Characteristics of the Alaskan Malamute dog breed: breed standard according to the RKF and character traits + reviews from owners

Malamute is special breed of dog. Friendly, energetic, affectionate creatures with appearance domesticated wolf. They are popular all over the world and resemble large teddy bears that you just want to pet and cuddle. But this is not a toy, but a large dog that requires certain conditions of maintenance, and before deciding to purchase a puppy, you need to familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages of this breed, character traits and care.

Origin story and what it looks like in the photo

There is no exact information about the time of the appearance of the breed, but it is known that Alaskan Malamutes descended from domestic dogs that belonged to the Malamute tribe and were distinguished by power and endurance and had thick and dense hair.

These animals were used for riding and carrying heavy loads.

The so-called “gold rush”, which marked the end of the 19th century, had a significant impact on the development and spread of the breed, since Alaskan Malamute teams were the only way to get to the deposits.

The desire of gold miners to acquire and use these dogs was reflected in the population of the breed.

Active attempts to increase the number of Malamutes and increase their endurance and speed led to interbreed matings , which reduced the number of purebred individuals .

The revival of purebred Malamutes began when sled racing became popular. It was only in the 1920s that the Alaskan Malamute managed to avoid extinction and increase its numbers. 20th century, and in 1935 the breed was officially recognized.

Another difficult period for these dogs was during the Second World War, when their numbers were reduced to no more than 30 individuals..

Thanks to work to restore the breed in the post-war period, the extinction of the Malamute was avoided.

Origin of the Malamute

The Alaskan Malmouth is recognized as one of the oldest dogs of the aboriginal type. Its formation was strongly influenced by the landscape and climatic conditions of the north and the economic activities of the inhabitants living in Alaska. It was subjected to folk selection by the Inuit tribe Melemyut, from which it received its name. The Inuit are Aboriginal people who inhabited Canada, Greenland and Alaska.

Interesting! Malamutes very rarely bark, which is explained by its origins from the wolf. Dogs of this breed grumble, which is not typical for other breeds.

It is believed that Malamutes are direct descendants of wolves. This is evidenced by the similarity in appearance and the presence of a large number of common genes. If you compare the appearance of a wolf and a malamute, the differences are insignificant. But the pet's appearance has changed and adapted to its purpose. A wider chest, stockiness, a raised tail, a shorter and wider muzzle - everything that distinguishes dogs of the breed from a wolf.

The Malamute dog was found several hundred years ago. Travelers and explorers noted that local residents use the hardy and large animals to transport goods. There is every reason to believe that these were precisely the ancestors of the modern Alaskan Malamute.

Archaeological finds indicate an even earlier existence of these dogs. At the end of the 19th century, during the “gold rush”, a completely new stage in the history of the breed began. They were used as the only trouble-free transport, the so-called Snow Train.

The breed was formed in isolation from the rest of the world, and was used as a sled dog for 4-6 centuries. It is noteworthy that it never lost its identity, even after being crossed with breeds imported from other states during the Gold Rush.

Interesting Facts

  1. Representatives of this breed starred in the films “White Captivity” and “Snow Dogs”.
  2. Alaskan Malamutes are included in the Top 30 popular dog breeds and occupy 18th place in it.
  3. In 2010, the breed was appointed as the symbol of the American state of Alaska.
  4. It is the Alaskan Malamutes that are described in the books of Jack London and Rudyard Kipling.
  5. Representatives of this breed have an unusual paw design - after pressing on the pad, their claws jump forward, like cats.

Description and standard according to RKF

Alaskan Malamutes are dogs with a powerful, strong build, a deep chest, but a compact body of a square format.

This is an excellent example of working dogs, but, unfortunately, they are not suitable as guard dogs, since they are completely devoid of aggression.

Representatives of this breed, in accordance with the standard, must have the following traits:

  • head wide, but proportional to the body;
  • voluminous, non-pointed muzzle;
  • triangular, erect, wide-set ears with rounded ends;
  • scissor bite;
  • small almond-shaped eyes with brown irises;
  • black or brown (in red-haired individuals) nose;
  • powerful, bear-like paws.

Blue eyes and aggressive behavior are considered abnormal . Serious faults include incorrect positioning of the paws and changes in their shape, excess weight or thinness, imbalance in body proportions, and too long hair.

According to the breed standard, the depth of the chest should be approximately half the height at the withers, and the length of the body should exceed the height of the dog.

Character traits

Alaskan Malamutes are friendly and good-natured dogs . Despite their impressive size and rather menacing appearance, they are absolutely not suitable for the role of guards, because they are too sociable and kind, they have no aggression.

This breed needs companionship and constant contact with its pack, whether that be other dogs or the human family. Living alone and in a closed enclosure is not suitable for these dogs; such conditions can even make them sick.

Malamutes become attached to their owner, but it is important for them that he constantly proves his authority and leadership, otherwise they begin to look for these qualities in other people.

