Malt paste for cats: characteristics, benefits and harms, household essentials

Cats are one of the cleanest animals. They spend a significant portion of their time grooming themselves, but in the process of washing themselves, they ingest their own fur. This problem is especially relevant for long-haired breeds. When hair gets into the stomach, it is not digested and is compressed into a lump, the presence of which reduces the passage of food and interferes with the digestion process.

To eliminate the negative consequences of the appearance of trichobezoars, you should use malt paste - a special veterinary drug intended for use by cats as food and to eliminate hairballs in the stomach. Products from the Malt Paste group can also improve the digestion process and supply the cat with the vitamins and microelements it needs.

What are trichobezoars

This is the scientific term for hairballs that lodge directly in the stomach. Their formation due to regular washing and regurgitation is a natural process for representatives of the cat family. In most cases, the formation of hairballs and their removal does not cause noticeable problems, but in long-haired cats negative consequences are much more common.

Due to the narrow lumen of the esophagus, trichobezoars take on a cylindrical shape. Inexperienced owners are often scared when their cat begins to vomit due to their breeding, but there is no need to panic.

In its structure, a cat's tongue resembles a grater - its rough surface combs the fur when washing, and collects hairs. Some of them are spat out by the pet, others go down the esophagus, lingering in the stomach or going into the intestines, from where they are released with feces.

Note! If your pet has short hair, this does not prevent the formation of lumps and fur in the stomach. The process is slower and the risk of complications is reduced, but the likelihood of trichobezoars remains, so owners should be aware of the symptoms of this phenomenon and methods for eliminating them.

Normally this occurs without complications, but if the formation in the stomach becomes too large, it cannot leave the body. This often happens in the case of:

  • intensive licking during molting;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • as a result of impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

The animals themselves have already developed a mechanism to eliminate the problem - eating grass. Wheatgrass helps to regurgitate accumulated hair, however, this is only possible if the cat is outside. The likelihood of developing trichobezoars is especially high in Maine Coons, Persian cats and other breeds with long hair.

Symptoms of Hairballs in Cats

The problem of hairballs forming in the stomach can even occur in kittens. Normally, every pet cleans its digestive tract by regurgitating fur from one to six times a month.

If this process does not occur naturally, the following symptoms may appear:

  • constipation, too hard stool with pieces of six in the stool;
  • regular vomiting with hair coming out;
  • heat;
  • the appearance of blood or mucus in the vomit;
  • cough;
  • refusal to eat due to a feeling of pressure in the intestines and stomach;
  • copious amounts of saliva;
  • swollen belly - the cat does not allow you to touch it because of the pain.

If your pet has several of the symptoms on the list and you clearly see fur in the stool or vomit, be sure to visit a veterinarian. Usually, to relieve symptoms, malt pastes are prescribed, which facilitate hair removal in cats with long hair and pets prone to the formation of hairballs.

Gim Cat

The German company Gimborn now produces not only GimPet, but also two of its types - GimDog and Gim Cat.
The feed additive “Malt-Soft Paste Extra” promotes the movement of food and, at the same time, the effective and gentle removal of ingested hair. Contains natural ingredients: malt, vegetable oil, ballast substances.

Judging by numerous reviews from cat owners, the supplement really helps: it prevents inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, constipation and almost completely vomiting; lasts a long time; and they highly recommend it!

It is tasty and smells appetizing, so the animals eagerly eat this delicacy “on both cheeks.” They feel wonderful!

Just don’t violate the dosage and conditions of administration specified in the instructions, otherwise there will be side effects: diarrhea, discharge from the eyes and even hair loss. Since “there is no such good thing that cannot be spoiled!”, then moderation is needed in everything!

Cat lovers still advise using the product in courses: every month or every week; Give every day during shedding and every other day during normal periods, slightly reducing the portion.

If, upon seeing the purr for the first time, you ignore this additive, don’t despair, you can use a trick - spread a little on its face and paws. He’ll try it, and after a little while he’ll love it, and even really like it! And if still not? You can buy another paste, but first, a small tube.

