All 6 cat breeds with short legs: Bambino, Munchkin, Napoleon, Lamkin, Kinkalow and Skookum

The Munchkin is a cat breed that has fans all over the world. The short legs and cute faces of animals with a childish expression evoke tenderness and delight. You want to touch the delicate thick fur.

They occurred due to a mutation, but do not suffer at all, being healthy, active, and agile. More and more people want to buy a munchkin, the reviews about them are only positive.

If you want to get a munchkin, this description of the breed will help you get acquainted with its size, color, character traits, rules of care and feeding, and cost.

The history of munchkins

Munchkins are charming short-legged cats.
In the 30s of the twentieth century, references to unusual short-legged cats periodically appeared in Europe. The Second World War, which soon broke out, almost completely erased this genetic line. In 1944, one of the British veterinarians reported observations of several generations of cats that were similar to ordinary domestic cats except for the parameters of the limbs. After the war, such animals were seen in the USA and USSR. In 1953, Soviet sources dubbed them "Stalingrad kangaroos", suggesting that the mutation occurred due to existence in harsh conditions.

The modern round of development of the Munchkin breed occurred in 1983, when teacher Sandra Hochenedel from Louisiana, returning home, noticed an unusual pregnant cat. The woman took pity on her and took her in, giving her the nickname Blackberry. Half of the kittens that were born also had short legs, which surprised Sandra. She decided to give an unusual pet to her friend Kay LaFrance. This is how the Blackbury and Toulouse cats became the ancestors of the modern breed.

Sandra and Kay managed to interest Dr. Solveig Pflueger, who served as a TICA judge, about munchkins. He examined the unusual cats and made an unequivocal verdict - the breed appeared naturally, thanks to changes in the recessive gene that regulates the length of the paws. Unlike dachshunds and other short animals, munchkins' short legs usually do not lead to back problems.

Munchkin kitten

The general public first learned about the breed at the TICA national show held at Madison Square Garden in 1991. Most viewers and experts were critical of the viability of munchkins, branding them living evidence of violations of the breeders' ethics. Despite lengthy disputes, by 1994 TICA managed to list the breed as developing. In the early 2000s, munchkins won the championship title and gained real popularity.

The breed is recognized by the associations TICA, AACE, UFO, SACC and WNCA. The FIF, CFA and Governing Council of the Cat Fancy societies refused to register munchkins, considering these cats to be genetically inferior. TICA resolved the issue democratically - only cats whose owners are able to confirm a monobreed pedigree in three or more generations are allowed to participate in the show. Munchkins got their unusual name in honor of the cheerful, friendly people from the book “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.”

Munchkin appearance


Munchkins are unique and cannot be confused with other cats due to their greatly shortened paws. With an average body size, the legs of these cats are 2-3 times smaller than those of other breeds. Despite this mutation, munchkins have retained a healthy spine, so they have a mobile, flexible, strong body. The average weight of cats ranges from 2.2 to 4 kilograms.

Munchkins are often crossed with other breeds, so they can differ in appearance and personality. The offspring are often long-legged. Such cats do not participate in shows, but can be used for the development of the breed, since the presence of two short-legged parents increases the mortality rate of kittens in the litter. Breeders are actively developing munchkins, so associations have not yet introduced strict standards.


Proportional to the size of the body, has rounded contours, the shape of a modified wedge. The cheekbones are high and are usually more pronounced in cats than in cats. The muzzle is of medium length, the transition of the nose to the forehead is smooth. Some deflection of the bridge of the nose is allowed. The chin is small and firm.


Munchkin looks out the window

Almond-shaped, medium to large in size. The rather wide set at a slight angle provides an open expression to the muzzle. Munchkins do not have a strict connection between eye color and coat color.


The ears are wide at the base and rounded at the tips. Sinks can be medium or large in size, located wide and high. The presence of tassels is permissible only in representatives of the breed with long hair.


Cats have larger, more muscular, dense necks than cats.


The Munchkin's body is elongated and cannot be called compact. The back has a slight downward slope from the tail to the shoulders. The hips are firm, the chest is rounded. The bones are of medium size, the muscles are well developed. Males are usually larger than cats. Angled blades are allowed.

Munchkin and his toys


The limbs are short, located at the same distance in the direction of view from head to tail. The upper and lower parts of the front legs, as well as the thighs and lower parts of the hind legs, are equal in length. The hind limbs are often slightly longer than the forelimbs. Munchkins have three legs: regular, short, and very short (Rug hugger).


Red munchkin kitten

The Munchkin's paws are proportional to the body and have a rounded shape. Curvature outward or inward is not allowed.


