The largest dog in the world - TOP 10 with photos and their features

In June 2022, Guinness World Records officials recognized the Great Dane, nicknamed Freddie, as the largest dog in the world. The dog's height at the withers is 1.035 m. He is slightly lower than the previous leaders: the blue Great Dane named George and the Great Dane Zeus. Giant George was entered into the Book of Records in 2010 with a height of 1.10 cm and a weight of 110 kg. However, in 2013, the dog died, giving way to a new record holder.

Today, the Great Dane named Freddy is the leader among other breeds that claim the title of “The Biggest Dog in the World.” We will tell you in more detail who else is on this list.

Great Dane - leader

Freddy the Great Dane lives in England in the county of Norfolk. His owner Claire Stoneman assures that her pet is no different from his brothers. The Great Dane eats regular dog food and loves beef and chicken. According to the neighbors, Freddie looks more like a horse, he seems so tall to them.

It is noteworthy that along with his height, Freddie claims to be the oldest Great Dane. He recently turned 8 years old, which is a very respectable age for this breed.

The Great Dane is one of the tallest dog breeds. Its average height at the withers reaches up to 0.80 m with a weight of up to 100 kg. And Freddie is far from the first of its representatives to break the breed record. The record holder, also included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2013 after the death of the blue dog George, is a dog named Zeus from Michigan. Its height at the withers is 111.8 cm, and its weight is more than 70 kg. If he stands on his hind legs, then his height is 2.20 m in height.

On a note! Great Danes are distinguished by their kind disposition, loyalty and obedience. Despite their gigantic growth, they become real members of the family.

TOP 8 giant dog breeds with photos and names

Although there are many representatives of large breeds, 8 dogs are truly gigantic. They have impressive dimensions, interesting temperaments and corresponding prices.

German dog

The Great Dane is an aristocrat dog from Germany, belonging to the group of companion, guard and protective breeds. These dogs come to mind for many when discussing which dogs are considered large. For an adult male, the typical height at the withers is 80-90 cm; for females, the typical height is 72-84 cm. The average weight of the breed is 50-80 kg.

Great Danes are distinguished by their balance and friendliness. They are devoted to their owners, care for all family members and love children. In relation to strangers, these pets show restrained interest. The huge breed will not attack first and is not prone to aggression, but at the same time they are fearless dogs, ready to protect their owners. These are companions who feel great around people and are highly trainable.

Great Danes live 8-10 years. Prices for puppies depend on a number of factors and you can find pets for both 15-30 thousand rubles and 30-50 thousand rubles. But for a purebred Great Dane with good prospects you will have to pay over 70 thousand rubles.

Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is a huge breed, originally bred to hunt deer and wolves, but after deforestation they were kept as companions and guards. The normal height for an adult male is 79-86 cm at the withers, for a female - 71-86 cm. Minimum body weight for a male is 54.5 kg, for a female - 40.5 kg.

Despite its peculiar appearance and history, the wolfhound is a friendly and kind breed. They can be called gentle giants who happily live in the family and get along well with children and animals of all types and sizes. They are full of energy and are ready to devote themselves to games at any age. At the same time, they are also smart and resilient, which allows for extensive work in terms of training the pet.

The average life expectancy of a wolfhound is between 8-11 years. The cost of puppies starts from 60-80 thousand rubles. and higher, depending on pedigree and blood purity.

Transmontane Mastiff

The Transmontane Mastiff is a Portuguese breed bred to protect herds. These are really very large pets. The standard weight for males varies between 75-85 cm, for females - 68-78 cm. The weight of males should be at least 60 kg, but not more than 75 kg, females - 50-60 kg.

The Mastiff has a reserved character and impressive obedience. This is an attentive, huge, but non-aggressive dog, calm in any situation. She easily gets along with the family and does not conflict with other animals, even with males of her own breed. With strangers, Transmontan Mastiffs are often reserved, but having gotten to know a person better, they quickly become responsive and allow themselves to be controlled.

Representatives of the breed live on average 9-12 years. The cost of such a pet can be 88-135 thousand rubles. But in Russia this breed is not very common and the price may rise if the baby is transported from abroad.


The German Leonberger breed belongs to the category of guard and family dog, as well as a companion pet. An adult male grows within the range of 72-89 cm at the withers, for females the growth limit is 65-75 cm. The weight of males varies from 59 to 77 kg, females - from 45-59 kg.

