyelids. There is also dark fur on the ears. Small white spots are allowed on the toes and chest.

Belgian Shepherd: description of the breed

Everything about these animals is harmonious and proportional. They are strong and strong, but at the same time they are distinguished by grace and even a certain elegance. Belgians are medium-sized dogs, standing between 55 and 60 centimeters tall. The weight of a Malinois does not exceed 25-30 kilograms.

Malinois have an athletic, lean and muscular build.


  • Shepherd dogs have a muscular, lean and flexible body. The chest is narrow but powerful, the back is straight, the stomach is slightly retracted;
  • the limbs are slender and long, the front legs have pronounced relief muscles;
  • the tail is of medium length, straight, without creases or bends;
  • the head is medium-sized with a narrow muzzle elongated towards the nasal part;
  • ears are erect, triangular in shape;
  • almond-shaped eyes. The color of the iris is dark brown;
  • The coat is dense and short with a rigid structure. In the area of ​​the neck, hips and tail, the hair is longer and softer;
  • The color of dogs is even, fawn, light yellow, reddish or reddish-brown. White spots on the chest and tips of the paws are acceptable. The area around the eyes, the nose of the muzzle, cheeks and chin are painted black, forming a kind of “mask”.

Distinctive features

It differs from its fellow Malinois in its medium size and short hair. She is also not superior to others in speed and endurance, but is considered the most efficient. The standard height for a male at the withers is 60-66 cm , for a female - 56-64 cm . Dogs weigh no more than 30 kg due to their leanness.

Thanks to its good muscular physical shape, the Malinois appears proud and graceful. There are certain breed standards that must be checked before allowing an individual to reproduce:

  • The head is proportional to the body, due to the muzzle it seems slightly elongated. The forehead is pronounced, smoothly turning into the bridge of the nose, the brow ridges do not protrude; rounded occipital bone.
  • The muzzle is elongated, slightly narrowed towards the nose, giving the head a rectangular shape. Scissor bite (the upper jaw covers the lower jaw), the jaws are strong. The lips are thin, not saggy, and pigmented black. The nose is round and large. The cheeks are flat.
  • eyes are not deep set. The color of the iris varies from dark brown to golden. The look is intelligent and wary.
  • The ears are wide at the base and pointed at the ends. Directed upwards, docking is not accepted.
  • The body is rectangular (more elongated in females), deep, narrow chest, elongated ribs. The loin is short and wide. The belly is lean. The tail is sickle-shaped, wide at the base, and not set high; The coat is short, without a tassel, but with elongation.
  • The neck is muscular, wide, elongated and widens towards the shoulders. There is no suspension.
  • The limbs are strong, well developed, muscular. The shoulder blades are long and slanting. The hind ones are more massive with wide hips. They move in the same plane as the front ones. The feet tend to be round in shape, with dense pads and hard nails.
  • The coat is straight, hard, flat, short with a silky undercoat that helps the dog survive any weather conditions.
  • Color red, fawn. There are charcoal markings on the sides and back, and a black mask on the face from lips to eyes.

The standard is considered generally accepted. Any deviations are defined as defective (both in appearance and behavior). Aggressive, lazy, stubborn dogs are excluded from further reproduction.

Character and behavioral characteristics

Belgian Shepherds have a complex and difficult character. Yes, they are smart, endlessly loyal to their owner and always ready to serve him. But on the other hand, these dogs are distinguished by independence and independent thinking, and can ignore the orders of the owner. Therefore, a very important stage in the maintenance of Belgians is their timely training and education.

A pet that is not properly brought up will begin to show aggression that is not typical for this breed, or, on the contrary, will be excessively cowardly, with a nervous, unstable psyche. The Malinois can run after passing cars, chase cyclists and lunge at strangers. Therefore, it is necessary to work with an animal and instill in it the necessary skills from an early age, otherwise the behavior of an adult pet will be inadequate and unpredictable.

For a Belgian, the owner is the center of the universe. The dog is so attached to its owner that it is ready to stay near him 24 hours a day. Of course, the Malinois will become an affectionate, faithful and loving pet for the whole family, but it will only obey its owner. Animals have amazing intuition; they seem to read the owner’s thoughts, predicting his desires. And you shouldn’t even be surprised that a shepherd dog is able to grasp the mood of the person most dear to it, only by the intonation of his voice.