The length of the tail and body is usually the same. The thickness is average, there is a rounded, somewhat narrowed tip. During movement, the tail comes to a vertical position. If there is long hair, this part of the body receives an abundant plume.


The coat is silky semi-long or velvety short, with medium undercoat.


Munchkins can have any coat color; bicolored individuals are often found.


Munchkins live 12-13 years, but with professional care they can live up to 16-20 years.

Possible disadvantages

Too short or long nose, protruding chest bone, round head and eyes, cow-type paws, stocky short body, curly hair.

Disqualification criteria

Deafness, amputated claws, cryptorchidism.

Disqualifying defects for exhibition

The presence of characteristic features of other breeds, saggy croup, excessively concave back.

Popular colors

Among individuals of the munchkin color there are a variety of colors; strict standards for this characteristic have not been established. There are both long-haired cats and those with short hair. This is due to the natural nature of the mutation. If a breeder had intervened in the breed, the number of colors would have been limited.

Munchkins are compared to ordinary yard cats who were lucky enough to become famous due to their anomaly. At exhibitions you can see pets of colors ranging from bright red to solid gray. Tricolor, bicolor, as well as colors with spots and stripes are acceptable.

The breed is currently in its infancy. Perhaps, soon the requirements for standards will be tightened and the federations of felinologists will approve some specific colors.

Representatives of this color are often crossed with Scottish and Bengal cats. The result is short-legged “Scots” and “Bengalis”. In Berlin in 2022, a cat family was presented to the public, which is the result of mixing munchkins and sphinxes. These cats had short front legs, a miniature body and no hair.

Fans of the breed especially appreciate the chocolate and marbled colors. Such pets are born only in nurseries. With the current trend of kitten breeding, there will soon be a lot of chocolate and marbled animals.

Photos of munchkins

Munchkin character

Munchkin on his hind legs
Munchkin looks at life realistically and does not complain about its trials, is confident in himself and his abilities, good-natured, and curious. People see these cats as slightly out of this world. It cannot be said that the character of munchkins is approximately the same, it depends on genes, so their types of behavior are different. But in general, these are lively animals with great sympathy for people.

Representatives of the breed love outdoor games; the short legs of munchkins do not prevent them from being quite nimble: they very quickly jump on low tables, chairs, and other furniture. And the owners’ favorite curtains are also easily attacked by them. Of course, they won’t be able to jump too high, but stealing something tasty from the kitchen table after first jumping on, for example, a stool is a piece of cake for them.

Munchkins are smart, very friendly, clean animals that quickly get used to new surroundings and people. They remain playful throughout their lives and are especially fond of children. Munchkins are extremely inquisitive, often “borrowing” and hiding small things to play with in moments of loneliness, so it is better to hide all valuable, fragile trinkets away. It is advisable to periodically look for such “treasuries”, since missing keys, socks, and pencils are usually found there.

Munchkins are distinguished by truly canine devotion to their owner, but they have their own character and are able to stand up for themselves. These cats easily tolerate travel and do not resist walks on a harness. An interesting feature of the breed is the ability to sit on its hind legs for a long time, surveying the surroundings. At the same time, the front legs hang funny along the body, which is why munchkins are often called “kangaroo cats.”


All the many advantages of munchkins - both their external charm and wonderful character - fade into the background if the animal is unhealthy. It is important not only to choose the right pet for yourself that is strong and disease-resistant, but also to constantly maintain it in optimal physical shape. And here a lot depends on the owner - on proper maintenance of the cat at home and qualified veterinary care.

Breed defects and diseases

Munchkins who lead a sedentary lifestyle are at risk. At the same time, against the background of regular overeating, such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as lordosis can develop. Burdened with excessive loads, the spine bends beyond measure, internal organs are subjected to pressure and even deformation. To avoid pathology, you just need to promptly provide the animal with a normal diet and physical activity, and also visit a veterinarian from time to time for preventive examinations.

Pay close attention to your pet's posture

Care and maintenance

Who is the most curious cat?

This breed is easy to maintain and does not require special care. Experts recommend following a few simple rules.