Leonbergers, although giant dogs, are friendly and easily make contact with people of all ages. They have no tendency towards aggression and timidity. The pet is obedient, fearless and will gladly accompany its owners in any matter. Having a calm temperament, they have not lost their playfulness and are able to spend time playing not only as a puppy, but also as an adult. They study well, have excellent memory and are not distinguished by the desire to take a dominant position in the family.

The average lifespan of Leonbergers is 9-11 years. The cost of puppies starts from 40 thousand rubles. and ends at 100 thousand rubles.

Pyrenean Mastiff

A huge breed - the Pyrenean mastiffs were bred in Spain to guard and protect people and property. Males should grow above 77 cm at the withers, females - above 72 cm. The weight of adults varies between 55-80 kg.

Large pets are friendly, have a calm nature and are often described as noble and courageous dogs. They are proud, will not retreat from the enemy, and will skillfully protect the owner, home and family members. Pyrenean Mastiffs are more likely to act aloof and distrustful with strangers, but do not show aggression. They need time to adapt and establish contact with people outside the family.

Pyrenean Mastiffs live 10-12 years. Breed-class puppies cost about 70 thousand rubles, purebred representatives of show class - from 120 thousand rubles. The cheapest thing you can buy is a mixed breed, the price of which is about 30 thousand rubles.

Spanish Mastiff

Spanish Mastiffs are representatives of guard and guard dogs. This is a fairly tall breed, in which the height at the withers of adult males exceeds 77 cm, females - 72 cm. Normal body weight is 70-120 kg.

These are smart, visually attractive pets. They are kind, but determined, and therefore readily defend their owners, property and other pets. Adult Spanish Mastiffs are aware of their own strength and therefore diligently control themselves and behave carefully with people of all ages.

Representatives of this breed live 9-11 years. The minimum cost of puppies is 35-40 thousand rubles, but for a purebred baby with a good pedigree you will have to pay about 250 thousand rubles.

English Mastiff

English Mastiffs were originally bred to perform watchdog and security functions, but now the role of a companion has been added to this. The height at the withers for males starts from 76 cm, for females – from 69 cm. The standard weight for a male is about 72 kg, for a female – 68 kg.

Representatives of the breed are calm and friendly, with a balanced character. They are patient not only with adult owners, but also with children. Such dogs are friendly towards other animals, but are very lazy, and therefore active games with young pets will not interest them. Mastiffs, although a huge breed, are very sociable. They tend to spend time close to family members and may often try to climb onto someone's lap, which can be difficult due to the pet's size. They cannot stand loneliness, and therefore need constant contact with at least one of the family members.

Life expectancy for mastiffs is 9-11 years. You can buy a puppy for 40-100 thousand rubles; prices from some breeders may be higher. Baby worth 30 thousand rubles. and it can be less only if there is a marriage or if the pet is not purebred.

Saint Bernard

The Swiss Huge breed is a companion dog as well as a guard dog. The height at the withers is normal for an adult - 70-90 cm, for a female - 65-80 cm. Weight, regardless of gender, should be about 70 kg.

The Saint Bernard is known to everyone as a giant dog with a friendly and affable disposition. He easily meets new people, greets them joyfully and is extremely happy when he sees his owners. The temperament of a pet depends on the approach to education and genetically transmitted traits. Most often, St. Bernards are calm, but there can also be active individuals that do not want to sit still.

On average, these dogs live 9-11 years. The pricing policy for St. Bernards depends on the pedigree and popularity of the nursery. Puppies that rarely participate or do not participate in dog shows cost 25-35 thousand rubles. Babies from champions, with a rich pedigree and a high chance of future victories in exhibitions, cost at least 45-50 thousand rubles.

English Mastiff

Another breed that falls into the “Largest Dog in the World” category and takes second place is the English Mastiff. The average height of the aristocratic breed is 69-91 cm at the withers.

The record holder who appeared on the pages of Wikipedia is an English mastiff named Aikama Zorba. He was born in September 1981 to the breeder Prosser I. Later, an English gentleman from London, Chris Iraklides, became the owner of the dog. In 1989, the Guinness Book recorded a record weight of a dog of 155.6 kg with a height of 94 cm and a body length of 2.51 m.

On a note! The English Mastiff breed is bred to guard territory. They are distinguished by their courage, balanced character and powerful appearance. However, the English Mastiff often makes a good companion accompanying its owner.

Tibetan mastiff

The next breed that is distinguished by its uniqueness is the Tibetan mastiff. This is the oldest breed, bred in the monasteries of the Tibetan region. Its purpose is to protect the territory. The average height of a male dog is up to 81 cm, weight – up to 82 kg.

One of the representatives of this breed, a male named Sensation, was sold to a famous coal magnate from China in 2011 for $1.5 million. Thus, the dog won the title of “The most expensive dog in the world.”