Shepherd dogs of this breed adore their owners and are ready to never leave their side.

The dog behaves warily and suspiciously around strangers. After all, the Belgian Malinois divides people exclusively into two categories: its own “pack” and strangers. The pet includes all family members in its pack, to whom it is infinitely devoted and ready to protect at the cost of its own life. The dog considers all other people, including strangers, neighbors, guests and even the owner’s relatives, to be strangers who need close supervision. Belgians do not show anger or aggression towards them; the dogs simply watch them from a respectful distance. But if a threat comes from a stranger, the shepherd will react with lightning speed and fight back the offender.

Malinois make excellent protectors and watchdogs. The dog will be happy if it is entrusted with the protection of a house or property and will never leave its post. And we can say with confidence that not a single robber will pass by such a security guard. As long as the house and property are under the supervision of a Belgian, there is no need to worry about their safety.

Malinois do an excellent job of protecting homes and property.

How to choose a puppy

  1. If the choice fell on this particular breed, you need to choose a proven nursery with good reviews. Before purchasing, it is important to consult with the breeder: find out about the puppy’s nutrition, its weight, and living conditions. If possible, study the pedigree and breeding diseases. It is important to examine the parents themselves.
  2. In good nurseries, puppies are vaccinated and given passports and club cards. After viewing all the documents, you can take a look at the pets themselves. They should be clean with a shiny coat, active and curious.
  3. The cost of a dog directly depends on the parents and breeder. If this is an official breeding place, and all the pets there are champions, then the price of the puppy will be high - 30,000-40,000 rubles . If you decide to buy a Malinois “from hand”, you will pay much less, about 15,000-20,000 rubles . However, you will risk the health and character of the shepherd.

Any dog ​​in the house is a family member and a loyal friend. The Belgian Malinois will become not only a pet and companion, but also a good guard and protector. She will happily accompany you wherever you go, and will be devoted and faithful with all her heart.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Attitude towards children

For a teenager, the Belgian Malinois will be an excellent partner in fun and active games. No matter what kind of sport a child is into, a dog will always be happy to keep him company.

But with small children it’s not so simple. If you give your dog instructions to look after your child, you can be sure that your responsible pet will do an excellent job. The Belgian will not take his eyes off the baby, will make sure that he does not leave the yard and will not let strangers near him.

The Belgian Shepherd will guard and protect the child, but will not tolerate disrespectful treatment.

But with these actions, the pet will consider its duty towards the child fulfilled. After all, a Malinois will not make a caring and patient nanny who allows herself to be pulled by the tail or squeezed her neck in a tight hug. The Belgian Shepherd demands respectful and respectful treatment and will not tolerate the baby treating it as its own toy.

Of course, a well-bred pet will never bite a baby or harm him. If the child bothers the dog, the Belgian will simply hide from him in a secluded place, while not forgetting to watch him in order to protect him in case of danger. But still, you should not leave small children alone with a shepherd dog, and it is advisable that one of the adults supervise the interaction between the animal and the child.


Mating a Malinois is no different from breeding other breeds. Cables become fully mature by 1.5-2 years of age , in females by 18 months . Mating should occur on 15-20th day of estrus. Before mating, you need to remember a few points:

  • It is necessary to walk the individuals together in a free area; if the act occurs during a walk, the dogs should not be disturbed;
  • After this, the bitch is taken to the dog so that he can feel comfortable;
  • During the process itself, pets need to be helped (held, placed, placed with pillows).

Before mating, it is imperative to make sure that both dogs are healthy, vaccinated and meet the standards.

Interaction with other animals

This breed of dog amazingly combines protective qualities and hunting instinct. Malinois perceive small pets as potential prey and can actually hunt them. It’s easy to guess that a cat, rabbit or toy dog ​​is unlikely to survive a fight with such a strong opponent as the Belgian Shepherd.

Malinois will also not get along with large dogs. Belgian Shepherds are jealous of their own territory, and they do not agree to share the attention of their beloved owner with other animals. The other dog is a rival in the eyes of the Belgian, and he will make every effort to defeat the enemy. And although Malinois are not characterized by anger and aggression, in most cases they will be the ones who initiate a fight, simply in order to demonstrate to the owner their indispensability and superiority.