  • Despite the sociable nature of cats, they love to “build nests” in order to feel protected while resting. Provide the munchkin with a basket, small sturdy box, or other house with soft bedding.
  • Buy a deep tray, since clean pets actively bury waste and can litter around.
  • It is enough to comb short-haired munchkins once a week, and 2 times a week for long-haired munchkins. The main thing is to prevent tangles from occurring.
  • It is enough to bathe these cats once every 3-4 months with special shampoos.
  • Changing claws is usually easy for munchkins, especially if there is a scratching post in the house. Once every 2-3 weeks it is worth checking the condition of the paws in order to help the pet if necessary.
  • You should clean your ears not deeply and very carefully, about once a month.
  • It is not advisable to let cats go for walks on their own, as a squat animal often looks like it is preparing to attack, which may be misunderstood by other pets or people. Due to the short legs, the munchkin can be injured.
  • Munchkins should be fed in moderation because, despite their high mobility, they are prone to obesity. Provide frequent replacement of drinking water and adequate nutrition.
  • By using special toothpastes once a month, you can successfully prevent the development of oral diseases in munchkins.


As for food, it is not recommended to feed your cat from a common table. Use specialized or separately prepared natural foods. These types of food should be alternated, but not mixed in one plate. Do not buy cheap food as it is similar to fast food for humans. Are you planning to cook food for your munchkin at home? Experts advise preparing your diet this way:

  • 60% – raw or boiled meat (rabbit, beef, offal);
  • 30% – boiled or raw vegetables;
  • 10% – porridge.

Munchkins should not be treated to salty, sweet, fried, smoked, bean dishes, fish, or fatty meats (lamb, pork). An adult cat can be fed a couple of times a day, kittens - up to 6 times a day.

Munchkin health

Two Friends
The Munchkin is a young breed with an actively expanding gene pool, so its representatives rarely suffer from congenital diseases and have good immunity. Owners should know that such cats have some intolerance to plant foods, so their share in the diet should be small. Sometimes there are cases of congenital lordosis - excessive deflection of the spine in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

Munchkins may suffer from lordosis. This is a disease in which the muscles that support the spinal column are weakened and it moves into the chest cavity, putting pressure on the heart and lungs. A slight curvature will not cause problems, but it can be aggravated by previous injuries and obesity. Severe lordosis causes difficulty breathing and increases stress on the heart muscle, which can lead to illness. However, lordosis is a fairly rare disease. By the way, other cat breeds can also suffer from it.

Since the munchkin's short paws are a consequence of a natural genetic mutation, some kittens may have short paws, while others may have normal or long paws. If the gene responsible for short limbs is passed on to an embryo from both parents, it can be fatal.

Photos of colors

The munchkin color, as mentioned earlier, can be absolutely any color.

black shorthair

white with brown markings sandy white


brown tabby


How to choose a kitten

The rules for selecting munchkin kittens are standard: take active, clean babies aged 12 weeks or older with the necessary vaccinations. Contact only reputable kennels that offer registered animals. This will allow you to purchase a truly healthy kitten, without serious congenital defects. Munchkins have won the love of a wide audience, so real queues often line up for them. If you don’t care about a certain gender, color type, or coat length, you can get a kitten fairly quickly. You should not buy munchkins at bird markets or through private advertisements, tempted by the low price. This can result in long-term treatment of the animal or the acquisition of a non-viable individual.


When deciding to buy a kitten, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • age of parents;
  • number of matings between father and mother;
  • diseases of parents, hereditary pathologies;
  • features of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • absence of individuals with extra toes in the litter;
  • availability of certificates of vaccinations and deworming in accordance with age;
  • sterilization and castration;
  • behavioral characteristics of the kitten and its parents;
  • food given to the animal;
  • content rules.

A kitten without documents costs between 15-25 thousand rubles.
Purebred individuals - 40-60 thousand rubles. The price of animals in high-level nurseries is determined by experts. Lilieput – Shortest Cat Guinness World Records 2014 Photo Credit: James Ellerker/Guinness World Records 1111

Photos of munchkin kittens

How much does a munchkin cost?

The price of a Munchkin kitten in Russia ranges from 3 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on gender, color, coat length, and the specific breeder. It is customary to cross Munchkins only with healthy domestic cats of similar appearance or with each other. Hybrid kittens that have inherited characteristics of other breeds are not allowed to show and are therefore sold at a reduced price. They do not differ in character from their counterparts and sometimes look nicer than the show ones. Also, healthy pets with other appearance features that cause disqualification from competitions will cost less. This is a great opportunity to acquire a loyal four-legged friend inexpensively.

Buying a kitten

Munchkins were and remain a rare breed - kittens are expensive, especially if they are of interest for exhibitions and breeding work. The cost of a breed- or show-class animal starts at a thousand dollars, but a breed defect, of which there are many, can be purchased much cheaper. Therefore, when thinking about this particular breed, you should objectively weigh your ambitions and capabilities, decide: do you want a cute baby just for fun or do you intend to seriously engage in breed activities.

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