And further. It is more convenient to feed by squeezing the required “portion” in centimeters onto your finger.

Composition and principle of action of malt paste

Malt paste has a pronounced enveloping effect. Mixtures for eliminating hairballs are supplied by many pet product manufacturers, each of which contains the required set of components:

  • proteins;
  • lipids;
  • fiber;
  • ash substances.

Malt is used as fiber, providing a coating effect and helping to safely remove the lump from the cat's stomach.

Other components are added to the mixture to increase the effectiveness of the product and have various positive effects on the cat’s body. To make it easier to take, manufacturers add nutritional elements and flavors to the composition, thanks to which malta paste arouses nutritional interest in cats.

Action of the drug:

  • when it enters the stomach, the plastic mass covers the lump and facilitates its active introduction naturally without painful vomiting or constipation;
  • the lump passes freely through the intestines, freeing up space in the stomach, which normalizes the normal functioning of the digestive system;
  • dietary supplements help stabilize microflora and restore the normal ratio of bacteria in the intestines;
  • Some manufacturers will supplement the drug with Omega-3 and Omega 6 fatty acids - substances that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and coat, which is especially important for show cats.

Exposure may vary somewhat depending on the manufacturer.

Important! The shelf life is 24 months, but only if the paste is stored in the refrigerator with the cap closed.

What, besides paste, will help cleanse your pet’s stomach of hairballs?

Paste is just one of many remedies that can cope with this problem. Special dry food perfectly removes hair from a cat's stomach and prevents the formation of large trichobezoars. In appearance and smell, it is indistinguishable from conventional finished products for cats. It copes with the task due to the content of prebiotics, flaxseed, fiber and plantain.

To solve the problem, you can also use special food additives called phytomins. In their production, extracts of medicinal herbs, vitamins, minerals, lecithin, and taurine are used. They come in tablet form and are given to the pet along with food. The duration of use of phytomins is determined individually. Unlike pastes, such additives remove hair gradually.

Pet Naturals of Vermont vitamin supplements containing psyllium and fatty acids are another way to gently remove ingested hair from your cat's stomach. Among the available components, Vaseline oil has proven itself well. It is given to pets once before feeding. For kittens, 1 tsp is enough. products, adult animals – 2 tsp. Sprouted grass, such as oats or wheat, can also solve this problem.

The paste is produced not only in the form of a paste-like substance, but also in the form of pads. In addition to the usual ingredients, they contain mint. Almost all pets enjoy using them. You can also pay attention to the “Nurti Vet” mixture.

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How to give malt paste to a cat

The instructions for using malt paste are very simple. The drug can be used both for prevention and for removal of trichobezoars during the molting period.

Advice! The ideal time to take it is an hour and a half before or after a meal.

  • Prevention of the formation of hairballs - malt paste can be used in a weekly course once a month , squeezing out 2-3 cm of product daily.
  • During the shedding period , especially breeds with thick undercoat, squeeze out 6-12 cm of product daily until the end of shedding. It is better to divide the paste into 2 servings : after morning and evening feeding. For example: a British longhair cat during the shedding period should be given 6 cm of paste after breakfast and 6 cm of paste after dinner. For short-haired breeds, 8 cm of malt paste per day is sufficient.

In most cases, pets, attracted by the pleasant smell for them, eat the paste on their own, mistaking it for a tasty treat. The paste can be fed from your finger or gradually squeezed directly into the cat's mouth. If the pet does not like the drug, it can be mixed with a small portion of food, preferably wet food.

Important! If your cat is actively shedding, you can reduce the likelihood of trichobezoar formation by combing out excess hair and undercoat, which will reduce the frequency and intensity of washing.

Can cat hairballs come out on their own?