These dogs need physical activity; they prefer an active lifestyle full of different experiences. The monotony quickly tires them.

Malamutes are smart and able to quickly remember commands, but due to their natural tendency to dominate, stubbornness, willfulness and dislike of repeating the same actions, they may refuse to carry them out..

That is why it is important to approach the learning process correctly, showing your pet from puppyhood who is the leader in the house. In many cases, it is impossible to do without undergoing OKD from professional dog handlers.

Among the harmful and almost ineradicable habits of Alaskan Malamutes, their love for digging holes, even if they live in city apartments, and their manner of howling at the moon are especially notable.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Alaskan Malamutes are not dogs for beginners. They are by nature stubborn, self-willed and accustomed to dominate; these character flaws can only be smoothed out by proper upbringing. Representatives of this breed are not characterized by aggression, but such behavior can be the result of psychological trauma suffered during puppyhood, errors in education, cruelty of people and a number of other reasons that can instill anger even in such peace-loving animals.

Alaskan Malamute dog breed - reviews

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This is the only breed that I have owned and I can’t even imagine another dog next to me. Over the course of five years, I had a wonderful opportunity to get to know this breed from A to Z. When we decided on the choice of breed, there were only a few conditions: not a trifle (so that it had an impressive appearance), but at the same time that the dog would not “eat me” personally (I’m afraid of dogs, a paradox, but a fact), and beautiful, of course)) ) Huskies also fit these requirements. But how glad I am still that we finally got a Malamute! Huskies are only for very active people, they suffer without movement, they need to run all the time. Malamutes are calmer dogs that can be captivated by various activities; their main need is to be in society and participate in your life. The Malamute may not be a working sled dog, but activity is required in general in the lifestyle of these dogs (long walks, cycling together, swimming, skiing and rollerblading, running). Even if you have never played sports, but you will strive to respect your pet, believe me, you will succeed! You will study together.

But it’s still hard work! This is in general terms. Raising this breed is not difficult if you understand and accept the dog as a person. Malamutes understand everything from a half-word, from a half-tone, from a gesture and a glance. But for this to happen, the dog must learn to trust you. Under no circumstances should you use violence against Malamutes - remember this forever!!!! They can only be praised and encouraged (including a treat) or scolded in a stern voice. But the fact that Malamutes are petty thieves and big landowners - you will most likely have to come to terms with this; it will not be possible to completely ban them))))) Education begins almost from a month. In my opinion, character development ends around the age of three - by this age it is already clear what you can expect.

As for nutrition. In general, Malamutes eat everything, but meat and fish are mandatory components. 1 kg of meat or fish per day for an adult animal. My boys also enjoy buckwheat and rice porridge with meat, bread, vegetables, and some fruit. Malamutes can be susceptible to allergies - be careful (one of my dogs died in two hours from an attack) During shedding, the fur swirls around the apartment - during this period, be patient. Better yet, I recommend buying a construction vacuum cleaner right away with your puppy - you won’t regret it, it will save you. Ordinary vacuum cleaners don’t seem to withstand such loads (we burned out as many as 3 of them!!!)

Among other things, when deciding to get a Malamute, understand that Malamutes are very strong dogs and in some cases can be stubborn (even men are often unable to restrain them!). Therefore, a child should definitely not walk with a Malamute! Malamutes are dominant dogs. Malamute males are pugnacious with males of all breeds and sizes. But you can’t allow them to fight; if they feel their strength, it won’t be good for everyone. We avoid male dogs.

About health. In general, Malamutes are in good health. Of the people I know, no problems have been noticed. This says a lot!!!! But let me remind you once again about our tragedy - allergies. Regarding whether I recommend this breed. No. I recommend thinking about whether you can handle it, whether your physical and mental strength is enough to raise the right Malamute (an untrained Malamute is terrible and dangerous).


I got this breed three years ago; I then lived with my parents in my house. After I moved, the dog stayed with my parents and when I visited them, the dog was always sad and decided to take it with me as I was not convinced that it didn’t belong in the apartment. But even in an apartment, such a dog can feel comfortable, but the point is that you need to walk a lot with it, not to forget that this dog is a heavy weight compared to its northern counterparts, it needs constant exercise. The wool has no smell, but to avoid getting it all over the place, don’t be lazy, comb it, plus the dog really likes it, bathing, as they didn’t try to force on me, that once a month we go through this procedure once a week, without going overboard with food, the main thing is that a lot of. With the birth of my first child, I was afraid at first, but soon became the best of friends and proudly endures all the games with the child, something I couldn’t stand.