Malinois do not get along well with any pets

Therefore, it is not recommended to have other pets in a house where the Belgian feels like a full owner.

A loyal attitude of shepherd dogs towards other animals is only possible if they are raised together from a young age.

There will be no friendship between the pets, but they will live quite peacefully on the same territory, where each will establish clear boundaries of their possessions.

Key points in training

Only an emotionally balanced person with a strong character and an iron will can raise a pet. Although Malinois are not prone to dominance, they need a firm hand. The collar should be spacious; a collar for greyhounds is perfect. Harsh punishments cannot be applied to them: hitting, swearing, shouting.

  • The most effective method will be the “owner’s offense”; the shepherd will try to improve in order to change the owner’s mood.
  • Agility and active games are perfect for training dexterity and reaction speed.
  • Malinois also needs to be introduced to people and taken to public places. Such walks will help the dog adapt among strangers and develop obedience.
  • Read about how to properly train a dog in the article: “Training a puppy: effective methods from dog handlers, learning commands at home.”

Training and education methods

Where to start training a Malinois? No, not from learning basic commands, as many owners think. And not even the active physical training that dogs like so much. After all, the Belgians have one peculiarity - they will obey and carry out orders only if the person wins their trust and respect. Therefore, you should start by establishing contact with your pet. The owner for the Malinois must become both a friend and an authority. And this can be achieved by devoting a lot of time to communication and joint games with the animal, starting from the first days of the puppy’s stay in the house.

The Belgian Shepherd does not like monotony in training.

As soon as close friendly relations are established between the Belgian Shepherd and the person, and the owner becomes the undisputed leader in its eyes, you can begin training.

Belgian Shepherds are smart, energetic and active dogs that willingly learn new commands and are always ready to perform an interesting task. They have an excellent memory, thanks to which the pet, after two or three repetitions of the order, will proudly demonstrate to the owner the acquired skill.

But the fact that the Malinois will quickly master the basic training course has its drawbacks. An active pet will very soon get tired of following the same type of instructions. And if the Belgian gets bored, he begins to play pranks and show waywardness, not responding to the owner’s commands. Therefore, the owner needs to alternate the training process with exciting games in which both the physical and mental abilities of the dog will be involved.

The shepherd dog should not only learn commands, but also receive sufficient physical activity

Important: rough and cruel treatment of a dog during training is unacceptable. In case of disobedience, you can give the animal a severe reprimand, and the pet will immediately understand its guilt. After all, for a guilty dog ​​there is no greater punishment than the displeasure and disappointment of the owner.

Pros and cons of the breed

The Malinois is a serious breed that requires supervision from the owner. Such a dog is not recommended for inexperienced people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to their pet. So if you like a Belgian Shepherd, think carefully about whether you can provide her with decent maintenance. To make the right decision, check out the main pros and cons of the Malinois breed.


1. Exceptional intelligence, intelligence and intelligence. 2. Devotion. 3. High performance, endurance. 4. Good health. 5. Security and guard qualities. 6. No desire for dominance, adequacy. 7. Easily trainable.

Basic rules for care and maintenance

Belgian Shepherd Dogs are not large, bulky animals, which allows them to be kept both in a private house and in a city apartment. The only condition for any maintenance is to provide the pet with long walks and intense physical activity.

Belgians are also unpretentious when it comes to grooming, and taking care of your pet’s appearance includes a standard set of procedures.

How to care for Belgian Shepherd puppies:

  • During normal periods, the dog is brushed with a massage brush no more than 3-4 times a month. During intense molting (autumn-spring), the combing procedure is carried out daily;
  • There is no need for frequent bathing of the Belgian. Moreover, experts recommend bathing animals only once every six months, using special detergents for short-haired dogs. By the way, in Belgium these shepherd dogs are not bathed at all, but their fur is cleaned with dry shampoo;
  • regularly examine the eyes and ears of pets, removing dirt with a cotton pad if necessary;
  • Dogs kept in an apartment have their nails trimmed once a month. Belgians who are employed or live in a private home grind their claws down on their own and do not need this procedure.


