The benefits and harms of tripe for feeding dogs, recipes for preparing beef stomach

Cow's stomach is a real delicacy for many dogs, regardless of their size and breed. This article explains how to cook beef tripe for dogs. Is it really useful and what dogs can it be given to? Are there any contraindications for this product?

Animals eat it with great pleasure. Beef stomach contains many useful substances. It is even prescribed as a medicine and as a means of weight gain. There are many ways to prepare dishes from this offal.

Benefits of beef tripe for dogs

Name of useful substanceBenefits for dogs
Protein sourceLow in calories, saturates the dog's body with protein
ProbioticsNecessary for the stomach and intestines for good digestion. Probiotics of natural origin
Digestive enzymesNeeded for digestion of food, break down food and promote the absorption of nutrients
Overcooked grass and greensThe cow's stomach contains special enzymes that dogs do not have. A dog's stomach is unable to digest grass that way. The animal receives vitamins and minerals already in digested form.
Calcium and phosphorusPresent in the proportions required for the dog. Needed for bones and teeth.
Healthy fatsUnsaturated fats are needed for the functioning of the heart and the maintenance of blood vessels, and provide the dog with energy. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are present in the rumen.

The most beneficial food for your pet is unpeeled tripe. The one with the unpleasant smell.

The rumen contains proteins and fats. But it does not contain carbohydrates. This is an indispensable product for the normal development of the pet’s muscles. By regularly receiving such a treat, the dog’s body receives a whole storehouse of minerals and vitamins. The stomach is also favorable for digestion, since it contains valuable enzymes.

Nutritional and taste properties

From a purely external perspective, this offal looks completely unappetizing to people. The very specific aroma does not add to its attractiveness. Especially if the beef tripe is unpeeled, its black and gray contents can cause an indescribable impression. In a person. But not the dog. In dogs, this product causes only one desire. Eat it quickly.

Possible harm

You should not immediately give your dog it in large quantities. If the offal is just introduced into the pet’s diet, then start with very small portions. Gradually the portions are increased. To avoid helminthic infestation, raw tripe should be prepared in compliance with all rules.

When preparing tripe, you should take care not only of the safety of the dog, but also of the person preparing it. You need to work with it wearing gloves. Use special utensils, a knife, and a cutting board.

Harmful properties

Despite the fact that this product contains a large amount of useful substances and has long been used to feed tailed friends, there are still skeptical dog owners. They believe that rumen feeding can lead to negative consequences.

They argue that the cow’s stomach contains pathogenic bacteria that lead to diseases in the pet (helminthiasis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, etc.).

In addition to parasites, there is another danger associated with disruption of the pet’s pancreas (pancreatitis).

No one can guarantee that Burenka ate organic grass and that toxins and other harmful substances that can provoke inflammation of the pancreas have not accumulated in her stomach.

There is also a risk of disruption of the protein level in the dog’s body, if, for example, the animal is on a protein mono-diet, i.e. on monotonous feeding.

But there are those who consider this product an indispensable and very important component of a dog’s diet. They say that the main thing is to observe moderation and caution, then you don’t have to think about the negative consequences.

So, if a raw tripe is frozen or doused with boiling water 2-3 times, then infection, for example, with helminths, will be reduced to a minimum. And if you follow the quantitative norm, then you don’t have to worry about protein levels or pancreatitis.

What does beef tripe look like for dogs?

The rumen represents the stomach of a cow. More precisely, its upper part. All undigested food ends up in this part of the cow's stomach. Its color may vary. It all depends on the peculiarities of keeping the cow and its age. There are two types of tripe on sale.

It can be in its natural form. That is, an unpleasant-smelling gray-black mass. There is a scar in a cleaned state. It looks much better and there is no such smell. But the first option is healthier for the dog.

Natural product

The rumen is one of the sections of the stomach of cattle.
It consists mainly of smooth muscle fiber. This is a bag of skin and muscle for processing the feed that the cow eats. In the photo on the Internet you can see that from the outside this organ is dirty green in color, covered with mucus, and inside its surface is covered with soft villi, forming a kind of artificial fur. This “lint” produces a secretion that breaks down and digests food.

The smell of tripe is not pleasant to humans, but dogs like it.

Restrictions on the consumption of beef tripe

Not every dog ​​will benefit from offal. The dog may have an allergic reaction, which already imposes restrictions. Each pet's body is unique. Do not give tripe to puppies, pregnant bitches and dogs with serious chronic diseases.