But if you decide to envy your little one in the apartment, be prepared: Long walks are guaranteed for you or destruction of the apartment During shedding, the fur is difficult to cope with Cooking like a full-fledged member of the family Well, what a wonderful friend But don’t forget about the character of this breed, he will not do anything he doesn’t wants and you need to fight this from a very early age and don’t rely on him as a security guard in trouble, but he can also invite thieves into the house. In general, it’s up to everyone to decide, but I found in this breed that I was looking for a faithful and dedicated friend


A dog of this breed has been living with our family for 3 months. During this time, I realized that the dog is a quick learner, although everyone said something different about Malamutes: “stupid, dumb dogs, they won’t protect the family.” We already know how to give a paw, a voice, ask, hug, flip, spin and many more cool things. By the way, each team was trained for a maximum of an hour. He forgets nothing, remembers everything.

He is only 4.5 months old, but he is already guarding the yard! The dog is not at all like the one they say is “clueless.” Very beautiful and pleasant wool. Soft, warm Malamute. For people who love big and kind dogs, Malamutes are just right. (+chic bouffant ponytail). I'm in love


This cute, at first glance, dog is a complete walking nightmare! My relatives have such a dog. As soon as you go out with him, everyone immediately admires him, saying, what a handsome thoroughbred! If only they knew him better! This is an absolutely uncontrollable dog that is rarely interested in the owner’s opinion. When he is left alone, he begins to howl in anguish so that the entire yard can hear him. On the street he is eager to get into a fight with all the male dogs, you can only walk with him separately from other dogs. Hunts for cats. Not just hunts, but kills them. Once he strangled an unsuspecting kitten:-((If he leaves his owner, it is difficult or even impossible to finish screaming and bring him back. But he loves people very much, everyone!

The most favorite breed of burglars. When a complete stranger comes into the house, the dog is ready to lick him from head to toe. And if he gets completely overexcited, he can even stand on his chest with his paws. Absolutely not trainable. He only knows the command “come to me!” But even my cat knows this command, so this is not an achievement. We tried to train him, but a strong reaction to commands was never developed. As the trainer said, this is useless, because the breed was originally bred to run in a harness, and not to perform any tasks and serve one owner. Stupid and acts like a puppy. Now he spends his time at the dacha, all he knows is that he is jumping around the garden beds :-))) If a stranger approaches the gate, he does not react at all. In general, a quiet horror, not a dog. The owners already regretted having him. After all, he eats like an elephant, but there’s no point, just a burden.


I came across an article about the Malamute breed, which is not flattering because it is supposedly an uncontrollable dog. I myself got a Malamute because I fell incredibly in love with this beautiful, proud and intelligent dog. Of course, as a responsible owner (this is the first dog in my life), I read/watched/asked about this breed and came to the following conclusion: this is my dream, I can’t find a dog so suitable for me. Yes, indeed, a difficult and uncontrollable dog, but only if it is not trained. Sorry for the rudeness, but this also applies to people - if you don’t educate, it turns out to be crap. Armed with knowledge, I found such a wondrous creature and brought it home.

Yes, the puppy howled - but it’s a small, frightened puppy, I distracted him as best I could so that he wouldn’t miss his mom and brothers... new toys, my cat, ribbons, treats, walks, etc., etc. then adolescence came, I felt the dog begin to show its character…. There was no time for affection here; in order to raise a good dog, I had to show my character. Then my dog ​​lost access to the kitchen, walked around wearing a muzzle (so as not to pick it up), could not lie down on my bed, I had to hide all my shoes, even re-stick the wallpaper in the hallway, we began to do a lot of training, I took her to training courses, we were very happy there. I didn’t like it, and I decided to raise and train the dog myself. By the way, Malamutes are very voracious, they are ready to do whatever you ask for a piece of meat, so in 1 month I taught her the basics - sit, lie down, give her paw, you can’t wait for a stranger to come to me, die, etc. (checkmate, people who decided that a Malamute is not trainable, pfft)) now the dog is 2.5 years old, we are waiting for an addition, the dog has become for me not just a well-mannered pet, but also an excellent companion, friend and ally, if someone decided that the Malamute does not know how to protect, then apparently my dog ​​is special, because when a stranger comes up to me, she sits at my feet, and if necessary, she can growl, which is very impressive for her size.

Fortunately, I have not yet been able to test her guarding skills, but I am sure that if I am attacked, she will not lick the attacker’s face, as many here claim. I think that everything depends on the owner, love, the carrot and stick method, understanding (well, I can’t swear at her when she starts to roll in a puddle on a hot day, it’s no one’s fault that she’s hot))) In general, my advice, you are not ready to spend a lot of time on a malamute, don’t get one, keeping him on a chain to guard the house is nonsense, love her and she will be a great friend for you! Cons - sheds a lot, girls every six months, boys - less often, but if you brush them outside, at home almost unnoticed. There is no smell, He walks nearby, does not run away, because he is attached to the pack (to the owner), if there are a lot of people (for example, a hike) he will keep an eye on everyone so that he does not get lost, (even accompanies him to the toilet) Not a dog, but gold. By the way, another plus is that the dog is unobtrusive and independent, does not interfere with toys, does not need constant affection, everything is more on its own, which in my case is simply necessary (I don’t like calf tenderness). There must be something that can be frayed/gnawed (soft toy, bone, rubber toy)

La belle verte

Well, how can you not love him?