Socialization is the level of a dog’s comfortable state of health in a particular setting or situation. If a Malinois dog lives in an urban environment, then such qualities as not being afraid of city noise, transport, lack of aggression towards large numbers of people, and an indifferent attitude towards stray dogs and cats are instilled.

The dog requires early socialization to develop its character, otherwise it will grow up suspicious and aggressive.

Animals in rural areas need to be socialized more than their urban counterparts. Especially if the dog is planned to be exhibited in the future. A Malinois sitting behind a fence, not seeing anyone except members of the household, will not be able to behave adequately in the ring if it finds itself in an unfamiliar environment.

The first activities are carried out after scheduled vaccinations. They begin to take the puppy to quiet places. Each time they increase the walking area, introducing them to new surroundings. Once the puppy has established contact with its owner, you can move on to the next stage—meeting other dogs and people.

What to feed your Belgian Shepherd

The general health and external appearance of a Belgian largely depends on a well-chosen diet. In order for a pet to be active, look well-groomed and have a beautiful shiny coat, its food must be balanced, high in calories and enriched with vitamins.

Malinois puppies feed on their mother's milk for up to 3 months, and only when the babies reach four months of age are they gradually introduced to adult food. And buy a small pet, preferably no earlier than he is 4-5 months old.

But, if the pet came into the house too small, then what to feed the Malinois puppy? Liquid porridges cooked with goat's milk or baby formula. After the baby has crossed the three-month mark, he is given vegetable soups, pieces of boiled meat and porridge, transferring him to an adult diet.

The transition to adult food in dogs of this breed occurs at 4-5 months.

Both industrial food and natural food are suitable as food for adult Malinois. It is up to the owner to decide which type of feeding to give preference, based on his financial capabilities and the amount of time available.

Ready-made dry food must be of high quality, premium or super premium. It is impossible to save on a dog’s health by offering it cheap, economy food, especially since treating the animal after such feeding will cost the owner much more.

Dog food from well-known manufacturers is developed taking into account the needs of animals, they contain not only fresh, high-quality products, but also useful additives. Such food is not cheap, but the owner does not have to buy additional vitamins, calculate the daily food intake and waste time preparing food for the pet.

If it is more convenient and profitable for the owner to feed the Malinois with natural food, then he should know that the basis of the animal’s diet is meat and offal. Dogs are given boiled or raw veal, lean pork, beef liver, heart and kidneys. Pets are also offered porridge (millet, buckwheat or barley) every day. Their diet is supplemented with fruits, vegetables, dairy products and fish.

Dishes for Malinois are prepared without adding salt, sugar or spices. You can add a small amount of vegetable oil or butter to your food. It is also advisable to add a tablespoon of fish oil to the food once a month. When feeding naturally, do not forget about the complex of vitamins and minerals, selected taking into account the age and health status of the pet.

Important: if dogs are overfed, even active and mobile Belgians can gain excess weight, which can lead to the development of obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to two meals a day, and the dose of the daily portion should not exceed 3% of the Malinois’s total body weight.


Let's consider the TOP questions regarding this breed:

Question to the expert

Can a Malinois be the first dog if there is no experience?

Some of the breeders will answer: yes, quite. Some will say a categorical “no.” It all depends on the goals of potential owners, the thoughtfulness of purchasing a dog, the attitude towards mandatory training and constant, active walks.

At what age is it better to adopt a puppy?

Not earlier than the baby turns 45 days old.

Is it true that bitches are not aggressive and are not capable of guarding?

Absolute lie. Protective qualities depend on genetics and upbringing, but not on the gender of the dog.

Who is better: male or female?

It all depends on the purpose and experience of potential owners in keeping dogs.

Are there any guarantees that I will get exactly the dog I want?

Real breeders do not give such guarantees. The puppy is selected individually for each potential owner, depending on his goals. Good genetics is 50% of success in training and education. Much depends on how the owner will raise the puppy.

Is it possible to keep a Malinois in an apartment?

Yes, you can. Taking into account constant, active walks.

Life expectancy and health

Belgian Shepherds can be described as a long-living breed with excellent health. On average, their lifespan ranges from 12 to 15 years, but there are cases where Malinois have lived up to 18 years.