Interesting! His record was broken by another Tibetan Mastiff, which was purchased for $1.9 million in 2013. This cost was determined by the ancient pedigree of the dog.

Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records officially registered that the largest Tibetan mastiff weighed 113 kg. And this is far from a record number! In the 20th century of this century there lived a mastiff nicknamed Lio Chang. According to eyewitnesses, his weight reached 120 kg.

Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is one of the top five largest dogs in the world. This breed was bred for rescue work in the Alps. The height of the average representative of the breed is up to 90 cm and weighs more than 100 kg.

Among the St. Bernards there are three leaders who are distinguished by their appearance:

  1. The first is a dog named Benedictine. He weighed more than 166 kg, for which he received the title of “The heaviest dog in the world.”
  2. The second is a male named Major F. His peculiarity is that his body length from the tip of his nose to his tail is 2.59 cm.
  3. The third is a dog named Brandy. He entered the Guinness Book of Records in 1977 as “The Strongest Dog” after he was able to pull a carriage with rails weighing 2 tons 905 kg over a distance of 4.57 m in 90 seconds.

The St. Bernard's appearance can be deceiving. While seemingly calm and slow, the dog instantly shows agility and swiftness. The breed is suitable for protecting owners and guarding.

Diver (Newfoundland)

This giant dog breed rightfully occupies the fifth leading place in the ranking of “The Largest Dog in the World.” The average height of representatives is 70 kg, and weight is more than 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland weighed 120 kg, for which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Newfoundlands received their second name “diver” due to the innate ability to swim and the structural features of their paws. Between the pads there are membranes, like those of waterfowl. In addition, animal fur has a water-repellent property, which allows them to be used as water rescuers.

In 2009, a family from North Dakota (America) applied to have their pet named Boomer included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog among Newfoundlands. Features of the dog: height 0.91 meters, weight more than 80 kg, body length from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail 2 meters and 13 cm.

On a note! For all their enormous appearance and strength, divers are distinguished by their good disposition, affectionate character and affection for their owners.

Moscow watchdog

The next representative from the category of the largest dogs is the Moscow watchdog. The breed was bred in Russia in the 50s of the 20th century by crossing several representatives of other breeds at once: St. Bernard, Caucasian Shepherd Dog and Russian Piebald Hound. According to the standard, the average height of male dogs should be up to 78 cm, the minimum weight should be at least 60 kg.

The Moscow guard dog is distinguished by its fearless character, good disposition and balance. Without unnecessary barking, she will quickly protect her owner from danger and has good watchdog qualities.

Important! A dog of this breed loves his family very much, plays with children, but is suspicious of strangers who come into the house. Therefore, all guests should be wary of it.

Russian Greyhound – elegance itself

The Russian greyhound cannot boast of much mass, but in the ranking of the tallest dogs it is ahead of many breeds. The first information about this lean, refined breed dates back to the 17th century. These dogs were used to hunt wild animals. The breed standard was formed in 1888.

Dogs have a calm temperament, but they become very excited at the sight of “prey.” They are majestic, independent, loyal to their owners, but intolerant of children's pranks. Therefore, it is not recommended for them to live in a house with a small child. Requires long daily walks. Has silky, soft fur. The color is quite varied: white, piebald, spotted, red, etc. the maximum height is 86 cm. Life expectancy is 12-14 years.


This breed was first developed in Germany in 1846 by crossing three breeds: Pyrenean Shepherd, St. Bernard and Newfoundland. The average height of a Leonberger dog is up to 80 cm and weight up to 77 kg. This is an ideal pet, suitable for family keeping, and is distinguished by its love for the owner’s children.

Leonberg's character is kind and flexible. The dog has watchdog qualities, quickly learns commands, and is smart.

Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd)

The established standard for the Alabai breed is the height of males up to 75 cm and weight up to 80 kg. However, among the representatives of the breed there was a unique dog named Bulldozer. He received this nickname due to his habit as a puppy of clearing snow on the paths with his nose. As an adult, Bulldozer weighed 130 kg! His owner loaded the dog with strength training every day: covering a distance of 10 km with a special weight on his back.

On a note! Alabais are intended for protection and guard duty. They are distinguished by their explosive nature, quick reaction and muscular body.