For our Norilsk, the most suitable candidate, and a husky too).

We bought our Valdai from a nursery.

I honestly don’t remember how long.

But from that day I know and learn everything new about Valdash Smile

As a puppy, his strength and desire for transportation were already visible, he rolled another puppy in a box), with his teeth he grabbed a larger piece and drags it along the linoleum, and he sleeps contentedly)).

Calm dog.

But at one time we took him to the dacha, where he acted as a security guard.

In constant fresh air and lack of control, he became brutal and wild, began to bark at all his neighbors, and once broke the huge chain to which he was tied, in our case he became an excellent guard dog.

Then, for some time I had to adapt to the urban environment),

He became a cute, calm, fluffy felt boot), so we call him affectionate)).

Of course he sheds, of course he loves walks. Thank God, we are lucky that our son does not have allergies, and he is eager to take the dog for a walk.

Ours loves car rides).

The dog, of course, is luxurious, but in terms of upkeep, it is an unbearable burden for some, which is why we have only 2 malamutes in our city, and those are the stars.

☆ People often ask to take a photo with Valdaika, pet her, or kiss her. ☆

He calmly allows you to do everything; if he doesn’t like something or is already tired of it, he just climbs deeper into the cabin and closes the window))), I’m kidding about the window)), until he learned how to do it himself). But there have already been successful attempts Smile

He loves to run and dig in the snow and loves all sorts of loads.

Pulling and just doing something.

♡I adore him. Just like our whole family. ♡

With the right approach, treating the dog as a full-fledged member of the family, he will be the most faithful friend and an excellent life partner.

Those who are thinking about getting this dog should soberly evaluate themselves and their capabilities and be sure to communicate as closely as possible with the breeder; the more you learn and regimen about the habits of a particular dog, the faster it will be possible to determine exactly your Malamute.

♡♡♡ My most beloved and priceless friend! ♡♡♡

On November 30 he turned 8 years old, but for me, he’s still the same baby Smile



Positive traits

  • don't bark
  • do not require special heating
  • excellent ride quality
  • chic exterior
  • excellent wool


  • too big for an apartment
  • always strive for dominance



Positive traits

First of all, this is their natural beauty!!! The second is their MIND! This is an incredibly smart and understanding breed, and their intelligence is manifested not in training, but precisely in the way these dogs know how to communicate with a person, they perfectly understand speech, words, if you talk to them like a person! And yes, they even respond, they can complain about anyone or anything! Tell me how bored you were while the owner was at work! This is also a very strong and hardy breed that requires physical activity and long walks! And they really like to do this together with their owner. With the right approach and upbringing, they are wonderful nannies and friends for children. Malamutes are not empty dogs, and they rarely make noise! But they can howl loudly :))) Malamute is a thinking dog, and often makes decisions on its own!!!


One of the disadvantages of Malamutes is their dominant temperament, and as a result they can be aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex. They are very stubborn, Malamutes will never obey like working breeds!!! But it’s hard to call this a minus! These are character traits, just like in people.

Natalya Mamedova


Positive traits

This is a very smart dog, it’s not for nothing that she is a highly intelligent dog, very good-natured, playful, for me personally this is the best dog in the world, they simply won my heart forever. but this is also a very wayward dog and you need to love it for who it is with its difficult character. wool doesn't smell


for me there are no negative sides


Malamutes are one of the best dogs. Spectacular, kind, smart, but with a character that not everyone can overcome. You need to find an approach to them, you need to make an effort to educate them, but it is definitely worth it - they grow up to be loyal friends and companions.


My North is a gift from children for their anniversary. The puppy, reminiscent of a plush toy, has grown into a stately, beautiful dog that evokes admiring glances from everyone who sees it. Yes, he is not a guard or a watchman, but I don’t need these qualities in a dog, the main thing is that he is a great friend and companion.


Sometimes I hear that Malamutes are stupid and untrainable dogs. But this is not true at all. They are very smart and remember all commands almost the first time. They are simply stubborn and may refuse to carry them out, but this is a question of how authoritative the owner has become for them.


my friend has a malamute, a very calm, phlegmatic dog, very friendly, comes up to children and waits to be petted, they don’t walk with her much, about 40 minutes a day, but she doesn’t need more, she’s so slow, she wanders always somewhere behind. The dog is well-mannered, they talk to her like a person, she understands and does everything. The only negative is that there is a lot of wool in the house, a huge amount is collected every day.


For a long time I fought with my son about buying a dog. But still he broke me. We were very meticulous about this “acquisition”, bought a bunch of books about dog breeds, and scoured the entire Internet. And in the end, our choice fell on the Malamute breed.

The day came to buy a new family member, we were preparing for the arrival of a “child”. We brought him home and he immediately settled into our family. They became best friends with the child.