Buying a puppy from a responsible breeder will help avoid genetic diseases

Belgians are strong and hardy animals with strong immunity, which practically do not suffer from typical “canine” diseases.

But Malinois are susceptible to several genetic diseases, such as:

  • cataracts and retinal atrophy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • disturbances in the hormonal system;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

If we talk about common diseases, the Belgians are prone to food allergies and dermatitis. Therefore, it is especially important to monitor their nutrition and skin health.

Malinois - differences from the German Shepherd

  • Appearance. The Belgian Shepherd has a leaner build and lighter weight. “Germans” are distinguished by their massiveness and large heads. The Malinois has a red coat and a black “mask”. The color of the German Shepherd is black or black and tan, with red or gray spots.
  • Physical activity. Malinois accelerate and run faster than German Shepherds. "Belgians" have greater maneuverability, mobility and jumping ability.
  • Nervous system. The German Shepherd has an inert temperament. The Malinois has a low threshold of excitability and can react violently even to minor stimuli.
  • If improperly trained, the Belgian Shepherd becomes hyperexcitable, nervous and aggressive. Malinois relentlessly follow their owner and love tactile contact with him. The “German” is more restrained in demonstrating his affection for a specific person.

Security guards of the American president and film actors

Strong, smart, highly intelligent dogs star in films and set unique records.

And in terms of ability to work and the ability to navigate in any situation, Malinois are superior even to German shepherds. And for search work, searching for explosives or narcotic substances, the intelligence services of many countries use representatives of the Belgian breed.

The ability to react quickly in any difficult situation has led to the fact that Belgian Shepherds are widely used in various intelligence services.

Here are some interesting facts about the Malinois:

  • In Russia, Belgian Shepherds are used for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Dogs successfully cope with searching and rescuing people during natural disasters;
  • Malinois took part in a secret operation to capture Osama bin Laden, organized by American intelligence services. And these animals again proved their usefulness, because only thanks to them it was possible to discover the hidden hideout of a dangerous terrorist;
  • Belgians are trusted to guard the White House, the Pentagon and other important American government buildings;
  • The bodyguards of the American president also use Malinois in their work. Before allowing the president to enter a new premises, guards and their pets carefully inspect the room for explosives or chemicals;
  • in the film “Tehran 43” Belgian shepherds were filmed, although many viewers are sure that representatives of the German breed took part in the filming;
  • Russian intelligence services used Malinois in combat during the conflict in the North Caucasus;
  • Belgians have amazing coordination and sense of balance. A dog can hold a glass of water on its head while still managing to climb stairs or avoid obstacles;
  • Thanks to their powerful limbs, dogs can make jumps up to 5 meters wide and up to 2.5 meters high.

What future owners need to know about the breed

Before getting a Malinois puppy, the future owner needs to consider the following nuances:

  • the dog needs a lot of physical activity;
  • the Belgian Shepherd feels uncomfortable in a cramped apartment, it is preferable to keep it in a country house;
  • The Malinois has an independent disposition, and therefore needs an owner-leader who is willing to devote enough time to raising and training the pet.

You can get a puppy of this breed only if all three conditions are met. At the same time, it is important to know the general recommendations of specialists on choosing a pet, its nutrition, care and maintenance, education, and breeding.

How to choose a puppy

The Belgian Malinois is a serious breed. It is not recommended for inexperienced owners as a first dog or for those who do not have enough time for training. A pet should be purchased exclusively from a reputable nursery, where individuals are carefully selected, tested for temperament and socialized.

The puppy must meet the following requirements:

  • have no significant shortcomings or deviations from the breed standard;
  • have good health and character;
  • have purebred parents with excellent working qualities, because they, as a rule, appear in the offspring;
  • have all the necessary documents, including pedigree and veterinary passport indicating vaccinations received.

The gender of the baby is also of great importance. Males are stronger, more confident, but also wayward. Females are more docile, kinder and more obedient, but they are not too active. You should not adopt an animal until it is two or three months old. At this age, the puppy is already ready for independent life and has mastered all the necessary skills that he learned from his mother.

Purebred offspring from a nursery costs at least 40 thousand rubles. For show-class representatives you will have to pay more than 50 thousand rubles. Mixed-breed puppies are cheaper; their cost varies from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. However, it is impossible to predict exactly what external characteristics and working qualities a half-breed will acquire from its relatives.