For puppies

Puppies' stomachs are still very tender. Still, tripe is a rather controversial product. It should not be given to children at all. You can give tripe from four months of age. The most optimal age would be 6 months.

You need to start with a very small amount. You should carefully observe how the body reacts. If the baby reacts normally, the portion is gradually increased.

It is better to start feeding puppies with cleaned tripe. It is recommended to cook it until it becomes soft. Boil for at least 3 hours, after which they are cut finely or passed through a meat grinder.

It is necessary to alternate this offal with other meat products. With meat, we'll udder. If the tripe is given raw, it must be frozen. When introducing such complementary foods, it is recommended to alternate it with boiled and raw versions.

For older dogs

Dogs' teeth become less strong as they age. Therefore, they will not cope with raw tripe. It is worth offering the delicacy boiled or raw, but in the form of minced meat.

For pregnant and lactating females

If you feed raw tripe, there is a chance that the animal will become infected. In this case, the situation will be dangerous for the female herself and for the puppies. Infectious diseases are treated with antibiotics, which is risky in the case of pregnancy and nursing puppies.

For animals with chronic diseases

Rumen contains many beneficial enzymes. It is often prescribed to treat pets with stomach problems. The cow's stomach will help restore the pet's health.

Another contraindication is an allergic reaction to such products. Including the scar. Don't risk your dog. The best alternative would be meat.

Which to choose

As already mentioned, both raw and processed offal can be used in a dog’s diet. Each option has its pros and cons.


Dogs prefer to feast on raw, unpeeled tripe. This is quite natural, since predatory animals themselves are able to determine what is useful and necessary for them. For experienced dog breeders, the benefits of a raw product are obvious, because during processing most of the vitamins, microelements and digestive enzymes are lost.

The only danger that lies in raw tripe is bacteria and microorganisms that contribute to the appearance of helminths. For this reason, it is recommended to freeze the raw, unrefined product for at least 3 days in the freezer before use, and for a pet with such a diet to undergo scheduled deworming in a timely manner.


Sometimes the offal can already be purchased purified (processed). It is cleaned industrially in a special drum with boiling water and steam. Under the influence of high temperature, the villi (the upper inner layer of the scar) are quickly welded and can be easily cleaned off using a rotating ribbed disk. Next, they are washed off with a powerful stream of boiling water, and after about half an hour, white and cleaned pieces of tripe are removed from the drum. In this form, it no longer has a disgusting smell, it can be boiled, used in cooking, and, of course, offered to the dog in chopped form.

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In what form should you give beef tripe to your dog so that it is better digestible?

Strictly speaking, there are two options. Offer the offal to your dog, boiled or raw. Boiled is safer because there is no risk of infecting the dog with helminths. A raw stomach is beneficial for its substances. It gives the pet a feeling of satiety.

If you prepare this product correctly, it will be an excellent supplement for a friend.

Indications and contraindications for the use of this product in a pet’s diet

You should feed your dog beef tripe in the following cases:

  • If the animal needs to gain weight quickly. For this purpose, such food is often used in nurseries. Experienced dog breeders give it to six-month-old puppies.
  • When a dog has a deficiency of vitamins, there are problems with the coat and decreased activity.
  • With a lack of protein in the diet.

Contraindications to the introduction of the presented product into the diet are:

  • small age of the pet - up to four months;
  • presence of severe food allergies;
  • helminthiasis;
  • frequent stomach upsets.

It is advisable to feed such animals with special hypoallergenic mixtures selected by a veterinarian.

How to cook beef tripe for a dog

With the help of heat treatment, not only harmful parasites are destroyed. During the cooking process, beneficial properties are also destroyed. However, you can find a compromise and prepare the tripe for your pet so that everything valuable and useful in it is preserved.

Should I wash it or not?

Before cooking meat, it should be treated to remove dirt and fat residues. To do this, the scar is washed under warm water. With this simple action, parasites and harmful substances are removed.

Raw version

You can make raw tripe safe for your dog not only by boiling it, but by using the freezer. This is a great way to kill worms. The washed offal is cut, divided into portions, and then put in the freezer. Freeze at the lowest possible temperature. The period for such processing is at least three days. Before feeding it to the dog, it is defrosted and doused with boiling water.