I have never experienced love for dogs as such, but when our Goshka appeared, everything changed. This is the kindest breed of dog that knows how to listen and, of course, can answer. He barks little, almost never, but he grumbles like an “old man.” He is easy to train, but at the same time he doesn’t do everything right away, he wonders if he needs it.

Despite his kindness and obedience, our Goshka can be very mischievous and disobedient. But these are small things compared to his wealth.


The Alaskan Malamute is a special breed. Sometimes I think our 5-year-old is more human than dog. Smart, big, beautiful, very wayward.

He understands everything perfectly, but he carries out the commands leisurely - thinking about whether he needs it. And sometimes he does things his own way.

Malamutes practically do not bark. Ours, for example, often grumbles, as if talking to us. at the same time uses different intonations. But I’ve only heard him bark a couple of times in five years. And when an ambulance or a fire truck drives past us, he howls. Just like that, for real, like a wolf.

There is a lot of Malamute hair at home. But we are already used to it. Even though we comb it regularly, it still doesn’t help. Therefore, we learned to treat wool philosophically.

In the summer it’s very hot in his apartment (he’s wearing such a fur coat), so he prefers to sleep on the tiles in the bathroom.

Long walks are required. But if it’s hot outside, then it’s better not to walk far or for a long time.

He is not picky or greedy when it comes to food. Eats exactly as much as needed. Doesn't overeat.

It is very difficult to fight parasites, and checking for ticks is almost impossible due to the thick fur.

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to their bright and attractive appearance, Alaskan Malamutes have a number of other advantages.:

  • good-natured disposition;
  • friendliness;
  • endurance;
  • mind;
  • love for children;
  • no dog smell;
  • lack of aggression;
  • communication skills.

Along with its advantages, this breed also has disadvantages.:

  • tendency to dominate;
  • stubbornness;
  • lack of protective instincts;
  • independence;
  • love of digging holes;
  • howl.

In addition, these dogs cannot live in isolation or even relative solitude; they need constant contact with other animals or people.

Relationship building

Dogs of this breed need a pack; constant loneliness will simply destroy them. In order for the puppy to feel like a full-fledged member of the family in the backyard house, he needs to make a separate free entrance, the so-called manhole, into the door at the back of the yard.

Malamutes tend to be dominant from an early age. A small pet needs to be instilled from the very beginning with the feeling that the role of leader in the pack has already been taken.

Important! You need to pay attention to training starting from two months of age!

A small Malamute definitely needs a lot of elastic rubber toys to massage his teeth.

With kids

Malamutes are a child-friendly breed. If a child has not tormented or offended a child since childhood, they grow up to be great friends for life. It has been noticed that shy, complex teenagers become self-confident by raising a Malamute from puppyhood. A dog that is regularly beaten or abused becomes aggressive or weak-willed.

With cats

For an adult Malamute, a small cat is more likely prey. Even if an animal has been living with a cat in the house since birth, this does not mean that street cats are completely safe. But the roommate will always be considered a member of the pack.

There is no need to bring a small kitten into a home with an established Malamute!

With other dogs

This breed is more social than not. From childhood, a puppy should be taught to communicate with other dogs if she lives in a city. If the dog is raised in a suburban area in a large family, the dog will not acutely feel melancholy and loneliness.

Bad habits

Such dogs have been fighting for leadership in the family since childhood. They instinctively climb into their owner's bed and try to steal food from the table. These habits need to be stopped at an early age, because an adult dog will not retrain.

Malumutes are stubborn animals, so when raising such a dog you need to be strict and consistent. Under no circumstances should you show aggression, especially physical aggression. Adult dogs, especially males, are prone to revenge.

Aggression towards the owner

The role of the dog in the family must be constantly pointed out throughout life. You won't be able to dominate such a dog. They will listen only to those who treat them with respect and love, spend a lot of time and feed them.

Color variations

The color of the coat depends on which within-breed species the individual belongs to.

The coat of Alaskan Malamutes can be:

  • black and white;
  • gray-white;
  • silvery white;
  • red and white;
  • sable

Representatives of the breed with a uniform coat color can only be white.

Types and brief description

There are 2 intrabreed species of Alaskan Malamutes, which have some exterior differences: M'Loot and Kotzebue.


These dogs grow up to 63 cm at the withers and weigh 38 kg . Despite their powerful bones and large dimensions, these are active animals that are characterized by some aggression.

Their coat can be white, black and white, brown and white, sable, silver blue or red and white.


Representatives of this species are smaller than M'Lut - their height is no more than 60 cm and their weight is 36 kg . These dogs with wolf coat color are less active, more docile and not prone to aggression.

Features and external data of the breed

If we study in detail the description of the Alaskan Malamute, we will see that it is a large, strong and beautiful dog, which has an extraordinary resemblance to a wolf. In addition to its spectacular appearance, the dog stands out for its irrepressible energy, which not all owners can cope with. Despite the fact that dogs are good-natured towards people, they prefer to dominate them.