A few words about care

Great Danes do not require special care:

  • thanks to regular walking, their claws are worn down naturally; if this is not enough, then strong nippers will help;
  • due to their smooth coat, scratching is minimal, only prolonged due to their impressive size;
  • no bathing is required, just wipe the dog with a damp cloth or rubberized glove a couple of times a week;
  • Ear cleaning is carried out once a week with a cotton swab;
  • discharge from the eyes is removed with a cotton pad, having previously moistened it in boiled water, copious discharge is removed with a swab soaked in Furacilin solution;
  • To clean teeth naturally, it is enough to pamper your dog with solid treats once a week, you just need to take into account their volume, since the dog is not small.

You need to start caring for your Great Dane from infancy, so that the dog gets used to cutting nails, combing and hygiene. Otherwise, with age, this will become difficult. And it's good for health too

Neapolitan Mastiff

Another breed from the category of the largest dogs is the Neapolitan Mastiff. The standard height at the withers for males is set to 79 cm, weight – up to 70 kg. The breed is distinguished by its protective qualities, playfulness of character and goodwill towards its owners.

Among the representatives of the Neapolitans, a dog named Marta distinguished itself. In 2022, at a dog competition held in California, she earned the honorary title of “Ugliest Dog.” This title could not dampen the mood of her owner Shirley Zindler, as she received a cash reward of $1,500 from the prize fund.

Martha was so loved by the audience and judges that after participating in the competition, she and her hostess went to New York to film a TV show.

Education and training

The key to the calm and peaceful nature of the Great Dane is proper and timely education

The Great Dane has high intelligence and good memory, so an experienced owner will not have problems with training. It is important to start training as early as possible - from the first days the puppy is in your home. The same applies to socialization. If this moment was not missed, even the owners of a male dog can avoid problems with fights on the dog park.

It is better to master commands gradually, always in an easy, playful manner. Do not overload the classes, because a tired and distracted puppy is unlikely to make serious progress. Don't forget about rewards, including treats, for correctly completed tasks. The key to success is patience and kindness. The assertion of authority should be carried out confidently and firmly, but without shouting or, especially, physical punishment. Relationships built on submission out of fear lead to regular attempts to “overthrow” the cruel “leader”, and can even become the cause of a broken psyche.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed arose as a result of crossing dogs brought from distant Ireland with local dogs. Wolfhounds are considered the tallest dogs. The standard for the breed is a height of 79 cm and a minimum weight of 54.5 kg. The character of the animal is naturally calm and quiet. They love to play with children, remain loyal to their owner and are easy to train.

Among the representatives of wolfhounds there is a dog named Keon, who in 2022 was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Its peculiarity is its tail, the length of which is more than 76 cm. Despite his Irish nickname, meaning “brave warrior,” Keon is very good-natured and affectionate.

It is simply impossible to list all the dogs that can live up to the title “The Biggest Dog in the World.” We talked about the most famous and interesting representatives of different breeds. If you also know which dogs can be awarded this title, then share in the comments. We will definitely tell you about them on the pages of our website.

Origin of the breed

Despite the fact that many are sure that the Great Dane is a purely European breed, this is not entirely true. The history of the Great Dane breed begins in Tibet, where its ancestors lived. Local tribes bred them to guard their livestock. From these animals came many breeds, among which the most famous are Asian Shepherds and Tibetan Great Danes. Tibetan Danes are the ancestors of Great Danes. Over time, ancient Great Danes began to be used as fighting dogs - strong and quite aggressive.

By the first century AD, Great Danes had already spread to India, China, Mesopotamia, and Europe and became popular fighting dogs used by Germanic tribes, the Romans, the Scythians, and the Greeks. On the territory of modern Germany there were the most Great Danes. In the 10th century, ancient German hunters created the book “Geoponics”, in which seven species of mastiff dogs were described. Among them were dogs that specialized in hunting bears and boars - distant descendants of the Tibetan Great Danes. They were the direct ancestors of modern Great Danes. Since the 15th century, they have changed several names: Great Dane, Old German Mastiff, Bullenbeiser. Great Danes were used for guarding and baiting wild boars and bulls. Great Danes became the basis for the breeding of Great Danes.

German dog

The Germans actively improved the breed by crossing the Great Dane with local Great Dane breeds. At first, Great Danes were called “Ulm dogs”, since their selection was carried out by specialists from the German southern city of Ulm. In 1863, two types of Great Danes were presented at an exhibition in Hamburg - the Ulm Great Dane and the Great Dane.

In 1871, breeders began crossing Ulm and Great Danes into one gene pool to create the Great Dane breed. In 1879, Great Danes were recognized as the national breed of Germany.

In the 20s of the 20th century, the Great Dane received the title of “Apollo among dogs.” Today, Great Danes are popular not only in Germany, but throughout the world, including Russia.

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