Nuances of training and education

When training a Malinois, you must consider the following recommendations from dog handlers:

  • Belgian Shepherds sense the owner’s mood very subtly and pick up the slightest intonation of his voice. You need to explain something in a calm and even tone, without shouting, and especially without using physical punishment.
  • Representatives of this breed were originally bred as herding dogs, capable of establishing order among the herd and protecting it. They are prone to excessive independence, so they will obey only the owner-leader.
  • You should be patient when training your animal. Despite their high intelligence and stable psyche, Belgians need constant training with their owner or dog handler; only in this case will they obey and strictly follow commands.

Malinois are dogs for which an emotional connection with the owner is very important. The dog will be devoted and become a true friend and protector only if the owner respects and loves him and devotes a lot of time and attention to him.

Care and maintenance

Belgian Malinois are unpretentious dogs. Caring for them includes the following standard procedures:

ProcedureShort descriptionFrequency
GroomingTo comb the fur, you should choose a hard comb, a brush with dense bristles, or a rubber massage glove. Malinois shed twice a year in the off-season. During this period, it is especially important to free the dog’s coat from fallen hairs and dead epidermal cells. If this is not done, your pet may experience skin irritation and the development of eczema. 3–4 times a month, during the molting period - every two days
BathingDogs do not need frequent washing. Bathing them too often is not recommended due to the development of dermatological problems. For the procedure, you should purchase only specialized care products Once every six months
Ear cleaningThe structure of the animal's ears does not lead to excessive accumulation of dirt and wax. But the ears should be periodically examined for preventive purposes for contamination and the development of infectious and pathological processes. Hygiene should be carried out using ear sticks or cotton pads soaked in drops or Vaseline oil. 2–3 times a month
Eye cleansingThe Malinois's eyes should be regularly cleared of accumulated secretions using a cotton pad dipped in boiled water.3 times every seven days
Teeth cleaningYour pet's teeth should be brushed as needed using a special toothpaste and brush. For preventive purposes, in order to avoid the formation of tartar, it is recommended to give your pet soft cartilage and hygienic treats from the pet store. Several times every six months
Nail trimmingAs a rule, active dogs wear down their nails on their own. If your pet leads a passive lifestyle, then it is necessary to trim its nails. 1–2 times every 30 days

We should not forget about regular medical examinations and vaccinations. The Malinois must be vaccinated according to a schedule; anti-worm medications should be given approximately once a quarter, strictly following the instructions in the instructions. Your pet should be treated for external parasites once every six months, this is especially important to do in the warm season.

When keeping a Malinois in an apartment, both the owner and his four-legged friend may face many difficulties, because the animal will feel constrained and uncomfortable, and may also begin to spoil things. Especially many problems will arise during the molting period.

You need to walk your dog as often as possible, at least an hour and a half, 2-3 times a day. At the same time, you should play sports with her. Malinois are successful in Obedience, Agility, Frisbee, etc.

Proper nutrition

To maintain your pet's health, well-groomed appearance and physical activity, you need to pay special attention to its nutrition. The diet must be complete and balanced to provide the animal with all vital microelements. The owner can give preference to both ready-made premium dry and wet food and natural products. Both options have their advantages:

Advantages of ready-made feedsThe benefits of natural nutrition
Balance. Good quality products are made from healthy ingredients in proper proportions and are saturated with vitamins, so there is no need to purchase vitamin supplements No preservatives. Self-prepared food is always fresh and does not contain any foreign additives
Diversity. The range of food is very wide, and each owner will be able to choose the best option for their pet, corresponding to factors such as age, health, needs, size, etc. Utility. If you select products in accordance with the recommendations of veterinarians, you can provide your pet with healthy and balanced nutrition, but do not forget about additional vitamin complexes

If the owner decides to feed his pet natural food, then he needs to know which products are allowed and which, on the contrary, cannot be given. Low-fat boiled or raw frozen meat (beef, veal, lamb, chicken) will be beneficial for the dog. It should form the basis of the diet (about 80%). The remaining 20% ​​includes:

  • offal (liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, etc.);
  • sea ​​fish (no more than twice a month);
  • boiled chicken or quail eggs (twice a week);
  • pureed vegetables;
  • porridge from oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • natural yogurt without dyes;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk or kefir.