If in everyday life the independent character of the Alaskan Malamute is not very pleasing to the owners, then in extreme situations this feature is a big plus. Dogs are able to make their own decisions and save their lives and the lives of their owners in dangerous situations.

In Russia, for a long time, Malamutes were something exotic. However, now the breed has a large number of fans. True, often this admiration for a dog begins to fade as it grows up, because if it is raised incorrectly, it becomes uncontrollable.

This is not the animal's fault. It is the people themselves who are to blame for buying a handsome fluffy dog, hoping that he will grow up obedient and flexible. Without proper education, training and care, it will not be possible to raise a worthy family member. Therefore, if a person is not going to devote a large amount of time to the dog and does not consider it necessary to take into account the dog’s character traits, he should refuse to buy a Malamute.

However, if the future owner of a pet wolf begins to take care of the puppy from the first days, trains it according to the advice of dog handlers, cares for it and devotes the necessary amount of time, then he will not only raise an excellent dog, but also a true faithful friend who understands him at a glance.

Appearance and features inherent in Malamutes

The Alaskan Malamute has a strong build, a muscular body and a dense, thick coat. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a large head and deep chest, so even female Malamutes have a rather impressive appearance. But looking at the puppies that look like cute teddy bears, it’s hard to believe that in the future they will turn into huge, energetic dogs.

Although dogs have a large skull, it is not heavy. The muzzle is large compared to the black box. The stop is not sharp, but quite noticeable. Dogs have wide jaws with large teeth. A correct bite should be a scissor bite.

Malamutes have almond-shaped, medium-sized, brown eyes. If the iris is blue, then this is considered a disqualifying defect. Dogs have medium, triangular ears. The nose is large with wide nostrils and a black nose.

The neck is powerful and strong. The body is massive with strong bones. The tail is straight, fluffy, raised above the back. The forelimbs have developed muscles and are massive. The paw pads are large, collected, developed with tightly closed toes and protective hair between them. The hind legs are also strong and massive. They are located in line with the front ones.

Malamutes have a double coat. The first type of coat is guard and hard, and the second is soft and dense. In winter, dogs have long hair, and in summer it is shorter and not as thick.

The colors of Alaskan Malamutes are few. The most common is the wolf one. Also, representatives of the breed can be black, gray, white and sable. Colors can be combined. But this is only permissible in the undercoat and underpants area. Color combinations elsewhere are not permitted. The white color is more in the lower part of the body, on the paws and face in the form of a mask. A white spot on the forehead and a stripe on the back of the neck are allowed.

"Important! The color of Alaskan Malamutes is called mantle, this eliminates the presence of both uneven color and spots that break it.”

Possible disadvantages

Any deficiencies and pathologies of a dog’s limbs are considered serious defects. In Malamutes they are represented by a cow-like set of hind legs, their spacing, weak pasterns, straight shoulder girdle or insufficient angles.

Also defects are stilted or other types of movements, incorrect proportions, too powerful or, conversely, a slender physique.

Disqualifying faults

These include blue irises or other obvious physical abnormalities. Mental symptoms include cowardice or increased aggression. Also a defect will be cryptorchidism detected in a male dog.

Is it suitable for living in an apartment? On the street?

Malamutes are freedom-loving dogs that do not tolerate cramped, enclosed spaces and need space . Representatives of this breed are not suitable for keeping in city apartments and cramped enclosures, and they should not be chained.

The most suitable option is a fenced area of ​​a private house, where the dog can move freely. If a dog lives in an enclosure, it must be spacious and open.

The coat of Malamutes allows them to be kept outdoors throughout the year..

Photos of malamutes

Below are bright, colorful and realistic photos of a Malamute . This breed has its own distinctive features, which can be seen in the photographs. They will not leave anyone indifferent. The Malamute's intelligent eyes, strong build and power attract attention at first sight and you want to study every feature in the dog's appearance.

Even in the concrete jungle and apartment conditions, Malamutes exude energy, friendliness, and demonstrate endurance and strength. We offer the largest selection of photos where the Malamute is shown on a walk, playing, in the lap of nature, in urban environments.

Attitude towards children and does he get along with other pets?

Malamutes get along well with children; friendships are quickly established between them . At the same time, it is important to ensure that the puppy does not behave aggressively towards the baby even during play.


If a child comes into the family when the dog is already grown, it is necessary to ensure that it does not harm him - a large dog can accidentally hit the baby, frightening or injuring him.

They can get along with other pets if they grew up together. The most difficult relationships for Malamutes are with cats and birds, which they most often pursue as objects of hunting.


You should think carefully before buying such a puppy - it requires a lot of attention, and thanks to its excessive liveliness, you will have to take long walks with your pet with active games and jogging. In addition, this dog cannot be kept in an apartment if there are people with allergies in the house. If the future owner does not have such an opportunity, it is better to abandon the idea that a Malamute will live in the house.