This is usually what happens. The cat's body gets rid of hairballs on its own through regurgitation. The pet jumps up, begins to worry, twitches convulsively and regurgitates a clump of undigested hair. The trichobezoar rejected by the cat's body is an elongated, moist, dense formation like a sausage, the color of which matches the color of the animal. Its hue slightly changes the color of food and various gastric secretions. Typically, bezoars regurgitated by a cat have an unpleasant, but not foul, odor.

Brands of malt pastes

Malt paste is not a brand name owned by one specific company, so it can be found in the assortment of various suppliers. The most popular of them:


Dutch manufacturer producing Beaphar malt pastes based on malt, dairy products and vegetable oils. The presence of the Omega 3 and 6 complex allows you to have a positive effect on the condition of the coat, but can harm pets diagnosed with liver problems or gastrointestinal diseases.

The manufacturer produces a regular form of the drug and a double Malt Paste Duo, which contains a second type of paste that forms healthy intestinal microflora.

Ingredients: oils and fats, milk and dairy products, products of plant origin (malt extract 13%, MOS 1%), yeast, minerals.

Price – 550 rub. / 100 g.


The name of the malt paste for cats is Gimcat Malt Soft Paste Extra . A high-quality German drug that is standard in its composition and has no contraindications. Allowed for use with double doses for single use.

Ingredients: malt extract – 53.9%, liquid paraffin – 46% and preservative (propylparaben) – 0.1%.

Cost – 500 rub. / 100 g.

Owner reviews

Martha, owner of the British Shorthair cat:

“My Magdalena is a short-haired breed and encountered a problem during shedding. The beauty ate too much wool and tried to vomit, but nothing worked. We contacted the veterinarian. The doctor recommended Malt paste. We bought a Biofar product. The cat stopped vomiting in the morning. She really liked the taste of the pasta. Seeing the packaging, she runs to me.”

Natasha, owner of 2 Persian cats:

“Two furry miracles live in our house. Even when they took the cats from the breeder, she advised giving them a special paste to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to fur. First we bought a product from Beaphar. We were always pleased with the result. One day he was not in the pet store, but I saw a paste from Sanal. It cost almost 100 rubles less, but was just as effective. Now I’ll only buy it.”


Russian analogue from the company, characterized by an affordable price. The active ingredients are malt extract and whole milk powder. Not recommended for use in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases and allergies to cereals.

Ingredients: malt concentrate, refined corn oil, wheat bran, lactose monohydrate, soy protein isolate, whole milk powder, potassium sorbate, silver benzoate, water.


  • small tube – 330 rub. / 30 ml;
  • medium tube – 470 rub. / 75 ml;
  • large package – 600 rub. / 200 ml.


Another drug from the Netherlands. Sanal malt paste has no contraindications for use; it contains ash and vitamin E as additional components.

Ingredients: vegetable products, oils and fats, sugar; supplements per 1 kg: vitamin E 75 mg.

Price: 190 rub. / 20 ml and 550 rub. / 130 ml.

All of the products mentioned effectively eliminate trichobezoars, but before purchasing you should carefully read the instructions for any contraindications.

Advice! The mixture has a thick consistency, so squeezing it out of the tube may be difficult. To avoid this, you can remove the tube from the refrigerator shortly before use and leave it to warm up to room temperature.

Are there any harms, contraindications and side effects?

The medicine for removing trichobezoars has no contraindications. Malt paste is given to kittens, adult cats, old and weakened pets. There are no restrictions on the breed of mustaches.

The paste has virtually no side effects. The components included in the composition sometimes lead to the development of allergic reactions, but do not cause poisoning or other negative reactions of the body. Therefore, long-term use of the drug is permissible, subject to strict adherence to the prescribed dosage.

Excessive amounts of the substance can cause redness of the skin and itching. Giving it in excess of the dosage is also not advisable because of the components with a laxative effect.

The medicine is not prescribed if the pet has a large hairball and intestinal obstruction is diagnosed. In this case, the problem will have to be solved with more radical measures - most likely, the cat will need surgery.

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