You can offer hard cheese as a treat. You should avoid fatty meat (pork), any minced meat, canned food, flour products, sweets, salty, smoked foods.

Principles of catering:

  • weaning off foods that the breeder offered the puppy;
  • gradual introduction of new foods into the diet;
  • feeding at the same time of day;
  • moderate amount of food;
  • daily renewal of water in the bowl.

It is necessary to dose the food in accordance with the instructions on the packaging (for artificial feeding). With the natural option, the feeding rate should be selected individually for each dog. If your pet has high physical activity, then he needs increased nutrition. With a hypodynamic lifestyle, large portions should be avoided, otherwise weight gain will begin, which will lead to obesity. Pregnant females also need additional feeding.

Feeding schedule:

  • puppies aged 3 to 4 months - 5-6 times a day;
  • from 5 months to six months - 4 times a day;
  • from 6 to 9 months - 3 times a day;
  • dogs from one year and older - twice a day.


Since 1974, it has been prohibited to cross all four varieties of Belgian Shepherds with each other, despite their close relationship. Therefore, breeders should be aware that Malinois can only be mated with similar dogs.

Mating usually begins at 18 months for both females and males. The first heat should be skipped, and mating planning should be carried out only from the second heat. At the same time, it is important to check the health of the partners and whether they have any hereditary diseases. Deworming and anti-parasitic treatment should be carried out two months before the planned mating, as well as vaccination.

It is strictly not recommended to breed dogs more than twice a year. Too frequent childbirth can provoke a number of diseases in the female, and also lead to the appearance of non-viable offspring with genetic abnormalities.

Typically, with successful fertilization, 6 to 10 puppies are born in a litter. With so many babies, it is difficult for a mother to feed them with breast milk alone, so feeding must be done at the earliest stages.

The Belgian Malinois is extremely popular all over the world. However, this breed has a number of character traits, so it is not recommended for inexperienced breeders to have it as a first pet. A dog needs a serious owner-leader who will devote a lot of time to raising and training the animal.

Purchasing and cost of a Malinois puppy

It is useless to look for Belgian Shepherd puppies at bird markets or pet stores. These dogs are bred only in specialized nurseries, and only there you can buy a healthy purebred puppy.

The price for animals starts from 30 thousand rubles. Purebred babies, intended for work and further breeding, cost from 30 to 40 thousand. But for a future participant in competitions and exhibitions, the owner will have to pay from 50 to 70 thousand rubles.

When purchasing a Malinois puppy, you need to take into account the irrepressible energy of this dog.

Belgian Ring, one of the most complex dog training systems

It includes the following exercises:

  • Movement around the site with and without a leash.
  • Importation.
  • Security and search for various items.
  • Overcoming obstacles.
  • Protection of the owner from attack.
  • Attack of a conditional criminal.

No more than 4–5% of dogs participating in trials can complete the full set of exercises. They are the ones who are recruited to serve in government agencies.

A dog can become an excellent family companion if the owner has a lot of free time, specific knowledge and the desire to train the animal. Belgian Shepherds of the Malinois variety are not suitable for novice dog owners. Their upbringing and development should be carried out by experienced animal owners and professional dog handlers.

Owner reviews

Evgeniya, 53 years old

I am an avid fan of the French actor Alain Delon. And when I saw my idol in one of the TV shows, where he spoke with admiration about his Belgian Shepherds, I wanted the same dog. And I never regretted that I got a Malinois. Our Gerda is already 4 years old and she has long become a dear and beloved family member for us. The dog gets along well with children and even with cats, and never shows aggression or malice. The only drawback is that even after walks and active activities, Gerda continues to “rage” at home and we never tire of being amazed by her irrepressible energy.

Anatoly, 31 years old

It was not by chance that a Malinois puppy appeared in our family. Several years ago, after a natural disaster, our friends found themselves under the rubble of a multi-story building. My wife and I watched the rescue efforts, hoping that they managed to survive. And there was a Belgian Shepherd on the rescue team. This amazing dog found people under the rubble in a matter of minutes and actively helped pull them out. I was amazed by how the dog obediently followed all the orders of his commander, and how well-coordinated their teamwork was. Our Belgian is only 8 months old, but he already pleases us with his abilities and skills. It is easy to care for and there are no health problems.