Choosing a puppy

Before purchasing a small pet, you need to carefully observe all the puppies from the litter - healthy dogs are extremely active, love to play, and do not show aggression. They should not have any discharge from their eyes or nose, and their fur should be fairly shiny and not dull.

It is advisable that the breeder provides all the necessary certificates and pedigree, but in this case the puppy will be expensive, but the buyer will have a guarantee that he is purchasing a healthy vaccinated puppy from elite parents.


A puppy without a pedigree costs about 11,500 rubles, with a pedigree - from 12 to 29 thousand, and elite puppies from champion parents - above 30,000 rubles.

Care and maintenance

Caring for representatives of this breed is not too difficult . The main thing is to do this regularly and accustom your pet to all hygiene procedures from an early age.

Wool and bathing

To avoid matting of the coat and the formation of tangles, these dogs must be brushed at least 2 times a week, using combs, combs and slickers that help care not only for the top coat, but also for the undercoat.

During seasonal shedding, your pet needs to be brushed daily..

Malamutes' coat has the ability to clean itself, so you can bathe them no more than once a quarter, using shampoo and conditioner appropriate for their coat type and color.

It is necessary to rinse off the shampoo thoroughly, otherwise it can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes . After bathing, dry and comb your dog thoroughly.


Regularly, once every 1-2 weeks, inspect and clean from accumulated dirt and sulfur using a cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water, and in case of severe contamination, in hydrogen peroxide.


If the nails do not grind down on their own during walks, they must be trimmed monthly with a guillotine nail clipper designed for large dog breeds.


Brush twice a week using a special brush and paste for dogs . You should also give your pet treats and toys that help mechanically clean the teeth of plaque and stones.


Wipe weekly with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or tea leaves.

Caring for an Alaskan Malamute also includes timely vaccinations, treatment for external parasites and deworming..

For a private home

A country house is an ideal place for a Malamute to live. To make your pet feel comfortable, you need to equip him with a spacious enclosure and a large booth with wooden flooring. Malamutes are northern dogs with thick hair and a dense undercoat, so they feel more comfortable in cool weather.

You need to be prepared for the fact that your pet will completely tear up the entire yard. This is not a simple whim and self-indulgence, but an instinctive need for survival. Lemmings form the basis of the diet of the Malamute's ancestors, and breeders were unable to eradicate this feature during breeding.

Life expectancy and major diseases

Alaskan Malamutes have good health.

However, they are prone to such pathologies as:

  • diabetes;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • autoimmune hemolytic anemia;
  • epilepsy;
  • bloating;
  • chondrodysplasia;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • gastric volvulus;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • hemeralopia;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • adenocarcinoma of the anus;
  • corneal ulceration;
  • hemophilia;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • demodicosis;
  • hypothyroidism

In addition, Alaskan Malamutes may have a condition called “snow nose” (weakened pigmentation), which is characterized by a pink instead of black color on the nose, lips, and eye area.

These pets are prone to sunburn, so care must be taken when taking them out into the open sun.

With proper care and proper housing conditions, Alaskan Malamutes live on average 13-16 years.

Nutritional Features

The number of daily feedings depends on the age of the dog:

  • 1.5-2 months – 6 times;
  • 2-3 months – 5 times;
  • 4-5 months – 4 times;
  • 6-7 months – 3 times;
  • 1 year and older – 2 times.

These dogs can be fed with natural products and industrial food. Each type of food has pros and cons, so it is impossible to clearly judge which one is better; the choice depends on the owner.

The natural diet should include:

  • rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • chicken and beef by-products;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • lean sea fish without bones;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • boiled eggs;
  • lean meat.

It is forbidden to feed representatives of this breed:

  • pickles, smoked meats, marinades;
  • sausages, bakery and pasta products;
  • corn, legumes;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • fried foods.


With a natural diet, it is necessary to additionally give the dog vitamin and mineral supplements.

When choosing industrial feed, you should purchase premium products, or better yet, super-premium or holistic feed. The most suitable foods for these dogs are Royal Canin, Nutra Nuggets, Advance, Brit Care, Nutra Gold, 1st choice, Artemis, Orijen, Grandorf, NOW.