Of course, this does not guarantee the pet’s absolute safety from helminth infection. Therefore, he needs to be regularly given anti-worm medications. This will reduce the likelihood and risks of complications.

How long to cook beef tripe

To prepare boiled tripe, use separate dishes, which you don’t mind (it’s almost impossible to wash it after that). The washed and cleaned product is placed in a bowl and put on fire. After foam appears, reduce the heat and cook for about 10 minutes. Some owners drain the first broth.

You don’t have to cook it, but simply pour it over with well-boiling water. This will help get rid of helminths.

As a supplement to the rumen, udders, lungs and other offal are given. For older dogs, the cooking time is increased to 3 hours until fully cooked.

Drying or drying beef tripe

It is much more convenient to store tripe in dry or dried form. As for its taste, it doesn't get any worse. Preparing a dried or dried delicacy is not difficult.

The cooking process takes place in the oven.

  • The tripe is cut into small pieces;
  • Place on a wire rack;
  • You need to place a dish under the grate where the fat will drain;
  • The heat treatment temperature must be at least 60 degrees;
  • To ventilate the oven, leave the door ajar;
  • After about 8 hours you will have a wonderful dried treat.

This tripe can be used as dry food. The only difference is that it will be much more useful. You can store natural dry food in a cardboard box or fabric bag.

There are other ways to prepare dried tripe:

  • The product is washed thoroughly under water;
  • Place in a container and put on fire;
  • After about five minutes, remove and cut into pieces;
  • Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven for three hours.

The pieces should harden.

How to Fry Beef Tripe for a Dog

Fried food is harmful for dogs. According to veterinarians, fried tripe should absolutely not be fed. This can negatively affect your pet's health and even lead to pancreatic diseases.

Instead of fried, you can cook stewed tripe with vegetables.

For this you will need:

  • Tripe - half a kilogram;
  • The product is washed, peeled and cut into small pieces;
  • Lightly fry the onion until soft;
  • Carrots or other vegetables that the dog eats are added here;
  • Cover the dish with a lid and leave on low heat for about 15 minutes.

The finished dish should be allowed to cool and can be placed in a bowl.

Tripe recipes

How to prepare a healthy and tasty dish for your pet:

  • The stomach is washed. Cut into small pieces. Add vegetable oil in the amount of one spoon to the dish;
  • You can cook raw tripe with grated carrots and a boiled egg. The tripe, as in the previous version, is cut into pieces. Fish oil is used as a seasoning;
  • An interesting salad can be made from raw tripe, cabbage, cucumbers and zucchini. All ingredients are cut into small pieces and mixed with vegetable oil;
  • Prepared and thawed tripe is scalded with boiling water. Then they cut it. Vegetable oil, beef (pre-treated with boiling water) and herbs (parsley or dill) are added to the tripe.

You can use pumpkins, vegetables, and meat (scalded) as ingredients. Here you need to focus on the tastes of your dog. Vegetable oil and fish oil are healthy ingredients.


What are the benefits of tripe for dogs? This by-product contains the following substances:

  • B vitamins;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • trace elements (potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron);
  • inorganic components (ashy substances).

In addition, the offal is rich in many enzymes. The body of pets is not capable of producing all the substances necessary for digesting food. Therefore, beef tripe is especially beneficial for dogs with enzymatic disorders.

How much beef tripe can you give your dog?

Tripe is an excellent addition to the basic diet. But not a staple food. In order for a dog to have complete nutrition, the stomach can only be part of the diet. If you constantly feed your pet tripe, it can cause stomach problems.

Amount per serving

This product can be given in the morning or evening during one of the feedings. Its quantity is determined depending on the weight and dimensions of the pet. 100 grams of tripe per 10 kg of dog weight. Feeding frequency is no more than once a week.

How many times a week

Depending on tolerance, feed 2-4 times a week.


Beef tripe is quite inexpensive. The price of the unrefined product ranges from 70 to 90 rubles per kilogram. You can buy it at any food market that sells imported meat.

However, it happens that dog breeders, looking around the counters, do not find the scar and leave. And in vain. After all, tripe is a rather specific product with a unique appearance and smell, which is not just laid out on the counter. You just need to ask the seller about its availability. Then the butcher simply goes into the back room, where he will cut off as much tripe as you ask. At least that's how it is done where I buy it.

For example, if you are in St. Petersburg, you can buy tripe at the market located on Balkan Square in Kupchino. In addition, you can also buy beef tracheas, tails and other delicacies there.