Belgian Shepherds require minimal grooming

Nikolay, 47 years old

As a professional Belgian Shepherd breeder, I would like to give advice to anyone who wants to get this dog. Firstly, forget about peace and quiet, as this is an extremely active pet, like a hurricane, demolishing everything in its path. Secondly, you will no longer be able to lie on the sofa in front of the TV, but will have to spend the evening walking the dog and training it. And thirdly, the Malinois requires constant attention and communication and needs to be given a lot of time. If you are ready for this, then feel free to get a Belgian Shepherd and get a real hard worker and an excellent guard.

The Malinois Belgian Shepherd is a difficult pet. For this dog, nothing is more important than feeling needed and useful. She needs love, care and attention and cannot stand loneliness. And only responsible people who can understand and satisfy all the needs of these smart, beautiful and loyal animals can get a Belgian.

Interesting stories

In 2022, which is considered the year of the dog according to the Chinese calendar, a short film “A New Year's Story Told by a Malinois” was prepared. The main role is given to this wonderful dog, and the story is told from her perspective. The film was created with the participation of the Russian National Guard film studio.

photo of dog

Another example from the film career of four-legged Belgians. In 2015, the film “Max” was released, telling about the difficult fate of the Malinois. While serving in Afghanistan, he loses his friend and partner Kyle. After suffering stress, the dog cannot perform combat missions, and the military believes that the animal must be euthanized. But Kyle's family decides to take Max for themselves. This film is about how Max learns to exist in a world without bombings and shootings, about friendship and loyalty.

Animal care

The Belgian Shepherd cannot be chained. It is best to place it in a spacious enclosure with a high fence made of reinforcement. The apartment is not suitable for keeping a Malinois. The irrepressible nature of the breed requires a constant release of energy, which “splashes out” on home furnishings and pets.

During walks, the animal needs freedom and space to maneuver (it is better to walk the dog in forests or in special areas). If you walk with your Malinois in crowded places, then you must wear a muzzle and collar.

The animal's fur does not require constant combing. You should use a brush or slicker only during the shedding period. A Malinois should be bathed after its coat is heavily soiled. Your dog's ears should be cleaned once every three weeks. The dog's eyes should be examined daily for the presence of dried discharge and inflammatory processes. The dog's teeth are brushed with a special brush once a week.

The dog needs constant training and regular intellectual exercise. She can be involved in any sport (agility, freestyle, obedience, frisbee, etc.). You should not exercise with your dog on ice or asphalt. In this case, she could be seriously injured. With proper care and feeding, the animal can live 12–15 years.


The Malinois is an active dog that requires a balanced, high-calorie diet. Be sure to include the following components in your dog’s diet:

  • Boiled meat (beef, lamb).
  • Porridge (rice, buckwheat, rolled oats).
  • Sea fish (capelin, saury, cod, hake, etc.).
  • Offal (heart, tripe, lungs, liver).
  • Vegetables (carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini).
  • Fresh herbs (dill, spinach, carrot tops).

As a treat, you can give your dog unsweetened biscuits, small pieces of cheese and fruit. The Malinois must receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Vitamin complexes must be selected taking into account the age and health status of the animal. Belgian Shepherds can be allergic to certain types of food. Before purchasing dry food mixtures, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

How to train a Malinois

Training for this breed is a mandatory component. As already mentioned, without this, the character of pets may become uncontrollable. Choose a comfortable, spacious collar and, if necessary, a muzzle. If you resort to the services of a third-party assistant, then remember: a dog will develop good skills only with a calm, balanced person. Eliminate cruel punishments and physical influence; your pet is already smart enough. Malinois shepherd dogs are very sensitive to the mood of the owner, and this is worth taking advantage of. If you perform any tasks incorrectly, show resentment, then your pet will definitely try to fix everything. The set of exercises performed must be selected individually, based on the psychological and physiological capabilities of your Malinois. Be sure to take your dog out into the world to develop an optimal distance for him both with strangers and with his own relatives. A professional dog trainer will be able to recommend the most effective training program specifically for your pet.

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