Sample menu for the week

Day of the weekFood
Monday500 g beef, 200 g cottage cheese, 200 g rice porridge, 100 g vegetables and herbs, 1 egg
Tuesday500 g veal, 200 ml kefir, 200 g buckwheat porridge, 100 g vegetables and herbs
Wednesday600 g fish, 250 g cottage cheese, 150 g rice porridge, 100 g vegetables and herbs
Thursday250 g beef, 250 g offal, 200 g natural yogurt, 200 g oatmeal, 100 g vegetables and herbs
Friday500 g beef, 200 g cottage cheese, 200 g rice porridge, 100 g vegetables and herbs, 1 egg
Saturday600 g fish, 250 g cottage cheese, 150 g rice porridge, 100 g vegetables and herbs
Sunday250 g chicken, 250 g offal, 200 g natural yogurt, 200 g oatmeal, 100 g vegetables and herbs

Training and education

To meWhen your pet remembers its name, you need to call it by it, saying “Come to me!” When the dog approaches, he should be given a treat
NearThe dog should walk at the owner's left foot. To do this, you need to say a command and pull the leash so that the Malamute cannot move to the side or forward.
SitPull the leash up and lightly press on the pet's croup, forcing him to sit
UghWhen the puppy does something forbidden, you need to grab him by the withers, shake him slightly and say “Ugh.”
Right leftWhile walking, you need to make turns in different directions. 1-2 m before the turn, you should repeat the “right-right-right” command 3 times, and then make the turn, if necessary, helping the dog with a leash
TowingWhen the puppy is six months old, you can prepare him for towing training by letting him pull, for example, an empty sled. Representatives of this breed are ready to tow a person no earlier than 1 year. While walking, you need to give the dog the command “Forward” and pull on the leash.
StopWhile the dog is moving, it is necessary to loudly say “Stop” and immediately stop, pulling the Malamute with a leash.

Breeding recommendations

Puberty in Malamutes occurs up to 6 months. Important subtleties that you should know about when breeding a dog for the first time are given below.


A week before the start of the heat, the behavior of the Malamute girl changes. There is frequent urination.

The first heat can be divided into 2 stages:

  1. Up to 10 days - the appearance of mucous-bloody discharge. She doesn't let the male dog near.
  2. After 10 days , the discharge is clear, without blood. The perfect moment to breed a dog.


ATTENTION! Malamutes cannot be bred during their first heat, as the puppies will be weak.

It is advisable to take a male for mating from the same breeder as the female. The main thing is that the animals are healthy.

The ideal time for mating is in the morning and on an empty stomach. There are 2 options:

  1. Freestyle - for dogs that have already had offspring. The Malamutes are being brought together and waiting for the results.
  2. Manual - 2 hours animals get to know each other. Then a muzzle is put on the bitch. The male is placed next to the female and his paws are placed on her back. The procedure takes 15–45 minutes. This mating is repeated after 1–2 days.


The first month of pregnancy in a Malamute passes without any changes. The dog is given the same loads, as it is full of strength and does not feel discomfort. In the 2nd month, walking time is reduced. The diet is being revised. Eating becomes easier.

2 weeks before giving birth, you will need to prepare a warm place for the pregnant woman. Place a bed and an aviary.


You can determine the moment of the onset of labor by the behavior of the animal. 10 hours before giving birth, the “girl” begins to worry and begins to struggle. At this moment, she needs to be taken to a pre-prepared place where she will initially live with the babies.
Stay with her. Reassure the expectant mother by talking while stroking her.

When the puppies start walking, it is better not to touch her, as she may bite. After giving birth, it is also better not to touch her and the children. After a while, call the dog to you and wipe its genitals with warm water using a sponge.

Ask someone from your family to take a walk with the young “mother.” At this time, examine the kids yourself and select outcasts. They usually don't survive.

ATTENTION! To make a Malamute accept puppies back from your hands, lubricate their faces with cow butter.

A female can only fully feed 4–5 puppies.

Castration and sterilization

The optimal age for castration is 8–10 months. Premature castration can disrupt the functions of the genitourinary system.

There are 2 ways:

  • Chemical: after taking certain medications, the animal does not produce the necessary hormones. Complete sterility occurs after a month.
  • Surgical - removal of the testes or ovaries is done through an incision in the abdomen or scrotum. It is performed under general anesthesia. The operation can be performed with a special instrument through a small puncture (laparoscopy).

Malamutes are huge dogs with a cheerful disposition and love of communication. At the genetic level, they have a developed pack feeling. It is very important that they accept their owner as a leader.

These shaggy giants should be trained from day one, as these dogs are not used to changing their ways. When caring, special attention is paid to the wool. Such a dog is easy to train, but at the same time, if it gets bored with training, it will not obey.

How to choose? Boy or girl?

to purchase a puppy from a specialized nursery - this eliminates the possibility of buying a purebred or sick pet .

It is also important to inspect the living conditions of the dogs, meet the puppy’s parents and find out about their health, since many malamute pathologies are hereditary.

The puppy should have shiny fur without bald patches or traces of dandruff, clean skin without rashes or irritations, pink mucous membranes, clear eyes without signs of increased lacrimation and other pathologies.

The puppy must be active, inquisitive, sociable, aggression is unacceptable.

When choosing between a male and a female, you should remember that girls are more docile and affectionate; some inconveniences in their maintenance are associated only with regular estrus.

Boys are more stubborn and willful, and tend to mark territory . At the same time, if you have plans to participate in breeding the breed, you should buy a female; if you plan to have an exhibition career, you should buy a male.

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