But of course, this is not the only place where tripe is sold. Naturally, it can be found in other retail outlets in different cities.

Photo of beef tripe for dogs

Nutritional value

When considering the benefits and harms of tripe for a dog, we should first note the composition of this product. Leading dog breeders choose raw tripe. The fact is that the thin inner layer contains a huge amount of digestive enzymes, vitamins and beneficial microorganisms. Symbiotic microflora is such a necessary thing for a predator that when they eat a freshly killed ungulate, the first thing they eat is the stomach along with all its contents. So, by enriching the diet with this product, you only compensate the dog for the lack of hunting in natural conditions.

The value of the product is as follows. Per 100 g of product there are 97 kcal, 14 g of protein and only 4 g of fat. How to prepare tripe for a dog to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients? It is best to subject it to minimal heat treatment. The vitamins PP, E, B1, B5, B6, B12 included in the composition are destroyed especially quickly. Tripe is low in protein and calories. This is useful for adult animals leading a sedentary lifestyle. But puppies need more muscle meat, which has a higher energy potential.

Favorite cottage cheese

Every dog’s diet should contain fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, yogurt (without additives or dyes). Such products are an excellent natural source of calcium that helps strengthen bones and joints.

It is also necessary to include eggs in your dog's diet. Eggs can be boiled chicken or raw quail. One or two eggs per week.

Or you can combine everything together and make something like this.

We will need

Not so much:

  • 1/3 pack of cottage cheese up to 5% fat.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream.
  • A little apple, banana or pumpkin.
  • 1 boiled chicken or 2 raw quail eggs.


Let's do the following:

  1. Cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Mix them with cottage cheese and put them in a bowl.
  3. Add sour cream to the same bowl (usually I don’t mix cottage cheese and sour cream, but if you want, you can mix everything).
  4. I break an egg into the fermented milk yummy.
  5. That's all! You can serve your favorite cottage cheese
  6. the beloved dog to the royal table.


  • Time: 13 hours 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 127 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: appetizer, main course.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: medium.

A juicy beef tripe roll is a real culinary masterpiece that can easily surprise even sophisticated gourmets. Trie requires a lot of preparation, so preparing an original appetizer or main dish for a special occasion should begin about a day before the celebration. You can add greens, carrots, and allspice to the filling.


  • beef tripe – 510 g;
  • tomatoes – 85 g;
  • onion – 115 g;
  • cloves - to taste;
  • lard – 55 g;
  • potatoes – 60 g;
  • garlic – 3 teeth;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • allspice - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the beef tripe and immerse it in a container of cold water. Leave for 6 hours.
  2. Remove and scald with boiling water.
  3. Using a knife, scrape off any remaining mucous membrane from the offal. Rinse.
  4. Fill the tripe with water, add salt.
  5. After 2 hours, change the water. Cook for 3 hours over low heat.
  6. Place on a baking sheet or tray. Leave to cool at room temperature.
  7. Peel the potatoes.
  8. Cut the lard into slices or cubes, and remove the skin if desired.
  9. Place the cooled offal on a work surface. The edges can be trimmed to add tripe to the filling and give the future roll the correct rectangular shape.
  10. Season with ground black pepper and salt.
  11. Place the filling – lard, grated garlic.
  12. Form into a roll and tie with strong thread.
  13. Transfer the offal preparation into a large saucepan.
  14. Fill with cold water. Add diced onion, potatoes, chopped tomatoes, cloves, allspice, bay leaf. If desired, add white pepper and your favorite roots.
  15. Cook over low heat for 2 hours.
  16. Cool. Carefully pry up and remove the threads.
  17. The beef tripe roll is immediately cut into portions or left for an hour so that it “sets” and seals all the juices.
  18. Serve the offal dish with a side dish, such as green peas.

Stomach with vegetables

Not all dogs are happy to eat carrots, cabbage and other garden produce. But they must be in the dog’s diet. Try serving them in a duet with tripe. The instinct of predators is that the tripe along with its contents must be eaten. And the contents are always grass, grains or vegetables. Therefore, feel free to stew the tripe along with cabbage, pepper, and zucchini. For a puppy or older dog, you can grind it all into a smooth puree. But you shouldn’t buy lamb tripe for a dog. Not every dog ​​likes the peculiar smell, so feeding problems may arise.

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